Another piece of ambiguous verbal information. What didn’t he understand?
His hands left mine and went to the clasp between my breasts. It was the last barrier between him and their total exposure. Staring into my face, he very slowly undid the little clasp and held the two sides together in his hands. Then, he slowly pulled each aside, one after the other. I was looking at his face, rather than at my body, and the softness of his expression told me all I needed to know about how he felt about his new discovery.
“Nice, how very nice,” he said very softly.
I looked down and saw that, rather than the hardened bullets that my nipples had been during the ride, his extended exploration of my body and mind had caused them to become completely swollen, becoming a huge round extension of the entire breast, nothing sticking out at all. David loved them best when they were like this, but it didn’t happen very often and I was taken aback to see them in this state.
I was further surprised when his reaction was exactly that of David’s. Rather than trying to hold them between his fingers, he instead gently cupped them in his palms, barely making contact with the skin as he made little circles with his hands.
“I absolutely love a woman’s breasts like this.” His voice was low, almost shaking. “They’re just beautiful.”
I’d raised my head off the ground and was watching both him and his manipulation of my breasts when I answered. “Thank you,” I said, and then couldn’t believe it had come out of my mouth. What was I thinking, encouraging him like this?
His smile made it clear it hadn’t blown past him. He leaned over me and gently pressed his lips to mine. I don’t know at what point I had a change in attitude, but I made no attempt to turn my head. The soft brushes I was receiving on my two swollen nubs, the just as soft contact from his lips on mine, was all taking a toll on me.
The kisses started again. On my lips, my neck, my bared, hypersensitive stomach. From quick, light brushes from his lips on my breast and belly to extended, deep penetration on my mouth, they came from all directions. I couldn’t believe what a reaction it caused when he would lightly lick my naval then go all the way up and suck my fingers. I became a writhing mass of anticipation, never knowing where he was going next, my head coming up to meet his mouth, my hips coming off the ground at times both in anticipation and in response.
The cloth ropes around my wrist became less of a bond and more of something I could use to grip and pull tightly as a release, sometimes pulling my legs up in the air. Looking back, it never occurred to me at the time that, if I was able to grip the cords with my hands and pull tightly on them in response to his touch, I might also have been able to loosen them enough to slip out of their loop.
This must have gone on for thirty minutes. My nipples had long ago relinquished their fullness under his manipulations and had gone back to being two pointed rocks of intense pleasure. He would, at times, make me look at them as they changed and even I was amazed at how long they had become. I don’t think I’d ever seen them so pronounced. My inspections were always followed by him taking each one in his teeth and teasingly biting them until I begged him to stop. He would stop the biting and force as much into his mouth as possible, sucking hard with an in and out motion that caused me to moan and pull on my bonds, wanting to put my hands on his head to press him to me.
While I was buried in the pleasure of my breasts, I didn’t notice the activity around my jeans. He had undone my belt and the top button. My attention was drawn to them when he slid the zipper down and I felt a sudden release around my waist as a result of the tight jeans expanding in freedom. I let out an audible, “Ahhh,” as it happened, not knowing whether it was in anticipation or just delight at the release from the tight fit.
“Feels good?” he asked.
“How are you feeling?”
I turned my head, not wanting to give an answer. He already knew how I felt. It was obvious with my body language and my mutterings.
“I guess I didn’t hear you. Does this feel good?”
“It’s alright.”
I felt stupid for saying it, but it was the best defensive posture I could take at the time. I guess I still wasn’t ready to admit to him that I was totally responding to being made love to without my request or without any participation. Yet, I knew that the true response should have been, “This is totally new to me, absolutely unthinkable, and incredibly intensive.”
“Oh, well. If it’s just okay, maybe we’ll try something better.”
He had a look on his face like a little boy about to set off fireworks. Kissing my forehead, he started a downward travel with his mouth, getting my nose and chin, planting a long, deep kiss on my mouth with his tongue searching my cavity, then sliding down to my breasts. The biting on the nipples came after extended kisses all over both of them but, this time, it was hard enough that I yelped in pain, feeling sure he was drawing blood. He soothed the pain away with his deep, hard sucking on each one, then continued his trip south.
Stopping at my belly button again, I just shook my head mentally at how erotic all that attention there could be. I don’t know whether it was because I was tied up and couldn’t physically respond to him or what, but the pleasure I received there was almost as great as when he kissed my neck and nipples.
I broke my thoughts as his mouth arrived at where my jeans had been opened. Looking down, all I could see was the top of his head. I was wearing a real small pair of bikini panties, nothing more than a see-thru patch of red gauze connected on each side by tiny elastic strings. I knew he had found them when I felt him tug on the top of them with his teeth.
“So, you are wearing panties,” he laughed.
“Of course.” I don’t know if he was looking for an answer, but I was still having little pockets of defiance.
“Just wondered. Especially with all the gyrations that were going on during the ride.”
Well, I guess if there was any doubt about whether he had detected my actions, there was the answer. He slid back up my body until he was face to face with me. “Tell me about the ride. Did you enjoy it?”
“It was very nice.”
“I mean, did you really enjoy it?”
His look told me that he knew he was asking the question I didn’t want to answer. “Yes, it was really nice. I enjoyed the air.”
“You know, most girls enjoy more than the air. Their favorite part seems to be the vibration. Did you notice it?”
“Not really, I guess.” Boy, was that ever a lie.
“Okay. Just wondered. You were squirming around a lot and pressing hard against me. Along with that and the way you were touching my stomach and chest, I just thought you might have gotten a tingle out of it.”
He slid his mouth back down my body to the top of my panties. I don’t know if my sigh was relief at the end of the conversation or in anticipation of what was surely to come. His mouth started alternating between tugging at the elastic top of my panties and running kisses back and forth, just above them across my increasingly sensitive stomach. There’s no way he could miss the small gyrations my hips were making in response to his touch, let alone the little mewing coming from my mouth. It was all I could do to keep from blurting out, “Of course your bike set my pussy on fire!”
He straddled me at my knees. Grasping the pants legs on each side, he looked into my face and started a slow, taunting series of little tugs. I was almost amused when he realized that my jeans were on so tight that they weren’t going to come off without major effort.
Laughing, he said, “Oops.”
He backed all the way down to my feet and removed my shoes. Removing my socks, he tried pulling my jeans down again, this time with a little force. I knew I should have been kicking and screaming. Very obviously, this procedure was part of the pleasure for him and I thought I might only increase his pleasure if I fought him. But I did.
“Barry, that’s far enough,” I told him, firmly, twisting my body and kicking out at him.
He released his grip as I turned over on my stomach. It was short lived. He merely moved up and sat on me, behind my knees, pinning me in an immobile position. I’m sure he knew I wasn’t going to offer any real resistance.
“Oh, this is nice, too,” he said.
Grasping my jeans at the top with both hands, he slowly peeled them down my hips, turning them inside out as they came off. Strangely, when my panties started coming off with them, he stopped and took the time to put them back on me.
“Don’t want to take those off before we enjoy them.” His voice was slow and soft.
With my jeans halfway down my thighs, he started kissing my ass. Above my panties, through them, on my cheeks exposed beneath them, running his tongue along the line where my cheeks met my legs, he licked and kissed. I had pulled myself up on my elbows and lowered my head to my chest, seeing nothing but my heaving breasts featuring two super extended nipples. Breathing hard, moaning little sounds of pleasure, my ass was lifting and then lowering in response to his mouth, like I was carrying on a little fuck with an imaginary person below me. Still, through all this, his words haunted me. I couldn’t help but wonder who the ‘we’ were that wanted to enjoy my panties.
“Turn over.” It was more a request than an order.
I came down off my elbows and turned over. It was a little awkward with the ties, but the result was me flat on my back, hands now very loosely bound above me, and my jeans almost down to my knees. During all the twisting and turning, and perhaps with a little assistance from him that I hadn’t noticed, my shirt and bra were wadded up behind me, leaving me totally exposed at the front. As he sat straddling my knees and looking me over, I knew that I was really exposed.
“You’re as beautiful as he said you were.”
Damn, there it was again. Who is ‘he’?
He laid down beside me, offering me a drink of water.
“If I asked you an honest question, will you give me an honest answer, even though it isn’t too fair considering your circumstance right now?” His look was soft, almost apologetic.
“I guess so,” I said. I mean, what the heck.
“Are you starting to be cool with what we’re doing? You know that I’m not going to hurt you, don’t you?”
Truth – or lie? Sometimes you have no time to consider the choice. “Yes,” I said quietly, turning my head from him.
Surprisingly, he said nothing further. Instead, he spent a few minutes kissing my breasts, finding my mouth on occasion. Then, his mouth still exciting my nipples, a hand slid down over my stomach, teasing my navel for a second, then slowly, smoothly entered my panties. My God, we must have been at this for an hour. Whatever would have made me so unprepared that I would cry out and buck my body when I felt his fingers enter my very wet slit. But I did, causing a little surprise on my part and a big smile on his.
“Hungry, are you?” He was smug.
I wasn’t going to answer him.
“Let’s see, what’s down here? Anything of interest?”
I didn’t know if this arrogance was part of the game, but it was working. His teasing, both verbal and physical, was putting me on an unbelievable edge.
I said nothing, but I was making little circles with my ass, my legs slowly pumping up and down as I tried to open them. But my jeans around my knees restrained them. I was thinking, It’s right there, just at your fingertips.
He found it. First, a slow teasing of my clit with his fingertips, coaxing it out of hiding and making it so hard that I could mentally see it protruding like one of my nipples. It throbbed. During the tease, he took his other hand and spread my lips wide, totally exposing my pussy to his gaze.
“Ni-i-i-ice, very nice.” His look was intense as he said it. I knew I wasn’t the only one totally caught up in this.
He replaced fingertips with a thumb on my clit, sliding some fingers up and down the channel, spreading the moisture. Abruptly, his thumb rubbed my clit really hard and he jammed two fingers deep inside me. It all happened within seconds and I bucked hard, jerking my restraints and lifting my hips to meet his fingers. Simultaneously, I let out a very loud and unrestrained cry. “Aaaagh.” The sensations it brought shot straight through me. He continued to pound me with his fingers, jamming them in and out as fast as he could.
I might have been able to take two or three strokes like that. Maybe even a dozen or three dozen. But when he continued it for an extended time, I couldn’t hold it back, restraints on my wrist or not. My back arched, my head and feet holding my weight, and I exploded. I didn’t ease into it. There was very little build up, just a massive release, both physical and mental. I can’t imagine what I was saying to him. What I can say is that it was no easy task for him to keep his fingers inside me with all my gyrations.
He finally bent over me while I was still very deep in the throes of my climax and kissed me deeply, temporarily silencing my loud mutterings. I welcomed him as if we were lifelong lovers, offering my tongue and accepting his. Deep down, I knew this was not good. This was great!
He slowed, removing his fingers, and went back to sliding them up and down between my pussy lips. I thought I could hear the sound of the slush, it was so evident. It didn’t take him long to go back to exercising his control over me.
“So, what do you think of this now?” He was sort of serious, sort of teasing.
“It’s okay,” was my weak reply.
“Still just okay, huh?” His voice was menacing, but his face smiling, giving him away.
“It feels real good,” I finally said. There, he had the answer he wanted.
“What do you want me to do now?”
I had to let it sink in. I wasn’t in too good a position to negotiate and my nerves were still on edge, begging me for relief.
Finally, I barely got it out. “Take my panties off.”
He looked down at me and then a big smile came on his face as if he had found a new toy.
“Are you sure, you want me to take your panties off now?”
What did he want from me?
“It’s your call,” he said, and stood, straddling me.
He reached down with both hands and grabbed the little elastic strings on each side of my panties. Looking down at me with a cruel smile, I suddenly realized what he was about to do.
“No!” was all I got out before he did it.
With a swift jerk of both hands, my body was lifted quickly off the ground just as the strings snapped, giving way as my panties came flying off into his hands. He almost fell back and I hit the ground again with a little thud, not hurting me but causing me to catch my breath. He was standing above me with my panties still in his hand.
“You didn’t tell me to take your jeans off first,” he laughed.
His gaze quickly left my face and locked on my crotch. Instinctively, I straightened my legs to conceal myself. Then I thought that it was a little late for that. He didn’t miss the opportunity, reaching down and removing my jeans while my legs were straight and there was no resistance.
He pulled his shirt slowly up and over his head. I watched him move, noting that his body was everything I had thought. Dropping his shirt to one side, he reached for the buckle of his pants. I thought it odd that he still had my panties in his hand. Very, very slowly, as if he were putting on a show, he lowered his pants.
Evidently, he was not a heavy spender on underwear. None at all was there to hide his cock, which he slowly revealed to me. I saw the head first, and then what seemed to be a never-ending length of shaft. I thought I had already gone through my surprises for the day, but my eyes were riveted to his cock as its magnitude became apparent.
Exposing it all, he looked down and said, “Do you like what you see?”
His jeans were hanging down off his hips as he slid my panties up and down the long shaft. I don’t know why that particular scene was so provocative, but it certainly was.
“Well,” he asked again, “do you like?”
“It’s so big,” was about as truthful as I could answer. I didn’t mention the awe or fear I felt.
He pulled off his jeans and tossed them aside, my panties with them. Lying down on top of me full length, he started rubbing that huge thing up and down my pussy, sliding easily up and down in the wetness that was overly abundant. He slid me on the cover, stretching my hands high above my head, and started giving me long doses of kisses, ranging from little pecks on the side of the mouth that teased me, to full deep long ones that curled my toes. Then he would pay attention to my nipples, keeping them long and hard. He seemed to have a particular love for that, moaning lightly to himself and saying, “Perfect,” all the time.
After five minutes or so of this blissful torture, he put his mouth very close to my ear and said, “Do you want some more kisses?”
I was silent but nodded.
“Where do you want them?”
I was still silent. What did he want?
“Where do you want them?” he asked again.
Now I realized where this was going.
“On my pussy.” My voice was so low and soft. I couldn’t believe I was saying it.
His satisfied look told me that he had won that little battle, with me essentially begging him to eat me. He responded immediately but slowly, making a gradual, very slow trip from my ear to my clit, paying attention to every square inch of me on the way down. My nerves were tattered, my hips rotating, my legs opening and closing, bending my knees up and then sending them as straight as possible, all with anticipation. Finally, his mouth found the target.
“Hmmm.” You could have heard me groan from a hundred yards away.
Oh, please, please not any teasing, I thought. I should have known better. He started what seemed a never ending snack of me, running his tongue up and down my slit, gathering in the secretion I was pumping out, praising me about how nice it was and how good I tasted. He lifted my legs up over his shoulders, cupping my ass in each hand. The longing finally got to me and I began to tell him about it.
“Please.” I was whining.
“Please what?”
“Do me.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know.”
“No, I don’t. What do you want?”
“Do me hard.”
“Do what hard?” He wasn’t going to let this go.
“Suck on my clit hard.”
This had to be the low point of my life. “I want to cum.”
Tears started to come out of my eyes, not in pain, shame or fear, but in ecstasy. Even this prolonged, unmerciful teasing was bliss.
His response was slow, torturing, and wonderful all at the same time. As his lips closed around my clit and started a gentle, then more aggressive sucking, I moaned aloud. I was afraid he couldn’t breath as I ground up into his mouth, taking everything he was offering and openly begging for more.
My non-stop moaning and begging became almost a scream when he finally brought me to the final peak, sucking my clit in and out real fast and hard, biting it as he did. It took me over the edge and, alternatively, I grabbed his hair and pressed him into me, then beat his back with my flailing hands. His head stayed buried between my legs, his mouth moving in unison with the undulating movements of my body and keeping contact with my clit.
As I started to come down, I wondered how anything so wrong, so prohibited, could feel so good. First Chris, now Barry, bringing me to my full senses, exposing the woman in me that I always thought was there but could never bring forward. I felt the remorse again in what I was doing, but every little lick he gave my clit wiped out the regret. He brought me down very slowly, my fingers in his hair.
Suddenly, it hit me. My hands weren’t bound any more! When had he released them? How long had I been an unrestrained, willing participant? My body sort of convulsed when the realization hit me. He either felt it or he had perfect timing. He slowly slid up my body until he was full length on me. Putting his hands under my head, he lifted it slightly so that our lips met lightly. Under the current situation, I guess I was giving as many kisses as I was receiving.
“Feel good?” It was no longer taunting or daring, but rather a lover inquiring of his mate.
I squirmed under both his weight and his question. Giving in to both, I wrapped my legs around him, gave him a long kiss, and simply said, “Wonderful.” No use hiding it.
“Me, too. You are fantastic.” His response sent a shiver through me.
He never said anything about releasing my bonds.
The kissing and small talk continued. I felt like I was in another world, one I had never imagined. Here I was, out in the middle of nowhere with a man I didn’t know, responding to being tied up by having huge orgasms. And now, we were coiled around each other, making sweet love and talking as if we’d been lovers for years. It was so terribly wrong, and so wonderfully blissful.
“I’ve satisfied your request, now how about mine?” He was so gentle right now.
“What do you want”? I was pretty well open to him.
“I want you on top. I want you to take me in you. I want you to control it. I want you to want me.”
My answer was a very long, deep kiss. We rolled over so that I was on top.
Taking him in my hand, I said, “You’re huge. I don’t know about this.” I hated to sound like a beginner, but now was one of those times for honesty.
“You’ll be in control. Whatever you want, as fast or slowly as you want it. I’m not going to force you.”
I had him in one hand. He was just massive to my touch, my mind probably increasing it three times larger than it really was. Moving it up and down my pussy to lubricate it, I finally put the head barely inside me. Slowly, oh so very slowly, I lowered myself. It took no time to fill the opening and I knew he had hardly penetrated me. Determined not to disappoint him, I started a very gentle rolling of my hips, both side to side and up and down. At times, he would slip out and I would rub it up and down my slit again to get it wet. Each time I did this, it would bring moans from him, the sensitive head enjoying the wet ride.
Finally, it just happened! There was no fanfare, no sudden push. His head just slipped inside me. I felt absolutely stuffed as he slid further in, no more than a half inch with each of my strokes. I was amazed at myself for taking him like I was, feeling him fill every part of my cavity. And the sensation it caused within me! My eyes rolled and my mouth was wide open as I started a non-ending stream of verbal appreciation for him, letting him know how he felt inside me.
I wanted to pump harder, but the girth of him was a limiting factor. Instead, I just kept up that slow, gradual descent until, suddenly, there was the unmistakable feeling of his balls touching my ass.
“See, almost all the way in.” He moaned it more than spoke it.
His pleasure with me was undeniable. I realized then that the bonds had moved from being physical with him in charge to sexual with me in control.
“What do you mean, ‘almost’?” I gulped.
I had felt we had bottomed out and I was certainly at my limit. As I spoke, I was stroking him gently with those sensitive lips, taking him so deep inside me that I wasn’t sure he would ever be able to dislodge. I was stretched beyond my wildest imagination. I had read some “dirty” stories about this and had seen some adult movies, but I never dreamed it could be real. I thought “huge cock” stories were all bull. Now here I was with a bull with a huge cock, and he was wanting more?
He lifted us both slightly and turned us a little bit sideways. “Bring your knees up and straddle me.”
Slowly, with some discomfort, I was able to do it. I was still leaning over him, though, and was not sure about sitting straight up. He didn’t ask me to. Instead, he used his hands on my ass to start a gentle stroking action against him. I got the message and moved with him. It was wonderful and I still felt in control. Eventually, he removed his hands and put them under his head. I took over completely, riding that cock and kissing his mouth and nipples as we progressed. I felt him going deeper and deeper inside me, even more than before, and now I knew why he wanted me on top. He knew there was considerable more penetration this way and he knew I could take it.
“Sit straight up.” He whispered so quietly I almost didn’t hear him.
I brought my body erect, continuing to ride his shaft. But now it seemed deeper. Being in my position, the actions required to take him fully within me became more pronounced. I had my hands on his stomach and had to squeeze my legs each time I went up to gain the altitude before I dropped back down on him, but it worked and this was the deepest penetration yet. My head was back and I was yelping and swinging my head like a cheap whore.
He whispered again and I had to lean over to hear him as he repeated it. “Rub you nipples and your clit.”
I thought it was odd but, in the state we were in, “odd” was acceptable. I went to a breast with my left hand, found my clit with my right, and started a very slow, soft massage.
“Don’t hurry. Make it last,” he said. “I want it to last for hours.”
“Me, too,” I replied, knowing fully well we were both about to explode. And we did, within minutes.
It was wild, it was loud, and it was mutual. I remembered having a simultaneous orgasm with Chris, but of course it had never happened with David. It was so fantastic, stimulating in it’s own sense to drive me even higher. I could feel him pulse hard within me, his mighty cock squirting loads into me. I’m sure I was matching his as we became very sloppy.
I bounced wildly on top of him, never-ending words spilling out of my open mouth, praising him, his cock, my sensitive pussy, everything.
Out of necessity for him, we finally slowed. He had been able to stay with me for several minutes after the first explosion and I had followed up with another light but wonderful orgasm. He reached up, took a breast in each hand, and started a gentle kneading of each sensitive nipple as I gently ground down on what I assumed was a super-sensitive cock.
Gaining my composure, I looked up – and stared right into Sheila”s face! She was less than ten feet in front of us, behind a small knoll. On her hands and knees with that long hair hanging down to the ground, her eyes were almost shut, her mouth hanging open in what was obviously silent bliss.
And behind her, pumping like crazy, was Chris. He was staring straight at me, that knowing smile on his face I had seen before.
Startled, I screamed and jumped up, ripping myself off Barry with no thought of the pain it might have caused either of us. I grabbed clothes and held them in front of me, crossing my knees like a little girl. What did I think I was hiding that they hadn’t already seen? Looking around, I ran behind a little mound that put me out of their view, sat down and started to dress, sobs racking my body.
I could hear them talking on the other side. It sounded like they left and came back. Then I heard one of the bikes start up and leave. Frozen with fear that I had been abandoned, I actually was relieved to hear Sheila’s voice.
“Can I come back there, Sarah?” It was soft and apologetic.
After a few seconds with no answer from me, she appeared, stark naked. She sat watching nothing in particular. Then she looked into my eyes and spoke. “Sarah, all these helmets are equipped with hands free radios. We were all listening to what you were saying to yourself and to Barry on the ride up.”
I was floored! I had jabbered and carried on about his cock and all kinds of things, thinking I was in private. She obviously knew what was going through my mind.
“I know, it’s not fair. It’s all part of our game.” She smiled wanly at me.
“What game?” I finally spoke; really upset at the circumstances.
“It’s a long story that’s going to wait until you are ready to hear it. For now, they’ve already left and you’re riding with me.”
“What about Chris. Who is he?” I at least would like to know that.
“My husband.”
The shock on my face was obvious. “I know, I know. I never let anybody at the office know about my private life.”
With that and no other offer of explanation, she proffered a hand to help me stand. I dressed after she walkd away and, when I was as composed as I could be, I walked over the knoll to find her dressed. I saw her before she saw me and I was sure I saw her putting a video camera in her satchel. I didn’t mention it when we walked together about a half a mile to her bike, hidden in the hills.
Donning our helmets, she started it and we left without comment, me holding on tight as we navigated some tight back trails before we found pavement.
She stopped before we got on the road. Shutting off the motor, she spoke through the helmet without turning her head. “Look, Sarah, I know how devastating this must seem to you and I apologize for the way things came down. It’s not how we planned. But, believe me, you will find out what the whole story is and will get enjoyment and satisfaction like you never dreamed possible, just as you already have.”
Without another word, she started the bike again and made a turn, taking what I thought would be the wrong direction. Again, she anticipated my thoughts. “We’re taking a long, scenic route home to give us time to relax. Hang on tight. There are a lot of sharp curves ahead.”
I didn’t have to be begged. She was right and I held tightly to her waist. After five miles or so, she reached down and, one at a time, moved my hands from her waist to under her shirt.
“They will be warmer there,” she said. The touch of my bare hands so intimately on her bare skin startled me. A few seconds later, she said, “You might want to be closer.”
Then, she slid my hands until they were cupping each of her breasts. I flinched at the contact and moved them back down, but she placed them even higher. “Don’t be so modest.” She rubbed my hands gently before she released them.
I knew now that there was something going on and I was evidently getting close to knowing what. I had a real lump in my stomach, somehow knowing David was involved.
But, what I needed to deal with at that very moment was not so much the lump in my stomach, but more the one in my throat. The one caused by the sensation I was getting from feeling her breasts in my hands, the one caused by my pussy starting to tingle again, this time not by the vibration.
I quickly rejected any notion that touching her was a turn on. I denied it even though I started a gently massage on her breasts. Same, a little later, when she raised my hands so that I was touching her nipples.
She was right. There were things to be sorted out!