A Weekend with my Big Sister

"Jordan discovers her sister loves her in a way she didn’t realise"

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Platform two was almost deserted, just me and two others sharing it with the empty crisp packets and sweet wrappers that were blowing like tumbleweeds in the brisk breeze.

I got on the train to Marylebone at around four in the afternoon. It was a Friday, so the carriage was packed as usual. I didn’t really mind as I was going to London to see my big sister for the weekend. Georgia is ten years older than me and we have different fathers. My mum had Georgia when she was only seventeen. She divorced Georgia’s dad after a couple of years and married mine a few years later. She and I are only half sisters, but that doesn’t alter the way we feel about each other. She was like a second mum to me, but one that pretty much spoilt me and indulged all of my whims.

Anyway, back to the weekend. I had just turned sixteen and Georgia had invited me up to her flat in London’s East End to attend what she laughingly called my first grown-up party. Though not admitting it, the invitation did make me feel really grown-up, especially as mum had treated me to a lovely new little black dress, along with a matching bag and shoes. The top was cut daringly low between my breasts so I only needed my tiny black thong to complete my ensemble.

These were all in my bag so they didn’t get messed up on the journey, and I was travelling in a pair of jeans and my favourite hoodie. In the section of the train where I was sat there were a couple of middle-aged blokes and one nerdy looking girl of about twenty five or so, her head buried in her iPad.

With so many people on board it was warm on the train, so I pulled the hoodie over my head and draped it across my lap. This revealed my strappy yellow vest, one that I’d chosen because it showed off my tan perfectly. I knew that I’d be getting a few looks as soon as I’d seen their collective interest awaken as I took off my top. I was right. It seemed they were all trying to see if they could discern the faint nubs of my nipples as I leant back in my seat.

She kept looking up at me, then back down to her tablet. Her frequent looks caused me to squirm a bit in my seat at the attention and I felt my nipples begin to stiffen. I looked down and sure enough they were sticking out like the proverbial chapel hat pegs.

This caused the “dirty old men” to pay more attention to me, and I felt myself blushing. I glanced surreptitiously downwards and sure enough my upper chest and the top of my boobs were flushed a rosy pink. Thank the lord they didn’t know it was my arousal that was causing it rather than any embarrassment at their gaze.

Although the nerd was wearing a shapeless anorak over a pair of baggy sweat pants, I imagined she had a pretty nice body underneath. She reached down into the bag at her feet and her anorak gaped revealing exactly what I’d thought. She had an absolutely killer figure. She, too, was wearing a vest and as she moved I could see the gentle sway of her unfettered tits. I looked across the carriage at her, staring at her boobs, and then on a mad impulse when she looked back at me I gave her a wink. The effect was instantaneous. She blushed a dark crimson colour and took a sharp intake of breath.

My “gaydar” clicked into overdrive. Yep, definitely–she fancied me. I tried to picture her with her glasses removed and her hair pulled back from her face. Yes, she was very pretty, and if I’d had time I’m certain I could have had a bit of fun with her. I closed my eyes and allowed my imagination free reign as the train clattered its way to London.

I zoned out and saw her walking across the busy carriage. She dropped to her knees in front of me and pulled down my vest to expose my pale breasts as they spilled lewdly over the top framed by the straps. She then fastened her mouth onto my erect nipple, sucking its crinkly nub into her mouth. I pushed my head back against the headrest luxuriating in the feeling as she sucked me. Whilst continuing to suck me she moved my hoodie aside with her hand and unbuttoned my jeans.

She slid her hand down between my skin and my panties until she felt my squelchy slit. I groaned as I felt her fingers slide over my clit. Without pausing she slipped her forefinger between my rapidly engorging labia, straight into the depths of my wetness.

As everyone else, even the dirty old men, carried on their conversations she frigged me to a very moist climax. The combination of her mouth on my nipple and her finger inside me ensured I came very quickly. She gave me a quick open mouthed kiss, slipping her long tongue deep into my mouth.

I imagined her words afterword, “Thank you, I enjoyed that. As soon as I saw you I wanted to do that to you. I hope you didn’t mind.”

I shook my head mutely as she then stood and went back to her seat.

I opened my eyes with a start and saw the carriage had filled up a bit more but was otherwise unchanged. I quickly realised I had been day-dreaming. Judging by their demeanours, my orgasm hadn’t been a noisy one. I looked around; no, everything appeared as it had been apart from the warm wetness I could feel in my pants. God, I’m so weird sometimes. My pre-occupation with sex is getting out of hand.

Forty minutes later the train pulled into the station and I began the long tube journey to my sister’s station. A very hot and sticky hour later, I emerged from the underground and made my way the two hundred metres from the station to her apartment block.

She buzzed me in the front door and as I stepped into the dimly lit hallway. I saw her short body half wrapped in a bath towel stood by her front door. We both ran down the hallway towards each other and she jumped on me and threw her arms round my neck. We hugged tightly for at least a minute.

She smelt divine; I breathed in deeply inhaling her subtle scent as we squeezed each other. She then drew back and said:

“Phew, you smell funky. Haven’t you showered today?”

I laughed at her; knowing she was, as usual taking the piss out of her baby sister. This was something I’d had to get used to, but nevertheless I hated her doing it. She was always so composed, witty and confident. I always ended up feeling like a dork. On this occasion I was even more annoyed as I was conscious that it might be the smell of my wet pants she had smelt. My response as ever was pathetic.

“Fuck off, Georgia. I’ve just been on a train for over two hours. You’d smell as bad as I do if it was you.”

“Take it easy, Jay, chill a bit. I’m only joking. Come on, come inside, it’s time we had a nice drink. It’s so long since I saw you. I want to hear about what you’ve been up to. Are you still going out with that cute little blonde guy? He’s far too small for you. You need someone at least six feet tall. Mind you, he’d be ok for me, just the right size, he’d probably enjoy having an older woman teaching him a few tricks. Mum said she’d bought you a new dress, you are so lucky still living at home, it’s so much cheaper.”

She rattled the words off at a furious pace. I was used to her non-stop chat, so understood it. Most people had to ask her to slow down so they could understand her. We went down the hall of her flat and went straight to the kitchen. There was already a half drunk glass of white wine on the table. She grabbed a clean glass, filled it and handed it to me.

“There you go, nice and cold, that’ll make you feel better. How was your journey?”

“Same old, same old. Middle-aged blokes letching at me on the train.”

That’s what I said but what I really wanted to say was: “There was a pretty little nerdy girl who made me horny, made my nipples really hard, then made me cum in my sleep.” But, of course, being me I didn’t.

I continued to fill her in on my journey.

“The tube was chaotic, it was packed as usual. Some bloke copped a feel of my tits and I couldn’t even move or turn round to see who it was.”

“Yeah ok, but on the bright side at least someone gave your tits a grope. Mine haven’t been groped in weeks.”

I laughed. “So, you still between blokes, then? That’s not like you, you’ve usually got them queuing round the block.”

“Yeah, work’s been mad. I’ve been working fifteen hour days, no time for any fun. By the time the weekend comes round I’m too knackered to go out and party. I just end up sleeping.”

This was a side of Georgia I hadn’t seen before, the hard working professional. She had done well though, two promotions inside a year and a shiny new 3 series BMW convertible parked outside.

“It’ll all be worth it in the end though, won’t it? You’ve done so well since you started this job.

“I don’t want to talk about work; this weekend is for partying. You and me are gonna have such a laugh. Mum phoned me and said I was to lookout for you and not let you get in trouble, whatever that means. I guess she means I should make sure you don’t get pissed and shag some random bloke and get yourself knocked up, like she did at your age with me.”

“Georgia,” I remonstrated. “I do know how to drink, I’m on the pill and anyway, I’m not a virgin anymore. So I do know what guys are like.”

I pulled a packet of Marlboro Lights from my bag, offered her one and lit one for myself. I exhaled a long stream of smoke towards the ceiling. In my best grown up fashion I continued.

“If I happen to find someone I deem worthy; I may well end the night by getting shagged, but it won’t be by anyone random.”

She burst into peals of laughter.

“Nice one, Jay. You sound more and more like me every time I see you. I doubt that there’s gonna be anyone there that you’ll fancy though, they’re all older than me I think. Anyway, we’re going to have fun, shag or no shag. Come on you need to shower that funky body. I’ve just showered and shaved all my bits, so I just need to get dressed.”

Fifteen minutes later I was out of the shower; I’d borrowed Georgia’s lady-shave and gone over my stubbly pubes till I was a smooth as silk. You never know, a girl might get lucky.

I walked through into her bedroom naked. She was sat at her dressing table in exactly the same state. It felt perfectly natural to be nude together as we’d both grown up without ever feeling the need to cover ourselves around each other. She looked up and into the mirror seeing me walk in behind her.

“Wow, looks like your tits are bigger than mine now.”

She studied my body carefully as she looked me up and down. Bizarrely her gaze triggered something sensual in me and I felt my nipples stiffen as she looked at them.

“Your nipples look good, too. You’ll poke the guy’s eyes out with them if you’re not careful.”

I blushed in embarrassment as she looked further down my body.

“And you’re totally shaved now, that’s new. When did you start to do that? I thought you liked to keep a little triangle there before.”

“A whole bunch of the girls in my year decided it’d be cool to shave it off for a bet. I’ve grown to like it all smooth like that, so I decided to keep it bald. Does it look ok do you think?”

“It looks fab; really suits you like that, some girls don’t have the right shaped pubic bone for it to look so sexy; but yours is perfect. I love how prominent your mound looks. Your lips look nice and tidy too. Not like my big piss flaps!”

As she said this she swiveled on her stool and, opening her legs wide, she exposed herself to me. I felt a mild shudder of desire wash over me as I saw her pale inner pinkness protruding from between the darker outer lips. She was partly right; her inner lips did protrude outside the outer ones. But it looked perfectly fine to me. I felt another flush sweep across my chest as, for the first time ever I was looking at my big sis in a sexual way.

Maybe this was because it reminded me a little of Ingrid’s pussy. Her lips looked almost identical and I had spent many a long hour licking hers during our fun and games at school. As I remembered that thought, I could feel my pussy moistening with lust.

“That doesn’t sound like you,” I replied. “I think your pussy looks lovely. I guess it’s all a part of growing up. Funny enough a girlfriend of mine in my year at school looks exactly like you down there. It doesn’t bother her.”

“So are you checking out your mates’ pussies now? What do you get up to at school? I bet you’re all drinking from the furry cup, you bunch of boarding school lezzers.” She grinned and continued, “I’m not really that bothered, but I’m nearly thirty. Even my tits are drooping a bit.”

She reached down to her chest and lifted her boobs in her hands. “See what I mean? I can remember when these puppies stuck straight out. At least my nipples still point upwards. I think we both inherited that from mum, even at forty five hers look incredible. Still, never mind, I’ve never had any complaints. I wouldn’t mind if they were as big and as perky as yours though.”

“They look about the same size as mine. Anyway, what cup size are you now? I think I’m a 34C.”

“You bitch, I hate you. I’m only a 34B, but fuck it. Who cares? C’mon we need to get ourselves dressed. No more time to compare our bits. Nat is picking us up in fifteen minutes.”

I went back into the bathroom to dry and sort out my hair and get dressed. Standing in front of the long mirror, I slipped my thong on and pulled it up tight against my slit, causing the lips to bulge obscenely into a clearly defined “camel toe.” The pressure on my clit was exquisite. I slipped my forefinger down and rubbed it between my lips. I was wet again. What was the matter with me? I seemed to be perpetually horny. Now my sister has made me wet and sticky.

Natalie was on time, and we both piled into the backseat of her clapped out VW Beetle. She introduced me to her front seat passenger.

“Hi, George.

You too, Jay. Good to see you again. This is Lucy, she shares my flat.” She nodded to the front seat passenger. The petite brunette turned in her seat and said hello to me.

Introductions over, I studied the two of them as best I could from behind. Lucy was a slim girl in her mid-twenties I guessed. Her brunette hair was cut in a sweet elfin bob. She was wearing a spaghetti-strapped summer dress in some kind of thin, purple clingy material. Her smallish tits were half exposed by the low neckline and she showed no evidence of tan lines that I could see. I imagined that if she was slightly aroused, or stood in a cool draught her nipples would be poking holes in the thin material in no time

Natalie was the total opposite, she was a stunning redhead, and her hair tumbled over her shoulders almost to her waist. Her shoulders and cute face showed an abundance of pale freckles. She reminded me of Ingrid, one of my dearest friends. She was the same voluptuous build. I guess a dress size of around fourteen. Like Ingrid she carried the weight well, showing no lumps or bumps, just a lovely smiley bigger girl.

We all chatted the journey away. After what seemed like minutes. We pulled into a narrow street of smart looking Mews houses. Nat stopped the car and grabbing her mobile from her bag sent a brief text. Seconds later a garage door just down the street opened and we drove down to it and pulled into the dark interior.

The party was in full swing. There were at least fifty people already there and all three floors of the house were occupied. We made our way out into the garden and searched out the booze. Lucy came back in no time with an ice cold bottle of Veuve Cliquot and a handful of glasses. Ah, my favourite champagne. Well, I did go to an expensive boarding school and had developed a taste for it already.

Georgia took a glass and wandered off who knows where with Nat to find the hosts. I stayed with Lucy, very conscious of my youth as I was surrounded by people who were at least twice my age and in some cases considerably more. Still, nice champagne, beautiful warm weather and Lucy’s bright chatter kept me amused as she regaled me with tales of her life as a Virgin Atlantic stewardess flying the long haul routes around the globe.

I’d just pulled out my cigarettes from my bag and was about to light…

Published 7 years ago

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