A very tight hole

"Two hot young golfers take on a wealthy golf-nut"

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 It was a hot, late summer morning. The breeze from the gulf stream, rose off the cliffs at Polbain just taking the sting out of the sunshine. This part of Scotland was beautiful at this time of year, as the red deer grazed on the edges of the woodlands and the occasional Golden Eagle drifted over towards a distant eyrie. It had been a while since Lisa and Holly had had any proper girl time, and right now seemed perfect with the British Open Golf completed and the next competition a few weeks away.

Both girls had been sensible in putting a generous amount of lotion on their skin, and being true blondes it wasn’t an option. That and the fact that their skimpy shorts and bikini tops were the only things between them and the ruthless August sun.

“This way looks interesting,” said Holly, pointing up a footpath that led towards the coast.

“Hmmm… let me check the route,” said Lisa, who was clearly struggling with the folded sheets of her Ordnance Survey map.

“It’s a footpath. Come on Lisa! Check it later.”


“What now?”

“Why the fucking fuck is everywhere always on the fold of the map!”

“I don’t know. Come on, let’s find a secluded beach.”

Lisa appeared to be adamant in her resolve to be chief navigator.

“Lisa! We’re not in fooking Lapland.”

“I guess so.”

Lisa eventually gave up and the two girl friends proceeded along the path, the patches of yellow gorse exuding a light fragrance of coconut, while the sea thrift grew like a little carpet of snow on the seaward side of the path.

“Ooh look, a Chough!” Lisa pointed out.

“A what?”

“There look.”

“It’s a crow,” said Holly, unimpressed.

“It’s a fucking Chough! It’s got an orange beak.”

“If you say so. Anyway, how did you get on with Brad? Spill.”

“Nothing to tell, really.”

“Don’t give me that, Lisa. You were all over him in the 19th.”

“Maybe I was.”

“Is he well hung?”


“Well… it’s not like you to be unforthcoming on the details.”

“He’s okay.”

“Seven… eight?”

“I don’t know. Seven and some, I guess!”

“Phwooar! I bet you got your end away good and proper!”

“It was all right, yes,” said Lisa, coyly.

“Wait a minute. Either you are covering for him, or he’s a keeper. Which is it?”

“Rock Pipit!”

“Don’t change the subject.”

Lisa’s face lit up and she beamed at her friend, blushing.

“Holly, he went like a fucking train!”

“YES!!! I knew it!” Lisa exclaimed. She turned to her best friend and gave her high fives.

“He’s so fit and everything,” Lisa enthused.

“Are you seeing him again?”

“I might be.”

“I bet you are. You were never one to turn it down.”

“What are you saying?”

“Lisa, some nice abs and a well packed lunch box and you’re like a rat up a drain pipe!”

“The cheek of it! Anyway, he hasn’t said he wants to see me again, yet.”

“Of course he will. He probably can’t believe his luck.”

“Ah thanks, babe.”

“Well, you’re hot.”

“So are you, Holly. Anyway, what’s happening on the guy front at your end?”

Holly turned down her bottom lip. “I’m as horny as fuck!”

“So why haven’t you pulled? There was plenty of cock at the party, last night.”

“I’m waiting for Mr Right.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“No, not in that way. I want a proper seeing to from a bronzed stallion.”

“Not setting your sights high or anything?” commented Lisa, sardonically.

“I’m biding my time. What’s that one?” asked Holly, pointing to a little bird on the wall.


“Never heard of it.”

“It’s the Scottish Linnet.”

The girls watched as the little brown bird took flight, twittering as it went. Eventually they reached a division in the path.

“Which way now?” Holly asked.

Lisa turned the map around several ways, with a confused look on her face.

“What?” inquired Holly.

“I can’t see where we are. Well not exactly. Maybe we’re on that bridle path,” she said, pointing to the little dashes.

“But the beach is miles away.”

“Well it’s not my fault, Lisa remonstrated.

“You’re the one with the map!”

“Yeah, which you didn’t want me to consult, I seem to remember.”

“Hmmm… fair point.”

“Anyway, how about this for a plan?” suggested Lisa, as she wafted herself with the map. We’ll toss. Heads to the left and tails to the right.”

“Okay, deal!” agreed Holly.

Lisa licked her lips as she fished in her back pocket for a coin and proceeded to flick it in the air. Both girls bent down, as it fell in an area of short grass just off the path.

“Tails!” proclaimed Holly.

“Right it is then,” confirmed Lisa.

Any uncertainty out of the way, they took the path that went away from the coast, but not so far that they didn’t have to duck a couple of times, as an excitable sea bird skimmed right past their heads.

The sun was bearing down and they paused to take a few draughts from the bottle of water in Holly’s rucksack.

“It’s a bit warm!” Lisa protested.

“I put an ice pack in. It’s melted, probably.”

“What I’d give for a nice glass of lager,” mused Lisa.

“Ooh stop it!”

“And with a hunky barman…”

“…Yeah wearing nothing but an apron.”

The girls laughed and carried on their walk, which began to undulate a little and a few stray Scots Pines punctuated the mainly bare, rugged landscape. Having the time to relax and enjoy their break was such a tonic. Both girls had been thrilled to make the cut and for Holly, finishing in the top 40 was a personal best. She had been up against the best girls in the world, and to get in the prizes was just a bonus. Both she and Lisa had turned semi-professional just before Christmas and were now supplementing what they earned as personal trainers. They had been best friends since college and had even worked together, until the hotel chain where they worked had decided to give them separate jobs.

“Hey, what the fuck!” exclaimed Lisa.


“Look, there’s a golf course.”

“Up here! The sun must have got to you,” said Holly with derision.

“Look bum face! There!” Lisa pointed through a gap in the trees and there was clearly a nicely mown green, and a single flag.

“Oh yeah! How weird.”

“It must be a private course or something. There’s nothing on the map.”

“You and your fucking map, Lisa! I’ll do the orienteering next time.”

Not seeing any private signs, they ventured towards the green, negotiating a rather uneven surface, where the path petered out into the wilderness. Passing through a little white picket fence they stood by the first tee.

“There’s a golf trolley and everything. I wonder whose they are?” asked Holly.

“I don’t know. Don’t touch them. We ought to go back, it must be a private course.”

“Don’t be silly,” said Holly. “Anyway, they must have a few quid to spare, these are Homna TW7s,” she added, weighing a driver in her hand.

“Really? Wow!”

“I’m telling you. Private course. Top gear. This dude is loaded.”

“He must be! And will probably throw us to the dogs when he finds us uninvited on his course,” said Lisa, seriously.

“Oh don’t be so dramatic. He should be honoured having two professional golfers on his course.”

Holly held the driver in both hands and made a gesture of addressing the ball at the tee.

“Reminds me of the 4th at Gleneagles,” she said.

“Don’t even talk about the 4th at Gleneagles!” answered Lisa, going to inspect the bag of clubs herself. “That fookin’ rough gets me every time!”

“I could get used to grip of these,” said Holly, examining a niblick.

As they were reminiscing and salivating over the amazing golf equipment, they failed to see the tall, tanned gent approaching from the bunker to their right. Greg was dressed in check shorts and a bright, white short-sleeved shirt. He was around 30, toned and had a chiselled jaw.


Holly and Lisa looked up.

“Good afternoon, ladies. “I was just looking for a lost ball. What’s your excuse?” he said in a soft New England accent.

“Oh hello,” said Holly.

“Ummm… hi. We were just looking,” said Lisa, putting the club back in the bag.

“I think you were doing a little more than looking.”

“Yeah, sorry about that. We wondered who’s they were,” said Holly.

Holly licked her lips, giving their unwitting host the once over. Lisa wasn’t far behind in admiring his physique.

“So now you’ve had a feel, what do you think?” asked Greg.

“Excuse me?” asked Holly.

“The clubs.”

“Oh! Yes, was just wondering if you had a nice wood.”

Lisa shot a reprimanding glance in her friend’s direction. However, Holly’s eyes were confidently trained on Greg’s well packed shorts and her brazen behaviour began to have an effect. Greg paused and followed Holly’s gaze and almost instantly noticed how her nipples had become delightfully erect. Lisa also noticed.

“Oh dear, Holly!”


Lisa half turned away and said, sotto voce, “pokies!”

Holly giggled and put a thumb inside the pocket of her jeans as Greg stepped onto the green. He could now see the faint sprinkle of cute freckles over Holly’s nose. She had the brightest blue eyes that looked earnestly and not a little lustfully into Greg’s.

“So, have either of you ever swung a golf club, or were you just being inquisitive?”

“Well…” said Lisa.

“No!” answered Holly, simultaneously. “But you can show us,” she added, turning to give a cheeky wink to her friend.

“Ummm… yes, you can give us a lesson,” said Lisa, stifling a giggle.

“That’s no problem. It’s Greg, by the way. Formally of Boston, Massachusetts.”

“Holly,” said Holly, offering her hand.

“Lisa,” said Lisa similarly greeting the hunky American.

“So, which one of you wants to go first,” asked Greg.

“Me!” Holly jumped in.

“Okay, well here’s the tee.”

He fumbled in the side of his golf bag and produced a golf ball.

“That goes on there.”

Holly bent down, and placed the little white piece of plastic and drilled it into the turf. As she bent down, Greg was treated to a lovely view of Holly’s cute ass, not to mention a very tasty glimpse of gusset. Lisa smirked as she watched him watch her friend.

“Okay, so stand there and take this,” said Greg, pulling a driver out of the bag.

Holly held the club in a deliberately wrong way, ensuring maximum attention from Greg. Seeing her apparent clueless stance, he stood behind her and placed his hands on hers, guiding her hands to the correct position. He was close to her, his head over her shoulder, and the scent of her sun screen was rising from the warmth of her body.

“Okay, just hit it as hard as you can.”

Holly swung back the club in a perfect arc and hit the ball with a satisfying ‘thwack’ sending it straight down the fairway.

“Say, sure you haven’t played before!”

“Oh… probably beginner’s luck!” said Holly, making a ‘Oops’ face at Lisa.

“Right, my turn,” said Lisa.

Greg took the club from Holly and handed it to her friend. Lisa flashed a smile and tossed her hair back as she stepped up to the tee. Greg took his time, having a leisurely look at her lovely legs and pert derriere.

“Is this right?” she asked, wiggling her hips, and sliding the head of club along the grass.

“Make sure you grip the shaft,” said Holly, coquettishly.

He looked towards her and shook his head.

“Cute, very cute,” said Greg.

Greg looked between the two girls and was suddenly aware that he was very much the centre of attention. He repeated the process of guiding Lisa’s hands as he had with Holly. Lisa bent forward and bumped her bum into Greg’s groin and giggled naughtily. Greg looked down as he positioned himself behind the sexy blonde and found himself peering down her more than ample cleavage. This along with her equally feminine aroma had the inevitable effect. As he gripped Lisa’s hands, the warmth of her body and her radiant sensuality he began to acquire a thick semi on. Lisa was instantly aware of the bulge against her ass and looked at Holly and licked her lips.

Greg took Lisa through the back lift and then left her to take the swing and like Holly, she sent a perfect ball down the course, landing close to Holly’s. As soon as she had taken her shot, she looked down at Greg’s packet. Realising he must be showing, Greg moved towards his golf bag in order to cover his embarrassment. Seeing both girls eyeing him up, just seemed to make things worse and he was in a spot.

“Showing a couple of novices proving too much, Greg?” asked Holly.

“Sorry, you two are just so damn hot! You can’t blame a guy.”

“Well, maybe you could extend your hospitality, and we could help you with that,” said Holly, mischievously. “What do you say, Lisa?”

“Hmmm… I like your thinking, Holly.”

Greg was torn between the pretence of shielding his embarrassment and allowing himself the pleasure of enjoying the situation. Lisa lifted his shirt, revealing a nice sprinkle of dark hair that fizzled out onto his perfectly smooth, defined abs.

“Oooh, look at this!” said Lisa.

“Oh yes, that’s nice!” agreed Holly, stroking the front of his flat sculptured stomach.

“Whoo! Maybe we should move to the house,” said Greg, flustered. “I have the air conditioning running. It should be good.”

“Sounds like a plan,” the girls said together.

“Okay, well it’s this way,” said Greg, pointing up a little area where a bunker rose up a fiendishly tricky-looking lie.

Once over the mound, Greg’s house came into view, along with an extensive conservatory and stables.

“Wow! It looks palatial,” commented Holly.

“I’d like to say it was all from sweat and toil, but my father and I have a fortune invested in a major distillery and this is my summer residence bought from the dividends.

Gramps was in banking, so it’s all old money I’m afraid.”

“Well, lucky you!”

“I know, silver spoon and all that. You think this is big, you ought to see pop’s house back home!”

Greg showed the two girls in through the entrance to the conservatory, where there were numerous plants and flowers tastefully arranged at the sunny end and a cosy looking orange and tan sofa and a wicker chair at the other. This led into an amazingly well appointed kitchen, with a modern arger and all stone effect work tops.

“My sister planned all the layout and she arranges for the flowers, and so on. I just live here. She likes to come here in the fall and watch the deer. She’s a bit of an artist.”

“Whoo. It’s amazing!” said Holly, surveying the surroundings.

“It’s nice isn’t it. I’m privileged, I know. I don’t ever get blasé though. Me and pops have set up a charity that looks after the tenant farmers and crofters on the island. And we’ve paid for a little school and a teacher, so the little kids don’t have to ferry to the mainland and back. Our way of putting something back.”

“Naww that’s so sweet!” said Holly.

“It is,” agreed Lisa. “Very laudable,” she added, looking at Greg admiringly.

“Anyway… I’m neglecting my duties and all that. What say we take a chilled bottle and three glasses somewhere comfortable?”

Lisa put an arm on Holly’s shoulder and the girls stood close and looked at Greg, who was opening the door to his fridge.

“Shall we get him in the mood again?” said Lisa.

“Hmmm… I think so darling.”

As she spoke, Holly pulled her friend closer and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Then they gave Greg another smouldering look before moving in for a lingering French kiss.

“Oh… nice!”

“We thought you’d like that,” said Holly.

“Yeah, is little Greg, getting interested again?” said Lisa.

“You bet! You two are sizzling!”

“We have our moments,” said Holly, licking her lips as she lowered her gaze.

“This way then,” said Greg, clutching the bottle and three glasses.

He led them through a reception area where there was all manner of golfing memorabilia; various designs of clubs from the past; photos of Arnold Palmer and Gary Player in their heyday and other golfing artefacts.

“You like your golf then!”

“I do. It’s more of a fascination in the sport than that I’m an amazing player or anything.”

“Still, nice collection,” said Lisa.

They went up a winding staircase and onto a landing where Greg took them into a large room that contained a huge, king sized bed, matching soft furnishing and tasteful water colours on the walls.

The girls sat on the bed and bounced up and down, testing the springs. As Greg pulled the cork, they began to canoodle again, Lisa kissing her friends neck and both girls becoming very amorous. Lisa took the end of one of the ties that was holding Holly’s bikini top and pulled it. Greg watched the thin red strap unwind and then her bra fell away. Holly’s breasts were pert with the sort of puffy nipples that are begging to be sucked. Lisa gave them a little squeeze and the girls kissed again and Holly returned the favour, removing Lisa’s bikini top.

Lisa had bigger boobs than Holly, but they were still full and up tilted with lovely ripe, pink nipples. Greg was attempting to watch this spectacle and also not get Riesling all over the place. He handed a glass each to the girls and then clinked his own vessel against theirs.

“So, do we have nice boobs?” asked Holly.

“You sure do!”

“We’ll let you take the rest off, if you like,” offered Lisa, lowering her gaze to Greg’s now obvious tent.

“Whoa! Okay.”

“First though,” added Lisa, “I really think we ought to see just how good your cock is.” As she spoke, Lisa dragged her fingers up along the outline of his swelling.

“That’s looking firm,” she said, with undisguised pleasure.

“If you don’t mind,” said Holly, reaching forward and helping herself to a feel of his bulge.

Lisa stood up and put her half-drunk glass of wine onto the dresser and ran her fingers up Greg’s shirt, roughly. Her actions popped open a few of his buttons and at the same time, she gripped the zip on his shorts and lowered it with her other hand. Greg reached around and took a handful of her bum, tracing a finger along the uncovered cheek that wasn’t quite covered by her shorts. They were joined by Holly who continued to undo his shirt with her left hand, while still cradling her glass in the other.

Removing his shirt, they revealed Greg’s torso in all its glory. His pecs and biceps were God-like without being unnaturally developed, and the beautiful contours continued like a Greek vase down to his male V. The girls kissed, in between stroking his abs and a gradual easing down of his shorts. Greg’s arousal was now stoked to boiling point as they struggled to pull his shorts over the very significant obstacle of his erect penis.

If his manhood had seemed noteworthy before, now unleashed it was a prize specimen. The girls kissed his chest, planting kisses over his body as they ran their hands inside his thighs and between his legs. Greg’s cock twitched. It was slightly curved upwards, thick, and with a huge bulbous circumcised head.

“Yum! That’s a proper porn star cock!” said Holly, running her fingers along the length of his shaft.

“O-k-a-y! Thanks!” said Greg, not quite able to believe that this wasn’t a dream.

The girls kissed him lower down, their lips brushing his belly around his navel. They stood up and both took turns kissing Greg, who put a hand around both girls and grabbed their ample bottoms. Lisa took his right hand, guiding it to the front of her shorts. He looked down and took the zip, lowering it with care, as if he had studied a manual on how to undress a girl. Holly encircled her fingers around his cock and made a slight murmur of delight as he throbbed against her hand. Turning to Lisa, he edged her shorts down, revealing the mat of neatly shaven blonde pubes, and then her moist pink quim. Lisa was obviously very turned on by the glistening pussy juice that had formed around her labia. Greg placed two fingers between her lips and could hardly believe how easily they slid inside her juicy cunt.

Holly cupped Greg’s balls and took his other hand and urged him to undo her shorts while his fingers were still ploughing her friend’s pussy. He turned towards Holly, dividing his attention between the girls and eased down Holly’s zip. Removing her shorts with one hand was a bit of a challenge and used his other now glistening fingers to finish the job.

“You girls are so fucking hot!” exclaimed Greg, as he stroked Holly’s neat but equally moist pussy. He now had both girls to the front. Lisa sighed and pinched her own nipples as Greg fingered both girls and Holly licked her fingers and teased the tip of his cock.

Holly grabbed Greg’s arm and pulled him to the bed. She sat him down and pushed him back so that he lay on the bed with his cock standing to attention. Holly giggled at the stubbornness of his erection, as she twanged the end with a finger.

“As good as a nine iron!” she joked.

A look of suspicion appeared on Greg’s face.

“Wait a minute,” said Greg, sitting up. “That’s very technical from a girl who’s played no golf.”

“Well… maybe we lied.”

“Yeah… just a teensy bit,” added Lisa.

Holly sat on the bed and looked at Greg sheepishly as she stroked his cock.

“The thing is,” she said, as Lisa sat on the other side of the bed. “We kind of play semi pro…”

“I knew it! You girls were hustling me.”

“We’re not hustling. Just having a bit of fun,” Holly contradicted.

“And you wouldn’t deny a girl her fun, would you?” added Lisa, also stroking his cock.

“Well if you put it like that…”

“Yes, so shut up and enjoy,” said Holly, giggling and pushed Greg onto his back again. The girls got closer together and leaned over Greg’s cock and began to lick him at the same time. They rolled their tongues around the head of his swollen pink cock, kissing the exposed flesh of his helmet and alternately licking up and down his shaft.

“Hmmm… nice smooth sack,” said Lisa, cupping Greg’s ball bag. Holly continued to go down on him, and just gave a thumbs up to Lisa’s observation of his shaved scrotum. Lisa took one of his nuts in her mouth drawing an appreciative ‘Aaaah’ from Greg and drew it into her mouth before letting it go with an audible pop and then returned her attention to his cock.

Holly left her friend to suck him as she began to get other ideas. Fellating his rock hard dick had really turned her on and her pussy was even wetter now than before. She went and sat by Greg’s head.

“I think it’s about time we put you to good use? Don’t you agree, Lisa?”

“I like the way you’re thinking, Hols.”

“I’m yours to do as you please,” said Greg.

“Ha ha! I bet you are!” said Holly, laughing. She sat up and leaned over his face from the back and rubbed her boobs in his face. Lisa was gently massaging his cock and balls, after drizzling a little spit in her hand. Holly stroked her nipples across his lips, eventually allowing him to suck on her nipples.

“Who’s first?” said Lisa, holding his ram rod penis and straggling the top of his legs.

“I think I should go first, while you go on his face,” said Holly, eagerly.

“Hmmm… okay, but remember you owe me one!”

“No, definitely. Next time we tag team a multi-millionaire golf nut, you’ve got first dabs!” said Holly, cheekily.

The girls swapped places as Greg watched with delight, happy to be the subject of their discussion and the way it was panning out. Lisa squeezed her soft breasts around his face as Holly gave his cock a slow wank, turning her hand in a spiral and drawing her palm over his glans. Lisa smiled as she sat up and edged her knees into the perfect position for him to tongue her pussy. Holly, at the other end, slid the tip of his cock against her clit and slowly rubbed him against her lips, until he inevitably penetrated her moist, hungry twat.

“Aaaooow! Yes!”

“Feel good?” asked Lisa, who was enjoying herself on Greg’s face.

“Hmmm… just so… you know! Thick fucking cock.”

Holly was easing herself down, as his girth stretched her pussy. She was intent on getting every inch of his cock in her and eased herself up and down, edging his cock deeper into her hot little cunt.

“Yes! Fuck!”

“That’s it, go Holly!” urged Lisa, who’s voice faltered amid the pleasurable sensations in her own pussy.

Holly had now got Greg’s dick well and truly ball deep and was thrusting her hips, drawing every ounce of pleasure out of his cock. She leaned forward and used Lisa’s shoulders for support as she rode him, bobbing up down, so that the friction was brought to bear to maximum effect.

“Oh yes, oooh fuck! Hnnnghhh… so fuck-ing good!”

“Yes! Ride that cock, Holly! You little slut!”

“Ooh Lisa! He’s so big!”

“Save some for me!”

Lisa held her friend, threading her fingers through Holly’s and the girls kissed passionately as they fucked their man. Holly wanted to keep herself on the edge, varying the rhythm and speed of her thrusts. Greg was staying with her, pure testosterone and silky hot pussy keeping him going, as well as the wet delights of Lisa’s snatch on his face.

Holly changed her position from standard cowgirl, instead choosing to squat on Greg’s cock. As she rocked up and down, her breasts bounced in time with her fucking, and Lisa saw the opportunity to get in on the action. Climbing off Greg’s face she moved behind Holly, cupping her friend’s breasts and helping her stay on Greg’s raging hardness. There was a beautiful confusion of arms and blonde hair as Holly pumped up and down with her friend going with her, fondling her boobs and kissing her face. Greg held on as Holly came, her face lit with sheer delight and her voice testament to her pleasure.

“Ooh fuck! Greg, you fucking stud! Wraaawrhh!”

“Hmmm…that’s it girl! Come!”

“Oh, Lisa! Ooh fuck, yes! Aaawooo!”


Ye…sss! Yes! Oh fuck! YES!!! Oooh!!!”

Holly’s body was popping and quivering as she came, with Greg jiggling her boobs as Lisa planted kisses on her face and neck.

“Whooo! Phew! That was a good one!”

Holly bent down and gave Greg a kiss full on the lips and squeezed his chin!

“Good to keep going?!” asked Lisa, stroking a finger along the length of her pussy.

“You bet! But I’m not going to take too much to blow!” Greg admitted.

Lisa kissed him and squeezed his cock.

“Just long enough though! I want you to smash my back doors in!”

Lisa wasted no time in getting on all fours. At the same time, Holly slipped underneath her, so that Greg had to kneel between her legs as he aimed his cock into Lisa’s welcoming pussy. Lisa leant forwards with her ass in the air, giving Greg the best position to fuck her from behind. He eased in and then pushed, eliciting a squeal of delight from Lisa as he groaned with satisfaction. She kissed Holly sensually, slipping her tongue into Holly’s mouth and sucking on her bottom lip.

Greg had a hand on Holly’s leg and the other on Lisa’s back. He rammed home his cock, and then got a hold of a thick hank of Lisa’s hair, pulling on it, as he thrust home his pile driver of a nob.

“Oh shit! Holly! He’s good!”

“Hmmm…I know.”

Holly raised herself onto her elbows and kissed her friend as Greg used Lisa’s hair for purchase, his torso firm and perpendicular. His buttocks were clenched hard as he fucked her and fucked her hard. Lisa was moaning uncontrollably now, her body jerking forward with the pounding she was receiving. Greg’s muscles rippled and his face was etched with determination and pleasure as Lisa’s pussy throbbed with her building orgasm. He was on the edge, as was she.

He had let go of her hair now and gripped her hips, his fingers making white dimples in her flesh.

“Oooh yes! Oh Lisa, I’m gonna come!”

“Yes! Oooh Greg! Yes! Let me have your spunk!”


“Yes Greg! Oooh!!!”

“Grrraaagghh! Fuck!”

“Aaawwwh! Greg!”

“Yes! Yes! Oh… FUCK!!!”

Greg’s body tensed and he grimaced as he unloaded a massive ejaculation into Lisa’s pussy, as she trembled with orgasm.

He pulled out and collapsed on to the bed.

“That was wicked! You too are amazing!”

“We have our moments,” said Holly.

“Well, you two are welcome to stay over and I’ll give you a round, tomorrow, if you like.”

Lisa looked at Holly and they nodded to each other.

“We’d love to!” said Lisa, accepting the invitation.

“Cool. How about I fix us all a choco mocha frappe?! I’ve got a Hamilton Beach blender in the kitchen. You’ll love it.”

“Don’t mind if we do!” said Holly, pulling on her panties. “Don’t mind if we do.”

Published 9 years ago

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