Here I was, four hundred miles away from home, nineteen years old, nearly twenty if truth be known and into my first year at university.
During my studies, I had become friendly with several students, and a couple of my close friends (both girls) asked if I wanted to go away for a weekend, Friday evening to Sunday night, with them and three of the male students for a bit of fun. Well, I guess I had a bit of a crush on one of the guys as I thought he was a bit ‘dishy’ at the time, so I agreed without too much thought or hesitation.
As there were six of us, we agreed to take two cars. Somehow, and I am not too sure how it happened, I ended up taking only guys in my vehicle, and the two girls said they would come on in theirs.
As soon as lectures finished on Friday, I packed a small case with my stuff and picked up the three guys as arranged. We drove out of the city and down the motorway, all chatting about Uni life, exams and what we might do over the weekend, but nothing of a sexual nature. I remember gushing about how much I was enjoying my time away at university.
The place where we were staying was about an hour away from the halls of residence. It was out in the countryside and seemingly relatively remote. It was a large bungalow that did look like it needed a bit of work doing on it, but I knew it was cheap as we had all agreed to pay a sixth each for the weekend.
We got out when I pulled the car up on the gravel drive.
“I guess the others will be along soon. Their lectures were not finishing as early as ours.” I said casually. Silence greeted this comment.
We got our stuff out of the car and walked towards the front door. I had thought it strange that no one had said anything about the key to the place but never thought to ask. One of the guys walked up and opened the door for me, and I walked inside.
It was a large bungalow with a massive lounge and wooden floors in most rooms except the bathroom and kitchen, which had tiles. There were five generous-sized bedrooms, and I chose one with a view of the garden and the countryside beyond.
I shouted to the others, “This should be great for us all.”
Someone replied from the doorway. “Yes, it really should.”
I turned around to see the doorway filled with male bodies.
“What are all you doing here?” I questioned unbelievingly.
There was general amusement until someone said, “We thought you might like us to join you for a few days!”
As you can guess, I was stunned and said rather naively, “What for?”
This question brought a lot more laughter.
I was a little scared and amazed at seeing all these young men.
Someone said, “Come through so we can discuss everything over coffee.”
I went through into the lounge, and there were fifteen of them all looking at me.
“Wow,” one said, “You’re fabulous!”
Then another exclaimed, “I expected a fat old hag, not a young, fit, sexy bird like this! It can’t be real.”
“Hold on, what’s happening,” I replied as I sat down at the table in the large lounge dining room area.
One of the guys who had driven with me said, “Look, Rach, I’ll be honest. You’ve been set up by your friends and us. We all know about your fetishes and hope that you’ll stay and have a naughty, sexy weekend with us.”
Well, to say I was surprised would be an understatement! I was furious and told them I was leaving that minute.
Eventually, they calmed me down and said I could go then or anytime over the weekend. The guys added that it would be a real shame as they had so much planned for the time away from uni.
As I looked around and saw some rather handsome hunks, a feeling of excitement came over me. I realised all had agreed to go away for the weekend with only me as the entertainment. I guess this fuelled my decision to stay at least for one night.
As soon as I said I would stay, there were whoops of delight from everyone in the room.
Someone said, “Right then, let’s get started.”
They yanked me out of the seat onto my feet, and my arms were held fast behind my back.
Another added, “We have two lads here who have never seen a woman naked before, so we thought it only fair to give them the first opportunity.”
The two, both in their first year, were pushed forward and came in front of me.
“What can we do to her?” one enquired.
“Anything you like,” came the reply.
“Why not start by ripping her clothes off,” someone suggested.
With that, one of them grabbed the top of my blouse and tore it open, popping its buttons. I was a bit staggered at this as it was a beautiful blouse. It was pulled off my shoulders and down my arms between my shoulders and elbows.
Next, they lifted my skirt and ran their hands up and down my legs taking delight in feeling my pussy through my knickers. sexuallyThe skirt was elasticated and down and around my ankles with a couple of yanks.
Two of the students continued holding me tight, allowing the two newbies to enjoy looking at me and feeling me all over while in my underwear.
I remember someone saying, “Get on with it.”
In response, one of the young men pulled my knickers down as the other popped my bra, leaving me naked, and I have to say, greatly embarrassed being stared at by so many highly sexually charged young men. I felt myself going very red. When my knickers came down, there were gasps from several and comments about how hairy my pussy was.
One pulled at the hair, and another holding me said: “Don’t worry, we intend to shave that for her over the weekend.”
“Oh no, please not that, don’t do that, please.” I cried in response.
“If you behave, you may keep it, but if you do not do as you are told, it will come off.”
They cupped my breasts in their hands and made comments about their small size.
Then, the suggestion was made that they could explore me more intimately if they positioned me over the table.
I was marched over to it by those still holding my arms. I waddled as best I could due to my knickers being still around my ankles along with my skirt.
Once at the table, I was bent over one end as they removed my skirt and knickers. I had to spread my legs, which I did, but not far enough for some standing behind me. Two came to me and pulled them wider.
One of the older students, who I think was about twenty-one, said he would show the two younger guys around. He commenced at my ankles and worked his way up my rather long legs, making provocative suggestions about their possible exciting use.
At my bottom, he stopped saying, “This has many uses, and one of the best is for smacking, here have a go.”
With that, he moved over, allowing the two guys to give me several medium-hard smacks. When they had finished, I felt my cheeks pulled aside to allow a good look at my arse hole. Instructions were again given about inserting fingers and other things into my back passage.
I could feel a hand moving around to my pussy and another guiding it and opening up my clit so that the other’s fingers could run inside. The instructor explained that this was a woman’s most intimate part, and she was enjoying herself if it was wet or damp.
Suddenly, the guy whose fingers were inside me said, “Hey, she’s wet.”
I was indeed, and some shouted encouragement at this point.
“There,” said the one, showing the other around my body, “She likes you, so she should enjoy it when you finally use her.”
I had to stand and turn to face the older male and the two younger ones. Two guys continued to hold me upright while my breasts were pinched, pulled and given little smacks by the two younger ones, all under the watchful gaze of the leader.
Someone instructed me to kneel. I could feel several hands applying a downward force to my arms, still held behind me and my shoulders. I bent my knees and fell into a kneeling position.
“Open your mouth,” I was ordered. I did not straight away, so I was told again, “Open your mouth!”
This time, it was said more forcefully, so I complied. Fingers ran excitedly around my lips. Explanations were given in some detail that this woman’s mouth had many uses, including licking, sucking, holding, drinking, kissing and eventually eating.
“Right,” the older one commanded, “She disobeyed the first time I told her to open her mouth. It’s time she learned here and now that this weekend, she obeys every commandment given to her by any of us first time every time. Tie her hands together in front of her.”
My hands were brought round in front of me and secured with some homemade Velcro cuffs. Tied around the middle of these between my wrists was a blue nylon-type rope, which was thrown up and over a low beam of the room. This was pulled tight, and lifted my hands above my head.
Initially, I was on tiptoes, but they were told to lower me as my legs needed to be apart. I looked at the older student who had taken the lead in my body exploration and asked him what he intended to do.
He turned to someone and said, “Horsewhip!”
A long whip, possibly three meters in length, was handed to him. “Well,” he said, “You disobeyed a command, and we don’t want that happening too often while we are all together. We need to remind you about being obedient to each one of us. These two lads are going to conduct their first whipping session.”
Suddenly someone said, “Cover her tits, or they will be no fun later on.”
My bra was placed over my breasts and fastened at the back, but without wearing the shoulder straps. I was given the command to spread my legs open, which I did.
“Not too hard, please,” I told the first boy holding the whip.
Someone explained, “This takes a little practice and a flick of the wrist, so don’t worry if it takes a while to get it right.”
After a moment’s pause, the first one flicked the whip towards me, but it caught on the ground and lightly brushed the inside of my leg.
“Try from the side, around her torso,” came a suggestion.
Everyone moved out of the way as he swung the whip around. It hit my flank and flew right around my tummy to my navel area. It was not very hard, but it still gave me a sharp sting as it struck. I gasped.
“That’s the idea,” came some encouraging words.
“Please,” I begged again, “Not too hard.” If, however, anyone had cared to look more intimately between my legs, they would have seen that I was now not just wet but soaking!
The younger guys enjoyed several ‘shots’ at me from the side before the second tried to get me between the legs. He seemed to get it just about right and caught me directly on my pussy and up my tummy and chest. It stung like mad, and I screamed out in pain for the first time.
The other one who had failed the first time had another go but was not as good, so only caught my inside thighs, which, although causing me some pain, was not as bad as up my pussy. They did not put full power into any of their swings as I guess they did not want to hurt me so much that I was no use for later on. After each had had about four strokes, I was let down, and my hands were untied.
I now had to lie on my back on the floor and was held in a spread-eagle position while the ‘Instructor’ advised the two on different ways to take me.
He pointed out that I was now in the most common position called ‘Missionary’ but added that there was also ‘Doggy’ style where I would be on all fours. He enthused that this allowed access to all three available holes simultaneously: mouth, ass, or cunt.
The first student informed us that he could wait no longer, and so to some enthusiastic encouragement, he took his cock out and almost lept on top of me. He used one hand to position himself so that he slid his erection up and deep inside my expectant pussy.
He thrust me hard and fast while keeping up a jumbled running commentary about how wonderful it was.
I was full of anticipation, not so much for these two but for what was planned for later on and throughout the evening. I, therefore, tried hard not to climax at this time. I wanted to save any such pleasure until I would enjoy it even more with others.
Finally, he came with a great moan as his load was fired deep into the most intimate part of my body. He then collapsed onto me and started to kiss me around the face and mouth. After a few minutes, he rolled off me, and I was told by the other to get on my knees. I did.
He then told me to open my mouth and suck his cock. He undid his jeans and pulled them down, pulling his cock out from his Y-front pants. He moved around in front of me and inserted it into my mouth. As he did so, he grabbed the back of my head and began to pump me hard. Someone told him he had two choices: make me drink it or squirt it over my face. It did not take him long to cum, and out came his cock from my mouth and out came his cum over my face. There was, at this point, a small cheer.
Now it became a free for all as another cock was thrust into my face and mouth. At the same time, my hands were pulled up to work on some rather stiff penises on either side of me. It was not by any means easy trying to do all three things at once, but eventually, the one in my mouth pulled out, and another load of cum splattered my face. The two on either side finished the job themselves and shot their load into my hair. There I was on my knees, naked and covered in cum, within an hour of arriving.
Once I had completed pleasing all who wanted to be entertained, I was allowed to stand up. The guys instructed me that I was to make tea for everyone. I asked if I could get cleaned up and dressed, but they said to carry on in the kitchen as I was, naked and with my face and hair covered in cum.
I decided to get on with this by asking what everyone wanted to eat.
“You!” They replied in unison.
There was a lot of laughter at this statement. One of the young men even pinched my bottom, making me shriek and jump, adding to the fun of those around me.
I walked to the kitchen and looked in the fridge, which was full of food items, from sausages to bottles of pop. In the freezer were battered fish, fish cakes, and bags of ice cubes. There were also large catering-size cans of baked beans and other items around the kitchen, such as twenty packets of biscuits. The guys had bought all the provisions necessary for the weekend.
The kitchen was not large; however, several young men came in to watch the proceedings. I decided on sausage and beans and started getting things prepared.
One of the guys said to me, “We have decided that we eat the main course, and you get the leftovers.” Things had already developed so quickly that afternoon I did not fully appreciate what he was saying.
As I was getting everything going, another man came in with a leather paddle and instructed me to bend over the work service, which I obediently did. He whacked me once across my backside, saying, “That is to remind you that over this weekend, you do as you’re told!”
Eventually, I cooked the sausages by frying some and grilling others. I heated the beans in three large pans on the stove. I found the plates and commenced to dish out the tea to everyone. There were not enough large plates, so some had to do with smaller portions on smaller side plates so that all could eat together.
I plated up a part for myself and was about to tuck in when someone said: “I told you, you get the leftovers!”
The plate was taken away from me.
As they ate, I cleaned the pans and grill as I knew I would have all the dishes and cutlery to do once everyone finished. I knew I was going to be their slave, and I was determined to enjoy every moment.
Two of the guys, one being the one I had had my eye on before the weekend, came into the kitchen and said that I could now have my tea. I was led out and into the lounge. On the floor, there was a large dog bowl full of sausage and beans from other people’s plates.
“Kneel and eat like a good girl,” I was told.
“But,” I argued, “Can I not eat at a table, please,”
“Whoever heard of a bitch with table manners,” someone said.
I went down onto my knees. I am sure that many reading this will have fantasised about making a girl eat out of a dog’s dish but never tried it themselves. It is tricky to do, especially with messy food like beans and sausage. As my head moved towards the bowl, my bottom went high in the air, and some could not resist a pinch, a pat, a smack or just a little feel when it did so.
As I am sure readers can imagine, my mouth, nose, and chin were pretty messy when I had finished, and some food had dribbled down onto my chest when I had sat up. Another bowl was placed in front of me filled with water, and of course, when I drank from it, the mess around my mouth came off into the bowl, making the water turn an unusual pale orange colour.
Once I had finished eating, I had to clear and clean up all the plates everyone had used. Whenever I changed the washing-up water, someone whipped the bowl away and emptied it for me somewhere else, but I had no idea why. I eventually finished and was told to go into the shower room and have a good wash.
I was also informed that there were clothes in there that I should put on after I had showered. I went into the shower room and locked the door, amazed that none of the guys had wanted to come in and watch me wash. Then I saw that the window was clear and the curtains had been removed. One after another came and stood by the window and stared in at me from the outside.
I washed in the shower and came out drying my hair, which was not as long as it is now. I looked, rather stupidly, for the first time at the clothes they said they had left for me, and I found a matching bra and panty set along with a suspender belt and a pair of fishnet stockings. I put them on, but the bra was about a size too big for my tiny breasts and so was a bit baggy on me.
As I was putting it on, I noticed that each cup had a slight split down to allow my nipples to poke out. I put on the suspender belt and stockings and entered the lounge, wondering what would happen next.
I was again surrounded by everyone and told it was now “grope” time. It was explained to me that I would be placed in certain positions and that everyone would be allowed a turn to poke and grope me wherever and in whatever manner they wanted.
Again I was bent over the table, but this time my panties were pulled down to my stocking tops, and I could feel my arse cheeks open as willing hands felt inside my pussy and arse hole as well as sliding along the full length of my long legs.
Once they had tired of that position, I was turned around and made to stand still with my hands in the air and my legs spread. My whole body was groped and explored by about thirty eager and willing hands.
I am unsure how long it took before I was again ordered, firstly onto my knees and then all fours. “You are going to have the pleasure of taking us all in any hole we desire,” I was instructed, “And we will not stop until we have all been satisfied, understand?”
I looked up at the one who was speaking and replied, “Not my arse, please?”
There was a reasonable degree of laughter at this. Then I was asked: “Have you never been taken in there before?”
I explained that I hadn’t. Again, this met with some laughter and a few whoops of approval.
“In that case,” someone retorted, “That needs to wait for an extra special occasion!”
My stockings were unclipped from my suspender belt, and my knickers were pulled down and yanked off over my stockings. My head was lifted to face someone who had their trousers and pants around their ankles and their cock in their hand, ready for my mouth.
Another said, “Let the proceedings begin.”
I felt someone enter my cunt from behind. I opened my mouth to please the sizeable erect penis that was waving in front of my face. I was thrust at both ends, one on his knees holding the back of my head and pulling me slightly upright with his cock in my mouth with the other on his knees behind me, thrusting deep inside my cunt.
Once each of these had cum, two others took over again, one for my mouth and one for my pussy. I did not swallow but spat. Of course, much of this dribbled down my chin before ending up on the floor. After a time, someone said I was too sloppy in my pussy, so another tried to dry me out with toilet paper to allow those following a bit of friction.
Eventually, all had either climaxed in my mouth or cunt. I was allowed to collapse exhausted onto the floor. My head fell into the mess I had spat out each time someone had ejected into my mouth.
I was sore, not so much in my cunt or mouth, but on my knees from their friction with the floor and my shoulders that had been supporting so much of my body during the time I was being fucked. After ten minutes, when I got my breath back, I was told to clean up again as we headed out.
After I showered, in full view of those looking in through the window, I was given more clothing. A cheap black lacy bra and panty set with another suspender belt and more black fishnet stockings. To this was added a dark grey long skirt, a long-sleeved white blouse and a grey or black waistcoat type thing.
Once dressed, the guys informed me we were going to the nearest town. Because there were so many of us, I had to take my car along with four guys who were quick enough to claim a place.
The town was about fifteen miles away, and when we finally got there, having travelled in a convoy, we parked the cars together in a car park. I was curious about what we were doing but was told we would have an enjoyable evening at a club with a nice restaurant.
‘So much for my cooking,’ I remember thinking!
We walked from where we had parked for about three or four minutes until we came to a place with a large sign outside saying, ‘Girls win £250 in our Do or Dare and Dare to Bare quiz. Each Friday night from 9 pm onwards,’
We entered the place down some stairs and paid to go in. Once inside, I noticed a cabaret-type stage with a dancing floor and tables around the side. It was not your usual nightclub. It seemed a bit classier to me.
We all sat down around three tables, and a menu was brought to us. In the background, various romantic music was played softly over the loudspeaker system. I was not too hungry, so I ordered a bowl of ‘Soup of the day.’
We had been there about twenty minutes when a compare appeared on the stage announcing something like, “And now the time you have all been waiting for tonight’s grand ‘Do or Dare and Dare to Bare quiz.’ A chance for one lucky lady to walk away with £250 in cash, and tonight’s contestant is nineteen-year-old…” and my name was announced!
I was gobsmacked. Mind you, as anyone at university will tell you, the chance to win £250 is pretty tempting. I had no idea, however, that I would be the contestant that night. Nor did I dream up until this point what might be involved.
My ‘friends’ cheered and banged their hands on the tables as others clapped when my name was called out. Someone came down from the stage area to my seat, helped me up, and led me to the stage.
I remember the announcer saying, “My my, we do have a gorgeous contestant here tonight, and if you don’t mind me saying, I hope you lose tonight.”
In my naivety, I was not sure what he meant; however, I was led up to stand next to him on the stage. He then asked me many questions about myself, “What did I do,” “Was I only nineteen.”
I was asked similar questions about university life and other things. Then the announcer put his arm around me and said, “Not only has this delightful young lady agreed to take part in our quiz, but also, if she loses to show one of her talents live here on stage. “And” he added with a flourish, “She has also agreed to ‘Run the Gauntlet’ on the dance floor. This will gain her a £50 bonus on top of anything else she wins in the quiz.”
He then turned to me and said, “Right then, you know the rules. You have to answer twenty questions worth £10 each. If you get them correct, you win the money, but you have to take off an item of clothing if you get one wrong. A sort of intellectual type of strip poker.”
My mouth must have dropped open as he finished. At the same time, cheers and whoops of delight came from the tables, especially from my contingent.
Again, the announcer addressed me, adding, “To make it more entertaining for everyone, Sam here will help you undress upon giving a wrong answer.”
At this, a colossal guy about six feet tall or more muscular stepped forward and hugged me. My mind was still in a daze at all that had taken place already since leaving university earlier in the afternoon. Now, here I was in a club about to enter a quiz where I could end up either a lot richer than when I came in or stark naked.
I knew I had to concentrate on the questions. The first one I remember was, “Who was America’s first president?”
“George Washington,” I confidently answered and was handed £10 from the announcer.
The following two were easy too, but then came, “What date is Tony Blair’s birthday?”
Would you have known that? I didn’t, so Sam stepped forward, undid the buttons on my waist jacket, and slipped it off my shoulders.
Now, I must admit here that I was just a little scared. With the guys from uni, I knew I was safe. I was sure that if I said enough was enough, that would be accepted. However, this was a whole new thing and a realm I had never been into previously.
I am sure that my voice quivered at every answer I gave. I cannot remember now which questions I got right or wrong or even what most of them were. After the next wrong answer, big Sam asked the audience whether they wanted my skirt or blouse taken off.
There seemed to be a difference of opinion about this, so he unbuttoned my skirt and tried to pull it down. He did not undo the zip below the button to let it fall off my hips. He yanked a few times before I, for some reason, undid the zip for him, allowing it to fall around my feet.
I remember hearing several wolf whistles as it revealed my black knickers and stockings held up by my suspenders. Of course, I knew my blouse would be next, and I remember thinking hard about the following question to be sure I got it right. I remember this one well because I thought it was a rather silly question. Now I realise that the quiz was fixed. No matter how clever I was, I had no way of winning.
The question was, “How many people died due to the American Civil War?”
Again, would you know? I stammered and squirmed but had no idea.
No questions were asked of the audience this time as Sam came, and I have to say, very gently undid my blouse buttons before pulling it off my shoulders and arms.
So there I was, standing in my underwear on a stage in front of around one hundred people.
Again, more cheering and whistling. I now forget the other questions, but first, one stocking and then another was unclipped and rolled down my legs. Sam again had problems with the suspender belt when it came time for that to go. I don’t think that I have ever been so red in all my life as I was that day. The place went wild when the announcer said I got another answer wrong.
Sam moved up behind me to undo my bra.
I remember asking, “Do you have to?”
In silence, it was unclipped, and he pulled it from behind out from my hands, which had naturally gone up to cover my breasts.
I stood there shivering more with fright and embarrassment than anything else with my hands across my chest, seeking to maintain some modesty. Everyone knew that it would be impossible once my knickers were off. Thankfully, the next question was easy, but again the following one I did not have a clue even to attempt to answer it.
The crowd started chanting a ten-second countdown, “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, Off,” they all shouted. Before I had time to breathe, I felt my knickers being yanked down and around my ankles. I thought I was at the melting point, being bright red with embarrassment.
“Let’s have a little twirl,” said the announcer as he sought to guide me to turn around.
Once I had my back to the audience, he said: “What a beautiful backside you have, my dear, and only nineteen as well.”
I was twirled around and asked to drop my hands. I did not straight away. It took a lot of a lot of coaxing and persuading before I finally allowed all a vision of my total nakedness. Again, roars of appreciation from the mixed audience.
Then the compare said, “Look at these beautiful little gems. I’m so glad you have let them come out in the open.” He looked up and added, “And now here, live, this lovely girl is going to show you another one of her hidden talents.” With that, the lad I fancied came up and joined me on stage.
He, too, was asked lots of questions while I stood there like a lemon in the nude.
Then the lad asked me to kneel in front of him and unzip his trousers. I hardly knew what to do or where to put myself. We looked at each other for some time, and then I knelt before him and undid his fly. I felt inside for his cock and brought it out through his pants. He then told me to suck it. Looking back, I am amazed that I did all of this as I am squirming with great embarrassment even as I write.
I placed it into my mouth as he began pulling my head. Everyone started cheering as I sucked, and he pumped. Eventually, after what seemed to me like hours, he came but did not release my head, and so it all flooded into my mouth.
Then he looked down at me and said, “Drink.”
To say I was shocked was an understatement. I had never drunk before, and now naked on my knees in front of a crowd of people here, I was being told to drink someone’s cum.
His cock was still deep in my mouth, and so I had little choice but to drink. I took one gulp, and down it went, and out he came and up went a roar of approval.
“Now all that’s left, my dear,” said the announcer brightly, “is for you to ‘Run the Gauntlet.'”
“What does that mean?” I asked, standing to my feet and trying to save some modesty.
“It means you have ten minutes on the floor naked so that anyone who wants can touch you and feel you.”
I was lost for words; even my breath seemed to vanish away. “You mean I must walk around like this and let everyone touch me?” I questioned.
“Yes, but only touch you and nothing else,” He replied. “Sam will keep you safe, won’t you, Sam? If, however, you want to take it further with anyone, we have a room you can use!”
“Oh good,” my friend said, who I had just sucked, “We may need that.”
Looking back, I cannot fully recall all my feelings, but I remember being terrified and excited at the whole situation I found myself in.
I returned to that town a couple of years ago and found the same place. It is slightly different now and seems to be purely a nightclub. A strange feeling of foreboding descended upon me as I stood outside, remembering these events, even after so many years.
I wanted to turn and run, but I had nowhere to go. My ‘friend’ Sam led me onto the dance floor among many old and young people. I looked around, hot with embarrassment and shame, as so many faces stared at my naked body.
I saw someone reach for one of my breasts and stroke it gently. Another gave my backside a little pat while others ran their hands through my hair. It was surreal, to say the least. One after another came around me to run their hands over my body.
I remember thinking, ‘This cannot be real. I am dreaming. These places do not exist in real life. I must wake up soon.’ But it was all too real, as the many fondling hands testified.
At last, I was allowed to sit down but told to face away from the table and open my legs. Although I was unhappy and wanted to argue, I knew I had little choice. I turned the chair around, sat down and opened my legs wide to many “Ooohs” and Arrghs” from the crowd.
A glass of Coke was given to me, which I was happy to drink as my mouth and throat were parched from nervous exhaustion.
My friends then told me to stand up, and as I did so, I remember thinking about my clothes as I wondered where they now were and so asked about them. I was told that all had been taken care of. I was again led through the dance area and onto the stage.
The announcer then appeared again and spoke to a couple of my friends in quiet tones. I saw him smile, and he looked at me, saying: “Good for you, girl.”
He then turned with his microphone and addressed the crowd, “Ladies and Gentlemen or rather dirty men and naughty women. I have been told that our darling young contestant here will be willing to see anyone and everyone in our club fun room for an hour starting at midnight. As you all know, she is a student, so any extra cash she can take away from tonight’s adventure, I am sure, will be much appreciated.” Then he turned to me, said, “Have fun,” and walked off the stage.
Now I was really concerned as to what was going to happen. I was led off the stage. We went through some double doors, up a flight of stairs and along a wide corridor to a door that said ‘Fun Room.’
The door was opened, and I was led inside. I admit that I was trying hard not to wet myself as I was so worried about what was occurring.
My friends asked me what was wrong. I blabbed away about not knowing what was happening. I was told to cheer up as I should enjoy being the centre of so much attention.
One of them gently explained, ‘Do you remember Rachel once telling some of us how exciting you thought it would be to be a real slut and get paid for it?” I nodded, recalling the conversation. “Tonight, we are going to make that dream come true. Several guys have agreed to pay for your service. How do you feel about it?”
I could sense that people were gathering outside the door, and I looked around the room for the first time. A bed with a rubber mat on the top looked more like an adjustable bed in a hospital. Attached at the top and bottom were wrist and ankle cuffs made from leather with a screw fastening that tightened them up. There were also other bits and pieces around the room.
I had never seen anything just like this before, as at nineteen, I had never before visited a BDSM club. This was not one, but this room (So I found out later) could be hired for such events.
I smiled nervously, feeling the area between my legs moistening at the thought.
“Okay,” I acquiesced.
I was made to kneel as the door was opened, and two men walked in. My friends asked what they wanted.
The first said: “To smack her bare arse.”
My friend replied, “One pound per smack.”
“Great,” came the answer. “I’ll have five!”
The next man was asked what he wanted to do. He explained that he had been really hard when I had done the live blow job on stage, so he wanted one, too.
I was amazed when my friends said that it would be fifteen pounds. I was being sold to these people as a cheap whore.
I wondered what my mother and father would think back home in Edinburgh if they knew what their precious daughter was doing. To have consensual fun with your peers is one thing, but this was just a bit further than I had ever really thought of going.
I could hear my friends moving down the line of people and arranging them into groups depending on what they wanted to do to me and with me. Eventually, all seemed to be sorted, and I was told that there would be no actual intercourse involved, only blow jobs and other ‘events’.
With that, I was lifted onto the bed while the cuffs were attached and tightened to my wrists and ankles. Then, the ropes attached to these were pulled tight, pulling me into a taught position on the bed. Four people were admitted who stood on either side of me and commenced fondling me in every place they could. Breasts, vagina, anus, legs, thighs, you name it, they felt it. They gave me a real proper going over, and just what I did not want to happen happened as they fingered my pussy. I got wet! Of course, things were said about that, and before I knew it, they were told that time was up, and I was released from my cuffs.
Next, I was told to lie face down on the bed, which I did without fuss or complaint. This was for the group of ‘smackers’ who then entered. I am not sure how many there were, but they took turns to make my bottom red, and I can still remember the pain as their bare hands met with my bare backside.
One or maybe two of them decided to smack my thighs, and, as any who have had the back of their legs smacked will know, that too was very painful. Eventually, and in my opinion, not before time, all had used up their allocation of ‘smacks’, and I was allowed up from the bed.
Next, four BJ’s came in, all seemingly over fifty years of age. I must be honest; I was appalled at this as I had only ever thought of having this sort of fun with those of my age.
I knew I had to try and do as was expected, so I sank to my knees and said rather meekly, “Who’s first?”
All four surrounded me, and eventually, all got their piece of manhood out, and I commenced working around each of them. I soon realised that this might be the quickest event of the night. As soon as I moved on to the next one, the previous one would continue to masturbate, meaning that I did not have to do all the work.
The first shot his load all over the side of my face, which gave me quite a shock. This seemed to be the signal for them all, and within maybe two minutes, the other three had covered me in their cum over my face, hair and neck. They all at least thanked me as they left.
I looked up to my friends, who said: “That’s it, we can go now.”
I was surprised as I had felt that many more folks had been waiting in the corridor. Later, I was told there had been others, but my friends decided it was not worth going beyond my safety zone.
I was given a damp towel to wipe myself and, at last, given my clothes and allowed to dress. Then we walked back down through the club to go out.
Just then, Sam, who had undressed me on stage and chaperoned me during my ‘Run the Gauntlet’ episode, called out something like, “What about me, sweet lady?”
Then several also said, “Yes, what about him?”
I felt trapped a bit like a rabbit in the glare of a headlight. I knew that, once again, I would have to do something.
“Okay,” I replied, “what do you want to do?”
He approached me, bent me over the nearest table, and lifted up my skirt. I do not know if you have ever seen the film ‘Secretary’ where her boss gets her to lift her skirt and then pull her knickers down whilst he masturbates. Well, seeing that film reminded me very much of this incident in the club.
Sam pulled my knickers down but only to my stocking tops because my suspenders stopped him from taking them further. Then he pulled out his cock and took me from behind while everyone looked on. He was large, and his piece was massive, so it was both painful and exhilarating at the same time. We were both grunting and groaning, and I guess that we both climaxed at about the same time, much to everyone’s delight.
Sam withdrew and then carefully and considerately pulled my knickers back up and helped my skirt drop back down, covering my legs.
He pulled me towards him and gently kissed my cheek, whispering, “Thank you, you sweet, beautiful girl.”
Then, my friends led me out of the club and back onto the street. “Come on,” they said, “let’s get back,”
We all returned to the cars, and all the guys said how well I had done. They hoped I did not mind what they had set up for me. I had mixed emotions about the whole thing.
As we approached the car park, two lads came towards us, and one of ‘my guys’ said to them, “Do you like her? She’s just been in the Sunlight club” (I have changed the name) “having live sex!”
They looked at me, and I thought, ‘Oh no, not out here.’
Then my friend said, “She’ll flash her tit’s if you ask her.”
Of course, they did, and two of my friends helpfully undid some of my blouse buttons and lifted my bra. The two lads said something. I forget now what it was, and we moved off back to the cars.
I opened my door, but I was told to take off my skirt before I got in. I knew I had to, so I complied and got into the driver’s seat in just my knickers, suspenders and stockings. I then commenced driving home while the four guys with me in the car spoke about all that had happened and what a turn-on for them it had been. As they spoke, there was the occasional fondling of my various assets.
We finally arrived home, or at least to where we stayed, and I was escorted inside. Once inside, some of the guys rehearsed what had happened earlier at the club by asking silly questions and then pretending to be Sam and taking my clothes off.
I knew I needed my bed and was told that one bed had been reserved for me. I can tell you that I was pretty glad as I had expected to be made to sleep naked on the floor!
Then came the unexpected bit. “But,” one of the boys added, “We are going to have a little prize draw, and whoever wins will get to share the bed with you for the night.”