Addicted to Teenage Cock and Cum – Part Two (Pot Heads)

"I go on the hunt for more teenage cock and cum to eat and find it in a club house in the woods."

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It would be very helpful if you read part one of this story to get a better idea of the context of the situation and characters.  But in case you just want to start here, I will provide a synopsis of the first story to provide a starting point for this one.

My name is Ed, and my wife Sue and I were both forty-one years old at the time of the first story. We had just moved to the Atlanta area when our son Tommy was sixteen years old and going into his junior year in high school. Our home is only a half mile from his old high school and is separated by a heavily-wooded park. I jog in the park every day.

On one occasion I came upon a group of boys and snuck up on them to hear what they were saying. It was a group of football players trying to harass my son, Tommy, since he was new at the school but got a starting position on the team. They were trying to get him to suck their cocks. The leader’s name is Jeff and Tommy did stroke him for a minute, but then refused to suck his cock. Then the boys stood in front of him and jerked off on the ground. Jeff said that they would try again the next day. Tommy still refused.

After everyone left I went out to smell the cum on the ground and tasted it, which brought back memories of my best friend Alan who I used to suck off in high school. I didn’t know that Jeff had circled back and saw me tasting the cum, and the next day he came to the clearing alone and convinced me to suck his cock in Tommy’s place. From there we set up a glory hole in an old maintenance shed in the woods near the school. 

I became a cock sucker for some of the juniors and seniors on the football team, including my son. I just love sucking that teenage cock and feeling and tasting their cum shooting into my mouth. One day I was sucking Tommy in the shed and he saw a scar on my hand which let him know it was me who was the cock sucker. He got very angry with me for being a cock sucker. As part one of the story ends he takes a strong hand in making me his cock sucker. He encourages me to suck off him and his friends at every opportunity.

Part Two

It was embarrassing becoming so sexually submissive to my son and his friends, but I love sucking teenage cock and swallowing that thick, young cum so much that I went along with it. I continued sucking Tommy and the other football players in the shed in the woods. After football season ended and winter started, very few boys came to the shed. I still sucked off Tommy and a few of his friends in the garage at home.

We have a three-car garage with a separate workout area behind a divider, with a workout bench. My wife very seldom came into the garage. When she did we were hidden from view and had time to get dressed before she could reach the area.

I continued sucking off my son and his friends through their senior year in high school. I was happy for them to go on to college, but I really missed them fucking my face and feeding me their cum, as well as allowing me to suck their hairy balls. I had become somewhat addicted to the taste, texture, smell and volume of their cum. I briefly thought about trying to find a new group of high school football players to continue sucking their cocks in that old maintenance shed.

Then I reasoned that I had been lucky not to be caught by anyone from the school or law enforcement, especially considering how often we used the shed. I knew that I needed to find a safer situation.

I had been jogging in that big park for two years and had covered all the main trails. One day I was down by the creek in a part of the park with dense woods and noticed a little-used side trail. I followed the trail for about fifty yards and finally came to a fence with a sign, warning that I was at the park boundary.

The sign read that the thick woods on the other side of the fence was private property. I saw that the strands of barbed wire had been separated in one area and the little trail continued beyond the fence. My curiosity got the best of me. I went through the fence and continued down the trail.

After going another fifty yards or so in those very thick woods, I came upon what looked like a club house that I guessed some of the local kids had built. It was well hidden by the thick bushes and trees and looked like they built it out of scrap construction materials. It appeared to be about ten feet by twelve feet, had a plywood roof covered with tar paper, and looked well-built for just a shed in the woods.

A sign on the door read ‘Private, No Trespassing’. I knocked on the plywood door, and getting no answer I opened the door and stepped inside. It looks like something kids would furnish with four old army cots with thin mattresses and old blankets and an old dresser that looks like it came from a garage sale. There was also plenty of light inside from two glass windows. They have a kerosene lamp on the dresser for light at night. There was also a strange smell in the air that I couldn’t quite place.

I felt guilty for going into the shed uninvited. My curiosity got the best of me anyway, and I even looked in the dresser drawers. The top drawer is half-full of various porn magazines, including Playboy and Penthouse, and some of the other hard-core types that had to come from an adult book store. When I opened the second drawer I got a big surprise.

There were dozens of nude photos of what I assumed were the boys who used the shed. Not surprisingly, none of the pictures showed their faces. Some just showed individual boys displaying their cocks to their friends. There were some others where seven boys were having a circle jerk and shooting their cum into a plastic bowl.

I was impressed by the length and thickness of most of their cocks and the smallest looked to be about six inches long. Some were at least eight or nine inches long and very thick. Even more surprising, the plastic bowl looked half-full of fresh cum. I had no way of knowing if that was from one or several rounds of ejaculations.

Those photos of their cocks, hanging balls and the large amounts of cum brought back fond memories of the football players I had been sucking off for the past two years. I sat down on one of the cots to take a closer look at them. It didn’t take long for my little four and half inch dick to get hard. I soon pulled the crotch of my running shorts aside and started jacking off.

I had been stroking myself for only a couple of minutes and was just about ready to cum, when I heard a very angry boy ask, “Hey, man, what the fuck are you doing in my shed? And why are you jacking off your little dick? Didn’t you see the no trespassing signs on the fence and the door? Who the fuck are you anyway?”

I was obviously surprised and embarrassed at being caught in the shed and stroking my little dick. So, I pulled my shorts back over my dick and turned to face the boy. He’s about six feet tall and skinny with shaggy skater type hair, wearing a t-shirt and shorts that hung half way off his hips.

He looked pretty irritated, so I said, “I’m really sorry, son. I had no right to come in here. I saw the trail leading from the spread-out fence and was curious about what was back here. I’m also sorry about going into the drawers and finding your magazines and photos.”

I was about to continue when he angrily said, “Well, you are on private property, mister! My father owns ten acres of land that backs up to the park. Our house is only about a hundred yards from here through the woods. My friends and I have never had an intruder since this is shed is on my property. Dad doesn’t even know we have this shed back here. Just what the fuck were you thinking?”

Then I replied, trying to find a way to calm him down, “Well again, I’m really sorry about this. I’ll leave and never come back here again. I really didn’t mean to invade your privacy like this. I guess I was curious since I would have loved to have a private place like this when I was in high school. You and your friends have done a great job on the place and you must have a lot of fun out here.”

My being conciliatory and praising him seemed to have some effect, and he calmed down a little. Then he asked, “So who are you and how did you come to find this place?”

I replied, “Well, my name is Ed, and my son used to play football for the high school on the other side of the park. I live about a half mile from here and I try to jog every day in the park. This time I was exploring a little, saw that trail, and was just curious where it went.”

Then he said, “My name is Jimmy, and my friends and I are either juniors or seniors in that same high school. We value our private time out here and don’t like to be intruded on. But tell me, why were you jacking off looking at our cock pictures? Are you some kind of fucking pervert or something?”

The situation was starting to get interesting, and I thought I’d keep the conversation going by fibbing a little. I said, “When I was in high school a good friend of mine and I used to take pictures of ourselves like these. It just brought back some good memories. Quite frankly, I’m impressed by what I see in these pictures. I wish my dick was as large as the ones you guys have. Is that what you guys usually do out here? Or is there something else? I can detect an unusual smell in the air and I’m wondering what it is.”

I saw that Jimmy was much calmer then. The conversation about taking pictures and my praise of their cocks was getting him a little excited. He answered my question by asking, “You’re not a cop are you, Ed?”

I replied, “No, Jimmy, I’m not a cop.”

Then he continued, “Okay then. My friends and I like to come out here to smoke pot. We’re safe from being caught since we’re hidden on private property, and none of us needs to drive if we have this place to hang out. My bedroom is in a separate suite over the garage. I have a rear exit, so my friends and I can come out here without my parents seeing us go into the woods.”

“Then when we get high, we get horny and sometimes have jacking contests. Sometimes we even get some girls to come out here with us. They will sometimes jack us off, but none of them will suck our cocks or fuck us. Tell me, Ed, have you ever tried smoking pot?”

I said, “No, I’ve never had an opportunity to try it. I have to keep my head straight for work. I also like to keep a clear head for my runs in the park every evening.”

Jimmy just looked at me strangely for a moment and then said, “You know, Ed, when you talk about jogging in the park in the evenings, and your son going to our same high school and playing football, something is starting to sound familiar about your situation. There was a rumor a while back that there was a man about your age and description who was seen jogging in the park in the evenings at about the same times that some of the football players were having their cocks sucked in an old maintenance shed near the school.”

“My friends and I aren’t in the popular group at school and never went near there because we knew those big guys would kick our asses. Were you involved in that situation?”

I thought it was best to lie about me sucking those other boys, at least for the time being. I hesitated for a moment before saying, “No, I wasn’t involved in that.”

It looked like Jimmy didn’t believe me but then he asked, “Look, Ed, you seem like a nice man, and I was wondering if you’d like to try smoking a little weed with me? If you’ve never tried it, this will be a great experience for you and it won’t take much for you to feel it.”

I was starting to see some definite possibilities of getting some more boy cock to suck in that situation, so I answered, “Okay thanks. It might be fun to try it, but I can’t smoke too much since I don’t want it to affect my job tomorrow.”

Jimmy then went behind the dresser, removed a board, and came back with a plastic bag of pot and some rolling papers. He carefully prepared the joint, lit it, and took a long toke. Then he handed the joint to me and said, “Okay, Ed, just take a deep breath and draw the smoke in. It probably won’t take long for you to feel it.”

I hesitantly sucked in the smoke. At first it was irritating to my throat. Then I took another toke and the smoke seemed much less harsh. We continued passing the joint back and forth for a few minutes until it was almost gone. I was starting to feel high and a little woozy, and just leaned back on the cot to relax as Jimmy rolled another joint. He wanted me to continue smoking with him, but I declined since I didn’t want to get too high.

Jimmy was leaning back on the cot across from me and continued smoking and then said, “I hope you don’t mind, Ed, but I like to get comfortable when I’m getting fucked up. I’m just going to take off my shorts and underwear. You can do the same if you want to.”

I wasn’t really surprised, especially after seeing all those nude pictures of the boys. He just leaned back on the cot as he pulled his shorts and underwear off and tossed them on the wooden floor. I saw right away that his cock is one of the larger ones I had seen in the pictures. His soft cock must have been about seven inches long and very thick. He is also uncut. His balls are also big and very hairy, and hung down on the cot.

He didn’t seem the least bit embarrassed showing himself to an adult stranger, and he started to casually stroke his cock and fondle his balls. I was mesmerized watching that cock grow to about nine inches long and over six inches around. It looked even larger since he’s a skinny kid, and not well-developed and muscular like the football players were.

Jimmy continued to smoke and stroke himself and he had a big smile on his face as he watched me watching him. I saw that he was pretty high from the pot and after a few more minutes watching him he held his cock, pointed it, and waved it at me saying, “You can come over here and suck it for me if you want to, Ed. After learning that you have spent a lot of time jogging in the park, and then the way you hesitated when I ask you about sucking football player cock in that maintenance shed, I’m willing to bet that you’re the cock sucker that we’ve all heard about.”

“And besides, the way you’re hungrily staring at my fuck meat right now in a fog from the pot makes me think you’d like to taste it. Come on, man, I need a little relief. I’d love to shoot my load into your mouth. But first, let’s go outside, and you can hold my cock for me while I piss.”

Jimmy is very perceptive for a high school kid. He was right that I was having very strong urges to suck his massive cock. He seemed to instinctively know that I would respond submissively to his dominant posture. Without saying anything, I followed him outside and got on my knees next to him as his cock softened a little and he started to piss.

I carefully reached out to hold his cock as he was peeing and just loved the weight of it in my hand, as well as the texture of his foreskin. I slowly slid the foreskin back and forth as he pissed, and the skin would sometimes get in the way of the stream of piss and spray all over his cock and balls and my hand. When he was finished neither he nor I shook off the remnants of the piss. He went back inside to lie back on the cot.

I moved to my knees in front of Jimmy and took his hard, piss-soaked cock into my hand. He was smiling down at me as I stroked him and moved my mouth closer to his cock. I smelled his piss and musky scent of his genitals, and then took the head of his cock into my mouth. I tasted the piss, and the texture of his foreskin felt good in my mouth.


Published 12 years ago

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