Adventures in Open Marriage Part 19 – Naughtiness on Multiple Continents

"My hotwife continues to explore her side of our open marriage with a hot fling abroad, that comes home!"

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As we transitioned into the Spring of 2015, my wife, Anne, had moved into a fairly regular rhythm with respect to her fuck sessions with George, her large African American, body builder ad trainer, turned lover. To say that I got off on this, and enjoyed reclaiming her pussy after those sessions, would be a major understatement. Still, while the sloppy seconds were hot, we had not yet managed to transition into an actual threesome with George, largely due to the complexity of our, and our children’s, schedules.

In addition, my wife and my friend Greg had kind of cooled their little affair, after Greg’s wife, Maureen, had figured out that he was fooling around with someone. I do not know if she ever fully suspected Anne, but Greg and my wife had decided to cool things down for a while. Still, the sex between my wife and George was hot, and I got off as the hubby of a hotwife quite nicely. My wife had developed some interesting patterns in terms of how she dressed, did her nails, and even cut her hair, as part of her relationship with George. Getting to slide my hard, aching cock into my slutty wife’s gaping, cum filled pussy, never seemed to get old – and yet I still felt like we could go to even higher levels of debauchery if only the circumstances would allow.

It was around this time that my wife had again started traveling a little more frequently for her job. She had mentioned a young guy, possibly in his twenties, who constantly flirted with her. I had hoped that one of her trips involved this particular guy, who was of Greek ancestry, but that never seemed to happen. Anyway, she had announced that she would be traveling with a co-worker, who I had presumed to be female, named Alex. Anne and Alex were traveling to Europe for ten days, which meant that our little debauched lifestyle would temporarily have to go on hiatus.

When my wife left for Europe, my focus initially shifted to our kids, and juggling their schedules with school and baseball, and my work schedule ended up occupying most of my time during her trip. While I kind of missed her occasionally coming home full of George’s seed, and still randy for me to reclaim her, I really did not have time to think about the sex, at least until we neared the end of her trip. Around day six or seven, I finally texted her a question I had been dying to ask, although I was not expecting anything too hot for an answer.

I texted her, “Hey, babe, hope things are still going well. Just wondering if you’ve managed to have any fun if you know what I mean.”

I had included a wink emoji. My wife did not get back to me right away, possibly due to the time difference, but when she did I was quite intrigued. Initially, she sent me a wink emoji of her own. This made me a little hot with anticipation, but not nearly as hot as I would soon be when her full response came back.

It read, “Yeah, things are great, but can’t wait to get home. But yeah, I did have fun with someone, and probably will again before we come home. Was trying to figure out how to tell you. Don’t be jealous – I think we can have a lot of fun when I am back.”

This got the blood flowing straight into my cock. I responded, “OMG – someone you know or someone you met?”

My wife responded, “I guess I should come clean – Alex and I have gotten busy a couple of times, and likely will at least once more before we come home. I think once we are back, we can make a bunch of your raunchier fantasies come true – just wasn’t sure how or when to tell you.”

She followed up with, “Don’t worry – you’re not losing me, just gaining some more fun.”

This was followed with another wink emoji. We texted a few more cordial messages, and then we both signed off. Beyond that, our messages were strictly about her flight home, and making sure things were properly arranged. She told me that there was much to tell and much for me to get off on, but that it needed to happen in person. I agreed – and the fact that she had been with a woman, at least as far as I knew, was quite the hot development.

After picking up my wife at the airport, transporting her home, and reuniting her with the kids, I took the boys out to dinner while my wife took a long, jetlag-induced nap. She had returned home on a Saturday, so the boys had not been in school, and thus carried on a little later into the night than usual. Still, once they had fallen asleep, I took the opportunity to finally ask my wife, who was now wide awake, what it was like to make love to a woman.

My wife looked me in the eye, very seriously at first, and then burst into uproarious, borderline insulting, laughter. She finally stopped laughing long enough to explain herself.

“Oh my God – you thought Alex was a woman all along, didn’t you? I must never have explained this well before, so here goes. Remember the swarthy, young, Greek guy I told you about, who was always coming onto me, even though I’m his boss? That’s Alex!”

My wife once again burst into laughter.

She exclaimed, “Oh my God – I just never gave you a name, and then you assumed he was a woman. I hope that doesn’t ruin things for you – does it?”

When my wife asked this bit, she feigned a pouty face, and then gave me a come hither look, that always managed to work in her favor – it did this time as well.

I replied, “That’s hilarious, and yes, I feel like an idiot now. But no, that doesn’t make me any less turned on – yeah, I’m even more turned on now. So…in terms of your hot nights with Alex. The kids are in bed, we can sleep in a little tomorrow, and I am horny as hell. What say you tell me your tales, and then relieve my aching cock and balls? I think a reclaiming is in order, no?”

Anne laughed again, and said, “Good thing I took a nap, but yeah, I’m down. And by the way, I think you and Alex will get along, and I already know he’s down for a threesome or two, and a whole lot more!”

With that, my wife and I both stripped naked, and I laid down on the bed, with my legs hanging over the edge. My wife positioned herself between my legs and began stroking my rock-hard cock, while regaling me with tales of her fling with Alex. Evidently, they had fucked six times on the trip through Europe. According to my wife, Alex was not necessarily gifted with the largest penis, but what he lacked in size, he made up for in cocksmanship. She described night after night of his hairy chested, hard-muscled body, sweating next to hers, as he unloaded his seed into her womb, time and time again.

All of this talk made me hotter than hot, and Anne eventually could tell that my aching cock and balls were about to erupt. At that moment, she relinquished her grip on my maleness and moved to get on top of me. As she slid her wet, used cunt down onto my cock, she paused and whispered in my ear.

“So are you good if Alex and I keep seeing each other? You know there’s a lot of fun in it for you, and he’s already down for a group session,” she said.

I replied, also in a whisper, “Fuck yeah – I want you used and dirty, like the whore you are. You can be both of our fuck toys.”

Anne just groaned her approval and then began sliding up and down on my cock. We both enjoyed the romp, with me thrusting up into her, harder and harder. As we picked up intensity, our dirty talk increased, until I could not hold back any longer. With a vigorous thrust, I pumped a glorious load of my own into my wife, knowing that at least two men, George and Alex, would now be regularly doing this as well in the near future. These thoughts kept me hard and cumming until I finally succumbed to a post-orgasm relaxation, and slowly pulled out of Anne’s pussy.

The following morning, we took the kids to church, and then let them spend part of the day at our friends, who both had boys around the same age. My wife and I used that time to talk about what her new fling with Alex might mean concerning her ongoing fling with George. I told her I was more than fine, but that we really should continue to operate by our long-standing agreement that she let me know when “things were happening.”

Anne indicated that she was good with that, but she also admitted that working with Alex was going to be a big temptation. I jokingly told her not to get herself fired for messing around with a younger guy who reports to her. And I did have to ask Anne one more thing. I knew that soon we were going to have to exit the lifestyle. But I truly wanted to go out with a bang, pun intended.

I said, “Honey, one last thing – any chance you get a threesome, like we talked about, with either guy sometime soon? It would be soooo hot…”

My wife responded, “Yeah – George says he’s down, we just need to schedule something, and I’m sure Alex would be game. Let me work my magic. Remember, I have a date with George Friday night, and well, you know I’ll be seeing Alex.”

As she said that, she winked and smiled devilishly at me. I knew that magic would probably result in me getting to experience sloppy seconds a couple more times, so I nodded knowingly and felt my cock slowly harden in my pants. Shortly thereafter, our kids were dropped off back at our house, and after a family dinner and schoolwork, the boys were off to bed. My wife and I rehashed our lewd, sexually charged plans, and ended up engaging in a quick, but passionate, love-making session before bed.

That night we both slept well, knowing that our next open marriage adventure was just taking shape…

Published 9 months ago

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