Valentine’s Day Ménage
Skylar climbed out of the back of her town car in front of the HH Studio’s mansion. The sound of a party in full swing filled the night air. The enormous Greek revival wasn’t part of an estate but situated on a fully landscaped back corner of the Studios production lot because it was used quite frequently for filming and events such as the annual Valentine’s Day Mixer.
Despite the bass vibrating everything within a two-mile radius, the volume of the music was actually at the perfect setting to allow for conversation without shouting. It offered all of the guests privacy without having to leave the room.
There were two security guards, one at the base of the steps and one right in front of the door. The first one asked to see her invitation, and the second one confiscated her cellphone until the end of the party. Skylar was reluctant to part with it, but she had no other choice, so dug it out of her clutch and handed it to him.
Once inside the mansion, Skylar cautiously made her way through the crowds of finely dressed guests. Men wore dark suits or tuxedos, while women wore clingy gowns that left little to the imagination. Everyone wore their required masks: black for the men and red for the women.
Obtaining a mask and invitation hadn’t been nearly as difficult as Skylar had feared. Her ability to roam around HH Studios without restriction had certainly come in handy. All she’d had to do was find out exactly who was in charge of the invitations and masks and then help herself to one of each when no one was looking.
She tried not to gawk like a newbie at the sensual décor filling the house; paintings and statues of couples or even groups in all kinds of sexual positions. Unlike the porn films HH Studios was famous for, though, the artwork wasn’t explicit. It provided only glimpses of nudity, creating an atmosphere of seduction, a sensual taunting everywhere people looked.
There was no crepe paper, glittery hearts, or cartoon cupids. Silk banners hung or draped, and crystal hearts caught the lights, glinting and appearing to glow. Urns filled with red roses and sparkling black foliage kept the color theme going.
Now that Skylar had managed to sneak into the party, she had no idea what to expect. It was her first time attempting such a thing. She’d had to wait until she was eighteen because the Studios’ parties were rumored to contain the same adult entertainment as the industry they reigned. Judging by the décor, alone, that much had to be true.
Knowing she wouldn’t be the only woman in search of them, Skylar kept her eyes peeled for her targets: Identical twin males, early forties, six-foot-three, trim yet muscular with dark hair and dusk-blue eyes. Damien and Devon Holland were the wealthy, gorgeous duo who owned HH Studios—along with a variety of other businesses belonging to the world of adult entertainment.
Sex toys, adult clubs, magazines, their influence stretched into every seedy nook and cranny, and Skylar wasn’t even sure it was all legal or above board. While they’d never been accused of any crimes, they certainly had a reputation for being men no one in the city wanted to cross.
“Tell me you’re new,” a man asked, brushing up behind Skylar.
Turning, she peered up at the older man with graying hair and brown eyes. She didn’t recognize his visible features, nor his voice.
“I’m not new, just here for the party,” she said.
“Then who’s your agent?” he asked.
“I’m not an actress,” she stated. “Nor do I have any desire to become one.”
He grinned and took a sip of his champagne. “I could change your mind.”
“No, you really couldn’t,” she said as she started stepping away from him.
He grabbed her arm just above her elbow with a tight grip, causing her to frown and turn back to the man. Skylar wasn’t used to being manhandled. No one would dare such a thing if they knew who she was.
“Excuse me, that’s not how this party works, sweetheart,” he said callously. “You don’t get to just brush off one of the most renowned directors in the industry while wearing a red mask.”
What? Skylar peered around and felt a hard ball of dread forming in her chest when she saw that some of the women were wearing black masks, while some of the men wore red. The numbers were just much greater in the other order, but obviously, it hadn’t meant what she thought it had. What the fuck did it mean?
But she also noticed that no one was pairing off or doing anything out of the ordinary. If there was some expectation for those wearing red masks, it didn’t appear that time had come yet.
“Look, I just arrived. It’s early yet. Everyone’s still socializing,” Skylar pointed out, gesturing to the room at large. “I’d like to get a drink, at least, and enjoy the party for a little while like everyone else.”
It was easy to tell his eyes had narrowed behind his mask, the corners of his mouth pulled down into a frown. Skylar thought he would argue, but after a moment he peered around, then relaxed some. He released her arm but trailed his fingers up and down it as he leaned closer.
“Go drink and party all you want,” he said, his tone just as callous as before. “But when the time comes, you’ll find that I’m not a man who gets dismissed so easily.”
Skylar had to keep from scoffing in his face. Thankfully, he turned and stalked away without another word. Now, she really had to find out what red masks meant. There was no way in hell she was going to do whatever that man was expecting. The very idea made her skin crawl.
After grabbing a drink at the bar, Skylar tried to act casual despite hurrying from room to room. She had to find out what kind of entertainment the guests were expecting. Down one of the hallways, she passed a door that wasn’t closed all the way, and the familiar timbre of the twins’ voices reached her ears.
Curious, she backtracked and peeked through the open crack in the door. The room appeared to be some kind of study. French doors were open to the terrace beyond, allowing the smoke from cigars to air out rather than linger.
Damien and Devon were sitting in matching armchairs, giving their attention to the man standing in front of them, telling a story. She couldn’t mistake them for anyone else, even with their black masks in place and only seeing them in profile. Suddenly, the door opened, and a different man almost walked right into her.
“Sorry, darling,” he said with a knowing tease to his voice. “No red masks in here.”
Skylar gave him a guilty smile and stepped aside, but after he exited, she looked back into the room before the door could close and found two identical sets of dusk-blue eyes staring right at her. Worried that they might recognize her if she stood there too long, she hurried down the hall in the same direction she’d been heading.
The first door she came to was locked, so she jogged to the next one and bolted inside, closing it quietly behind her. Skylar stood there for a moment and just breathed as softly as she could, listening for sounds of footsteps in the hallway.
When she was certain no one was coming after her, Skylar berated herself for being so paranoid. She’d taken steps to ensure no one could recognize her, but in the moment, it had been difficult not to fear it. She turned and peered around the room she’d entered. It was a small library, the walls lined with bookshelves. A fireplace stood in the exterior wall, flanked by windows. There appeared to be a door tucked into the far-left corner, so she crossed the room to it.
Skylar was surprised to find it unlocked and opened it slowly, unsure of what she might find on the other side. No sounds were coming from within, so she opened it further and poked her head inside.
A gasp escaped her mouth when she saw that it was a ballroom. It was strangely decorated, with banners of red silk hanging at even intervals down both sides of a middle aisle. There had to be two dozen in total. Skylar crept into the room, her eyes dashing to the other doors to make sure none of them were open or guarded.
As quietly as possible, she jogged down the aisle to see everything that had been set up on the other end of the room. Her mouth fell open when she saw what appeared to be the equipment for a game of bingo. Numbered balls were stacked neatly in a box on the table, each in its own little compartment. The gilded tumbler they would be introduced to later currently stood empty.
On a tray were round tags the size of coasters with safety pins, each bearing a number in fancy script. Red against a black background. Just the opposite of the balls in the case.
“Oh, shit,” Skylar whispered.
It was a matching game, not bingo. Guests wearing black masks were going to be matched with guests in red masks by pure chance. There was no way for her to rig the game because she had no idea what number the twins were going to end up getting. To rig that, she’d have to know when they would be taking their turn. Would it be first, as the owners of the studios, or last, to make their guests feel honored? Would they even take turns?
Wait. If there was one thing Skylar knew about the twins for absolute certain, it was that they wouldn’t take individual turns. Whoever they ended up with, they would share. That was their MO.
Skylar glanced toward the doors again and rounded the table to open the case of numbered balls. If she could find two of the same number, that meant it would be theirs. But that was only assuming they would even bother making two of the same number.
It would also mean they’d already rigged the game. Skylar straightened and narrowed her eyes. Would they do that?
Oh, yeah, they would definitely do that.
The sound of approaching voices gave her a start, and Skylar quickly closed the case to look around for a place to hide. She noticed the ballroom also had French doors, so she hurried to the closest one and quietly slipped outside. She closed the glass door just as the first interior door in the opposite corner of the ballroom opened.
Skylar darted into the flowerbed lining the wall between windows and slid to the next edge to carefully peer around it and see who had entered the room. There were two men and one woman, all wearing black masks, but she didn’t recognize any of them. They made their way further into the ballroom, heading toward the table where she’d just been, so she stepped out of the flowerbed and rushed down the sidewalk toward the terrace.
The swimming pool was glowing in the night, but none of the surrounding lights were on. Probably, to keep guests from wandering out there. The darkness was the perfect cover, but Skylar still had to make it past the open study doors without being seen. Swearing under her breath, she slipped her heels off and followed the stone around the far side of the pool, but not so close the glow from it would illuminate her presence.
What was she going to do? Skylar had been aching to join the Valentine’s Day Mixer for the last year, at least. It had taken forever to wait until she was eighteen, and she’d already gone through so much trouble to be there. She’d thought it would be the perfect opportunity to live out her most sinful fantasies.
Skylar imagined that Damien and Devon would fall easy prey to her seduction once she had them alone. They would never know it was her, and she could finally have what God and society said she wasn’t supposed to: her dad and uncle.
And maybe—just maybe—if they did find out, it would be too late, and they’d realize that they didn’t care. Skylar’s chest ached, knowing that part was purely wishful thinking. Logically, she should just sneak back out to the front of the mansion and leave. It was the safest bet. Especially now that she knew there was no way to guarantee being matched with them if she stayed.
Resigned to that decision, Skylar continued toward the end of the house, intending to stay outside and make her way back to the valet parking. Then, she remembered that the security guard had taken her cellphone when she’d first arrived. There was no way she could leave without it.
“Damn it,” she muttered under her breath.
She stopped and eyed the house, determining which door would be best to sneak back inside through. Skylar chose one near the kitchen and put her heels back on before opening the door. She peered around for any sign of her dad or uncle, and especially the dickhead director. It looked clear, so she started making her way toward the front entrance again.
Skylar was winding her way through the crowd in the main living room when her dad’s familiar voice boomed out from the hallway entrance, causing her to blanch.
“Red masks, please follow my lovely assistant,” he said. “It’s time to get this mixer started.”
Everyone cheered, and people instantly started moving, jostling Skylar, who wished a hole in the floor would open up and swallow her. She wondered if she could duck down low enough to still make it out of the room unnoticed. A single glance in her dad’s direction proved that it was impossible. The crowd was thinning out too fast, and if she remained frozen in her current position, she would definitely draw attention to herself.
Dread and anxiety started rioting through her veins, making her feel shaky, as she slowly straightened and followed the other red masks toward the hallway. Try as she may, Skylar couldn’t keep herself from watching her dad. Where was her uncle? It was always strange to see one without the other because it happened so rarely, even at home.
The moment came when their gazes met again because she was the last red mask to fall in line. What surprised her was to see the blatant male interest ignite in her dad’s eyes. It sent an erotic shiver of depraved lust through her body, and she had to fight to not let it show. However, if she was right and the twins somehow rigged the game, perhaps it could still work in her favor if she caught at least one of their attention.
Skylar smiled at him over her shoulder, letting her interest show just as clearly as his. When the corner of his mouth curved up, a thrill shot through her, and she had to look forward again to hide her face-splitting grin. God, this could really work!
With newfound hope, Skylar followed the other red-masked guests toward the ballroom. Her nerves were still a little jittery, but the dread had faded to almost non-existent. She was almost more nervous at the prospect of getting matched with her dad and uncle than if she wasn’t.
It would be her wildest dream come true, but to see it become a reality, she would have to successfully seduce two of the most notorious playboys in the city while keeping her true identity a secret from them. No sweat, right?
Inside the ballroom, the assistant led them up the center aisle, where Skylar’s uncle stood in front of the table with two other men. That explained why he hadn’t been in the living room, but she wondered why he’d be in the ballroom instead. Unless it was the only way he and her dad managed to rig the game.
It dawned on Skylar that the assistant and two men standing with her uncle were probably the same people who’d almost caught her snooping in the ballroom earlier.
Just like with her dad, when Uncle Devon’s eyes met hers as he scanned the crowd, she saw the desire and interest flash in their dark blue depths. That and he stopped skimming, keeping his gaze locked on hers. Skylar had to fight the urge to finger-wave at him, but she couldn’t do anything about the wicked smile on her face. Once again, she wanted to make sure they understood that she was very much interested in them, the same way they seemed to be in her.
Since neither of them had appeared hesitant or like they might recognize her, Skylar felt pretty secure that her anonymity was still intact.
“All right, red masks, this year we’re going to play a game of chance for our mixer,” the female assistant announced. “Each of you will strip down to your sexy lingerie or briefs and be gift-wrapped in these silk banners, completely hidden from view.”
She paused to point to two racks of empty hangers someone must’ve wheeled into the room after Skylar’s snooping. Then, the woman gestured to the tray of paper numbers as she continued.
“Then, a number will be secured to the front of your banner. Once the black masks enter the room, they’ll take turns getting randomly assigned a matching number. Like cupid’s arrow flying invisibly through the room, no one will know who gets matched with whom until everyone has drawn their numbers. Then, your new Valentine will have the pleasure of unwrapping you and whisking you away for a very naughty night.”
Everyone chuckled, but Skylar’s…