Peter took his shower with a massive hard-on, the pulse of his shaft keeping it alive and well, fueled by thoughts he knew he shouldn’t be having. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to jerk off right there and give himself the release he so desperately needed.
He turned the water off and grabbed a towel to dry himself off, the smell of restaurant food and sweat washed from his skin. He then grabbed his pants and boxers and tossed them in the dirty clothes hamper just outside the bathroom, knowing full well he wouldn’t be needing them in the immediate future. He could hear moans coming from his bed, a pair of naked legs visible from around the corner, squirming and writhing and kicking the bedsheets.
“Having fun over there?”
Her toes curled at the sound of his voice.
“Not as much fun as I could be having.”
He looked over his shoulder with a sigh. His phone was still sitting on the countertop. He couldn’t bring it with him in case she found herself in the mood for snooping, and he couldn’t leave it there in case she had to use the bathroom and suddenly found herself in the mood for snooping. So he picked it up, double checked to make sure it was still on silent, and hid it face down underneath the pant leg of his work pants. Then he made his way down the hall to the sight of the naked woman laying in his bed with her legs splayed, her fingers working her clit in circles. She let out a soft gasp when she laid eyes on the rock hard erection swinging between his thighs.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been that hard this entire time.”
He nodded.
“I’ve been saving it for you.”
“God, that’s so hot.” She moaned louder, her back arching as she rubbed her clit faster. “Come closer, baby. I wanna taste it again.”
He walked over to the edge of the bed and watched as she rolled over on her stomach and positioned her face in front of the tip of his cock. It glistened with a drop of precum. She stuck out her tongue to lick it off. His hips twitched as he let out a sharp gasp. She looked up at him, her open smile laced with mischief. She grabbed the base of his shaft, holding it steady as she swirled her tongue around the head, her eyes closed, her breath heavy with a longing that she craved satisfaction for.
But for now, she focused on him, sliding her lips over the swollen glans, sucking on it just enough for him to tilt his head back and let out a low moan. Her hand ran up and down the lower half of his shaft, her lips making their way past the ridge, forcing her to breathe through her nose. She barely made it a third of the way down before taking it out of her mouth to catch her breath, stroking it faster and tilting it up to run her tongue along the underside of its length.
“Fuck, baby. What’s gotten into you? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this hard before.”
“I don’t know.” The places where she licked and kissed him made it hard for him to focus, hard for him to say the words he knew she wanted to hear. “I think it was all that teasing you did earlier. It drove me wild.”
“I can see that,” she said with a giggle, scraping her teeth across her bottom lip as she marveled at the way his veins throbbed in her grasp. “You are gonna fuck me with this thing, right?”
He answered by grabbing her shoulders and rolling her over onto her back. She laughed and moaned at the same time, scooching herself up on the bed and resting her head on the pillow as he climbed on top of her. The bed springs creaked under their shifting weight. He knew they could take it though. They both did.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and locked him in place, her breath heavy as he rubbed his cock against the slick, swollen lips of her pussy, raising her hips higher and higher with each pass.
“Oh, God. Don’t tease me. Not today. I need to feel it.”
“Yeah?” He kissed the corner of her mouth, hopping his lips across her cheek to her earlobe. “Tell me how much and I’ll let you have it.”
A long, hot sigh slipped through her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her tits pressing against his chest, her nipples standing at full attention.
“I want it so fucking bad. I kept my pussy nice and wet for you. Can’t you feel it?” She did a little teasing of her own, grinding her hips against his, giving her hungry cunt permission to slobber all over his length. “I bet it would slide in so easily, and then I can feel it throbbing inside me.”
He responded with a moan, his hot breath flooding her ear as he raised his hips and reached between them to grab the base of his cock, pressing the tip against her clit until he felt it penetrate her entrance. She took things over from there, her legs hugging his waist tight and guiding him inside, her pussy swallowing every inch with greed.
“Fuck.” He pressed his mouth against the base of her jaw, his skin basking in the rising heat of her body.
They had fucked four days out of the week for well over a month, sometimes three or four times a day depending on how horny they were for each other. But her pussy had never been as tight or as wet for him as it was in that moment. The friction and the grip were enough for him to lose control in a matter of seconds, the pace of his hips led by the volume of her moans. No more teasing, no more begging. No more cute little back-and-forths between them. The increasing pleasure was too much for either of them to form words, even those typically spoken in the heat of the moment.
The bed began to rock back and forth; the headboard tapping against the wall. She clung to him, her body tight and tense beneath his weight, her back arching with each thrust. He knew she was gonna cum soon, and so was he. His cock felt like it was gonna melt inside her, driving him to fuck her harder and harder until he could hear the smack of his skin against hers. Her hips bucked against his pelvis, her moans loud and sharp. That was his cue for release. He no longer held back, allowing a torrent of semen to unleash inside her that had been building up for far too long. His moans turned into grunts, guttural and raw, his mind going blank with a white fog of unadulterated pleasure.
“Oh, my God.” Her voice brought him back to reality. It wasn’t until he pulled out when he realized just how much he had filled her up. He didn’t even have to look to know that gobs of cum were dripping from her pussy onto the bedsheets. “Oh, my fucking God.” Her chest heaved against his, her arms and legs going limp, her body sticky with sweat. “That was…”
“Uh-huh,” he panted with her, laying his full weight on top of her, unable to keep himself propped up on his forearms any longer. “It was, wasn’t it?”
She giggled as she kissed the side of his face, her lips tender and playful.
“You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time, you know that?”
“Really?” He lifted his head up to look in her eyes.
“Uh-huh,” she nodded. “I mean, I know it’s just sex, but it feels like more than a good lay.”
“What’s it feel like then?”
“I dunno,” she shrugged. “I just know I don’t want it to end.”
“Me neither,” he said with a smile contagious enough to bring out one from her.
“Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
“Yeah, me too.” He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be right back. I have to use the bathroom.”
“Okay, don’t keep me waiting too long.”
“I won’t, promise.” He knew her words were likely a precursor for round two. He also knew she wouldn’t find it unusual that he had to pee after sex. He climbed off of her and stood on his feet, taking a moment to find his balance before making his way down the hall. He retrieved his phone from its hiding place and waited until he was in the bathroom with the door closed to check his messages. There was nothing new waiting for him.
Peter: Hey, you there?
He sat on the toilet and stared at the screen, his heart racing in anticipation.
Kim: Yeah, I’m here.
Kim: What did you think of the picture?
Peter: I thought it was nice. You still look exactly as I remembered you.
Kim: That’s it? Just nice? Come on, Pete. You can do better than that. Don’t hold back, okay?
Peter: Okay, I thought it was sexy.
Kim: How sexy?
Peter: Really sexy. I never knew you had a tattoo.
Kim: Yeah, I got that after graduation.
Kim: That’s not the only place I have one though.
Peter: Where else do you have one?
Kim: On the small of my back just above my ass. Guys really seem to like it.
Peter: Tramp stamp?
Kim: Yeah, tramp stamp.
Kim: Is that all that caught your attention though? Just the tattoo?
Peter: Well, no, it wasn’t.
Peter: But before we take things further, there’s probably something I should tell you.
Kim: You’re seeing someone, aren’t you?
Peter: Yeah, I am. Nothing serious. Just a fling.
Kim: Yeah, I figured there was a reason why you were holding back.
Kim: Just like old times, huh?
Peter: Yeah, just like old times. For better or worse, I guess.
Kim: Yeah, no kidding.
Peter: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to turn you down.
Kim: No, it’s fine. I understand.
Kim: Do you want to though?
Kim: Turn me down, I mean.
Peter: No, I don’t.
Kim: You were gone for a while. May I ask what you were doing?
Peter let out a heavy sigh. Telling each other about their sexual experiences was nothing new to them, but this time felt different.
Peter: We were having sex.
Kim: How was it?
Peter: It was the best we’ve ever had between us actually.
Kim: Damn, that sounds hot.
Kim: What made this time different though?
Peter: Honestly, I think it was because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.
A silence followed that challenged Peter’s patience and comfort, giving him time to ask himself what he wanted from this, what he was expecting, and what he should expect. He didn’t like the answers to any of those questions.
Kim: Where are you now?
Peter: In the bathroom. I don’t want her to know I’m talking to you.
Peter: I don’t mean to keep it a secret. It’s just, you caught me off guard and I don’t know how she’s gonna react to it.
Kim: It’s okay, I get it.
Kim: You should go talk to her though. You don’t have to tell her about us if you don’t want to. I just don’t want to get you in trouble with her.
Peter: Yeah, you’re probably right.
Kim: Don’t lose my number though.
Peter: I won’t.
Kim: Promise?
Peter: Promise.
Peter stood up, flushed the toilet, pretended to wash his hands, and brought his phone with him as he made his way back down the hall, only to realize it was all a waste of effort. The woman in his bed had rolled over on her side and fallen asleep, her back turned to him. He approached the edge of the bed, placed his phone on the nightstand, and pulled the covers over her naked body; not to keep her warm, but to make sure she really was asleep. She stirred a little, but she didn’t roll over or speak.
He climbed into bed himself, pulling the covers over his waist before grabbing his phone.
Peter: She’s asleep.
Kim: Aww, you wore her out.
Peter: Yeah, I guess I did.
Kim: How long have you two been together?
Peter: Five weeks now, I think.
Kim: Wow. Personal record, huh?
Kim: Do you think it’s gonna go anywhere?
Peter: No, I doubt it. She’s fun and all, but it’s just sex.
Kim: And what if you and I ever hooked up? Would that be just sex?
Peter: That’s different.
Kim: How so?
Peter: Because we have history.
Kim: We do, don’t we?
Peter: Yeah.
Peter: Can I ask you something?
Kim: Sure, go for it.
Peter: What made you want to get back in touch with me after all this time?
Kim: Life, shitty relationships, a longing for the good old days.
Kim: You name it.
Peter: And what made you want to send that picture?
Kim: I wanted to see how you would react.
Kim: I’ve been thinking about you for a while now, what could’ve been and all that.
Peter: So when you said you just happened to see my number on your phone, that was just a ruse?
Kim: Just a bunch of bullshit, yeah.
Kim: I didn’t want to come across as too desperate.
Peter: I understand.
Peter: And you don’t.
Kim: What did you do after I sent it?
Kim: I mean, I know you fucked your girlfriend, but did you do anything before that?
Peter: Are you asking me if I jerked off to it?
Kim: Yeah, I am.
Peter: I didn’t.
Peter: But I wanted to.
Kim: Really?
Peter: Yeah, I had a raging hard-on the entire time I was in the shower.
Kim: Did you want to stroke yourself?
Peter: Yeah, so fucking bad.
Kim: You should’ve.
Kim: I understand why you didn’t, but it would’ve been so fucking hot.
Peter: Are we really talking like this right now?
Kim: Yeah, we are.
Kim: And I don’t want to stop.
Peter: Me neither.
Kim: What are you doing right now?
Peter: Laying in bed.
Peter: I’m naked.
Kim: Is your girlfriend naked too?
Peter: Yeah, she is.
Kim: That’s kind of cute in a sexy way.
Peter: What are you doing right now?
Kim: I’m laying in bed too.
Kim: Teasing my pussy through my panties.
Peter: Fuck.
Kim: Is that turning you on?
Peter: Yeah, it is.
Kim: Good.
Kim: Stroke yourself for me.
Peter: I am.
Peter: God, I’m so fucking hard.
Kim: I’m touching my bare pussy now. It’s so wet for you.
Peter: I wish I was there right now.
Kim: Me too.
Kim: I want you to fuck me.
“Babe?” Her voice brought him back to reality. She rolled over and caught him on his phone with his erection in his hand. “What the hell are you doing?”