A Superior Ride

"I ever so slowly settled down on his cock feeling every inch of his magnificent penis..."

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Everyone knows Minnesota can be really cold in the winter, but few realize how miserably hot it gets in the summer. That was the case this July with temperatures in the upper nineties and the humidity about the same.

Just about 200 miles north of me is Duluth; they sometimes call it the air-conditioned city. The city in nestled at the tip of Lake Superior and almost always is twenty degrees cooler than the rest of the state with cool breezes off the vast expanse of cold water of the big lake.

Jennifer, my roommate from college, called me from her home in Duluth and invited me to spend the weekend with her and her husband. I jumped at the chance to get out of steamy Minneapolis and enjoy the lake breeze for a few days. I quickly packed and even threw in a sweatshirt – knowing Duluth’s reputation for cool weather.

About five miles outside of Duluth, the freeway begins a slow descent down Spirit “Mountain” into the city below. This spectacular view of the city and Lake Superior stretching off to the horizon, never gets old for me. It was ninety-two degrees at the top of the hill and when I turned off the freeway onto London Road along the lake, it was seventy-three. ‘Hmm, maybe there is something to living here…’ I thought. Then I remembered the New Year’s Eve party a few months back at Jenn’s house. ‘The windchill was sixty below. Nope, I’ll stay in Minneapolis,’ I quickly decided.

I pulled up the driveway to Jenn and Mike’s townhouse. Jenn must have seen me pull in and came running out to greet me. “Oh my god, it’s been way to long! You look great Amy,” Jenn squealed as she gave me a big hug.

It was good to see her again, we had been best friends since high school and when we got together it always seemed we’d never been apart. “It’s so good to see you too, Jenn. God, it is so nice here.”

“Mike is out on the deck,” Jenn pointed out as she grabbed my bag. “He just made you a pitcher of Pina Coladas.”

“Oh god, that sounds great!” I said, as we wrestled for the bag.

“You know where your room is Amy, hurry up and join us outside.”

I threw my bag on the bed and headed out onto the big deck. The deck wasn’t fifty feet from the shore where the east wind was bringing a few waves onto the rocks along the shore.

Mike immediately handed me a tall frosty glass with a garnish of fresh pineapple and a cherry. “Here ya go Amy. How was the traffic?” he cheerfully asked and quickly added, “Geez Amy, you look great.”

“Thanks Mike, I see you are as full of it as ever,” I smiled.

“We have dinner reservations at Belliso’s at seven-thirty,” grinned Mike. “And I have a big surprise for everyone…”

This perked up Jenn. “What surprise Mike? What are you taking about?”

“Well,” Mike proudly said, “I booked two rooms for us at the Old Rittenhouse Inn in Bayfield for tomorrow.” Mike paused to let that sink in and then went on, “But that’s not the best part… Bob Thompson, my law partner, is giving us his sailboat to use to sail up to Bayfield! You’ve never had a ride out on Superior have you Amy?”

“No, but who is going to sail this boat?”

“Me!” Mike boasted.

“Are you nuts Mike? You don’t know how to sail,” Jennifer said in a concerned voice.

“I sure do!” Mike argued. “I have been crewing for Bob for the last two months…”

“Crewing, cranking up a sail, is not sailing Mike,” said Jenn – the skepticism obvious in her voice.

“Hey, Bob has been teaching me. He thinks I am ready to solo! Besides, you know how he loves that boat – he never lends it to anyone. He trusts me!” Mike roared with confidence.

“You ever think maybe he is trying to kill you?” Jenn inserted. “Maybe this is his way to get the entire firm – all from a tragic boating accident!” Jenn laughed and then turned to me and said, “Be sure to bring a life jacket and a raft Amy.”

“Come on ladies, let’s go to dinner. I am hungry!” Mike got up and went inside.


After a great dinner and a couple of bottles of a really superb cabernet, we headed back home. Out on the deck, Mike poured us each a small glass of Limoncello, topping off the perfect evening.

After Mike quickly downed the liqueur, he said, “Well ladies, I am off check on the weather for tomorrow’s sail and get to bed early. It’s great to have you back with us Amy, see you in the morning.”

“You are supposed to sip Limoncello Mike,” Jenn pointed out and added, “That’s what Amy and I plan on doing, I will be in in a bit.”

After he left, Jenn and I chitchatted for a while as we watched the lights twinkling from Superior, Wisconsin across the lake. Superior was the twin to Duluth here at the head of the lake – thus the name, the Twin Ports.

Jenn changed the tone of our conversation. “Are you seeing anyone Amy?” Jenn sounded concerned.

“No, I am just not ready yet.”

“Amy, it has been almost three years since Paul was killed in Afghanistan. He wouldn’t want to see you so alone,” Jenn comforted. “At least have you had any sex?”

“God Jenn, how could I if I’m not seeing anyone?” I blurted out.

“It not good Amy. You need a man in your life again. You are in your prime,” advised Jenn. “ You need to get your engine going again, girlfriend.”

“I am not a Ferrari,” I pointed out.

“Oh yes you are, Amy. Yes, you are.”


At breakfast, Mike gave us the weather forecast. “Clear skies, light NNW winds changing to SW 10-15 knots, seas at 1-2 feet,” Mike officially declared, as he adjusted a little blue captain’s hat. “It’s the perfect day!”

We grabbed our bags, motored downtown, and raced over the famous Duluth Aerial Lift Bridge out onto Park Point where Bob’s sailboat rested in the marina. The “Aphrodite” was a beautiful C&C 115 with leather upholstery and a cherry wood interior. Mike loved showing us around the boat and pointed out the galley stocked with chilled prosecco, a wide variety of cheeses and cold meats, and shrimp.

“Hmm, what a great ride this will be on Superior,” I thought, “This is going to be going to be a great weekend.”

Jenn and I sat up by the bow on big cushions as Mike started up the engine and slowly backed us out the slip. He maneuvered back towards the bridge we just came across to get to the marina a few minutes ago.

“We have to hurry. The bridge goes up in ten minutes. If we don’t get under it now, we will have to wait a half-hour,” Mike seemed in expert command.

We sailed out through the ship canal and headed out onto to the big lake. “What a perfect day!” we both screamed back to Mike, who was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

Fresh air, good friends, and no hot steamy city. This had to be what heaven is like. After a couple of hours, now well out of the sight of land, I noticed the temperature was rising. In fact, it was getting hot out here on the lake. I soon became aware of the sound of limp sails flapping against the mast as we slowed down, and then finally we came to a dead stop. The lake’s surface was like glass. We were becalmed.

“Mike,” Jenn called back. “Now what?”

“No problem, the wind is supposed to shift. We will get favorable winds soon. Worst case, we will just motor in to Bayfield,” Captain Mike explained.

I had to admit, I was really impressed by Mike’s ability. He knew exactly what he was doing – or so it seemed. After an hour, we were all really hot. Not a breeze was stirring and the temperature had climbed into the upper eighties.

“Well hell,” Mike proclaimed, “the surface water temperature right here is 66 degrees. I am going swimming!”

“We haven’t got suits Mike,” Jenn scolded him.

Captain Mike’s response was a bare butt that quickly disappeared below the surface for a second. A moment later, emerging, he yelled out, “My god, it’s great! Come on in!”

“You go ahead Jenn. I’ll stay onboard,” I offered.

“Oh, come on Amy,” she whispered as she peeled off her clothes. “It not like you have something that we haven’t seen before!” she called out just before she hit the water.

I pulled off my top and shorts, but I left on my bra and panties. “Look out below,” I screamed as I splashed in between the two of them. The water was chilly but very refreshing. Chilly indeed, judging by Jenn’s erect nipples. I then noticed my own nipples were poking through my bra that had become transparent. My undies hadn’t offered me one bit of modesty.

After a few minutes relaxing in the water, I noticed we were all starting to shiver. Mike jumped up on the dive platform on the back of the sailboat and Jenn and I both couldn’t help but notice Mike’s full erection.

“I thought those things are supposed to shrink in cold water,” Jenn pointed out, blushing as he pulled her out of the chilly lake.

When Mike pulled me out of the water, he almost poked me in the eye with his stiff member as I slipped a bit on the wet platform. “You ever hear the term shrinkage, Mike?” I blurted out, as I moved forward to our cushions on the bow.

“You guys warm up. I’ll get us some snacks,” said Mike as his bare ass disappeared down into the galley.

“I’m sorry about Mike,” Jenn blushed. “You might as well take off those wet undies now Amy and let them dry. They certainly aren’t hiding anything, as you can tell by Mike’s reaction.”

I did just that and was enjoying being naked in the warm sun. Seeing Jenn and Mike naked certainly added to the erotic experience. I suddenly heard the Aphrodite’s engine come alive and felt a wonderful gentle breeze start to blow across the deck. Within a few seconds Mike reappeared with a loaded tray and his cock in a more modest state.

By the time he reached us, he was at full staff again. Seeing us both looking at it he said, “Geesh ladies, what do you expect when I am greeted by two beautiful naked women?”

We all sat around the tray and enjoyed the prosecco and shrimp.

In fact, we really enjoyed the prosecco, as we finished off the second bottle and started a third. As we became more relaxed and less inhibited, Jenn started to grab Mike’s penis saying, “Can you put this thing down Mike?”

“Hey,” Mike cried, “you just can’t push it back in you know.”

“Come on Amy, maybe we both can!”

“I don’t think this is a good idea Jenn,” I cautioned.

“Hey, mi casa es tu casa and the same goes for Mike, literally. My man is your man, Amy,” Jenn spoke earnestly. She grabbed my hand and wrapped it around Mike’s cock. We started to give him a slow hand job.

It had been years since I felt a man’s cock. It felt so good and I was now so horny!

Mike seemed to enjoy it too, judging by the contented grin on his face. I felt his hand at my knee and looked at Jenn, she smiled, nodded. I saw Mike’s other hand was on her knee.

His hands were gently massaging their way further up our legs. I was in bliss. I opened my legs to give his hand a clearer path to where I wanted it to go. It was almost there, his fingers were lightly brushing my moist swollen labia. I held my breath; his finger was about to push into me.

Suddenly there was a large ‘pop’ and a chug, then silence. Mike jumped to his feet and ran into the cabin.

“We have a problem. We are out of fuel,” Mike explained. I noticed he had his shorts on and they were flat in the front.

“Are we in trouble Mike?” Jenn questioned.

“We aren’t good, you had better get dressed. I will radio the Coast Guard,” Mike said. I wasn’t sure if it was fear or anger in his voice – probably both.

My underwear was still wet so I just put on my tank top and shorts. Jenn dressed, as she whispered, “Maybe just one room tonight at the Inn? I hope you are okay with this.”

“Only if you are.” We both hugged each other.

“Damn Coast Guard!” Mike interrupted. “It will be hours before they can get out here since this isn’t an emergency! They suggested we call the Marina!”

“Why can’t we just wait for wind?” I asked.

“I don’t want to risk trying navigate the rocks off Bayfield while under sail at night Amy. Besides, there is no way we can enter the harbor and Marina without the engine,” Mike bitterly explained.

“Didn’t you check the gas before we left?” Jenn scolded.

“It’s diesel and there was plenty for what we needed, but obviously not enough to make it all the way to Bayfield under power!” Mike wasn’t happy. This was about to get ugly. I’ve known Jenn for nearly twenty years and I know that look.

“Look, there is another boat,” I screamed.

Mike ran into the cabin and came out with a flare gun and fired. He fired a second time and the boat changed direction. In minutes, the small powerboat was alongside us.

“You need help?” the most handsome man I had ever seen called out. He was in his twenties and wearing just a pair of swim trunks.

“Do you have any diesel to spare?” Mike yelled back.

“Sorry man, my boat uses gasoline,” he explained. “But I can run in and get you some up in Bayfield. We are about an hour out from here in my boat. I could be back in less then three hours.”

I looked at the storm brewing, Hurricane Jennifer was about to hit Captain Mike. “I’ll go with you my good Samaritan, if that’s alright,” I offered. “I’ll get my purse to pay for the fuel and my cell to find out exactly where they are when we head back.”

“That’s a great idea. I don’t have a radio in my boat and I left my cell in my pants back in my truck,” the handsome Samaritan remembered.

I jumped over to his boat, we waved good-bye, and shot away.

I looked over at this man with the long sandy blond hair blowing in the wind, blue eyes, and the sculptured physique of Michelangelo’s David. I was thinking his package was probably greater than the modest appendage the master gave David when the Samaritan spoke, “My name is Lars, by-the-way.”

“Of course it is,” I thought. “Oh I’m sorry, my name is Amy, Amy Prescott,” I shouted over the roar of the outboard.

“Pleased to meet you Amy, I am Lars Erickson. I am from Minneapolis where I teach during the school year. During the summers, I help my family up here in their commercial fishing business,” Lars stated.

I noticed him staring at my breasts. I looked down and saw my nipples were erect and the wind was blowing through my tank top. He was getting quick glimpses of my tits from where he was sitting next to me. I was glad I wasn’t wearing a bra.

“I live in Minneapolis too, Lars. I am just up visiting my friends from the sailboat.” I added, “Thanks for getting me out of there, I think there was about to be a big fight about running out of gas.”

“And here, I thought you just wanted to spend some alone time with me,” Lars smiled.

Even though we were sitting down, I could see I was right about his package – much bigger than David’s. “Maybe that is true too, Lars,” I said as I slid my hand over his cock.

“Really?” he grinned as his blue eyes flashed.

“Really,” I said as I started to rub his penis through his swim suit.

He quickly brought the boat off plane and turned the engine off. He turned to me and said, “Amy, we have just met. Are you sure about this?”

“Oh just shut up Lars,” I said as I moved closer. “I knew this is what I wanted when I first saw you.”

“God Amy, I felt the same way the first time…” I smothered his last words by pressing our lips together. He tasted wonderful, as our tongues explored each other. He walked me the few feet back to the open deck. He removed my top and stared at my breasts for a few moments and then grabbed them and started sucking them roughly. This was just what I wanted him to do.

I felt his cock growing larger as his body pressed into mine. We were both breathing heavily on the edge of losing control. I wanted him. I wanted him more at this moment, than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I slowly slid down across his body to my knees. I stared at the bulge, imagining what was there; showering it with kisses through his suit. I felt like a little girl at Christmas, about to rip open a present – wondering exactly what was inside.

I couldn’t stand it anymore, I pulled down his suit and out popped the most beautiful cock I had ever seen. I started to slowly lick it with long broad licks, along the sides, the top and the bottom. Lars was moaning, he must be enjoying this as much as I was I thought. I teased the slit with my tongue as I gently kneaded his balls – so big and hanging so low. I took one into my mouth and gently caressed it with my tongue as I wrapped my hand around his manhood, now slippery with my saliva, and massaged it.

Lars was out of breath, staggering a bit, and moaning. I sensed he was close to coming. I took his cock in my mouth and started to suck it as hard as I could. I took him as deep as I was able to, then moved his cock almost out of my mouth, and then deep again – over and over. I could taste the pre-cum. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the taste and how horny it made me feel.

“I don’t want to come yet,” Lars gasped. I sucked him harder and harder.

“Please…” he moaned.

I felt him lift me up, his cock coming out of my mouth with a large “pop”. He put me down on top of the outboard and pulled my shorts off. “Commando… you naughty girl!” he laughed. “And a shaved pussy, I love it!”

His head disappeared between my thighs. I could feel his tongue licking and kissing its way up my thighs. He grabbed my legs and pushed them wide open. I fell back, catching myself at the edge of the back of the motor, with my legs spread open wide. I felt his tongue arrive outside my labia. I felt his thumbs spread my lips open wide and his tongue enter me. He would tongue fuck me for a minute and stop, then lightly flick my hard clit with his tongue before repeating the process over and over. I felt like I was in a dream, my head was spinning, and I could feel myself getting close.

I could hear someone screaming loudly off in the distance, it sounded wild and supernatural. I suddenly realized it was me. Oh god, I was coming. I was coming over and over again, as I screamed and shook like a woman possessed.

Lars held me tightly for what seemed like hours. I could feel his cock pushing right at my entrance. I had him get on his back and I straddled his hips. I ever so slowly settled down on his cock feeling every inch of his magnificent penis slowly sliding into my pussy. I would stop for a few seconds to enjoy the sensation, and then continue my slide down his pole. I started squeezing him once he was inside me. I could feel him up against my cervix. With my hands resting on his chest, and my breasts hanging inches from his mouth, I just stared down into his beautiful face. Neither of us moved.

I continued to squeeze him inside me and he started to slowly pump into me. He began to pick up his speed as he sucked on my tits. Finally, I just leaned back and started to join with his movements. I moved my hips in unison with his thrusts. My breasts started to jiggle and then started to bounce wildly as I road this man with everything I had.

We both were out of control, breathing wildly, gasping for breath. “Amy I am going to come!” Lars gasped. I felt his warm cum splashing deep inside me as he grunted with each spurt. That pushed me over the top, and I came again and again.

We collapsed next to each other, drenched in sweat, and out of breath.

Finally, I said, “I suppose we better get them that gas.”

“Amy, I have never had sex like this before. Can I see you again?”

“I have a room at the Rittenhouse. Come there tonight.”

We dressed quickly, zipped into Bayfield, and headed out to rendezvous with the Aphrodite, with two tanks of diesel fuel.

As Lars helped Mike with the fuel, I whispered to Jenn, “I think we will need the two rooms tonight after all. Lars will be joining me.”

Jenn squealed, hugged me and gave me a big kiss just as the two men came on deck.

“What’s all that about?” queried Mike.

“Just happy we are all alive Captain,” we said together.

We waved goodbye to Lars and watched him speed away.

Later, as we entered the harbor, Mike turned to me and said, “I am really sorry Amy that your ride on Superior was a bust.”

“Not at all Mike,” I replied and gave Jenn a wink. “I had a superior ride today!”

Published 10 years ago

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