A Virgin Soldier Goes To A Brothel For The First Time

"A whore that knows what she’s doing"

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Anatoly leaned in, grinning over a mug of frothy ale.

“Come on, mate. I know you’ve never done this before,” he rasped, his voice coarse and breath reeking of stale beer. “It’s been, what, three weeks since we got back to the city? You really need to finally get your rocks off.” He slapped his hand on Bram’s shoulder, nearly causing him to spill his beer.

Bram shot him a look and got an amused grin in response.

“No,” he muttered, shifting in his seat to put some space between himself and Anatoly. “I have to work in the morning. And I’m not a whore-fucker.”

The way he said it, as if it were some great achievement, made Anatoly burst into a fit of drunken laughter. Bram just stared into the distance, taking a long sip from his drink. A few strands of brown hair clung to his sweaty forehead, and his grey eyes remained unfocused, lost in thought. He was a big man, but his lack of experience with women had always been obvious. His awkward reactions to Anatoly’s dirty jokes had long since become a running gag among their comrades.

The heat of the room was nearly stifling, filling the air with the mingled scents of sweat and smoke. But the silver lining—for Bram, that is—was that most of the women around wore light clothing, some in thin white shirts that clung to their generous curves in the summer heat, revealing glimpses of their nipples. It was just enough to keep a soldier’s gaze lingering.

Anatoly, a man in his late thirties with a sizable beer belly, let out a long sigh and wiped his ale-moistened lips with his sleeve.“You’ve never fucked one, that’s true, but I bet you’re aching to get your dick wetted, ain’t ya, lad? So I don’t see what the problem is.”

Bram snorted. “Look, spending gold on that kind of thing… it just feels wrong, you know? Like there’s no honor in it.”

Anatoly smirked, leaning back. “Huh? And who exactly are you trying to impress with all this honor, my friend?”

Bram rolled his eyes. “Maybe not you. Paying for a quick fuck—that just screams desperation to me. Guess it suits you perfectly.” He spat to the side and took another sip.

The waitress who’d brought their drinks shot them both a questioning look before backing away, and Bram could almost hear her laughing about it with the others in the kitchen.

Anatoly, too drunk to care, just shrugged off the insult. “Yes, you’re anything but desperate, my friend,” he said sarcastically, leaning back in his chair. “Say what you want, lad. But you’re the one here who’s never been laid. I doubt you’ll have many chances before you die.” He said it as casually as if he were announcing the weather. “If I were you, I’d take the opportunity while you can.”

Bram’s fingers clenched around his mug. In just a few days, he’d be leaving the city for the frontlines, and he didn’t need anyone reminding him of that looming reality. He took a long, deep sip, closing his eyes as he drifted into thought. He didn’t want to consider Anatoly’s words, but the reality of the situation was hard to ignore. He really needed a break. A release.

Anatoly groaned, rolling his eyes at Bram’s silence. “C’mon, lad. I’m really worried you’re going to spend your last days of freedom alone in this tavern,” he said in a mockingly sweet tone, tapping his temple with a finger.  “Or maybe you’re gonna go to the shrine instead and ask the pretty priestesses if she needs some dick inside her while you’re here? I know that she has a thing for you.“

Bram’s gaze snapped back to Anatoly. “That’s none of your business.” He straightened up in his seat and narrowed his eyes, feeling embarrassed—especially since Anatoly’s words had brought an image of the pretty priestess to mind. And her pretty, round ass, when she was praying on her knees. 

Anatoly’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh, ho! I think I hit a nerve.” He gave Bram’s shoulder another hearty pat. “I get it, boy. It gets lonely—I know it well, trust me. Been there myself.” He gestured toward the door. “Believe me, the girls at the Red Door know what they’re doing, and they’ll take care of that little friend of yours. They like soldiers like us and would be more than happy to welcome a big lad like you. You know no priestess would ever let you get that far, no matter how much you beg or pray.” He laughed, fishing some coins from his pocket and tossing them on the table to cover the ale. He looked ready to head out.

Bram scowled, well aware that Anatoly was only trying to rile him up.

“You know,” Bram said, fixing him with a blank stare. “I don’t know what I’d do without such a good friend like you.” He sighed and pushed his chair back. “I’m done hearing your bullshit. Let’s just go and get this over with.”

Anatoly smirked and stood up from his seat. “All right. That’s the spirit,” he chuckled, putting on his cloak, “I know the way, so just follow me, lad.”


The Red Door was nothing like the fancy brothels with plush red curtains and ornate decor. From the way Anatoly had talked it up, Bram had expected something along those lines. Instead, he found a worn-down wooden building marked only by a red-painted door and a hefty iron knocker shaped like a lion’s head. Anatoly swore it was the best place in the city—and Bram supposed he’d have to take his word for it, since he didn’t exactly have a lot of experience in these matters.

Bram watched Anatoly push open the door and stride inside like he owned the place. Hesitating, Bram stepped in after him, immediately hit by a thick mix of sweat and overpowering floral perfume. He could hear a mix of moans and giggles and it all was making his head spin. 

“Shit,” he muttered, his stomach churning. “This was a mistake.”

Anatoly turned, smirking. “Oh, quit whining. You’re not backing out on me now, are you?” He spat to the side and let out a sharp tsk, shaking his head. “Come on, lad, don’t make me drag you in by the collar.”

Bram clenched his fists and forced himself to follow. “I can’t believe I agreed to this,” he said, arms crossed tightly over his chest. “… and that I’m supposed to spend my gold on some whore’s pussy.”

Anatoly chuckled, hands in his pockets, utterly at ease. “Just wait until you meet the girls, my friend,” he said, giving Bram a sly grin. “I’d wager you’ll change your mind.”

The room was small but felt spacious, dimly lit by candles and flickering oil lamps that cast more shadows than light. A purple curtain partially divided the space, and from its edge, Bram glimpsed half-naked women moving around. He tried to avoid staring, but found his gaze drifting towards their smooth bodies bathed in the candlelight.

At the far side of the room, a woman stood behind the counter, her pale skin and sharp blue eyes striking beneath a crown of dark hair. Bram could almost feel her weighing his pockets with her gaze, already guessing how many coins he had and how to make him part with them.

“Anatoly,” she greeted smoothly, her gaze finally drifting away from Bram. “Pleasure to see you. And look at that—you’ve brought a friend with you this time.” She giggled. 

Bram felt his cheeks flush, his eyes darting to the ground as if it could somehow hide him. 

“Ana, my dear!” Anatoly called out, slinging a heavy arm over Bram’s shoulder like a sack of grain. “I sure as hell did. This here is a seasoned warrior, and my dear friend. Figured I’d do the poor bastard a favour and show him how to live like a real man—y’know, before he croaks or something.”

Ana nodded, her smile widening as if she found his words amusing. She leaned slightly forward, resting her elbow on the counter, and began to twirl a lock of her hair around her finger. Her gaze slid over Bram, lingering a second too long around his crotch area. Bram couldn’t help but suspect she was more interested in his gold coins than in what he hides in there. 

Anatoly caught the look and gave the girl a conspiratorial wink. “He’s a virgin,” he said with a low chuckle. “And between you and me, we’re still figuring out if he’s even straight.”

Bram jabbed his elbow into Anatoly’s ribs, but he just laughed. “Easy there!” He grinned. “Or maybe he’s got a taste for both? Wouldn’t be surprised—I’ve always had my suspicions.”

The woman giggled and rolled her eyes. “We’re not here to judge, sweetheart,” she said with a little shrug, her hand coming to rest elegantly on the counter. “We’re here to make sure you have a good time.”

Anatoly snorted, raising an eyebrow. “Oh, I’m sure you’d enjoy that.” 

As if on cue, the curtain parted slightly more, revealing the face of a redhead. Both men turned toward her, and she flashed a bold smile. Her curvy body was concealed beneath a thin, white gown, but her shoulders and collarbones were exposed, along with her thighs, which drew Bram’s attention. The sight of naked skin that she showcased, It was a rare view, as women usually kept themselves covered from head to toe.

But her appearance, it was nothing compared to the girls that appeared behind her. Some were dressed in garments that left little to the imagination, or nothing at all. Their tits were basically bare with just some decorations hanging on them and it made Bram’s cheeks flush. The air thickened with the kind of perfume that could probably knock out a lesser man—or at least make him question all his life choices. 

“Well, great seeing you, as always,” Anatoly said to Ana, a sly glint in his eye. “But duty calls—I’ve got some old friends to say hello to. Keep an eye on him for me, yeah?”

Anatoly gave Bram one last pat on the shoulder before heading toward the redhead, who greeted him with a soft giggle and a kiss on his cheek. It was clear this wasn’t his first visit. “And don’t forget to pick someone who knows what they’re doing,” he called out over his shoulder. Then, with a final wink, he and the girl slipped behind one of the doors, disappearing into the dimly lit corridor beyond, where more rooms awaited.

Ana’s smile lingered on Bram. “So, what is it you’re looking for?” she asked, absently twisting a lock of her hair around her finger. “No need to be shy; I’m very good with secrets,” she murmured, a quiet laugh slipping from her lips. “Every girl is different, but if you ask nicely, they’ll make sure you get whatever you desire.” She winked at him.

Bram felt a bead of sweat going down his temple as he looked around the room again. The other side of the room, behind the curtain, was quite crowded. Several women were staring at him, and some even expressed their interest in him by using provocative gestures. They all were attractive, but none of them felt special or unique. It was hard to choose one when all seemed so similar to each other. He got closer to the curtain and his gaze settled on a corner of the room, where a certain girl was resting, away from everyone. 

She had long, brown hair and her short dress was a deep, captivating purple, wrapped around her neck in a halter style, leaving her pale shoulders and back bare. Some shimmering brooches in the shapes of leaves traced around her waist, emphasising her wide hips. Her thighs were thick and smooth, looking like they could be squished in the best way possible—no shame in showing them off. And her breasts? Barely covered, practically begging for attention, with her pointy nipples just slightly poking through. Begging to be released from the tight confinement.

She sat in the corner, looking unbothered and unlike the others, she wasn’t smiling at him. Her eyes were fixed on the pipe in her hand, her fingers tracing the soft curve of it. She lifted it to her red lips and took a slow, deliberate drag, her gaze finally rising to meet him, the intensity in her brown eyes pulling him in.

“She’s not exactly beginner-friendly,” Ana muttered, noticing Bram’s eyes lingering. He hadn’t even realized she’d stepped up beside him. “And trust me, Sara’s not one of the bargain deals around here.”

Bram turned to her and raised his eyebrow. “Why isn’t she for beginners?”

Ana giggled, crossing her arms as she leaned against the counter. “You see, Sara’s got a taste for control. We like to call her our little sadist freak—but that’s just a joke, of course.” Her eyes met his, daring him. “She’ll tease the hell out of you, so if you don’t want to spend the whole night waiting for her to get to work, you might want to pick someone else for your first time.”

This comment intrigued him. He couldn’t get his eyes off this woman, she really caught his attention. His gaze lingered on the subtle outline of her collarbones that were glistening with her sweat, before lowering to her chest and he took in a sharp breath seeing how her soft tits raised when she took a deeper breath. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that she didn’t look like a typical whore – at least not like he would imagine it.

Bram shook his head. “No. I think she’s perfect.”

Ana smiled and nodded before returning to her place behind the counter, her eyes briefly meeting Bram’s as she moved.

“Enjoy yourself,” she said with a sly grin. “Payment’s after, by the way. You’re with Anatoly, so we’re all set.”

Bram acknowledged that comment with a small nod and took a steadying breath, walking up to the girl called Sara.

She was stunning and had a certain charm that made him a bit scared. Standing next to her, it hit him—there was something in her eyes that made him want to run, not because he should, but because he knew he’d never get away. She was the hunter, and he was the helpless, poor bastard who’d wandered right into her trap.

He stopped right in front of her and thought, ‘shit’.

But he didn’t turn around.

Instead, he looked at her and waited for her to say something. He saw that the other girls were very clingy and inviting, basically dragging men with them. However, Sara seemed unfazed. Was she like this towards everyone? He wondered. 

She looked back and waited too, with a small smirk playing on her lips. She puffed out some smoke in his direction, tilting her chin up.

Bram coughed and said, “Hi, I’m… Bram.”

The girl crossed her legs slowly, her foot swaying with the rhythm of the music. She reclined against the arm of the couch, tilting her head. “Hi,” she let the silence stretch, her gaze holding his, almost daring him to break it. “So, what do you want me to do for you, Bram?” 

Bram was confused. “To do?” He asked, feeling like an idiot. “I thought I was supposed to tell you that I want to be with you and then you would…” His words trailed off, a sudden heat creeping up his neck. “I mean…”

Sara let out a soft, mocking laugh. “Yeah, I know that already.” She leaned forward, her eyes narrowing as she studied him. “But now, I want to know what you want me to do.” She let the words hang in the air, her lips curling into a knowing smile. “You seem like the type who likes to talk big, but I’m not hearing anything! Are you here for a blowjob? Or maybe you want actual sex?” She tilted her head, waiting.

Bram looked away, feeling his cheeks flush again. “I…” He looked back at the girl and said, “Could we just fuck?” He couldn’t believe that these words just left his mouth. It felt humiliating.

The girl nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Okay, that will do,” she said, rising from her seat. She was taller than Bram had expected. And her body… It was nothing short of stunning. “Let’s go find a room,” she added, her voice was quiet and yet he could hear her clearly in this buzz. She turned and started walking. She waved her hand for him to follow, her hips swaying with each step.

Bram followed her.


He stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do, watching the girl undress herself.  And she surely was taking her time. She had her back turned to him and he followed with his eyes as the fabric at her neck came undone, slipping loose with a gentle pull, leaving more pale skin bare and exposed. 

He couldn’t believe that the woman was so close to him and was about to be fully naked. And she was way too seductive than he expected a whore to be. This made him nervous. Maybe he really shouldn’t have chosen this one. Maybe he wasn’t good enough for her—he slapped himself mentally at that thought. She’s a whore, you idiot. He thought to himself trying to regain composure.

He looked back at her and he couldn’t believe that he was going to put his cock inside of her. He was going to touch her soft skin. Her curves. Her breasts…

The girl turned around, the dress sliding down to the curve of her hips, showcasing a delicate yet flat stomach with V-lines leading down to her navel. She propped a hand on her hips and her naked breasts swayed with the subtle movement. “You’re awfully quiet. Don’t tell me a warrior like you is being shy?” she asked with a smirk.

Bram stepped forward and started untying the laces of his shirt, without saying a word. He also stared at her body with his mouth slightly agape, trying to process this situation.

The girl laughed and pushed her dress to her feet to then hop out of it. She wore red, lace panties, which caught his attention. While he was distracted, she grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from the laces. Before he could protest, she pressed her lips on his. Her fingers travelled from his wrists to the inside of his palms, and she scratched the rough skin with her long nails before enveloping her fingers with his. 

Bram was stunned but it didn’t take him long to return the kiss, in the clumsy way that he could. 

He tried to break it but she didn’t let him, she bit his lower lip and pulled him closer, until their bodies were flushed against each other. A small groan escaped his lips when he felt her soft breasts squishing against his hard chest. He tried to pull away again, to catch a breath but she just laughed and slid her fingers in his hair, pulling slightly so that he tilted his head up. She tasted sweet, and reminded him of forest fruits. Her wet tongue traced a slow line in his mouth to then twirl against his own tongue. 

She finally withdrew her tongue, leaving a glistening trail of saliva connecting its tip with his swollen lips. 

Bram swallowed and almost fell to his knees but she helped him keep steady on his feet. He didn’t ask any more questions and tried to push his pants down his hips, but she got to them first. “Let me help you with that,” she murmured unbuckling his belt with her nimble fingers. Then she slowly pulled his pants down while also lowering herself to her knees to take a closer look. He swallowed as her eyes fell to the level of his bulge.

Bram felt like he wanted to scream when he heard her giggle. He didn’t know how to read that reaction, so he cleared his throat and clenched his fists. He felt his stomach turn, realising that he was naked in front of her. His cock was hard and ready and it was just begging for some attention. He swallowed his pride and looked down at her. 

“So, you’re Anatoly’s friend?” she asked with a hint of amusement in her sweet voice. “I’ve heard he has a knack for finding men who need a woman’s… attention.”

Bram shrugged, feeling a slight unease settle in his chest. 

He looked at the girl, who was still sitting on her knees, staring at him like she was waiting for something to happen. His throbbing cock was right in front of her face, yet she seemed to ignore it on purpose, not even touching it. Just staring at him, as if he was supposed to say please first. He saw her tongue peeking out of her mouth when she licked her lip. But she didn’t make any move to put those plump lips on his cock. It made him frustrated, though she seemed to be having fun.

“Maybe you should help me a little,” he said, trying to keep his tone of voice calm. “It is my first time and all, so I’m not sure if I know how to do this.” He tried smiling, but his lip twitched anyway.

The girl bit her lower lip. “Oh,” she said. “Do you want to help me take your cock into my mouth?” She giggled and finally touched it with her fingers. It twitched in her gentle grip. He wished she could grab it harder. “Or do you want me to help you put it inside my pussy?”

Bram felt a cold shiver crawl down his spine as she spoke to him as if he were an idiot.

She was just a whore — he wasn’t paying her to talk shit about him. Without thinking, he reached down to grab her by her hair, but she was quicker. In one smooth motion, she got up from the ground and shoved him onto the bed behind him.

Bram tried to reach for her, but she didn’t let him. She straddled him so he could feel her damp panties on his lower stomach. He didn’t want to use force against her, and he was holding back, unable to ignore how her confidence turned him on. 

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked. “Why do you keep laughing at me?”

“I’m not,” she said, locking eyes with him. “I’ve heard stories about you— the great Bram—from Anatoly, and I’m curious to see if you’re really the man he claims you to be.” She flicked her hair off her shoulder and straightened, lifting herself slightly so she hovered over him. “Are you a virgin?” she asked, her hands resting on his shoulders. “Or did Anatoly lie about that too? He has a reputation for stretching the truth, so I wonder.”

Bram grabbed her wrists and narrowed his eyes. “Who do you think you are? I didn’t pay you to treat me like shit,” he hissed, feeling humiliated that she heard such stories about him. “You’ve got an attitude for a fucking whore.” He sighed and looked away. He didn’t like the sound of it but it slipped from his mouth. 

Sara in response just raised her hands in mock defence. “From what I know you didn’t pay anything yet. And let’s not forget who’s the one spending money here—and who’s getting paid, hm?’

Bram rolled his eyes. “That’s not the point here!”

She chuckled and started moving her hips over his stomach. “Mhm, but you know what they say,” she sighed slowly and smiled. “You get what you pay for.”

Bram gasped when she pressed her lace-covered pussy against his cock. “What are you doing?”

The girl kept smiling, her gaze almost mocking. ‘Isn’t this what you paid for, little warrior? You were complaining just a moment ago.’ she giggled. She started grinding her hips over his cock, making it harder and harder. Her hips were moving like if she was dancing, gliding over it with precision. Bram gasped and moaned, trying not to think about the things he wanted to do to this woman. He wanted to put his hands on her breasts, pull her hair, fuck her until she begged him to stop, but… He didn’t have the courage. He wanted her to do the job. 

She leaned closer and planted a small kiss on his cheek, then traced her tongue to his neck. “I’m going to fuck you now,” she whispered, pulling his hands up on the sides of her body. “You’re allowed to touch me, if you’re brave enough, hm?”

Bram smirked at that comment and squeezed her waist, massaging it with his fingers. “Do you think I’m stupid?” he murmured, feeling a bit dizzy. “This is your job. I don’t have to ask you for permission.”

She chuckled and bit his neck, causing him to gasp. “No, you don’t,” she said and raised herself up a bit. “But I think a boy like you needs to hear it, hm? You need to have permission first.” She pressed down more, and bit her lower lip.. “You’re a good boy, Bram.” Her voice tickled his ear and he felt a shiver running down his spine.

He placed his hand on her breast, feeling the delicate skin mould under his fingers. He circled her nipples with his thumbs to then flick them, causing her to purr in pleasure into his ear. 

The girl started grinding against him harder, pressing down with more passion but she also slowed down the tempo. She was painfully slow, it made him his back arch. He realised that she was teasing him, still treating him like a complete virgin. 

But he was a swordsman. He knew pain all too well. He knew the brutal sting of a blade sinking into his gut, the cold steel slicing through flesh and muscle, tearing him apart from the inside out.

This girl, with her wet, tight pussy and soft, squishable body, wasn’t going to kill him and she wasn’t going to hurt him either. It was nothing like what he already survived. 

Bram reached up, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down to kiss her. His hand tangled in her hair, as he caressed her scalp with his fingers. He fucking loved the taste of her lips. He pulled her even closer, wanting to suck on her tongue. She let him and pinned her nails on his shoulders while he did so. He moaned while savouring her taste.

He knew the girls in the Red Door were supposed to do whatever their clients wanted to, but he didn’t care. He knew that she was like this just because he paid her but he still wanted to at least pretend that it’s meaningful.

He kissed her, bit her, sucked her lower lip into his mouth. He groped her tits and played with her nipples. He pushed her hair away from her face and stared into her eyes, daring her to try something.

She kept smiling. That annoying, confident smirk that drove him crazy. 

Her hands gripped his cheeks as she pushed her tongue into his mouth, making the kiss more and more sloppy with each passing second. He tried to break the kiss, but she didn’t let him, just like before.

So he pushed her away and spanked her ass, causing the soft flesh to jiggle. She gasped and arched her back.

“Stay still,” he growled and turned her over on her back.

She just giggled, and her eyes shone with mischief. 

He smirked too, feeling more confident than before. He grabbed her panties and slowly pulled them down, exposing her cunt to his hungry gaze. He already felt excited and when he brought his hand in between her legs… when he felt how wet she was, how her lips were swollen – it made his whole body tingly and warm. He couldn’t help but circle her hole with his middle finger, and that sloppy sound it made could be clearly heard in the room. “You’re so wet for me…I didn’t expect that.” 

He realised that saying his thoughts out loud maybe wasn’t the smartest idea. He quickly looked away and cleared his throat thinking of something to say to save the situation but she just laughed.

“Why, of course I am. I don’t often meet a man like you, Bram. You’re like a breath of fresh air in my life.”

Bram’s cheeks flushed at her comment and he shook his head, smiling. He withdrew his hand from her entrance and placed it on her thigh, pushing it to the side. He looked down at her pussy and he swallowed feeling very excited. Her cunt looked so soft and inviting and the glistening juices all around it, just made the picture only better. He crawled on top of her, with his eyes glued to her chest and the two pointy buds that looked like they were in need of some attention. He leaned and took one of her nipples in his mouth.

He started sucking and kissing, teasing her nipple with his tongue while she lifted her hips and rubbed his cock against her pussy.

“Fuck me,” she said suddenly. Her voice was sweet and melodic, sending a pleasant flutter through his stomach.

Bram bit her nipple and felt her shiver.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and started moving her body under his.

“I don’t want you to stop,” she whispered to his ear. “Please.” She pushed her hips up. “Fuck me, Bram.” She moaned. It was music to his ears. 

Bram, without thinking much, lined his dick with her entrance. He slid it inside her with one, powerful thrust, causing her to gasp. He didn’t expect for it to be that easy, but it was. He breathed out to her ear, cursing himself for being such a scaredy-cat. It felt so warm inside her. He could feel his body shaking, begging to get his release. 

Then looked at her face, watching her reaction. He had never done that before and he didn’t know how it was supposed to go, but he had a general idea on what to do. His fingers squeezed the back of her thighs and pressed them on the mattress. He was impressed by how flexible that girl was. 

She gasped again and then started moving her hips under him. He could feel her velvety walls clench around his shaft and he closed his eyes for a moment with a breath “fuck” escaping his lips.

Then he started fucking her.

He watched her moan and gasp and tried to make himself feel less like a fool. Like she wasn’t playing with him. Like this was something that felt good to her too.

The room was filled with the sloppy sound of skin hitting skin and the groans coming from their mouths. He felt his heart racing, and his brain shutting down, as if the only thing that mattered was here and now, with his girl that teased the hell out of him. 

She pinned her nails on his skin and moaned so sweetly. He could listen to that honeyed sound for hours. The noises coming out of her throat were making his stomach tingly.

She moaned some sweet nothings into his ear. Those kinds of things that a whore wouldn’t say to a client, but rather a lover to a lover. 

He looked into her eyes and she bit her lip “Faster, Bram! Please, faster!” She groaned and all he wanted was to deliver just what she asked for. He bit her shoulder and then her neck, sucked on her skin until it turned red, while he sped up the tempo. She moaned louder when he did so. 

He felt her pussy start to squeeze around his cock and he had to stop thinking about anything else than the orgasm that was coming.

He grabbed her wrists, pinned her hands down on the bed and fucked her with all the frustration that she managed to build up in him. He was sure she was going to say she didn’t like it, but instead she just kept moaning and screaming.

Bram knew he was coming when he felt the heat spreading in his lower half.

He gasped, tried to pull out, but she stopped him with her legs wrapping around his hips. “No,” she said, breathing out sharply. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.”

He moaned loudly and tried to continue but he couldn’t. He came. He filled her pussy with his seed while she was moaning and squirming under him. He felt her pussy milking his cock and he groaned at that sensation. It felt so good. Like the best thing he had ever felt.

He fell down next to her and exhaled sharply. 

They lay there for some time, looking at each other with hazy eyes.

He touched her boob and squeezed it in his palm while leaning to kiss her again. She moaned and let him play with her body. He lowered his lips to suck on her breasts, while his hands travelled down her body, until they sank in the soft flesh of her ass. 

”Mhmm,” she moaned and arched her back. “That feels so good, Bram. You’re not scared anymore? Such a good boy.” she whispered to his ear, letting her moist breath tickle his skin. 

Bram bit her nipple at that comment and tugged on it. She winced and grabbed his shoulders with a low laugh escaping her throat. 

“You’re not like the others,” she murmured quietly after a moment. “The guys who come here.”

He stopped kissing her and rested his head on her chest. “How am I different?” he murmured back, still feeling the aftermath of what just happened.

“You didn’t treat me like shit,” she smiled bitterly. “Even when I was messing with you, you didn’t hurt me.” She traced a finger along his jaw. “At least, not too much. But I can forgive you some bruises.” She hinted at the hickeys that he left on her neck and shoulder.

He tilted his head and closed his eyes when she touched him. His mouth was dry so he licked his lips before speaking. “Do they hurt you?” he asked, feeling a flicker of pity for her.

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Sometimes.” The smile never left her face. “But most of them are just looking for a bit of fun. I don’t blame them.”

Bram rubbed his face on her tits, feeling the weight of exhaustion. He had never stopped to think about how the women working here felt. He knew Anatoly frequented the place, but he’d never asked him about it.

Bram wasn’t sure how to respond. “Anatoly said you’re a good girl,” he muttered, his voice awkward. “A good… lover.” He hadn’t actually heard Anatoly say that, but he wanted to say something that might make her feel better. “And I agree. I think you’re an amazing girl.”

She chuckled and leaned over to kiss him. “I guess he was right,” she said once their lips parted. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Bram.”

Bram touched her hip, her ass and back, feeling her soft skin and curves. He felt like he was about to fall asleep and didn’t want to. He wanted this to last. He wanted her to touch him again, but… “What now?” he asked. He was supposed to leave her and go. To leave the Red Door and walk back to his inn.

“You can stay as long as you want,” she said like she had read his thoughts. “If you want to leave now, it’s okay.”

He looked at her. She really was pretty. Her skin was soft and smooth, her hair was long and silky, and her breasts… Her breasts were big and soft. She looked at him and he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to touch her and feel her pussy around his cock again. But… He had already come once and he didn’t think he could do it again. Not in so little time. “I don’t know,” he said. “I…”

She laughed and rolled on top of him. “That’s okay,” she said.

Bram smiled absentmindedly as his hand rested on her rear. They laid in silence for some time, before letting his thoughts speak for him. “You know… I’m glad I met you.” he took a deep breath before letting out what he held in his chest “in a few days, I’ll have to leave this city. Who knows if I’ll ever come back. Or if I’ll even be alive in a few months.” The words slipped out before he could stop them, more to himself than to her. He wasn’t sure why he had shared those thoughts.

She tilted her head, gently running her nails across his beard, tugging on it softly. “Well, at least you’re not a virgin anymore. All thanks to me.” She giggled. “Don’t get lost in your sad thoughts, you’re ruining my mood.”

Bram rolled his eyes, giving her rear a light pat before standing up to grab his clothes. “I’ll be going. Thanks for your time.” He glanced back over his shoulder, adding, “I appreciate it.”

Noticing the change in his mood, Sara bit the inside of her cheek. She didn’t want a client leaving her in such a state. She quickly jumped off the bed, grabbing her dress and untangling a small brooch from the fabric. One of the ones she wore around her waist.

She turned to face him, holding it out to him. “I heard that knights like to have small tokens from their loved ones when they go off to battle. I assume you don’t have a lover, do you?” she asked, placing the brooch gently in his hand. He studied it for a moment, furrowing his brow at the gesture. She noticed his reaction but continued, “You can have it. It’s special. It has my name on it. If you ever need to, you can look at it and remember the woman who took your virginity.”

He saw it, his thumb brushed over the letters on that golden brooch in the shape of a leaf. Sara. He smiled. “Thanks, I won’t forget the name of that whore that made my blood boil.” He looked up to see her reaction, but all he saw was a confident smirk. “And also that made me have a good time. I’ll keep it. Thank you.”

She kissed him one last time before he left the Red Door. 


He dropped heavily onto the makeshift cot, with his bones aching from days of marching. The rough murmurs and loud laughs of his comrades, hearable through the thin material made the place look more full but they also made his emptiness feel sharper. He was surrounded by men hardened from the same battles, and yet, lying here on the far edge of his country, he felt like he’d left every part of himself back home.

He shifted onto his back, staring through the slashes in the tent’s worn fabric, where stars cut bright holes in the night. He hadn’t thought about her in weeks—he’d had enough to distract him, enough blood to drown in. But there, in the dark, she slipped back into his mind. He was wondering what her story was and why she was working there? Who was she outside of her work? He had no idea if he would ever have a chance to ask her those questions.

Almost on instinct, his hand drifted to his pocket. His fingers closed around the small metal brooch, rough against his calloused skin. He pulled it out slowly, the weight of it somehow heavier here, so far from her. He hated to admit it, but the edge of his mouth curved up. Turning it over in his hand, he felt something like warmth, wondering if he’d ever see her again.

Published 4 months ago

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