A TRANS Formation – Chapter 21 – Dinner Guests

"While entertaining their lesbian friends, Jill and Allie have some unexpected fun."

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In Jill’s mind, this is a very important night. She and Allie have been working together all day getting ready to entertain their lesbian friends, Carla and Rosy. Naked except for a skimpy pair of panties, Jill is busy in the kitchen cooking while Allie cleans the apartment and takes care of the laundry.

Stopping now and then to grab a snack and rest a bit, they enjoy a little sucking to give each other a hard-on before getting back to work. Jill is thrilled to be using her new kitchen stuff for the first time and feels totally girly as she plays in her new kitchen preparing tonight’s dinner.

Allie is equally joyful, running around in her panties cleaning the apartment and feeling every bit as girlish as Jill. Her heart is filled with joy as she reflects on how much more this apartment feels like a home, now that Jill is here living with her.

At four o’clock, everything is pretty much finished, so they jump in the shower to clean up and enjoy a little more fellatio fun. After their shower, Allie brushes Jill’s hair in front of the vanity mirror and tells her, “We’re really a good team together. I can’t get over how much fun we have working together.”

“Yeah… everything came together on time.” Jill says, “All I have left to do is boil the noodles when they get here.”

“Should we wear our bras tonight?” Allie asks.

“Of course,” Jill says, “I’ve been feeling so feminine all day and I want to dress up. I’m going to wear that floral pattern dress I’ve never worn before. I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.”

“Good choice,” Allie says, “I feel like dressing up too. We should put a little makeup on too.”

When they’re all dressed up,  they admire each other and can’t help themselves as they engage in some serious kissing. “Damn Jill,” Allie says, “You’re turning me on. You look so hot with your new hairstyle. If we had more time, I’d love to get you naked and take you to bed.”

“I know,” Jill laughs, “We just got dressed and now we feel like getting undressed. I’d love to let you fuck me right now, but there’ll be plenty of time for that later. They’ll be here in a few minutes and we still have to set the table.”

As they’re setting the table together, Jill feels proud to be using her new dishes, and of what she and Allie have accomplished today as a team. They’ll soon reap the rewards of their labor when they entertain their best friends.

When the back doorbell rings, Allie and Jill excitedly run to the door to greet their guests.

“Hey there, pretty girls!” Allie says, as she opens the door.

“Hi-ya, Allie. That’s a nice dress you’re wearing.” Carla says as they walk in.

Carla takes one look at Jill and says, “Jill…! You got your hair styled! You look so pretty!”

“Wow, Jill, you’re really cute!” Rosy says. Jill says thank you and gets a rush when Rosy kisses her lips as they hug.

“Doesn’t Jill look beautiful?” Allie adds, “I can’t get over how different she looks now.”

“Awe… c’mon girls,” Jill says, “You’re giving me a big head. Let’s go in the living room.”

Carla is carrying a sack and when they get into the living, she pulls out a bottle of wine and four new wine glasses. “We thought we’d bring a little wine to enjoy. These glasses are our gift to you. We knew Allie wouldn’t have wine glasses.” she says.

“That was nice of you girls,” Allie says, “Let me take your coats for you. I’ll put them in the other room.”

When Carla and Rosy take off their coats, Allie and Jill’s eyes instantly lock on their tits. Neither one is wearing a bra and they’re wearing tight, thin blouses, revealing perfect outlines of their nipples. As they move, their titties bounce around seductively, and the lesbian ladies seem to enjoy arousing their hosts.

Jill suggests they go into the kitchen to pour the wine. As Carla walks with her, she remarks, “Mmmm… Everything smells so good, Jill. I can tell you worked a long time getting all this food ready. And this kitchen… it’s not even the same room, now that you’re living here. This whole apartment really… it just feels so clean now. You’ve really reformed Allie. She was so messy.”

“That was Allen, who was the slob. We kicked him out. Allie’s a clean girl now.” Jill says, “Now we have to figure out how to make this place look like girls live here.”

“I’ll tell you what you have to do. You have to paint the walls first. Take everything down and start out fresh. That’s the only way to really make it both of your’s home.”

“That’s a good idea, Carla. I would have never thought of that.” Jill says.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” she adds, “I waited till you got here to boil the noodles. Why don’t we go in the living room and enjoy ourselves while they cook.”

Walking into the living room with a filled wine glass in each hand, they find Allie and Rosy sitting at opposite sides of the couch. Carla quickly sits next to Allie as she hands her a glass of wine. Jill takes the only seat left, next to Rosy, who thanks Jill for bringing her some wine.

Allie lights up a joint and passes it to Carla. Jill loves sitting in between Carla and Rosy, and touching their fingers as they pass the joint makes her tingle just a bit. She’s never really been this close to real girls before, and she likes it a lot.

Everyone’s all starting to get pretty high by the time the joint is finished. They’re all laughing and feeling free ‘n easy when Carla brings up the subject of Jill’s hair.

“So Jill, are you going to comb your hair differently when you have to be a male?”

“Yeah,” Jill says, “I’m going to wear a headband when I comb it, but it’s so different than it was; I’m sure they’ll be making fun of me tomorrow at work.”

“Why?” she asks.

“Well, there’s this asshole, Troy; he likes to make fun of me. He’s always making fun of me because I don’t have a girlfriend. He calls me a sissy sometimes, but I’m used to it by now. I’ve had to deal with that kind of shit my whole life. It doesn’t really bother me anymore now.

“When I met Allie, she showed me I really am a sissy, and she taught me how to accept it and have fun being one. I like being a female sissy now, except when I have to be a male in society.”

“What an asshole,” Rosy says. “Tomorrow, why don’t you just tell them your girlfriend wanted you to cut your hair like that?”

Jill laughs, “Yeah… Right… Like they’re gonna believe that!” 

“I can help you out with that,” she says.

“What do you mean?” Jill asks.

“Do you take a lunch to work with you?” Rosy asks.

“Well… Ummm… Yeah”

“Well, tomorrow, don’t take one. Make sure to tell them you forgot your lunch. I’m off till four tomorrow. I’ll bring your lunch and make it look like I’m your girlfriend.” she says.

“Clever idea, Rosy.” Carla comments.

“You didn’t know you had a girlfriend, did you Jill?” Allie adds.

“Are you sure you want to do that for me?” asks Jill.

“Of course I will Jill. I’m a girl, and I’m your friend. Technically, we’re not lying. And maybe that asshole Troy will shut his mouth, and quit making fun of you.” she tells Jill.

Jill feels herself tearing up with gratitude as she turns to give Rosy a hug.

Rosy put her arm around Jill, kissing her and saying, “What are friends for, anyway?”

“Thanks Rosy,” Jill says, as their hug becomes tighter. Jill gives Rosy a kiss back and then Rosy gives her another kiss. Jill wants to kiss her again, but remembers her lover, Carla, is sitting on the other side of her. As she nervously breaks the hug and pulls back, Rosy takes Jill’s hand and rubs it against her breast as they break their hug.

Jill doesn’t quite know how to react. She nervously says, “I… I think the noodles are probably ready. Shall we go in the kitchen and eat?”

Carla, who has been chuckling to herself as she watched that little interaction between Rosy and Jill, says, “I’m ready to eat, I can’t wait to taste what smells so good in there.”

They’ve all finished their first glass of wine, and with the joint they just smoked, they’re all feeling pretty tipsy when they sit at the table. As Jill brings the food, Allie fills everyone’s wine glass again. They’re having a wonderful time eating the meal Jill has made for them.

“This dinner tastes delicious.” Rosy compliments her.

“No shit,” says Carla, “How long have you been cooking, Jill?”

“Oh… I really haven’t cooked that much. I just follow recipes.” Jill answers.

“You’ve got a natural talent, Jill, just like Carla does,” Rosy says.

“I bet Carla can cook way better than I can. Have you always liked to cook, Carla?” Jill asks.

“Yeah… Cooking has always been a special love of mine. I’ve always dreamed of having my own restaurant someday, but it’s probably just a pipe dream. I’ll probably just be a diner cook all my life.” Carla says.

“You can’t say that, Carla.” Jill tells her, “You never know what opportunities might come your way. Everyone needs something to dream about. Never stop dreaming. Some dreams come true, you know.”

The conversation continues as everyone feels better and looser as they consume another glass of wine while they eat. By the time Jill serves the dessert, they’re all laughing and giggling as the wine takes its toll.

Under the table, Jill feels Rosy rubbing her feet against hers, smiling at Jill as she does it. Jill smiles back, enjoying what Rosy’s doing. Every once in a while, both girls intentionally pull their shoulders back, giving Jill and Allie another look at their nipples pressing against their thin blouses.

When they’ve finished eating, they all go back in the living room. Allie sits on one end of the couch with Carla next to her. When Jill sits next to Carla, Rosy sits close to Jill, so close their legs touch each other as they sit.

Allie rolls another joint, and as they smoke it, their conversation becomes more open and loose, as they’re now all pretty loaded. Allie asks Carla if she’s always been lesbian, and Carla is loaded enough to open up about some of her past sexual experiences.

“No, not at first,” she starts to say, “I’ve always been attracted to girls, but I started out with boys. It was way too risky for girls to like each other sexually back then, and even now, really. In such a small school, it just wasn’t safe to tell any of the girls I was attracted to them.

“So I just went out with boys in high school. When I started having sex, I liked it a lot. I liked it so much, I started doing it a lot, with quite a few boys. One time I even went to a motel with three boys. And those fuckin’ assholes bragged and told everyone in school about it. It was a small school, and pretty soon, word got around that I was an easy fuck, and I got a reputation as a slut.

“I couldn’t live my reputation down, and everyone treated me like shit. I left that town and moved to Des Moines. When I got a job as a cook, one of the waitresses started coming on to me. And since I was always attracted to girls anyway, I let her take me to bed. I liked having sex with her so much, after she moved to a different state, I just stayed with women. I’ve only wanted women ever since.”

“Wow,” says Jill, “That’s the exact opposite of how my life was in high school. I never even got a girl to go out with me. I never had any sex at all, until I moved here. After Roger got me to go to bed with him, I started liking men. Then I  met Allie, and you know what happened then.”

Allie says, “Jill got really excited when you showed her your boobs the other night. You should have seen how horny she was when we got home.”

They all start laughing hard. “Yeah, that was kinda fun. Rosy was pretty excited when you two left the other night.” Carla says.

“Rosy has something in common with Jill,” Carla adds.

“Carla!” Rosy quickly stops her. She’s a little embarrassed, but because of the wine and the pot, she can’t resist giggling, either.

“What does Rosy have in common with Jill,” Allie asks, as they all keep laughing.

Carla then says, “Jill never touched a girl’s tit before, and Rosy’s never seen or touched a man’s cock.”

“Really?” Allie asks.

Rosy says, “No, I never have.” Rosy then tells them about her first date, when the boy tried to assault her. And how she’s never trusted boys since that horrible experience.

“That’s terrible, Rosy. How could anyone be so cruel?” Jill says.

Carla breaks in, “Maybe we shouldn’t be talking about our past horror shows. It’s a little depressing, don’t you think?”

“Just a bit, but we’re friends,” Allie says, “It’s nice we trust each other enough to share this stuff. But we should change the subject. If Rosy’s never seen a cock before, we could fix that right now.”

“Oooo… That might be fun.” Carla says, as she starts to giggle. “What do you think about that, Rosy?”

“I don’t know, Carla.” Rosy nervously replies. “I’m not sure if…”

“We already talked about it,” Carla interrupts.

” I know, but… but…”

“I bet Jill will let you feel her cock.” Allie says, ” Go ahead, she won’t mind.”

“What do you think, Jill?” Carla asks.

“Well, if she wants to, sure,” Jill says, but Jill is kinda nervous about it too.

Jill turns to Rosy and says, “Do you want to, Rosy? You can if you want. You let me feel your boobs. I’ll let you feel my cock if you want.”

“Well… yeah… kinda… maybe… just let me touch it a little, OK?” Rosy timidly answers.

Jill puts her arm around Rosy, takes her hand, and puts it near her cock, like Rosy put her hand on her tit the other night.

Rosy is still a little shy about it, but she can’t resist moving her fingers around Jill’s dress until she feels her half-hard cock underneath. She starts running her fingers over the outline of Jill’s shaft as she gets a little braver and her curiosity gets the best of her.

Allie lights another joint and passes it around. After Jill takes a hit, she puts the joint up to Rosy’s lips, so she can hit it without moving her hand. As the wine and pot pollute her brain, she loosens up and explores Jill’s cock with more interest. Jill is getting turned on as Rosy puts her fingers around it. 

Carla smiles at Allie when she passes the joint back to her. She puts her hand on Allie’s cock and says, “Are you feeling left out, baby?”

“Not now,” Allie says, pushing Carla’s hand against her cock.

Carla asks Rosy, “What do you think, my little Rosebud? Do you like it?”

“Yeah… It feels pretty neat.” She starts giggling, “I think I like it. It’s getting bigger.” she says.

“That’s what cocks do,” Allie says.

Jill is getting harder as Rosy plays with her and without thinking, she takes Rosy’s hand and puts it under her dress. Rosy’s curiosity turns into strong desire when she feels Jill’s cock against her panties. It doesn’t take her long to reach inside and put her hand around her bare shaft.

Carla now has her hand firmly around Allie’s cock, remembering how she used to like fucking boys back in high school. Allie already has a full-blown hard-on, and she starts to unbutton Carla’s blouse. Carla doesn’t mind a bit as she gives Allie a devilish grin.

Jill pulls Rosy closer to her as Rosy’s hand rubs the bare shaft under her dress. Rosy looks at Jill, and Jill kisses her as her male instincts start to kick in. Rosy isn’t quite sure what to do, and neither does Jill. They are both breathing heavily, not really knowing what the next move should be.

On the other side of the couch, Allie has Carla’s blouse unbuttoned and her hands are all over Carla’s tits. Carla’s memories of her high school days ignite a desire within her. She starts kissing Allie as she strokes the outline of Allie’s cock through the fabric of her dress. “Oh God, Allie, this is bringing back old memories,” she says.

“It’s nice, ain’t it?” Allie says.

“Yeah, it is kinda nice,” she says, and turns around to Jill and Rosy.

“How are you two doing over there?” she asks, “What do you think, Rosy?”

“I think I like it,” she says.

Rosy’s been holding back, not sure how much Carla is willing to let her do. But when she sees Carla’s tits hanging out of her open blouse, it gives her the green light to let her tits out too. Jill has been rubbing them, but she wasn’t sure how far she should go either. Now that Rosy knows it’s OK with Carla, she takes her hand off Jill’s cock and unbuttons her blouse, exposing her cute little titties to Jill.

“Well… shit Rosy, we might as well take these off,” Carla says.

Jill’s cock gets rock hard as the girls take off their blouses. She’s feeling overwhelmed as she finds herself suddenly sitting between two topless girls. Pretty girls too. Girls she likes, and girls who like her.

“Oh my God,” Jill says, “I never imagined anything like this.”

“Me neither.” Rosy giggles.

“OK… we took our blouses off for you, are you girls gonna take off those dresses for us?” Carla teases. “Now that Rosy’s felt Jill’s cock, I bet she wants to see it. Don’t you Rosy?”

Rosy giggles, she knows she does, and so does Carla. When Allie stands up and lifts her dress over her head, Jill follows her lead. Rosy’s desire turn into a craving when she sees Jill’s hard cock standing up over her panties.

With Jill standing in front of her wearing only bra and panties, Rosy looks over to Carla for the next move. She watches her pull Allie’s panties down, and following her lead, she does what she’s been wanting to do since this little game started.

Rosy’s eyes almost pop out of her head when Jill’s cock springs out in front of her face. This is the first time she’s ever seen a cock, let alone this close, and she is in awe. She doesn’t quite know what to do. From the effects of the wine, the pot, and her natural female hormones igniting inside her, her brain is so scrambled she’s not thinking straight.

Carla senses Rosy’s confusion, so she moves over on the couch next to her. She puts her arm around her and kisses her. “What do you think, my little Rosebud? Do you like what you see?”

“Oh God, Carla. I’ve never felt like this. I’m so wet right now.” she pants.

“Of course you’re wet, sweetie. That’s what your body is supposed to do. I am too. That’s why their cocks their so hard, too. See that shiny stuff coming out of Jill’s cock? That’s pre-cum. It’s what cocks do when they get aroused like this. It makes them taste good too. Do you want to taste it?” she asks.

“I think so.” Rosy answers, “But I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Watch me,” Carla leads her, “It’s been years since I’ve done this, but I bet it’ll come back to me.”

Rosy watches Carla as she cradles Allie’s balls in her hand. Rosy follows along, feeling Jill’s balls for the first time. She’s eager to put her tongue on Jill’s hard shaft, but waits until she sees Carla do it. When she does, Rosy puts her tongue on the tip of Jill’s cock and licks her pre-cum.

“Mmmm,” she moans, when she tastes pre-cum for the first time. She rolls her tongue around Jill’s head, licking as much of the pre-cum she can. Jill turns her on more as she plays with her tits and rolls her hardening nipples between her fingers.

Rosy glances over at Carla as she wraps her lips around Allie’s cock. She sees another green light when Carla goes down on her shaft. That’s all the coaching Rosy needed to see. Her female hormones guide her now, as she takes Jill into her mouth and sucks it like a lollipop. She’s amazed at how good the skin of Jill’s cock feels as her hungry tongue roams the length of her shaft.

“Oh my God, Rosy.” Jill moans, feeling female lips around her cock for the first time. Allie is moaning too, as Carla gets into the fellatio she loved doing so much in high school. Jill and Allie embrace in passionate kissing as their dinner guests feast on their erotic dessert.

Rosy becomes an instant cocksucking addict as her natural female desire for cock consumes her in this erotic moment. While she sucks Jill, her hand wanders over to feel Allie’s balls. She loves the way her balls roll around in their sack as she fondles it with her fingers.

With Allie’s tongue darting in and out of her mouth, and her hand on Rosy’s head as she sucks, Jill is getting close to cumming. Her hips jerk uncontrollably as the stimulation drives her close to the edge.

“Oh my God… I’m gonna cum any second.” She moans.

“Suck it harder, Rosy,” Carla encourages, “The best part is coming.”

Rosy hums along, sucking and licking this erotic new toy she’s discovered attached to Jill’s body. She’s really getting into it as her head bobs up and down. Her female hormones drive her desire to give Jill as much pleasure as she’s getting from sucking her. When she feels Jill pulsating in her mouth, her instincts tell her the reward is about to be delivered. Jill lets out a loud moan as she feels her load traveling up her main vein.

She holds Rosy’s head with both hands as her cum shoots into Rosy’s mouth. Feeling the cum squirting against the roof of her mouth, Rosy lets out a ‘Mmmmm’ sound as Jill jerks and squirms to the ecstasy Rosy has given her. Rosy keeps the cum in her mouth as her taste buds become accustomed to this new delicious taste. She slowly swallows it as Jill’s cock goes soft.

When she’s swallowed it all, she looks up at Jill and smiles. Jill gets down on her knees with Rosy and kisses her with passion. As she hugs her, Jill relishes Rosy’s tits pushing against her bare skin. She wants to put her hand inside Rosy’s jeans and touch her pussy, but she’s not sure if Rosy would be comfortable with that, so she holds back.

As they kiss, they hear Allie starting to moan as Carla gets her close to spilling her load. Carla has her deep in her mouth while both of her hands caress and fondle Allie’s balls. “Come here, Rosy,” She signals with her finger. Rosy quickly scootches over as Carla takes her mouth off Allie’s cock and tells Rosy to suck it.

Rosy doesn’t need any more encouragement than that. She eagerly wraps her lips around Allie while Carla licks her balls. Not wanting to be left out, Jill crawls behind them and plays with their tits. Rosy loves Jill’s hands on her, and she sucks Allie until she feels a second load of cum shoot into her mouth.

“Don’t swallow it, Rosy,” Carla says, “Save some for me.”

Carla licks along Allie’s shaft until her lips get close to Rosy’s. With Allie’s cock still in her mouth, Rosy opens her mouth just enough to allow the cum she’s saved to run down the still-hard shaft. Rosy purrs as she and Carla lick the cum off Allie’s cock.

“Oh God,” says Jill, as she moves between them, flicking her tongue over the tip of Allie’s exposed head. She’s really turned on sharing Allie’s cock with these two fine females. They take turns sucking Allie’s cock until it goes completely soft. When it does, Allie joins her three friends on the floor, and with their arms around each other, they exchange sweet kisses, everyone kissing each other.

After a few minutes, Carla says, “Well… that certainly was fun. What did you think about that, Rosy?”

“Oh, fuck…” Rosy gasps, “I’m still a lesbian through-and-through, but I sure do like what’s between these girls’ legs.”

“I’ve never done anything like this with real girls before,” says Jill, “I’m still in love with Allie, but this was sure a lot of fun.”

“We can do more than this,” Allie says, “If you girls are interested.”

“Sometime, maybe,” Carla says, “Rosy and I need to get protection before we can go any further. We don’t want to make any babies. But ya, I think we’re open to going the next step.”

“Wow,” Jill says, “I never had any sex in my whole life until a couple months ago. And now I’ve been having so much of it. I’m loving it all.”

Carla grins at Allie, “Have you been taking Jill to those sex romps at that ‘Club’ you were telling us about?”

“Oh yeah… Jill’s been to three of them now. She even got gang banged with me once.”

“Too bad they don’t have one of those for women,” Carla says, “It sounds like a lot of fun.”

“Jill’s going to be the star of the show this Saturday. She’s going to get dressed up sexy for the guys.”

“Wow Jill, you’re really getting into it, Jill,” Carla says.

“Yeah, I guess I am. I wasn’t sure I would like it at first,” Jill tells her, “But the more I do it, the more I like it. It’s like I’m always so horny now.”

“What are you going to wear?” asks Rosy.

“That’s a good question,” Jill answers, “I don’t have anything to wear right now. I’ll have to go shopping this week. It’s going to be scary. I don’t know where to go. I don’t even know my size. Can you tell I haven’t been a girl very long?”

“Can I go shopping with you? I’d love to go shopping with you.” Rosy offers, “When are you going?”

“I’m not sure.” Jill says, “Things have been moving so fast, I haven’t even thought about it.”

“Well, I’m off work Tuesday and Wednesday nights this week,” Rosy says, “Are those good nights?”

“It would have to be Wednesday,” says Jill, “A have a date on Tuesday.”

“OK, then. We’ll go Wednesday night, but it’s gonna cost ya.” Rosy jokes.

“What’s it gonna cost me?”

“Carla works that night, so you’re going to have to buy me dinner,” she says.

“It’ll be my pleasure to take you out to dinner. It’ll be fun,” says Jill.

Allie laughs as she jokingly asks Carla, “Do you think we can trust these two together alone.”

Carla laughs back, “Yeah, the attraction is strong between these two. I know Rosy’s in love with me and Jill’s in love with you. I think we’re all in good shape.”

“That’s for sure,” Allie says, “We’re sure glad you two came over for dinner. This was a lot of fun.”

“It sure was,” Carla says, “We weren’t really planning on doing anything like this tonight, but once we got into it, it was hard to stop.”

“Maybe we should get together more often. What do you think?” Allie asks.

“Maybe we could. What do you think, Rosy? You want to play like this again?”

“I’d like to, if you do,” Rosy says.

“How would you girls like to go out on a double date? We could go to the bars as two straight couples and hit some of the places we can’t go as same-sex couples.” Allie suggests.

“Yeah, that sounds fun. The best bands won’t even play at The Mixx. It sounds like fun. Let’s give it some thought.” Carla says, “But I think we need to get home. It’s starting to get late. Rosy, do you want to kiss their cocks one last time before we go?”

Rosy doesn’t say a word. Jill has had her arm around her bare back the whole time they were talking, and she immediately goes down on Jill and puts her cock back in her mouth.

She sucks on it until Carla says, “OK, my little Rosebud, I said just a kiss. You’ll get another chance to love on Jill’s pretty cock soon enough. Why don’t you give Allie’s cock a kiss goodbye before we leave.”

Rosy gets up, and she and Jill embrace in a long kiss. “That was fun, Jill.” she says, “Thanks for letting me play with you. I liked it.”

“Thanks for playing with me. And thanks for going shopping with me.”

“Remember now,” Rosy tells Jill, “don’t take your lunch tomorrow. I’m bringing your lunch to you.”

When the girls put their blouses back on, Allie and Jill walk them to the door naked. Before they walk out the door, Carla and Rosy give each of their cocks one more kiss before they leave.

Everyone had a great time, and Allie and Jill can’t stop talking about their good fortunes as they clean up the kitchen together. “That was so hot, babe,” Allie tells Jill, “Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought we’d be getting our cocks sucked tonight.”

“I know, right? That was something else. Girls sure do suck different than guys do. I loved the way Rosy sucked my cock. I hope she does it again, but she can’t replace you, Allie.”

“Carla sure knows what she’s doing, too. I could tell she’s sucked a few cocks in her day.  But I agree, as good as they were, they won’t replace you.”

“Rosy was so nice, offering to pretend being my girlfriend when she brings me my lunch tomorrow,” Jill says.

“Rosy really likes you, Jill,” Allie says, “I think she wants you to fuck her.”

“I hope so,” Jill replies, “Cuz I sure want to fuck her.”

“I bet you will. They wouldn’t have sucked our cocks like that if they weren’t open to fucking us.”

“That’ll be nice if it happens. But no matter what happens Allie, I’m always still going to a girl and I’ll still be in love with you.”


Meanwhile, on their way home, Carla and Rosy are having a similar conversation. “Well, what did you think?” Carla asks Rosy.

“I loved it, Carla, and I can’t lie about it. I mean, I’ll always be a lesbian, but that was so much fun. I really like Jill… It was like I felt a different part of her when I was sucking her cock.”

“Yeah, that’s what happens. I felt a different side of Allie when I had her cock in my mouth, too. I think Allie really loves to be fucked.”

“Oh God, Carla, I didn’t know cocks could get that big.”

“Most of them aren’t that big, Rosy. Allie and Jill both have the biggest and prettiest cocks I’ve ever seen. Not that I’ve seen that many.”

“Do you think it’s normal for lesbians to like cocks like we just did?” Rosy asks.

“Well… I think if a girl likes both women and men, then she’s not a pure lesbian. But Allie and Jill aren’t men, Rosy. They’re really girls inside male bodies. I’ve never known anyone like them before. They’re so unique, the way they are, and the way they accept themselves.

“They’re not really true men, and that’s probably why it was so easy to let ourselves get sexual with them. I sure liked it, just as much as you did. They think just like we do, like girls. Real men don’t think like us at all.”

“So… it’s safe to take it to the next step, maybe?” Rosy asks.

“Absolutely it is. I know you want to go to bed with Jill, and I want you to. You and Jill both need to experience going to bed with the opposite sex, and you have my permission to do just that. And to tell you the truth, I want to crawl in the sack with Allie.

“We’ll have to go to the doctor first and get protection, cuz we don’t want to get pregnant. Once we do that, our love is strong enough between us that we can venture into this a little more. We can give ourselves room to play with Allie and Jill if we feel like it.”

“I’m so in love with you, Carla. You’re my big sister and best friend.”

When they get home, Rosy’s pussy is on fire from the desire she’s worked up all night. They go right into their bedroom and Carla fucks her silly until she puts out her fire, but it’s only a temporary fix.

Rosy’s had her first taste of cock now… Jill’s cock. The seed of desire has been planted in her female brain, and she can’t be satisfied with only the experience of having Jill in her mouth. She needs more now. She won’t be satisfied now until she feels Jill inside her.


When Allie and Jill finish cleaning the kitchen, they end up smoking two more joints before stumbling into bed. They go to sleep holding each other and dreaming about this new sexual experience, and all the possibilities that now loom in their future.

The seed they planted is growing rapidly, and a new branch sprouted in a new direction tonight. Carla and Rosy’s seed has sprouted a new branch as well. The branches are growing towards each other and it’s only a matter of time before their leaves brush against each other and become entwined.




Published 4 years ago

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