Jason sat in his Tampa Bay apartment, drinking a beer and watching a Sunday NFL matchup on his new flat screen. Life was good. He was six months into a decent-paying job after successfully finishing his MBA and playing four years of college football as an undergrad without any kind of serious injury. His apartment complex had a fitness center, and he had maintained his conditioning by lifting weights whenever he could squeeze in time in the gym.
The only thing not on the fast track was his love life. He had dated a couple of the women from the firm where he worked, but he was concerned with rules about boundary issues, so he made sure to keep things non-committal unless he could muster a one-nighter somewhere. Besides, he was in no hurry for a serious relationship. He was still in his twenties, and time was on his side. Casual sex with an office secretary had provided occasional relief, and she seemed copacetic to meeting his sexual desires with her own. Besides, there was no shortage of unattached young women where he lived in the Sun Belt. An occasional weekend night at a nightclub often paid off.
A roar from the tv caught his attention and he looked up to see an impossible catch in the end zone as his doorbell rang. Jason figured it was a Jehovah’s Witness or something similar. He could think of no one who would be calling on him since he was a couple of states away from home as well as his college town. His surveillance system revealed a slightly distorted view of a pony-tailed blonde, but she was turned so he couldn’t see her face.
“Who the hell?” Jason opened the door, and a smile erased the question mark on his face. “Lori? What are you doing here? What a great surprise! I thought it was someone trying to sell me a Bible. Come on in.”
His twenty-one-year-old stepsister stood in the hallway with a shit-eating grin on her face. “Hi, Jason. I’ll explain, but God, you look great. I have to say you are a sight for sore eyes.”
“Well, don’t just stand there–come in and give me a hug.”
Lori stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her stepbrother and hugged him tightly for several seconds. Lori’s mom had married Jason’s father when she was fifteen. It was a tough time for her, moving into a new house and a new family. She had been close to her dad until her mother caught him cheating on her and threw him out when Lori was only twelve. The next few years had been an emotional roller coaster as her parents went through divorce proceedings. Her grades suffered and her behavior worsened as she tried to understand the complexities of adult relationships. Her mother’s remarriage settled things a bit, but the saving grace was the connection she developed with her stepbrother, Jason. Even though he was away at college for much of that time, whenever he was around, he doted on her, and she appreciated his whacky sense of humor as well as his sound advice.
Jason knew just how to talk to her and soon her grades were back on track and the behavior problems seemed to improve if not disappear. By the time she was eighteen, she had become a top student again and graduated with honors. She had also secretly developed a stepsister crush on her big brother, and she relished his occasional visits home from school.
Now as she hugged him, she felt a sense of safety and security. Even so, she couldn’t hold back the tears.
“Whoa! Hey, why the sniffles? What’s going on, Lori?”
“Oh, Jason. It’s a long story, but for now, I need a place to stay. Would you let me stay here for a few days until I can get things worked out? I promise I won’t be any trouble.”
“Of course, you can stay here. You can stay as long as you want. And don’t worry, you can tell me what’s going on when you are ready.”
Jason gave his stepsister his best supportive smile and held her in both hands at arm’s length. He hadn’t seen Lori in some time, and he suddenly realized that she was no longer a skinny teenager. She had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. He also noticed that despite her petite size, she sported a full set of hooters. Her t-shirt with the logo “Got Milk?” was stretched tightly across her chest as two dime-sized nipples jutted through her bra.
Lori hugged Jason again in appreciation.
“Oh, thank you, Jason. This means so much to me. You won’t even know I’m here. I promise.”
“No worries. Get your things and I’ll show you the spare bedroom. We’ll have to share a bath but that won’t be a problem.”
After Jason explained a few details about keys and the security system, Lori left and soon returned with a single small suitcase. Jason showed her the spare bedroom. It was mostly a storage area decorated by a bachelor. A variety of trophies occupied much of the shelf space and the bedspread sported the Ohio State logo.
“Not exactly designed for ladies, I know. Feel free to move things around if you need some space. I’ll order a pizza for dinner if that’s OK.”
“Great, would you mind if I took a shower? I’m a little smelly, I think. It was a long drive.”
Jason ordered a pizza while Lori cleaned up. When she emerged from the bathroom, her hair was wrapped in a towel, and she was wearing an Ohio State t-shirt several sizes too large that came almost to her knees like a small dress. Jason couldn’t help but notice her braless boobs jiggling tantalizingly when she walked into the kitchen.
“I hope you don’t mind. I borrowed one of your tees. Fits nicely, don’t you think?”
Lori raised the hem above her knee in a parody of a model while throwing her head and shoulders back in a dramatic flair. It also accentuated her big boobs. “What do you think, big bro?”
“The towel hairdo is the perfect touch. But I do think you look better in that t-shirt than I do. You just fill it out a little differently. You’re not as skinny as you used to be.”
“Yeah, my boobs started taking over when I turned sixteen.” She cupped a breast in each hand and hefted them. I take after Mom, I guess. Hers are huge, but gravity is getting to them now. She confided in me that your dad is crazy about big boobs. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
Jason didn’t know if Lori was referring to her physical similarity to her mother or wondering if he was a titman like his dad, but he let it go without comment. Regardless, his stepsister’s frank talk was giving him an erection and he turned away to cover it, pretending to rinse some dishes. As it turned out, he was very much like his father but embarrassed that his kid stepsister was giving him this reaction.
“Anyway, I hope you don’t mind if I free them up for a spell. Bras get uncomfortable. Something you guys don’t have to worry about. Besides, you’re family. You’ve probably seen lots of jiggling boobs bigger than mine in your day.”
Secretly, though, Lori was hoping that Jason did notice her boobs. Going braless was intended to get his attention.
Lori accepted a glass of wine from Jason and excused herself to dry her hair. When she emerged from the bathroom still wearing his tee, her thick blonde tresses fairly sparkled and accentuated her blue eyes. Jason tried not to stare at Lori’s breasts. Her nipples poked through the thin cotton shirt jiggling and begging to be fondled. He thought he could make out the shape of a puffy areola, his favorite, but he forced himself to look at her face and not her chest. Lori, however, was doing her best to elicit his surreptitious stares.
They shared the pizza and chatted through dinner. When the wine bottle was empty, Jason opened another. “I don’t have to work tomorrow. A federal holiday, so…what the hell. Let’s celebrate the reunion with my little sis.” Jason was feeling no pain, but he was also a big guy. Lori probably only weighed 120 pounds and the wine had her giggling and loosening up.
“I think I’m getting a little drunk. I’d better be careful you don’t take advantage of me, big brother. After all, you’re only my stepbrother so the rules are different. Have I ever told you how I had a crush on you when I was a teenager?” Lori smiled and winked at Jason. “God, you were such a hunk…that doesn’t sound right…you still are. All my girlfriends used to talk about you. If you only knew what they confided to me.”
“For instance…?” Like all men, Jason loved ego-boosting compliments. Lori had his full attention.
“Like, what you would be like in bed. How big you are. Teenage fantasy stuff. Do you remember my best friend, Maria? She told me she used to think about you when she used her vibrator…you know…to masturbate. She wanted me to give her a picture of you. You could have had lots of eighteen-year-old sex if you only knew. How does that make you feel?”
“Seriously, I had no idea. I will admit that you had some cute friends. You should have told me. But too late now. So, you had a crush on me — my little sis. I never would have guessed. I thought you were cute and fun, but, you know, in a brotherly sort of way. It would seem like incest with your mom being married to my dad, I guess. Anyway, I’m flattered.”
“You know what they say…incest is best.” Lori giggled and winked at Jason.
Jason didn’t want to admit it to Lori, but secretly he had his own crush — but on her mom and not so much on his little sis. And he was able to act on those desires late one evening when he came home and found his stepmother watching tv alone and a little tipsy.
Even though his stepmom, Sharon, was in her forties at the time and married to his dad, she still had plenty of sex appeal. Her large breasts on her small frame never failed to capture his attention, and he fantasized about fucking those tits on many occasions. His room shared a wall with the master bedroom, so he frequently heard her moaning and giving explicit instructions during sex when he was home from college. She often remained in her pajamas and robe until later in the morning after his dad had left for work, and it seemed that she loved to parade around in front of him with her unfettered boobs. He swore she was often flirting with him, casually retying her robe to give him glimpses of those jiggling, delightful orbs and bending over to showcase her cleavage. He had often dreamed of what it would be like to suck on those big tits.
On the night in question, he had come home after midnight and found her watching a soft-core porn movie on a cable channel in the den by herself. The room was lit by only the tv and a table lamp.
“Oh, hi, Jason. You startled me. Sit down and keep me company for a few minutes.”
She patted the seat next to her on the couch and invited him to join her. Jason noticed the backlighting from the table lamp highlighted her breasts through her silky pajamas. His reaction was automatic and he sat partially to cover his bulging cock.
But as soon as he joined her on the couch, she excused herself briefly and headed for the kitchen only to return with two glasses of wine. “You’re a big college boy now so let’s relax and get to know each other a little better. This is kind of a stupid movie, but it has lots of simulated sex, so you’ll probably like it.”
Jason looked at the screen and noticed a well-endowed young woman was apparently flirting with a tanned and muscled man who was supposedly her landscaper based on the trowel he had in his hand.
“I’ll catch you up. She’s an unsatisfied wife, and that’s the gardener. In about two seconds they’ll be on the couch, and he’ll be kissing her big fake boobs. They’re riding a little too high for the real thing, It looks like someone planted cantaloupes in her chest. Anyway, if he’s a gardener, I’m a brain surgeon.” She laughed at her joke and squeezed Jason’s thigh playfully. “This is porn lite, I guess. No actual penetration…just lots of sex from the waist up. I think the formula calls for a scene like this about every fifteen minutes. It’s late-night excitement for those who can’t get the real thing.”
Jason was unsure what to say. He certainly was no prude, and he was infatuated with his stepmother, especially semi-clad as she was, but what if his dad came out and found them sitting next to one another watching a porn movie, even if it was soft porn? Regardless, a noticeable stirring began in his groin, and he grabbed a decorative pillow and placed it on his lap. Acting as casually as possible, he joked, “Yeah, Pancho the gardener looks like he’s never left the gym.”
“These guys must be on steroids or something. Big biceps…but probably little wangers. Steroids shrink penises, don’t they? At least, that’s what I hear. I’d rather have someone with a big penis and normal biceps, myself.”
Sharon looked up at him with her huge blue eyes. Even without makeup, her sparkling eyes were beautiful. But then her expression changed to consternation.
“Oh, honey. Am I embarrassing you? You probably never thought your sweet stepmother ever used the word penis. You probably call it a cock!” She giggled again at her brazen use of language. Between watching a rated-R movie and overindulging in wine, Sharon’s behavior had become unfiltered. She laughed and let her hand drift with a reassuring pat to his thigh under the pillow. Suddenly, her face lit up in a smile as she squeezed his leg and let her hand linger there.
“And speaking of penises, what is this tubular shape I feel? Hmmm…and it feels like it’s growing…and getting hard…and getting BIG. I should know better than to watch a sex scene with a young, virile, college boy. Those big fake boobs the gardener is kissing are probably making you horny, huh?” Sharon giggled at her unbleached language and touching. She knew she was embarrassing her stepson now, and she was enjoying it.
Jason nearly spat a mouthful of wine when her hand found his cock and squeezed it again. Sharon was wearing a silky robe, but it had parted enough to give him an eyeful of her loose nightie and most of one ripe breast, highlighted by the table lamp in the background. Sharon squeezed his cock and rubbed the length of it like it was an everyday gesture before patting his thigh again and removing her hand.
Jason tried to be nonchalant. “No, um…sorry, you just surprised me, that’s all.” He was torn between pain and pleasure with his stepmother’s intimate touching. His stepmother seemed to be flirting with him. His brain was spinning trying to figure out if he should act stupid or see where this might be headed. The little angel on his shoulder reminded him this was his stepmom and she was married to the guy in the bedroom just a few feet away who also happened to be his father. The horned counterpart was jumping from his other shoulder to his groin with a smile on his face. Jason was torn by temptation.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, Honey…that’s a bit forward of me even if I am your mother — OK, your stepmom. I guess your reaction to a movie like this is typical for a guy…no matter how bad it is. I hope I’m not embarrassing you, Sweetie. Big boobs get men turned on so easily, and hers are huge even if they aren’t the real thing. I’m just having fun with you, Jason. Please don’t think ill of me.”
Jason smiled nervously. “Well, some things are not easy to control. I’m the one who should apologize. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”
“Embarrass me? Quite the contrary, Honey! If I were younger and single, I’d probably be jumping your bones, young man. That felt like quite a sausage you’ve got — if I do say so myself. And I’ve seen a few. I’m the one who should be sorry…too much wine, I think. It’s got me a little loose, and your dad is passed out, snoring so loudly I couldn’t possibly sleep. He drove me out of our bedroom with his buzz saw. And Lori is at a friend’s house for the night, so I decided to have a little party by myself. Until you showed up with your white horse.”
Jason tried to figure out if his stepmother was opening the door or closing it. She seemed to indicate they were essentially alone regardless of his father being close by. Was she trying to seduce him? And if so, what should he do? He stole another glance at her chest and his pulse quickened.
Sharon licked her lips and winked, and Jason looked his stepmother in the eyes, confused. He fumbled for something to say as she leaned toward him, smiling, and set her wine down.
“A penny for your thoughts, Honey.” She looked directly at him with a silky smile and touched his arm. Jason’s brain felt numb, but then a sudden urge took over, and he pulled his mother to him. She offered no resistance. In an instant, their lips met, and her mouth opened. Her tongue quickly entered his mouth and become entangled with his. Her hand once again reached his thigh to balance herself and landed on his cock. She made no attempt to move it. Instead, she…