As I pull into the car park the next morning, and park in the numbered bay that has been reserved for me, I am a little surprised to see that I am here before You. I glance at my watch and see that I am in fact 20 minutes early. I know how You despise lateness, and I am determined to make You especially proud of me this week. As I shift in my seat, I can tell that my pussy is already wet, and marvel at how just the expectation of seeing You can do that to me. The first time I met with You I was wet before I had even left my house, although I never got around to telling You as much. I pick up my bag and step out of the car. I linger at the top of the steps for a moment, just in case You should arrive, then walk inside, feeling more positive about a working day than I have in a long time.
I slip my coat off to reveal a black off the shoulder dress, with hold ups, and knee high heeled boots. My hair (grown longer at my Master’s instruction) hangs gracefully down on to my bare shoulders and adding a final touch to the outfit, a black pendant on a delicate silver chain, set with a small diamond. I feel very feminine, and understand why You ask me to dress the way You do. You like Your slave to look and behave like a lady. Except, of course, when it pleases You that I look like a slut. Your slut.
I pull out a key and unlock the small cupboard that forms part of my desk in order to store my bag for the day. I swing the door wide open then quickly close it again when I see what’s inside. A bundle of thin wires wrapped around a slim tube of plastic and some material, sat atop a handwritten note. I open the door enough to put just my hand in, and pull out the note, Good morning my sexy little cock slut. As you can see I have left a little gift for you. I expect you to be wearing it by the time I arrive. The remote is of course, with Me. See you soon, Master I smile and run my fingers over the writing. I position myself in front of the cupboard with my bag, and sweep everything into it, before pushing the door closed again. I close my bag, and head towards the toilets to obey Your instructions. I lock myself in one of the fairly spacious cubicles, and then remove the bundle from my bag to investigate it more closely. It doesn’t take me long to realise there are two devices there, linked to one another. Fortunately my knowledge of toys means that I know straight away what they are both for. There is a butt plug approximately one inch in diameter and four inches long, with a flared end and a kind of collar to it, presumably to prevent it from going too deep. The other is only about an inch in size in total, and I know it’s designed to nestle against my clit.
The material is a pair of white lace knickers. You have obviously provided them for me to wear to help the toys stay in place. I’m not wearing any presently, as per Your orders. As I unfold them, a small sachet drops to the floor. I retrieve it and find it contains lubricant. I smile at Your kindness, even though I’m not sure that the lube will be necessary – I’m already producing enough of my own at the possibilities of what today holds for me.
I push the plug into my pussy, and pump it in and out slowly. I get lost in the sensations for a moment, before snapping back to reality, scolding myself, as I should be following my Master’s orders, not taking pleasure for myself. I pull the toy from my wet pussy and instinctively, before I can stop myself, have cleaned most of the juices from it. Force of habit. I sigh quietly, and tear the corner of the lubricant sachet, letting a trickle run on to the plug. I rub it over the entire surface area of the toy – it’s silicone based, and a little goes a long way. I rub a little on my tight hole – I’m nervous about doing this, because although I have used toys there before, I’ve never left one in for any real length of time.
I bend over slightly, and move the plug into position. I force myself to relax, then push it against the opening. I slide about half an inch inside, then stop to allow myself to get used to the feeling. I gradually push a little deeper, repeating the process until the toy is completely inside me. I move awkwardly to pick up the knickers, and step into them, straightening up as I pull them on. There’s not much to them – just enough to do the job.
I place the other part of Your gift against my clit, then arrange the wires to be as unobtrusive as possible. Lastly I clip the small pager style receiver for the remote onto the waistband of the knickers. Fortunately, my dress is not too clingy, so it’s not possible to see that anything out of the ordinary is going on underneath it.
I dispose of the lube sachet, then emerge from the cubicle and rinse my hands. I check my look in the mirror, and decide I look fine, just a slight pinkish hue on my cheeks. I glance at my watch, and the whole process has taken about ten minutes – not bad. I take a deep breath and walk back into the office, where I put my bag away as normal, and then gingerly sit down at my desk, still trying to force myself to relax around the toy in my ass.
There is still no sign of You, and so I busy myself starting up my computer and arranging things on my desk. When the toy against my clit suddenly buzzes into life, I almost squeak out loud. My head whips round, and I see You walking into the office. You take Your time crossing the room, stopping to greet people on the way. Eventually You halt next to my desk.
“Good morning,”
I glance up at You, and You can tell from the look on my face that I have completed Your orders. “G…Good morning Sir,” I manage to stutter, as You steadily increase the intensity of the vibrations against my clit. I see You flash a smile, then I find myself gripping the edge of my desk as the butt plug begins to vibrate as well. I bite my lip, desperately trying not to make a sound.
“I am very pleased that you have followed My orders so well slave,” You say quietly. “I know this is something of a challenge for you. I want you to come to My office in half an hour, understood?”
“Yes Sir, I understand,” I force out through clenched teeth.
“Good girl,” You say, touching my hand briefly. Then You turn the vibrations to a pulsing action as You walk away from me into Your own office.
I am glowing inside at Your praise – it has made my slight discomfort more than worthwhile. I am also touched that You have taken time to consider my feelings about the situation You have put me in, and look forward to speaking with You in private later.
I try to focus myself on my work, and am surprised to find that once I am used to the feelings it doesn’t seem to hinder me quite so much. I keep my eye on the clock, although it seems to take much longer than it should for time to shift forwards half an hour. When the time comes I rise and walk to Your door. I knock politely, and await an invitation to enter. You call to me to come in, and I open the door and step inside, closing it gently behind me. You lean back in Your big leather chair and motion for me to close the blind. I do as You ask then walk to Your side and kneel, greeting You properly for the morning.
You reach out and stroke my hair, then trace Your finger softly over my lips before holding out Your hand to me. I lean forwards and kiss Your hand, remembering how I thought I would feel silly doing it the first time. Now I really enjoy it. Sometimes I really do believe that You know me better than I do. You offer me a seat, and so I move and sit opposite You, very conscious again of the toys concealed beneath my dress. You contemplate me for a moment then ask,
“How are you feeling My little slut?”
I gather my thoughts for a second then reply, “Well, I’m horny Master,” I see You smile and then I continue, “I feel…strangely elated Master. It’s like I have a sense of freedom from doing something I never thought I’d be able to.”
You nod slowly. “I’m glad you are having pleasant feelings, slave. I know you have something of an aversion to any aspect of play that involves public places, but it would be too easy if I only set you tasks for when we are alone. You would not have the opportunity to develop yourself as My slave.”
“I understand Master. I know it is a fear that I have to overcome, and I think that I am, bit by bit. At least, I hope so. I am Your slave; I exist for Your pleasure Master.”
“Good. And you are right when you say you are beginning to overcome your fear; I am very pleased with your progress. Now, I have to attend a presentation this afternoon, and as My PA, you will be coming along. We will go for lunch in town before heading off, so you will be ready to leave here at midday .”
“Yes Master. Is there anything You wish me to bring along?” I know that I have a smile on my face at the prospect of a trip alone with You in Your car, and am already trying to formulate a plan to entice You into some play. It may earn me a strapping, but it would be more than worth it to have Your cock inside me.
“Just bring your lovely self My sweet.” You have risen from Your seat and move behind me, smoothing my hair and massaging my shoulders briefly. “And there will be no playing on the way slave – this trip is strictly business.”
There is a slight warning tone to Your voice, and I resist any temptation to reply. An idea begins to germinate, but I force myself to crush it. If I make You angry then I won’t be having any orgasms for a while, which would be hell considering that we will see a lot of each other this week.
Midday rolls around, and I am starting to feel as if I will be driven mad by the constant state of arousal that You have kept me in. Every time I manage to get used to the intensity You have the toys set to, You change it, and I have to start over. I wouldn’t mind, but You just seem to know instinctively when to make the switch to keep me at my horniest.
We leave the office together and I do my best to conceal my excitement. We climb into Your car and pull out on to the main road. We haven’t even arrived at the restaurant for lunch when I ask You,
“Master, could You please switch the toys off for a while? I’m so horny, and I don’t want to lose control and disappoint You…”
You glance at me quickly then turn Your attention back to the road saying, “If you don’t want to disappoint Me slut, then you will stay exactly as you are, and you will not cum unless I give you permission.”
“Yes Master,” I reply quietly. I feel a little deflated – the tone of Your voice had been very final. I try to remember that this is a working day for You, and that You have a job to do. I have no wish to displease You – Your will is infinitely stronger than mine, naturally, You are my Master. I know that if I please You, I will be rewarded; I come to the conclusion that this could well be a test for me – can I put my own desires aside for once? I can almost see the thought sitting there in Your head – You will teach me patience if it takes a lifetime.
We sit in silence until You pull into the restaurant car park. You lean over to me and kiss me full on, taking me by surprise. You place Your hand on the back of my head and it tangles into my hair as Your tongue darts in and out of my mouth.
Gradually, You slow and then stop the kiss, brushing some hair out of my eyes You smile at me.
“Time for lunch I think My sexy slave – if you’re good I may allow you to remove one of the toys before we head to this afternoon’s presentation.”
I perk at this, and climb out of the car, determined to be impeccably well behaved over lunch. The only thing that worries me slightly as we walk inside is a twinge I get as I realise that I’m going to need to use the bathroom before very much longer…
We are greeted at the door and shown to our table which is by the window, overlooking a small court yard, with a fountain in the middle. Seeing the water cascading over the feature does nothing to help my predicament, though I can’t quite bring myself to mention it to You, because I am sure that You will take delight in making me wait.
The waiter approaches after a short while and takes our order from You. As is customary when we eat out like this, You decide what I will have. I don’t mind this, as You always make a good selection. You ask the waiter to bring us a jug of iced water and when it arrives You fill my glass. I sip it as slowly as possible whilst we wait for the food to arrive, all the time conscious of my growing need for the bathroom, and trying to look anywhere but at the fountain. No sooner am I half way through the glass of water, than You pick up the jug and refill it, a slight smile on Your face. I understand in that moment that You are aware of my need – You are just waiting to see how well I obey Your order.
I know that I can’t hold out for much longer, or it will really start to hurt, especially with the toys inside me heightening sensation in that general area, so I swallow my pride, and say quietly,
“Yes My sweet?” You reply, looking right at me and stroking my hand with Your fingertips.
“May I please be excused for a moment?” I say, wondering if perhaps You will let me off the hook, just this once. Of course, no such luck.
“That depends,” You answer. “Why does my little slut wish to be excused?”
I sigh inwardly, wondering if I will be punished for trying to side-step Your orders. You are my Master, and I should deny You nothing. I decide to start again, this time asking You how I knew all along You wanted me to ask. Deep breath.
“Master, may I please be excused to go and use the toilet?” My voice is not very loud, but I don’t rush the sentence, as You will only make me repeat it. I glance up at You, and see You smiling proudly at me. My embarrassment is quickly forgotten, as I know that I have pleased You.
“Very good slave. Yes, you may be excused, but don’t be long and no playing with yourself, understood?”
I reply in the affirmative, and walk across to the bathroom, biting back a giggle as I feel the vibrations in my ass intensify briefly. I experience the sense of freedom again that I can only get when I am with my Master. I smile to myself as I think that there is so much more to me than meets the eye – that I am capable of so much more than I ever thought I could be. And all thanks to Master.
As I return to the table You rise to greet me, and assist me with my chair. As well as being my Master, You are also a perfect gentleman. We make small talk for a short while until our food arrives, and then concentrate on our meals, passing the occasional comment to each other.
As we sit finishing off the water, I decide to voice my gratitude to my Master. After the waiter has cleared our plates, and You have asked for the bill, I say quietly,
“I would like to thank You Master.” I glance up at You, then avert my gaze again whilst I gather my thoughts.
“What for, My sweet?” You say, and there’s some genuine curiosity in Your voice.
“For helping my personality to develop Master. For making me realise that I can be whatever I want to be if I set my mind to it. For sharing some of Your knowledge about the world with me, and showing me the possibilities that are out there. For being so patient with me, on more occasions than I care to think of. And for helping me to realise my sexuality, and taking the time to persuade me that I can do everything I wish to, and for seeing my potential Master.”
You smile and drain Your glass. “All I did was show you what was already there My sweet slave. But please don’t think I don’t appreciate what you just said. I am flattered that You have acknowledged Me in such a way, and I hope that together we can continue your development. But don’t forget that I am always learning too,” then You add with a wry smile, “It was after all, you who shared your preferences with Me…”
I can’t help but giggle. “And I’m very glad I did Master. Shall we go?”
You nod and get to Your feet, and we leave the restaurant and head towards the car. As You start the engine, You tell me to recline my seat right back. I do as You tell me, my view out the windows disappearing until I can see only sky.
“Pull your dress up around your waist, My slut,” You say, and no sooner do I reveal the lace panties to You than You slip Your hand inside them. I moan loudly, pushing my hips up to meet Your touch. “Mmmm… you’re very wet slut. Would you like to cum for Me?” You ask, before removing Your hand from my panties and licking my juices off Your finger.
“Ohhh, yes please Master…Your horny little bitch would love to cum for You,” I reply, desperately trying to sound as appealing as possible.
“Take the panties off, and put the clit vibrator to one side,” You order, then when I have complied You say, “Now slut, spread your legs as wide as you can, and put two fingers into that wet pussy. Finger-fuck yourself at a nice steady speed until I say you can stop.”
Without any hesitation I do as You tell me – my fingers slide easily into my wet hole, and I bite down hard on my lip as I start to fuck myself. I wish it was Your cock inside me, but then again I do enjoy performing for my Master’s pleasure.
“That’s it bitch, twist those fingers round in your tight little pussy…” I hear You say. We are driving along the main road now, and I hope You’ve got Your eyes where they should be. I am writhing in the seat, running one hand over my body as the other explores my pussy, pushing my fingers as deep as they will go. I can feel the pressure building, and say,
“Master…please let me touch my clit…I want to cum for You Master, I want to feel Your cock deep inside my cunt…” I trail off as I continue to touch myself for You, then I hear You say,
“I want you to pinch your clit slave…imagine it’s Me touching you…My fingers exploring your pussy…finger fucking you hard…” Your voice sounds strained, and I see You glance at me out of the corner of Your eye. “I said pinch your clit slut!” You say loudly, bringing my mind back into focus, and automatically I do as You say, gripping my clitoris between thumb and forefinger, and squeezing until I squeak with pain.
“Good girl”, You say in response. “You may rub it gently now… bring yourself to an orgasm for Me slave…” You continue to glance at me now and then, calling me all those names I love as You watch me get closer and closer to orgasm. As it all begins to overtake me I gasp,
“Please Master! Please let Your horny little bitch cum for You! Pleeeeease Master, let me cummmm for Youuuu…!” I grit my teeth as I try to hold back, and then I hear those words,
“Cum for Me slave…Cum hard for Your Master…” Briefly I feel Your hand cover my pussy as my orgasm hits, squeezing tight as if drawing every contraction from my cunt. I scream my release, thanking You for allowing me to cum, loving the feeling of Your hand on my pussy… then I feel myself starting to orgasm again as You push a finger inside me a second time, instantly finding my g-spot. I grip the sides of the seat as the waves rip through me, and then it gradually ebbs away. I am coming down slowly from the peak as You bring the car to a stop at traffic lights. You lean over and kiss me softly saying,
“That was very nice slave, well done – I’m pleased with you. We’re nearly at the conference centre now My slut; you may use the bathrooms there to clean up a little. Though it’s a shame we don’t have time for you to take care of the raging hard-on you’ve given Me…” You squeeze my thigh gently and I sigh happily.
“I could always take care of it for You on the way back Master,” I say sweetly, my eyes sparkling with mischief.
“We’ll see My sweet. I may let you suck Me today if I decide you’ve earned it,” You reply just as teasingly. We have arrived at our destination, and You park the car, turn to me and say, “you may leave the clit vibrator in the glove box, slave. You can put some more lube on the butt plug if you want to – there’s some more sachets in there too.”
“Thank You Master,” I say, and as we walk into the centre, You wait just inside the main door whilst I visit the ladies and sort myself out. When I rejoin You I say to You quietly,
“Master..? Is the plug going to be switched on during the presentation?”
“Of course,” You answer as You pick up and flick through a brochure on what we have come here to see. “Why?”
“Oh, nothing Master,” I say as I feel a slight fear creep into me. Then I feel Your hand on my shoulder and You turn me to face You.
“Why do you ask, slave?” Your voice is soft, but serious. You fix me with Your gaze, expecting an answer.
“I…I’m just worried that everyone in there will be able to hear it – that they’ll know what’s going on,” I say in a rush, desperately hoping that I haven’t angered You.
With Your hand still on my shoulder, You guide me to a quiet corner of the foyer. I am gazing intently at the floor, chiding myself for not simply trusting Your word. You cup my chin in Your hand, and gently pull my face up so that I am looking at You.
“You’re having a crisis of confidence, aren’t you My slut?” You say to me softly.
I feel myself blushing at Your close scrutiny and nod as I whisper, “I’m sorry Master. It’s just that…so many new things have happened to me today…I’m feeling so overwhelmed Master…” I trail off, closing my eyes in shame as I feel I have let You down. You release my chin and stroke my neck gently, knowing I will not be able to resist.
“I appreciate how you are feeling slave, but that is why you must trust Me. You know that I would not do anything to endanger or embarrass you in public, don’t you?” I nod in reply and so You go on, “I am not angry with you, but I do intend to punish you for not trusting me. We have been through this before, have we not?”
“Yes Master, we have,” I answer in a small voice. You are right – I have let my fear of what others may think hinder my pleasing You on more than one occasion, and I must take more heed of what You say. I feel apprehensive for a moment, wondering what my punishment will entail, and then You speak to me again.
“To ease your mind a little My slave, remember this. I will be sat next to you, controlling the toy inside you. If I can’t hear it, then nobody else can. It will of course sound louder to you, but I want you to concentrate on what is being said at the front of the room, and not your own predicament. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master,” I say, managing a small, nervous smile. “I will do as You order.”
We enter the hall and You lead me to a couple of seats a few rows from the front. You have not yet switched the toy back on and I am on a knife edge wondering when You will begin the delicious torture again. We chat quietly until the presentation begins. It starts with a short promotional film, and as noise fills the room, I feel the vibrations start. After the short break You gave me, it’s incredibly intense, and I dig my nails into the palms of my hands. The urge to touch myself and reach another orgasm is unbelievable. I glance at You, but You are looking straight ahead watching the screen.