Absence Makes the Heart Grow Kinky?

"Separated by necessity, Andrew and Ellie find a unique way to connect."

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Dr. Elizabeth “Ellie” Crawford was alone, tired, and strangely aroused.  This was week number four being away from her husband and two young children since the virus has put everyone on lockdown.  Ellie was an ER physician in the time of a pandemic, which is not the best of combinations.  She had decided, that in order to decrease the risk of bringing the virus home and infecting her husband and children, that she was going to stay in the hotel that the hospital was offering all the staff to stay in during the crisis.  Her husband Andrew, who was also a physician, but was in academics and research, had fought her on that decision.  Ellie had thought it was sweet that he had tried to protect her but ultimately, they had made the decision together.

Ellie missed the kids dearly and looked forward to her FaceTime with them daily.  She was both surprised and impressed with how well things seemed to be going at home with Andrew running the show.  This made her even more at ease that she had made the right decision, but it did not make it any easier.  The stress of the constant barrage of critically ill patients day after day was physically and mentally wearing her down.  Even more, she missed Andrew dearly and the unique stress relief that only he could provide.

Ellie had just finished talking to the kids when she made sure she spoke to Andrew before he had ended the video call.  “Hey hun, can we get back together after you put the kids to bed?  I want to see you open your present,” she said in an excited tone.

“Sure Ellie,” he said expectantly. “Is this something that I’ll need to open in the bedroom?”

Ellie and Andrew had done two sessions where they had tried somewhat unsuccessfully to turn a FaceTime sexy.  The last session, Ellie had surprised him with a very sexy outfit that she hoped would help.  While they ended up masturbating in front of each other’s laptops, it left something to be desired and did not come close to fulfilling Ellie’s growing need.  That would hopefully change tonight.

“You’re just fishing for clues Andy.  Just message me when you’re ready and you’ll find out,” she said with a wry smile.  Andrew realized that she was up to something.

They exchanged goodbyes and Ellie frantically opened the box on her bed and excitedly got to work on setting up her stress relief plan.

It was after 10:00 now and the anticipation was killing Ellie.  She was looking at herself in the full-length mirror in her room.  In her late thirties after having two children, Ellie was still a striking beauty.  Her shoulder-length chestnut hair with red hues framed her face.  She had immaculate fair skin and the brightest of blue eyes that would draw anyone in.  As she looked down at her body, she loved how the black demi lace bra pushed her B cup breasts up just right, showing just the hint of a darkened nipple.  Her hands and eyes went down her body and traced the front outline of her simple see-through black panties over a matching garter belt.  She thought to herself better not to linger there and settled her hands on her hips as she looked at the garters holding up a pair of lacey black stockings.

Ellie turned side to side admiring the tight body that she had worked so hard to regain after her second child.  She noticed she had softened just slightly in the month she was pulling seventy-hour weeks, eating whatever she could and not exercising.  A smile crept across her face, as Andrew had loved this very look after each of their kids were born.  Maybe he was right and it certainly was a lot easier to maintain.

Her phone chimed and a pang of anticipation fluttered in her stomach.  Reading the text from him:


She quickly opened her laptop and waited for his call.  She anxiously looked around the queen bed in the hotel bedroom to find the implements required for the rest of the evening all laid out.  She sat upright against a couple of pillows propped against the headboard and set the computer in front of her checking that the camera could see all of her.

Andrew popped up on her screen.  She marveled at the man she loved so much.  His dark brown hair was shaggy and growing out longer than it had ever been since med school.  He had grown a matching brown beard over the last month with a hint of grey flecked within it.  His dark brown eyes pierced the screen and as soon as she enabled her video, his surprise was evident.

“Uh, sorry it took me so long.  Michelle just wouldn’t go to sleep,” he stammered.

“I’m very sorry I kept you waiting so long.  You look incredible,” he said tentatively.

“Oh Andy,” she said then suggestively and playfully bit her finger with a smile, “I’ve been soooo lonely just waiting for you to call,” she was mocking him now.

She reached over on the bed and grabbed a black wand vibrator waved it at the screen.  Andrew’s mouth was agape.  They had never really experimented with toys and he was a bit surprised to see one in Ellie’s hand.  She switched it on and worked it down her belly. 

Andrew’s eyes were wide as he watched his wife trace the wand over her triangle of reddish-brown hair clearly visible through the sheer black panties.  Her eyes were now closed, and she let out a low whimper as it reached her clit.

Ellie opened her eyes and softly spoke, “You get to control the wand Andy.  There’s an app, go get your phone.”

They spent the next few minutes downloading the app and synching her wand with the app.  Andrew was anxious to try it, but before they got any farther, Ellie interrupted.

“Open the box Andy,” she said in a husky voice full of desire.  With that, Andy opened the box.  There were two smaller boxes inside, but the plastic covering was opaque on both.

“Open the larger one first,” Ellie said.

He unwrapped the larger square box and was shocked at what was inside.  He looked up at her in shock and fear.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want to try it,” she smiled.  “I just wish I was there to warm you up and put it in,” she said with an evil grin.

“A remote-controlled butt plug Ellie?”  He opened the box and picked out the black silicone plug.  “I don’t know about this,” he continued.

Ellie was having none of this, “Andy, look at me!”  His head jerked up from his gaze on the plug to the screen.  “You love having your ass played with.  I tease it, I lick it, I finger it and you fucking love it.  You know what, I fucking love it because it’s the only time I have complete control of you.  We both know you fucking own me in bed.  I am your little whore and I love you controlling me more than anything.  Anything but playing with your tight little ass.  I love making you beg for more and I love making you feel like the slut you always make me.”

Andrew was flushed with both desire and embarrassment.  His cock was uncomfortably hard in his gym shorts.  He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

“Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll let you control the wand; you can jerk off and we’ll both be satisfied.  Andy, tell me I’m wrong,” she demanded.

Andrew sat staring at the screen dumbfounded, unable to speak.

“I thought so, now pull out your phone and sync it.”

They proceeded to synch both her phone and his phone to the new device.

“Open the other box,” she said once again in a commanding tone.

He opened the smaller box which contained a small bottle of lube.  She smiled at the look on his face revealing the realization that the was all now very real.

“Go over to the dresser,” again commanding him.  “Open my underwear drawer.  Back left you should find something that matches these in white,” she said while rubbing and tugging her black sheer panties.  “Turn the laptop so I can see you do it.”

Andrew got up without thinking and did as he was told.  Ellie stared at his painfully hard erection tenting his gym shorts down his left leg.  Her own arousal was starting to seep through her panties as her faithful husband found what she was looking for.  Andrew smiled.  He held of the sheer in the front white panties to the laptop.  These were what she had worn on their wedding night.  The memory sent a wave of emotions crashing over him.  His longing to be with her again burned into raw lust all of a sudden.

“Wait honey.  Grab the dressing mirror and roll it over to the end of the bed and grab a towel.”

He again did as he was told and pulled the antique dressing mirror to the end of the bed grabbing a bath towel along the way.

“Put the laptop at the head of the bed and sit facing it and lay the towel on the bed,” she commanded him with such ease.  She was amazed by his ease of compliance.  She thought to herself how arousing this was and how much fun she was having.  This wasn’t their usual play where he called all of the shots.  This was wildly different and equally as arousing for her.

Sitting on the bed now, Andrew waited for further instructions that came quickly.

“Take off your clothes, put your phone, panties, plug and lube next to you.”

He again complied.  He caught himself thinking that he would do anything for her.  His heart swelled with love and longing and then it just all came out.

“Ellie, I love you.  I miss you so much” he said drinking in his beautiful wife all in black on the screen with his eyes.  Without being commanded, he grabbed the black plug and generously applied the lube.

He looked past the black silicone plug and into the screen and before he could say another word, Ellie spoke, “I love you more than you can imagine Andy.”  Her eyes went from loving to lustful within a flash.  In an instant she grabbed the wand and started working directly on her clit staring into the screen.

“Lube up a couple of fingers and get on your hand and knees facing me,” she commanded with a hint of desperation in her voice.

He did as he was told.  Ellie could see straight into his face and below with his rock hard cock also staring at her.  Looking past, she could see his balls and puckered ass in the mirror.

“Play with it.  Rub it.  Press it in,” her commanding tone was more desperate with each word.

He started slowly reaching back and lazily rubbing his finger up and down from his balls through his crack.  He longed for Ellie to be doing this, but her commands had him completely entranced.  He started to circle his hole with his finger and then gently pressed in.

Ellie gasped as she saw this in the mirror and started roughly rubbing herself into the wand.  Her pussy ached and but waves of goosebumps rippled over her.  She used her free hand to grab her phone.

“Take the plug Andy.  Tease yourself with it.”  She closed her eyes and was giving in to the vibrations of the wand reminding herself she needed to hold out a bit longer.

Andrew took the plug and started rubbing it against his taint and making its way towards his ass.  He circled his own hole and then slowly pressed the tip in.

“MMMMMMMM,” escaped his lips.

Ellie heard this and her eyes flew open.  She watched as her husband was on the precipice of stuffing his ass full of the plug she had bought him.  Not wanting to waste another second, she opened the app on her phone and set both devices to the ‘hard and fast’ pre-set pattern that she had found with a quick Reddit search.

As the toy came alive in his hand, Andrew moaned and what felt like a bolt of electricity pulsed through his balls and then the rest of his body.  He unconsciously pushed the plug deeper into his ass.  Ellie looked at Andrews face.  His eyes were closed, and his mouth was wide open letting out the softest moans.  Behind him, in the mirror, the plug was in at the apex of its girth and Andrews cock began to leak.

A long drawn out “ooooohhhhhhh” escaped him as the plug slipped past the apex and was now fully within his ass.

Out of the haze of pleasure, he heard Ellie’s voice, “It feels good doesn’t it?” she asked looking at his now leaking cock.

An imminent need welled up from within, she was achingly close with the wand’s vibrations raising and lowering in unpredictable ways.  Further accentuating this was the sheer soaked fabric caught between her clit and the wand.  The thought of those same vibrations in Andrew’s ass made her shudder.

“Grab my panties and stroke your cock!  Stroke yourself and come with me.  I’m so close,” she said expectantly.

Andrew grabbed the panties in his hand and grasped his cock as he saw his wife writhing in pleasure against the wand on her hotel room bed.  Her eyes distant had the far-off look of all-encompassing lust.  Not long after looking up, her whole body contracted in front of him and then started to uncontrollably shake with her orgasm.

Andrew focused back on his own overwhelming need.  He took a hand and pushed the plug to its hilt and then bobbed it back and forth frantically.  His other hand continued aggressively stroking himself.  The vibrations of the plug were taking him to an unbelievable place of pleasure.  Less than thirty seconds of this and his release was coming.  His balls tensed and he shot rope after of thick cum onto the towel and bed below.

Exhausted he collapsed directly down into those ropes of cum as the vibrations had not abated.  He craned his head up at the screen as his whole body twitched.

Ellie was sitting up exhausted and smiling at him holding her phone expectantly.  She said softly, “Would you like me to turn it off?”  Without an answer she showed her mercy and turned the plug off.  He awkwardly sat himself back up.  Ellie saw his muscular chest shinning from laying in his own cum.  Short of actually being there with him, she thought this was exactly what she had needed.

A flood of emotions again overcame her, and her eyes welled up as she whispered with a smile, “I love you.”









Published 5 years ago

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