Donna was a work colleague who had become a good friend. She was employed by a contractor for my firm and we worked together for a number of years. We had met socially at various social functions over the years and had a very good working relationship. At the time I was married so I didn’t take it any further although Donna made no secret of the fact that had I wanted to I would have encountered very little resistance. This is something I really regretted in hindsight because although I was married the relationship was joyless and arid.
In her mid-forties, Donna had an awful year. With very little warning, she lost her mother to cancer and her employer lost the contract and made her redundant on not particularly generous terms. She decided to make a complete change and returned to the rural west coast of Ireland to look after her father in his final years and have the room and space to think about what to do next. She had been very sensible a few years earlier and ploughed her savings into building a cottage in Donegal which gave her some space and privacy while she also looked after her Dad.
When my marriage imploded I hid nothing from anyone and Donna and I kept in touch over Facebook. She was one of those women I was able to lean on in the dark days of the divorce when I was dealing with some malicious claims from my soon to be ex-wife.
One evening Donna posted some pictures on Facebook of one of the work parties we had both attended a few years back, I had never seen them before. Two things struck me. Firstly, how miserable, tired, and haggard I looked, and secondly, how hot Donna looked without her usual work attire. I scrolled back through her earlier posts and found some amazing shots of her in a bikini on one of the Canary Islands, I recognised the guy she was with at the time and knew that it was long over between them. I kept going back to those photos and I admit that on a couple of lonely nights I enjoyed masturbating while thinking about Donna.
A few days later Donna and I were chatting on Facebook, it was a Saturday night we were both alone and we had both drunk quite a bit of wine. The chat became more and more flirty and I then admitted that I wished I had slept with her while she was working in London, I may even have blurted out that I wished I had fucked her. She brought the conversation to a close and logged off Facebook. I thought I had really overstepped the mark and possibly blown it with a good friend.
I went to bed feeling pretty sorry for myself and was just about to log onto a porn site when the Skype icon on my laptop alerted me to an incoming message. Somebody called Donegal-Milf had sent me a message.
“Imagine me naked and tied to your bed,” it read.
“Donna?” I enquired.
What followed was one of the most exciting nights I had had in recent years. We were both clearly aroused, I admitted to being naked and Donna said she was very scantily clad, something I had no difficulty imagining. As two uninhibited people, with high sex drives who weren’t getting any, we discussed positions, techniques, and fantasies. She asked about my cock. I told her it was of average length but thicker than most; she liked the sound of that. She told me that she shaved her pussy bar a little bit up top. That was something that had always turned me on. We chatted for the allotted time allowed on Skype and both admitted that we had come more than once. It was a wonderful night.
I woke the next morning feeling better than I had in years, Donna was not beside me but what we had done was so much better than masturbating alone or watching porn. I messaged Donna and she said that she felt the same, clearly, this was not going to be a one-off event.
Our evening cyber-sex sessions became a regular part of our week. We were comfortable with each other, confident in sharing our desires and fantasies. Nothing appeared to be off-limits but we both had very similar sexual tastes. I’d lived for years in a joyless marriage and Donna had not found anyone that lasted after her divorce. This arrangement worked for both of us.
After about a week I broached the idea of me flying to Ireland so that we could meet in person. I made it clear that we would see how things went and that if in the real world it wasn’t working then we would part as friends. Donna was happy with that but did point out that where she lived was a very small place and everyone knew everything that everyone else was doing. She also reminded me that she had moved back to be with her Dad in his final years and that she wasn’t going to break that promise to him.
I agreed to everything and booked some time off from work and a flight. The prospect of real sex with a woman again after quite a while was really exciting. I asked if there was anything I could bring over. Donna mentioned that her lingerie collection was very old and tired and that she had little opportunity to wear any of it.
I was amazed to visit the lingerie department of Marks & Spencers, a venerable British high street institution to see just how sexy some of their lingerie ranges were. I picked up four complete sets for Donna. I also bought a couple of more expensive sets in silk from an independent British designer based near Bath. I was really looking forward to seeing Donna in the outfits I had bought her, and of course, removing them.
As the days until my trip approached and became more & more aware of the horrible virus that was spreading quickly through Europe. I didn’t for one minute think that it would be as bad as it turned out. Two days before my flight Ireland closed its borders and a day later British Airways emailed me to say that the flight had been cancelled. I wouldn’t be seeing or fucking Donna anytime soon.
We took the news in our stride, there was really nothing else we could do. Our cyber-sessions became more intense, but it was obvious to me that Donna was really worried about her elderly father.
I arranged to send all the lingerie I had bought over by post. Donna asked me to double wrap everything and put it in a plain box. The reason is she claimed to have the nosiest postman in the world. I did as she asked.
The Lingerie arrived in Donegal about a week later and Donna was delighted with it. In addition to wearing it while we masturbated, she sent me a couple of selfies via WhatsApp. Donna looked stunning in what I had chosen. I had no problem coming and looking at the pictures she sent.
The situation went from bad to worse, I was sent home from work and put on furlough indefinitely. Donna was in a similar situation. We both spent our days doing what we needed to do and then got together over Skype in the evening. Donna would take care of her Dad make sure he had an evening meal and all his prescriptions and would then leave him making sure that he knew not to let anyone into his house. It was hard for everyone. Once home she would light a fire, run a bath and then put on some lingerie or just stay naked. Her cottage was isolated enough for her to do that.
There were worse ways of getting through the pandemic and associated lockdowns. Two lonely people who cared for one another doing their best to ease our mutual sexual frustrations.
One evening while both coming down from our orgasms Donna blurted out that she really needed my cock. The chances of that happening were non-existent. I asked her about sex toys. She said that she had a couple but found them unsatisfactory and had thrown them away when she left London. I asked if I could send her a glass dildo, she thought about it for a few minutes and then said she would like to try it. Again she reminded me to take some precautions because of the local postman.
Later that night I logged onto the website of the best known British sex shop. I was amazed how many vibrators, dildos and other equipment were listed as out of stock. It was clear how a lot of British people were coping with the lockdown. I found what I wanted and was delighted to see it was still in stock. I ordered it and then messaged customer services about the need for very discreet packaging. I got a message back saying that they were aware of the need, not only in Ireland but throughout the country. The agent let slip that they were shipping to parts of Britain that they had never sent anything to before. I’m not sure whether she should have done this, but the agent also admitted that she had the same dildo that I had chosen and used it a few times a week, she was very satisfied. It was either complete honesty or a very clever marketing technique?
About a week later I got a message from Donna in the middle of the day which was unusual. My first thought was that it was bad news about her Dad – it wasn’t. She happened to be home and had met the postman and taken the package. He hadn’t got a clue that was in it.
Donna said that as soon as she unwrapped it she had become so turned on that she had locked her outside door, stripped off and used the dildo immediately
“If you could see me now, naked, wet, legs spread, brushing my clit with one hand and talking to you on the phone.” Donna breathlessly described her situation, her voice was sultry and she was clearly turned on.
I admitted that were I there I would watch her and then stand at the side of the bed and spray my cum all over her. Clearly, the dildo was a success and was going to be a great addition to our cyber repertoire.
The first lockdown ended in Britain, but not in Ireland. I was permitted to fly to Belfast but had no reason to cross the border. Donna and I talked about the possibility of a weekend in the north but it was clear that she wasn’t comfortable with the risk to her father. I respected her views and we continued with our cyber relationship.
Predictably enough after a brief interlude, the pandemic death toll continued to rise and Britain was soon back in its second lockdown. The chances of meeting anyone new were non-existent so my cyber-sessions with Donna were my only outlet. We both made the most of them.
It took another year before the global vaccination programme began to bring the virus under control. Ireland had always been exceptionally cautious and the death toll there reflected this. When eventually the government decided it was safe to re-open the borders Donna’s brother travelled over to Donegal to see his Dad for the first time in nearly two years. His arrival meant that Donna was free to travel. She was desperate to get out of the small west coast town. Without any hesitation, I booked her a flight to London.
I met her at Gatwick airport, as she walked through arrivals my jeans struggled to conceal a rather obvious hard-on. We kissed passionately, like lovers rather than old friends. As I broke the kiss and reached down to pick up her bag I boldly told her that I wanted to lick her pussy.
We stopped for lunch at a pub near my house but soon after ordering it was obvious that neither of us had much of an appetite, for food.
As soon as we got in the front door of my house we fell upon each other. The next few minutes were a blur as our passion overcame us. We kissed and explored each other’s bodies as we undressed each other in the hallway at the foot of the stairs. Naked and breathing hard we gazed into each other’s eyes, Donna reached for my swelling cock and led me by it up the stairs to my bedroom. I gazed in awe at her lovely shapely bum and her smooth pussy lips as she led the way.
As we reached my bed it was clear what we both wanted there was no need for any preliminaries. I lined my cock head up with the entrance to Donna’s pussy and pushed in all the way the first time, she was soaking wet and it was easy. For the first time in years, I was having sex again.
What followed was wonderful, Donna was an uninhibited and imaginative lover, and sex with her was like nothing I had ever experienced before. We changed positions frequently we both used our mouths and tongues to enhance the experience for both of us. Our orgasms were loud and satisfying.
As we lay close, naked and sweaty our hearts pounding we just embraced and soaked in the pleasure we had both just experienced.
The days that followed were hedonistic and delightful, we would wake in each other’s arms sated from the night before and start our day with a bout of lovemaking. I was still not back at work so there was no rush. We would often go downstairs naked and prepare breakfast together. The design of my house meant that as long as I shut one door then nobody could see in from the street. One morning a courier arrived with a box from the wine club that I needed to sign for. I threw on a pair of shorts before answering the door. The courier put the case down in the hallway while I looked for a pen. Beyond the front door, my house is completely open plan. Donna sat at the dining table sipping her coffee naked. She didn’t bat an eyelid and the courier left with a massive smile on his face.
I was also very conscious that Donna had not left the small town for over two years so we ventured into London on most days. Like most people, we avoided the tube and went in on the surface rail. The post-Covid economic devastation was hard to take in. Pubs and restaurants had been hit very hard. Several of my favourite pubs had not survived and restaurants that we both knew were a distant memory. Donna visibly thrived on these trips and you could see that being among people and in a big city was doing her the world of good.
Most evenings we opted to return home and cook something together, it was something we both enjoyed. We would then either catch up on box sets of TV shows or films or sometimes just strip off and start making love. On one of our trips into London we stopped off to buy Donna some more lingerie, a basque and stockings was my favourite item and the mere suggestion that Donna was wearing them meant that Netflix didn’t stand a chance that night.
Our sexual tastes and desires were very similar. I loved going down on Donna and she in return gave me the most amazing blow jobs. We experimented with consensual bondage including blindfolds which aroused us both. I loved to watch Donna masturbate and she was happy to put on a show for me. Once she left the door to the ensuite bathroom open and began playing with herself in the shower. As she thrust a dildo into her pussy she pushed her bum cheeks against the shower screen. I snapped a couple of pictures of her on my phone, I was very turned on.
I later admitted to her what I had done and she said that she had no problem with it. She also let me take some lovely shots of her naked with my proper camera. Making doubly sure that we had disabled my iPad from the cloud we also filmed us fucking in my recliner chair with Donna on top in the reverse cowgirl position. Donna asked me to make her a copy of that and put it on a memory stick so that she could watch it when she was home. She also requested that I take a couple of pictures of her with my cock in her mouth. I was more than happy to oblige.
Donna’s last day came too quickly, she was booked on an evening flight back home. We stayed in bed until mid-afternoon simply fucking each other’s brains out. I lost count of how many times we both came. We had a late lunch together which we ate naked and I admired Donna’s still swollen and puffy pussy lips for the last time.
A quietness descended on us both as we packed her bag and I drove her down to Gatwick Airport I was hoping that her flight might be cancelled but there was no such luck. We parted at the security gate and I gazed adoringly at her bum in her jeans as she walked away from me towards the plane. I had no idea when I would see her again.