Adadeyodi Chapter 1: The Approval

"Damian introduces Erin to his parents, who enthusiastically approve."

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“What a beautiful day!” Erin said to Damian as they drove together towards his parents’ house, where they had been invited for the weekend. The windows were down in the car and a delightful spring breeze filled the air with the scent of lilacs. It was a gorgeous, sunny day with the promise of renewal in the air.

“It is beautiful, my love,” Damian replied. “I could not ask for a better day to bring you home to meet my folks.” He had been looking forward to introducing Erin to his parents ever since he met her, knowing there is something special about her. 

“I am still a little nervous though, babe,” Erin said. “Tell me more about your parents.” She slid her hand onto his thigh and he could feel her nerves through the gentle squeeze she gave him. It was almost as if she sensed something of significance about this meeting.

Damian placed his hand over Erin’s and gave her fingers a soft squeeze to calm her nerves. The touch relaxed her, sending a gentle warmth over her skin. Damian has a quiet strength that calms her. He always has. 

Damian looked over at Erin and smiled. “My mom, Dara, will love you,” he said reassuringly. “She is generous. Loving. She is a giver. She likes to take care of people. She’ll want to know your favorite meal and cook it. She’s the kind of mom who always had all of our friends over when we were kids. Our house was the gathering place. As long as you make me happy, she will love you. And you do. So she will.”

“My dad, Angus,” he added, “is a different story. He can be quiet and intimidating. He has a very strong personality, and is an extremely driven and successful man. He has little patience for meek people. Some friends of mine he never seemed to notice or acknowledge until they had been friends for months or longer. He gravitates to intelligence. To people with backbone, who will contribute and share their thoughts. Don’t be intimidated by him. Just be yourself. If you do that, he’ll definitely approve.”

This visit was important to both of them – she hoped for Damian’s father’s approval and he wanted his parents to like this woman who had captured his heart. Ever since their first date at the Yodade Lodge, when Erin and Damian discovered their unique and deep connection, they had grown immensely close, rooted in a shared connection that exceeded their conscious understanding. 

Damian, a strong and successful man, held his father and role model in very high esteem. For Erin’s part, she knew Damian’s deep respect for his father, and so his approval was very important to her. 

“They both sound like lovely people,” Erin said, smiling at Damian, “and I am looking forward to getting to know them. I will like them both for the sole fact they created you.”

“Your dad sounds a lot like you,” she added. “Strong and successful. Intelligent and driven. I am sure I will like him.” Erin felt a little more comfortable now. If the father was like the son, she would be in the presence of someone special – the creator of the man she adores. 

As the car sped along the highway, Erin watched the scenery pass them by and allowed her mind to wander, imagining the evening ahead. She had always been a confident woman, not afraid to speak her mind in groups in which she is comfortable. Meeting new people, however, has always been an area of hesitancy, for fear of not being accepted. 

Yes, approval from those in authority has always mattered to Erin. She wondered about what Damian’s father would think of her. Damian is a strong presence, and if he follows in his father’s footsteps, his father must have the same strength of character, and more. She reflected further on the importance of gaining his acceptance. There had never been a doubt in her mind that Damian adored and respected every element of her. In return, she loved him to no end. It would mean so much to her to also gain his parents’, and especially his father’s, approval. 

Erin shifted in her seat, uncrossing her legs and not realizing that the bottom of her floral wrap dress had risen part way up her thigh. Noticing this from the corner of his eye, Damian, who displayed an endless appreciation for Erin, reached across and slipped his hand over her bare thigh, “I think my dad will probably also like your dress,” he said with a playful smile. 

“Oh, you think so?” Erin replied as she teasingly pulled the hem of her dress to mid-thigh, watching Damian’s eyes follow her hand. “That’s nice, but I’m really only concerned with your appreciation of my dress.” Erin smiled playfully and seductively at Damian as she watched that familiar desirous look spread over his eyes. He always had a seemingly insatiable hunger for her. 

“Yes, I do think so,” Damian answers. “What red blooded man wouldn’t?”

Damian’s fingers slid between her knees and traveled up the soft skin of her bare inner thigh, pushing her dress up higher. Erin parted her knees, welcoming Damian’s gentle, yet deliberate path. “You know I love your dress, kitten,” he added. “And my father is definitely a red blooded man.” Damian’s fingers roamed further until he reached the fabric of her panties, then caressed the shape of her labia. 

“Mmm … babe,” he observed, smiling. “Your panties are damp. What has you aroused?”

Sliding forward instinctively to his welcomed touch, Erin looked at Damian with a surprised look. “It must be from the warmth of your touch,” she answered, though she was also feeling something deeper. A quiet yearning she couldn’t quite identify. There was something powerful about this day and this meeting.

As Damian drove and Erin slid further forward, his fingers accepted the unspoken invitation. Erin’s knees shifted wider apart and she closed her eyes. Damian’s fingers slowly caressed her through her panties. His middle finger pressed against the fabric until he was first tracing her labia and then adding just enough pressure to press the fabric between her lips, parting them. The motion of Damian’s fingertip caused the lightest friction, stroking the fabric slowly between her parted lips. He glanced over at her and smiled as he watched her eyes close, relenting to the pleasure. 

Damian’s fingertip deftly stroked and caressed, sliding the fabric down between Erin’s lips, briefly trapping the fabric as it caught and then over and across her clit. She moaned as his fingers found her swelling clitoris, closing her eyes to focus on the sensation of the damp cotton rubbing between her lips and sliding over her tingling bud. Maybe it was the feeling of the warm spring breeze filling the car and her lungs, or maybe it was the nervous excitement she felt of the upcoming dinner, but Erin sensed something different about the arousal building inside her. She just couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Nevertheless, she gave in to Damian’s touch. Erin was no stranger to submitting to this man, who knew exactly how to touch her. 

Erin lost track of time as she felt the sensations flowing through her body. It was only when she opened her eyes to glance over at Damian that she realized that the car was pulling up in front of his parents’ house. Her knees were pointed outward, her ass forward on the seat, and, despite where they are, a gasp flowed through her pursed lips. Her hips instinctively rocked against Damian’s stroking finger.

“Oh my God!” Erin exclaimed. “You could have given me a warning! So much for making a good impression.” Erin was only mildly scolding him as she tried to straighten her dress, hoping her cheeks were not as flushed as they felt. 

“Don’t worry, babe.” Damian responded playfully. “You are positively glowing. And what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” They stepped out of the car at the same time. Damian grabbed their bag and they walked to the door together.

Holding Erin’s hand in one hand and the bag in the other, Damian led Erin up the steps to the porch. Erin barely had a chance to ring the doorbell before Damian’s mother, Dara, swung the door open and wrapped Damian in a hug. Damian introduced Erin to Dara and, a moment later, she found herself wrapped in a hug too. Dara was a warm woman, just as Damian had described. Erin immediately felt welcomed. 

As Dara hugged Erin, she asked how their drive was. “Um, it was very good, thanks,” Erin said as she stole a knowing glance at Damian, thankful his mother couldn’t see the naughty glint in her eye.

“Thank you so much for having me, Dara,” she added. “I’ve very much been looking forward to meeting you.” 

”Damian has told us so much about you,” Dara said to Erin. “Let me introduce you to Angus. He is looking forward to meeting you as well.” Dara led Erin through the house into the kitchen, where Angus was pouring drinks, while Damian set their bag at the bottom of the stairs. 

Dara introduced Erin to Angus, and he shook her hand. “Welcome to our home, Erin, we are pleased to meet you.” His grip was strong, firm and his eyes stared directly into hers. This must be some of the intimidation Damian described, Erin thought to herself. There was a quiet, controlled intensity to his bearing. Oddly enough, she did not feel intimidated in the least. She felt welcome.

Suddenly, a wave of sensation washed over her. While his look felt deeply familiar, similar to the way Damian looked into her blue-green eyes, there was also a hint of something deeper. For a moment, Erin’s eyes felt as if they glazed over, as she was looking off into the distance to somewhere unknown. She would swear she saw the reflection of a flickering flame in Angus’ eyes. The handshake lingered and, although she did not feel intimidated, she felt a profound warmth from Angus’ touch. The sound of a drumbeat echoed in the back of Erin’s mind.

Angus’ hands were firm and strong, but not rough. The feeling of familiarity intensified as if she is on the verge of remembering something.  A faint sensation rolled over her skin as the handshake released and the near-memory was lost. Although the deep sensations diminished as their hands drifted apart and the drums went silent, his eyes flickered once more. Erin felt her legs go a little weak, and put her hand on the counter. She suppressed a gasp. “This is a very formidable and powerful man,” she thought to herself. The proverbial apple did not fall far from the tree. She shivered again from the intensity of that brief touch. 

Damian joined them at that moment, as Angus handed a glass of wine to Erin. Taking a sip, she was surprised to feel that she was once again flushed, feeling a warmth radiating from somewhere deep inside. Angus engaged Erin in conversation, and Damian shared a brief look with Erin, showing surprise at Angus’ immediate interest in her. His dad must be in a good mood, he thought to himself. He does not often take such an interest in anyone right away. Maybe her handshake impressed him. Or, more likely, her confident bearing. Plus, she looked damn good in that dress. 

Damian paused for a moment, and glanced over again. He watched his father look at Erin. There was an intensity of focus. Erin, feeling her jitters from the car ride fade away, joined in the conversation easily, perhaps subconsciously drawn in by the focus Damian had observed.

As they comfortably conversed, Angus asked Erin about her work and background, and Damian left them to talk, helping his mother finish preparing the meal. Damian returned a few minutes later and watched Erin as she talked to his dad. Clearly, Angus still had Erin’s attention, and she had his. For a few minutes, they talked as if they were the only two in the room, while Damian attended to setting the table and bringing out the food.

As they engaged in conversation, Erin repeatedly felt herself aware of Angus’ strong presence. She felt drawn to him. She recognized elements of Damian, but also something more. Until that moment, she had only ever felt a weakness in the presence of Damian, but how fitting it is that she should feel the same presence from his father, the man who created and raised him. She felt a slight tingle as she recognized the weakness she was feeling, coming from a well even more seasoned and deeper than Damian’s.

After the table was set, Angus led Erin to the dining room, much as Damian had led her to the house. Angus took his place at the head of the table, Dara at the opposite end, and Damian and Erin across from each other; Erin to Angus’s right. Angus poured more wine and Dara got started passing the roast, potatoes and buns around the table. Conversation and laughter flowed easily through dinner. Erin felt welcome, confident, engaged and like she fit in. This relaxed her. 

As Erin crossed her legs beneath the table, her foot briefly grazed the side of Angus’s calf. She looked up to him to apologize, but his gaze froze her. She said nothing. But she felt something. A heat so intense, surrounding her, like flames of a nearby fire. As she felt the flame’s heat surrounding her, she quickly glanced away, sure she was blushing as she felt something rising within her. But she looked back and caught his eye again. “Could he have felt it too?” she thought to herself.

With the flames, the sensation she had felt while shaking his hand returned. It grew, and continues to spread through her body and as she had another glass of wine and finished the delicious dinner. Erin met Angus’s gaze and they shared a silent, private moment. Something was happening. Angus was somehow compelling her, it seemed, in some unspoken way that she could not have resisted if she had wanted to – which she did not. Emboldened by the wine and the confidence she felt at fitting in so easily, she dared herself further, surrendering to this profound moment.

Slipping her shoe off quietly, Erin lifted her foot again, this time on purpose. Her toe met the back of Angus’ calf, but she did not look at him. She simply tested whether what she had sensed was there. On the one hand she couldn’t believe she was doing this, while on the other she simply couldn’t seem to resist. 

Erin slid her toe ever so slowly and deliberately along the back of Angus’ calf, feeling a rush through her body and mind. Goosebumps raced over her flesh and she had to suppress a gasping breath and quickly stop biting her lower lip. This is not the type of woman she is. She was normally so well-behaved. But there was something about Angus she found very difficult – no, impossible – to resist. Angus glanced at her. Something about that glance caused Erin to stifle a gasp. She felt intoxicating heat. Power. Unwavering strength. She felt delirious. It was almost as if she could cum just from the touch of her toe upon his calf. 

Pressing her foot against his leg, she felt Angus stirring in his seat. Erin stole a glance at Damian, who was thankfully, busy in conversation with his mother over the latest project he was working on. It was as if the conversation between Damian and Dara was giving Angus and Erin a little slice of privacy in the same room. Her breathing escalated. She took a sip of wine, hoping this would keep her calm and cool. She couldn’t help but feel this undeniable urge to slide her foot higher — a craving to touch his powerful, raging heat.

Her roaming, bare foot glided to the back of Angus’ knee before sliding up and over and in between his legs. As she slid the pad of her foot up his strong thigh, their eyes locked on each other. Angus’s stare consumed her. She felt naked, and not only liked it, but wanted it. Somehow, in some deep and subconscious corner of her mind, she needed it. She was surprised at the many thoughts running through her mind. At the same time, she was mesmerized by the strength of his pull on her. The gravity. She was willingly spellbound.

Erin froze when Dara got up to serve dessert, afraid to move, confident but not certain the tablecloth covered her foot. Afraid of taking things too far and never being welcomed back to Damian’s parents’ house, she began to pull her foot away. Before she could do so, Angus grabbed her foot. And held it there. Strength. Heat. Command. Her heart was pounding. She could feel her pulse in her clit.

Shaking the sensation for the briefest moment and attempting to bring some normalcy back into the evening, Erin couldn’t help but feel Angus’ eyes on her as she chimed into the conversation with Damian and Dara, saying how proud she was of Damian’s success on his current project. And she truly was. So proud of her man. 

Still, she felt the gaze. Burning through her. In her. Igniting the inferno inside. And she felt completely melted and frozen by it, all at the same time. And alive. It stoked a strong desire to want more from this man, this Alpha, whose deep well of power and heat obviously exceeded even Damian’s.

She returned Angus’ stare. Each time they made eye contact, she felt the flames igniting. Each time, it made her squirm further. What started as curiosity, built to desire and became undeniable need.

Dara returned to the table with dessert. Blueberry cheesecake – Erin’s favourite. “His family is so kind and warm,” she thought to herself. They all enjoyed dessert, with…

Published 4 years ago

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