Across The Street. Part 2

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Mike couldn’t believe his luck. One night he discovered the girl across the street had a penchant for parading around her room in some of the sexiest clothing imaginable. Now she wasn’t totally visible due to her blinds being lowered, so Mike employed his powerful telescope to spy on her. So through the partially open blinds, he managed to get a good look, and what he saw he liked.

Now he might have gone on spying on her undetected if not for an accident. Mike’s dad saw the door to his room was opened and entered to check on him. HIs dad flipped on the light switch and revealed Mike and his telescope to the house across the street. Mike was able to give the impression that he was scanning the heavens and his dad turned off the light and departed.

After his dad left, Mike checked the status of the girl across the street and discovered that the blinds were up and that the curtains were parted. A second later, she was standing in the middle of the window holding a sign that asked if he liked what he saw and to flash his light if he did.

Mike, of course, flashed a powerful flashlight beam. That way, the light from his room was not visible to anyone but her. The next sign she held up had a phone number on it and Mike called her and they talked. She introduced herself as Leann.

Leann was not upset at Mike’s admission of watching her; she confessed that it got her hot. She promised to dance some more for him if he promised to masturbate as she danced. So with his eye pressed into the eyepiece of the telescope, he watched her body swaying to the beat of her music.

She touched herself as she danced and Mike’s cock grew harder with each passing second. Finally, he extracted it from his boxers and began to masturbate as Leann continued her dancing. Mike saw her reach for her cell phone and a second later, his rang. Leann asked if he was jacking off and he admitted he was. She informed him that she was doing the same.

Leann then asked that he focus on her face so he could watch her expression as she came. It was the sexiest expression he had ever seen and her moaning he heard through his cell was only rivalled by the porno movies he watched. At her request, he said her name as he shot his load.

The following day he purchased a Bluetooth that was compatible with his cell to make his nightly viewing a lot easier on him. Leann admitted that she had gone out and purchased one also. Now it wasn’t a nightly event but rather every other night. She always sent him a text when she would be performing. 

Mike suggested that she use the camera on her laptop, a suggestion she declined to act on. She preferred the current arrangement as he was unseen. Mike suggested that they meet and hang out during the day, and that suggestion was also declined.

“My parents have forbidden me to hang out with boys,” she responded.

It would be on a Friday about two weeks later that she informed him that her parents would be going out for the evening on Saturday so there would be no time limit on her dancing.

“And tonight I’ll wear my thigh-high stockings and heels if you think you can handle it,” she cooed into the phone.

“Of course I can handle it,” Mike answered.

“We shall see,” she stated before the phone went dead.

All day Saturday Mike thought about seeing Leann in her nylons and heels and it got him hard. It made the wait for nightfall seem even longer than normal. Finally, the sun began to set and Mike received a text saying it was almost showtime. He headed to his room and, after making sure his door was fully closed and locked, he donned his satin boxers.

He then placed his telescope in front of his open window and dragged his desk chair over. He then took a seat and placed the Bluetooth in his ear and waited. It wasn’t a long wait before the blinds of Leann’s room were parted and she was standing there in another sexy black nightie with the tops of her thigh-highs just visible under the hem.

A second later his cell rang and he answered it.

“Are you watching me?” she asked.

“Yes I am,” Mike answered with his eye transfixed on her through the eyepiece.

Leann placed one foot on the windowsill to show off the shiny high heels she wore and to give him a good look at her nylon-covered leg. She slowly ran her hands up her leg from ankle to upper thigh and Mike’s cock grew hard as he imagined his hands performing this action.

Leann then commenced dancing. With her parents gone, she raised the volume on her CD player and Mike could hear the slow and sultry beat over the phone. She ran her hands through her long blonde hair and down the sides of her face to her neck as her body swayed. Her small hands were covered in black lace half-gloves; this was a new addition to her clothing. She ran her hands over her breasts and continued down her flat belly to her groin and she moaned softly into her cell as she did. 

Right before her fingers reached her pussy she spun around and presented her firm backside for his viewing pleasure. Mike was now fully erect and extracted his hard cock from its satin enclosure and began to gently masturbate as he watched her. He moved his telescope up and down so he could see every inch of her firm tight body.

With her back still facing the open window, Leann slowly pulled the silk nightie up and over her head. Mike could now see the back of her bra and the tiny black panties that the nightgown had hidden. His moan of pleasure was heard by Leann.

“So, you like what you see?” she asked in a soft seductive voice.

“Very much,” he responded.

Leann turned her body slowly around so she was facing the window again, giving Mike a good look at her silk-and-lace bra. She then moved behind the wooden chair and Mike could see her slowly sliding her panties down. The object of his desire was hidden by the chair back and Mike begged her to come around.

Leann slowly moved to the front and took a seat in the chair. Her lace gloves were covering what he wanted to see most. So he begged her for a look as he jacked his dick faster.

“You’re going to be disappointed,” she said.

“Please,” he begged.

Leann slowly lowered her hand and revealed a hard cock that had been hidden under her panties and Mike could not look away. He knew there were people that followed a different lifestyle; he had seen them on his porno sites. Now here was one across the street from him.

Mike watched as Leann took a seat in the chair, spread her legs and grabbed her cock and began to masturbate.

“Are you still there?” she asked.

“Yes,” he responded.

“Are you still jacking off and are you watching me jack off?” she asked between her moans.

“Yes,” Mike answered again.

“That makes me so fucking hot. Are you going to cum?” Leann asked.

“Ladies first,” Mike responded as he focused his telescope on Leann’s lace glove circling her cock.

Leann began to twist in her seat and her moaning became louder.

“Oh baby, I’m cumming,” she moaned and a second later Mike saw her lose her load.

The sight of Leann shooting was all Mike needed to push him over the edge.

“Leann,  I’m cumming too,” he announced as he lost his load.



Published 7 years ago

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