Watching Jaime undress, Gabriela unexpectedly had to bite back tears. There was nothing wrong with Jaime. Well, apart from being kind of a simp. He had, at least, never mistreated her. But she’d never imagined she’d ever lie with a man other than Alvaro. Alvaro’s body was so familiar to her, it had become part of the furniture of her life. She knew how he screwed his eyes up when he orgasmed. She knew how he liked his dick sucked (slowly and with plenty of kisses). She knew every ridge of bone, every mole, every scar on his body. She had only been with him, and she’d never seriously entertained the idea of being with someone else.
They had been together since they were fourteen. Seven years. The heart of her young life. But they’d broken up a month ago. She wanted to go away to college, and there was only one course she had her heart set on. He wanted to go to the city to start out on the career ladder. Every conceivable compromise had been discussed and suggested but, ultimately, neither had budged enough. There had been tears and recriminations. They were still very far from completely uncoupled.
So how was it that she was going to bed with Jaime? Well, she wouldn’t have, had she not heard on the grapevine that Alvaro had bedded a mystery woman.
‘So, moving on so fast, eh? You think you’re the only one who can still reel them in? I’ll show you…’
We’ll be hearing from Alvaro momentarily.
Jaime had been in love with Gabriela since the day they had met. This moment, for him, was like finding a winning lottery ticket. It was like he was dreaming, or perhaps he had died and heaven was opening up and the first thing he saw, his reward for his patience and virtue was…Gabriela. His Gabriela, yes, she had been his all along, she just hadn’t realized it, was undressing before his eyes…
There was that neck he had longed to kiss. Her long, soft neck with the mole behind her right ear, hidden behind the curtain of her brunette hair. There were those breasts that he had strained his eyes through gaps between buttons in her shirt to glimpse. There was that belly he had jerked off to while looking up photos of her in her bikini on facebook. And now she was pulling down her knickers….
Jaime was naked now, and she reached over and took his dick in her hands. She wasn’t going to make it easy for him…if he wanted a blow job, she was going to have an orgasm first. Jaime’s penis was, it had to be said, a little bigger than Alvaro’s. But she knew he had not been with many girls. She wasn’t even sure he wasn’t a virgin…
Jaime knew he had to keep calm. He wanted to satisfy her, not blow his load in a moment like some loser. Gabriela was reaching for a condom, but he said,
“No. Let me warm you up.”
He opened her legs and crawled in between them. Ah, the hair on her mound was trimmed beautifully. A work of art. It was darker than the hair on her head. And there, there was the scent he had longed to smell…Jaime breathed deeply, hoping to memorialise that smell forever. He began to lick her pussy gently, lovingly. He tried to convince himself that he was the first man there…
Gabriela felt Jaime’s tongue tickle her down below and her body responded accordingly. It felt nice, even if he was obviously hardly an expert. His tongue played around her clit and pressed between her lips and…mmmm…. Any thoughts that she might regret this were dissipating.
Jaime enjoyed licking Gabriela’s pussy, and he reached up to caress her buttocks with his hands. He was actually losing his hard-on a little, which was a good thing. Come, princess. Come. Close your eyes and focus on coming, he thought.
“Jaime, I’m ready,” she said quietly.
“Sure? I could stay down here all day!” he responded truthfully. She smiled.
“No, I need some more penetration. Let’s get that condom on.”
They rolled the rubber down his penis and he approached her, saw her open her legs to receive him, saw her breasts meld into her upper torso as she lay back. He felt her hand tickle the end of his cock as she guided him in. Oh Christ, that felt good. Come on…don’t come. Don’t come. You can’t come yet…
Oh, it felt so good! His penis was inside her and she was wet and warm and inviting, now she was throwing her arms around his neck…He closed his eyes, willing himself not to orgasm, though the sensitive tip of his cock was tingling all over as if it had been sprinkled with pixie dust.
Gabriela saw that he was close and was almost glad. She half wanted it over with, but he’d done a good job warming her up. If he could last just a few minutes….
“Let’s go cowgirl,” she suggested suddenly, not telling him that it was easier for a guy to last in that position. Jaime, who would have died a happy man had he expired that moment, was taken aback at being asked to pull out so soon, agreed. He wanted to ask her if he’d done something wrong in missionary but, wisely, thought better of it. He pulled out and took a deep breath.
Gabriela took to her knees, encouraging Jaime to roll onto his back. As she moved to the new position, Jaime stared in wonder at her body. Gabi eased herself onto his cock. It slid inside easily, and she began to rock back and forth. This was better, now she was in control. She felt Jaime reach up and pick at her right nipple with his thumb and forefinger.
“That’s good, like that!” she said encouragingly, feeling her nipples tingle pleasurably. She out her hands on his chest and began to bounce now, bounce rather than rock, and her juices were warming up. Jaime reached behind forward and grabbed one fistful of buttock and one fistful of breast. He was moaning now. Oh, don’t come, she thought. Just two more minutes.
“Oh Christ…oh Christ…,” Jaime made the mistake of leaning up on his elbows to kiss her neck. That brought their bodies close. It brought her scent back to his nose and it was as if a current ran directly down, down his nostrils, down his neck, past his chest and torso and when it reached his dick…
“Yes! Ah yes!” he cried out, his semen bursting out of his cock. At once, he regretted being so celebratory about it. She had to force herself not to roll her eyes.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly as she climbed off of him.
“It’s fine,” she said, in a tone that told him in no uncertain terms that it was not fine.
“Give me five minutes. We can try again. I’ve…been thinking about that for so long, Gabi.”
Gabriela went to the bathroom, feeling his eyes follow her, fixed on her bare ass. She’d give him another chance today at least. But her mind was very much on Alvaro.
Alvaro’s mind, meanwhile, was very much on Aimee. This was on account of his penis being in her mouth, erect and nearing orgasm. They were in the shower, and he was receiving her attentions standing up, bracing himself against the wall as hot water ran over both their naked bodies. He’d earned this. She’d come four times that night. His second orgasm of the night was building. Oh, she was good. She had started by tickling his glans with her tongue, but was now sucking firmly up and down his cock. His knees were starting to tremble. He wanted to come, but it was taking its time.
He heard her slurp a little, and she looked up at him, smiling. Her hair, short, curly and black, was drenched, which Alvaro thought was hot. Her blue eyes looked small without her glasses. Aimee was sexy. She had a little puppy fat around the middle. Not a lot, just enough to be cute and have something to really hold onto. She also wore her belly fat with confidence, which helped. Oh, it was like he was being denied. Orgasm just would not burst out. He took his cock in his hand and jerked quickly. She stood and squeezed his balls, and he put his left hand on her stomach, jerking harder and harder and then he came. Alvaro’s white semen poured out of his cock and onto her stomach. They kissed as she washed his jizz off of her body.
“Wow,” he said. “That was awesome.”
“Thanks!” Aimee replied, planting a kiss on his lips.
They dried and dressed and made breakfast.
“Beach today?” Aimee suggested.
Alvaro froze. He would be seen out with her. He’d be seen on a date with someone new. Behind closed doors was one thing, but in public…
“Sure. We can get lunch at the beach bar,” he said decisively. Moving on from Gabi was like ripping off a band-aid. He should do it quickly and decisively. Stepping out with Aimee was the first step.
Gabriela sat alone at the beach bar, staring out to sea. She had a beer, although it was only half past eleven in the morning. She looked around at the other people in the bar. They were families and couples, some with kids. The bar would, in fact, have preferred her to leave as she was taking up a table that a group could use. But she had no intention of budging. The shining sun wasn’t doing much for her mood. She felt terribly lonely, in truth. She missed Alvaro and she felt regretful and embarrassed at having slept with Jaime last night. The second time had, at least, been an improvement on the first. He had lasted a full twenty minutes, and she’d had an orgasm. But what left a bad taste in her mouth was his insisting on setting a time they could see each other again.
“Friday, yeah?” he’d said.
“I’d like to know, if you don’t mind. I’m happy to make plans around you, Gabi…”
Ufff, he was getting clingy already. She sipped her beer, staring out to sea. And then, to her horror, Alvaro arrived with Aimee.
He saw her at once and waved awkwardly. She nodded with a thin smile. Aimee and Alvaro, who were wearing a bikini and swim shorts respectively, sat at a table on the other side of the café.
Someone hasn’t been to the gym for a while, she thought cattily, looking at Aimee. But deep down, it smarted painfully to see him sitting with someone else. She was about to get up to leave when the young barman came over.
“Can I get you something else?”
He was welcome to get her his number, she thought. He was young, tall, and handsome in a boyish way. He had nice teeth and an immaculate crew cut. Gabi decided she wouldn’t be driven away. She moved to the bar and sat at it, where she commenced flirting with the hot barman in full view of her ex and his new lover.
His name was Josep, and five hours later he gave her the ravishing she’d wanted from Jaime. His cock was long and reached a hardness she’d never known a dick to achieve before. His arms were muscular and pinned her hands to the bed as he penetrated her. Lying on her back, Gabi hoped he wouldn’t catch a whiff of Jaime’s scent on the bedsheets. She let him guide her from position to position. Now she was on her back, legs high in the air. Now she was on her knees, feeling Josep’s hands gripping her buttocks as his penis pushed further and further in from behind her. Now she was riding his cock, and it was like the thing was made of granite, it was so hard. Josep was confident and in control, in all the ways Jaime had not been. He lasted just a little less than an hour and came spectacularly on her chest. She needed four tissues to clean off all the fluid that he had sprayed onto her breasts.
They lay around together for a while, then he initiated a restart. They made out for ages, and then Gabriella took control. She swung around and presented her pussy to him, angling it just above his face, and set to work on his penis. They had a long, slow sixty-nine. Gabi realized that more guys had licked her vagina in the last twenty-four hours than in all the twenty-one prior years combined.
Josep was skilled, and clearly practiced in cunnilingus. Gabi found it hard to concentrate on his cock, so pleasurable was his investigation of her pussy. His tongue was like a flexible dick, the way it pressed into her insides, now parting her labia, now tickling her clit. Christ, it felt good! She couldn’t help it. She began to moan. She began to gasp and then, as a pulse of pleasure flashed through her, an involuntary squeal. Josep’s tongue was going to make her come! She’d never orgasmed purely from oral sex before. Deep, deep he thrust his tongue. And she dipped down, taking his penis firmly in her mouth and dragging up, now stroking the top with her tongue, now pinching his glans gently between her lips…
Their orgasms were almost simultaneous. She felt hers bubble up and burst like a little firecracker within her insides. Seconds later, she felt Josep’s hips thrust his dick firmly into her mouth and then it shuddered, contracted. She felt the warm fluid coat the roof of her mouth.
“Holy shit!” gasped Josep. Gabriela swallowed his semen and climbed off. They sat up together.
“I needed that. Thanks, man,” she told him.
“Best shift ever,” he said with a laugh.
He asked for her number, and she willingly gave it.
Aimee was weirdly quiet during sex. Alvaro knew she had orgasms, but she never made so much as a sound. He remembered Gabriela during their love-making sessions. When he got it right, when he got her going, Gabi would scream.
But Aimee? Barely a peep out of her. Aimee liked to be tickled gently as she neared orgasm so, with his forefinger, he’d tickle her side and around her belly button, and she’d sort of shake around the shoulders when she came. And it was still weird seeing another woman naked in his bed. He wasn’t sure if Aimee would be anything serious. But he was certainly enjoying the sex. Aimee had a considerable appetite for sex, that was for sure. She came over at seven and they would go straight to bed, and not really leave it until the next morning. Very little sleeping was done. Orgasm, rest, repeat. She was almost demanding, in fact. Not sweet and demure, yet lustful in the act, like Gabi…
“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! Ah! Ah! Ahhhhh!” Gabriela felt her innards explode with pleasure as if a flower were opening inside them. She was lying on her back, her bare breasts shaking. Josep was pumping her hard. Lifting her legs, she’d got his dick in further and deeper than ever. Instinctively, she’d pulled her hair across her face and he gently pulled it back, wanting to see her o-face. Ah, there it was. Her jaw widened as she voiced her pleasure. Her eyes were like saucers. He felt her sweet breath on his face as she cried out, unable to contain herself.
Gabriela and Josep showered together. And when she came back to the bed, there was a message from Alvaro on her mobile phone. It said,
“Can we talk? I miss you. We can work something out.”
She climbed back into bed, taken aback.
“You ok?” Josep asked.
She nodded, but he sensed the change in her demeanor. He’d begun to rather like Gabi, beyond what she did for him physically. He’d begun to think about asking her to date properly. Half an hour later, Josep said,
“If there’s another guy, can you just tell me, please? I want to know now, so I don’t fall in love with you.”
She told him everything.
Alvaro and Gabriela sat down at eleven o’clock in the morning. They started to talk. They talked about what they wanted. How they felt about their separation. Their dabbles with new people. Alvaro felt a pang of pain when she told him about Josep. She didn’t tell him about Jaime. They discussed the future, and where they could meet halfway, and why they both wanted to do so. There was laughter and there were tears.
When they got up, it was nearly six in the evening. They walked hand in hand to the bedroom. Gabi insisted on undressing Alvaro. She pulled his pants down. She unbuttoned his shirt. There was that chest she had kissed so many times. There was his penis, hanging six inches down. She caressed his bottom. She ran her hands down his thighs. She had missed him. The raw sexual energy with Josep had been amazing. But the comfort and familiarity of the body of the man she had loved since she was a schoolgirl, that had a different kind of specialness to it. They rolled on a condom. Alvaro entered her, and he moved so, so slowly. He ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her neck. Gabriella looked down, past her heaving breasts, past her navel. She watched his cock move in and out. She wouldn’t have chosen to be anywhere else in the world.
As Alvaro and Gabi made love, their delight in their reunion increased the passion and the chemicals in their bodies went wild. She took to her knees, and Alvaro pounded her in the doggy position with an energy and enthusiasm that he had not felt in years. He was, in fact, thinking that by pumping extra hard, he might exorcise the ghost of the other man who had so outrageously taken his place, however briefly. At the same time, the idea of picturing Gabi with another man did, he had to admit, excite him a little. He closed his eyes and imagined her receiving a large, bald guy’s cock. Alvaro was watching them from the side of the bed, and Gabi looked up at him and, in his fantasy, she smiled…
Gabriela came easily that day. In fact, she had three orgasms. After the third, when Alvaro pulled out, Gabi decided to help him along. She gave it a few soft, gentle sucks and then began to jerk his penis. Alvaro smiled at her and closed his eyes as she worked his cock, blissfully happy. Two minutes later there was cum running down her chest between her breasts, and Alvaro’s semen seemed to be running along the same groove that Josep’s had the day before, as if it were rainwater refilling a river after the dry season.
They lay naked together, and it was hours before she knew that on her phone by the side of the bed there were six pleading messages from Jaime and one from Josep that simply said, “Good luck, Gabi. He’s a lucky guy, in bed and beyond.”