The following Tuesday, Jill has another date with Dr. Walt. She decides, for the first time, to show up wearing a dress, which pleased Walt very much. She’s still a little nervous dressing like this in public, but each time she does it, she’s not as nervous as the time before.
When they went to the grocery store Sunday, she wore her pads under her khaki pants, one of her new blouses, and tan pumps. She simply loved being able to hold Allie’s hand as they walked up and down the aisles. She really wanted Allie to dress in girls’ clothes instead of her, but Allie still can’t bring herself to dress in public just yet.
She wore a dress to the Club meeting Saturday night, and she was the center of attention when she arrived. She didn’t wear her pads that night, because she was there to fuck. Pads aren’t as easy to slip off as a skimpy pair of panties.
Even though there weren’t as many men there, she and Allie still made $1200 in tips to replenish their cash stash. She made it a point to spend time talking with some of the guys before going into the side room to perform sexual favors in exchange for tips.
She met two interesting men that night, Jim and Terry. Jim has a real estate business, and Terry owns a large packaging company, handling different products for various companies all over the country. Both of them seemed to be over fifty, but she didn’t ask them their ages.
They both asked about dating her but didn’t set up anything up. She gave them her number and told them to give her a call. Allie did make a date for Wednesday night with a guy she’s dated before, and Jill made one with Dr. Walt, and she’s just getting home from that date.
“Hi Allie, I’m home,” she says when she comes in.
Allie’s been watching TV and gets up to give her a kiss when she hears her voice. “Hi, babe. How was your date?” she asks.
“It was very nice,” she says, “He really liked it when I showed up in this dress. I like Walt more every time I’m with him. He’s like the daddy I never had. All we did was suck each other off, but he really got into it this time. I think it’s because I played with his ass more this time. He’s really sensitive down there.
“I put my finger inside him once and he seemed to like it. I almost licked it, but the closer I got to it, the less I wanted to do it. I don’t think I like men’s assholes. It wasn’t smooth and pretty like yours.”
“I know,” Allie says, “nothing’s grosser than a hairy ass on a man twenty or thirty years older than I am. Did you find out anything more about that hormone stuff he was telling you about?”
“No. I asked him about it, but he said his friend in Chicago hadn’t written him back yet. Maybe we won’t ever find out anything more about it.”
When Jill gets into her nightgown, she gets on the phone to call Rosy.
“Hello?” Rosy answers.
“Hi Rosy, it’s Jill.”
“Hi, Jill! What are you doing?”
“I just got home from a date and wanted to know if you’re doing anything tomorrow night?”
“No, just the same ole thing, waiting for Carla to get home like I’m doing right now.”
“Would you like to come over tomorrow night? Allie’s got a date, and I could use some help with my sewing.”
“What kind of help do you need?”
“Well, I can work the machine OK, but the padding moves all over the place when I sew it in.”
“Are you pinning it before you sew it?”
“Pinning it?”
“Yeah, with straight pins.”
“No, I never heard of straight pins.”
“OK, don’t worry about it. I’d love to come over tomorrow. I have some pins and I’ll show you how to do it. But you’ll have to pick me up, Carla’s gonna have the car.”
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow around five on my way home from work.”
“OK, girlfriend, I’ll be ready when you get here. Bye.”
“Bye, girlfriend.”
“Is she coming over tomorrow?” Allie asks Jill.
“Yeah… I’m gonna pick her up before I come home. She’s gonna help me with my sewing. I thought the machine was gonna make it easier, but I guess I have to learn a few things first.”
“You’ll get it down. You’re good at learning new things. I got a joint rolled, wanna smoke some?”
“Yeah, I feel like getting stoned,” Jill says.
“Are you looking forward to your date tomorrow? she asks Allie.
“Kinda. He’s a decent guy, but he’s not the greatest in bed. I guess when you’re whoring, you have to have sex with everyone. We’re fucking for money and not for pleasure.”
“Hey… his money is just as good as anyone else’s. What’s his name again?”
“His name is Alex… he’s a home builder. I think he builds housing tracts. He’s pretty big from what I understand.”
“Well, if he doesn’t satisfy you, you know you can always get what you need at home.”
Allie puts her hand on Jill’s cock and says, “I know. It’s one of the many things I love about us living together.”
Jill presses her hand on Allie’s cock and says, “I like it too, having a nice cock around any time I want one.”
“Do you want one right now?” Allie asks.
“We said we weren’t gonna have sex when one of us had a date. Remember how fucked up we were at work the last time we fucked late at night?”
“I didn’t mean fucking,” Allie says, “I just meant playing with each other.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” Jill says, “As long as we don’t overdo it.”
They turn on the TV and take off their nightgowns. They have fun the next hour watching TV, smoking joints, and jacking each other off. When Allie cums first, Allie licks it off Jill’s hand before Jill licks it all off Allie’s cock. Since Jill’s already gotten off earlier on her date, she doesn’t cum.
She enjoys another fifteen minutes of Allie fondling her until it’s time to go to bed. Allie decides she’s not going to let Jill go to sleep with an unfulfilled hard-on, so she sucks her off when they get in bed. Allie’s lips feel so good to her after Walt had her cock in his mouth when she was on her date with him.
She likes Walt more every time she’s with him, but his sixty-year-old lips will never give her pleasure like Allie’s do. She reminds herself that when she’s being a whore, she fucks for money, not for pleasure.
Rosy’s looking out the window, anxiously waiting for Jill’s car to drive up. She’s been looking forward to it all day. Not knowing if they’ll be getting intimate with each other, she brings her nightgown, just in case.
She and Carla had a long, erotic lovemaking session last night, so she’s not particularly horny today. But if Jill wants to have sex tonight, she’s more than willing to let her have her pussy. When Jill pulls up, she rushes out the door so Jill doesn’t have to get out of her car.
“Hi, girlfriend!” she tells Jill inside the car.
“Hi Rosy! Nice to see you again. Are you hungry? I have a few things at home I could fix, or we could just stop and get something.”
“Yeah, I’m hungry, but if we’re going to do sewing, I don’t want you spending too much time fixing something to eat. Stopping for a burger sounds fine.”
“How about McDonald’s? There’s one on the way. “
“Oh yeah. I’ve been wanting to try that new burger they’ve been advertising. What’s it called?”
“Quarter pounder?” Jill asks.
“Yeah, that’s it. Have you had one yet?”
“Yeah, they had ’em in California before they had ’em here.”
“Figures… Iowa’s always the last place to get everything. This fuckin’ place is really Hicksville. Are the quarter pounders any good?”
“They’re good… kinda expensive though. Hard to pay seventy cents for a burger when a Big Mac is only sixty-five.”
“Sheesh, Jill… it’s only a nickel.”
“OK, I guess I’m just being a tight bitch. A nickel isn’t really that much.”
They both laugh about that and everything else they talk about as they get their burgers and head to Jill’s place. They’re still laughing and in a happy frame of mind when they get to the apartment.
As soon as they walk into the living room Rosy says, “Oh wow! This living room… those new curtains are beautiful! It looks like a whole different room.”
“I know!” says Jill, “We just love ’em. Carla has such a good eye for design.”
“She sure does. She amazes me sometimes, how creative she can be,” Rosy says.
“I can see why you’re in love with her.”
“Yeah, I’m lucky to have her.”
“You’re not lucky, Rosy. You just chose well who you want to be with. You two belong with each other. It’s easy to see.
“But hey… I need to get out of these fuckin’ boy clothes and change into something comfier.” Jill adds.
“I don’t blame you. They don’t look that comfortable.”
“They’re not. Boys’ clothes suck. I feel like getting into my nightgown.”
“I brought my nightgown, cuz I wasn’t sure what we’d be doing,” Rosy says, “I wouldn’t mind putting it on.”
“Ya wanna? We could sew in our nighties. Hee-hee,” Jill chuckles.
Back in the bedroom, both girls strip down to their panties and Jill gets to feast her eyes on Rosy’s beautiful titties again. She debates whether or not to wear a bra, but since Rosy isn’t wearing one, she doesn’t wear one either.
After they eat their burgers and fries, Jill rolls a joint, and they get pretty high smoking it. As they’re giggling and talking about girl clothes they kiss each other several times but never get erotic urges.
Their kisses just strengthen the bond of friendship forming between them. Jill loves talking with a girl who accepts her as another girl, and Rosy loves having another friend besides Carla to talk to.
After they’ve gotten high and talked a bit, Rosy asks, “So… you said you needed some help sewing?”
“Boy, do I ever! Everything’s on the kitchen table. Come see my mess.”
When Rosy sees the hodge-podge of batting pieces laid all over the table, she says, “It doesn’t look that bad, it’s just unorganized. You’ve got pieces all over the place, that’s why you’re confused.
“You need to pin all these pieces on the underwear before you start sewing. Let me get my pins and I’ll show you.”
Jill’s eyes light up when Rosy shows her how to pin all the batting pieces in place. Watching Rosy’s nice little titties bouncing with her nightgown pressing against her nipples makes it all the more pleasurable. Once she gets everything pinned in place, Rosy gets behind the machine and sews it all together in ten minutes.
“Wow, Rosy,” Jill says, “It’s really fast when you pin it all together. I was trying to hold the pieces in place and they were moving all over on me.”
“You just needed to know a couple of things is all. Are you ready to try one yourself?”
“Yeah, let’s do one for Allie,” Jill says with enthusiasm in her voice.
With Rosy cutting pieces of different thicknesses of batting and Jill pinning them on Allie’s boxer briefs, they’re ready to start sewing in twenty minutes. With Rosy showing Jill how to feed it to the needle, it’s sewn together in fifteen minutes.
“Good job, Jill,” Rosy praises, “You’re picking it up fast. Now, where’s the larger pair we’re going to sew on the outside?”
Jill has them handy and as Rosy shows her how to pin both pairs together, she pins Allie’s pair together. She sews the bottoms of the legs together first, then some stitches up the sides for strength. Lastly, she cuts the elastic waistband off the outer pair and folds them inside before stitching the tops together.
“Here ya go, Miss Jill,” Rosy smiles, “All done!”
“Thank you, sweetie!” Jill hugs her, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“It wasn’t that hard. Now, let’s see you do Allie’s while I watch you.”
Using the skills she learned sewing in the batting, Jill sews the outer layer of Allie’s pads on in ten minutes. When she gets done she hugs Rosy and kisses her. Rosy kisses her back and they start getting turned on to each other.
Before things get too hot ‘n heavy, Rosy says, “Let’s go back and see how they look.”
“Great idea!” Jills says.
Jill strips naked in the bedroom and puts on the pads. When she pulls her jeans up, she’s amazed at how much easier it is to slip them over the pads.
“They look a lot smoother with the outer layer.” Rosy tells her, “Your first set looked good, but this pair looks great!”
Jill gives her another hug and says, “It’s all because of your help, sweet girlfriend.”
“No, it was your idea, Jill. All I did was help you do it faster. You would have figured it out on your own.”
“Yeah, maybe, but I didn’t have to figure it out, cuz you taught me!”
She gives her a kiss and when Rosy kisses her back they wrap their arms around each other and let their tongues dance inside each other’s mouths.
“You wanna know how you can thank me, Jill?” Rosy whispers.
“I think I can guess,” Jill whispers back, “but why don’t you show me?”
“Let’s get those sexy jeans off and I’ll show you, alright.”
With Jill naked again, Rosy tells her, “Lie on the bed for me, I wanna do what I didn’t get to do last week.”
“What didn’t you get to do?” Jill asks in a sexy tone of voice.
Rosy grabs her cock and says, “I didn’t get to taste this again.”
“You got to taste Allie’s.”
“Mmmm… yes, Allie’s tasted sweet, but it wasn’t yours. I want yours, Jill.”
“Well, it’s right there in your hand sweetie. Taste away.”
“Watch me,” Rosy says.
And watch her she did. Rosy starts with slow licks around her head, then swirls her tongue around it. Pre-cum begins to ooze, and Rosy digs the tip of her tongue into her slit to lick it up as soon as it comes out.
With one hand around her shaft, and the other cupping her balls, her lips and move up and down the spongy texture of her head. Rosy’s been thinking about this all week, and now that she has it, she enjoys every precious second.
She’s got Jill breathing heavily when her lips descend down over her shaft. Rosy lets out soft moans of pleasure as her head slowly moves up and down, sucking on Jill’s candy stick.
She was only intending to give Jill a blow job, but the tingling between her legs tells her that’s just not going to do it for her. Her breathing gets as heavy as Jill’s, and after a few more minutes of sucking, she stands up and lifts her nightgown over her head.
“You wanna go a little further, girlfriend?” She says, very seductively.
“You’re driving, baby,” Jill says, “I’m just enjoying the ride.”
Wearing just her panties now, Rosy goes back down on Jill’s cock for another round of oral delights. As she sucks her in again, Jill’s stomach muscles begin to go into contractions, causing her ass to move up and down in an erotic rhythm as Rosy keeps her lips locked around her.
Rosy’s got Jill almost to the point of orgasm, and she knows she has to have it inside. Standing back up, she moves her sexy hips back and forth as she slowly pushes her panties down her legs.
Crawling up on the bed, she licks around Jill’s tits, sucking her flat nipples into her mouth. It doesn’t take long to get them standing up at attention as Rosy sucks on ’em. She places her open mouth over each one and sucks what little fat Jill has into her mouth.
With so much of her breast skin inside Rosy’s mouth, Jill feels like she has real tits. They feel so big as Rosy keeps the vacuum pressure as strong as she can. When she finally releases her lip lock, she kisses Jill and goes back down to do it again. After three trips to Jill’s tit, the skin around her nipple is a deep pink from all the blood Rosy’s brought to the surface.
Jill looks down and sees her nipple sticking out farther than it ever has. She feels an erotic tingling sensation she’s not felt before. Her areola is swollen with her nipple tip standing high above it.
“Like that?” Rosy teases.
“Oh God, I love it,” Jill pants.
“Good… Cuz I’m only half done. You got two of ’em, ya know. Let’s go visit her sister.”
Rosy goes down on Jill’s other nipple and sucks it in just like she did the first one. Jill squirms and moans to a female pleasure no one’s shown her before. She starts to cry erotic tears as Rosy keeps the vacuum turned on. Her tongue swirls around Jill’s swollen nipple, and when she finally releases her, she gives it tiny little bites, driving Jill wild.
“Oh Rosy,” Jill cries, “You make me feel like I have real tits.”
“You do have real tits, baby. It takes another girl to make ’em feel like girls’ tits.”
Rosy continues sucking each of her tits like this, going back and forth, sucking them as hard as she can. When she finally stops, there’s a three-inch circle of red skin surrounding each of Jill’s very swollen nipples.
“Damn, not even Allie ever made my tits feel this good.”
Rosy whispers in her ear, “Don’t tell Allie that. I’m not even gonna tell Carla. This little pleasure is just between you and me. It’s something we’ll have as lovers that no one else knows about. This isn’t the last time I’ll be making your tits feel real. You’re a real girl, Jill. I know you are.
“I was gonna have you fuck me when I crawled up here, but we’ll let that wait for another time. I want you to enjoy feeling your girl tits. I know they’re still tingling. They’ll be tingling for a while longer. Get dressed with me, sweetie. Let’s go back to the living room and just enjoy being girlfriends.”
As they get their nightgowns back on, Jill’s tits are still tingly and they feel like they’re popping out from her chest. Walking to the living room, she feels a glow of warmth inside as Rosy holds her arm around her. Her head falls back on the couch and she can’t speak. Rosy smiles and kisses her as Jill slowly begins coming back to reality.
“Oh… fuck,” Jill finally mutters, “No one’s ever made me feel like this.”
“And no one else ever will,” Rosy answers, “Only another girl can make you feel like this. Only a girl like me.”
Jill smiles and gives her a kiss. They embrace in a tight hug, just holding each other in silence. They’re communicating with their feelings, verbal words have no place right now.
As they bask in the moment, they hear the back door opening. Allie’s home from her date. Jill is just about back from the girl fantasy ride Rosy took her on and she’s able to speak now. Her tits still feel tingly as Allie walks into the room, but her mind has almost recovered.
“Hey girls, how are you doing? Hi, Rosy.”
“We’re doing great.” Jill says, “How was your date?”
“It was a lot better than I expected,” Allie says with a big smile on her face.
“Look at Allie,” Jill tells Rosy, “she just got fucked real good, I can tell.”
They all start laughing and Rosy says, “Jill says you can be a dirty little slut sometimes. Is that true?” She laughs.
“Well, only when I’m in the mood,” Allie giggles.
“Which is every time she’s alone with a man!” Jill jokes.
They all get giggly and even though her nipples are still tingling, Jill’s back to being herself again.
“Guess what we did tonight, Allie?” she says.
“I’m afraid to ask.” Allie laughs.
“Ohhhh… You silly girl…” Rosy giggles, “We made something for you.”
“For meeeeeeee?” she asks in a silly voice.
As Jill gets up to get the pads off the table, Rosy teases Allie.
“Since you’re still too chicken-shit to wear girl clothes in public,” she says, “we made a pair of pads for you just like Jill’s. We took away another one of your flimsy excuses.”
“Rosy showed me what I was doing wrong,” Jill tells Allie, “Look how good these are now.”
“Wow, you can’t even see the padding,” Allie says, “You’re pretty smart, Rosy.”
“Naw,” Rosy says, “I just learned a little bit in high school, that’s all.”
As Allie feels and looks at her own pair of pads, Rosy says, “You have to put ’em on for us with your jeans so we can see how they look.”
“Yeah,” Allie says, “I wanna see how they look too. I’ll be right back.”
While Allie’s in the bedroom changing, Jill and Rosy hug and kiss each other, momentarily going back to the space they were in before Allie got home. In a few minutes, Allie comes back into the living room with a big smile on her face.
She’s got her jeans on with her belt, and is wearing one of her blouses tucked in. She even put on a bra with her c-cup breast forms in the cups.
“How do I look?” she asks.
“Look at you!” Rosy says, “You have such a nice figure now.”
“You really look good, Allie,” Jill says.
“I feel good, too,” Allie tells them, “I don’t know how to thank you enough.”
“I know how you can thank us,” Rosy says, “You can get brave and start going out dressed like that. With the right touch of makeup, you can pass as female just as good as Jill.
“It’s starting to get late. I think I need to get home. You wanna come back and change with me, Jill?”
While they’re changing, Allie rolls a joint so she can unwind from the excitement she had on her date and the rush she’s feeling wearing her pads. When Rosy comes into the living room to say goodbye, Jill’s right behind her, wearing her pads under her jeans, and a different blouse.
Rosy comes over to kiss Allie goodbye and tells her, “Good night, Allie. I hope you know I was only joking about your flimsy excuses for not wanting to dress in public. I know it’s hard and it’s scary. Your fears are very real. Me and Carla want to help you every way we can.”
While she’s driving Rosy home, Jill gets giggly telling Rosy how excited she is about the sewing skills she learned tonight. She tells her she can’t wait to make more for her and Allie, since they had to buy the boxer briefs in packages of six.
Rosy tells her she should make some with different thicknesses of padding. That way, she says, they’ll be able to have different figures to make whatever they’re wearing fit better.
When they get to the apartment, Jill walks Rosy to the door and steps inside so they can share some intimate kissing before saying goodbye. “Thanks for coming over, Rosy,” Jill says, “I always learn so much when I’m with you. You really took me to another world tonight when you made my tits feel so real. They’re still tingling, even now.”
“You do have real tits, sweetie. I loved making them feel real for you. Remember now, what I did is our secret. It’s something we have now that nobody else in the whole wide world knows about. I’ll always be in love with Carla, and I love being a lover with you. Good night, girlfriend.”
When she gets home, Jill’s buzzing with enthusiasm from the night she’s just shared with Rosy. She finds Allie in the bedroom admiring herself in the mirror. She’s changed into her khakis and put on a different blouse. Jill comes in to tell her how sexy she looks with pads, and Allie kisses her, telling her how good it feels to look at herself with a girl’s figure.
It’s almost ten o’clock, close to when they usually start thinking about going to bed. But tonight, they’re so full of enthusiasm there’s no way they’re going to go to sleep anytime soon. They turn on the TV and watch the news while they smoke two joints and make out with each other.
When Johnny Carson comes on, Allie rolls another joint, and half an hour later, they’re feeling stoned enough to go to bed. As they lie under the covers in a lover’s embrace, neither one of them is interested in having sex. Allie got her ass reamed out pretty good on her date, and Jill goes back to fantasyland, thinking about where Rosy took her when they were in bed earlier.
The next two nights, as soon as they finish eating, Jill goes right to the sewing machine to work on converting the rest of their boxer briefs into pads. She stays up late Friday night finishing the final two pairs. Now she and Allie each have five pairs in different thicknesses. They range from regular padding for tight jeans to very thick padding with big hip and ass padding that will work well when they’re wearing dresses.
She acts on another subtle idea that came to her. She discovers if she puts another thin layer of padding in the front, their tummies look a bit more realistic. The added feature also creates a little space under the padding to hide the bulge of their cocks.
Even with tight jeans, when their cocks are soft, they figure out how to tuck themselves under the tight boxer briefs. They have to be close and really look to detect any cock bulge at all.
Saturday is a warm day and they head down to the river in the morning for a spur-of-moment fishing trip. They go out grocery shopping that afternoon and Jill puts on her khakis and makeup for the trip. They have lunch at a busy restaurant and Jill has fun practicing her female table manners as she eats.
She finds herself looking at the other women, studying how they move, how they eat, and how they act. She’s getting more comfortable each time she goes out in public. Much of the time she forgets she’s even a boy who’s not supposed to be dressed like this.
Early Sunday morning, Allie calls Carla to ask them if they’d like to go to lunch and do some more shopping. Carla tells her they’d love to go, but only if she and Jill both come dressed as girls. Once again, Allie’s petrified at the prospect of going out in public dressed.
When Carla tells her she’s going to have to do it sooner or later, Allie reluctantly agrees to take the plunge. She shares her inner fears with Jill, and Jill makes her feel better when she explains she’s not going to be alone.
Jill gives her a little pep talk while they enjoy a hot bath together. She tells her to think of it like the fear they both feel before a gang bang. Once they’re out there, the fear goes away and they start having fun.
After getting their makeup on, Allie decides to wear a thicker pair of pads under her loose-fitting khakis. She likes the way she looks with a bigger ass. Feeling more confident than ever, Jill goes with tight jeans tucked into her ‘fuck-me’ boots.
With their new blouses on, their tits on, and Jill’s wig on, they sling their purses over their shoulders and tell each other how sexy they look. When they leave the apartment, both of them are dressed as girls for the first time. Allie’s still a bit apprehensive driving through town, but Jill calms her by putting her hand on her leg and holding her hand when she’s not shifting gears.
Rosy opens the door for them before they’re close enough to knock. “Look at you two!” she says. “You look like two pretty girls ready to go shopping.”
Carla compliments Allie and congratulates her for having the courage to do this. “You look real cute, Allie. Let me take you to the mirror and show you how to look even cuter.”
She sits her in front of the vanity and gives her a few constructive pointers on making her face look more feminine. She adds a little makeup here and takes off a little there. She brushes Allie’s hair differently and puts a flower-shaped barrette on each side.
Allie’s feeling a little more confident, and then… Carla gives her the game-changer.
She opens a dresser drawer and tells Allie, “Close your eyes, baby. I have a surprise for you.”
Carla puts a pair of oversized glasses on her and says, “Open your eyes, sweetie.”
Allie takes a look at herself and starts grinning ear-to-ear. The glasses change the entire way her face looks.
“Wow! I love these!” she says, “but I don’t wear glasses. Will these hurt my eyes?”
“Nope,” Carla tells her. “That’s just glass in the lenses. They’re not for vision, they’re for fashion. I bought these just for you. Your face isn’t quite as feminine as Jill’s because you have fuller cheeks, and hers are skinnier.
“These big glasses draw attention away from your cheeks and towards your eyes. That’s why I gave you more eye shadow. Doesn’t that look more girlie?”
“They look great, and I feel great!”
“Let’s go show the girls!” Carla says.
Carla walks out before Allie does and tells Jill and Rosy, “Here she is… Lady Allison.”
Allie walks out with a big smile on her face and a new feeling of confidence. Rosy and Jill sit there speechless until Jill speaks up. “Wow Allie, you look good in glasses. They change your whole face.”
“I know!” Allie says, “I couldn’t believe it when I opened my eyes.”
“Doesn’t she look lovely?” Carla says, “I think she’s ready to step out in the world and declare herself.”
They decide to have lunch at the mall and go to Bishop’s Buffet, a classy cafeteria-style restaurant so the girls won’t have to talk when ordering food. They’ve done everything they can to look female, but they can’t do a thing about their male voices. Jill’s voice is higher-pitched than Allie’s, but still, they both sound like men if they talk too much.
After lunch, they head back to Penney’s, where the designer jeans are still on sale. Allie forces Carla to let her buy two pairs for her like Jill bought for Rosy. They go to a shoe store where Jill and Allie each buy two more pairs of different colored pumps to go with the blouses they got last week.
Rosy talks them each into getting a couple of pair of knee-high, over-the-knee, and thigh-high socks, telling them they’re nice to wear on chilly days. Jill likes them because they’ll cover her male legs when she’s in a dress and doesn’t feel like wearing nylons.
They go into a fashion accessory store and Allie goes wild when she sees a huge selection of fashion glasses on display. None of them are over three dollars, so Allie picks out ten different pairs with different color frames in clear and tinted lenses.
After trying on a few pairs and seeing herself in the mirror, Jill likes the way she looks, too, and picks out a few pairs for herself. Allie gets a few hair clips and barrettes, but Jill passes because her hair isn’t quite long enough yet.
The highlight of the afternoon, oddly enough, is when everyone has to go pee. Jill and Allie proudly stand in line in the crowded ladies’ restroom, waiting for an empty stall. They don’t speak while they’re in there, but they smile at the women passing by and many of them smile back, seemingly unaware they’re smiling at males.
They find some nice Naugahyde bean bag chairs on sale and buy two for their living room. With two bulky bean bag chairs and sacks full of clothes, they head out to the car and call it a day. Allie feels so proud of herself for shopping as a girl the first time and everyone is proud of her.
Allie asks the girls if they want to come over to their apartment but Carla says they have to do some grocery shopping and get ready for the week. They both worked late last night and they need to rest after a fun day of shopping.
As they walk the girls to their door, and Rosy invites them in for some intimate goodbye kisses. Rosy embraces Jill and Carla puts her arms around Allie. As they kiss, Carla tells Allie, “I’m so proud of you, Miss Allison. You took a big step today and I know it wasn’t easy. Now that you’ve done it once, it’ll get easier for you. You’re a real lady, Miss Allison. You deserve a big reward, and I intend to give you one in the very near future.”
“Thanks, Carla,” Allie replies, “I was scared shitless at first, but I felt great when we left. Being with three other girls helped me a lot. And the glasses you gave me really did it. I didn’t feel so exposed and vulnerable like I thought I would.”
Jill and Rosy haven’t said a word. They just hug and kiss, remembering the incredible intimacy they shared the other night. It’s like they have mental telepathy going on between them. They seem to know what the other is thinking.
On the way home Jill tells Allie, “What a fun day this was. I’ve got so many clothes now, I wish I didn’t have to go to work. I wanna dress like a girl every day.”
“Me too. I thought I would be scared in the mall, and I was at first, but what you said was right. It’s just like starting out on gang bang night. A little nervous and scared at first, then it all goes away.”
“We’re so much more like girls since we’ve been seeing Carla and Rosy more,” Jill says.
“We really are. They’ve helped us a lot. I can’t figure out why Carla called me Miss Allison a couple of times. But I kinda like how it sounds.”
“Who knows why she said it? I think it sounds cute… Miss Allison.”