I awaken to laughter and music from the other room.
The walls appear thin, so thin, I’m certain I made enough noise to notify Del and Frank that John was screwing my brains out.
I roll over and feel slightly sore down below. I regret not having played with my toy before last night’s activity. Then again, how could I have known my online mystery flirt would be inside of me so soon?
I’m still unable to comprehend the revelation. I find myself shaking my head and chuckling at it.
I divert my attention to my phone, checking for any messages and texts. There are several texts from my wife, my mother, and a potential client recommended by a good friend who hired me six years ago for his wedding. But not one text from John.
I hear the front door shut. I peek out of my window to see him and Del drive away. I neglect to change clothing and leave for the living room to visit Frank.
Feint music is heard from the radio in the kitchen, along with the water rushing out of the sink. I glance to see Frank washing his hands. I snap my fingers, startling him. It causes me enjoyment as I always cherished scaring him since college.
“Well, good morning, sleeping beauty,” he shouts.
“Hello, Prince Charming,” I reply, planting myself down at the table.
He grabs a bottle of beer and sits down with me, taking a sip. I discreetly examine him. He still remains loyal to his choice of clothing. Sneakers, faded jeans, and a long-sleeve shirt. I often tease him for it. “It’s my trademark,” he’d reply, sticking his tongue out at me.
I’ve always admired Frank for his passion for art. In college, we often discussed topics related to it, going as far as having late-night phone calls. Was it a bit out of the ordinary? Maybe. But what definitely was, was one day in the library. Frank and I were the only two occupying a separate room, one used for online research, the computer room. He showed me his favorite sculptures and paintings. I expressed my fascination with them. I also stated how thorough I would be if given the opportunity to create such work. Especially how thorough I would be detailing the work down below. Rather than teasing me for my choice of words, Frank gazed into my eyes. Before we could say or do more, we were interrupted by another student peeking in. We immediately resumed staring at the screen. We never spoke of that day, no matter how much I wished to.
“I take it those two went to town for beer and food? How come you didn’t tag along with them?” I ask.
Frank shrugs and twiddles his thumbs, also giving little taps to the table with a finger. I sense there’s something on his mind. I pry.
“What’s wrong?”
He glances at me and props his hands under his chin, firmly placing his elbows against the wooden table. He gazes at me.
There’s a good thirty seconds of silence; you could hear a pin drop. It’s then I feel a slight sense of panic. Perhaps he’s going to speak of hearing something last night. Or, possibly, that day in the library. I’m very much hopeful it’s the latter. To show I’m serious, I pocket my phone. Giving him my undivided attention.
“John mentioned he’s speaking to someone. I’m… uncertain how to feel about it. Initially, I was happy. Until he showed me her profile, then I had this thought that he may be being scammed… you can’t just trust anyone you meet online. Am I right?” He asks in a concerned tone.
I sigh in relief and nod in agreement. I listen to him discuss all her features and all that John has spoken of her. I can’t help but smile.
“Oh yeah, his mystery woman. I believe she’s real. I’m certain,” I say.
“Yeah, maybe… He mentioned he’s close to leaving Cindy. If I’m not mistaken, he might just choose this Sabrina woman. That’s what’s also bothering me. Cindy’s a good friend.”
My relief vanishes as anxiety fills me from the bottom of my stomach to my chest. I can’t believe he’s discussing such huge decisions. He can’t possibly mean this.
“I doubt he’ll leave Cindy. They’re just going through a rough patch right now. They’ll be fine. I’m positive,” I respond.
“I hope so. I really hope so,” he says anxiously.
As I comfort him by patting his shoulder, there’s a brief moment we look into each other’s eyes. Almost as though we were right back in the library again. Time seemed to halt for us, just for that moment. However, he turns away from me. I stop and lean back into the chair, looking away as well. I’m certain we’ll never have that discussion I desired to have. I feel saddened by the thought. Rather than making it any more awkward, I stand up and stretch.
“Well, I have to make a few calls, but I’ll be in my room if you need me,” I say, leaving Frank in the kitchen to finish his drink.
I decide to let Sabrina have an hour to herself. I lock my door and close the curtain. I grab the clothes and place them on the bed. I undress and examine myself in the mirror. I have a slim figure, appearing almost feminine. My wife often encourages me to put on more weight. I agree but neglect to follow up on it. I love my body. I also keep my pubic area shaved, as well as around my armpits. I take pride in how I maintain my appearance. Crossdressing, I feel, perfectly complements my image. From dresses to makeup, I just cannot get enough.
Much to my surprise, there isn’t a drop of John’s cum on either my dress or pantyhose. I smile, remembering just where he stored his load.
I apply my perfume as I sit down on the bed. Then I slide on my pantyhose. It’s almost mandatory for me to glide my hands up and down my thighs and calves. I love how it feels against my skin, my fingers. I bring my minidress down over me and fill in the mesh sleeves. I love that the material doesn’t reveal too much of the muscle tone in my arms. Then I put in my earrings; the tiny glints from the cheap diamonds draw a smile from me. Nearing the completion of my attire, I take a moment to gaze at myself. I lift my leg over the other. It’s indescribable, this feeling I have when I’m dressed up. But it feels absolutely incredible. I finally finish by placing on the cap and my wig. I adjust it for a moment until it’s right. I stand up and glide my hands up and down my body. I give myself a wink and reach for my phone, ready for a photo shoot.
Knock, knock.
I nearly drop my phone onto the floor. I straighten my posture and glance at the door. “Yeah?!” I shout.
Startled, I quickly reach to open the dresser drawer. Before I can remove my wig, I hear the doorknob move, only to cease to the lock.
“John texted me he’s going to leave Cindy!” Frank yells out.
“He is not!”
“I’m also certain he’s talking to a fake profile. I’m pretty sure this picture he sent of her is edited; come out so I can show you!”
I begin to feel impulsive again, like from last night. I’m absolutely terrible at constantly trying to reassure anyone of anything. I grow too impatient. It also doesn’t help that I may have hidden feelings for Frank. But how else can I convince him to not worry about Sabrina? I’d very much rather not message him as her. Maybe I need to actually show him. Maybe… he needs to meet her.
I take a few deep breaths and walk to the door. “Do you want to know how I know you’re overreacting?” I ask, unlocking the door.
“I don’t think I am, but sure?!”
Fuck it.
I open the door and reveal myself to Frank. His friend, whom he’s known since college, is standing before him, wearing sheer black pantyhose, a black sleeve minidress, earrings, and a blond wig. I keep one hand on the door and place the other on my hip. I slightly tilt my head.
Frank has the opposite reaction of Johns. He doesn’t make a face or turn away. Instead, he looks me up and down, from head to toe.
I stare directly into his eyes, seeking any sort of response. Panic has turned to excitement. Will he attack, humiliate, or be revolted by me?
“I’m Sabrina. I’m the one who’s been talking to John. Was this planned out? Absolutely not. I had no idea who the man I was speaking to was. As far as I knew, it could’ve been someone from across the ocean. But no, it was him. And yes, we met. And yes, he’s fine with it. And no, I’m not trying to scam or hurt him. There, now you have your answer. Happy?” I say in a testy tone.
“Well… that’ll do. That… will do,” Frank says, slowly turning away from me. He glances at his phone and back to me before returning it to his pocket as he leaves.
Oh my god… What’s wrong with me? I should’ve just gone to bed last night. None of this would’ve happened. Now I’m certain my friendship with Frank is gone, just as it is with John. I was a bit over the top.
I gently tap my head against the door. Do I undress and remain in my room for the rest of the day, conjuring an excuse to leave back home in the morning? Or… talk to him.
I shut my door.
I take my time walking into the living room where Frank is sitting smoking a cigarette. He quickly glances at me before looking away. I walk around the couch and sit down, devoting my attention to him.
“Can we talk about this?” I ask.
I understand his concern; I certainly do. It’s also quite attractive. I’ve never met anyone who cared so much as Frank does. I just want to hold him tightly and reassure him. It’s all I want… among other things.
“I…I really don’t know what to say. I don’t think… oh, for crying out loud, seriously?!” he says, shaking his head, using one hand to rub his face.
“There’s nothing to worry about. You have to believe me when I say that. I’m not trying to separate John and Cindy; I love them, I do. I’ll talk to him. So could you please stop worrying?”
His apprehension saddens me, but I also can’t help but hang my head in shame. Perhaps I have broken up John and Cindy.
“I’m sorry, I’m just shocked is all. There’s a lot racing in my mind right now. But I trust you. I do. You’re really beautiful. It’s also why I’m having a hard time looking at you,” he says, finishing his cigarette while keeping his eyes fixed out the window.
I smile and feel myself slowly start to blush at his comment. I keep my head down, staring at my toes, wiggling them through the soft, black fabric of my pantyhose.
“Remember that day back in college, in the library? When we locked eyes, did you… feel… anything?” I ask, crossing my arms and legs, anxious for his response.
“I did. It crosses my mind from time to time. But I never had the balls to ask you about it. I questioned my sexuality because of that day. I felt attracted to you. I feel upset at the fact that I was too much of a punk to ask you out and that John managed to beat me to the punch last night,” he says, hiding his disappointed expression from me.
I can feel my eyes well as he looked away. I feel terrible. But how else would I have known he felt this way? I’m also to blame as well, as I too could have asked him so long ago.
“I wish I was the one who got to make love to you last night. Not John. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to you. I am; I always was. But I know you and John are seeing each other now, so I’d best leave this alone. I do feel a lot better having said it, though. Much better,” Frank says, finally facing me.
I’m shocked to hear his confession. I can’t help but smile and feel emotional. This wave of calm soon settles over me, bringing a sense of relief and joy. I could pinch myself for how unreal this feels. Perhaps I am dreaming. If so, I don’t wish to wake up at all.
“You’d be happy to know that we’re not together. I feel like a slut for saying it, but we just had a night together, that’s all. As I said, he isn’t going to leave Cindy. I’m still going to speak with him about it. But, for you and me. Maybe I could make up for all of that lost time between us,” I gush.
Frank nods and gives me a wink. His dimpled smile is giving me permission for what I’m about to do next.
I wink back and creep down to all fours, crawling to him. I keep my eyes trained on his, biting my lip. I wiggle my ass while I inch closer to him.
I kneel in front of him; he spreads his legs. I reach for his zipper, bringing the slider down. I slide my fingers through the opening, past his boxers. I gently pull out his flaccid cock. I tilt my head and look at it.
“You’re the first man I’ve ever blown.”
I lean in and lick the tip, wetting the warm, soft texture. I give it a kiss before licking down the shaft. I hold the head up and slide my tongue down to his ballsack. I carefully suck the skin. I lick all over his nuts before returning to the tip. Slowly he becomes erect. The sight of how veiny he is and a bit bigger than John is is enough to cause me to get hard as well. I place one hand around my cock and stroke it. The taste of his cum swirling around in my mouth has me on the verge of cumming. I place my hand on my thigh, refraining from jerking off until I’m ready to.
“Oh my god that feels so good! You ready to suck this dick baby?!” he cries out, placing his hand on my head.
Now that he’s hard, I can finally initiate my first blowjob. I wrap my lips around the head and go as far down as I can. While I’m trying not to deep throat right away, I can’t help but want to take in all of his cock. I begin bobbing up and down on it. I place both hands on his thighs and rub them up to his sides. Sounds of slurping and moans fill the air, much to my delight.
I stop and catch my breath, “Not bad for my first time, huh?” I say with a giggle.
Frank smiles and gently pushes my head back down to his crotch. I open my mouth and slide his dick back in past my tongue until his head reaches my tonsils. My gag reflex activates; I tense up for a moment. I keep my head in place, fearing it to go further down my throat. Just as Frank moves his cock, I gag. I become teary-eyed and breathe heavily. Frank moans a bit louder this time, “Sabrina, I’m going to cum!”. I moan also and grab my cock, stroking it wildly. I place my other hand on his chest, feeling his breathing hastening. Soon enough, an explosion happens. My mouth fills with his cum. A salty yet satisfying taste. I gulp as much as I can. Semen and saliva drip from the corners of my mouth. I pull away and open my mouth to him, revealing another load of cum.
“Come here, baby!” he says while leaning down and sliding his tongue into my mouth. We both swirl his cum around. He places his hand on my throat, his thumb under my Adam’s apple. As I do the same, it’s not long before we both swallow what’s left in our mouths.
I do as he says. He spits into my mouth; I swallow it immediately. I lick my lips and finish by wiping my pinky across.
We both laugh and catch our breaths. I stand up and notice lights appear on the wall. They’re back from town. Before I leave, Frank reaches for my hand.
“What happens now?” he asks.
“I’ll figure it out, my love.” I quickly kiss him before returning to my room.
As I’m undressing and putting away my clothes, I hear the front door open and the guys talking. I grow nervous while throwing my regular clothes back on.
I peek out to see them all sitting in the living room, drinking and smoking cigarettes. I walk past to the restroom. I wash up and rinse my mouth with Listerine.
I walk out and sit down with the guys, grabbing a beer from the case of bottles. It grows quiet. Del is the only one speaking, talking of how bad traffic was in town. Also, of how John wouldn’t shut up about the woman he’s talking to. As Del keeps speaking, John begins texting on his phone; I’m certain it’s to me.
My phone vibrates; I check to see it’s from him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything today. Just thought about everything and hope to still see you tonight.”
While I still need to speak to him about not leaving his wife, I can’t help but think of him fucking me from last night. Maybe after another night of sex, I’ll tell him. John keeps his eyes trained down on his phone, waiting for my response. Meanwhile, I glance over at Frank. He discreetly bites his lip.
I smile and take a sip of my beer. Wondering just what I should do next.