A TRANS Formation – Chapter 22 – Good Little Whores

"New hair, new clothes, and a new friend. Jill is becoming a slutty little whore. And she loves it."

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After what happened at work today, Jill can hardly wait to get home to tell Allie. As she changes into her girl clothes, she can’t resist sitting in front of the mirror to brush her hair and admire herself. She loves the way Jorge styled her hair, and she feels extra feminine tonight. She feels so feminine that when puts on her bra, she decides to stuff cotton in the cups before putting on her dress. She likes pretending she has real tits.

Joining Allie on the couch, she lies down with her head in Allie’s lap. Allie lights a joint and holds it in front of Jill’s lips so she can effortlessly take the relaxing smoke into her lungs.

“I see you stuffed your bra,” Allie remarks. “You must be feeling your  woman tonight.”

“I do, Allie. I feel more comfortable being a girl with my new hair. It really feels like I’m home. And what Rosy did for me today was so sweet. I wish you could have seen her.”

“Yeah, I was going to ask you how work went when you showed up with your new hair.”

“Well, the guys really gave me a hard time when I punched in. But when Troy started calling me a sissy, I didn’t feel ashamed. I actually felt proud to be a sissy because I know that’s what I truly am. They made fun of me all morning until Rosy showed up. She looked so hot when she brought me my lunch. She wasn’t wearing a bra and she wore tight jeans that hugged her ass like a tight glove.

“She wiggled her ass and made sure the guys saw her tits bouncing when she came back to where I was working.  She even kissed me while the guys were watching, and when I was walking her to the door, she put her hand on my butt so all the guys could see it. They never said another word about my hair the rest of the day. Rosy really saved my ass.”

“I told you, Jill. Rosy likes you a lot. I think she wants to go to bed with you.”

“Yeah, she made it pretty clear she wants it. I can’t believe I’m going to actually get to fuck a real girl.”

“It’s a great thing to thing to look forward to. We’re really good together, Jill. Our lives have been magic since we’ve been together.”

“Yeah, I know… that’s what I meant when I said I feel like I’m finally home.”


The next day the guys at work still tease her a little bit. But they aren’t teasing about her hair, they tease her about Rosy. They tease her by asking if Rosy has a tight pussy, or how many times did Jerry fuck her last night. They call her names like ‘lover boy’, and ‘cock hound’. Jill just smiles and chuckles to herself, thinking, ‘If they only knew.’

It’s Tuesday, and she has a date scheduled, so she rushes home from work to take a quick shower and get ready. She’s kinda tired tonight and would rather not go, but she’s a part-time whore now, and she made the date last week. She has to deliver the product she is selling, so she honors her commitment and meets Dr. Walt at the same place they met last week.

Walt is waiting for her in the lobby as she walks in with Allie’s overnight bag over her shoulder. “Hi Jill!” Walt greets her, “Wow! You got your hair styled. What a difference!”

“Yeah… Allie took me to the stylist Saturday, do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it! It really brings out the feminine features in your face.”

Since there are three other people in the elevator with them, no words are exchanged as they ride up to their floor. As soon as they get in the room, Walt gives her a hug and says, “I really enjoyed our time together last week, Jill. I’ve relived our time in the shower several times this week.”

“Mmmm… yes. That was fun, wasn’t it? I had such a good time with you last week, too. I’ve been really looking forward to tonight,” Jill says, but she’s lying. Truth be told, she’d rather not be here at all. She wants to be a good little whore, so she tries to tell Walt what he wants to hear.

Since this is their second date, Walt is more relaxed being with Jill this time. She’s more relaxed herself as they chat and look at the dinner menu. After making their choices, Walt goes down to order the food like last time and Jill goes into the bathroom to change.

Allie packed her bag again, and this time she gave her pink panties and matching bra, along with one of her three-quarter length red slips, instead of a plain dress. ‘Hmmm…’ she thinks, ‘This is a bit more sexy than last time.’ She also finds a stick of lipstick, some pink rouge, and a bottle of perfume along with a note:

I think it’s about time you start making up that pretty little face of yours to go along with your new girl hairstyle. You know how to do it, baby. Have fun… you pretty little whore.

Jill smiles as she reads the note. ‘Allie’s always teaching me,’ she thinks to herself. Remembering what Carla showed her last week, she carefully applies the makeup, being careful not to put on too much. She’s rather proud of herself when she looks in the mirror and sees a pretty girl with pink lips and rosy cheeks smiling back at her.

She’s so glad Jerry’s shaggy, uncut hair is no longer a part of her. After adding a couple dabs of perfume here and there, she looks and feels like a sexy little whore. She gets a little giddy, knowing she’s taken another step on her path towards feminization.

Since she’s spent more time getting dressed than last week, Walt is waiting for her when she comes out of the bathroom. “Well, don’t you look pretty,” he tells her. When he gets a whiff of the perfume, he hugs her tight and kisses her. Walt’s not as shy about coming on to Jill as he was on their first date.

While they wait for room service to bring their dinner, Walt takes her to the couch and has Jill sit on his lap. She’s liking this different side of Walt, a side of himself he was too shy to reveal last week. Sitting on his lap, she feels like she’s his baby girl, and it’s actually turning her on.

She puts her arms around his neck and let’s him kiss her all he wants. By the time dinner arrives, he’s worked his hand inside her panties and given her a hard-on.

They didn’t talk much while they were making out before dinner; but as they eat, they engage in the pleasant conversation they both enjoyed last time.  “I brought you a book you might like to read,” Walt says.

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you, Walt. What’s it about?”

“Well, remember how you were telling me about how you grew up poor and now you’re looking for opportunities instead dwelling on the past?  This book might help you. It was written by one of my favorite authors, Neville Goddard, it’s called ‘At Your Command’. It’s a short book, but it has a powerful message. You’ll probably have to read it a couple times to really understand it.”

“Aww, thanks, Walt,” Jill says, “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I really like you, Jill. I want to see you and Allie succeed. I’m so impressed with how you look with your hair styled that way. You look more feminine every time I see you.”

“Yeah, I really like my hair this way. It’s like I just got rid of another part of my male body.”

“Speaking of your body,” Walt starts to say, “remember when we talked about the hormones last week? Well, I wrote a letter to my friend Maggie, in Chicago. I told her about you and Allie, and asked her if she had any information she could share with you. If she writes back, I’ll pass it on to you.”

“Wow, thanks, Walt. I hope she writes you back. I told Allie what you were telling me last week. We’d both like to find out more about it, for sure.”

After they finish dinner, Walt takes her back to the couch and resumes where they left off. Jill was hoping to talk a little more about hormones, but she’s mindful of the fact that she’s Walt’s date. More specifically, she’s his whore. This is his time, not hers, and he’s more interested sex tonight, not conversation.

As he plays with her cock, she unzips his pants and reaches inside. She’s pleasantly surprised to feel him halfway hard when she grabs him. Before she gets on the floor to suck his cock, she stands in front of him and gives him a little show, wiggling her ass as she takes off her slip.

Standing in front of him in her in her pretty pink lingerie, Walt smiles and reaches for her cock. She lets him play with her a while before she undresses him and sucks his cock. Unlike last time, Jill easily gets him hard and takes him over to the bed. She’s enjoying this different side of Walt as they get in the sixty-nine position and suck each other’s cock.

They spend an hour or so on the bed enjoying care-free fellatio with each other and Walt really gets into Jill’s hard cock. Jill feels a feminine side of him wanting to express itself as he kisses and sucks on her. Sometimes she lays on her back as he sucks her. Other times, he is on his back as Jill sucks him.

Several times, Jill straddles his face and offers her ass to him, but he isn’t interested. He just wants to suck her cock, and never even touches her pussy.

When they get back in the sixty-nine position, Jill thinks it’s about time to end this date. Remembering how she got him off last week, she starts playing with his ass and sucks him harder. She can tell how much he’s getting turned on to the ass-play by the way he’s sucking her on the other end.

She lightly caresses a wet finger around his asshole, sucking him harder until his cock can take no more. As Walt fills her mouth with cum, she starts fucking his mouth, wanting to get herself off so she can go home. Walt grabs her ass as he feels a wave of femininity sweeping over him.

Jill closes her eyes and imagines Rosy sucking her cock. It doesn’t take her long to release her load with Rosy on her mind, and Walt eagerly swallows every drop of her cum. Lying on the bed together, Walt tells her this is the most turned on he’s been in a long time.

As they talk, he opens up and tells her about a close relationship he had with one of the guys in the Club. They had gotten together every week for years to enjoy fellatio, but he passed away a year ago and Walt has been secretly grieving him ever since. Jill is touched that he trusts her enough to share this with her.

She feels closer to Walt as they walk into the bathroom to clean up. She cleans his cock and balls for him before he gets dressed, and when he gets ready to leave, he asks Jill, “I’d like to make another date for next week, but would you mind if I’d like to see Allie instead of you?”

“No, Walt, of course not. I think Allie would love to see you. Let’s make it a date, and if Allie can’t make it, I will. But I’m sure Allie will be available.”

“Thanks, Jill. I’m really attracted to both of you. You each have different qualities that compliment each other so well.”

Jill replies, “Well maybe some night you might like to have both of us pleasuring you at the same time?”

“Now that’s a suggestion that gives me naughty thoughts,” Walt chuckles.

“Give it some thought,” Jill says, as they walk towards the door.

When Walt leaves, she goes into the bathroom to change back to a boy. She notices an envelope in the back pocket of Jerry’s pants before she puts them on. Walt put her tip there when she wasn’t looking. She opens it up and finds two $100 bills.

‘Hmmm… A bigger tip than last time,’ she thinks, ‘I must be a good little whore’.

Once she’s dressed, she starts to wash off the makeup, but likes the way her face looks, so she leaves it on. She’s pretty sure she can get through the hotel lobby without anyone noticing her if she walks fast.


Allie greets her at the door when she gets home. “Hi babe,” Allie says after they kiss, “How was your date?”

“It was way better sex than last week. I didn’t feel like being there at first, but when I got dressed and put on the makeup you gave me, I felt like a sexy little whore again. We actually had a good time sucking each other off. He didn’t have any problem getting hard this week either. And when we got done, Walt made another date for next week.

“Oh… he gave me this book, too. He’s really a nice man. There were times tonight when I felt like he was the father I never had. He had me sitting on his lap and I felt like his little girl.”

“He must really like you if he wants to see you again.”

“Well, actually… he wants to see you next week, Allie. I told him you’d probably be available to see him. But if you don’t, I’ll go instead.”

“Of course I’ll see him, Jill. We’re their whores now, this is what we do.” Allie says as she laughs. “Go get your nightgown on, I have to tell you what happened while you were gone.”

Allie rolls a joint while Jill hurries to changes into her nightgown. Joining her on the couch, she’s anxious to hear what happened while she was on her date.

“You’re gonna love this,” Allie begins, “Roger came over to bring your refund check for the deposit on your apartment.”

“Oh yeah?… I suppose he wanted sex, too?”

“Yup… and I fucked him real good, too. Cuz I wanted something from him.”

Jill’s curiosity is aroused. “What did you want from him?”

“Well… You remember when Carla said the only way to really make this apartment feel like it’s our home is to paint the walls and start from scratch?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“Well… when he was here, he started coming on to me like he always does. And I thought, ‘I wonder if I can play slutty and bribe his horny ass into painting this place for us?’ He didn’t want to at first.

“But when I started sucking his cock, he got more receptive to it. And when I had his cock up my ass, I asked him again in a slutty little girlie-type voice. He had no choice but to say, ‘Sure, I’ll send my painters over next week.'”

Jill giggles as Allie tells her that. “Oooo… What a clever little bitch you are,” she says.

“Yeah… I was rather proud of myself, the way I used my pussy. I fucking had him wrapped around my little finger, Jill. I used my pussy to get what I wanted. And why not? All the times he’s fucked us for free? I figured he owes us something for that.”

Jill laughs her ass off, “Oh Allie… You’re such a little whore. This is too much fun, playing the game as girls. Walt gave me $200 tonight, and Roger’s going to paint our apartment, for free! It’s amazing what men will do for sex. Being whores certainly has advantages.”

Allie agrees, and they spend the rest of the night watching TV and smoking joints. For the second night in a row, they do not have sex when they go to bed. They’re learning the joys of just holding each other as they tenderly kiss each other in bed. Feeling the bond of love growing inside gives them all the pleasure they need.


Jill is super excited when her day starts on Wednesday. Tonight she’s taking Rosy out to dinner, and then they’ll go shopping for Jill’s first outfit to wear at Ladies’ Night this Saturday. The anticipation has been killing her all day.

Rosy’s been excited about it all day, too. She’s been thinking about Jill all week. After Carla gave her permission to go to bed with Jill, she gets wet just thinking about her. She knows she has to be patient. Carla made sure she understood about taking precautions to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. But still, just thinking about Jill gets her juices flowing.

She greets Jill with a hug and a kiss when she arrives. Carla is at the Melody working, and Rosy’s been pacing the floor, waiting for that doorbell to ring. After a few kisses, Jill walks her to the car and opens the door for her as she gets in.

On the way to dinner, Rosy asks Jill about what kind of outfit she wants to get. Jill tells her she wants something really sexy. She wants to go full whore Saturday night, and Rosy tells her she knows just the place to go.

They enjoy a delightful dinner together, happily talking and giggling like the girls they are. They are more attracted to each other when they leave, having learned more about each other as they talked over dinner.

Rosy directs Jill to a medium-sized strip mall, and she pulls into a parking space in front of a store called, ‘Naughty Lady’. Walking hand-in-hand with Rosy into the store, Jill gets nervous.

“You seem nervous… Are you?” Rosy asks.

“Yeah… I’m kinda scared all of a sudden.”

“Try to relax. There isn’t even anyone in here. It’s good we’re here on a week night.”

“Yeah… But this is still scary. I feel like running away.”

“Well, don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.”

As they look at some of the dresses on display, Jill freezes when she hears a woman’s voice behind her. “Can I help you find something?” the sales lady asks.

Jill turns around to see a woman in her late forties offering to help them. She is petrified, not knowing what to say. Luckily, Rosy steps in to speak for her.

“Yes, we could use some help. This is might sound a little weird, but we’re looking to buy the sexiest outfit we can… for my husband.”

When Jill hears those words coming out of Rosy’s mouth, she totally freaks out, squeezing Rosy’s hand as if to say, ‘Fuck! Why did you have to say that?’

Jill doesn’t say anything, of course. She’s frozen, unable to move or speak. Rosy smiles and says, “Relax, baby. You said you’d do this for me.”

Jill thinks to herself, ‘What the fuck is she saying? She’s making me look like a fucking fool!’

Rosy begins to speak to the sales lady, who is a bit confused at this point.

“OK, let me explain why we’re here. You see, some of my parents’ rich friends live in the Riverdale district, and they host this fundraiser for charity every year. They call it the ‘Reversal Ball”. What it is, the men go dressed as women and the women go dressed as men.

“Now, the highlight of the evening is when the men have to take off the dresses and display themselves in lingerie, while the women vote with $50 bills for the sexist man. I want him to win. He wouldn’t go last year, but he promised he’d go with me this year.”

The sales lady smiles and says, “What a great idea for a fundraiser. That sounds like a lot of fun for the ladies.”

“It’s more fun for the girls than it is for the men. Just look at him standing there, he’s so scared, he can’t even move,” Rosy says as she chuckles.

“Well, you can’t blame him for being nervous,” she says, “I’m Betty, by the way, I’m the owner. And you’re in the right store. We’ll have this guy looking like a Playboy model when you walk out of here. What’s his name?”

“Oh… This is Jerry, and I’m Rosy.”

“OK, tell you what, Rosy, why don’t you walk around and pick out a couple of dresses you think he’d look good in. He looks like a size 8 or maybe a 10, depending on the dress. I’ll measure him for his shoe size.”

“Come over here with me, Jerry, let’s get your shoe size.”

Jill begins to relax a bit after she figures out Rosy’s little game. Betty’s had a slow day, and she’s eager to make a big sale to help her rescue her bottom line.

“Try to relax, Jerry,” Betty says, “There isn’t anyone else in the store and you can try everything on in the private dressing room. Once Rosy picks out your dress, we’ll look at lingerie and accessories to match it.”

Betty has a warm, friendly personality and it doesn’t take long for her to win Jill’s trust. Rosy chooses four dresses for Jill to try on first. Jill smiles as she imagines herself wearing each one. Going into the dressing room with Rosy is even more exciting.

Getting undressed in front of Rosy excites her, even though Rosy’s already seen her naked. What Jill finds most erotic is when Rosy helps her into each dress and she looks at herself in the mirror. She wants to buy them all as she thinks about the guys at the Club looking at her and wanting to fuck her. Her cock gets hard thinking about it, and it doesn’t help when Rosy kisses it now and then.

They decide on a black, polyester knit mini-dress with tiny little silver sparkles in the fabric. Jill likes how the length falls slightly above the half-way point of her knees and waist. It’s sleeveless, and at first, Jill is concerned about her scar showing so much with no sleeves. But there’s nothing she can do about her scar, so she tries to ignore it the best she can. Rosy brings Betty into the dressing room to look at Jill. She smirks a little when she sees Jill’s hard-on pressing against the tight-fitting dress, but doesn’t say a word about it.

“That dress fits you well, Jerry. Your wife has good taste. Now, let’s look at lingerie,” Betty suggests red lingerie to contrast the black dress.

While looking at bras, Betty asks if they’ve thought about stuffing the cups. Rosy asks what she would suggest, and she says, “I have some very nice fillers over here.” She takes them towards the back and opens a drawer full of fake titties. “I call these bra boosters,” she says, “The girls put these in their bra to boost their bust up a size or two.”

She lets Jill hold one as she explains, “This one is for a size ‘A’  girl to look like a ‘B’, and I have them all the way to ‘D’, depending on big you want to be. You just put a little cotton underneath and they’ll look and feel very sexy under your laced bra. As you can see, the nipples are extra large and more pinkish than a natural breast.” Jill gets excited holding the fake tits. They’re so lightweight and feel so real. She starts getting another hard-on as she imagines how sexy she’ll look with them under her bra.

“They’re a little pricey,” Betty warns, “But if you’re looking to win, they’re worth it. These go for $89 a pair.”

Jill nods her approval and chooses the ‘B’ cups. She’s tempted to go with C’s, but she feels the B’s fit her skinny little body better. Rosy picks out transparent laced bras and panties that will let the entire tit show through when she’s wearing it. Jill thinks about how the lace panties will let her cock show when she wears them in front of the guys. They can’t decide which color to choose, so Jill buys three matching sets in different colors. A girl can’t have too much lingerie in her wardrobe.

Next, they pick out a pair of black leather boots that come halfway up her calves. The two-inch heels are low enough she won’t have to learn how to walk in them. That is a big plus.

When they have everything picked out, Betty asks Rosy, “Have you thought about a wig to finish him off? His natural hair will look… well… OK… but a wig… a wig will finish it all off. It’ll give him the total woman look I think you’re after.”

She shows them the selection of wigs on display and Jill immediately locks her eyes on the one she wants. She almost pees her pants when Betty puts it on her head. It’s a black color, shoulder-length on the sides, and tapers about six inches down her back. Jill falls in love with it when she sees herself. She tells herself this is how she was born to look. She absolutely HAS to have this wig!

Betty tells her it’s one of her most expensive wigs at $159, but it’s made out of real hair. Jill’s glad she brought plenty of money with her, because she wants that wig and she has the cash to buy it.

Betty is elated when she totals everything up. She needed a big sale, and Jill just made her day. Jill shells out almost $600 for everything and walks out the door with her first new whore outfit. She has the biggest smile on her face walking to the car with her arm around Rosy. She feels like the luckiest girl in the world.

When they get to her apartment, Rosy says, “You have to bring your wig inside. Let me show you how to make up your face for that beautiful wig.”

Jill doesn’t need any persuasion as she grabs her wig and follows Rosy. She takes Jill into the bedroom and sits her down in front of the vanity. As Rosy shows Jill how to make up her face, they enjoy a little girl talk.

“Thanks for going shopping with me.” Jill says, “I couldn’t have done this without you. I really freaked out when you told Betty we were looking for an outfit for me. That story you invented about the banquet was pure genius.”

“I told you I’d take care of you, didn’t I?” Rosy says, “Girls know how to lie when they need to.”

“You’re so damn good, Rosy. I’m lucky to have you as a friend.” Jill says.

“Yeah… I’m glad we’re friends. I’m glad we got to be better friends Sunday night,” Rosy tells her. “It was fun playing with your cock. I had a hard time leaving it alone in the dressing room. I couldn’t resist licking it a couple of times. I hope you didn’t mind.”

“No, I didn’t mind at all, I liked it. It really made me want to go to bed with you, but I know we have to wait.”

“I want to go to bed with you, too, but it’ll be worth the wait. We already know we both want it,” Rosy says, “And it’s OK with Carla and Allie, so we won’t have to play any stupid games before we actually do it.”

“I hate those games. Girls always treated me like shit when I was a boy. I’m so much happier being a girl.”

“Well, I won’t treat you like shit, Jill. I’ll always be a lesbian, and I’m always going to be in love with Carla. But I feel very close to you, Jill. You’re really a girl and not a man inside. We can be girl friends, and maybe sex friends too, even though we’ll still be in love with someone else.”

“Oh Rosy… You don’t know how good you make me feel.”

“You don’t know how good you make me feel either, Jill. I’ve been wet all night shopping with you.”

“You have?”

“Yes, I have,” Rosy says.

Rosy finishes making up Jill’s face and says, “You look so beautiful, Jill. You could go to the mall looking like that and no one would even guess you weren’t born a girl. You could pass in public easy.”

“I do look pretty female, don’t I?”

“You look good enough to make this lesbian wet.”

When Jill leans forward to kiss her, Rosy takes Jill’s hand and puts it between her legs. Jill’s cock about rips out of her pants as she feels Rosy’s pussy on the outside of her jeans.

“You wanna feel inside, Jill? You want to feel how wet I am?”

“Would you let me?”

“Of course I’ll let you, why else would I ask? I want you to. I know we’re eventually going to go to bed, but I’ll let you feel me right now.”

Rosy unsnaps her jeans and pulls the zipper down as she stands up. Jill stands up and kisses her as Rosy guides her hand inside her panties. Jill doesn’t need any help from there.

Jill takes her time exploring the soft hairs of Rosy’s bush before her fingers find her moist labia. Rosy lets out a sigh of pleasure when she feels Jill’s finger entering her hot little cunt hole. She unzips Jill and grabs her cock while she’s being finger-fucked.

They stand there in a state of erotic bliss, kissing and playing with other’s genitals. Jill’s fingers are wet from Rosy’s juices and she’s getting so hard she can hardly stand it. After about five minutes of heavy kissing and fondling, they come to their senses when Rosy says, “Maybe we better stop Jill. I want you to fuck me right now, but we have to wait until I get my IUD.”

“I know, Rosy. We do need to stop before this gets out of control. It’s getting late, I need to get home.”

Rosy feels so safe being with Jill after she agrees they need to back off before things get out of hand. This is so much different than her first sexual experience with a male when she had to fight to get the boy to back off and was almost assaulted.

After they catch their breath, Rosy says, “Whew, you really turn me on, Jill. I can’t wait to give you my pussy.

“You should wear your wig home like that and see what Allie says when she sees you all made up.”

“Yeah, I think I will. I really love how this feels.” Jill says.

“Trust me, Jill, you can pass as female looking like that. We could walk through the mall and no one would even notice. I’m telling you, you look that good. That wig is perfect for you.”


When Jill gets home, she sneaks in the door so Allie can’t hear her come in. Allie’s watching Kojak on TV when she walks into the living room suddenly, surprising Allie.

“Surprise!” she says. “How do I look?”

Allie doesn’t say a word. She stares at Jill with her mouth open, trying to absorb what she’s seeing. She turns off the TV and walks over to Jill. Putting her arms around her she says, “Holy shit…! Baby…! You are fucking HOT!!”

“Do you like it?”

“Like it…? Jill… I fucking LOVE it! Do you realize you don’t even look like a boy in that wig? And your make-up? I’m in love with the most beautiful woman in the world! Where did you find that wig? It was made for you.”

“Rosy took me to this store called ‘Naughty Lady’, wait till you see what else I bought.”

Allie is beside herself as Jill shows her all the sexy stuff she bought. Jill is as excited as Allie is, showing off her new whore outfit. She puts on one of her new bras, fake tits and all. Next, she puts on her dress and prances around the living room acting like a whore in front of Allie. After she puts her new dress in the closet, she gets into her nightgown but decides to leave the wig and tits on the rest of the night.

Being around Rosy and all those sexy clothes in the store has made her horny, and she feels like getting fucked. Allie rolls a joint while Jill puts on some music. As they get stoned together, Jill’s hands are all over Allie, letting her know what she’s in the mood for. When she tells Allie about feeling Rosy’s pussy and finger-fucking her at the apartment, she gets even hornier.

Jill has her hand under Allie’s dress and inside her panties as they pass the joint. When Allie puts the roach in the ashtray, she’s on the floor pulling Allie’s panties off with her head under her dress. Allie moans, “Oh… baby,” as Jill wraps her lips around her and takes it in as deep as she can.

She’s not in the mood to slowly tease and caress it with her tongue. No, not tonight. After just prancing around the living room in her new dress, she feels like a slut and that’s exactly how she’s sucking Allie’s cock.

It turns her on, the way her wig falls around her face as she sucks. Allie pulls her dress above her waist so she can watch Jill devouring her cock.

Jill looks up and tells her, “Oh my God, Allie. I feel like such a slut in this wig.”

“I could tell.” Allie says, “You look like a little whore down there. When you’re finished sucking me, I’m going to take you to the bedroom and fuck you like a dirty little whore.”

“I’m ready to go right now, Allie. My pussy’s on fire. I need to be fucked, and I need it bad.”

Allie gets up and takes Jill’s hand. “C’mon, you little slut. Let’s go take care of that burning hole. Damn…! I can’t get over how hot you look.”

Jill grabs Allie’s cock as they walk down the hall to the bedroom, and by the time Allie pulls the covers to the foot of the bed, Jill has her clothes off except for the bra. Allie can see she’s ready to be fucked, so she throws Jill on the bed and grabs the lube.

“Those tits look so real, baby,” she says, “If I didn’t see your hard cock, I’d swear I was looking at a real woman in front of me.”

Jill grabs her knees and pulls her legs up to her shoulders, giving Allie full access to her hungry hole. After spreading lube around her hole, Allie puts the nozzle of the bottle against her asshole and squirts a bunch of lube into Jill’s cavity.

Allie knows Jill is in no mood for teasing. She puts her cock against her hole and pushes in all at once. “Fuuuuuck! That hurts!” Jill screams, “You’re splitting me apart!”.

“So…?” Allie laughs, “You wanted it like a whore, didn’t you? Whores have to just lay there and take it.”

Jill cries out loud as Allie immediately starts pumping her hard and fast.

“Isn’t this what you wanted? You dirty whore. Didn’t you want a big cock up your filthy little ass? Now you’re gonna get it, you slut.”

Jill’s about ready to go out of her mind. “Give it to me, daddy, fuck my little whore ass. Fuck it good,” she pants.

Allie is fucking her hard, but she knows Jill wants more. Jill’s already pulling her legs back, so Allie grabs her ankles and pushes them over her head, holding them against the bed so her ass is straight up in the air. Jill feels like she’s standing on her head when Allie starts pounding her again. Jill closes her eyes and moans, “Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh.”

They’re both breathing hard as Allie pounds her. Allie can’t continue holding her ankles down like this any longer, she’s afraid she might hurt Jill’s neck. She lets them loose and orders, “Get on your hands and knees, bitch!” Jill does what she’s told and Allie smacks both of her cheeks before she shoves her cock back up her ass.

Jill buries her head into the bed, squeezing the sheets as she endures the glorious fucking Allie is giving her. “God, I love being your whore, Allie.” she cries out. Allie fucks her like this for another ten or fifteen minutes, until she feels her load ready to burst.

“Turn around, bitch,” she orders, “Open your mouth and take my cum!”

Jill takes Allie’s cock and sucks it hard. She doesn’t have to suck long before she feels Allie’s cum hitting the back of her throat. “Mmmmm,” she moans, as she slurps up Allie’s cum and feels it dribbling down her throat. Jill chokes as Allie forces her nose against her groin, but he holds her there, making Jill suck until she goes soft.

As Jill falls over backwards onto the bed, her cock is still hard as a rock from all the erotic things she’s done and thought about doing tonight. Allie knows she needs to cum so she lays down beside her lover and kisses her while she jacks her off.

Jill lets out loud moans as she gets close to cumming. Her hips buck and bounce as erotic spasms take control. Allie keeps jacking her until she shoots cum all over her tummy and chest.

When she finally settles down, Allie goes into the bathroom and brings a warm wash cloth to clean her up. Jill feels so loved as Allie wipes the cum off her and washes her cock and balls like she cleans her clients after a date. When she’s all cleaned up, Allie gets in bed beside her and pulls the covers up over them.

“Thanks, Allie, really needed that,” Jill says.

“I’ve seen you pretty hot before,” Allie says, “but that’s about as hot as I’ve ever seen you. You were such a woman just now, I hardly even noticed your cock when I was fucking you. You’re really a hot fuck when you’re like this. Do you realize how hot you really are?”

“I’m starting to realize it,” Jill says, “It’s like you were telling me, when I really get into it, I forget all about being male. It’s like my cock isn’t even there, all I can feel is being a pussy. I love being a sissy and I loved acting like a whore when I wore my dress in front of you. I don’t know what it is, but I know I love being a slut sometimes.”

“You’re a woman, Jill, that’s what it is. That wig really does it for you,” Allie says, “But you better take it off. You’ll mess it up if you sleep on it.”

“Yeah, I guess I better, but I’m leaving my tits on. I just love my wig. I’m wearing it next time Jorge does my hair so he can see how I want my real hair to look as it grows out. Would you help me with my wig? I don’t want to mess it up.”

As she watches Allie put her wig on the stand, Jill appreciates her so much more. She felt like a sissy slut tonight and Allie was there to make it real for her. She and Allie are so perfect for each other, the way they can adjust their sexuality to be male or female to accommodate how each other is feeling in any given moment.

When Allie gets back in bed, Jill purrs in her arms as she cups her balls and soft cock in her hand. It’s Jill’s turn to feel like a wife being held by her husband tonight. Feeling the warmth of Allie’s cock against her well-fucked ass, Jill thinks to herself, ‘What a wonderful way to end the day.’


Published 4 years ago

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