Just as I was beginning to think I would have to quit, my assignments went from being just an assistant to being of more value to the firm. I received a small raise and was asked to stay later each day, such to the point that they were competing against my college hours. Needing the cash, I jammed it all in, sometimes leaving my tutoring class to go back to work in the evening. It didn’t seem to cause any problems and helped me fill up my days. I was never at work that Sheila was not there. I felt that she had a special “in” there, but couldn’t figure it out.
One late evening I was working with her when Bob Somerville walked by. Bob was in his early forties and was one of the senior partners. I had seen him before but, in my position, had no reason to have a relationship with him. Sheila obviously did, being very casual and friendly around him. When I inquired one time about how somebody so young had reached his position, she told me that not only was he very talented but his father had founded the firm and, even though now retired, held a lot of power.
On that night we were really busting our tails putting together a case. When he saw what we were doing, he picked up the phone and ordered dinner for all of us. I expected pizza or something. What I didn’t expect was a very elegant dinner served in his office by a young man in a white jacket. So this is how the wealthy live, I thought. It was certainly better than anything David and I could afford so I just ate and went about my business. I did, however, have a chance to glance around his office. What an office! Very luxuriously furnished, a view of the bay, everything. I realized I had never been in any of the big wigs office until that point.
As I walked out of the office I turned and realized she was not with me. I stepped back to look back in, wanting to make sure that I hadn’t left prematurely for any reason. I was shocked to see them over by the window, his hands up the back of her skirt and openly feeling her ass. I stepped out quickly, hoping I hadn’t been seen. Wow!! So THAT was why she seemed so casual around him. A few minutes later she walked out with him right behind her as he thanked us for our work and said not to stay too late as he was leaving.
We had to do a lot of sorting from a box of files.
Sheila smiled at me and said. “Let’s play big boss.”
She picked up the box and walked right back into Bob’s office. I couldn’t believe she was taking such a big chance when she told me we would use his big conference table to do our sorting. We started our work and kept at it, but I couldn’t ignore both the surroundings I was in and, most of all, the view out the window. After a while, I stopped what I was doing and just stood there looking out. David had left from that bay.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” I had felt her presence before she spoke.
“Yes, it is.” I spoke softly, feeling her touch my arm as she spoke.
I moved a little, but didn’t want to appear to be running. It crossed my mind how totally alone we were and that maybe, after what I had seen before, it wasn’t a good idea. She sensed my hesitation.
“Don’t be so sensitive, Sarah. I don’t bite.” She laughed very low as she spoke, but there was huskiness about her tone that belied her. She trailed her touch up and down the sides of both my arms for a short while, then they moved to my neck and shoulders.
“Wow, you’re really tense,” she said as she started gently rubbing my neck. “Maybe we need to stop for a while and get the kinks out.”
“I’m fine,” I lied. I just wanted to move on from this without making a scene. She was way too intimate to suit me.
“Relax.” It was almost an order.
I stood there quietly as she began a slow, knowing massage of my neck and upper back. Even through my apprehensions, it felt good. Though David didn’t satisfy me sexually, he always gave me rubdowns that felt so good I would almost cum. I wished now that I had told him that. And she was just as good or better, her gentle kneading very pleasing to my senses, which were quickly becoming more acceptable to the situation. Damn, damn, damn, her touch felt good!
Somehow, it wasn’t a surprise when I felt her lips on my neck. “Sheila, please.” It was all I could mutter as I pulled away.
The massage continued as if nothing had happened. When her lips returned I was less concerned with the feel of her lips than my overall situation. I moved my neck away slightly, but said nothing. It was a mistake. She moved quickly, taking my ear in her mouth. I almost whimpered, but kept my composure enough to object.
“I don’t want this, Sheila.”
“How do you know?”
“I just don’t.”
She moved around me our eyes met. “Did you want Chris to bring you off in the classroom?” She knew about that?
“No,” I answered slowly.
“Did you enjoy it?” Her questions were direct but her face seemed so sincere.
“Yes.” There seemed to be no point in lying. I was sure she already knew every detail.
“See, things change,” she pointed out.
“That was different.”
“Did you want to flash the guys in the café?”
My knees were starting to get very weak. I don’t think there was anything about my life that was secret any more.
“No. Chris made me.”
“Did Chris make you or just invite you?”
I didn’t answer. She already knew the story in full, I was sure. I realized that at some time during that conversation she had started unbuttoning my blouse. By the time I reacted, it was fully open. My breast were, as always, encased in a nothing bra meant to please rather than to support. Sheila said nothing, moving her mouth to my breast spilling out the top of my bra, spreading kisses like slow honey all over my chest, moving up to my neck and face.
My blouse came off with little effort on her part, leaving me exposed to her eyes and hands. There was no speaking, just the sound of us breathing. All of this was so far out of my world that it had to be just part of a vivid imagination and not real. When I felt her mouth trying to find mine, I knew it was real.
I pushed away and stepped back, finding the big table with my hands and my back. “We need to stop right now.”
I dropped my head to avoid her eyes and started looking for my lost blouse. She moved in on me like I was prey.
“Do we?” she asked with a little smirk.
With a practiced move that only a woman could make, she deftly unclasped the front of my bra with one hand, releasing my breast and making them available to her. She lost no time, slipping a nipple in her mouth as she quickly discarded my bra somewhere.
I fell backwards suddenly to avoid her mouth. It only redirected her kisses down to my sensitive bare stomach. My legs came off the floor, inadvertently spreading and lifting. The result was her standing in between my open legs, bending over my spread body as she showered kisses anywhere she found available. Taking my wrists gently in her hands and holding them to my side, she began a never-ending stream of soft, wet kisses. She kept everything contained to my torso and neck, paying my breast and neck huge amounts of attention, evidently deciding not to touch my mouth.
Finally, she spoke. “Sarah, we want to take you where you’ve never dreamed possible. Are you ready?”
I was in a state of shock, not at all in touch with the Sarah that had moved to California a few months before. Through the fog, though, something stood out enough to penetrate my distorted thoughts.
“Who is we?” I asked, even though I thought I already knew the answer.
Sheila looked at me for a short while then spoke quietly. “Do you really want to know, Sarah? We can stop right here and now and you can walk away. If I answer your question there is no turning back for you. It is going to change your life even more than it has been.”
Looking up at her standing between my legs, it seemed odd that this conversation was happening, and there was a very gentle, concerned look on her face.
“Okay.” My answer was short, low and a long time coming.
I no longer knew who I was, anyway, and even a bad answer to what was happening to me was better than none.
Sarah moved away from me and walked over to a table in the very corner of the office. Picking up a framed photograph, she came back over to me and motioned me to sit beside her on a large leather couch. Silently, she handed me the picture.
It was a small group posing around a motorcycle. I’m sure my mouth dropped open as I gasped out loud. My stomach turned and tears came to my eyes. Standing there was Chris, Bob Somerville, Barry, and the other two guys from the café. But what really was the clincher, standing right in the middle with a huge grin on his face, was David!
My silence and tears must have spoken for me. After a period of silence, she quietly said, “Now you know.”
I nodded. “David is part of all this?”
She laughed like I had asked a really silly question. “I guess you could say he’s the architect of the whole show.”
I couldn’t believe her. Not my quiet, unassuming David. And who were these other people?
I swear she could read my mind.
“It started out as a joke. Almost two years ago one of the guys just got married. He was bragging to the rest of the guys about how true she would always be. David, who by the way is NOT the guy you think he is, called him on it. Since Darren was going away for a few months, David goaded the group into trying to bring her down while she was alone. Darren said it was impossible and wanted proof if it happened. In a nutshell, it happened. Not only did she end up getting screwed in every way imaginable by the rest of the group, they got it all on tape and was sending it to Darren as it happened.”
“What none of them expected was instead of it just becoming a ‘cheating wife’ incident, it became a huge turn-on to everybody, including Darren. Wisely or not, Darren approached his wife with the videos. Instead of it being a disastrous separation, they were both turned on by the events. Using Bob’s money, they started bringing in new recruits. It seemed every one of them had a girl back home. Using their individual schedules, they planned it perfectly so that they knew each new bride was coming into a situation that they would be abandoned immediately after they arrived. So it is with you. Don’t you think it more than a coincidence that just all of a sudden, without warning, David shipped out? Sarah, he already knew about his ship date three months before you were married.”
My mind was swirling. This was so bazaar and so unbelievable that I just could not absorb it. Things like this didn’t happen to anybody, let alone me.
“Are you saying David married me just to set me up for his friends?”
“No. He married you because he was obviously crazy about you. As part of the group, though, he was committed to offering you to them. By the way, that little thing about him unable to bring you to an orgasm was a sham. You were purposely teased and primed for three months in order to make you more venerable to the situation. He even videotaped the two of you having sex so that we could see you lying there after sex in that unfulfilled, hypersensitive state. The firm has a massive amount of video equipment and your apartment was filled with them with David’s consent while he went home to be married. When you masturbated in what you thought was privacy, we were all given the tapes. By the way, your favorite place to do it right after he got off you was on the bathroom floor. Sarah, he’s a bull and will make you cum like crazy! You’ll find out when he returns.”
Carefully, I questioned her. “What about you?”
She smiled. “I was number two.”
“Who was first?”
“Heather. You know, the little redhead down the hall.”
Oh, yes, I knew her!! She was barely five feet tall, breasts so large they seemed out of place, and extremely outgoing.
I thought that I was no longer capable of being surprised. “Little Heather?”
Sheila laughed at my look. “Oh, yeah! Not only did ‘Little Heather’ get turned on by the group and become part of the planning, she found a part of herself in San Diego that she didn’t know existed when she left Iowa.”
“What’s that?” I wanted answers, no matter how strange.
Sheila laughed at me again. “Don’t you know? Didn’t you notice the attention she gave you? I mean really, Sarah, how many women are going to give you never-ending views of their tits?”
“Heather is a lesbian?”
“I taught Heather to enjoy a woman’s touch and she moved on from there, just as you will.”
Sheila’s hand had traveled up my leg, so gently I had paid no attention to it. I was so worn out with surprises the only reaction she got from me when she reached my panties and teased me through the thin cloth was an instant movement from my pelvis, pushing forward gently to meet her touch. I leaned back and accepted her manipulations, her mouth finding my breast again.
“Are you ready for us?” Her mouth had moved from my breast to my ear, speaking in a husky whisper.
Pulling me up to my feet, she didn’t wait for my answer, her hands coming out from under my skirt to slowly remove it. I don’t know which one of us had the biggest reaction to me being naked all of a sudden. I turned my head and looked away out of embarrassment and she went straight for my panties, sliding them very slowly down my legs, turning me in a circle slowly as if she were exhibiting me.
“Who is ‘us’?” I asked again.
Without a word, she looked over into the corner. I caught my breath and froze! Sitting in a chair just inside the door was Bob Somerville. He was totally naked, his cock in his hand, and an admiring look on his face.
I watched as Sheila held her hand out and beckoned him to come over. He did so, stopping at his desk to get something as he came over.
“Welcome to our group.” Sheila sat back down on the couch and pulled me over on top of her, face to face, stomach to stomach, my breast brushing hers.
She found my open mouth with hers and gave me a deep kiss. It was both disturbing and wonderful. The fact that I returned it was shocking, but I had no time to dwell on it as I felt Bob’s presence right behind me.
He got down on his knees behind me and pressed himself fully against me, squeezing me between Sheila and him. When he took me in his arms and pulled me gently down to him, it pulled my mouth away from hers and down her body so that her breasts were even with my face.
“Do you like her tits?” Bob asked me as he took both of mine in his hands.
I was silent. I wasn’t ready for this.
“Really, don’t you think they’re nice?” He wasn’t going to give it up.
I looked up at Sheila, her eyes half closed. She was grinding against me in small circles, her hands on my shoulders.
“Yes, they’re very nice.”
“Why don’t you give them some attention? I’m sure she would love a kiss.”
I could feel him moving slowly against me, his cock between my legs sliding up and down my pussy but making no effort to enter. I looked at Sheila again and then, very tentatively, took her right nipple in my mouth. She shuttered and let out a small moan. I had to admit it caused quite a sensation within me. It felt nice. I began a small sucking action, sliding her nipple in and out of my wet mouth.
Her reaction was unbelievable. Instead of the small circles she had been making, she went into undulations that started at her head and went all the way down to her feet. She found my hands with hers, pinning them to her side.
I felt Bob move away, releasing the pressure from his weight. As I continued to nurse Sheila’s breast and ride her moving body, he stood up so that we could both see him and opened a tube. Squeezing out a handful, he rubbed it all up and down his cock.
“What do you want?” The question came from Sheila as she released my hands, moving hers to the back of my neck so that she could press my mouth down on her nipples. Her legs circled my body, holding me in a kneeling position in front of Bob.
I was thoughtful and silent. I knew what she was really asking and decided why not?
“I want to be fucked.” Who would ever have thought I would say it?
“Are you sure? You know anything goes, don’t you?” I didn’t really know what she was talking about but I nodded.
The answer was instant. I felt Bob rub my ass with the lubricant. Immediately, I tried to back off!
“NO!!” I wanted no part of this nasty degradation. Real people didn’t do this!
“Relax. It’s going to be fine. You’ll love it.”
Sheila held me tightly between her legs as I felt him position himself behind me. Shuttering, I waited for the excruciating pain I knew was to come.
He kept me knelt over the couch and dropped down behind me. I felt him as he gently placed his head against me, moving it up and down the full length of the crack of my ass. I could feel the lubricant and the heat of him and waited for the pain whenever he shoved into me. He had reached around me and was very gently pinching my nipples while he kissed my ears and neck. Only the anticipated pain kept it from being been real nice. Instead, nothing happened. We just stayed there on our knees, him against me, with the head of his cock gently nudging me and exploring my crack. The natural movement of our rubbing together caused some pressure down there, but that was it.
Actually, it was comfortable. Sheila had released her grip on me and just laid my head on her stomach. She gently rubbed the back of my neck. Soon after, though, I could feel his cock applying the slightest bit of pressure, as he pressed forward a little then stopped. He had entered me just a tiny bit, yet so far there was no pain. I expected him to continue, but he didn’t.
Instead, the three of us seemed to start a small rocking motion, as if one. Without making any real effort, I soon started moving my ass backwards against him, causing his penetration to increase. He moved slightly with me, the penetrating so small it almost couldn’t be noticed. But as we both moved slightly, he inched in just a little, causing no pain. The pressure never let up and finally I could feel his head as it sort of popped into me. He pulled it all the way out and then pushed in again, starting a tiny fucking sequence with just his head going in and out of my ass. It was nothing like I had expected, no pain, just pleasure coming over me. I started pushing back, trying to take a little more. When I did, he knew I was ready and entered me with a push, driving his cock further and further in with each stroke.
I cried out a little, still not prepared for the full penetration, but he kept the pressure and movement up until he was fully inside of me. His strokes became hard and strong, his hips pounding my ass rapidly. The action from his pounding had driven me back up Sheila’s body until my head was far up enough so that I could take her nipple in my mouth, causing her to moan constantly. I responded by chewing gently on it, feeling her buck her body up against me in response. Any small discomfort that I may have felt gave way to total pleasure and I was fully involved. He was holding my hips with both his hands, changing his strokes from soft and gentle to full and hard, at times coming all the way out with each stroke then slamming back inside me. I was totally taken by surprise. Instead of feeling humiliation and pain there was nothing but pleasure, nothing at all like I had always heard or envisioned. I was moaning loudly but her breast muted it.
He would bring me up to a point, and then slow me down, listening to me express my disappointment. After doing this a few times, he was sure he had me completely under his control and made me start begging him, telling him things he wanted to hear and making promises to him without thinking of the consequences. He pulled me down from Sheila, my mouth no longer on her breast but low on her stomach, just above her mound. She had protested when I left her nipples, but was humping back at my mouth as I kissed her down there.
Finally, he let me come. I exploded with a noisy, frantic orgasm while he was driving deep inside me with long, strong strokes. Until then, I never knew you could actually have an orgasm with anal sex. I thought it was a myth. Sheila was rubbing her own nipples, bucking against me as I came. I’m not sure she didn’t cum with me, spurred on by the sound of my reactions and the action of her fingers.
I was surprised and disappointed when he didn’t cum with me. Instead, he settled down to a nice, slow pace, kissing the back of my neck again, his arms strongly around me, gently rubbing my nipples. He would give me deep strokes, then just barely penetrate me, moving his head in and out of my sphincter, which was surprisingly erotic and felt wonderful. I wanted him to cum with me, but I couldn’t hold back and after a short time came again. This time it was a real long orgasm; the kind I have when I am masturbating and I’ve already come three or four times. I couldn’t believe how long he kept me in it. After that the only thing I was interested in was the closeness I felt with him in me, bent over me with his body almost like a mold, his breath in my ear, his mouth on my neck, the never ending massage of my breast.
I almost forgot about Sheila, even though my face was buried in her abdomen. She was uttering non-stop nonsense, begging for me to touch her. Between the two of them, I was a solid mass quivering nerves, sensitive to every touch. He wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t stop, with him moving in me and increasing the pinching on my nipples until it was painful, causing me to cry out and squirm back on him, giving us all the motion we needed. It was wonderful and I let them know, mindlessly babbling about how much I loved and wanted them. When he finally came it was huge, with him driving so hard into me it seemed to take my breath away. I came with him loudly, with Sheila again seemingly sharing my orgasm.
Instead of pulling out immediately, he stayed in me for several minutes. During this time he started whispering in my ear the things I had promised to do for him, not so much things they were going to do to me. I’m sure my eyes were wide as I told him I would never do it.
He spoke into my ear loud enough for her to hear. “Without asking, I just walked in here and fucked you in the ass while you were making love to another woman. You begged for it not to stop. You have cum non-stop, and, just so you know, we have it all on tape to send to David or anybody else we want to. Do you really think you are going to deny us anything?”
With that, he re-entered me, continuing his long hard strokes up my ass. He grasped each of Sheila’s ankles and lifted her legs high, spreading her wide as he held them there. Then he pulled her further down towards me, exposing her wide-open crotch to my face. I was staring just inches away into Sheila’s squirming open, wet pussy.
As I started moving with Bob’s pounding again, she lifted her head slightly to look directly into my eyes.
“Please, please, Sarah. I want you. David will love it. He’ll be great when he gets back home.”
Slowly, with much hesitation, I wrapped my arms around her legs and brought my hands back around to her pussy. Taking her labia in my fingers, I spread them wide in front of me. Closing my eyes I carefully, tentatively, stuck out my tongue and gently touched her clit. The response was instant from both of us. She whimpered and bucked her pussy into my face. I was taken aback with the unexpected enticing taste and smell of her. Yes, she was right. He DID owe me a bunch and I was going to make him pay like he would never imagine. All the fucking would be on MY terms, and it might not always be with him.
With that, a vivid picture formed within my mind and a wry smile came on my face. What the hell!! With a resigned sigh, my mouth moved forward and accepted her quivering, hard clit with my lips and I began sucking it like it was a petite cock. It would be three hours later before each of our clits became so sensitive from our mouths that we had to quit.
For a while.