Abyss of Insanity

"Long before Mesopotamia the turmoil in Eden began."

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A gamble of the heart it might be said

In the “Cradle of Life” percolated.

The unholy union of Adam and Lilith was created.

She, defiant to both man and God, was cast out of Eden.

A primordial dislike for authority she discovered

the fallen Angels …Lucifer’s army.

Once leader of the Cherubin, Azazel,

Cast from on high to lead all evil

Until supplanted by Lucifer.

Into whose arms Lilith fell…

Not for love, possibly lust.

Lilith sought neither man nor woman but found

Naamah seductress of Shamdon.

From the loins of Ashmodai, king of devils,

Her cymbals enticing man and woman.

Thus seduced Lilith lay with Naamah.

Their tongues finding each others fountains.

Delving into the most human act with a ferocity.

Most unhuman, no orifice left untouched.

As Naamah twisted, Lilith gripped her buttocks

Pulling her sensual part to her mouth.

A howl of pleasure echoed through the Babylonian night,

Demons gathered to witness the glorious coupling.

The eternal abode of fallen Angels and evil spirits

Came alive with the infection of lust.

Once Lilith had taken her pleasure

She stood naked with a phallic snake draped around her body.

Gesturing to demon and fallen Angel alike to partake,

To sensually feast on the basted crevice between her legs.

Days and nights passed with no recollection of the passing of the sun nor moon.

Azazel, standard-bearer in Satan’s army, announced the completion of the battle.

The sack of Lilith’s cunt at an end.

As so it was remembered and celebrated.

Published 3 months ago

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