Could it really be true? They had found his real biological mother? No way, he initially thought. Really, his biological mother? Wow, he told himself, this is incredible. With that, the paperwork was started. All the documents were filled out and filed away. He was going to get to meet his real mom. He couldn’t believe it.
They contacted her. “Really, he wants to meet me?” she said. “Ohhhhhh god” she went on to say. “I don’t know what to say.” She smiled, her heart beat faster, and with that she wept long and hard. “I am soooo grateful” she told them.
Two weeks later he was driven up to the house. “This is where she lives?” he said. The house was magnificent. It was big. It was spread out. It was in no way a mansion but compare it to where he grew up at, this one was huge in comparison. “Wow” he went on to say. His eyes were lit up. “This place is majestic” he added.
She walked out the door. She was a very young looking 41 year old beauty. Her hair was long. Her facial features soft and compelling. No bags, no lines, and nothing else from what he could see that indicated she was much over 30 years old. Or at least not from the street it didn’t look like it, he thought.
They met. Paperwork was all processed. He pulled out his bags. Finally the two hugged. Yes, it was a little awkward, but Kevin wanted to know his mother. Kevin wanted to begin a new life with his mom and any other family member there was.
Days went by. They sat and talked and talked and sat around. Weeks went by and the two seemed to get along well. Months went by. He felt at home now and things had changed or were changing as he finally grew into a man. 18 years old and she alone, seeing as her and her husband who was her second one, threw him a small birthday party.
However, shortly after that, the high school senior of 18 years of age appeared to be having issues. He seemed to be having problems. She wanted to help him out but how could she if she didn’t know what those issues were?
“Honey, what’s bothering you?” she asked one day. He told her nothing but in a nice way. Days went by and she seemed to pick up on it again. “Something is bothering you dear. What is it honey?” Again, he said nothing was troubling him. A few days went by again and she again noticed his odd behavior. She had to know. “Listen sweetheart, if there is something which is troubling you, I want to know. I want you to be happy. I will do anything, and I really mean anything, to make you happy” she insisted.
He looked up. He must have questioned himself more times then he could remember. Now she was sure of it. There was something wrong. There was something seriously wrong. She was happy there was sort of because now she knew she could assist him.
“Mom?” he started to say as he nodded his head. He didn’t look at her just yes. “I have a problem I think.” She asked what it was. He held back for a moment. She waited. He looked up. “Mom, I need to ask a personal question. It’s really personal too.”
She told him to tell her.
“Umm mom, what’s it like to uhhh have an uhhh orgasm?” he asked.
Her eyes grew wide. An orgasm, she asked herself. Wow, how do I explain that? She shook her head as she asked herself again. “Well dear” she began as she shook her head. “Why do you ask?”
He explained. “Well, I overheard these girls at school talking about them. I mean, I didn’t mean to, but I did. Then I heard guys talking too. They were talking about the girls who were talking about their orgasms and then, get this, they were talking about jacking off. They were even talking about having sex. They were talking as if they’d had sex, which of course I want you to know, I have not had sex at all yet mom, but that bothers me too.”
“Why is that honey?” she said. “You want to have sex?”
He nodded as their eyes met. “Yeah mom, I do” he said. “I mean there is this girl I like and I know she likes me too but mom” he said as he slowed down his words and then said “I want her to know that I respect her. I want her to know I like her. I also want her to know she is really pretty mom, like you are.” He looked at his mom and then went on to say “I mean, okay, she is really pretty, but she’s not uhhh sexy like you. No, she’s not hot and sexy like you mom. I mean that is the only reason I’m telling you.”
“Me, hot and sexy?” she said. “You mean that, honestly?”
He nodded, kind of smiled, and then asked again “So mom, what does an orgasm really feel like?” She didn’t know exactly how to answer it and avoided answering the question. “Soooo how does one feel?” he said.
“I’m not sure how to explain it” she told him. “Have you ever” and she paused. “Kevin, have you ever cum before in your life?”
“Mom” he cried out, loudly.
“I only mean to say sweetheart all men and all women have the respective organs on them and seeing as they do honey, they can be used appropriately. Men have penis’ and women have their vaginas but that’s not to leave out the fact that both men and women don’t masturbate or don’t have sexual relations” she said.
They stared at one another, silently. Neither said a word. Finally he said “Can I show you something mom?”
“Sure honey” she said “anything dear, anything.”
“I uhhh want to show you my uhhh penis, okay?” he told her.
Kevin had a huge, long, but not fat and thick cock. Any woman who would have ever seen it would easily grow a hunger for its looks. It was almost true except no woman he knew had ever seen his cock before. He didn’t want to show her his cock right out in the open like that. He preferred to go to his room or even his moms bedroom.
“Can we uh go to your room and then I’ll let you uhhh see it?” he said.
See my son’s cock, she asked herself. She didn’t say penis. She explicitly asked herself using the word cock. The term cock rung out inside her head. This young man’s cock, she uttered to herself again. I get to see another man’s cock once again. Ohhh my lord, what am I doing? I can’t believe I even using the word although I didn’t say it to him. I know, I know she thought and went on to add I’m saying it to myself. Kevin is going to let me see his cock and I want to see it too. Whoa, what am I doing, she asked herself.
She was on top of the world for some odd reason. She wanted to see the guys cock. She wanted to, she told herself even, possibly touch it too if she could. Would he let her, she wondered? She didn’t know. But if she could, she would she admitted.
And all of a sudden, there they were. They were in her room. He unzipped and she didn’t even see him do it. There they were and he undid his jeans. She didn’t even see him do that either. He turned around holding his jeans in his hands. She sat down on the bed. Once she did, she finally noticed he was standing in front of her holding his undone jeans in his hands.
“Ready mom?” the young man asked.
“Sure honey” she said “I guess so” she went on to add as earnestly as she could. She didn’t show any expression as she said it. A blank stare remained in her eyes as she waited. “Go on. Take them off if you’re ready.”
He did. He was standing there in his shirt and underwear. She waited without trying to look. She told him, if he cared to, that he could sit next to her. So he did. He sat down beside his mom. She looked down at his crotch but looked back into his eyes and tried smiling, lightly.
“If you’re ready dear you can go ahead and show me” she said.
He pulled them down. Holy freaking shit, she thought as she watched his long and winding apparatus slowly appear from inside his underwear. Without showing hardly any emotion, her brain was running in overdrive. His cock was “huge” so to speak. No, it wasn’t thick. No, it was fat at all. But heck, the cock was long, and his cock was dangly as they came. Her mouth was beginning to water. She could almost, yes almost, taste the damn thing in the inside of her mouth. Holy freaking shit, she said to herself again. All of a sudden, she allowed it to happen. Her eyes grew a little to wide. They began to appear noticeably too wide.
“Mom” he said “is something wrong?”
She had been looking at it. The boy, this young man, was definitely all grown up. With more then enough hair on his body, the hair ran up and most like down his legs. In addition to that, it most definitely ran up and around his balls and all the way up into his chest, which of course she hadn’t seen, but it was evident seeing as his pants and underwear were off that he had lots of pubic hair and whatnot.
“Well sweetheart” she said gently “you are a” and she considered her words well before saying “uhhh well you are a well developed young man. I’d say you have nothing to uhhh worry about with a man’s umm well you know a penis like that.” She looked up from his cock and smiled deeply into his eyes. She hungered for his cock in her hands. Her mouth watered heavily for a taste of his cock in it. All of a sudden even her loins seemed to burn a little for a “taste” of it somewhere on her, or in her later on. “I have to say any woman would be happy to be able to uhhh feel that some day?”
“Any woman?” he asked.
“Oh sure, any woman would” she replied.
“Even you?” he said almost as if hesitating to ask, which he wasn’t, but he wasn’t suggesting it either. He looked at her as if wondering. “Even uhhh you mom?”
She accidentally shrugged her shoulders. She was growing more and more aroused at the site of a cock she couldn’t believe her son had. Holy freaking shit, she had told herself again. That thing, that freaking cock, happens to be masterfully, and then she stopped a second. I don’t know but his cock is amazing looking.
“Mom, this is kind of weird, but would you umm like to feel it.
She swallowed hard. Touch it, she asked herself. Uhhh, hold your cock really, she wanted to know. Oh god. Oh my freaking god. Ohhh my lord. I’m horny. I’m turned on. I am so, oh god, and then she blurted something out.
“Like any woman would be more then happy to feel something like that in their hands sweetheart. I’d be happy too if you can believe that.” Is he nuts, she wondered.
With that, she reached across, and she took it, slowly and softly, into the palm of her hand. It felt incredibly awesome, she had told herself. She looked at it. Then she looked lovingly into her son’s eyes and smiled softly.
Although she was holding it gently, her brain was telling her, along with every hormonal charge within her soul, to squeeze it and stroke the living hell out of it. She terribly wanted to get his beautiful long and now soft cock hard and even more gorgeous then it probably ever had been, she was telling herself.
For the time being, she did not. For the time being, she simply held it in her hand. Okay, so her hand was cupped around the beautiful long and delicious looking manliness. Okay, she wanted to lean down and run her tongue along its shaft. She wanted soooo many things to suddenly occur however this was her son and moms just don’t do these things with their sons, right?
“Honey, have you ever held your penis like this?” she said.
“Uhhh no” he told her.
“Another question” she said. He asked what. “You have never stroked it then either?”
“Ohhhhhh uhhh no mom, never” he said. “Oh uh no mom nooooo” he went on to add. “Uhhh mom?” he went on to say is that weird that you’re uhhh holding my cock like that?”
“Nooooo” she said lying.
In truth, her loins were burning with passion unknown to this young man. In truth, she was feverish, as if she was a young lady in her twenties again. In truth, her pussy almost felt as if it was in rupturing orgasmic activity, almost, which it wasn’t, but that didn’t matter. All she knew was she absolutely loved feeling the flesh of his cock inside the cusp of her hand. It felt magnificent inside there. She held it but she did not squeeze it, yet. All in good time, she hoped. All in good, good time she told herself.
“Do you want to uhhh you know stroke it mom?” he asked.
She was absolutely stunned. Her pussy erupted as fireworks exploded at the ending of Fourth of July. She pinched her legs together. She held any recognizable facial expressions but her body burned up with an exciting fiery pitch.
Does he want me to stroke his long, dangling cock? Ohhhhhhh lord, do I want to stroke it she asked herself. Do I want to? Oh fuck, do I want to do that?
“Yes, I’d love to sweetheart” she said.
So his mom did. She stroked it with great expectations. She stroked it admirably. She felt it grow. She watched it grow. She watched him too. And as she stroked his beautiful cock in her hand, she saw how unbelievably elated and aroused her son had become all the while she too became hornier then she anticipated.
“Oh god mom” he exclaimed enough times to have her smiling from ear to ear as she stroked his cock. It grew and it grew. It got harder and harder. And Kevin became more and more aroused as his mom jacked him off. “Oh my fucking god, mom” he went on to say, “that is soooo fucking awesome!” He looked down at her hand as it stroked him and then went on and said “Geez, ohhh geez mom that is soooo darn good!” “Oh god, oh my god” and then he started moaning so loudly that it even surprised her.
He stretched out and fell back to the bed. She looked at it. This guy, this young man, was longer then any man she’d ever seen in her life. He screamed out powerfully. He told her he thought he was going to cum. She stroked harder. She was happy and excited for him. She couldn’t wait. He cried out. He grabbed blankets as he did.
“Mom” he yelled out again and again, “I’m gonna do it. I think I am gonna do it mom!”
And then he did it. He came and he came hard. It shot up and his cum streamed through the air. It landed on him. It landed on her. She was thrilled. She leaned down and kissed her son on his lips.
“Honey you were magnificent. Watching that was magnificent too” she said.
He was thrilled that she was happy. He was thrilled that he was able to cum like he did. He soooo wanted to do that again. He wanted to cum badly too. He couldn’t wait. He didn’t know when he could but he was ready to do it that night.
However, she had plans so he had to wait the next night. It came. He was anxious. He wanted to go and see her too. They had talked earlier. He had done his homework already but the night was rolling on and he grew excited as well as a little horny. He wanted to go and somehow be with his mom.
That next night, after ten in the…