A TRANS Formation – Chapter 9 – The Day After

"Her first day identifying as a girl, Jill experiences new fears and new pleasures."

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“Good morning, baby.” Allie says, kissing Jill’s cheek, “Are you going to wake up today? I’ve got some nice hot coffee ready for you.”

Jill mumbles a few sounds, but they don’t resemble anything intelligible. Allie kisses her until Jill opens her eyes halfway, revealing glassy pupils that can barely focus on anything. Jill manages to mumble out a few words, “What time is it?”

“It’s almost eleven, sweetheart.”

“In the morning?… What day is it?”

“Eleven o’clock, Saturday morning, sweetheart. How do you feel?”

“Oh fuck… I’m so spaced out. I’m trying to wake up.”

“Do you know where you are?”

“I’m with you… I’m with Allie.”

Allie kisses Jill, and Jill kisses her back as much as she can manage. As her brain begins to function, Jill smiles when she becomes aware of the nylon stockings on her legs, and the fake boobs still attached to her chest. Allie sees her smiling, and asks, “What are you smiling about, baby?”

“I was just thinking… When I was waking up, I thought this was all a dream, you know… what happened last night. But I feel nylons on my legs and my tits on my chest, so I know it wasn’t a dream.”

Allie smiles, “No, baby, it wasn’t a dream. It really happened. Welcome to your first day being a girl. Are you ready for some coffee?”

“I think so… shit… if I didn’t have to pee so bad, I’d just stay in bed. I guess I’ll have to get up sometime.”

Allie helps Jill as she struggles to sit up, handing her the pink nightie she had on last night. “Why don’t you put this on,” she says, “I’ll go pour us some coffee. Join me on the couch when you’re ready.”

As Jill slips the nightie over her head, she admires the way her fake titties look under the silky fabric. She sees her panties on the bed and decides it would be a good idea to put them on. After a trip to the bathroom, she walks into the living room where Allie has the coffee waiting for her. 

Allie makes her smile when she says, “You look damn sexy in the morning, Miss Jillian. Your belly button looks so fine under that nightie.”

Jill sits on the couch close to Allie, craving caffeine.

“Are you hungry?” Allie asks.

“I’m starved, but right now, coffee is what I need.”

“I should have warned you,” Allie admits, “I ain’t shit when it comes to cooking, but I think I have a couple sweet rolls in the kitchen.”

“Anything sounds good right now… God… I’m really spaced out.”

“How does a nice, hot bath sound?” Seeing Jill nod her head yes, Allie says, “I’ll start the bath water for us, then I’ll bring you something to eat.”

After a couple of cups of coffee and a sweet roll, Allie leads Jill into the bathroom. She helps Jill remove what few clothes she has on, and they both slip into the tub. Jill curls up into Allie’s arms, not saying a word. After a few minutes of silence, Allie asks her, “You’re kinda quiet. What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking about last night, how I came in this bathroom a boy, and walked out a girl.”

“Do you still feel like a girl now?”

“Yes, but I wonder if I’ll still feel this way tomorrow, or if it’s all because of the acid we took.”

“Yeah, that was some heavy-ass LSD, for sure. Tomorrow, just let your feelings tell you if you feel like a girl or not. 

“But I can tell you… last night?… in bed?… You were a total woman. The LSD didn’t make you do that, that came from inside of you, baby.”

“Yeah, my ass still stings from getting fucked,” Jill jokes, “Dang, your cock is thick.”

They both break out laughing.

“Naw, you’re just tight as hell down there. The more you do it, the easier it gets.”

“I don’t know about that. All I know is, I want you to fuck me again.”

“Well, it’s only Saturday, babe. I want you to spend the night with me again tonight.”

“You know I’ll spend the night again. You’re the first person I’ve ever slept with, do you know that?”

Allie takes Jill in her arms and kisses her. 

“Why don’t we get into the shower?” Allie asks, “I’d love to wash your beautiful body.”

“Mmmmmm… only if I get to do the same thing for you.”

Jill gets turned on all over again in the hot shower, with Allie’s soapy hands rubbing all over her. She has never had anyone pamper her like this before. She really likes how it feels. She enjoys doing the same thing to Allie when it is her turn to serve. When she finishes washing her, she gets on her knees and sucks Allie’s cock, until it gets all nice and hard. 

“I’d love to suck you all the way off,” Jill says, “but I’m saving that for later.”

“I’ll wait, baby. Just being with you, that’s all I want right now. Let’s dry each other off and get dressed.”

After Allie dries her off, Jill asks, “What am I going to wear?”

“Let’s go into Allie’s room, and see if we can find some girl clothes for you. I’m going to put Allie away for now, and be Allen again, because I want you to be my girlfriend today.”

“Whatever we do is up to you,” Jill says, “I’ll be your girlfriend today. I like Allen as much as I like Allie. I thank Allie for what she taught me last night.”

Walking into Allie’s room, Jill asks, “Where are my other clothes? The clothes I was wearing when I got here yesterday?”

“Oh, I put them in a safe place, and you can’t have them back until I say so.”

Jill laughs when she hears that. “So that means I’m trapped as a girl all day?… whether I like it or not?” 

“Yeah… except that you already said… you like it,” Allie jokes, “Let’s get you something to wear.”

Opening a dresser drawer, Allen says, “Let’s see how you look in red.”

Allen pulls a light red bra and matching panties out of the drawer, he opens another drawer and pulls out a pair of red nylons.

“I’m going to let you put these on by yourself, while I go in the other bedroom and get myself dressed. When I come back, we’ll finish getting you dressed.”

When a dressed Allen comes back in the room, he sees Jill has put on the nylons, panties and bra just fine. She is in front of the mirror, admiring herself when he walks in. 

“Well… doesn’t my girlfriend look hot in red?” he says. 

Jill replies, “I like the way these girl things make me feel.”

“Let’s find something to wear over that sexy stuff. Most of my stuff is party girl stuff. That’s not what we want today… Let me think.”

He looks in the closet and finds a pair of fancy girl jeans with large bell-bottoms, along with a pink sweater.

“These jeans might be a bit large in the waist, but they should be OK. This pink sweater matches your nails, and it’ll cover up the loose waist in your jeans.”

When Jill puts on the pants and sweater, Allen gets the wig she was wearing last night.

“Now let’s put your girl hair back on and see how you look.”

Jill looks at herself in the full-length mirror.

“What do you think, babe? I think you look really fine. I like the way that sweater makes your tits stick out.”

Jill looks at herself and smiles with approval. She likes the way she looks with long hair. 

“I like it,” Jill says, “I can’t wait until my own hair gets this long.”

“It will, babe, it will. It takes time. It took over a year for my hair to get to my shoulders. We’ll take you to see Jorge when it gets a little longer, he’ll make it look sexy for you… How ’bout we smoke a joint?”

“Yeah, I need something. I’m so strung out from last night.”

As they pass a joint back and forth, Allen’s phone rings. 

Jill hears Allen talking on the phone.

“Hello?… Hi, Carla, what are you girls up to today?… Yeah, that storm was nasty last night… Yeah, we made it through fine, I had a friend over… Yeah, she’s still here… What? You smoked all your weed? That ain’t good… Yeah, I could give you a couple joints to get you by… What do the streets look like?… Yeah, we could meet you at The Mixx… We could be there in an hour, sure… I want you to meet my new friend… Yeah… OK, we’ll see you in an hour.”

Allen hangs up the phone and Jill is having a panic attack. 

“I can’t go anywhere like this!” Jill says in a fearful voice.

“We’re just going to The Mixx. My friend, Carla, she needs a couple joints. There probably won’t be anyone there. We’ll just go in, give her the weed, and come back.”

“I feel good here with you, dressed like this,” Jill tells Allen, “But I don’t think I’m ready to go out in public, it’s just too much right now.”

“Carla is a good friend of mine. Carla has a girlfriend, Rosy. They’re lesbians, I think you’ll like them. And like I said, there won’t be hardly anyone at The Mixx this time of day anyway. And besides, no one at The Mixx judges anyone. You’ll be fine.”

“I’m nervous, and scared about it. Are you sure there won’t be anyone there?”

“Saturday afternoon? After a snowstorm? I doubt very many people will be anywhere.”

“Well, it’s against my better judgement, but I want to please my boyfriend, so I’ll go. But just for a little while, OK?”

“Thanks, babe, you won’t regret it.”

Allen gets a girl’s coat out of the closet for Jill to wear. She’s filled with nervous apprehension walking out the door, but breathing the fresh cold air makes her feel better as they walk outside.

There aren’t many cars on the streets as they drive to The Mixx. Jill feels some relief when she only sees a few cars when they arrive. Allen takes Jill’s hand as they walk through the fresh snow to the door. 

Once inside, Jill is relieved to see the place is nearly deserted. She starts feeling more comfortable when they sit down at a table. She feels feminine when she remembers she is wearing a bra and panties under her clothes. She likes how sexy she feels.

“See, babe, I told you no one would be here.”

“You were right again. I should have never doubted you.”

“What do you want to drink?”

“A beer?”

“No, you can’t have a beer. Girls don’t drink beer in bars. How about a mixed drink?”

“I don’t know any mixed drinks. I’ll just have a Coke.”

Allen waves his arm in the air, signaling to someone,

“Hey… Carla…we’re over here,” Allen yells.

Jill looks up to see two girls walking toward them. One is average height, dark brown hair. The other girl is shorter and more petite-looking, with long, dirty blonde hair. 

“Hi-ya, Allen!” the taller girl says.

“Hey!… Carla, good to see you.”

“Who’s your new girlfriend?” Carla asks.

“Carla, I’d like you to meet Jill… Jill, I’d like you to meet Carla, and this pretty lady with her is Rosy.”

As a girl, Jill isn’t sure if she should shake hands or not, so she shyly smiles as says ‘hi’. After talking a little, Allen mentions, “This is Jill’s first day as a girl. This is the first time she’s been out dressed as a girl, that’s why she’s a little shy.”

“Congratulations, Jill. You don’t have to be shy with us,” Carla tells Jill. Carla turns to Rosy and says, “What do you think, Rosy? She’s kinda cute, ain’t she?”

Rosy smiles and replies, “It’s a good start, we could fix her up a little bit, what do you think?”

“Yeah, she’s pretty cute now, but we can make her look cuter.”

“What do you say, Jill? Can we make you prettier?”

Jill’s not sure what to say. “What do you want to do?” she asks.

“We’re gonna make you look pretty,” Carla says, “C’mon, we won’t bite.”

Jill reluctantly gets up, and goes with Carla and Rosy. She panics when she sees they’re heading towards the women’s bathroom.

“I can’t go in there!” says a nervous Jill.

“Why not?” says Carla, “We’re girls.”

Inside the women’s restroom, Jill calms down when she sees no one else is in there. 

“You look very tired Jill,” says Carla, “We’re just going to put a little makeup on you.”

While Carla applies some basic makeup to Jill’s face, Jill tells her about how she and Allen took acid last night, which is why she looks so spaced out. Carla asks her what she’s had to eat, to which Jill says, “Only a sweet roll.”

“You’ve been up all night?… and nothing to eat? No wonder you’re so spaced out,” Carla says, “We’re going to get you something to eat… just let me finish with this eye shadow.

“Look in the mirror, Jill. Doesn’t that look better?”

Jill smiles with excitement when she sees how Carla has made her cheeks rosy, and her lips have come alive. “Wow,” she says. “Makeup can do that?” 

“It’s amazing what makeup can do,” Rosy says, “Makeup is a lot of fun.”

Carla butts in, “Let’s go kick Allen’s ass, for starving this poor girl.”

They walk back out to the table where Allen sits alone.

“Look how pretty your girlfriend is now,” says Rosy.

Allen gets up and gives Jill a kiss, telling her how pretty she looks, when Carla interrupts, “Allen… you have to get this girl something to eat. Look at her… she’s starving.”

“I know…we’ve been fuckin’ strung out all morning.”

“Rosy and I need to eat too. What do you say, we go over to the Melody, and get some lunch?”

Jill jumps in, “I’m not comfortable going to a restaurant. I’m afraid people will stare at me. I’m not used to being dressed like a girl.”

Carla assures her, “You don’t have anything to worry about at the Melody. I work there as a cook, there won’t be many in there, especially after that snowstorm last night.”

“Well, OK, I’m so hungry, I’ll chance it… if we can get a table in the back.”

They all leave The Mixx and meet up at the Melody Grill, about ten minutes away. Jill is relieved to see only one table occupied when they walk in. Talking over their lunch, Jill finds Carla and Rosy fun to be with. Carla is friendly and Rosy is really enjoying talking with Jill. 

In the course of their conversation, Rosy asks Jill if she has any girl’s clothes, like panties, bras, and slips to wear at home. Jill tells her she hasn’t even thought about any of that yet. Rosy comes up with a suggestion, “You know what we need to do? We need to take Jill shopping for the bare necessities she’s going to need.”

Jill says, “I don’t have any money with me, and I’m afraid of going in a store dressed like this.”

Allen says, “Well, I have plenty of cash on me, so that’s not a problem.”

Carla says, “Don’t worry about going into the store, Jill. You can walk between Rosy and me… we’ll camouflage you. And there isn’t going to be anyone in the stores today, anyways. We know a small ladies’ clothing store we can go to, you’ll be fine, we’ll protect you, honest.”

Rosy jumps in, “So, really, Jill… all you have to do… is decide if you want to have some girl things to wear at home… when you’re all by yourself.”

“OK, I guess I can’t win this argument,” says Jill, “I’m scared, but let’s go.”

They drive to the women’s clothing store, located in a small strip mall. There is hardly anyone shopping, so it isn’t as scary as Jill thought it would be. When they walk out of the store, Jill has an assortment of panties with matching bras, three slips, and three pairs of nylons in different colors. Rosy even bought Jill a small makeup kit as a gift.

Walking out to their cars to go their separate ways, Jill tells the girls how much she appreciated their help, “I don’t know how to thank you for everything. I really… I really wasn’t expecting to do anything like this today.”

“You don’t have to thank us, Jill, it was our pleasure,” Rosy tells her, “We can help you learn to be the beautiful girl I think you can be.”

Carla hands Jill a card with their phone number written on it. “Here’s our number, Jill. Just call us anytime you need something, or you can call just to talk, you don’t even need a reason.”

“Thanks, I will,” Jill says with a smile on her face.

Tears come to Jill’s eyes when they get back in the car. Allen says, “What’s wrong, babe?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just overwhelmed by how nice they were to me. No girl has ever treated me nice like that.”

“Carla and Rosy are the best friends anyone can have,” Allen tells her, “They’ve taught me so much about being a girl… practical stuff, a guy never thinks of… they showed me. They can show you too.”

Jill leans over and gives Allen a big kiss. She feels even more like a girl now, and she’s starting to feel a little horny. 

When they get back to the apartment, Jill tells Allen, “I’m glad you talked me into going out today. I was scared a lot, but I’m glad I got to meet Carla and Rosy. I can’t believe I have some girl stuff of my own to take home. Never in my wildest dreams, would I have guessed this was going to happen.”

“You certainly are a different person now, than you were twenty-four hours ago. I’m happy for you. That makeup really makes you look feminine.”

“I feel feminine too. I don’t know what it is, it just feels good.”

Jill plops down on the couch. They’re both really strung out from being up all night. “How about we just smoke a joint and relax?” Allen suggests, “I feel like getting stoned and just holding you in my arms.”

“I’d like that a lot, Allen. Relaxing sounds nice.”

Allen puts some relaxing music on the stereo and rolls a joint while Jill sits back on the couch, thinking about the last twenty-four hours. She smiles, just thinking about it. She likes how she feels right now. 

When Allen passes the  joint to her, she tells him, “I liked being your girlfriend today. I don’t know when I’ve felt better.”

Allen just smiles and takes her in his arms,  holding her while they share the marijuana. ‘This is nice,’ he thinks… then the phone rings.

“Hello?… Hey Roger, how’s it going?… Not much, just relaxing… Jerry? Yeah, she’s over here, with me… Yeah, that’s right, I said she… today her name is Jill… She is beautiful… Yeah, you can come over… We’ll be here… OK, bye.”

“Guess who that was, babe?”

“It was Roger. I heard you say his name. He’s coming over?”

“Yeah, you don’t mind, do you?”

“Well, it’s not like I have a choice at this point. I’m not sure who I want to see me, dressed like this.”

“I’m sorry, I guess didn’t think. I just didn’t think you’d mind.”

“I’m just afraid I’ll get embarrassed when he sees me like this.”

“You’re not going to get embarrassed. You and Roger already know each other very well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you told me you two have already fucked a few times, you can’t know someone much better than that.”

“Yeah, he has fucked me a few times… I guess you’re right. It’s just that all this is so new for me.”

“You’ll be just fine. Let’s finish this joint before he gets here.”

After smoking the joint and getting stoned, Jill feels better about Roger coming over. Going into the bathroom to pee, she starts feeling horny. She’s horny because when she takes her jeans down, she sees the sexy panties and nylons she is wearing. Sitting on the toilet, she wonders if she’ll end up in bed with both Roger and Allen tonight. 

She stops wondering when she hears the doorbell ring. She can hear Roger and Allen talking in the living room. She gets nervous again about what Roger will think when he sees her. She can’t stay in the bathroom all night, so she walks out to meet Roger, as a girl, for the first time. 

“Hello, Roger,” she says, walking into the living room.

“Wow, who is this beauty I’m looking at?” says Roger.

Allen says, “Doesn’t she look beautiful, Rog? That pretty girl I saw inside Jerry? She’s come out.”

Roger walks over and gives Jill a hug. “You look really nice, Jill. I’m very impressed.”

Allen says, “Hey Rog, you want a beer?”

“Sure. I’d love one.”

Jill and Roger sit down on the couch. Allen yells from in the kitchen, “Fuck! No beers in the fridge.”

Allen walks into the living room, “Shit, Rog, I’m out of beer. I’m going to have to make a quick run to the store.”

“You don’t have to do that. I don’t need a beer that bad.”

“Naw, I need to pick up some donuts for us in the morning anyways.”

Jill laughs and says, “What? Sweet rolls again?”

“Hey… I told you I suck at cooking,” Allen says as he walks out the door. Roger and Jill both laugh as Allen leaves. Roger asks Jill, “I’ve told you how I think you look. I have to ask, how does it feel for you?”

“It feels very different, of course, but different in a nice way. I thought I’d feel embarrassed when you saw me like this, but now I’m glad you’re here.”

“Why did you think you’d be embarrassed when I saw you?”

“Well, this might sound weird, but… you’ve already fucked Jerry a couple times. I’m a little scared about how different it will be, when you fuck Jill. Cuz, I know you’re gonna fuck me again.”

Roger puts his arms around her and says, “You are so much sexier as Jill. It makes me want to fuck you twice as much.”

Hearing Roger say those words, Jill puts her hand on Roger’s cock, squeezing it through his pants. She forgets about Allen being gone, as she unzips him and pulls it out. Roger puts his hand on the back of Jill’s neck and guides her head down to his hard cock. 

Jill’s tongue reaches out for Roger’s glans as her head gets closer. Roger moves his hand to her back as she takes his cock into her mouth. She moans inside as she takes it deeper. Jill wants better access so she moves onto the floor where she easily takes him in almost to his balls. 

She looks up at Rog. “Your cock tastes better to me, as a girl.”

When Allen walks in the door from the store, Jill hardly notices, or cares. All she feels is right now is she craves cock; nothing else matters.

After Allen puts the beer away, he comes up behind Jill, putting his arms around her waist. Smiling, he looks at Roger and says, “Isn’t she a good little cocksucker?”

Roger just smiles as he watches Allen pull Jill’s sweater up over her bra. Jill gives Roger an evil grin as she raises her arms up, allowing Allen to pull the sweater off over her head. 

“Do you like my tits?” Jill says with a laugh.

“You look great with tits, Jill. You wear them like they’ve always been a part of you,” Roger replies.

Roger leans forward, kissing Jill as they stand up. Allen puts his arms around Jill from behind, “I think Jill is ready for her first threesome,” Allen says to Roger.

Roger looks into Jill’s eyes, “What do you think about that, Jill?”

Jill doesn’t say anything. She just nods her head yes, taking Roger’s cock in her hand while reaching around for Allen’s. Allen drops his pants so Jill can grab his hard cock. Jill’s desire reaches a level she’s not been before. 

She feels like a little slut, kissing both men while holding a cock in each hand. Her desire gets even stronger when Allen unzips her jeans, dropping them to the floor. Roger and Allen both caress Jill’s hard clit area extending above her panties, freely oozing pre-cum.

As Allen spreads the slippery pre-cum all over her clit, her hips jerk back and forth from the intense pleasure she feels. “OK, guys, you better take me in the bedroom,” she says, “I can’t take much more of this without getting fucked.”

Allen closes the door to Allie’s room and leads them into the other bedroom. Roger gently kisses her neck as he holds Jill’s arms behind her. Allen drops to his knees in front of her, licking her wet clit. Jill squirms with delight when Allen takes her into his mouth and slips her panties off. 

Feeling Roger’s fingers roaming around her pussy hole, Jill tilts her head back, begging Roger to kiss her. After a few minutes, Jill tells the guys she needs to be fucked, and she needs it now.

Quick to get up on the bed, Allen lies on his back, holding his cock straight up to entice Jill. But Jill needs no enticing. She wastes no time joining him. On her hands and knees, she wraps her lips around Allen’s thick shaft to feed her hunger. Spreading her legs apart, she sticks her ass up, offering it to Roger.

Roger stands back, admiring how Jill has transformed from the confused and scared kid he met six weeks ago, into the cock hungry slut she is in this moment. He remembers how he was able to guide Allen, in much the same way, a year ago. He thinks how lucky he is to have seen, and developed, the feminine qualities he saw when he first met them.

Roger gets on the bed and sticks his tongue into Jill’s pussy. Jill sucks harder when she feels the pleasure of his tongue probing into her hole. When Roger feels she is ready, he puts an ample amount of lube in her hole and gets on his knees behind her. 

Feeling Roger’s cock knocking at her entrance, Jill backs herself up, pushing her hole over Roger’s head. Her hole is still a bit stretched from last night, allowing Roger’s cock to slip in with only a small amount of pleasurable pain. 

She raises herself up off the bed as Roger holds her arm behind her. Allen takes the hard shaft of her clit into his mouth while Roger holds her against himself, pummeling her from behind. Jill’s head is spinning from the attention she’s getting. She all but loses consciousness when her balls contract, shooting a load of hot cum into Allen’s mouth. 

Roger is still pumping her hard and fast when Allen gets up and puts his mouth over Jill’s. As their tongues dance together, Jill tastes her cum, spilling from Allen’s mouth into hers. She shivers with this new erotic sensation. She has never really enjoyed cum in her mouth, but Allen feeding her own cum to her from his mouth makes her accept it willingly.

Jill starts squeezing her pussy around Roger’s cock, like Allen taught her the night before. She milks him until he shoots his load into her. When Roger’s cock falls out of her, Jill puts her arms around Allen and the two lovers fall onto the bed. Their mouths still locked together, their tongues passing Jill’s cum back and forth. 

Allen and Jill are so into each other, they don’t even notice when Roger gets off the bed, on his way to the bathroom. Roger cleans up, gets dressed, and comes back into the bedroom, where they are still passionately kissing each other. Roger walks over to them, putting a hand on each of their heads. 

He softly says to them, “Hey, you lovebirds, I’m going to leave you two alone. I just want to tell you how beautiful it is to see you both enjoying each other like this. You two have planted a seed this weekend, and I hope I get to see that seed grow into something truly beautiful.”

Allen and Jill continue their kissing long after Roger leaves. They just lie there, staring into each other’s eyes, each wondering what the other is thinking.

Jill wonders out loud, “Do you think we planted a seed?…like Roger was saying?”

“I don’t know, Jill. I just know I’ve never felt like this with anyone before.”

“I don’t know what to think. I’ve never even been with anyone before.”

“Me neither, actually, not like in a relationship. I’ve done a lot of fucking, but it was just fucking. This feels so much different.”

Jill and Allen look at each other with loving eyes, each wondering the same thing, “What do we do now?”



Published 4 years ago

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