“Hey baby… wake up, baby… baby?” Allie says, shaking Jill’s shoulder. “We need to get up.”
Jill’s brain is barely functioning. “Huh?”
“It’s getting late,” Allie says, “It’s almost ten o’clock. We need to be out of the room in an hour.”
“Oh, fuck… Gimme a minute,” Jill mumbles. “I feel like shit.”
“I feel like shit too, sweetheart. But we can’t stay in bed. C’mon, we’ll feel better when we get in the shower,” Allie coaxes.
Jill drags her ass out of bed and follows Allie into the shower. Standing under the stream of warm water, all the girls can do is put their arms around each other with their heads on each other’s shoulders.
“Oh, god-dammmit, Allie,” Jill says, “My ass is fuckin’ sore as hell.”
“My ass is fuckin’ sore too, baby; we got the holy livin’ shit fucked out of us last night.”
Out of the shower, Allie asks, “Are you starting to feel better, babe?”
“Not really,” Jill complains, “my brain don’t work, I’m hungry as hell, my ass hurts, and my mouth and throat taste like cum… other than that… I’m fine.”
“That’s about how I feel, too,” Allie says, “We’ll feel better when we get some food in our stomachs. We both need some coffee.”
They manage to neatly fold their dresses, but all their other whore clothes get stuffed in their suitcases before they go downstairs to face the day. The mid-morning sun burns their eyes when they take their clothes out to the car.
The breakfast buffet is winding down as they sit for breakfast and most of the tables are empty, but that suits them just fine. In their present condition, they’d rather not be seen. Sipping their first cup of coffee, they’re both so spaced out all they can do is stare at each other.
With a cup of coffee behind them, they’re able to nibble on little bites of breakfast. As the food begins to replenish the energy in their burnt-out bodies, they start feeling a tiny bit better. A second cup of coffee gets them coherent enough to attempt a conversation.
“It feels good to eat,” Allie says, “I’m starting to feel human again.”
“Yeah… I’m feeling better too,” Jill agrees, “My ass is still sore as hell, but at the same time, it feels kinda good.”
“Mine’s as sore as yours is, Jill. But look at it like this… our asses made us a shit-load of cash last night.”
After a pause, Jill starts giggling and breaks out into a laugh. “What are you laughing about?” Allie asks.
Jill can’t stop giggling.
“C’mon, what’s so funny?” Allie demands.
Jill stops her laughter long enough to say, “This is funny… the way we made all that money with our asses last night, you could say… we’re… ‘sitting on a gold mine’!” She can’t help herself and busts out laughing again.
When Allie gets the joke, she starts laughing too. “Oh Jill,” she teases, “You’re such a little whore. Only a whore could think of something like that!”
The more they think about it, the more they laugh about it. By the time they finish eating, they’re feeling good about themselves again. They don’t even care about their sore assholes when they get in the car.
“We may be whores, Jill,” Allie says, “But we sure the hell ain’t cheap whores. How many whores can make that kind of money in one night?”
“Shit, Allie,” Jill replies, “How many jobs can you do over $2500 in one day?”
When they get home, they’re in the best of moods, but they’re still tired as hell. They don’t even have the energy to unpack their suitcases. They just strip down naked, slip on a dress with no underwear, and sit on the couch.
They don’t have to ask each other if they want to smoke a joint. Their minds are in perfect harmony; they need to get stoned. As they pass the joint, they start getting grounded again to the real world.
With her head in Allie’s lap, Jill senses something’s on Allie’s mind. “You know Allie?” she says, “After what we did last night, I feel so safe and secure with you; like I can tell you anything. It’s like we’re just supposed to be together.”
“I feel the same way, Jill,” Allie says, “I need to tell you something… I mean, I just have to get this off my chest… cuz I haven’t told you this, and I should have, but I’ve been holding it inside.
“You can tell me, Allie,” Jill says, “You’re safe with me. You can tell me anything.”
“Well… Before I met you… when I did those gang bangs by myself? I’d wake up in that hotel bed sad and depressed,” Allie confesses, “It felt so good being the center of attention when they were all fucking me. But when it was over? Everyone went home… and I was all alone again, by myself in that room.
“I was so lonely sometimes that I’d just sit in the Jacuzzi and cry.” Allie starts getting tears in her eyes as she talks, “And when I went to bed, I’d cry myself to sleep. Sometimes in the morning I’d feel ashamed of myself, cuz I felt like a cheap whore. I was so worried about what I was turning into.”
Jill sits up and takes Allie in her arms. “It’s OK to feel that way, Allie. That’s just how you felt. Be honest with yourself. You were being who you are, you just didn’t have anyone to share it with.”
Jill comforts her, “You got me now, and I got you. We were whores last night, but now we’re back in our little love nest. We’re still in love and we’re happier than we’ve ever been. We’re safe together, Allie.”
“Thanks, Jill. I know you’re right. I don’t know why I got so emotional all of a sudden,” Allie says, “I just had to get that out, cuz I’ve always told you that once I started being a whore, I never looked back. But that was a lie. I did look back, and I regretted it a lot. I put on a good act to fool everyone, but I couldn’t fool myself.”
“Well, we don’t have to look back on anything now, Allie,” Jill tells her, “We’re partners now and we can have a bright future if we play it right. We’re still both really tired from last night. All that fucking took a lot out of us. I feel like just getting naked and going back to bed.”
Allie agrees and soon they’re naked and snuggling under the sheets, holding their skinny little sissy bodies close together. Two little girlie-boys, with limp dicks and sore pussies, protecting each other from the cruel world. They feel weak and almost helpless by themselves, but together, they feel strong, confident and secure. Last night’s gang bang took a heavy physical toll on them, and their bodies need to rest and recover.
Five hours later, they wake up refreshed but hungry. They’re surprised they’ve slept most of the day but acknowledge their bodies probably needed it. Realizing they have to go back to the real world tomorrow, they decide to eat out before making a trip to the grocery store. Jill is in no shape to cook, and since they’re rich whores now, they can afford an extra meal out.
Jill knows she’ll be tired this week, so they pick out a couple of crock pot recipes to make her cooking easier. At dinner, they talk a little about their finances. They’re still too spaced out to get very specific but agree they should keep the money they get from ‘whoring’ separate from their paychecks at work. They’ll shop for a special box to use as a cash stash, and keep it in a safe place until they can open a savings account together.
When they get back home and put their groceries away, all they can do is smoke a couple of joints and watch TV before going to bed early to sleep another eight hours.
When Jill gets home from work Monday night, she’s still dragging ass, and Allie tells her she’s been dragging all day too. On nights like this, she’s so thankful her crock pot has been cooking dinner all day.
While they’re eating, they talk about their money a little more. They again reaffirm their mutual desire to spend the rest of their lives together, and if they actually do, then they should have some long term goals like buying a house, for starters.
“We can make anything happen,” Jill says, “even something like buying a house together. All we have to do is save as much money as we can and keep thinking together, like one person. If we do, as Norm says, the opportunities will come looking for us.”
Well, let’s think about it together then, like one person, and see what happens. I know what we want this weekend. And I’m gonna call Carla right now and make it happen.”
“Oh, that’s right Allie. We want a hot date with real girls this weekend! We’re thinking as one person on that.”
Allie gets enthused and gets on the phone.
“Hi… Carla? This is Allie.”
“Allie! Hi-ya sweetie. How ya been? We’ve been waiting for you to call. What took you so long?”
“Long story… we’ve been very busy girls over here. But we’re not busy Saturday night and wanted to know if we can take you and Rosy out for some fun?”
“You know you can. We already said we would. Rosy’s had hot-pants for Jill ever since they went shopping last week.”
“Yeah… Jill told me all about it. Rosy sure picked out a hot outfit for Jill. The wig she bought looks so good on her.”
“Yeah… Rosy said Jill could easily pass for a girl in public wearing that wig. I can’t wait to see it. What did you have in mind for Saturday?”
“We’d like to take you girls out to dinner first. Then hit some of the clubs we can’t go in as same-sex couples, maybe dance a little bit, and see what happens after that.”
“Well,” she laughs, “We already know what’s going to happen after that, don’t we? Rosy and I went to the doctor and got protection, so we can continue where we left off last time if we feel like it.”
“Oh damn, Carla… You’re giving me a hard-on.”
Carla laughs, “Well, I know Rosy wants it bad, and I wouldn’t mind doing it again. So… I mean… why play games? Straight people play games; we don’t have to.”
“You and Rosy are such great friends! We can’t wait to have fun with you.”
“Yeah, I’m sure we’ll all have a great time. So what time do you want us to be ready?”
“Can we pick you lovely ladies up around six?”
“That sounds perfect. We’ll be ready.”
When Allie hangs up the phone, she yells, “All RIGHT…! We have a date Saturday night!”
Jill puts her arms around Allie and kisses her. “Oh, Allie! I’m so excited! My first date with a real girl!”
“Carla said Rosy’s been wet all week thinking about you, Jill. You’re gonna get laid, baby. And so am I.”
After they get over their excitement and clean the kitchen, it’s after eight o’clock. They’re both still tired from the weekend and Allie suggests, “You wanna smoke a joint and watch a little TV?”
“Yeah, let’s just relax.” Jill says, “You’ve got a date with Walt tomorrow night; you need your rest.”
“That’s right.” Allie laughs, “It’s my turn to suck Walt’s cock this week.”
After they get stoned, they’re both sleepy and decide to get in bed early. After getting fucked so much at the gang bang, neither of them is feeling horny yet, so they happily snuggle each other and drift off to sleep.
They feel much better Tuesday night. Their bodies have recovered from the gang bang and Jill’s happy and energetic when she kisses Allie. “Hi, Allie. I’m so happy today! I finally got my energy back.”
“Mmmm… babe… I’ve been feeling good all day too. Going to bed early last night was good for us,” Allie says. “I’m actually excited about my date tonight. I think I’m starting to get horny again.”
“You’ll have a good time with Walt,” Jill says, “Try to ask him about his friend in Chicago, the one who’s working with girls like us. I think he said her name is Maggie.”
“Is she the one who knows about the hormones and stuff?” Allie asks.
“Yeah, that’s her. There probably isn’t anything we can do about it, but I’d like to learn more about why we are the way we are.”
“Yeah, so would I. I’ll make sure to ask him,” Allie says.
Jill’s feeling extra girly tonight and puts on her fake tits, just because she likes the way they make her feel. She brushes her girl hair in front of the mirror and blows herself a kiss.
After Allie leaves, she gets a bite to eat and starts reading the Neville Goddard book that Walt gave her last week. She’s really enjoying it when the phone rings.
“Hi, is this Jill?” the voice says.
“This is Jill; who’s this?”
“Hey Jill, it’s Gary Savato, from the Club. Remember me?”
“Of course I remember you, Gary. You spent enough time on top of me Saturday night; how could I forget you?” she jokes.
“Oh, man, Jill. You and Allie were so hot. I still can’t get over how sexy you looked. Remember we talked a little bit about getting together in private?”
“Of course I do. I’ve been hoping you’d call. I’m still thinking how good you felt inside me.”
Jill wasn’t really hoping he’d call. But she’s in a whore mentality now, and it’s part of her game to tell the guys what they want to hear.
“Well, I was wondering if you were free Thursday night. My wife’s going out with her girlfriend and I’m free to do my own thing.”
“Sure, Gary. I’m free Thursday. What do you have in mind?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve never dated like this before. What do you usually do when a guy takes you out?”
“Well, you take me out to dinner, we go up to a room, and you get to do whatever want, just you and me.”
“Mmmm… just thinking about having you alone gets me hard. What do you usually get for a night like that? For a tip, I mean.”
The gears in Jill’s mind are turning. She’s negotiating a price for her services. She wants as much as she can get but doesn’t want to scare him away. She’s been getting about $200, and she’s more than happy with that, so she says,
“Well, there’s no set price, but they usually give me two bills.”
“Two bills? You mean $100 bills?” Gary asks.
“Yeah, and usually, if we get really erotic, and most of the time we do, he slips me another bill when we’re done. I mean, it’s worth it when you think about it. That time you had me in the side room, you gave me a hundred for a quick suck ‘n fuck, and there were other guys in the room watching.
“I’m a lot more fun when I’m alone with a guy. You’ll have me all to yourself, and I’ll do whatever you want. On a private date, it’s just you and me, and there are no limits, if you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I want, really want to get you alone. The money’s not a problem, I was just wondering what the usual tip is,” he says.
“Do you want to set something up for Thursday then? We could meet at the same hotel we have the Club meetings.”
“Will you be dressed like you were Saturday night?”
“I can’t show up dressed like that, of course, but I’ll dress up for you when we get in the room. I’ll be as slutty as you want me to be. And like I said, there are no limits on a private date. You wanna meet me at six-thirty?”
“Yeah. Let’s do it. My cock is hard just thinking about it.”
“OK, Sweetie, we’ve got a date Thursday. I’ll be looking forward to it.”
Jill hangs up the phone feeling good about herself. Gary thinks $200 is the going rate for a private fuck and that’s just fine with her. She’s set her rate; it costs $200 to fuck her in private. As she stretches back out to read her book, she thinks, ‘I love this game!’
She barely gets back into her book when the phone rings again.
‘Fuck! So much for my quiet evening!’ she thinks but does manage to answer the phone politely.
“Hey, Jill! This is Rog.”
“Hi Rog! We haven’t talked for a long time. I’ve missed you. Allie said you were here last week when I was out on a date.”
“Yeah, I’ve missed you too. That’s what I was calling about. Allie bribed me into having your place painted this week. I’m joking, of course; I like being bribed like that. But hey… the painters want to come over Thursday, and I have to bring over some color samples for you to look at. Can I bring ’em by right now?”
“Sure Rog. Allie’s on a date, but I’m here all night.”
“OK, I’m on my way. I’ll see you in about thirty minutes.”
Jill hangs up the phone for the second time tonight. She knows Roger’s gonna want to fuck her, and she doesn’t really feel like fucking anyone tonight. But at the same time, she wouldn’t mind if it was worth her while.
‘Hmm… I wonder what Roger will give me for a fuck?’ she thinks. As she heads to the bathroom to pee, she notices dark patches all over the carpet because Allen never vacuumed. ‘Sure would be nice to have clean carpets when the walls are painted,’ she thinks again.
After she pees, she grins at herself in the mirror. “You evil little slut!” she says out loud to herself, “Rog is going to clean my carpets… for free!” She laughs her way back to the living room and gets back into reading her book while she waits for Roger.
She’s glad she’s wearing her slut tits now. She was already feeling like a girl. Now she feels like a slutty little girl, ready to get what she wants.
When the doorbell rings, she greets Roger with a sexy smile to turn him on.
“Hi Rog,” she says, “It’s so nice to see you again.”
“Jill, you look fantastic! You got your hair styled! You look so different; I forget what Jerry even looked like.”
“Yeah… Jerry’s just a small part of me now,” she says, “I’m only Jerry when I have to be.”
Roger gives her a hug and she wraps her arms around him, pushing her slut tits against his chest.
“Mmmm…” Roger says as he feels her tits, “You’re quite the little hottie these days. I heard you really tore ’em up at Ladies Night.”
“Me?” she says, “Shit, they tore us up. Our asses were sore as hell the next day.”
“Were there too many guys for you and Allie to handle?”
“We handled ’em all, but we weren’t expecting that many.”
“Well, listen,” Roger tells her, “If it starts feeling like there are too many guys, you let me or Tony know. Everyone loves you girls and we don’t want to see you get hurt in any way. We can put a limit on how many show up.”
“Thanks, Rog,” Jill says, “We were sore, but we’re OK now. I’ll let you know if it gets to be too much. Thanks for being concerned about us… Shall we go into the living room?”
While Jill looks at the paint color swatches, Roger starts feeling up her dress, and Jill smiles to give him permission. She finds a nice pale yellow she likes and lays the color swatches aside.
She puts her arms around his neck and kisses him. “It sure was nice of you to do this for us Rog,” she says.
“Well, Allie did something nice for me last week.”
“Yeah, she told me about it. She told me she had fun, too.” She rubs his cock and adds, “Do you think I could ask you for another favor…? If I did something really nice for you?”
“What kind of favor are we talking about, you sexy little thing?”
“Well, when we get the walls painted, it’s going to make the carpet look dirtier than it already is.” She squeezes her hand around his hardening cock, and in the most pitiful voice she can do, she asks, “What could I do for you to get our carpet cleaned?”
Roger chuckles, “Are you trying to bribe me?” he jokes.
“You could call it that,” Jill teases, “or… you could call it regular property maintenance. I could fuck you for fun… or I could fuck you for a favor. Either way, we both know you’re gonna fuck me. That’s a given… cuz I know you well enough by now. All we need to do now is decide why I’m gonna let you fuck me.”
Roger starts laughing. “Well, I hate to think I’m paying for sex, so we’ll chalk it up to regular maintenance, cuz I’d rather just fuck you for fun. I’ll see if I can get my carpet guy over here Friday after they paint.”
Jill gives him a big kiss and hug, “Oooo… thanks Rog. You wanna fuck in here or the bedroom?”
“I don’t care, wherever you like. But I can’t stay too long; I’m running late as it is.”
“OK, let’s go in the bedroom and see how fast we can get you off.”
After pulling his pants off, she gives him a little strip-tease show as she raises her dress over her head. Roger notices her slut tits right away. “Damn, Jill, it looks like you have real titties on your chest.”
“Do you like ’em?” she asks as she plays with his cock.
“I like everything about you. It’s been such a treat watching you grow into the sexy little girl you’ve become. And I don’t think you’re done growing yet.”
Jill doesn’t answer because she’s licking up and down his shaft, making it hard so she can fuck him and send him on his way. “Mmmm,” she hums as she puts her mouth over it. Roger lies there thinking how far Jill has come since the first time he got her in bed when she was still a confused and scared kid named Jerry.
“You’ve really become an expert cocksucker,” he tells her.
“You taught me to love cock sucking, Rog. I would have never done this if it weren’t for you.”
She goes down on him again as he holds her head. She’s gotten him really hard, and his breathing gets heavy as she rolls her tongue around his cock. With his cock deep in her mouth, she feels him pulsating and his hips are jerking. She knows she can make him cum in a few seconds if she wants, but since he’s going to clean her carpets, she decides to be nice.
She takes her mouth off it and asks, “You’re about ready to blow, Rog. Do you want to cum in my mouth or my ass?”
“Damn, girl. You’ve really perfected your technique.” Roger praises, “You have some lube? I’d love to get inside that pretty little ass of yours again.”
“Of course I have lube,” she laughs, “Girls like me always have lube.”
Jill hands him the lube and lies on her back. “My ass is all yours, sweetie,” she says, “Go ahead and have fun with it.”
She lifts her legs for him as he puts a lubed finger inside her hole. She’s relieved that her soreness from the weekend gang bang has gone away, and his two fingers are not painful.
With his cock pushing at her entrance, she braces for the initial pain. But to her surprise, it slips in pain-free. She still feels the enjoyment and pleasure of getting fucked like she always has, but her asshole feels different. Something seems to have changed over the weekend. Her hole has loosened up, or at least that’s how it feels to her.
She forgets about it for the moment because Roger is pumping her fast and hard. She gets back into pleasing him and making him cum.
She puts on her moaning act, “Oh God, Rog… Give it to me baby, fuck me good.”
“You want it harder? Huh?” he responds.
She squeezes her inner muscles around as she moans to him, “Oh yeah, baby. Fuck me harder, Rog. C’mon baby… gimme your cum!”
Roger is good for about six more thrusts until he blows his load. Jill thinks he probably got laid recently because she can’t feel very much cum inside. She doesn’t care. She’s just glad he’s done and she’s turned another trick for the first guy who ever fucked her. But this time, she’s getting her carpet cleaned in return.
After kissing Roger out the door, she goes back to the couch to relax before Allie gets home. It’s almost nine o’clock, so Allie should be home soon. She goes back to the Neville Goddard book she started reading before Gary called three hours ago.
It’s a short book, but it has a very powerful message. She reads about what he describes as the secret to manifesting. Or, said in a different way, how to create anything you want. ‘I’m going to have to tell Allie about this,’ she thinks.
She stretches out on the couch and closes her eyes until Allie gets home. She falls asleep, and Allie wakes her when she gets home.
“Hey baby, I’m home.”
She wakes up and says, “Oh, hi Allie. I wasn’t planning on being asleep when you got here. I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart.”
When Jill wakes up enough to talk, she asks Allie, “How did your date go?”
“It went better than I thought it would. We had a nice talk during dinner, then we got on the bed and sucked each other’s cock for over an hour. I asked him if he wanted to fuck me, but he didn’t want to. I knew he wouldn’t, but I asked him anyway cuz I want to be a good little whore.”
Jill laughs, “You know what I think? I think he might be a girl like us. I think he secretly wants to be fucked but he’s too shy to say it. He seems to like it when I get close to his asshole.”
“But hey… speaking of being a good little whore,” Jill adds, “Roger came by tonight.”
“Oh yeah? What did he want?”
“He brought over color samples from the painters. I had to pick out the color for our walls. I picked a nice pale yellow. I hope you like it. When he was here, I knew he was gonna want to fuck me, so I decided to get something else from him, like you did.”
Allie laughs, “What did you get from him? Cuz I know he fucked you.”
Allie laughs again when Jill tells her, “Well, since we’re having our walls painted, before I let him fuck me, I got him to have the carpet cleaned too.”
“Oh, nice going, Jill.” says Allie, “And you said ‘I’ was being a little bitch last week when I bribed him?”
They both bust out laughing again like a couple of teenagers.
“Well, since you were such a little bitch with him last week,” Jill giggles, “I decided I’d be a little bitch and see what my pussy would buy me. I figured, shit… since we’re playing the whore game now, we might as well get all we can.” Jill jokes.
“And guess what else happened?” Jill says, “I made a date for Thursday night with Gary Savato. He’s gonna pay me $200.”
“Damn, girl,” Allie says, “You’re really going ‘Full Bore Whore’. I think Gary’s a big-time financial guy. He’s like a stockbroker or something like that. I’ve never gone out with him, but I’ve sucked him off at the Club. He has a nice cock, I remember.”
“Yeah, I met him at the mid-month meeting. He paid me $100 for a quick suck ‘n fuck, and I gave him a longer fuck at Ladies’ Night. He does have a nice cock, and I like getting fucked by him.”
“Yeah, he sure does,” Allie says, as she rolls a joint, “But don’t get too burned out on that nice cock, cuz we’re taking Carla and Rosy out Saturday night.”
“Ooooo… I know. I can’t wait to get Rosy in bed. She wants it as bad as I do. She told me last week when she let me feel her pussy.”
As Allie lights a joint and passes it to Jill, her hand creeps up Jill’s dress. She wraps her hand around her cock and says, “How about I pretend to be Rosy again? I didn’t get fucked on my date, and I’d sure like to.”
Jill passes the joint and says, “Well, since we’ve both been playing the whore game all night, I’d rather save Rosy for Saturday, and fuck a slutty little whore named Allie tonight.”
“Mmmm, baby… I’ll be your slutty little whore.” She passes the joint back to Jill and says, “Finish this joint and let me suck your cock like the whore I am.”
Allie isn’t messing around. She rips her clothes off in about fifteen seconds and is on the floor with her head under Jill’s dress. As Jill takes a long toke off the joint, she raises her butt off the couch so Allie can slip her panties off. She feels Allie’s mouth swallow her shaft as she lets the intoxicating smoke escape her lungs.
The pot is making her mind spin with erotic thoughts while Allie’s cock sucking skills take her to the land of pleasure. She sucks in another toke and wraps her legs around Allie’s back as she feasts on her cock.
While she holds the smoke in her lungs, Allie’s skilled tongue wraps itself around her shaft as her head bobs up and down under her dress. She almost blacks out when she blows out that last toke of sweet smoke.
When Allie comes up for air, Jill puts the joint to her lips as she takes a long toke. She puts the joint in the ashtray and lifts her dress over her head. Naked except for her bra, Jill puts her feet up on the couch and spreads her legs wider as Allie swallows her cock again.
“Oh damn, Allie, you’re such a good cock sucker.”
Several times she gets close to cumming, but Allie knows her cock well. Each time she feels Jill wanting to climax, she slows it down and gently massages her balls in her mouth.
She grins at Jill and says, “My sweetie wanted a little whore tonight, didn’t she?”
“Mmmm, yeah,” Jill mutters, “C’mon baby… I’m taking you to bed.”
Jill glances at the clock as they get up. “Holy shit, Allie! It’s almost midnight. Where did the evening go?”
As they walk arm-in-arm to the bedroom, Allie says, “Well, let’s see… I went out on a date and sucked some cock, while you made a date to fuck Gary on Thursday.
“That was right before you fucked the landlord so he’d clean our carpets for free. Then I came home and we laughed about it… Then we lit a joint and I sucked your cock like a whore and now you’re gonna fuck me like a whore.
“That’s where the evening went. Wasn’t it fun?”
“Whew!…” Jill says, “Never a dull moment anymore, is there?”
They both laugh when Allie says, “It’s a whore’s life, baby, and we’re livin’ it tonight.”
When they crawl in bed, Jill gets on top of Allie ’69’ style. She was going to stick her tongue into her ass, but Allie’s hard cock is just too tempting. She can’t resist pulling down the foreskin so she can lick the sweet pre-cum from her shiny purple head.
Allie squirms as Jill goes down on her as far as she can. She knows it’s turning Allie on because she’s pulling her ass towards her face, driving her cock deep into Allie’s throat.
Feeling her balls resting on Allie’s nose, Jill makes an attempt to take her cock into her throat but she chokes like she does every time she tries it. She thinks to herself, ‘I gotta learn how to do this’. After she stops choking, she runs her tongue down Allie’s beautiful shaft and sucks on her balls.
Allie lifts her legs in the air, letting Jill know she’s getting anxious to have her hole filled. Taking the hint, Jill spreads her cheeks apart and pushes her tongue hard against her hole. Allie lets out an excited ‘Mmm”, knowing that her reward is soon to be delivered.
As she fucks Allie’s open mouth, Jill lubes up her ass and inserts a couple of fingers. As she massages the inside of her hole, she pulls her cock out of Allie’s hot mouth and moves herself up to kiss Allie’s lips.
“Are you ready to be fucked, my little whore?” she teases.
“Shit, you know I was ready to be fucked when we got in here, my stud,” she answers
Still finger-fucking her, Jill gets between Allie’s legs and replaces her fingers with her dick.
“Oh yeah, baby,” Allie pants, “Give it to me.”
Jill supports her upper body with her elbows as she drives her full eight-inch length into the hot, willing ass underneath her. Allie wraps her arms around her neck and pulls her down to kiss her. With their lips locked together, they enjoy hot fucking as their tongues talk to each other.
Jill’s stamina has already peaked, but she continues to pump Allie with everything she has left. Allie’s getting close to her goal, shaking uncontrollably as Jill pounds her ass. As her hips jerk upwards to meet each of Jill’s thrusts, she lets out a loud moan and squeezes her muscles around the stiff flesh inside her.
With Jill’s cock embedded deep inside her, Allie shouts, “Aaaagggghhhhhh” as her balls push a load of cum up her cock, spraying it all over her stomach. With Allie’s ass muscles contracting around her, Jill lets out a moan as she, too, experiences an orgasm as intense as Allie’s. Her cock spasms its last few drops before she collapses onto Allie’s chest.
When Allie catches her breath, she tells Jill, “Oh baby, you’ve become the best stud. You just made me cum again without touching my cock.”
“You made me that way, you little whore.” Jill laughs, “I can’t believe how I can feel so male when I’m fucking you, and so female when you’re fucking me.”
“Remember what I told you that first night we spent together? When we took the acid? Sex with men can be just as good and even better than sex with women. It’s the best of both worlds, except that we don’t have real cunts.”
“Well, it certainly is for us,” Jill says as she rolls her tummy around in Allie’s cum.
“Oh, shit,” she says, “Look at the time. It’s almost one o’clock. We have to work tomorrow. I can’t believe we fucked that long. We need to go to sleep.”
“We’ve sure turned into a couple of horny bitches, haven’t we?” Allie says.
“No shit. I want you to teach me how to take your cock into my throat without choking. I really wanted to tonight, but I choked on it. I need to learn how to do that.” Jill says.
“I’ll show you tomorrow night, baby. Right now, we need to get some sleep,” Allie says, “Good night, sweetheart, I love you.”
“Good night Allie, I love you too.”