Jonno and Abby were having an afternoon coffee when a new arrival drove past. The small sedan contrasted with the large off-road rigs that were the norm for this campsite, where a non-flushing (long drop) toilet was the only public facility. They watched as the single female occupant made a couple of circuits of the area and pulled up next to them.
She emerged from the car and approached. “Hi, I’m Zoe,” she offered. “Do you mind if I set up in that small clearing?”
“No, not all, go for it. I’m Jonno, and this is Abby. If there is anything you need, just ask.”
“Okay, thanks,” replied Zoe.
Jonno glanced at Abby, whose attention was focused on their new neighbor. He guessed she would be a few years older than their late twenties. She was taller than his wife, dressed in jeans and a loose-fit sweater that suggested tantalizing feminine curves.
“I must admit she is easy on the eye,” mused Abby, who tidied up their afternoon coffee mugs. “Maybe she is here to visit the artwork. Are you ready for our walk?”
“Yeah, I’ll get the backpack.” The dry salt lake adjacent to the campground was a popular venue for hikers, campers, photographers, and bird watchers when the area flooded after rain. A local sculptor installed over fifty bronze human figures on the lake floor to add tourist interest. Many of the creations displayed exaggerated genitalia, and the walks to view them were popular with visitors.
After about an hour into their walk, they saw Zoe taking a photo of two men alongside a sculpture. She had changed into shorts, and her long, suntanned legs contrasted pleasingly with the harsh white of the lake floor.
Jonno and Abby decided to climb to the top of a nearby island to enjoy the view and developing sunset, already a kaleidoscope of reds and yellows.
While they took a selfie before the light faded, Zoe appeared and offered to take the photo for them. Her sweater was tied by the sleeves around her waist to reveal a close-fit t-shirt; she did not wear a bra. Jonno forced himself to avert his eyes from her pert breasts that defied gravity and culminated in prominent nipples clearly outlined in the fabric of her shirt.
“Thank you,” said Abby as Zoe handed her phone back. “Would you like us to take one of you with this magnificent scenery in the background?”
“No, that’s okay.” They turned to walk back in silence. As they neared their camp, they met up with the two guys they had seen earlier with Zoe. They were both young, good-looking, with athletic builds, and in their early twenties, Abby guessed.
“Hi guys,” said Zoe. “Abby and Jonno meet Brad and Tom; we met on the lake.”
“How was the view up there?” asked Tom.
“Pretty awesome,” said Jonno.
“Does anyone know if the Gorge Walk is open?” asked Abby.
“Not officially,” said Brad, “Mainly because the track is closed due to flooding, but we spoke to a guy who drove in there yesterday, and he said it was passable with a high clearance four-wheel drive. There are some creek crossings, but the bottom is firm. The bonus was there were no other people, and they skinny-dipped in the waterhole. We plan to go there tomorrow; you’re welcome to come with us if you want.”
“Okay, can I let you know in the morning? I have a couple of things to sort out. What time do you plan to leave?”
“About seven.”
“What do you think, Abby?” asked Jonno.
“I’m told it is a fabulous scenic walk, and I would love to go, but I think we should also take our own vehicle. I’m not sure about the skinny dipping, though.”
“Okay, we’ll see you in the morning,” said Jonno. When they reached their campsite, Abby invited Zoe to join them by their fire for a meal.
“Thank you, I would like that,” said Zoe, returning a few minutes later with a bottle of wine. “Wow,” said Abby as she appraised the label.
“As you have probably guessed, I didn’t put much planning into this road trip, but I did raid the cellar before I left. To put your mind at rest, I’m not a criminal on the run.”
“We don’t want to pry into your personal life,” said Jonno.
“You’re not prying; I need to talk about it.”
“If it is okay with you, I will open this bottle.”
“Yes, please do; there’s more in my car if required. Okay, where to begin. My problems started three months ago when I found out my husband was having an affair with my best friend.”
“I was devastated and basically had a mental breakdown. I couldn’t bear the thought of my husband touching me, so I moved into the spare bedroom. He begged me to take him back; part of me wanted to, but I couldn’t. That created more problems. We were still in the same house but led separate lives. He would go out, sometimes all night.” Jonno handed her a glass of wine, and she swallowed a generous mouthful.
“Eventually, while playing the card game ‘patience, I had an idea. I decided to list a series of options on what to do next and allocate each choice to a card. Then, I would draw a random card to determine what to do.”
“May I ask what the first issue was?” asked Jonno.
“Yes, whether I would have anything more to do with my husband. I listed fourteen options; a two of any suite would mean I would take him back without complaint. If I drew the Joker, I would leave him permanently. There was a range of options in between. I sat and looked at the list for days. The adrenaline rush when I finally drew the card was indescribable and, as I have found out since, somewhat addictive. I drew the Joker.”
“I get the impression you did not stop the card game there,” said Abby, enthralled with the concept.
“No, I was hooked. It became a therapy, and I applied it to almost every facet of my life. I looked forward to making new lists.”
“Every facet?” asked Abby.
“Yes, even sex. I joined a swingers’ club and occasionally indulged in random hookups in bars. My liaisons included women as well as men.” Abby shifted position in her chair. Jonno poured more wine and then busied himself preparing their meal.
“So you see, that is how I am here, admittedly unprepared for serious camping like you guys. I have always wanted a road trip where I am free to go anywhere and do anything I want when I want. Of course, I am constrained by the fall of the cards, but I am in control of the options. By the way, I used the cards to decide about tomorrow. Yes, I will be coming with you, and yes, I will be swimming naked. What about you, Abby?”
“About the swimming, you mean? I haven’t actually thought about it,” she fibbed.
“Maybe we could make a list,” suggested Zoe. “Would you like me to get the cards?” Abby drained the glass.
“Okay, and maybe some more wine?”
Tall red quartzite walls formed the backdrop to the waterhole, with a small sandy beach flanked by ghost gums and coolabah trees. Their white trunks and green leaves complimented the red rock and blue sky. This was central Australia, and it was almost certain that they were utterly alone.
“Perfect,” enthused Zoe as she dropped her backpack on the sand and sat while she removed her shoes and socks. Her four companions all watched as she discarded her top and bra. Shorts and panties followed. Completely naked, her lithe, slender figure, pert breasts, and almost totally shaved pussy now available for all to admire.
The boys quickly shucked their clothes, unabashed with their partial erections. Abby’s eyes widened at the sight of Brad’s impressive, fat cock. They all waited to see what she would do.
The evening before and well into the second bottle of wine and Zoe’s encouragement, Abby created her own list of options. Some potential choices were indeed as confronting as they were exciting, but they all had Jonno’s approval and support.
Zoe insisted that Abby must not select a card until the morning when she and her husband were rested and stone-cold sober. At six in the morning, as the sun rose, Jonno shuffled the cards, and Abby selected one.
Shedding her clothes before the others embraced a newfound freedom for Abby. It excited her when she revealed her ample breasts, bottom, and milk-white complexion enhanced by her mass of dark pubic hair. Her confidence grew when Brad and Tom’s cocks rose to attention; however, above all, she wanted to please Zoe.
“Okay, who is ready for a swim?” said Tom, who started to wade into the water. “Oh fuck, this water is freezing,”
“Bloody hell, that’s enough for me,” declared Zoe. “I’m going to lie on the sand and sunbake. You macho guys take all the time you want.”
“I’m with you; my feet are numb already,” said Abby, who was more than pleased to retreat. Zoe sat on her towel, facing the water, with her legs unashamedly apart.
“Bring your towel next to mine,” she said to Abby. They sat and watched as the guys stood quietly in water above their waists.
“Open your legs so everyone can have a good view of your pussy. Nice,” Zoe added after Abby complied.
“I think the cold water will curb their performance, even Brad,” said Abby, then gasped, realizing what she just said.
“Don’t worry, I will think of something,” replied Zoe. Abby shifted uncomfortably and closed her legs. “Leave them open,” ordered Zoe as the boys retreated from the water and approached the two women.
“I will have to be careful I don’t bump anything with my cock; it’s so frozen I’m worried it will break off,” said Tom.
“Maybe I can help with that,” said Zoe, who turned to kneel on her towel. “Come over here, you too, big boy,” she said to Brad, then started to suck the guys in turn. “Abby, start working on Jonno,” she commanded. Abby was relieved when her husband offered his cock immediately. Soon, the boys were aroused and ready for sex.
Tom lay on his back, and Zoe mounted him. Abby did the same with her husband. Tom grunted, grabbed Zoe’s bum, and increased his thrust rate. He was getting close. Zoe took Abby’s hand and placed it on her breast.
“Squeeze the nips, Abby, mmm, harder.” Tom stilled as he ejaculated. Zoe collapsed on top of him with small whimpers of orgasmic pleasure. After several minutes, they disengaged.
“Brad, it’s your turn now,” Zoe said, getting on all fours. “Doggy style, mate, go for it. Don’t worry, I won’t break. Fuck me as hard as you want.”
Jonno was also wound up, and Abby leaned forward a little to give him more room to move as her arousal escalated.
“We can swap partners now if you want,” said Zoe. “I will give you permission to lick my cunt after your husband finishes in me,” Zoe teased.
“Maybe…, another time,” Abby managed. Immediately, Jonno’s cock expanded, then pulsed semen into her, then her own orgasm followed. They all watched Zoe and Brad copulate. Although young, Brad was a consummate lover and held off until Zoe climaxed before he finished in her.
Abby lay on her back, satiated with her eyes closed. She felt Zoe caress her thigh, then briefly suckle on her nipples before their lips met. For Abby, the taste and aroma of secreted semen and vaginal fluids were momentous. The thought of tasting her husband’s cum in another woman’s pussy was deliciously naughty.