Janice moaned and pressed the vibrator harder against her clit.
“Oh god, right there, right there, please, oh god—”
Her entire pussy, spread open as far as her thighs allowed, trembled from the intense vibrations. The fingers she used to spread herself open shook, and she couldn’t help the occasional swipe from them, loving the change of movement and sensation.
“I’m going to come, I’m going to come, oh god, please, I’m gonna—”
She panted and shifted on the bed, using her forearm to move her drooping stomach out of the way. She was a mess of sweat and her own wetness, and the thought of her lying in her own juices made her dizzy with arousal. She ran the tip of her vibrator down her open slit, twitching each time it buzzed against her clit, and let her hips lift off the bed in need.
“Fuck! Yes, yes, yes, yes! Oh my god, yes! Ah!”
Janice pushed the vibrator against her clit so roughly it hurt, and used her free hand to squeeze her nipples to the point of pain. She came as the woman on screen collapsed onto the bed and tried to crawl away from the mechanical dildo, still whirring so fast it looked like a blur.
Janice took a long moment to catch her breath. She watch, entranced, as a man entered the picture and against the woman’s weak protests dragged her back into position and aligned the dildo between her thighs.
The woman screamed and writhed as the dildo slid into place and picked up pace. Janice brought her hand down between her legs just as a burst of cum slugged out of her. She pressed a finger against her twitching hole and sighed at how dissatisfied she still felt.
Janice accepts an invitation to chat from Mike.
Janice enters private chat room with Mike.
Mike: so did you like it?
Janice: Hello to you, too.
Mike: haha, sorry
Mike: hi
Mike: so did you?
Janice: You know I did
Mike: I knew you would
Mike: so what did you like the most?
Janice: Hm.
Janice: The persistence. I liked that they just kept making her take it despite how sensitive and tired she was.
Mike: mmm. yeah. me, too.
Janice: Yeah.
Mike: i’d love to fuck a woman like that.
Janice: I’d love to be fucked like that.
Mike: no luck in the man department yet?
Janice: *snorts* Not hardly.
Mike: I hate that we live so far apart. i’d take such good care of you, sweetheart.
Janice: *smile* You’re such a charmer.
Mike: I would! you have a banging body.
Janice: You’re the only one who thinks so, I’m sure.
Mike: babe, you’re hot. you just haven’t found someone to appreciate that yet.
Janice: If I wait any longer I’ll be dead.
Mike: you’re so overdramatic. what are you, 35?
Janice: Try 39
Mike: still young!
Janice: Again, you’re the only one who thinks so.
Mike: not true. you just don’t know it yet.
Mike: seriously, babe. you’re so hot. I still jerk off to that picture you sent of me last month.
Janice: *blushes* You’re such a pervert.
Mike: ah, but i’m an honest pervert *wink*
Janice: Haha, listen. I have to go. Talk to you tonight?
Mike: you better.
Mike: then you can tell me all about how your orgasm went.
Janice: Perv. Later. *hearts*
Janice has left the private chat room with Mike.
Janice Hart was thirty-nine years old. She lived in Washington and worked from home as a freelance writer for the WA Times and Women’s Weekly. She had no friends outside of online acquaintances, no living family left, and spent the rare occasion she wasn’t holed up at home reading at her neighborhood park.
Janice had pale skin and light brown hair and eyes the color of moss. She was five feet seven inches tall and weighed 260 pounds.
Janice had never been made love to. She’d never been touched by a hand that wasn’t her own. The closest she’d ever come to being in a relationship was with Mike Reynolds, a twenty-something year old with a cougar fetish she’d met on an adult dating website.
Janice was genuinely afraid that she was going to die alone.
Janice accepts an invitation to chat from Mike.
Janice enters private chat room with Mike.
Mike: so? how was it?
Janice: The day you actually greet me properly will be the day I finally keel over from shock.
Mike: if anything’s likely to make you keel over, it’s all that sexual frustration
Janice: You’re probably right.
Mike: well?
Janice: You’re incorrigible!
Mike: you love me *winks*
Janice: *rolls eyes* It was fine. Great, even. I watched it while lying down on my bed.
Mike: what did you use? fingers?
Janice: And a vibe.
Mike: unf, baby girl. did you get really wet?
Janice: I completely soaked my mattress.
Mike: I wish I was there.
Mike: I bet you taste fucking delicious
Janice stared at the screen and swallowed heavily. Her and Mike’s conversations had been getting more…erotic as of late. She didn’t really know how to take any of it.
She squirmed in her chair, feeling the all too familiar rush of heat between her legs at his words.
Biting her lip, she leaned forward and continued to type.
Janice: My thighs would suffocate you.
Mike: …oh my god are you trying to kill me?
Janice: No really, they would. Your head would be so tiny down there. I probably wouldn’t be able to see you properly over my breasts and stomach.
Mike: janice, you have no idea how hard I am right now
Janice: Mike, you have no idea how wet I am right now.
And it was true. She could feel her panties getting wetter by the second. She could just imagine Mike sitting at his desk, maybe on his bed, wearing nothing but boxers. His dick would be hard and straining through the material, ready for her.
Janice inhaled and clenched her thighs together.
Mike: janice…i know I said I wouldn’t push, and I won’t, not if you say no again
Mike: but maybe you might be willing to reconsider talking through webcam?
Mike: i’d really like to see you right now.
Janice bit her lip and settled her hands on her lap.
She wanted to. God, did she. She would love to see what he really looked like live, would love to be able to hear his voice. The problem was that she didn’t want him seeing her.
She’d given him a picture of her in her negligee once, and that had been difficult enough. It frightened her that he would get a good look at her and realize just how grossly obese she was and never talk to her again, and she wouldn’t be able to handle that. Sometimes their chats were the only thing she had to look forward to.
She closed her eyes and sighed.
She could say no. He wasn’t the type who pushed. The last time he’d asked her, he’d taken her rejection with ease and hadn’t pressed for it again. It had been almost three months since then.
Janice glanced at the webcam attached to her laptop, uncertain.
Maybe…maybe he really did mean what he said about liking her body. Maybe he wouldn’t freak out and block her immediately afterwards. And maybe…maybe she’d finally be able to say that she had sex with someone (if it even went that far), even if it was only online.
Janice let out a shaky breath and, heart pounding in her chest, pressed the blue button hovering at the corner of the screen.
Janice has invited Mike to a video conference.
She sat up in her hair, smoothed down her shirt, and stared nervously at the black screen that popped up.
Mike has accepted your invitation.
The screen whitened, then cleared, and the handsome face of someone entirely too young to be talking to women her age appeared on screen.
Mike—and she knew it was him, had seen his face dozens of times from the pictures he’d sent her, though never like this—grinned at her.
“Hey, beautiful.”
Janice shivered at his deep, husky voice. Her stomach warmed at his endearment.
“Hey, jail bait.”
Mike threw his head back and laughed.
He really was rather handsome with his curly brown hair and eyes so dark they nearly looked black. His laugh was infectious, and Janice found herself chuckling along with him despite the butterflies fluttering inside her belly.
“Have I ever told you that I love how witty you are?”
“Not enough,” she said promptly, and she almost melted at the sweet smile he sent her way.
“So,” she started nervously.
“So,” he repeated, eyes glittering.
She rolled her eyes at him. “Insufferable.”
“There you go again, saying things that no one else agrees with.”
“Ouch,” he teased, “you wound me.”
Janice snorted again, but sobered immediately.
“How old are you anyway? You never said.”
He paused, and his eyes slid to the side as he muttered, “Twenty-two.”
And I’m the Queen of England, Janice didn’t say.
“I don’t want to know,” she said instead.
“Beautiful and smart,” he joked.
Janice scoffed. She relaxed a little in her chair, growing more comfortable as they continued to banter back and forth. This—she knew this. This wasn’t new ground for her. This was just her and Mike, like always, flirting and talking nonsense. She could do this.
“Did you mean what you said?” he asked abruptly, after he’d finished telling her about a disastrous baseball game one of his friends had dragged him to.
Janice frowned. “Care to elaborate?”
“About being wet.”
Janice felt a flush rise up her neck. She looked down, embarrassed at her earlier admission. Writing something online was very, very different from saying it to someone’s face. She swallowed and slowly, very slowly, nodded.
She still was. She hadn’t been aroused for a while yet, not since they’d started speaking about random things. But she hadn’t been lying when she said she’d been wet earlier, and her panties were still damp from it. If she reached between her legs, she was sure there’d still be wetness there, too.
“Janice,” Mike called, and the way he said her name made her glance up at him.
“We don’t have to do this, but it’s on the table, if you want.”
She looked down again, and after a moment’s consideration, nodded.
“I’d…I’d like to.”
“I’m really, really glad you said that.” His voice husked through her speakers. She looked up again to see that he was removing his shirt.
He sat back down again, and Janice stared at his chest. The fact that he lived in Florida was evident by the dark complexion of his skin, like almond butter. He was a bit skinny, more lithe than anything, with subtle muscles that defined his arms and chest.
Janice would crush him.
“Will you take off your shirt for me?”
She didn’t move.
After a moment’s pause Mike called her name again. “Janice…would it be easier for you if I made it an order?”
She didn’t know, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. As it was, her mental response to his question had been a definite no.
“Janice,” Mike said. His voice came out different, more authoritative than she thought he was capable of. A spark of heat ran through her body at the command and she found herself thinking that yes, that was better.
Trembling, her arms went to her blouse and she began to unbutton it.
She felt Mike’s eyes on her as she painstakingly undid each button. She grew nervous as inch after inch of skin was revealed, and by the time she’d reached the bottom her breath had started to come out in short pants.
Calm down, she told herself, removing the last one and letting the shirt fall open.
“Remove it,” Mike told her, and she did.
Her face burned as she stripped the blouse off her shoulders and down her arms. She shook herself out of it and tossed it to the floor.
“Janice. There’s a red button below the screen. I want you to click on it.”
Janice nodded and did as she was told. Another screen, much smaller than the one that Mike was on appeared, and it took a while for her to realize that it was showing her herself, as Mike was undoubtedly seeing her.
“So that you can what I see,” he told her. “See how absolutely gorgeous you are.”
She didn’t believe a word, but it was nice to hear all the same.
“Your bra, Janice. I want to see your breasts.”
This time, Janice flinched back.
She shook her head. “I can’t.”
Mike’s expression softened from the screen. “Can’t you?”
She shook her head again. She hated her breasts more than any other part of her body. Hated how large they were, hated how much they sagged, hated the vivid stretch marks that marred the too pale skin.
It was impossible that Mike wouldn’t be grossed out by them.
“Please,” Mike said imploringly.
Janice stared at him, desperately wanting to believe him, wanting to believe that there was someone out there who actually thought her body was attractive, who wouldn’t run screaming given the chance.
She slid her gaze from the monitor and undid the front clasp.
Her flush returned with a vengeance as her breasts spilled out of her fallen bra. They bounced and landed on her protruding tummy, heavy and limp without support.
Silence reigned, and Janice nearly shut off the laptop in mortification. She glanced up at the screen anxiously, more than prepared to snap it shut and run to her bed for a good cry, when she caught sight of Mike’s expression and her breath caught.
He didn’t look as disgusted as she expected him to be. In fact, he didn’t look disgusted at all. Instead he was staring at her body like he wanted to eat her.
A shiver coursed through her, making her breasts slightly swing, and her vagina clenched when he licked his lips in response.
“So fucking gorgeous,” he breathed. “You have no idea. I just want to bury my face in them until I can’t breathe. I want to push them together and fuck them with my dick. I want to suck them until they’re bruised and sore and dripping wet with spit. God, what I’d do to you your precious tits, Jan.”
Janice moaned. Her hand rose up without her permission and she squeezed herself, shivering at the touch.
“Fuck, yes,” Mike said roughly. “Touch yourself, Jan. Touch yourself for me. I want you to squeeze them and pull them like I would if I were with you right now. C’mon, sweetheart, play with your lovely fucking tits for me.”
Janice moaned again and did as he asked. She lifted them, and they were so unbelievably heavy in her hands. She pushed them together, enjoying the friction, the pressure, and flicked at her pebbled nipples with her fingers.
“God. I bet they’re so fucking heavy. Are they, Jan? Are they so heavy you can hardly lift them yourself?”
“Yes,” she moaned, eyes shut, kneading them so roughly it hurt and left red marks all over her skin.
“I want you to suck them for me, Jan. I want to see your mouth on those huge fucking tits. Can you do that for me, baby? Can you suck your tits for me?”
Janice nodded, flushed with arousal at his dirty talk. She’d done this before, had lifted her breasts and sucked on them as she imagined someone else would. And it had always felt so good, but now, now with Mike’s husky voice commanding her actions and washing over her like a caress, now it would be better.
She slipped her hands beneath one breast, letting the other flop back onto her stomach, and brought it up to her face. She grasped the front of her tit and lifted it towards her lips, and with a lick of her lips and a daring glance at Mike, pulled her taut nipple into her mouth.
They both groaned at the same time.
Janice let his approving comments and moans wash over her as she sucked and licked her nipple. It felt wonderful on her tongue, all sleek with spit and hard, and when she teased the little nub between her teeth she felt it right in between her legs.
“So fucking good,” Mike said as she sucked hickeys into the pale stretch of skin. “Jan, you look so fucking good, sucking your breasts like that. Look at how hard your nipples have gotten, how swollen they’ve become. Mm. I can just imagine what they’d feel like in my mouth, what they’d look like dripping wet with my spit. The other one, Jan, now suck the other one. Yeah, just like that.”
He told her to bite her nipple, and she did.
He said to do use more teeth, to tug it harder, and she obeyed that command, too, even when her nipple began to hurt and the skin around it started to flush a bruised, angry red.
“Look at yourself, Jan. Look at how fucking sexy you are right now, tasting your own tits.”
Janice glanced up at the screen and saw. Saw herself sucking her own breasts like a goddamned whore. Saw how shiny they were with spit, how bruised they were from being tugged and pulled and squeezed.
She saw, and it turned her on.
A flood of moisture dripped from her pussy and she blurted out, “God, I’m so wet, Mike.”
Mike groaned.
“Take off your pants,” he ordered.
Janice didn’t hesitate to comply, not this time.
They both stood up and began stripping off their bottoms. All Mike had to do was unbutton his jeans and they fell right off. Janice, on the other hand, had to lean over and tug them down, conscious of the way her breasts swung as she worked them down her legs and off her feet.
“So fucking sexy,” Mike said. “What I wouldn’t give to be sitting under you right now, lapping at your swinging tits and burying my face between them.”
Janice wished he was there to do just that, too.
She stood up and looked at the monitor. Mike was standing in his boxers, erection making the material tent right out. He was palming his dick like he couldn’t help himself, and Janice reveled at the sight of the spreading wet spot at his crotch.
“You’re leaking,” she gasped, wishing she could be there to replace his hand and palm that damp hardness instead.
“So are you,” Mike groaned, and Janice knew it was so, could tell by the stickiness between her thighs and the moisture running down her legs.
“I’ve never been so wet before,” she told him, shivering as another trickle of liquid spilled free.
“Janice,” Mike said hoarsely. “I want you to set the laptop on that dresser, facing the bed. And then I want you to take off your panties and grab a vibrator and sit down right in front of me. Can you do that for me?”
Janice’s knees almost gave way before she made it to the bed.
Whatever resistance or hesitance she might have had vanished in the wake of the arousal coursing through her. She had never been so turned on in her entire life. On shaky legs she grabbed her favorite vibrator from the top drawer, the one that had multiple vibration settings, and tossed it on the bed before stepping out of her underwear. The springs creaked as she crawled onto the bed, but she couldn’t bring herself to be embarrassed about it. She snatched the penis-like vibrator from the edge of the mattress and situated herself directly in front of the computer. The small screen displayed at the edge of the monitor assured her that he could see every inch of her. She breathed heavily as she settled down, legs still mostly closed.
Mike, too, had set his laptop by the bed. She had a clear view of plaid sheets before it bunched up and he came into view. Gone were his boxers, and in its place the most gorgeous dick Janice had ever seen. It was long and thick and hard, flushed pink from tip to base and slick with pre-cum. It bobbed as he settled himself down, legs spread open, and Janice got a perfect view of his dark, hairy balls. She moaned at the sight.
“Touch yourself,” she said, and the sight of him sliding his hand up and down his cock made her unbearably hot.
“You like that.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yeah,” she breathed, eyes riveted on his moving hand.
He used his other hand to rub the head of his dick, and she watched, mouth dry, as his hips thrust into his hand and he groaned.
Fuck, he was hot.
“You too, Jan. I want to see you touch yourself, too.”
Shuddering, Janice spread her legs.
She looked at the small screen that displayed what was happening on her end and whimpered at the sight. She could see herself so clearly, her pussy spread wide open, lips red and glistening wet. She used one hand to pull the her folds further apart and shivered as she both felt and saw whitish liquid swell and drip from her quivering hole.
Mike groaned on the other end and repeated, “Touch yourself.”
Janice spread her legs wider and did.
It wasn’t easy maneuvering over her stomach and positioning herself in such a way that Mike had a clear view, but she managed. She gasped when her fingers touched her inflamed clit, and when she pulled away again a line of her own wetness followed.
She moved her hand so Mike could see how soaked she was, could see her liquids dripping down her fingers, and smiled when he groaned.
“Taste yourself,” he panted.
She did. She stuck her chubby fingers in her mouth and moaned over them, the taste heady and strong on her tongue. She sucked her fingers one by one, licking off all traces of her own pre-cum, and then settled her hand in between her legs once more.
They both watched each other touch themselves. Mike was rapidly stroking his cock from base to head, only ever pausing to circle his wrist or rub a thumb against his leaking slit. And Janice, just as quickly, rubbed three fingers over her clit, alternating between gliding them up and down, circling it, pushing it side to side.
She moaned and gasped and whimpered as the sensations inside her built to near breaking point. She was going to come, god she was going to finally come, and she picked up the pace in anticipation, pressing her fingers harder until it almost hurt, and then climaxed with a scream when Mike demanded she come for him.
She squirted all over her hand and all over the mattress. Her orgasm splattered against the computer, making the small screen slightly blurred.
She gasped and shook and made to pull her hand away when Mike loudly ordered her not to.
“Don’t you dare stop flicking your clit,” he snapped, eyes intent on her. “Keep rubbing just as fast, just as hard. With your free hand grab your vibrator and set it to the highest setting and when I say so I want you to put it on your clit. Don’t stop.”
Janice whined and thrashed her hips, the sensations between her legs too much. She choked out a cry as she one-handedly grabbed the toy and pushed the button on the side four times. It came to life with a roaring buzz that filled the room, and it almost hurt to hold in her hand, agitating the tingles there.
“Now,” Mike said, and with a cry of aggravation Janice moved her hand and placed the vibrating rod on her clit. She threw her head back and shouted, her hips flying up and down, desperate to push it off and get away. She held it there, crying and unbelievably overwhelmed by pleasure and sensation and it was too much, too much, too much—
She came again with a shriek.
“Not yet,” Mike said through the speaker. “Don’t move it yet.”
“Please!” Janice cried, jerking uncontrollably on the bed, her thighs clamping shut and then away, her pussy clenching in objection.
“Please, I can’t, I c-can’t, oh my god, it’s too m-much, I c-cant, I h-have to, Mike, please!”
But Mike stayed silent, and Janice whimpered and moaned and thrashed as the overwhelming vibrations wracked her pussy.
“Press harder,” Mike demanded, and Janice did as he told her, even as she cried that she couldn’t take anymore, that she was going to die, that it was too much.
She pressed harder and keened, turning side to side as her mind roared at her to remove the object that was causing her such distress.
And then she felt it coming, the wave that meant release, and she quaked before it, afraid of what would happen to her if she let go.
“Open your legs, Janice. Open your legs for me. Let me see.”
Janice did.
And she came.
Her orgasm felt like a punch. It knocked the breath right out of her and set her skin on fire with a mix of pleasure and pain that left her thunderstruck and burned.
She squirted again, couldn’t tell how far her orgasm reached, too lost in the overwhelming feelings shocking through her.
She couldn’t move, could hardly breath, didn’t bother trying to retrieve the toy that fell out of her limp hands. She laid there, lids heavy over her eyes, and gasped for breath as her body twitched so hard the whole bed shook.
Distantly she heard the sound of her name and the grunt of what she assumed was Mike’s own orgasm.
He called her name a few times, but Janice couldn’t muster up enough energy to speak, let alone actually move.
When she did manage to finally roll over and sit up, her screensaver was running and an unopened message from Mike flashed on the screen.
She crawled over to it, still feeling shaky and boneless, and hesitantly opened it up.
If you’re reading this then you must be alive!
Also, wow. Just wanted to let you know that that was probably the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my life, virtual or otherwise.
I also wanted to let you know…that I got accepted to Washington University. If you don’t go and block me after reading this message, then I hope we can meet face to face in August.
I’m really looking forward to (and hoping for) your reply.
P.S. I’m not actually jail bait. I turned 18 weeks ago. 😀
Janice stared at the screen, gobsmacked, before she started to laugh. And laugh. And laugh.
22 years old her ass.
With a bemused shake of her head, she began typing her reply.