Growing up as a black boy in rural Birmingham, Alabama in the 1980s was a lot easier than my parents had things growing up in the segregated South. Yet, even with race relations being greatly improved, I still had a strong sense that there were certain taboos that it was dangerous to breach. As I grew into my teen years, I still considered it forbidden to try to date white girls, even though I knew a few black boys who went out with them. I admit that I mentally placed them on an untouchable pedestal.
My name is Jeremy, and I was forty-one years old and married to my wife, Jill, who is also black, when the events of this story took place. We met in high school, got married right after graduation, and started our family right away. By the time Jill and I were nineteen years old; we had been married for almost a year and had our first child. That’s when a friend of mine, named Sam, invited me to have a beer with him one night, to tell me about something exciting that was happening in his life. That’s when the seeds of this story were planted.
Sam told me that he and another friend of ours had been participating in what he called Mandingo Parties. They meet with one or more white couples at a time, in either the couple’s homes or hotel rooms. My friends fucked those pretty white wives while their submissive, cuckold husbands watched and took pictures and videos, and even got involved by sucking the cum from their wives and sucking my friends’ cocks.
That all sounded so crazy that I thought it couldn’t possibly be true. Sam invited me to join them for at least one party, so he could prove it to me, but I wasn’t about to do that. I’m a happily married father and Jill and I have a great sex life. I was also deterred by my personal belief that such liaisons are forbidden.
I was curious about what would motivate a white couple to submit themselves to black men that way, and Sam has a lot of insight. He also told me what motivates him and our other friend to fuck those women, in addition to the obvious desires of most men to get as much pussy as they could. I told Jill everything he said, and she thought it was funny hearing about white couples being used by black men as fuck toys that way. I will reveal the things he told me as they become relevant to the story.
I make a good living to support my family, even though I didn’t go to college. I attended a vocational school at night and learned on the job to become an electrician, which eventually allowed me to start my own electrical contracting company in Birmingham. I do jobs for a lot of white general contractors who had also grown up in the Birmingham area. I’ve always had good work relations with them, although there were never any social interactions. I sometimes heard stories about white subcontractors who were friends with and partied with those same white general contractors, and just assumed that they were racial bigots and didn’t want to interact with me socially because I am black. That changed when I bid a job for another white contractor, named Dan.
I met Dan at a pre-bid meeting and he seemed to be friendlier to me than the other contractors were. I found out later that he had moved to the area from Minneapolis only five years previously, and likely wasn’t raised with the same prejudices as the locals. I won that bid and many others, and we were developing a close friendship. Both of our wives were involved in our businesses and helped run the offices and managed the financial operations, so they knew one another and were also becoming friends.
Dan and I became friends at a time when Jill and I were experiencing other life changes. We were forty-one years old and our two children were grown and away from home at college. We had always had a great sex life, but in the last year or so Jill was losing interest in sex. That might have had something to do with her gaining weight and not feeling as good about herself. She’s a big woman at five feet and nine inches tall and was weighing in at about two hundred pounds. I didn’t think she looked so bad, especially since her previously big breasts had grown to literally the size of watermelons, and her big ass was then even bigger and looked damn good to me.
I’ve always had a high sex drive and loved fucking her with my very thick, uncircumcised, eleven-inch cock, either in her pussy or ass. I also have egg-sized, low-hanging balls which helped me produce big cum loads, even at my age. Jill showed some interest in having me suck her pussy, but I was never into that, especially when I have such a big cock that needs to be taken care of. I don’t mean to brag, but I am a big, good looking, muscular guy at six feet and three inches tall and weighing around one hundred and ninety-five pounds. The fact that other women flirted with me made it even harder to accept Jill’s new-found frigidity.
One lady that always gets my cock hard is Dan’s wife, Melissa. They are both forty-four years old, and she is a pretty, petite little blonde at about five feet and three inches tall andweighing maybe one hundred and twenty pounds. Her tits look to be nice, firm 32Cs, and her ass is firm and shapely. She looked mighty fine for having two children who were grown up and living away from home. Looking at her when I was so horny made me remember that conversation with my friend Sam over twenty years prior. Race relations had improved since those days in my teens, and I had also matured to the point that I no longer considered the thought of fucking a white woman to be taboo.
Whenever we’re all together as couples, and I’m thinking about fucking Melissa, I started to notice that Dan fits some of the characteristics of the cuckold husbands that Sam told me about. Dan is about five feet and ten inches tall, and a little overweight for his height at maybe two hundred and ten pounds. He’s also more friendly, timid and quiet than a lot of the other general contractors, many of whom are burly, macho kind of guys. I started to think that maybe he was so friendly to me since he wanted me to eventually cuckold him, but then dismissed that idea since he never made any overt or even veiled comments about it. Melissa was also friendly to me, much more than you might expect for the situation.
As I became ever more obsessed with fucking Melissa, I decided to get Jill involved. I didn’t want to do anything behind her back and also thought that she might enjoy being involved.
One night we were talking at dinner and I reminded her of Sam’s long-ago comments. Then I said, “At the time, you thought it was pretty funny hearing about them using white couples that way. You haven’t had much interest in sex for quite a while now, and I was hoping that you’d help me spice up our sex lives. I think it’s a little unusual for white folks like Dan and Melissa to be so friendly with us, and I’ve been thinking about exploiting our friendship to see if we can make them our fuck toys.”
“Dan seems to be so passive and even deferential to me and I always get good vibes from Melissa. If what Sam said about cuckolds is true, then I might be able to get some tight, white pussy, at the same time you get a white boy to suck your juicy, black pussy anytime you want. Other than them being friendly to us, I have no reason to believe that they have even thought about having sex with us. So, it would be fun to play on the motivations that Sam told me about to see how easy it would be to entice them into being compliant to us sexually.”
I was surprised when Jill didn’t get angry, and instead laughed before saying, “I think your big cock is doing your thinking for you, Jeremy. It seems like such a long shot to think that a white couple like them would ever agree to something like that. It would sure be fun if they did though. How would you approach them anyway?”
Her interest was encouraging to me and I responded, “Well, we’ve been out to dinner with them a few times, but we’ve never had alcoholic beverages with them or been in a situation where any sexual discussions could come up. I was thinking that we could invite them to dinner with us at a dance club. We could have a few rounds of drinks, and then I could ask Melissa to dance. Dan would likely follow my lead and ask you to dance. That would give us a chance to touch and get close, which might be enough to raise some interest. After that, when Dan and I are together, and when you and Melissa are together, we can find ways to turn the conversations to sex. That will give us some idea if they have any interest at all.”
Jill agreed that we should try it. I saw Dan the next day at work and invited him and Melissa to join us for dinner on Friday night. I picked a dance club that is known for catering to interracial couples. I was thinking that Dan and Melissa would be less resistant to dancing with Jill and me if they saw other black/white couples on the dance floor. Also, seeing other mixed couples might lead to some interesting comments and conversation.
We went to the club on Friday night, and had a bottle of wine during dinner, and then mixed drinks just as the band started playing. There were quite a few white/black couples like our group, and other white couples with one or two black men, or just white women with black men. Dan and Melissa looked curiously and nervously at those other mixed groups but didn’t make any comments about them. After two more rounds of drinks, I saw that both of them were very relaxed and becoming a little giddy, and I asked Melissa to dance.
Melissa and I went to the dance floor, followed a few minutes later by Jill and Dan. I was out of practice dancing, and she also seemed very stiff, clumsy, and unsure of herself.
She was keeping a respectable distance between us until I said, “Yeah, Melissa, it’s been quite a while since I’ve danced too. Just try to relax, I don’t bite.”
After I said that, she did loosen up and allowed me to pull her against me, with my arms around her back. I could tell that she was woozy from the wine and drinks, and she finally laid her head on my chest. I was enjoying having her firm breasts pressed warmly against my stomach, and I saw Jill and Dan dancing nearby. She had him pulled up against her massive tits, and their heads were close together since they are almost the same height.
We danced to many of the slow songs, taking short breaks at the table to drink. I noticed that Melissa was becoming more and more comfortable in my arms and even snuggling up to me a little. I was getting turned on feeling her warm breath on my upper chest and firm tits pressed against my stomach. I even dropped my hands down to the top of her ass as my cock was getting hard and pressing against her stomach. I was surprised that she didn’t try to pull away. I also saw that Jill had her head on Dan’s shoulder with her lips against his neck. He was rubbing her back, in such a way that his arms were also rubbing the sides of her bulging breasts.
It was interesting to me that neither Melissa nor Dan ever asked to change partners to dance with one another. So, they must have felt very comfortable with Jill and me. By the time we left to go home, I had to hold Melissa tightly to steady her on the floor, and I even rubbed the top of her ass a little without any complaints from her.
When we got home, Jill told me that Dan was also very woozy and had been rubbing her ass and tits much more than I had noticed. She also kissed his neck and blew in his ear, as she felt what had to be a small dick poking against her groin area. I told Jill about my hard cock poking against Melissa’s stomach and me rubbing her ass, with no resistance from her. So, I thought we had a very successful night, in terms of assessing their potential willingness to be cuckolded. I could hardly wait until Monday when I could talk with Dan at lunch and try to get some sexual talk started. Jill also planned to go to lunch with Melissa, to find out how she felt about Friday night at the club.
It was apparent on Monday that Dan also wanted to talk. He invited me to a nicer restaurant than the fast food places where we normally had lunch and chose a quiet table in the back. I wanted to control the conversation, but he spoke first saying, “Thanks for inviting us on Friday. We had a great time, even if we did sleep until noon on Saturday and had bad hangovers.”
“I don’t mean to sound racist or anything, but we were both surprised to see all of those mixed couples at the club. Neither of us had ever thought about going to a dance club like that, especially one with all those interracial couples and groups. We both enjoyed dancing with you guys. I also have to admit that it was a fascinating experience for us to be so intimate with black people for the first time in our lives. Melissa was very complimentary about you as her dance partner, and I liked watching you two together. I also had a great time with Jill.”
I wanted to get him to expound on Melissa’s experience with me and said, “I’m really glad to hear that Dan, because Jill and I enjoyed very much being with your guys too. What did Melissa say about me that was so complimentary, and why did you like seeing us together?”
Dan thought for a moment and replied, “This might sound pretty fucked up, since Melissa is my wife, but she said that she felt so small and protected being held by you. She also felt the strength in your arms and chest since she was so woozy from drinking and you were holding her up and against you. It’s hard to explain how I was feeling. That was the first time I had ever seen her in another man’s arms, and a black man’s arms at that. I was so proud of the way she looked and that you seemed to be genuinely attracted to her too. How did you feel about dancing with her?”
I knew that one of the hallmarks of a cuckold’s thinking was they sometimes felt more powerful when they saw that other, stronger men desired their wives. I thought he was fishing for a compliment about his wife.
I wanted to play into that emotion as I replied, “To tell you the truth, Dan, and since you asked, I am very attracted to Melissa. She is a beautiful woman with a great body and I, like a lot of black men, am very attracted to blonde-haired women. It felt so good holding her against me like that and feeling her petite body. Tell me, what did you like about dancing with Jill?”
Dan seemed a little reluctant to answer, but then said, “I like what you said about Melissa, and I think that makes it okay for me to tell you what I think about Jill. Melissa is so petite, and it felt good to hold a bigger and more buxom woman, like Jill, in my arms. It felt like I was melting into the warmth of her breasts. It also felt like she kissed my neck with her soft lips too, which really got me turned on. It was a thrill for me to be holding a voluptuous black woman for the first time.”
We talked more at lunch, but what I related above is all that is pertinent to the story. I could hardly wait to get home that night to find out how Jill’s conversation went with Melissa. After dinner we sat on the couch and Jill related their conversation to me. They discussed the same topics about very much enjoying holding one another’s spouses, and then it went further.
The ladies were very friendly and relaxed in sharing their thoughts. Jill said that Melissa excused herself for being so blunt and then said, “My goodness, Jill, you guys must have a great sex life. I might have been drunk, but I felt a mighty big lump pressing into my tummy when Jeremy was dancing with me. If you also felt Dan poking you, then you already know that he is small compared to Jeremy. What’s it like to be with a man that big?”
Jill could hardly believe that the conversation had turned to my cock so quickly. She wanted to peak Melissa’s curiosity even more and replied, “You’re right about what you felt. His cock is a thick, eleven-inch fuck tool that has fucked me almost every day for over twenty years now. Unfortunately for him, though, since I’ve gained this weight I haven’t been giving it up to him very much. He’s horny all the time now. Honestly, I’d rather have him eat me out, but he thinks that’s nasty and he isn’t into it so much. What about you and Dan? What’s your sex life like?”
Melissa smiled at Jill and said, “Oh shit, Dan’s dick is only about four inches long and thin. We don’t fuck much either, and quite frankly, he’d rather eat me out both before and after we fuck, and at other times as well. That man just loves to eat my juicy pussy. I can’t even begin to imagine what a big cock like Jeremy’s would feel like inside of me.”
Jill knew that one of the primary motivations of a cuckold wife is the natural, biological attraction of women to strong, virile men with big cocks, to use as mating partners. It was enough that Melissa had already shown that attraction by commenting on my muscular body, and her fascination with my big cock. Jill wanted to wait to tell me everything before she said anything else to Melissa that might spook her. After talking that night and seeing how receptive Dan and Melissa were to us, we decided to invite them over, to try to take it to the next level.
It was interesting going to lunch with Dan on Tuesday, knowing that our separate conversations had been discussed with our spouses. We went to that nicer restaurant again and Dan began, “There’s something that Melissa didn’t tell me about last Friday night, at least not until last night after she had lunch with Jill. She told Jill about feeling a big cock lump pressed into her belly, and Jill told her how big it is. It’s flattering that my wife excited you that way, Jeremy. But damn, man, is your cock really that big? If it is, I’d like to see it sometime.”
One of the other telltale signs of some cuckolds is that they are latent bisexuals, or even homosexuals, whether they consciously realize it or not. I wanted to encourage his curiosity and also test his submissiveness to me.
So, I laughed for effect and said, “Damn right, Dan, I’ve got an uncircumcised, coal-black, eleven-inch-long and as-thick-as-Melissa’s-wrist fuck tool. I also have an egg-sized pair of low-hanging balls that are real ass-slappers. Melissa told Jill that you have a little dick and that you mostly like to eat pussy. I can see why you’d be interested in my fuck meat. I’ll show it to you in your construction trailer back on the job if you ask me nicely to see it.”
We quickly finished lunch, drove back to the job site, went into the trailer, and locked the door. Then I stood in front of Dan, as he sat in his office chair. He sat there frozen until I said, “Come on, Dan, you have to take it out if you’re interested in seeing it. You can stroke it too if you want to see it hard.”
He paused for a moment before reaching out to unfasten my belt and pants button. Then he lowered my zipper, and I heard him breathe in deeply as my pants fell to the floor and he sensed the aroma of my crotch, which was sweaty and musky from a half-day at work in the heat. His eyes were as big as saucers as he stared at my thick, soft cock curled around to the side in my tight underwear, as he pulled them down.
My cock was still soft and eight inches long, as it sprung out and the damp, foreskin-covered head actually brushed against his lips. He hesitated for only a second before grasping my cock with one hand and cupping my low-hanging balls with the other. He looked up into my eyes, as if pleading for my permission to suck it.
I looked down at him and said, “You don’t need to ask, Dan. I imagine that you’ve never done anything like this before, and I haven’t either with a man. Go ahead and suck it so you can feel it grow to full length and thickness in your cock sucking mouth.”
He was quickly and easily falling into a submissive posture with me, and I loved that first instant when I felt his hungry mouth on my cock. I then understood at least part of what my friend Sam described as the erotic feeling of power and dominance that I had over him, watching my black cock slip between his white lips. My cock quickly hardened to its full eleven inches, and I held his head in place as I fucked into his mouth and gagged him. I hadn’t had any orgasms for over two weeks, and I knew that I wouldn’t last very long.
After only about five minutes I held him tightly on my cock and said, “I hope you thought all of this through, Dan, because you’re about to get a big feeding of my semen and sperm.”
My cock began to throb and pulse as I sprayed my fuck seed into his mouth. He was gagging as he swallowed a huge load of cum down, and he kept sucking me as my cock softened in his mouth. After that I pushed his head off my cock and down to my balls saying, “Clean my balls for me too, man. You’ll love sucking those big seed makers.”
He finally pulled away and we sat back and talked. He was embarrassed and humiliated at sucking my cock and balls and swallowing my cum, although he loved it and said that he wanted to do it again when I was ready. I knew that cuckolds loved to be humiliated by their wives and her lovers.
That was the perfect time to press him about Melissa and I said, “You said that Melissa likes me, and Jill said that she was impressed with my cock. Wouldn’t you like to watch your pretty, white wife while I fuck my big, black cock into her little cunt to inseminate her? Just imagine a big load of my fuck slime like you just swallowed flooding her unprotected womb.”
“Jill also told me that you liked sucking Melissa’s pussy, so imagine eating her out after I shaft her little, blonde fuck hole. And while we’re at it, I know that Jill would love to have you suck her huge tits and big, hairy pussy too. Imagine how exciting it would be to have Jill sit on your face and smother you with her pussy and big ass. You could eat her big, black pussy for as long as you want to.”
I could tell by his lack of protest that he was turned on by what I was saying. He thought about it for a few moments and said, “Damn, Jeremy, that sounds so hot. I don’t think Melissa would ever agree to something like that, though. She hasn’t been on birth control pills for the last year. They make her gain weight and we haven’t been fucking that much anyway. It’s been easy to avoid her fertile times. How would you make that happen if we wanted to try?”
I was very happy with his quick acceptance of my proposal, and I replied, “We could have a party with just the four of us at my home and have plenty of alcohol to drink. After everyone is mellowed out, I could suggest playing a game that’s a combination of Strip Poker and Truth or Dare. The way it works, if any of us are close to being totally nude, and don’t want to take any more clothes off, then we can choose a Dare instead. Of course, I will stack the deck and set up the dare cards for maximum sensual effect.”
“I’ll make sure that I lose most of my clothes early on so Melissa can see my big cock and get excited about it. And as far as protection is concerned, my friend Sam told me that women are biologically driven to have multiple sex partners and to be inseminated by superior men, especially when there is a risk of pregnancy. We can find out easy enough by playing the game, and I won’t force anything on anybody.”
We talked over more of the details and agreed that they would come to our home on the next Friday night. I agreed to not let the women know that he was already a cock sucker for me, instead allowing that to come out during the evening’s festivities and after Melissa had already committed to having sex with me.
There was a lot of sexual tension in the air, at least for Dan, Jill and me, when they arrived at our home on Friday evening. Melissa didn’t yet know that we were all conspiring for me to fuck her, even though she seemed to be even friendlier with me than before, likely since her revealing conversation with Jill about my big cock. We played the card game Hearts for the first hour and a half, while everyone was drinking wine and mixed drinks. When Melissa started making obvious mistakes and slurring her words, I suggested that we play my game of Strip or Dare.
I explained the unique rules of the game regarding the option to pick a Dare card if anyone was uncomfortable removing more clothes. Melissa wasn’t that happy about playing Strip Poker, but grudgingly agreed to play since she had the Dare card option. We moved from the card table to use the cushioned sofa table as our playing surface. Jill and I sat on the couch, with Melissa and Dan facing us in two comfortable, upholstered chairs. Then I got up and fixed another round of drinks and we began playing.
We equalized the count of clothing items to five each to make it fair. After playing twelve hands, I was sitting there with just my tight, underwear on; Jill and Melissa both had only their panties and bras on; and Dan still had his pants, underwear and shirt on. Melissa and Dan couldn’t stop themselves from staring at my soft cock curled around to the side in my underwear, and they were both in awe of Jill’s huge breasts, which her bra did little to hide or contain.
Melissa lost the next hand and was obviously feeling modest since she reached for the first female Dare card to be drawn. She lifted her eye brows and jerked her head back in surprise before reading the card out loud. It read, ‘Kiss on the lips and hug for at least one minute anyone but your spouse.’ I smiled and stood up as she got up and walked unsteadily towards me.
As she stood in front of me she looked over her shoulder at Dan and asked, “Is this okay with you, honey? It’s just part of the game.”
Dan nodded his approval as she wrapped her arms around my naked torso and looked up at me. I wrapped my arms around her back to hold her up and against me and leaned down to kiss her. Her lips are soft, and she responded unhesitatingly as I pushed my tongue into her mouth. I was surprised how passionately she was kissing me back as I pressed my hardening, underwear-covered cock against her belly.
I lowered my hands to her ass to hold her in place as she squirmed against my cock. We kissed and hugged that way for what seemed like two or three minutes, until we reluctantly moved apart. She was blushing with embarrassment as she looked around and saw Dan and Jill smiling at her.
I helped her back to her chair as she said, “I’m so sorry. I guess I got a little carried away with the dare. Jeremy has soft lips and is a very good kisser.”
Jill lost the next hand, and as we agreed ahead of time, she removed her bra. Both Melissa and Dan gasped and then stared in amazement at her bare, massive, pendulous, black breasts, with even darker areolas the size of coffee cups and thumb-sized nipples. Dan lost the following hand an opted for a male Dare card. It read, ‘Suck for two minutes the bare breasts of any woman but your spouse.’
Dan quickly moved over to sit on the other side of Jill on the couch and smiled as he leaned in to take her right nipple and areola into his mouth, while fondling and weighing both tits in his hands. He then shifted to the other breast. He was noisily slurping and sucking on Jill’s breasts. It was funny watching his white head bobbing and moving on her black breasts, each of which are bigger than his head. I was also watching Melissa and noticed that she was watching them intently and rubbing her pussy. When Dan finally pulled away, I saw that his little dick was poking out in his pants.
I lost the next hand and stood up to ceremoniously remove my underwear. Melissa stared with her mouth open and I thought I heard her softly mutter ‘Oh my’ as my soft cock and big balls swung in front of me. Then I sat back with my cock lying on my thigh and my balls draped over the edge of the couch.
Dan lost the next hand and removed his shirt, followed by Jill’s loss when she removed her panties. The musky smell of her big, wet pussy filled the room as Jill sat on the couch with her lush legs spread widely, showing Melissa and Dan her hairy, black, fat vulva. I knew that Dan was hungry to eat her from the way he was staring at her wet fuck hole.
Melissa lost the next hand and was in a quandary as to whether to remove her bra or chose another Dare card. She finally chose the card, and it read ‘Stroke for three minutes the cock and fondle the balls of any man but your spouse.’ She stumbled a little as she stepped over and kneeled on the floor between my legs. Then she nervously looked back at Dan before taking my thick cock into her right hand, while lifting and rubbing my balls with her left hand.
My cock almost immediately hardened as she began stroking me and sliding the foreskin back and forth over my oozing cock head. I could tell that she was mesmerized by the length, thickness and weight of my fully-hard cock. She looked back at Dan for a second to say, “Holy fucking shit, honey, look at the size of Jeremy’s huge cock. It’s so thick and heavy compared to yours, and almost seems to have a life of its own, like a big snake or something.”
I knew from her reaction to my cock that there was no reason to continue playing the game. So, I slowly moved one of my hands to her shoulder and the other behind her head.
Then I slowly pulled her face down towards my cock as I said, “That’s it, Melissa, move on down and get a taste of it. I know that Dan would love to see you take my cock into your mouth, to see if you suck it as good as he does.”
Melissa seemingly didn’t hear or understand my comment about Dan sucking me, and she covered my cock with her mouth and tongued the foreskin as she began sucking it. I could hardly believe how easy it was to seduce her. Jill watched us as she slid down and laid back on the couch and spread her legs even wider.
Dan’s stare was transfixed on his white wife with my black cock stuffed in her mouth, and at first didn’t hear Jill when she said, “Come on over here between my legs, Danny boy. You need to get a taste of your black mamma’s fat, wet pussy.”
Dan quickly moved between her legs and pushed his arms under her heavy thighs, covered her fat, hairy labia with his mouth, and began sucking her. I wished that I had a camera to take a picture of us two black people being served sexually by two white people. I thought of it as some kind of karma as payback for the way black people had been treated in the past, and I felt superior knowing that it was so easy to get them to orally service our genitals.
As Melissa continued sucking me I wrapped my thighs around her back to give her the feeling of being captured in my grasp and stroked her hair and the side of her face. Then I started talking to her saying, “I can tell that you really love my black cock, baby. Imagine how good it would feel inside that tight, little, white cunt of yours. You told Jill that Dan has a little dick, so I know that you will really enjoy mine. Come on, Melissa, I want my first load of cock cream and seed to be inside your pussy, not down your throat.”
Melissa pulled off my cock and she had an almost trance-like look of lust on her face. She stood up and removed her bra and panties and then spread her legs and straddled me while facing me on the couch. I loved the aroma of her wet, blond-hair covered labia that looked ripe to be fucked. Dan wasn’t aware that I was about to fuck his wife, since he was still munching on Jill’s pussy. She had her thick thighs clamped tightly around his head, covering his ears.
So, I said, “Jill, you might want to let Dan up for a minute, so he can watch me impale his sweet wife with more cock than she’s ever had before.”
I leaned in to suck Melissa’s firm tits as she began to lower herself onto my cock. When Dan got up, with his face covered in Jill’s juices, he moved over for a closer look and said, “Holy shit, Melissa, you’re really going to fuck him. Remember that you’re not on birth control anymore, baby. Where are you in your cycle?”
She didn’t consciously understand it, but Melissa was experiencing that most basic female human craving to be inseminated by a strong and virile man. It’s a primal, natural urge that Sam had told me about, and those urges are strongest when the women are at the height of their cycles and their cervical fluids are the slickest. And oddly enough, it also affects the cuckold husband in equally powerful ways. The ultimate humiliation of watching a powerful black man inseminate his wife, although counterintuitive to his desire to protect her and inseminate her himself, would also give Dan tortured and extreme sexual pleasure.
She looked at him with her dreamy eyes and said, “I finished my period eleven days ago, so this might not be totally safe, but I’ve just got to have his bare cock inside of me and feel his cum flooding my womb.”
Melissa slowly swiveled her hips as she lowered her tight pussy onto my cock. Jill and Dan stared at the contrast of my thick, coal-black cock being enveloped in and stretching Melissa’s tight, white fuck hole. When my cock was finally bottomed out on her cervix, I still had three inches to go.
She moaned and gasped as she said, “Oh fuck, Jeremy, your big cock feels so good squeezed into my pussy like this. I had no idea that that were even cocks this big or how good they would feel inside of me. I want it all, so fuck me harder, Jeremy.”
She sat down more heavily and continued to swivel her hips, as I thrust up against her. In just a couple of minutes her uterus shifted, and I was buried to the balls in her tight cunt. I pulled my mouth off her tits and we kissed passionately as she began to go up and down on my cock as I synchronized my thrusts into her. Dan had gotten down on the floor between our legs and was watching us fuck and listening to the wet, slurping sounds of my huge cock squeezing in and out of his petite wife’s wet, adulterous pussy. She was having one orgasm after the other since my thick cock was constantly rubbing her G-spot, which was a totally new sensation for her after only having fucked Dan’s little dick.
My friend, Sam, also told me that for some white, cuckold men, watching their wives being fucked by black men is akin to the way they admire black athletes. It’s almost like hero worship watching muscular and athletically superior black men, with huge cocks, fucking their wives like the husbands never could.
Dan was mostly talking to himself when he said, “Oh my goodness, Melissa looks so small and fragile being impaled on Jeremy’s huge cock and seeing his muscular body.”
That whole evening had been sexually charged from the start for me, and I was already close to ejaculation from having Melissa suck my cock. I only lasted about five minutes with her bouncing up and down on my fuck meat before I knew I was on the verge of cumming. I broke our kiss and held her tightly on my cock as it began to jerk, throb, and squirt inside of her.
Sam was right that the feeling of inseminating a beautiful, married white woman with my black seed, and knowing that I might impregnate her, is one of the biggest attractions to fucking white wives.
My cock continued to throb inside of her as I gasped, “You better hope that you’re in a safe time, Melissa, because I’m flooding your slutty, white cunt with my black baby juice. Take it, baby, take all of my fuck slime right into your slutty fucking womb.”
Melissa hugged me tightly and kissed me again as she squirmed with her pussy totally enveloping my black shaft. She was sucking hard on my tongue until she pulled away and breathlessly said, “I’ve had at least a dozen orgasms, and the last one that came when you were talking about impregnating me was the biggest of all. That risk makes it even more exciting.”
I knew that there was a good chance that I had impregnated Melissa. That was based on her description of where she was in her cycle; the thickness and slickness of her cervical fluids; and her subconsciously motivated comment about wanting to feel my semen and sperm in her unprotected pussy. I wanted to continue that feeling of risk and excitement, so I lifted Melissa off of my cock and sat her down beside me on the couch.
Then I said, “Dan, you better get over here and clean my cum out of your wife. Her cunt was so slick and tight on my cock and felt so good. I know I sprayed my cum right into her cervix. Maybe if you eat enough of it she won’t get pregnant with my black baby.”
Melissa was still in the afterglow of her many orgasms and looked down at Dan dreamily as he moved between her legs. He pushed his arms under her thighs and lifted them over his shoulders, as he had done with Jill. Then he stopped to look at his wife’s labia that were swollen from the pounding I had given her. My cum was matted in her neatly-trimmed, blonde pubic hair, and running out of her pussy.
Just as he covered her labia and began to noisily suck and swallow my cum, she said, “Fuck, honey, that’s so nasty eating Jeremy’s thick fuck juice out of my pussy. I love it though, honey, just knowing that you appreciate what he did for me with his huge, black cock. I hope you like it, because you’re going to be getting a lot more of it, for as long as Jeremy wants to use my pussy.”
Dan stayed between her legs for at least fifteen minutes, trying to get every drop of our precious fuck fluids. When he lifted, I pulled him over to my soft, slimy cock and said, “Good job on her cunt, Dan, now clean me up and get me hard to fuck her again.”
He sucked and licked the cum off my cock, and then sucked my balls to get all the cum that had run down there after my ejaculation. Then he took my cock back into his mouth and began lovingly sucking it as it hardened.
Melissa looked down at him and said, “Damn, honey, I thought I heard Dan say that you had previously been a cock sucker for him. You seem to really enjoy doing that for him, and I didn’t realize that you had a taste for cock and cum. Now I won’t feel so guilty when I suck and fuck him all the time, and you can have all of his fuck slime that you want to eat.”
I knew that Dan was enjoying his humiliation, because the more she chided him, the harder he sucked my fuck meat. It only took a few minutes to get my cock fully hard again and I pushed him away saying, “That’s enough for now, cock sucker. I’m ready to fuck your pretty wife again. You can have more of my cock and balls later. So let’s takes this into our bedroom where we’ll be more comfortable. I know that Jill will want to ride that face of yours too.”
We all got into our bed, and Melissa laid back with her legs spread, anxious for her next fucking. Jill also positioned Dan on his back on the bed and straddled his head with her knees. I was just sinking my cock into Melissa’s cunt again when I saw Jill sit down heavily on Dan’s face. It looked so erotic seeing a big black woman smothering his white face under her big ass and thick thighs. He figured out how to twist his head to get periodic breaths, as she moved back forth, fucking his face with her big, hairy pussy. Even though I was very much involved fucking his wife, it was still interesting listening to him hungrily slurping on her cunt.
With me being on top of Melissa, instead of her sitting on my lap, I was better able to control the depth and speed of my thrusts. She wrapped her legs around my ass to hold on, and she was so aroused and passionate that she kissed me deeply, while moaning into my mouth. She was having almost continuous orgasms again, and I loved fucking her tight cunt.
She was obviously out of her mind with lust and so enraptured with those primitive desires to be inseminated again that she pulled away from our kiss to say, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Your big cock feels so good inside of me. Fill me with your cum again and give me your black baby.”
We had already been fucking for fifteen minutes, and hearing Melissa’s comments about wanting a black baby put me over the edge. I filled her pussy with another big load of cum, and then slowly fucked her with my softening cock as we watched Jill and Dan. Jill was really getting off on dominating him that way, and she took his submissiveness to a new level. She was sliding farther and farther on him, until his face was pressing between her cushiony ass cheeks.
It looked so nasty and at the same time erotic seeing his head enveloped in her big ass, especially after she spread her ass cheeks with her hands to further envelop his face, and when we found out that he was actually sucking her asshole.
Jill was squirming on him and saying, “Oh fuck yeah, white boy, suck my dirty asshole for me. Damn, baby, I love the way you’re sucking and tonguing my nasty, black shit hole that way. It’s good to see that mouth is good for something more that sucking black cock and eating Negro cum from your slutty wife’s pussy.”
Dan and Melissa slept over at our home that night, and we had almost continuous sex of one kind or another all night. Dan was always available to suck my cock hard to fuck Melissa again and again. During times when we were relaxing, Dan also moved up between my legs to suck and lick my big balls. At other times he was either between Jill’s legs sucking her pussy and ass or was being smothered by Jill’s huge breasts.
Following that first night, we met at one another’s homes every weekend, and sometimes even during the week. I was fucking Melissa whenever I wanted to and using Dan’s mouth for my pleasure at work when I was feeling horny. Jill and I were amazed at how easy it was train that white couple to serve us sexually. Over time we even introduced Melissa and Dan to some of our other black friends, and they served them as well. I realized that everything my friend, Sam, had told me about white cuckold couples was true.
As you might have expected, two weeks after the first night I fucked Melissa, she missed her period. She is now eight months pregnant and I am still carefully fucking her from behind. We’ll know for sure in just another month whether it’s my baby, although I am certain that it must be mine.