So earlier, I mentioned a custom in Grassridge Hideaway called a Reckoning. It had briefly been explained to me by the two wonderful women who had brought me into the small village, but I still wasn’t exactly sure what it was all about. I had been in the nudist colony for about two weeks when I finally found out.
I made my way outside and onto Sara and Bridget’s small, front stoop while raising my hands to stretch and letting out a yawn. I felt more alive than I had in years, and I was looking forward to the day. My intentions were to see if any of the villagers needed help with any of their physical activities, and I was debating on whether or not to make my way to the local bathhouse so I could freshen up. I always felt dirty when I woke up first thing in the morning, and even though I planned on getting filthy due to manual labor, I still wanted to tidy up. It’s just one of my many quirks that probably seem pretty strange to most people.
Before I could give it much thought, I was suddenly approached by a small group that pointed to me and announced, “There he is!” I obviously had no idea why the upset assemblage was calling me out.
A few more people joined the company as I asked what their fervor was all about. I didn’t notice it right away, but since the group consisted of men and women I hadn’t met yet, I instinctively covered my genitals since I felt more out of place than when I had first arrived in the nudist colony.
“You’ve been called out!” One of the villagers finally informed me. “You’ve been challenged to a Reckoning!”
I’m sure the look on my face told the story. I couldn’t understand why anyone in the community would dispute anything I had done since my unexpected arrival. I had helped out everyone I could, and to my knowledge, I had made no enemies. It took me a few seconds, but I finally asked, “What is this all about?”
The small company parted in order to allow me to walk through them and toward the middle of the quaint village. As I did so, I saw a woman standing with her arms crossed roughly forty feet away from me on the other side of a split-rail wooden fence. She didn’t look the least bit pleased.
First off, the woman was absolutely stunning in the looks department. How I hadn’t seen her since arriving was beyond me because her skin color alone stood out. Her smooth flesh was a dark brown, and her hair that came down to her ample bosoms was just a shade darker. Her nipples looked like they had been kissed by the sun since they were so brown, and while her breasts were almost the same size as Bridget’s, I’d guess that they were actually slightly smaller due to the fact that she was shorter…which of course, made them no less impressive on a frame such as hers. She stood at just a shade under five feet tall, and like Eve, she looked to be in superb shape.
This dark doll had thick, pecan lips with a smidge of eggplant purple to them, and her unique eyes were a celadon color. She had a slender nose running down the middle of her heart-shaped face, and even though I couldn’t see it yet, I could tell that her round booty was a thing of beauty. What I could see, though, was a tiny smidgen of black pubes over an immaculate pussy that was open just enough to see some incredibly dark lips. I have to say that even the scowl on her face as she glared at me was attractive.
I made my way toward the fenced-in area as an older man who hadn’t been part of the original group told me, “You’ve been challenged to a Reckoning, sonny! Your accuser is none other than Isis over there!”
I simply nodded as I made my way past the bearded, elderly man and toward my marvelously swarthy challenger. Cautiously, I approached the alluring woman and came within a few feet of her as I decided to approach the situation with some tact. “Um, Isis, is it? It’s nice to meet you.” I placed my hand out for her to shake.
“Oh, is it, stranger?” The dark woman asked as she crossed her arms, which made her chest lunge forward. Her voice was deep in a highly feminine way and sounded sexier than I can possibly describe in mere words. She still looked quite peeved as she looked away from me in disgust.
Unsure of what I had done to upset the ravishing female, I kept my eyes glued on her bewitching figure as I noticed a bit of a crowd forming in the area. I ignored the rubberneckers as I scratched the back of my head and pressed, “I, um…I heard you might be upset with me about something. I guess I was wondering just what it was that I had done to make you angry?”
Isis finally gave me the time of day again as she eyed me and responded, “If you even have to ask, that just shows your ignorance!”
I really had no idea how I had infuriated the dark-skinned beauty, and I really wish whatever it was that I had done had never occurred. She was far too sexy to be irate, so if there was anything I could do to make things right…
Isis opened her mouth to hurl another remark in my direction, but she cut herself short when she glanced down and noticed something…and that was the fact that I was sporting a chubby that was pointing directly at her. Even in a time of doubt, I couldn’t help but be aroused upon seeing such an attractive woman. At the time, it didn’t even dawn on me that what was happening was playing in my favor.
The older man who had told me Isis’s name suddenly stepped forward and informed me, “Isis has accused you not only of violating our code of no clothes by wearing a towel draped over your shoulder on your way to the bathhouse on multiple occasions but also of not paying her any heed since arriving in our village, stranger. She wishes to challenge you to a Reckoning in order to remedy this small oversight if you so much as accept. So, what say you, stranger? Will you agree to her challenge and step into the Arena of Reckoning in order to rectify your wrongdoing?”
I tried to focus on everything going on around me at once. I could hear the other villagers gossiping about Isis’s challenge since it had apparently been a while since the last Reckoning had taken place, and I also did my best to catch everything the old man had been telling me. If I was understanding him correctly, it almost sounded like the dark-skinned beauty was challenging me because she was simply jealous that I hadn’t approached her yet! If that was the case, she had to know from the boner she was giving me that I would’ve gladly introduced myself sooner if I had only seen her!
I quickly reminded myself that the woman who was nothing shy of an ebony goddess had also accused me of “wearing” a towel while walking to the bathhouse. It seemed like such a silly thing to be upset about, but I guess the people of Grassridge Hideaway truly took their code of nudity seriously. Again, my “covering up” with the towel may have been part of the jealousy I think Isis harbored since I was “hiding” my body by doing so…and in a strange way, I found her accusation somewhat charming.
As I watched Isis continue to marvel at the erection I had sprouted in honor of her, I couldn’t help but lift myself on the balls of my feet in order to make my penis hop. When she saw the movement, I saw her jump with me. I obviously had her attention.
Awaiting an answer about the Reckoning, the old man behind me and to my right repeated, “So, what say you, stranger?”
Not taking my eyes away from Isis for a second, I slyly smiled since I understood what this was all about and responded, “If I truly wronged Isis in some way, I think it’s only right that I accept her challenge. She deserves justice.”
The gathered crowd instantly started gossiping about my response as the elderly man told me to enter the fenced-in area so the match could begin. I noticed that Isis seemed to be caught in a momentary daze as she continued to stare at me. I think the fact that she could plainly see that I “liked” her had thrown her off her game, and although she was probably having second thoughts about challenging me, I wanted to go through with it for the thrill of tussling around with her in an impromptu mixed-wrestling match…in the nude. I couldn’t wait for the contest to begin.
The old man was the only other person in the fenced-in area with us since he would be the arbitrator, and as he started giving the rules, I found that I was having a difficult time listening to him since I was too busy eyeing the intriguing Isis. He was talking about “not playing dirty” and how the match could only end in a “submission.” I really didn’t catch much beyond that.
Call me crazy, but with the way Isis had called me out, I figured she would start the contest by charging in at me and trying to tackle me to the ground. I was more than surprised when she slowly and methodically started stalking toward me, and when the two of us were close enough, we both reached out and actually locked up. I wasn’t about to hurt the beautiful woman, so I utilized my strength as I effortlessly lifted her off the ground and gingerly dropped her to the grass beneath us with a rolling take-down.
Isis squirmed beneath me and finally spoke for the first time since noticing my arousal by telling me that it wasn’t fair that I hadn’t given her the time of day since showing up in Grassridge Hideaway. She then grabbed onto my wrists as she tried to fight her way out from under me. Since she was flailing so much, I did my best to cover my lower regions with my legs so she didn’t catch me in the groin.
I was still a little unsure of how seriously I needed to take the contest at this point, but I thought it would be best to let Isis obtain the advantage for a moment. Hugging my arms around her, I rolled over so she would end up on top of me…and the instant I did so, she triumphantly reached out and held my wrists above my head and to the ground. She sat on my abdomen and smiled down at me as she mocked, “It looks like I finally have your eyes on me!” As she jeered, I felt her pelvis start to slide back across mine. It didn’t take long for my wiener to end up between her buns. I’m not just saying this to sound cocky, but I think she liked it.
I gazed into the hauntingly beautiful eyes of the dark-skinned woman who had an athletic figure to die for. I felt her sleek skin against mine and saw her brown flesh glisten under the morning sun. I realized in that moment that she spoke without the use of contractions, and I found that to be totally breathtaking. It took me a moment, but I was finally able to respond, “If I had seen you anytime before this morning, Isis, I promise I would’ve introduced myself sooner. An enchantress such as yourself…I would’ve definitely been all over you!”
My accuser again looked unsure of what to believe as she did her best to keep me pinned down. She then snapped back and called me a liar before releasing one of my wrists so she could reach back and grab my hardened dick. I was a little nervous at first and thought she would possibly hurt me for real…but instead of violently pulling on it, she began tugging it the same way any other randy woman would. I now knew where she stood in this competition…not to mention that it felt divine being in her grasp.
Isis smiled since she was in control of the situation. I think a part of her happiness also came from the fact that she could hear me moaning in pleasure as she pulled on my pud. Her digits felt serene and wrapped around my prick, and I’m fairly certain that she was enjoying it almost as much as I was. She glanced behind herself at what she was doing while whacking away.
Since I had a free hand, I decided to use it. I reached up with my right appendage and clasped the dark-skinned woman’s left tit. It was sturdy as I squeezed it, and the nipple was nearly as hard as I was beneath my palm. I decided to place my fingers on it and give it a gentle twist…and in doing so, Isis suddenly let out a moan of her own as she turned her attention back to me.
Releasing her hold on me, the ebony babe placed both of her hands on my chest and tried with all her might to hold me down. It would have been easy to overpower her, but I let her have her way as she suddenly slid down on me… after her knees ended up on the ground between my open legs, she positioned herself just right so she could wrap her wondrous lips around my cock.
I grabbed onto her wrists and pretended to be fighting back as she started giving me some spectacular head. While she slurped away, I was positive that the crowd watching from fifteen feet away could hear the sloppy blowjob. I even think the old man may have asked me at one point if I submitted, but the match wasn’t called off since I didn’t answer. I was in the clouds and couldn’t have answered if I had wanted to.
I’m not sure how long I let the bewitching woman suck on me, but I knew it was time to secure my advantage once again. Since Isis wasn’t actually trying to hurt me as I had initially thought the Reckonings were intended for, I finally sat up and slipped my hands beneath her sweaty underarms. When her head shot back and my cock sprung back into view, multiple strings of saliva connected the dark-skinned beauty’s gorgeous mouth to it. I think she was almost disappointed that I was pushing her away…but she wouldn’t remain that way for long.
Without being too rowdy since I respected the female of the species so much, I gently forced the marvelous woman back into the grass and had her firmly planted against the ground. I then lowered myself and spread her legs apart, and while she flailed her arms about, she also kicked her lower appendages a few times. Never once did she try to land a hard blow on me, so again, I knew she was acting to a certain extent. Had she truly been mad at me, she could’ve easily gouged at my eyes or gone for my balls.
I placed my hands on her incredible thighs and pushed them apart…and then lowered my head toward the gratifying woman’s vagina. While most other men I know don’t indulge in the taste of a good pussy, I welcome it. Even when a gorgeous woman is sweating – much like Isis was – I feel you can tell a “goddess-level” female from the rest when they smell and taste great under such situations. The fact that Isis’s amazing puss smelled like freshly baked cookies even while physically tumbling about in the grass said something, and when I ran my tongue between those dark lips…
As I made contact with her labia, I felt my “opponent’s” hands go instantly to my head as she let out a screech of ecstasy. Her body tensed up as I did it a second time, and she wrapped her legs around my noggin and tried to make it look like she was placing me in a head-scissors maneuver. I think she wanted to make the onlookers believe that she was still enraged at me.
Isis convulsed about on the ground and continued to call out as my tongue ravaged her slick clit. I positioned myself just right so my nose would be buried in her small patch of black pubes. She was hooting and hollering like a banshee, and I firmly believe that the people standing back by the fence thought I was somehow hurting her. It was kind of sad to know that a village comprised entirely of naked citizens didn’t know what a pleasured woman sounded like.
Eventually, I had to change things up a bit…and I did so by pulling up and then crawling forward. I hugged my arms around my slick rival from where I loomed over her, and my dick dangled right above her impressive love hole. I felt it brush against her lower regions as it swayed back and forth, and the thought crossed my mind on more than one occasion to just pop it in. Still, that felt a little wrong since I wanted Isis calling the shots, so I fought temptation and continued my ruse of placing the dark-skinned beauty in what looked like a bear hug.
Isis and I ended up in what resembled a lotus position. Her breasts were crushed against my body and I could feel her big nipples pressing into my chest. She again put on a show by calling out and thrashing her arms about, and as we sat there on our knees “wrestling” each other, she finally decided it was her turn to take control of the contest.
The ebony babe quite frankly surprised me by suddenly reaching out and grabbing onto my head with both hands…and then planting both of her lips on mine. She gave me a very passionate kiss, and as I eased up on my hold, I came to the realization that she was only doing it to distract me. Well, I have to admit that the diversion worked, for after I released her, her head shot back and she shoved my noggin down toward her bountiful breasts…and then she started rapidly moving her chest back and forth. The best way I can describe what she was doing is by saying that she treated my face like a punching bag…and those marvelous, brown boobies of hers were like boxing gloves. It shouldn’t be forgotten that those massive mammaries were fairly solid, so they were capable of delivering a knockout blow. They smacked me in the cranium multiple times, and I actually had to be careful that I didn’t lose an eye from those potent nipples she possessed.
Once again, I think the arbitrator was trying to be heard over the cacophony of my wild rival’s advantage. I’m pretty sure he was asking me if I gave up, but I wasn’t responding: Not because I couldn’t, but because I would’ve never submitted to such a glorious trouncing. Isis could’ve beat me to death with those unbelievable titties of hers and I would never be able to deny that it would undoubtedly be the best way to die. I would gladly take my lumps like a man from those breast bumps.
After making me see more than the stars, the dark-skinned beauty lashed out and shoved me to the ground again. She easily crawled on top of me and stared down into my eyes while smiling deviously. “I have you right where I have wanted you since you first stepped foot in our village!” she taunted. I couldn’t see what she was doing from my angle, but I could feel it.
In firm control of the situation, Isis slid her pelvis down my abs again while reaching back on me with her left hand. She fumbled about until locating my careening hunk of meat that was still fully aroused, and once she had it in her grasp, she lifted herself ever so slightly until guiding the tip toward her moist pussy lips. She then shoved the crown of my cock past her barrier and inserted me within her soft confines before fully seating herself on my lap.
Both of us let out loud gasps of awe at the same time. I can’t speak for Isis’s excitement, but I’d be lying if I said my pecker didn’t feel right at home in her soothing foxhole. The fact that she had completely dropped down on me in order to take every inch of what I had to offer only made my lucky wanker feel all the merrier. My penis was one hell of a happy camper.
Isis brought her hands down on the matted hair of my chest and dug her nails into my flesh. I could see her eyes tightly closing as her head fell back and her mouth dropped open. She began roughly grinding on me as I reached forward and grabbed her sides. It didn’t take long for my hands to slide down her sleek skin and to her thighs. I clasped her tensely while enjoying every second of the action.
From my position on the ground, I glanced back at the upside-down spectators. I could tell that they were all quite confused by the match they were viewing. It was obvious that some of them knew what was going on between Isis and me, but they still believed that the intercourse was all part of the actual Reckoning. In their culture, this lewd bout of copulation just put one of us one step closer to submitting to the other.
When my eyes were back on Isis, I lifted my hands to her breasts and started squeezing them. Never in my life did I ever exert too much pressure when handling a majestic rack of tits since I didn’t want to harm a female, but Isis apparently wanted me to grip her with stronger force. Her hands went up to mine as she used her appendages to coerce mine into clutching her ruthlessly. I was a little worried that our extreme passion would cause lasting harm to her splendid bosoms, but she was the one in complete control. She had me at her mercy.
Sweat flew through the air as the two of us struggled about on the ground in the middle of the mock battleground. We were really succumbing to the moment, and when the dark-skinned beauty finally released her hold on my hands, I moved them behind her and started squeezing her marvelous ass cheeks. I didn’t show as much restraint on them as I had with her boobs…and I could tell that she was enjoying every second of it.
After letting the radiant woman grind away on me for another minute or two, I decided to display my strength by wrapping one of my arms around her back while using the other to push myself back to my feet. I think I alarmed my opponent a little bit at first, but as she remained vehemently interconnected to me due to my penis being buried deep within her, I climbed into an upright position while securely cradling her close. I wasn’t about to drop my precious burden…even if we were “harsh rivals” locked in “mortal combat” with one another to prove that there would be a “reckoning.”
I couldn’t get over how even as I clambered to my feet, Isis didn’t once attempt to remove my dick from her puss. She remained firmly attached to me the entire time, and I even felt her moving back and forth since she still wanted to go at it. It felt good knowing that such a beautiful woman was so into me.
When I was fully erect – and by that, I mean standing – I placed both of my hands on the small of the dazzling female’s back. She had her hands around my neck and was yelling profanities since she was so caught in the moment…even though the gathered crowd was under the impression that she was cursing me due to the Reckoning. With the utmost care, I started leaning forward so the dark-skinned woman would begin descending toward the grass. My dick didn’t leave her innards the entire time until I had her shoulder blades firmly planted on the ground. She was practically in a handstand position.
My hands then slipped upward and over her butt cheeks until I was gripping her by the thighs. With my cock still deposited in her pink, I spread my legs further apart as I began thrusting downward. The perspiration dripped off my forehead as I glanced down at the face gazing up at me. The wondrous woman below me was pressing her tits together for my benefit as she begged me to continue pummeling her pussy. At least that’s what I thought she was saying since sound was unable to escape her lips at that moment. She soundlessly pleaded for me to pulverize the gash between her legs as she spread them further apart in order to allow me more room.
The old man watched in hushed awe as I continued to jackhammer the ebony babe. I’m fairly certain he had intended to ask her if she was submitting to my prowess, but he couldn’t get the words out since he had never witnessed such a display. I’m sure that in all the years of Reckonings, there had never been one in which the accuser was insisting that the bout continue even as she was being dominated.
With a firm grip on the slippery thighs of my opponent, I slowly started to back up in order to lower the rest of her body to the ground. While doing so, I also dropped to my knees so I was looming over her in a missionary position. Above both of us, the unrelenting sun caused our pores to secrete fluids more profusely. We were becoming a hot mess.
From my position, I studied Isis’s incredible frame and tight tummy. She had an abdomen I would’ve loved jerking a gallon or two of cum onto, and seeing my milky-white fluids in clumps on her brown flesh would’ve been a landmark I’d never forget for the rest of my days. I could only imagine how fascinating it would be to see wads of jism running down her smooth skin in lascivious rivulets…
The dark-skinned beauty suddenly sat up and threw her arms around me. At the same time, her legs also entrapped me as she began sputtering something in my left ear. I couldn’t make out the words since they were coming out so fast and garbled, but I had a feeling that she was trying to relay to me that she was about to reach her peak. If that was in fact what I had been hearing, I wondered how we were supposed to handle things.
Isis’s hands abruptly went from being tangled around me to being harshly planted against my chest. She started to shove me away from her, and after receiving the message, I withdrew my drenched rod from her sopping hole. I thought that she maybe wanted to experience her orgasm without having me in her…but that assumption couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Making it look like we were still at each other’s throats, Isis rolled over and pretended to scamper away from me. I can say she was putting on an act with all confidence because as she placed her ass in the air and was about to crawl away from me on all fours, she subtlety reached back and grabbed me…while at the same time falling forward so she was flat against the ground. By doing what she had done, she managed to tug me forward…and my penis ended up between her buns.
From the crowd’s point of view, it must’ve looked like I was mounting the dark-skinned beauty from behind. My palms were firmly planted in the grass to her sides, and since she had used her hand that the onlookers couldn’t see from their angle, she was able to easily guide my prick back into her wet love hole. Since I was on my knees with my legs opened, that left both of hers between them…and she bent them at the knees as her feet went in the air. Apparently, the spectators didn’t realize she was having a good time and thought the cries of her orgasm were nothing more than her way of submitting.
The arbitrator called the contest off and declared me the winner. When I didn’t climb back to my feet right away since I was still caught up in the moment and pumping away at Isis, I think some of the people were a little upset with me…but when I finally pulled back and started jerking away on my stiff cock, I’m not sure what was running through their minds.
I began exploding all over Isis’s backside. My first few shots traveled a good few feet and landed on the back of her head and in her hair, and the next few ended up as gooey lines across her glistening back. I continued to wail away as my following discharges sputtered out and landed in clumps on her perfect butt cheeks, but then I managed to fire off another two blasts that had some power behind them and ended up on her spine. Eventually, the potency of my explosion died down and I dribbled onto her posterior again before falling onto my own beside her. I don’t mean to sound crude, but my jism looked amazing on her ebony flesh just as I knew it would.
For the next several seconds, there was complete silence in the area as everyone tried to figure out what had just happened. Again, the people watching us weren’t idiots and knew that we had gotten off due to the hot, carnal activity between the two of us, but at the same time, they figured we were actually trying to outdo the other…and when I was declared the victor since Isis had “submitted,” I’m not sure that they knew what to think of the situation.
When Isis finally came back down from the cloud she had been on, she rolled over and glanced up at me. My semen had covered her back and I wondered how she would take being coated in the thick substance. I received an answer as she smiled up at me and stated, “You have claimed victory, and therefore, I drop my accusations against you. With your triumph, though, comes your right to ask me for any favor you would request. I am at your mercy.”
All eyes were on me as my cock began to droop a bit in my lap. It still had a semblance of rigidity to it since Isis was so damn fine, but she had also drained it of everything it had been worth. I wasn’t sure I’d be blowing any man-gravy with it again anytime soon.
The old arbitrator kept his distance as he waited for me to speak. When I didn’t respond, he finally said, “Well, stranger…what will it be? You’ve won this Reckoning fair and square, and Isis has humbly accepted your victory. You now get to ask anything you wish of her, and by our village’s law, she has to carry it out.”
I glanced over at the dark-skinned beauty and saw her awaiting my answer. I simply smiled as I climbed to my feet and then offered her my hands so I could help her up. Once she was standing in front of me, I kept her hands clasped in mine as I gazed down at her and told her, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you sooner, Isis. You’re a radiant woman and I’d never intentionally ignore someone of your beauty. As a favor to me, would you be willing to forgive me for not noticing you sooner?”
I could see in Isis’s eyes that she wanted nothing more than to throw her arms around me and kiss me. I haven’t always been the most observant guy when it comes to female behavior, but it was plainly right there in front of me…and I knew that the only reason she wasn’t doing so was that she had to “save face” in front of her fellow villagers since she had “lost” our bout. To start making out with me right then and there would’ve made her look weak, so she simply responded, “I forgive you.”
Everyone started clapping and cheering as the old arbitrator walked past us and started motioning with his hands for everyone to leave the area. Since there was no longer anything to see, he wanted people to move along so Isis and I could have our moment. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that the elderly man wasn’t as dense as I had originally pegged him to be…
I finally released my hold on Isis’s hands as I nodded once and gave her one last smile. I thought about apologizing again before turning to leave, but I never received the chance.
Since the bulk of the gathered audience had begun moving on and was no longer paying attention to the two of us, the dark-skinned beauty did indeed throw her arms around me and gave me one of the most passionate kisses I had ever received. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth – not that it had to try very hard – and the frenetic female poured her all into it. She wanted me to know that she was truly into me…and I received the message loud and clear.
When we finally released our hold on one another, I couldn’t help but lick my lips as I felt a familiar flutter down below. The action didn’t go unnoticed by my dark-skinned compeer, and when she saw my penis begin to pay her reverence yet again, she placed her hands on her face and let her jaw drop. She was obviously quite pleased that I was still happy to see her and “liked” her so much even after she had accused me of paying her no heed.
I scratched the back of my head and couldn’t help but make her day by asking, “If you’d do me another favor, Isis, would you maybe want to get together a little later tonight…?”