A Tie That Binds

"Pat turns the tables and takes events to a new level..."

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Given how fragile Kathy’s state was, I implored Pat to be civil and respect Kathy’s and my feelings about what had transpired. 

“Is this a formal or informal meeting?”  

“No, it’s nothing formal just wear something comfortable.”  

When I told Kathy about the call and that Thursday evening was on, she seemed relieved. 

“Well, at least she’s taking your calls.”  

I decided not to ask her what she meant by that, but I assumed she had been calling Pat, too.  

Kathy seemed manic that Thursday morning. She had planned a nice dinner and made her special killer dessert. You’d thought the President or some royalty was coming to dinner. About eight minutes after six the doorbell rang; I went to answer it. As I looked back over my shoulder, Kathy stood by the table. Her hands clasped together as if beseeching a favorable outcome from the gods. I assumed it was just a coincidence.  

Opening the door, it was Pat. I invited her in. 

“Can I take your coat?” 

Entering, she stopped under the foyer’s entry light. Removing her overcoat, a cloud of honeysuckle perfume enveloped me. Once fully illuminated, I felt a stirring in the nether region below my belt. Damn, she looked magnificent. Her flaxen hair had a brilliant sheen that made it sparkle like ice crystals on a snowy moonlit night. 

Her makeup had the slight hint of gold flakes that highlighted her beautiful blue eyes and lovely high cheeks. A thin gold chain graced her neck, stopping just above her cleavage and highlighting her ample bosom. Her mini-dress hem ended about two inches below the V in her legs. Wearing six-inch, black stilettoes, she was taller than my five foot ten. She struck a commanding figure.  

Pat has the sexiest walk I’ve ever seen. Her butt just swishes from side to side with no post butt jelly jiggle – nice and tight. What a sight it was as she sashayed toward Kathy. Pat was sans underwear because I could see her twat when her dress flipped up as she moved her hips. I just stood there admiring the view. Kathy seemed to be likewise impressed with her dress. 

“You look so beautiful tonight. You didn’t have to dress for us.”  

“I didn’t dress for ‘us’, I dressed for you.”  

Kathy blushed with acceptance, saying, “Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll pour you some wine. We have this nice Malbec that we think is great. I believe it’s rated at 92 points.”  

Dinner was great. Kathy hadn’t cooked like that in a long time. The conversation was lively and flowing. Kathy seemed to be fawning over Pat’s every need. It was, “Do you want more wine? Can I get you more veggies? How’s the roast? Do you like the dessert?” 

“Is there anything else I can do to make you comfortable?”

Pat answered, “Yes, let’s have this talk you wanted!”  

Well, that changed things in a hurry.  

“Why don’t you ladies go to the living room while I clear the dishes and then we can all talk about it.” 

“Thanks, Honey. You’re the sweetest.”  

In a couple of minutes, we were all sitting in the living room. Kathy and I took spots on the couch while Pat sat in the overstuffed chair just opposite us.  

“Let me start. Pat. We like you very much, but Kathy has some issues with the way you treat her.” 

Responding with a questioning look in her beautiful eyes, “What exactly do you mean, Kathy?” 

My wife replied in a soft timid voice, “Well, it’s hard to put into words, but I think you boss me around too much.” 

It sounded like she was afraid to take ownership of what she was saying.  

“If I’m hearing you correctly, you don’t want me to tell you to do things even though you really like doing them?” 

“Kathy said she didn’t like doing some of the things you make her do.”  

Taking offense to my response, Pat retorted in a raised tone, “Let Kathy speak for herself…. Kathy, don’t the things I make you do bring you pleasure? More pleasure than you’ve ever experienced?”  

Kathy stammered, “W…ell, yeesss, but I feel out of control when I’m around you.”  

“So, you don’t like me teaching you things that bring you pleasure?”  

“No, no, I like that part, but I don’t want… How can I put these feelings into words?” You could see her brain searching for precisely the right phrasing.  

Annoyed, Pat snapped back, “Well, make up your mind. You like what I make you do, but if I didn’t boss you around, you would never do them? Which is it going to be?”  

I thought to myself, “Pat has got a point.” I watched as Kathy was racking her brain to try and get a sentence together that made sense. What came out was, “I don’t know.”  

Just then Pat slid forward in her chair, and as she did, her skirt slipped up while her legs parted a few inches. Both Kathy and I noticed. My cock started to get hard because Pat definitely wasn’t wearing any panties. I could just see a glint of dampness between her legs. Kathy slipped her hand between her legs and squirmed in her seat.  

Pat demanded, “Look me in the eyes and say that you don’t want me to boss you around anymore.”  

Pat purposely spread her legs a few inches wider as Kathy and I both gazed at her lovely snatch. Her pussy lips were spread and you could see her wetness. Fuck, she was a hot piece.  

Her pussy looked like it was saying, “I dare you to say that you don’t want me.”  

Kathy’s eyes lingered then darted from Pat’s pussy as she burrowed her hand deeper into her crotch and began looking at the floor like she was an eight-year-old child in trouble.  

She mumbled, “I can’t.”  

In a commanding voice, Pat said, “You can’t what? Look me in the eye or can’t stop having me boss you around?”  

I was glad Pat wasn’t my boss because I would have been mush after she said that. I wouldn’t have had a response to that question. The way her piercing blue eyes bore down on Kathy, I didn’t know what she could or would say, if anything. I could see Kathy was putting some real thought into what she was going to say.  

After a long thoughtful pause, Kathy mumbled again, “I can’t… stop having you… boss me.”  

I couldn’t believe my ears. “Kathy, what the FUCK are you saying?”  

Pat interrupted, “You heard her! She wants me to teach her more things. The way I see it; you can help or we can work it out without you. What’s it going to be?”  

I looked at my wife. She still had her head down with her eyes staring at the carpet as her foot drew circles in the weave.  

“Well, Pat, since Kathy doesn’t seem to want to break this off with you, who am I to stop it? We’ve always done everything together, so I guess we’ll do this together, too.”  

Kathy’s beautiful blue eyes, that seemed to be near tears, brightened and looked in my direction. A slight grin replaced the pout that had been on her lips. She said in an appreciative voice, “Oh, would you?” as she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly.  

“What the hell! I’ve drank my own cum; let another guy get your ass-cherry; watched a guy split you in two with a cock so big that it made me feel like a dwarf. I’ve sucked other guys’ cocks and drank their cum. Why wouldn’t I do this for you? But either of us can call this off at any time!”

We both looked at Pat. She had a mischievous smile and a gleam in her eyes that seem to say, “I’m glad you saw it the only way it could be.”  

“Of course, anytime you want to stop this relationship, we’ll stop. When do you want to start?”  

At the time, she was the only one in the room who knew where this would end.  

“Now!” Kathy enthusiastically replied.  

“Ok, let’s see… Kathy, tell your husband to get the captain’s chair from the dining room and bring it in here. I have to get something out of my car.”  

Retrieving the chair, Pat returned from her car with a large gym bag full of God knows what.  

Pat looked at Kathy and said, “Do you know how to make your husband so hot that he’ll do anything for you?”  

“Suck his cock?”  

“No! No! No!… Once you do that, he doesn’t have to do shit. Tell him to put the chair across from the sofa, take his clothes off and sit in it.”

Kathy looked at me and said, “Honey, take your clothes off and sit in the captain’s chair, please.”  

“No more of that “Honey” bullshit and forget the “please” crap, too.”  

Pat looked at me sternly and said, “Get out of those fucking clothes and sit in that chair, now, you fuck! You, say it, Kathy!”  

Kathy repeated it exactly like Pat had said, even the tone was close to the same except she had a smile, not a scowl, on her face.  

Wow! That was something I never heard from a woman before. It was a real turn-on, and I felt my cock begin to stir. Taking off my clothes, I sat down in the chair.  

Looking at Kathy, “You know how hot your hubby gets when he watches us have sex? Well, we are going to use that to help us.”  

Pat began rummaging around in her gym bag of stuff and pulled out some duct tape and paper strips. She walked in my direction.  

“Put your hands on the chair arms. I’m using the paper to keep from gumming up your furniture.”  

As I did, she began to wrap the paper then the duct tape tightly around my wrists. This was kind of exciting in a perverted way. My cock began to lengthen as she did the same thing to my ankles.  

Pat noticed. “I think this relationship might work out. See he’s getting worked up already.”  

Kathy looked over my way, smiled a smile I’d never seen from her before like when you were a kid and fried ants with a magnifying glass – kind of fiendish.  

After I was securely fastened to the chair, Pat told Kathy, “Now, go over to him and let your hair just glide over his crotch and watch what happens.”  

My wife walked over to me; bent over and just swayed her head back and forth so that her hair just touched my ever-expanding cock area. It felt great. It was so soft and tickled like a thousand fingers stroking my cock, which reached its full hardness. Pat grabbed Kathy by the hair and pulled her upright with a jerk.  

“Girl, you’ve got to let your hair grow out! That’s an order. Let me show you how it’s done.”  

Pat’s long blonde hair began to slide over my legs and cock. She then took a handful and wrapped it around the base of it and began to slowly stroke it. The sensation felt great encased in a cocoon of hair.  

I was lost in the feeling and moaned, “That feels so good.”  

“See! That’s what you want. It’s all about the tease. He’s just about ready. Kathy, come over here and kneel down between his legs.”  

I was excited by that comment, thinking what might be on the horizon.  

Pat knelt down next to Kathy and instructed her.  

“I want you to lick the head of his cock using a lot of spit while pulling his foreskin down so the head is fully exposed for you to tease.”  

This treatment was making my cock feel good. Pat relayed additional instructions, “OK, now just slip the head of his cock into your mouth, but go down a little past the smooth neck below the head. Swirl your tongue around the circumference and do a low hum, while you are doing that.”  

Kathy followed orders precisely. Man, did that feel great. It was like a liquid vibrator. After about thirty seconds, Pat made my wife quit the stimulation. I was ready to fuck anything that passed by.  

“Kathy get out of those clothes and come over here! I want you to stand very close to me, but you can’t touch me until I say so. Understand!”  

“Yes, Pat.”  

“Don’t call me Pat when we’re doing this. Call me ‘My Mistress’. Go ahead, say it!”  

Kathy, with a blush on her cheeks and an embarrassed smile, meekly replied, “Yes, my mistress.”  

Once Kathy was as close as she could get without touching Pat, she leaned in and licked my wife’s lips, saying, “Smell my hair and neck, but don’t touch me.”  

I was going crazy watching these two beautiful women doing this strange but exciting courtship dance. My cock was as hard as I can ever remember, bobbing up and down with excited acceptance.  

“Oh, Pat, your hair smells so good.”  

“No, no, no! It’s My Mistress. Don’t make that mistake again or you’ll regret it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND, my little bitch?”  

My wife, anxious to please, replied, “I’m so sorry, my mistress. How can I make up for my mistake?”  

I don’t know what it was about this scene, but I was about to cum just from watching the interplay going on.  

“Take my shoes off, you little cunt!”  

My wife knelt before her highness and slowly slipped off one shoe then the other. Pat had spread her legs and taken an Amazon Warrior stance, standing directly over Kathy as the ordered task was performed.  

“Look up! Tell me what you see.”  

“I see your pussy, my mistress.”  

“What would you like to do with it?” 

“I want to eat it and make you cum, my mistress.”  

“Very good. All in good time, my lovely. All in good time. You may remove my clothes now, my sweet rug-muncher.”  

My wife slowly and sexily removed Pat’s dress, which was all she was wearing. Pat resumed her warrior stance and ordered Kathy to sit on the sofa with her legs spread, facing me.  

“Trainee, I want you to spread your legs and rub your clit lightly until your juices get started. Do you understand?”  

“Yes, my mistress.”  

Kathy began to stroke her clit and rub her index finger around on it in a circular pattern ever so lightly. Soon, her hips started to move unconsciously just a bit.  

Noticing this, Pat ordered, “You’re ready. Now Stop. I want you to spread your pussy lips so your husband can see your wetness.”  

Kathy reached down and delicately parted her lips to reveal the wetness at the base of her labia butterfly. My cock was throbbing just aching for a mouth or pussy to help relieve the built-up volcanic tension.  

Walking over to me, Pat said, “Would you like to fuck that? Or maybe eat it?”  

“Fuck, yes! That would be great, either one of those.”  

Pat meandered over to Kathy and began to rub two fingers up and down my wife’s slit then slipped them into her now dripping pussy. Kathy jumped and orgasmed on the spot. Working them around until they were thoroughly wetted, she extracted them and waved her fingers under her nose.  

And pronounced, “That’s some good pussy.”   

Ramming those sweet fingers into my mouth, ordered, “Lick her juices off.”  

My cock was really throbbing like a pile driver at a construction site. I devoured Pat’s fingers up to the knuckle – licking and sucking them deep into my mouth savoring every molecule. At that moment, I needed, not just wanted, my wife’s pussy in some fashion. The desire was epic. I struggled at the restraints that kept me from ramming my cock or tongue into her twat.  

Looking at me squirming, Pat smiled.  

“Look at how badly he wants you. See all the precum he’s oozing. It’s all the way down to his balls. Don’t you think he would do whatever you asked now?”  

Kathy looked at me with a devilish grin, “Yes, I think he would, my mistress.”  

“Do you want my rug-muncher to fuck you?”  

“Oh, yes, I do!”  

“What’s the magic word?”


Pat scolded, “No, the proper response is ‘Yes, your lady, please’.”  

Without thinking, I immediately replied, “Oh, yes, your lady, please.”  

Turning to my wife, “Do you want him to fuck you?”  

“Yes, my mistress, I do.”  

“If you want your wife to fuck you, you will have to do exactly as I say. Understand?”  

“Yes, your lady, I do,” was my unconscious response.  

Pat cut the restraints off and moved me toward the sofa. During this time, she told Kathy to stand with her nose in the corner. She positioned me such that I was kneeling with my chest on the sofa seat cushions.  

I thought that this was an unusual position for fucking my wife, turning back, asking, “How am I going to fuck my wife in this position?”  

A blur descended from above like an osprey diving on its prey, a loud clap as my glasses flew halfway across the room. I saw stars. My left cheek was on fire.  

“Motherfucker, that hurt!”  

Pat angrily responded, “Don’t question me! Your job is to do as I say! UNDERSTAND!!”  

The ringing in my ear was still reverberating, but I replied, “Yes, your lady.”  

Pat knew a lot more about sex than anyone I’d ever met, so I complied. After delving into her bag of tricks, Pat took my hands and pulled them behind my back and handcuffed me. She told me not to move. My face was still stinging, so I lay there motionless not wanting another assault from the heavens. I heard her tell Kathy to get on her hands and knees and back up.  

I felt her feet and legs going in between mine then more handcuffs placed on both Kathy and my ankles. Pat retrieved something from her bag. At this point, I was afraid to know.  

“Enjoy this, my little bitch.” 

From the squishy sound, Pat was fucking my wife. She began moaning. 

“Remember what you asked for? Well, you will be getting exactly what you asked for?”  

That’s when I felt a probe slip between my ass cheeks. My mind was racing – what the fuck – is Pat doing. I heard her tell my wife to push with her hips. Something penetrated my ass. 

“Push it in, bitch! Push it in. Push it in. Push it all the way in.”  

Her chanting made me flash back to my football days when the cheerleaders were encouraging us to score. I realized that my wife was ass-fucking me with a double-headed dildo and a thick one at that. My ass was on fire and hurt like a motherfucker. My brain was shorting out.  

After about six inches of the tool was up my ass, Pat looked at me and in a sarcastic tone ordered, “All right, now you push back. This way you can fuck your wife while she fucks you. This lesson is to teach you to ask specifically for what you want, so there’s no room for misinterpretation.”  

I pushed with my hips, Kathy moaned in acceptance and she pushed back. The dildo slid deeper into my ass. This went on for several minutes until we got a good rhythm. It began feeling very good. Pat was lightly stroking my cock and nuts while we performed this dance for her.  

“Oh, you should see how erotic this looks from here. Kathy’s juice is running down the dildo and it’s wetting your ass and balls. I’m getting so wet. You’re putting on a great show.”  

I felt Pat stroke my balls and then put her hand in front of my face. “Do you want a lick?”  

I offered my tongue and sucked my wife’s cummings off Pat’s hand and fingers like the last of the guacamole at a Cinco de Mayo festival. It definitely was Kathy’s cum. After a few more minutes, I was getting close. By the aroma in the air, coupled with the moaning and squishing, Kathy must have cum several times, but she still needed more.  

My cock began leaking precum like Niagara Falls; my nuts began to pull up for a cum blast when Pat commanded, “Everybody stop, now!”  

My balls were about to explode, but following her mistress’ command, Kathy froze immediately, leaving us both with about six inches of dildo in our respective orifices.  

Pat stood over me, “Who do you want to fuck – me or your wife? Be careful how you answer because there are consequences for either answer.” 

My mind was a frantic blur of thoughts trying to figure out which was the right answer. I really was in no state of mind to make any decision especially this one. If I chose Pat, my wife would be pissed, but I get to fuck her whenever I want. Fucking Pat is a great change of pace, and she really knows her way around fucking. I didn’t have enough time to think it through and blurted out, “I’ll fuck you, your lady.”  

“You have chosen. From now on, you can only fuck me, AND you can only fuck me when I say so. You will also worship my pussy by fucking it with your tongue whenever I command. Your wife’s beautiful pussy is mine and mine alone. However, I will let my little bitch fuck you whenever she wants, but you must do it just like I taught you. Do you understand?”  

Oh no, I had chosen poorly. I was fucked in the worse way. I replied in a disheartened voice, “Yes, your lady.”  

Pat released the handcuffs holding Kathy’s ankles and ordered me to lie on my back. It was uncomfortable as the cuffs dug in. Kathy removed herself from the dildo, but Pat ordered her not to remove it from my ass. I thought, well, at least I’ll get to fuck Pat’s pussy.  

Pat then lowered her beautiful cunt toward my face. 

“After you say, “I love your pussy.” You may lick me.”  

“I love your pussy, your lady.”  

Pat rested her pussy lips on my mouth, and I began devouring it.  

Pat told Kathy, “I want you to slowly stroke the tool in and out. See how much you can get in him. It has inch markers on it. Shout out how deep it goes. Keep fucking him until I tell you to stop.”  

Pat’s pussy tasted delicious, and soon she was cumming in a flurry of tongue lashes. A full feeling came over me like after a large meal, while Kathy pushed this rubber cock up my ass. I heard six inches, eight inches, and finally a last push nine inches. I swear I could taste the rubber cock in my mouth as I ate Pat’s pussy.  

My cock was still rock hard and leaking precum. I needed some relief when Pat dismounted my face. Kathy kept pumping that rubber cock in and out of my ass as Pat guided her pussy toward my six-inch phone pole. She slid down on it and rested with it fully inside her snatch. Her warmth was wonderful like sitting by a fire on a cold night. After about thirty seconds, I began to feel her pussy grip my cock and release as she sat there unmoving, impaled on my member.  

Her pussy began squeezing my cock again. All the while my wife was fucking me with that dildo. My head was spinning. It felt like Pat was trying to crush my cock with her Kegels like it was an old jalopy at the junkyard. This went on for about ten minutes. Never moving an inch other than her pussy muscles, Pat was motionless. My nuts couldn’t take it any longer and blew the biggest load ever.  

“That was nice.”  

Pat removed herself from my rapidly shrinking member then moved to the sofa. Spreading her legs, “Kathy, get your husband’s cum out of me.”  

My wife leapt to the opportunity leaving six inches of dildo still up my ass. She was licking and sucking my seed from that beautiful, blonde pussy all the while moaning in delight and asking, “Is this good, my mistress?”  

When Pat was satisfied with the number of orgasms she’d had, she got up, dressed.  

Looking at Kathy, “You can keep the dildo. Remember, your pussy belongs to me now. He can only fuck you using the dildo, and it must be in his ass, too. If he wants to eat your pussy, you must use the dildo and let him suck your juices off. If you do not follow my instructions, I will know and then I’ll have to punish you. Believe me, you don’t want that! I’ll see you in a week.”  

Pat reached down and removed the handcuffs; took her magic bag and left.  

My wife and I, with the dildo still in my ass, lay there, spent from the events that had transpired, but anxious to find out what awaited.

Published 2 years ago

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