A TRANS Formation – Chapter 4 – Acceptance

"To the extent that my mind is at ease... Everything becomes easier."

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Jerry wakes up Saturday morning and decides to roll over and sleep a while longer. It feels good to not have to get up. This is the first weekend he’s spent in Des Moines since moving here four weeks ago. He has no plans for the day and he doesn’t care. Today, he doesn’t have to do a damned thing.

Sitting in his chair, enjoying his coffee, his mind drifts back to the past week’s events. Two days ago he started listening to his body. A week ago he was in a deep depression. He feels more comfortable now after allowing himself to let go of some of his inhibitions. He tells himself he will not allow himself to get that depressed again. He still has his fears, but they don’t bother him now like they did last week. 

Drinking his last sip of coffee, he decides it’s time to get on with the day. He takes his coffee cup into the kitchen, putting it in a sink filled with dirty dishes. He doesn’t have very many dishes, but every one of them is in the sink, dirty. The whole kitchen is a filthy mess. 

Walking into the living room, he sees little messes everywhere. The bathroom is just as filthy as his kitchen. He realizes living in this dirty apartment is one of the reasons he’s been feeling so depressed the past few weeks. He decides cleaning his apartment would be the best thing he can do to today improve the way he feels.

After taking a bath and getting dressed, he heads into the kitchen to start cleaning. Right off the bat, he has a problem. Typical bachelor, he has no cleaning products. Not even a broom. The only thing he has is a bottle of dish soap by the sink. A shopping trip is in order. His food supply is also low, so he makes a list and heads off to the grocery store.

His first step outside reminds him that it is early February in Iowa. The minus-four-degree temperature reminds him how much he misses California. Sitting in his car, freezing his ass off waiting for the engine to warm up, his thoughts drift back to California.

Everything seemed so right for him there. He misses it a lot. His Army buddy told him in a letter if ever wanted to return to California he was welcome to stay with him until he got settled. The offer seemed very inviting to him when he read it two weeks ago. Jerry has an escape hatch in case things get unbearable in Iowa.

The car now warmed up, Jerry drives to the grocery store. He freezes his ass when he gets out of the car. He runs into the store as fast as he can. Once inside the warm store, Jerry feels a new spring in his step. He doesn’t feel depressed like he has been on previous trips. It doesn’t take long to collect all the items on his list and check out. He freezes his ass off again as he puts his bags in the car and drives back home.

Back at the apartment, he grabs a quick bite to eat and starts his cleaning project. It is depressing at first looking at that dirty kitchen. He can’t believe what a slob he’s been. Day after day, he never noticed how dirty he was letting things get. He starts by doing the dishes and cleaning the sink area. Next, he goes to work on the greasy stove and soon it looks as good as the sink. When he finishes the floor he stands back to admire how good it looks now.

He moves to the bathroom, which is just as bad as his kitchen was. He finds enjoyment in cleaning everything just a little bit better than it has to be. Before long, he has the tub, sink, and toilet shining like new. He puts his cleaning supplies away under the sink and feels proud of what he has done. A fresh scent of pine fills the apartment, reminding him how clean it is now. 

After picking up the living room, Jerry feels tired and needs a rest after cleaning for five hours. He decides to watch TV for a while until it is time to start cooking dinner. He lays on the couch for about an hour when he hears a familiar knock on the door. He knows it is Roger. He answers the door with anticipation this time instead of dread. 

“Hi Roger, I thought that might be you. I didn’t expect to see you today.”

“How’s it going, Jerry? I was driving by the building and saw your car parked on the street, so I thought I’d stop and see if you were home.”

“Yeah, I’m here. I decided to spend the weekend in town for a change. C’mon in.”

They walk over to the couch at sit down close to each other.

“It smells like someone has been cleaning.”

“Yeah. The place was getting pretty bad. I had to do something about it. I just finished up about an hour ago actually.”

“Well, it looks great. There’s nothing like a clean house to make you feel 

“Yeah, not to mention other things that make you feel good too.”

They both laugh in agreement as they start touching each other.

“Speaking about that, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the last time I was here. I’ve been wondering if you still wanted me to come over.”

“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it quite a bit too. I feel a lot better about it now. I’ve been thinking how I’d like to do it again.”

“I was hoping you felt that way. Because I feel like that too.”

Jerry doesn’t mind this time when Roger puts his hand on the inside of his thigh as he talks. After a while, he even puts his hand on Roger’s leg as a symbol of acceptance. They enjoy a pleasant conversation while teasing and touching each other’s cock through their pants.

Roger comes up with a suggestion.

“Say, do remember the other night when I was telling about that rock band playing in town? You didn’t want to go because it was a work night”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“How would you like to go see them tonight? It’s not a work night.”

“Right now? It’s getting close to dinner time. I haven’t eaten yet.”

“I know. I could eat something myself. Why don’t we leave now, get a bite to eat, and then go down to the club?”

Jerry thinks about it for a moment, he can’t think of a reason why not.

“Sure, I think I’d like that. I have to change my clothes first.”

Jerry gets up to head to the closet and Roger follows right behind him. As Jerry is changing his shirt, Roger unbuckles his belt.

“Do you mind if I help?” he says with a devilish grin. He gets down on his knees, unzips Jerry’s pants, pulling them down to his knees along with his underwear. He takes Jerry’s cock into his mouth sucks it with deep, heavy strokes until he hears Jerry start to moan. He lets the cock out of his mouth, stands up, and says,

“I just had to get a little appetizer before we left.”

Jerry smiles, finishes dressing, and the two men are out the door.

Roger drives to a part of town Jerry has never been before and pulls into the parking lot of a nice-looking restaurant. Once inside, Jerry can see this is a classier place than he is used to. They enjoy an excellent meal together along with some pleasant conversation. When they leave, Roger picks up the bill, refusing to let Jerry pay for any of it.

Back in the car, Jerry tells Roger, 

“Thank you very much for dinner, Roger. That may have been the best meal I’ve ever had.”

“It’s amazing how great food can make a person feel so good. I’m ready to enjoy the rest of this night. How ’bout you?”

“You bet.”

“Just one more thing,” says Roger, “Call me Rog.”

Jerry laughs, “Sure thing… Rog.”

A few minutes later, they are on a dimly lit road with only a few businesses on it. Roger slows down. Jerry sees a small neon sign with the name “The Mixx” on it and an arrow pointing to the right. As Roger turns on the narrow road, a medium-sized building comes into view with a parking lot half-filled with cars. Roger pulls into a parking place. 

He notices Jerry looking around, wondering where he is. He assures Jerry, “This club is kinda like a well-kept secret. Not a lot of people even know it’s here, but the people who come here are always friendly. I think you’ll like it.”

Once inside, Jerry soon realizes why it was a well-kept secret. It is about seven o’clock and the place is maybe one-third full of people. There is a mixture of men and women, but definitely more men. Jerry notices right off that the men and women are not sitting with each other. All the couples are same-sex couples. Roger has brought him to a queer bar. 

He gets nervous at first, but decides to relax and go with the flow. After all, he is here with a man himself.

As they sit down at a table, Roger moves his chair close to Jerry’s. When the waitress comes over to take their order, they both order beers.

Roger asks her, “What time does the band start playing?”  

“They’ll be starting at nine,” she replies

“Oh, I thought they started at eight.”

“They start at eight on Thursday and Friday, but on Saturday, they start an hour later because we stay open an hour later,” the waitress tells him.

“OK… Thanks.” 

As the waitress walks off, Roger turns to Jerry,

“I didn’t know the band started later on Saturday, I wasn’t planning on staying here that long.”

“Oh, That’s ok. We don’t have to stay that long if you don’t want to.”

The waitress brings their beers and they start talking about this and that, but Jerry isn’t paying too much attention. He is busy surveying the new surroundings he finds himself in. 

It’s not real fancy, but it does feel comfortable. There is a small band stage with a medium-sized dance floor in front of it. The jukebox is playing the new Doobie Brothers hit song and two girls get up to dance with each other. He feels Rog’s hand slide into the inside of his thigh, he smiles and takes a sip from his beer. 

It isn’t long before he hears a voice shouting from across the room,

“Hey Rog! How’s it going?”

“Allen! What’s going on?”

Jerry sees a slim man walk toward their table. He is a little taller than Jerry, but not quite as slim. When he gets to the table, Roger gets up to greet him. They embrace in a light hug as they shake hands. 

“Allen, I’d like you to meet Jerry. Jerry, this is my friend Allen. We’ve known each other a few years.”

Jerry gets up to shake his hand. He admires Allen’s long, light brown shoulder-length hair pulled back into a ponytail. Jerry wants his hair to grow long, he hasn’t cut it since he got out of the Army, but it isn’t nearly as long as Allen’s. 

“So, Allen, what are you up to tonight?” said Roger.

“Oh, not much. I’m just hanging out, having a few beers on Saturday night.”

“Pull up a chair and join us”

“Thanks. I think I will.”

“Jerry’s new in town. He got out of the Army a few months ago and moved to Des Moines a few weeks ago.”

Allen says to Jerry, “Ain’t it nice being out of the military? I got out of the Navy three years ago and haven’t missed it at all.”

Jerry smiles and nods in agreement.

The three men talk and drink their beers. Jerry is enjoying the conversation. This is a pleasant change from his usual dull routine. Roger continues to caress Jerry’s thigh under the table, unashamed if anyone happens to notice. After a few minutes, Roger gets up,

“Can you gentlemen excuse me for a minute? I have to hit the bathroom and make a quick phone call.”

Roger gets up to do his business, leaving Jerry and Allen by themselves.

Allen begins a new conversation, “What did you do in the Army?”

“I played drums in the Army Band.”

“In Washington D.C.?”

“No, not the big band. I was stationed in Monterrey, California.”

“Wow. California. That sounds like good duty.”

“It was. If I had to be forced to be in the military, that was a good place to be.”

“I heard there’s a lot of good pot in California.”

Jerry’s eyes light up big, and says with a big smile,

“Oooh Yeah! We got high as a kite almost every night. I miss the shit out of it.”

“You quit smoking pot after you got out?”

“Well no, I didn’t quit, I just haven’t had any. I don’t know where to get it.”

“Hey, I can help you out with that.”

Allen reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a pack of Marlboro cigarettes in a box pack. As he flips the lid open, Jerry sees he has at least a half dozen joints rolled up inside. He takes two joints out and hands them to Jerry just as Roger returns to the table. 

“Ahhh… I see you two have been getting acquainted,” says Rog.

“Yeah, we found something we have in common,” says Allen with a grin.

“I bet you have a lot more in common than that,” Roger says with a wink.

“I’ll stick with my beer, you young guys can do what you want.”

Allen turns to Jerry, “Rog hasn’t discovered marijuana yet.”

Roger smiles, “I’ve discovered it, I just don’t want to smoke it, but don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind if you guys do it.”

Roger signals the waitress for another round of beers. 

Allen turns to Roger, “Have you told Jerry about the ‘Club’ yet?”

“No, not yet. He’s only been in town a few weeks.”

Jerry asks, “What’s the Club?”

“Oh, it’s just a bunch of guys who get together regularly to get away from the wives, drink a little, play a few cards, shoot the shit, and have a little fun ‘on the side’ when we feel like it,” said Roger. “I think you might like it.”

As they finish the round of beers, Roger says to Allen,

“I think we’re gonna head out. Let me take care of the tab. I’ll meet you guys at the door.”

As Roger gets up Allen and Jerry continue to talk.

“I’m glad I got to meet you, Jerry.”

“Same here. I had a good time. And thanks for the weed. I haven’t had any for a long time.”

“Glad to help out. Maybe we can get together sometime and burn a couple.”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

“What’s your phone number?”

“Ummm, I don’t have a phone.”

“No phone? Well, you need to get one.”

“Yeah, maybe I do.”

Allen writes his number on a napkin and hands it to Jerry.

“Here’s my number. Just give me a call if you want to get together.”

“Thanks. I will.”

They get up and make their way towards the door where Roger is waiting. Allen gives Roger a handshake and a light hug. “Thanks for the beer, Rog. I hope the rest of your night goes well.”

“Oh, I think it will,” he says with a wink.

As Jerry and Roger walk out the door, Allen says, “Hey Rog, tell Jerry he needs to get a phone hooked up.” 

When they get in the car, Roger tells Jerry,  

“I’m glad you got to meet Allen. You two seemed to hit it off well.”

“Yeah, he seems like a nice guy.”

“He is. We’ve known each other for years, I think you two might have a lot in common.”

Roger starts the car and heads toward Jerry’s apartment.

Fifteen minutes, later they pull up to the apartment building. Jerry wants to show Roger how much his feelings have changed. He puts his hand on Roger’s leg, asking him, “Would you like to come in?”

“I would love to, Jerry, thank you for asking,.”

Walking down the hallway to his apartment, Jerry can feel his cock quiver,  anticipating what he knows is coming. The buzz from the beers and the good food they had earlier make him feel more relaxed about being with Roger. Once inside the door, they put their arms around each other and walk over to the couch. As they sit down Roger tells Jerry,

“If you feel like smoking some of that pot Allen gave you go, right ahead, it’s alright with me.”

“Wow, I forgot I even had it. I think I will take a few tokes. It’s been a long time since I’ve had any.”

Roger puts his hand between Jerry’s legs and says, 

“While you’re doing that, if you don’t mind, I’d like to play with this big joint down here. I’ve been thinking about it ever since I had the little appetizer before we left.”

“So have I, Rog… You can do anything you want down there.”

As Jerry lights the joint, Roger gets on the floor to take off Jerry’s pants. As Jerry as he inhales the first hit of sweet marijuana smoke, he lifts his hips up, allowing Roger to pull his pants down to his ankles. 

Maybe it was the pot, maybe it was Roger’s fingers running over his cock, but whatever inhibitions Jerry had were quickly melting away. He was more turned than ever, ready to let Roger have his way with him.

He draws in another hit, Roger’s tongue works his eight inch shaft. He holds the smoke in his lungs, Roger takes his cock into his mouth, sucking in long slow strokes. Jerry is getting really high at this point. Since he hasn’t smoked any pot in several months, the effect of the drug is quick and intense. Half way through the joint Roger takes his mouth off the cock. He looks up into Jerry’s glassy eyes, 

“Have I told you you have a beautiful cock?”

“You’re making it feel beautiful right now. You wanna unfold the bed?”

Roger gets up and they quickly fold out the bed. Jerry stands in front of Roger and tells him,

“Now it’s my turn.” 

Without speaking he unbuttons Roger’s shirt and slowly works his hands around his shoulders until his shirt falls to the floor. Moving his lips across Roger’s light chest hairs, he is turned by the superior masculinity in front of him. He enjoys sucking on Roger’s nipples before lowering himself to his knees. 

Roger’s hard cock springs in Jerry’s face when his pants fall to the floor. Just like the other night, Jerry looks up at Roger’s eyes, taking his ball sack into his mouth, an act of submission. It isn’t long before Jerry takes Roger into his mouth, engulfing his shaft down deep until the length triggers his gag reflex. 

After a few minutes, they move to the bed where Jerry continues feasting on the hard cock. Roger is close to cumming, but he doesn’t want to cum just yet. He sits up and lifts Jerry’s head off his cock. He gives him a kiss and lays him on his back.

Roger positions himself between Jerry’s legs and puts his hands under his knees, gently spreading them apart. Jerry’s head is spinning as the marijuana effects become more intense. He lets out a moan when Roger takes his cock into his mouth. Roger doesn’t suck long. He has different intentions. 

Taking his mouth off the cock, his tongue licks and caresses Jerry’s length down to his balls. He stops there for a moment to suck each ball before he moves on to the real prize. Roger puts more pressure on Jerry’s legs, spreading them wide apart, forcing Jerry’s ass off the bed. It takes a moment for Jerry to get used to this new position of vulnerability. It doesn’t take him long to get used to Roger’s tongue on his asshole. 

He delights in the sensations Roger’s tongue is giving him. Each time his tongue presses harder against his opening he feels more erotic shivers. Roger is taking him to a place he’s never been. His pleasures increase when he feels a finger working its way inside. 

Rog takes Jerry’s balls back into his mouth as his finger works into Jerry’s hole. Deeper it goes until it presses against his prostate. Jerry moans as his sphincter muscle pulses and squeezes around Roger’s finger. 

“Do you like that?” Roger asks.

“Oh, I love that. I can’t believe how good it feels.”

“You’re very sensitive down there. Not all guys are. If you feel like it, we can do something else down there, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. We can try it. You’ve got me so hot right now you can do anything you want with me.”

Roger moves his tongue back to Jerry’s pulsating ass and spits into the hole. He works saliva into it with his finger and spits again and again. When it is thoroughly wet he spits on his cocks and spreads saliva over his shaft. He puts the head of his cock against Jerry’s hole and lowers his body down upon Jerry’s body. 

He kisses Jerry’s neck as he puts more pressure on the hole. Jerry spreads his legs wide apart, giving Roger more access to open him. Jerry gasps with pain as the head of Roger’s cock pushes inside. Jerry feels like he is being split apart. Roger just holds it there, letting his hole relax around his cock. Writhing with pain, his legs pinned apart by Roger’s legs, all Jerry can do is wrap his arms around Roger’s back and endure the erotic pain in his opening. 

Jerry finally feels his asshole begin to relax around Roger’s cock. As the cock slowly but surely presses further inside, the pain turns into pleasure. Jerry squeezes his arms tighter around Roger. New erotic feelings overwhelm him. Jerry instinctively raises his legs and wraps them around Roger’s waist, pulling him in deeper. 

With his legs wrapped around Roger, Jerry feels like a girl being fucked for the first time. And why not? He has a masculine male body on top of him sinking his cock deep inside. It feels good to him, and surprisingly very natural. Jerry likes that feeling a lot.

Roger’s mouth finds Jerry’s mouth and their lips lock in a long passionate kiss. Their tongues dance as Roger’s cock pushes further until Jerry feels balls resting against his ass. Roger just holds it there, allowing Jerry to get used to the feeling. Roger raises his body up and gets his thumb wet with saliva. He rubs it on Jerry’s shaft just below the glans in little one-inch strokes. 

Jerry’s impaled ass pulses in and out. He totally lets go as his ass naturally squeezes and massages the hard cock inside. He feels Roger’s cock begin to pulse uncontrollably. He feels an erotic warming inside his cavity as Roger releases his load deep into his bowels. Jerry completely loses control in that moment. His own cock jerks under Roger’s thumb until he too releases his load onto his stomach.  

Waves of relaxation flow through him as Roger’s cock slowly shrinks inside of him. Roger looks into Jerry’s eyes,

“What did you think about that?”

“Oh my God. I had no idea.”

“There are things you can do with a man that you could never do with a woman.” 

Jerry nods in agreement. Realizing it must be getting late, Roger says, “I’d love to stay here all night, but it’s getting late. I’m afraid I’m going to have to get going.”

“I understand. It’s been a wonderful night and I thank you for everything.”

Roger goes into the bathroom to wash up while Jerry lays on the bed, unable to move. He admires Roger’s masculinity one more time as he gets dressed. Roger comes over to the bed and kisses Jerry’s lips. 

“Would you like to see me again next week?”

“Oh yes. Come over wherever you like.”

“Thank you, Jerry. I’m so glad you were able to enjoy yourself like you just did. I’ll see you as soon as I can.”

Roger walks out the door, leaving Jerry on the bed with a feeling of bliss he never knew was possible. He lays back, thinking about how his day started by cleaning his apartment and ending with him allowing his body to flow where it wanted to flow. It has been a very good day. He pulls the covers over him and quickly passes out from erotic exhaustion.

Published 4 years ago

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