A Stranger In Paradise Part Eight

"When asked to accompany a new friend for a morning run, the stranger gladly accepts..."

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I had been in Grassridge Hideaway for almost three weeks when I finally met the tight-bodied Kaede. This fit woman with washboard abs stood at five feet, four inches, and she had straight, dark locks just down beyond her shoulders. She had dark-brown eyes, thin, pink lips, and – like mostly everyone else in the nudist colony – tan skin due to her everyday exposure to the sun. Her breasts were average-sized and perky; I’d say they fell between Harley’s and Isis’s in size. Her nipples were just a shade darker than her complexion and were also just as inviting. Her vagina had a bit of the camel-toe configuration to it that I spoke of earlier, but only marginally. That slit was absolutely gorgeous and a thing of beauty. She also had long legs and looked to be quite flexible due to the incredible shape she was in…and she had the spunkiest attitude of anyone I had thus far met in the small community.

While not as muscled as the cougar I had already encountered named Dinah, Kaede was still quite toned and was very pleasing to the eyes. Some might claim that the buxom brunette I had previously been with was too muscled, but I would disagree and say that her physical fitness suited her just fine…especially after the way she had ridden me in her kitchen when I had gone over to take a look at her plumbing. However, I couldn’t think of any man who would have a problem with how fit Kaede appeared to be.

I had seen the raven-haired stunner for the first time shortly after arriving in the nudist colony, but I hadn’t been able to meet her right away due to how busy I seemed to be during every hour of the day. If I wasn’t being asked by the local women to have a look at something to fix, I was busy helping other villagers with chores and gardening…or possibly having sex with one of the enchanting locals. All joking aside, though, I wanted to do my part to help everyone out since they had taken me in when I had been injured, so I wasn’t about to shirk my duties. Besides, if I had actually met Kaede sooner, I probably wouldn’t have done a damn thing around the village to help out because I would’ve been too busy spending my time staring at her.

So, I had taken note that early each morning, Kaede would go for a jog around the entirety of the village by taking two or three laps. It was hard to miss since she bounced in all the right places as her solid body glided around the colony with ease. I had honestly considered approaching her myself and asking if she wouldn’t mind company since I had always enjoyed going for a relaxing run, but I knew such a thing wouldn’t be possible: There was no way I’d be able to keep up with her while sporting a full-fledged boner.

Apart from running, Kaede would find random places throughout the village to sit down and have a good stretch. She would have herself in a sitting position and open her legs wide while raising her arms into the air and then leaning as far as she could to one side before then going the opposite way. It goes without saying that due to her flexibility, the woman had absolutely no problem touching the ground.

Kaede would also do sit-ups, push-ups, and even some pull-ups using a bar that was attached to one of the small houses nearby. The raven-tressed beauty would typically work up a sweat in no time, and watching her glimmer under the morning sun as she put her tight body through the motions…wow.

I finally met Kaede one night when the inhabitants of the village had a small cookout that everyone was invited to. I had been sitting between Sara and Isis and listening to a few others make mention of the “blue beast” again when the incredibly fit woman came to say hello to the women I was seated with…and then when her eyes met mine, she smiled and held out a hand as she confidently said, “I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Kaede!”

I took her hand in mine and then kissed the back of it before telling her who I was. I think my gentlemanly display may have earned me a brownie point or two because after I released her hand, she placed it on her chest and looked at Sara as her mouth dropped open.

“Oh, my!” she energetically said as my big-breasted friend beside me nodded. “I didn’t know this guy was such a gentleman! Why didn’t anyone tell me that? Have you all been trying to hide him for yourselves?”

“Trying and failing!” Isis chimed in with a sly smile.

I chuckled since the women treated me with such reverence. If it had been humanly possible, I would’ve loved to scoop each and every one of them up at the same time so I could smother them in kisses due to their kindness. How could one guy be so lucky to be surrounded by such hospitality and everlasting comeliness…?

Kaede abruptly interlocked her fingers and raised her arms over her head to stretch. She then leaned to one side – looking mighty fetching while doing so – before telling me that she had a great idea…and thought it would be amazing if I joined her in the morning for a little workout.

“Oh, he’ll be receiving quite the ‘workout’ later tonight!” Sara informed the other raven-tressed beauty. Isis nodded her agreement as she also laughed. Without a doubt, I was looking forward to the “festivities” the evening would bring.

Kaede expressed her cheer for the two women next to me before placing her eyes on me once again and asking, “Well, how about it? You can limber up and get ready for everything I’ll put you through in the morning with these two lovely ladies later tonight! How about we meet by the well at say…seven thirty in the morning?”

Before Grassridge Hideaway, I had kept some goofy hours, so the time of day didn’t matter to me so much since I could bend my schedule on a whim…and in the wonderful nudist colony, it really didn’t seem to matter since most of my time seemed to revolve around the lovely ladies constantly swarming me. Time seemingly had no meaning in my small slice of paradise.

As Isis grasped my left arm and Sara latched onto my right, I did my best to look back at Kaede so I could gleefully tell her, “I’ll see you at seven thirty!”

The fit babe approved of my answer with a stunning smile that would’ve had any man melting into a helpless pile of pudding. She then darted off as the trim crack of her ass seemed to wave at me while also wishing me a good night.


As I made my way toward the well, I could clearly see that Kaede had one foot on top of it and was stretching by grasping her toes in both hands. Under normal circumstances, seeing such a sight would’ve been more than boner-inducing, but the fact that Kaede was such a hottie – and completely naked – just aroused me all the more. I had feared something like this would happen…and I did my best to avert my eyes since I didn’t want to be fully erect if I was going to work out with the raven-tressed beauty.

“Good morning, sleepyhead!” Kaede called out to me when she saw me approaching “I was afraid you were going to change your mind and bail on me!”

Since I wasn’t late, I wondered why the fit woman was referring to me as “sleepyhead.” I wasn’t offended by any means, but since I was five minutes early, I figured she had no reason to truly doubt me. Since I hadn’t looked in a mirror, maybe I just appeared tired or something. I suddenly realized I was being rude by not responding, so I greeted my new friend by saying, “Good morning, Kaede! I hope you slept well.”

The black-haired stunner brought her leg down and performed a couple quick jumping jacks while smiling and answering, “I slept like a baby! I always do!”

She had to know what she was doing to me by exercising in front of me in such a provocative fashion. Was she trying to arouse me…?

Kaede walked across the dirt path so she could take a seat on some soft grass. She motioned for me to join her as she said, “You can help me with another stretch before we go for our run!”

I was curious as to how I could help, but instead of asking, I decided to simply join her so she could explain things. When I was close enough, she told me to have a seat in front of her about three feet away. I did exactly that.

“All right!” she energetically said as she uncrossed her legs and spread them apart in an outstretched “V” shape. She was totally exposed and showed off her own glorious “V” to me while instructing, “Stretch your legs out like mine are so your feet are touching mine!”

It took a minute for the order to sink in since I was too busy admiring everything about her. Again, she had to know what she was doing to me…and if she somehow didn’t, it was about to become glaringly obvious since I was stiffening up down below. Regardless, I did as she asked and stretched out as she had directed me. I certainly wasn’t as limber as she was and felt a little pull in my muscles, but I quickly realized that may have been from the extra strain I had been put through the night before…

Since we had our feet together and our legs were in the shape of a diamond, Kaede’s hands suddenly shot out in front of her as she told me to grab onto them with mine. Once I did as she told me, she was about to continue with her explanation…until taking note of my arousal. With a sly look on her face, she impishly turned her head and asked, “Do you really like me that much?”

I tried not to look away as I answered, “It’s kind of hard not to, Kaede. You’re a fascinating woman!”

“You hardly know me!” she quickly pointed out.

“Doesn’t make you any less fascinating!”

Approving of my answer with a nod, the raven-tressed stunner simply said, “Touché!”

I was glad that my workout partner found my statement acceptable.

“Okay!” she then spoke up as she returned to the task at hand. “Here’s what we’re going to do now! We’re going to keep our feet together, and then you’re going to pull back…so in essence, you’ll be pulling me forward! Then, I’ll move back and pull you forward! It’ll almost be like we’re rowing a boat! Easy-peasy!”

Her explanation made sense and it sounded like something that wouldn’t be too difficult for me. I had at one point been quite the adventurer, after all…but when I suddenly thought about it, I found that my mind suddenly became foggy when I tried to remember anything before arriving in Grassridge Hideaway. I could envision being out in the wild and collapsing right before Bridget and Sara found me, but anything before that was a blur. I found it rather odd how I hadn’t really thought about any of it until this very moment…

Kaede glanced at me with a quizzical look on her face as she moved back and pulled me forward. I think she was somewhat impressed by my flexibility, but instead of commenting about it, she asked, “Something on your mind, stud? You look to be deep in thought!”

I shook my head while pulling the black-haired beauty forward and responded, “Oh, nothing really. Just thinking about…the past.”

“Anything good?”

I again shook my head since I didn’t have an honest answer. I did find my mind wandering a bit as I pulled her forward again and thought that if I could maybe go far enough back, that would bring her all the more forward…

Kaede looked to always be smiling, and that was a good thing since she possessed one that could brighten any room. As she did so, she queried, “So, where’s your hometown? Grassridge Hideaway is pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, so you really had to travel to get here!”

As we continued performing Kaede’s little exercise routine, I felt the hamster running on the wheel in my brain going at it harder than he had in weeks. The fact that I had hardly thought about anything from my past up until now somewhat bothered me, and I found that I didn’t have an answer for my physically-fit compeer.

I think Kaede could see that I was not only deep in thought again, but she also noticed that I was having trouble coming up with a response to her query. For whatever reason, she tried to cheer me up by simply saying, “Well, I guess you know what they say: You snooze, you lose!”

It was like being struck by a lightning bolt when she spoke those last four words. I would’ve stopped all activity at that point and asked her where she had heard that particular expression before, but fate suddenly intervened in the cruelest of fashion…

“Holy crap!” I called out in alarm as pain shot through my groin.

“Oh, no!” Kaede yelped after seeing what she had done. She called my name out multiple times while asking if I was all right.         

While I had been so caught up in my thoughts, I reflexively continued our exercise and had been pulling Kaede forward…and at the same time, her right foot somehow managed to slip off my left and shot forward into my crotch. She obviously hadn’t meant to hurt me, but it caught me right in the junk. The fact that I had been semihard didn’t help matters, but thankfully, she mainly clipped me in the side and I think the shock hurt more than anything.

Springing to her feet in an instant, the raven-tressed beauty was leaning over me as I gripped my meat and marbles and dropped to my left side. I know some people think that guys act overdramatic when getting hit in the nuts, but I honestly can’t think of a worse pain. I think I would rather take a crowbar upside the head than a slap to the testes.

Kaede squatted down beside me and placed a hand on my right shoulder as she told me, “Let me have a look! I think I may be able to help you!”

That was probably the worst thing she could say in that moment because I was afraid of how much further arousal would hurt. The fact that she was close to me combined with her obvious charm, beauty, and the very idea of her looking me over…well, that had me picturing some very naughty thoughts.

“Come on!” she told me as she shook me a bit. “Let me get in there and check everything out!”

Just the concept of having Kaede “examine” me had the hamster practically running the wheel down a busy highway…while at the same time, I wondered what any other early risers in the village would think if they walked outside and saw me with my legs spread wide as the raven-tressed stunner looked me over. “I…I think I’ll be okay, Kaede. I didn’t get hit that hard. I think the initial shock just got to me…”

“Nonsense!” My hot fitness instructor exclaimed. “I didn’t mean to kick you in the jewels, but I certainly don’t want them swelling up on you…unless, of course, I’m making you swell in general…”

The coquettish quip sent blood rushing downward. For the third time that morning, I think Kaede was well aware of what she was doing to me…and she received some kind of perverse joy from doing so.

“Come on!” The black-haired beauty called out again as she grabbed onto my arm and started tugging me up to my feet. “You’re coming with me!”

“Where…where are we going?”

Once I was what passed for upright, Kaede placed my right arm over her shoulders and helped me as I limped along. “We’re going back to my place! I’m going to give you a proper once-over whether you like it or not!”

Something told me I was going to like it more than not.


“I’m fine, Kaede!” I tried to convince the tight-bodied babe as she led me through the front door of her home and continued to aid me toward the blue sofa in her living quarters. “You really don’t have to go to all this trouble! You barely nicked me! I think the initial shock was what got me the most…and that’s worn off!”

“Doesn’t hurt to be sure, though!” The caring woman exclaimed as she released her hold on me and had me take a seat on the couch. I did so without arguing as she suddenly darted off toward another room.

After watching her buns bounce away yet again, I had a look around my new surroundings as I made myself comfortable. I made sure I didn’t have any grass or dirt on my feet before stretching out on the cozy furniture, and then I studied everything in the quaint living room.

Kaede had a few potted plants attached to hemp ropes and hanging from hooks in the ceiling. If I had to guess, I’m fairly certain the various greeneries were ferns, but I could definitely be wrong since I’m not the most astute person when it comes to flora. What I was quite certain about was that she had a shelf full of books in one corner…and it looked like she had some hardbound editions that were relatively old.

Since I could hear my raven-haired hostess going through some cupboards in the next room over, I quickly scampered to my feet and made my way over to the extensive shelf to have a look. I could see that she had quite the collection, and I was actually about to pull one of the tomes out before hearing her shout, “I think I found some salve we can rub on you…but I may not have a bandage to wrap around it when we’re done!”

The very thought of having Kaede rub the cream on my penis made my manhood flutter, but I tried to remain mature as I reminded her, “I don’t think a bandage will be necessary, Kaede! I don’t think I’m in any danger of having it fall off or anything! I probably don’t even need the salve…”

“What are you doing off the couch?” The black-haired beauty interrupted me as she suddenly returned to the room. She placed her hands on her hips and had a piece of old parchment as well as a bottle of something with her.

I practically jumped out of my skin since I hadn’t been expecting her back so soon. When I spun around, I scratched the back of my head and told her, “Really, Kaede! You’re going to be too much trouble for me! I think walking back to your place actually helped get the blood flowing again!”

The fit woman motioned with her head for me to return to the couch…and without complaining or raising a fuss, I did just that. Once I was there, she smiled as she walked over and told me to lie back so my head would be on the armrest. After I had done as she ordered, she took a seat down by my legs and tapped the closest one to signify that she wanted me to spread them a bit.

I had been in Grassridge Hideaway long enough to know that as I complied with the black-haired beauty’s wishes, I wouldn’t be offending her when she realized I was sporting quite the chubby. I was a little surprised that when my penis started to rise of its own volition, Kaede didn’t seem to be affected by my growth like most of the other women I had thus far encountered in the small village. It’s not like I had the biggest piece of equipment to work with and that it was even impressive by any means, but I couldn’t help but be a little disappointed that my dark-eyed compeer didn’t seem the least bit thrilled by it. Maybe I was just getting too accustomed to the way the other women seemed to appreciate me.

“Come on!” Kaede encouraged me with a smile spread across her pretty face. “Move those legs apart and give me a little room to work with!”

I thought I was stretched out quite a bit, but I moved them a little further apart. While doing so, I couldn’t help but lower my eyes from the raven-tressed beauty’s face to her perky chest. She seriously had an excellent pair of tits, and staring directly at those incredible nipples only served to stiffen me more.

“Good!” Kaede energetically shouted as she lifted the parchment and started reading something on it. I probably should’ve been asking her if I could take a look at it since it was apparently the instructions for whatever was in the bottle…and since the salve within said container would be going on my dick of all things. Still, I trusted the black-haired beauty implicitly. “Hmm!”

I finally glanced up from her animated titties and saw a look of mild confusion on her face. I couldn’t help but ask, “Is there a problem?”

As Kaede stared at the parchment with a raised eyebrow, she finally lowered it so she could look right into my eyes and inform me, “Well, it says here that before applying the salve, the surface it’s being smeared on needs to be coated down with a mild fluid.”

“Like water or something?” I inquired.

A devious, wry smile appeared on the elegant woman’s face as she replied, “Well, water would be one way we could go about it, but I think we could probably come up with something better…and I wouldn’t even have to get up and go back to the kitchen!”

I was a little bewildered at first, but I felt that I had a good reason to be. I honestly didn’t think that Kaede had seen me in “that” way, so for her to make such a comment threw me off. When I finally realized that she was in fact talking about coating my cock in her saliva, I have to say that I wholeheartedly approved.

After setting both the bottle and parchment down on her nearby coffee table, the raven-haired hottie leaned forward and started to reach for my elevated pecker. Before grabbing onto it, she glanced at me with a somewhat quizzical look on her face as she asked, “May I?”

I nodded while trying to contain my smile.

Grasping the lower half of my erection after properly positioning herself over my lower half, Kaede started to lower her head in order to start feeding my dick into her mouth. I watched in awe as she glanced up and made eye contact with me while giving me head.

I started to moan in delight as I placed my right hand on Kaede’s head and began running my fingers through her dark locks. I could see that she was doing her best to smile with a mouthful of my cock as she continued to blow me. With every pass she made, I could see more and more saliva being left behind. She was definitely doing a great job of coating my shaft down.

After sucking on me for a good three minutes, Kaede finally pulled her head back as a long trail of saliva followed her. I felt some of the drool drip onto my right thigh, and as she continued to grip my solid organ, she used her free hand to wipe her mouth off. It was awesome that she was still smiling since she had such a killer one.

Kaede reached over and appeared to be perusing the parchment again as she took it in her hands. I watched as her eyes appeared to be scanning the directions, and as her lips moved with the words, she finally put the instructions down on the table yet again as she said, “Well, on to step two!”

“What is it?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Well, it says that before we can apply the salve, the surface we’re putting it on has to be warmed up!”

I wasn’t sure where the black-haired beauty was going with her explanation. I’m sure there was a bit of fear on my face as I asked, “You’re not going to hold a match or something to my dick, are you?”

Kaede couldn’t help but laugh as she held a hand over her mouth. “Of course not! I have a better idea!”

I think the raven-tressed stunner was waiting for my reaction, so I obliged her by asking, “How are you going to warm it up?”

“By covering it completely!”

I glanced around and didn’t notice any blankets in the room. It took me another second before it finally dawned on me what she was going to do…at least, I was hoping that she was going to do what I was thinking.

From her position on the couch between my legs, Kaede pushed herself up to her knees and flashed me one of her dazzling smiles. She carefully inched toward me while explaining, “I need to warm your penis, so don’t take offense to this, okay? I just want to make sure everything feels good down there for you!”

I shook my head to let her know that I wasn’t offended in the least and she could do whatever she had to do. I then watched in wide-eyed glee as she carefully moved me about while positioning herself over me… and then she reached down and grabbed my cock as she directed it to the immaculate hole between her legs. I felt my glans against her sweet labia before entering her moist goodness.

For as much satisfaction as I received from being inside the goddess of fitness, I almost think she may have been even more excited than I was. I wouldn’t have guessed that in a million years, but when her head dropped to one side as she closed her eyes and let her mouth fall open, she had a look of absolute ecstasy overtake her face. Of all the women I had been with in the nudist colony, the pleasure radiating from her countenance in that moment as she slid further down my manhood was truly astonishing.

While letting out a moan or two of my own, I reached forward and placed my hands on Kaede’s sides as she moved up and down. I helped her along when necessary, and I couldn’t help but marvel at the way my dick split her gash. Her pussy was truly a joy to gawk at.

What I wanted more than anything in that moment was to make Kaede sweat the same way I saw her do so when running laps around the village. I decided that the best way to accomplish said feat was to take matters into my own hands, so after letting out a grunt, I sat up and hugged my arms around the raven-haired hottie’s waist…

Kaede watched on with wide eyes as I left myself inserted in her while scooting off the couch. I then stood up and shimmied my hands downward on her so they ended up beneath her thighs. Making herself comfortable, the brown-eyed beauty smiled directly at me while wrapping her legs around me and draping her arms over my shoulders. Her lithe form moved up and down a few times as she commented, “I could get used to this!”

I echoed those sentiments. As I hoisted her up and down on my rigid pole, I felt her dampness making my efforts easier. She was one hell of a fuck…and I was praying to all I held dear that I’d be able to handle her.

I would say that I was demonstrating my might by carrying Kaede across the room, but the raven-tressed stunner couldn’t have been more than a hundred pounds. Even if it was all muscle, she was still one of the leanest women I had ever been with, so hauling her around didn’t take a whole lot of effort. The two of us chuckled while traversing her living room, and after approaching a wall, I was elated to see that she had the same idea that was swimming through my gray matter.

Kaede carefully let herself down and then placed her left hand against the wooden surface in front of her. She stood perpendicular to the wall and lifted her right leg in order to place it over my left shoulder. The flexible woman widened the gap I needed to enter while fondling one of her tits with her free hand. She seductively smiled at me while inviting me shove myself back in her damp puss.

I took a step forward and guided my prick into the provocative slit. It met no resistance and slid right in as I let out a sigh while hugging my arms around her lifted leg. I then began hammering away as Kaede deviously stared at me and repeatedly asked, “You like that?”

I most certainly did. And the more she asked, the harder I pounded at it. If my dick had actually been hurt earlier, Kaede’s pussy juices were certainly doing wonders to heal it. My pecker had never felt so vital and ready to go.

Countless minutes passed as I plugged Kaede’s hole from that position. I have no idea how she was managing to stand on one foot for such a long period of time since I was actually getting a little tired myself, but I quickly remembered just how fit the raven-haired beauty was. If I had to guess, she’d probably be capable of literally going all night long if she wanted to.

Eventually, the fit female did pull her leg back down so she could resituate herself. Placing her back to me, she firmly planted both of her hands against the wall and raised her ass in the air. Since I had stepped out of her way to allow her room, she glanced back over a shoulder and seductively eyed me while ordering, “Pick a hole and go to town!”

I licked my lips while admiring her curves and once again stepped up to her glorious body. We had both broken out in a sweat after going at it for numerous minutes, and the gleam her figure gave off only served to keep me as stiff as a cadaver. I cracked at my shaft a few times while getting directly behind her and forcing my rod between her spread legs. I went for the lower of the two holes since I knew just how spectacular it was, and then I shoved my manhood into the prepared puss.

Grasping the hips of the brown-eyed beauty, I started drilling away while letting my head fall back so I could let out a shout of uncultivated savagery. I heard Kaede laughing as I did so, and she continued to tease me by egging me on with naughty phrases like “fuck me harder!” and “go deeper!” If I’m being honest, I really didn’t think I was going to be able to hang with the stout female much longer.

Feeling like I had something to prove, I took control once more and pulled out of my vigorous partner long enough to spin her around. Once she was facing me, she gave me a look of excitement since she wondered what I had in store for her. I was fairly certain she was going to like it.

I pushed Kaede back against the wall – gently, of course because I’m not an animal – and angled my dick upward in order to shove it back into her. I then placed my hands under her thighs and lifted her legs off the ground. With her body up against the flat, vertical surface, I started to wail away as she oohed and awed at my physique.

Sweat was pouring out of me as I gave that woman my all. I wanted to impress her with my prowess, and while I wasn’t exactly sure that I was accomplishing that feat, I was sure of the fact that I was having a phenomenal time. The women of Grassridge Hideaway were like nothing I had ever witnessed before. They were so far beyond perfection that such a thing shouldn’t have been possible. How could so many marvelous specimens of womanhood be gathered in a singular area with a bunch of imbecilic men who didn’t know how to please them? In my humble opinion, it was a crime against nature.

At the same time, I found that I couldn’t be upset with the impotent men of the nudist colony because their lack of sex drive allowed me to have all of the glorious and beautiful women of the small community to myself. I couldn’t think of any other man in existence who was able to climb out of bed every morning knowing that he could have a crack at getting some from an entire lineup of perfect tens. The possibilities in Grassridge Hideaway were endless for me.

“Do you like that pussy?” Kaede’s sultry words broke into my thoughts as her body glistened from a thin sheet of perspiration.

“Like you wouldn’t believe!” I responded as I continued to rail away at it.

“Do you wanna cum in that pussy?”

I couldn’t help but smile in response to the obscene query. I knew that Kaede thought I was reaching my breaking point…but I had a little something in store for her.

“Ulp!” The raven-haired vixen called out as I pulled out of her and scooped her into my arms. She had no idea what was going to happen next.

Carrying the beautiful woman back across the room, I felt my dick bumping up and down below as I cradled my precious partner in my arms. I had one hand across her back and the other under her legs as she wrapped her arms around me and gazed longingly into my eyes. She had believed that I wasn’t going to last much longer, but she had a grin like no other across her face since she came to the realization that I was only getting warmed up.

After placing Kaede on the center of her couch, I took a step back while gesturing to her coffee table and asking if it would be okay if I moved it out of the way. She gleefully told me to do whatever I had to, so I slid it aside before making my way back toward her. She watched my dick sway back and forth as I did so, and once I reached her, I squatted down just enough to grab underneath her legs and lift them. I then pulled her athletic frame to the edge of the sofa and slipped my manhood back in her again. I banged that immaculate puss for a good five minutes without easing up once. Listening to her howl in delight throughout that entire span of three hundred seconds was a thing of beauty.

“Oh, FUCK! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! FUCK!”

Her words were just the motivation I needed to keep going. I’m not sure where I found the extra stores of energy, but I felt like I had something I needed to prove to the raven-haired vixen, so I wasn’t about to come up for air. I just kept bashing that gash while listening to her salacious melodies.

The harder we went at it, the more we started to move about. Without realizing it, I finally noticed that I was actually on the couch with the brown-eyed beauty…in fact, I was right behind her and perforating her pussy from a spooning position. How and when that had happened, I wasn’t even sure. Somehow, I had blocked everything else out while enjoying the fuck of my life.

Kaede suddenly started howling my name at the top of her lungs as I continued to go as deep as my manhood possibly could. It brimmed with vigor within her, and as I reached around her body to start squeezing her tits, she began quaking in satisfaction as she ordered me to keep going. She begged me to pick up the speed, and when I thought there was no possible way to do so, I somehow managed to pull it off. My balls were flopping about so hard down below that I thought they were going to fly off and start bouncing around the room.

As Kaede screeched at the top of her lungs that she was undergoing a monumental orgasm, I couldn’t help but realize that I was about to do the same. I think I could have held out a little longer, but seeing the writhing vixen in front of me was one thing…while listening to the string of profanities singing forth from her lips was another. My senses were being overloaded by the sheer sexiness of the woman I had been smashing, and I could no longer hold back the flood of semen that needed out.

When I pulled my cock out of Kaede’s puss, I was able to obtain a partial glimpse of what was going on down below as I looked over her right shoulder. The second my dick came out, a bit of clear liquid followed and spilled to the floor below. It was fucking hot, and it gave me just the extra “umph” I desired as I began beating the ever-loving crap out of my erection. I yanked on that thing so hard that by all rights, it should’ve been suffering from an injury worse than a paltry “kick” from my raven-haired partner.

With her left leg on the couch and her right in the air, Kaede reached down and viciously rubbed herself as I jerked on my rod between her legs. Her pussy was still erupting from the pleasure I had caused it, and when my dick finally went off, an explosion of seminal fluids began firing everywhere. My shots went wild as Kaede took note of them and cheered me on. I had probably unleashed a good five or six bestial blasts when she finally took her attention off her excitement long enough to indulge in mine by grabbing my piece away from me. She jerked it like a madwoman and even aimed it at her face. I saw her opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out, but at that point, I was so lost in the moment that I’m not sure if any of my goo went that far. What I do know is that her toned abs had received a “cummy tummy” befitting of her incredible stature.

When we were both finally ready to admit defeat, the raven-tressed stunner fell back against me and let her right leg drop down across mine. She took a deep breath and did her best to glance back at me as she moaned, “That was fucking insane!”

“That was pretty damn fun,” I agreed.

“I never thought you’d be able to keep up!” Kaede admitted. She then apologized and told me that she didn’t mean to come off as snooty, but she just didn’t think there was a man capable of holding his own with her in Grassridge Hideaway.

I laughed and told her I wasn’t offended. I then added, “There for a while, I wasn’t sure that I would be able to hold on! You’re something else, Kaede!”

“Fuck yeah!” she shouted, and then held up a hand since she wanted a high-five. After I gave it to her, she announced, “You were fucking fantastic!”

I thanked her for the praise as I realized I had received some wetness from the slap of her hand. I wasn’t sure if it was from her, me, or both of us. Regardless, we were a sticky mess…and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“Well, I’m going to run to the bathhouse and clean this off real quick since you covered me ‘salve!’” The black-haired beauty laughed at her own joke before asking, “Care to join me?”

As I realized that Kaede’s house was on the opposite end of the village from her destination, it occurred to me that she would have a lot of ground to cover while having our combined juices all over her body. The very thought of her parading around the village with my gunk running down her lithe form was a major turn-on.

At the same time, something about the whole situation seemed vaguely familiar in some way. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt like I had experienced a very similar moment at some point in my past…but since I was having trouble remembering anything up until reaching Grassridge Hideaway, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.


I finally snapped out of my momentary trance and pushed myself off the blue couch. If I’m being truthful, I thought I could possibly go another round with the raven-haired hottie right then and there, but at the same time, I thought that joining her down at the bathhouse would open up a whole new realm of possibilities that could prove to be both entertaining and interesting.



Published 2 years ago

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