‘Hi, Kate! I’m home!’
‘Oh, no. Mum’s home! Quick – get dressed!’
Kate and I quickly separated, and hurriedly put our underwear back on, and tidied our school uniforms. Then we heard her mother calling again. This time sounding very cross.
‘Kate! Kate! Come down here this minute!’
Uh oh…
Giving me a wild look, Kate hurried out of the room, and I quickly followed.
‘Hi, Mum – this is…’
‘What’s this, Kate? How did this happen?’
The broken pieces of plate – Mrs Milton’s precious hockey trophy – lay on the dining room table where Kate had put them. We’d been too preoccupied with each other to do anything else with them when we’d entered the house.
‘I can’t believe you broke my hockey plate! I knew I should never have let you take it to school. I’ll tell you now, young lady, you’d better have a good explanation, or you’ll be straight over my knee! I’ll give you the spanking of your life!’
‘Mum – I’ll explain! It was an accident at school, and…’
‘An accident? What kind of accident?’
‘Well, I – I was showing the plate to a friend during break, and – and…’
‘It kind of got dropped…’
‘I’m not listening to this! Go and get my hairbrush. Then you can take your knickers off so I can give you a bloody good hiding! Who is this?’
‘This – this is my friend, Judy.’
My heart missed a beat. She just called me her friend…
‘Well, it’s a shame to have one of your friends here to witness this, but I’m in no mood to listen to any more of your drivel. You cannot believe how cross I…’
I could see Kate looking at me in desperation.
‘Mrs Milton…?’ I interrupted. ‘Mrs Milton? – I’m sorry, Mrs Milton, it was my fault, not Kate’s.’
‘What do you mean it was your fault? What are you talking about?’
‘The – the accident with your plate. It was my fault, really. I – I tried to grab it from Kate, and – and then I dropped it. It – it was me that broke your plate, Mrs Milton. I’m really sorry.’
My confession seemed to halt Mrs Milton’s tirade for a moment. When she started again, she was slightly less vehement, though still very angry.
‘Well, Kate shouldn’t have had it in school in the first place. I told her it wasn’t a good idea to take it, and she went against my advice. Even if it was your fault like you say, she still deserves a good spanking.’
‘No – please, Mrs Milton! Kate was being really careful with it. Everybody knew it was special. It really was all my fault. If – if anyone should be spanked, it should be me, not Kate. I – I was the one punished at school.’
Mrs Milton quietened down for a moment, looking thoughtful. Then she frowned at me.
‘I recognise you. Aren’t you the Head Girl? Judy – Judy…?’
‘Judy Adams. Yes, Mrs Milton, I’m the Head Girl.’
Her frown deepened. ‘Kate’s talked about you – you and Kate are friends, did you say? And you were punished at school today, for – for whatever happened?’
Mrs Milton looked at her daughter, who was nodding as she said this.
‘Yes, Mrs Milton. The Headmistress caned me because – because I caused a bit of an incident, when I broke the plate. I’m sorry, Mrs Milton.’ I felt myself colouring up as I apologised, feeling ashamed again. I kept my eyes down, not wanting to look Mrs Milton in the eyes.
‘So, you’re suggesting you should be spanked instead of Kate, are you…?’
‘Er, yes, Mrs Milton.’ Remind me – why was I doing this again?
‘I see. And, you’re volunteering to take Kate’s place across my knee?’
‘I – I don’t know, Mrs Milton. I – I guess so. I think it’s probably more appropriate…’
‘That’s all very well, Judy, but you are not my daughter. What would your mum say? She should be the one spanking you!’
‘She – she’s not really the spanking type, Mrs Milton.’
‘Well, judging by what you’ve told me about your behaviour, Judy, maybe she should be the spanking type!’
I thought about it. Did I really want to go down this road? I looked up at her.
‘You’re probably right, Mrs Milton. But she won’t – she doesn’t believe in it. If – if you think I deserve to be spanked, it’s only likely to happen if you do it…’
‘Yes, Judy, I understand what you are saying, but I don’t really have any authority to spank you, do I? And even if I did, I’m not sure…’
‘That’s not a problem, Mrs Milton,’ I interrupted. ‘I’m over eighteen now – I’m allowed to make those kinds of decisions for myself. I – I could give you the authority, couldn’t I? – and anyway, I’m sure my mum would think I deserved it, even if she didn’t actually spank me herself.’
Kate’s mum paused, obviously thinking.
‘I just want to be clear – are you saying you want me to spank you, Judy?’
Was I? That funny fluttery feeling was back in my tummy. And my pussy was nudging me, too. Did I want Mrs Milton to spank me?
‘Mrs Milton, I – I feel responsible, and if it saves Kate being punished…’
‘Well, in that case, Judy, I won’t deny that I think you deserve it. That plate was very special to me – it was a major hockey award from when I was at school.
‘But much though I would like to punish you, you should know what you are letting yourself in for. When I punish Kate, I make sure she gets a very hard spanking, and I use my hairbrush. I wouldn’t treat you any differently, Judy, just because you are not my daughter. I need you to understand that.’
I swallowed as I thought about what she’d said. The thing was, I could feel getting excited by her words.
‘Yes, Mrs Milton.’
‘And from what you’ve told me, now I’ve had time to calm down and think about it, I probably wouldn’t punish Kate anyway. So, don’t feel you need to do it to save her. It’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to accept my punishment.’
My thoughts were getting all jumbled up. I looked at Kate, but she just smiled serenely back at me. Or did I detect the hint of a nod? My heart started racing. I had that reckless feeling again.
‘That’s okay, Mrs Milton. I’ll accept your punishment. I know I deserve it, and – and it would probably make me feel better.’ In for a penny…
‘Very well then, if you are sure about this…?’
She gave me a hard look. I nodded at her in reply.
‘…You may as well take your skirt off, and remove your knickers as well. Spankings in this family are always on the bare bottom…’
With a surreal feeling, I glanced at Kate, who was watching me with a slightly mocking smile, and then took off my skirt. I felt myself going red as, for the second time that day, I slid my knickers down my legs, and I could feel both Kate and Mrs Milton looking at me.
‘Come and bend over my lap, Judy. Kate – hand me the hairbrush – thank you!’
She went silent for a moment, and I could feel her studying me.
‘Hmmm, well I can see that you’ve been thoroughly caned – and it looks to me like you’ve already been spanked, young lady – and recently! Though not very hard by the looks of it. I don’t know what that’s about, and I don’t think I want to know – it makes no difference anyway. You’re about to get a much harder spanking! Are you ready?
‘Y – yes, Mrs Milton.’
‘Very well.’ And she started.
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
Jesus! It was like an instant fire being lit on my bottom! There was no comparison to the spanking Kate had given me – there was nothing erotic about it, and it was a lot more painful. And it was so different to the cane! It was so much more intense! Swat after painful swat – Mrs Milton was relentless with her hairbrush.
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
I started yelling and kicking my legs almost from the start. Mrs Milton wasn’t having it, though. She locked my legs down with one of her own, and put her spare hand between my shoulder blades to restrict my struggling.
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
‘Stop wriggling, Judy – you’re only making it worse!’
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
I could hear myself starting to sob, and felt the tears start to run down my face.
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
Kate told me later that her mum spanked me for five minutes straight with that bloody hairbrush, though it seemed an awful lot longer!
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
When we discussed it afterwards, Kate reckoned her mum spanked at about eighty swats a minute – you work it out! My bottom felt every single one of them!
Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat! Splat, splat, splat, splat, splat!
When Mrs Milton finally finished spanking me, my bottom literally felt like it was on fire, and twice its normal size. I could feel it was swollen and bruised. It was so much more intense than the caning I’d had earlier that day, and I knew I’d been given a really good hiding.
‘There, Judy. All done.’
Still sobbing, I couldn’t move. After a couple of minutes lying there, trying to recover, I felt Mrs Milton pull me around by my shoulders. I slid off her lap onto my knees, and she put her arms around me.
‘I’m sorry I had to do that, Judy. But I think you know you deserved it – you told me that, or I wouldn’t have done it.’
‘I – I know I did, Mrs Milton. I’m re – really s – sorry about your plate! ‘ I sobbed.
‘I know you are. And I think we both feel a lot better now. Thank you for being honest with me.’
I looked up at her with my teary eyes.
‘Now, go upstairs with Kate and clean up before you go home.
‘Yes, Mrs Milton.’
‘And Judy?’
‘Yes, Mrs Milton?’
‘Any time you think you need a spanking, you only have to ask,’ she said with a knowing smile. ‘You just need to give me “permanent” authority…’
My eyes went wide as she said this. Was it that obvious?
‘Yes, Mrs Milton,’ I whispered.
‘Though if I think you deserve one, I may not always give you a choice in the matter. Think about it…’
‘Yes, Mrs Milton.’
I let Kate lead me back to her room. As soon as she closed the door behind us, she spun around and pinned me against the wall, holding my wrists above my shoulders.
‘How do you feel?’
I smiled ruefully. ‘Very, very sore!’ My eyes were red, and I knew my face was tear-streaked. I must have looked awful.
‘That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen!’ she said, almost wonderingly. Her eyes were shining.
Then she purposefully leaned into me and kissed me. Kissed me long and deep. After recovering from my surprise, I kissed her back. I could feel myself moaning into her mouth as our tongues intertwined. It was divine! Passionate! Wonderful!
When we finally broke apart, we were laughing.
‘Did you hear what your mum said at the end?’
‘Um, yeah – I think we’re busted, Little Miss Prissy.’ She said these last words with affection rather than any malice, and for the first time, I realised I liked her using the nick-name.
‘Do you think she minded?’
‘Nah – if she did, I think I’d have been joining you over her lap!’
‘Well, we wouldn’t want that, would we? All my efforts to get you out of a punishment wasted!’
‘God, no. I enjoyed watching it, Judy, but I didn’t want to swap places with you! Anyway, she sounded like she was quite keen to have you back over her lap at some point.’
‘Yes, she did, rather,’ I said thoughtfully.
‘You don’t sound too worried. Anyone would think you wanted to go back over her lap!’ said Kate, eyeing me with a wry smile.
Looking back at her, I realised how excited my pussy was feeling at her words, and I blushed without replying.
Kate laughed. ‘Whatever – I need to let you get cleaned up – it’s teatime and you have to go – unfortunately.’
She looked at me.
‘You can maybe stay another time – if you want to risk it!’
I smiled an affirmative at her in response.
Less than ten minutes later, Kate escorted me to the front door.
‘Bye, Mrs Milton,’ I called as I went past the lounge.
‘Bye, Judy. Feel free to come back any time!’
As I stepped out of the house, all of a sudden, for some stupid reason, I felt nervous and unsure of myself again. It had been such a wonderful afternoon, despite – or maybe because of – my spankings. Were Kate and I going out now? I looked at her uncertainly.
‘Kate, are we…?’
She slowly grinned at me.
‘Oh, I think so, don’t you? I’m not letting you off the hook that easily. Not after what we did this afternoon! I’ll see you at school tomorrow, Judy.’
A smile broke out on my face. I leaned forward and kissed her quickly on the cheek. She smiled back at me.
‘Don’t look so pleased with yourself – or you’ll find yourself back over my knee!’
I laughed. ‘Any time!’
‘Any time, huh? How about my mum’s knee, then?’
I wrinkled my nose, and in mock horror, put my hands on my sore bottom. Then, cocking my head to one side, I reflected.
‘Hers too, I guess. Tell her she can have the authority.’
Kate raised her eyebrows at me and I could see her miming the words ‘Oh, really?’ as I skipped down her path with a stupid grin on my face.
I skipped most of the way home, too, despite my very sore bottom; the silly grin on my face the whole time.
I finally had a friend!
And it looked like maybe more than a friend. Much more! My insides felt like peaches and cream. For the first time ever, I felt truly happy!