A Step Apart Ch. 05

"Stephanie doesn't like to share her toys, and that includes her stepbrother"

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Chapter One

The next week dragged on hour by hour. He was supposed to be getting things together for his camping trip with his father, Sharon, and her family, but it seemed he could not go thirty seconds without receiving a text or phone call from Stephanie. He ignored her at first, but Matt quickly realized she was not going to stop. He decided he would respond, but couldn’t think of what to say. The truth was obviously not an option. ‘hey after she chased you out of the house, I fucked your mother…’

Matt beat his phone on his head as he lay in his bed. It was Monday morning, and he had 147 missed calls from Stephanie. He gave up trying to count the unanswered text messages. He kept his response short and sweet and apologetic.


‘Hey Stephanie, sorry I took so long to respond. I’ve been kind of freaked since this run with your mom this weekend. I left shortly after you, but your mom made it clear she didn’t want us around each other. This whole thing is my fault, obviously, I started it and I’m sorry. I’m ending it now. I hope we can still be friends. I just don’t want your mom getting upset or my dad finding out.

Matt read over his text a few times and made some small corrections before sending it. A minute didn’t even pass before she started calling Matt again. “Fuuuck,” Matt sighed. He could see what was in store for him. If he answered her call, he knew the tangled mess of lies he was weaving would only expand. His best bet was to stick to text. At least in text, he didn’t have to improvise. He could think out and strategize each response.

A few minutes passed with no phone calls before Stephanie finally responded with her own carefully scrutinized response.


‘Listen, asshole! You don’t get to ignore me after my mom walking in on us like that. I need to know what you said to her. Did you say that was our first time? What did she say about it to you? I haven’t talked to her since then. She called me but I didn’t answer. And YOU didn’t start this alone, okay? We both were a part of this so we both get a say. Don’t be a macho asshole who’s scared of my mom. I can handle her and she doesn’t talk to your dad even.’

“Ugh!” Matt groaned some more as he typed in his phone a response. This is what he didn’t want. Because he knew this would not resolve and he would be stuck in a never-ending texting war. He tried to keep his replies short and end by circling back to his original theme of, ‘let’s be friends.’ But after a while, Stephanie became upset at his slow and disengaged responses.


‘Ugh! This is dumb. Just come over here. My roommates are on vacation. You could stay the night.

To say Matt didn’t consider it would be a lie. He actually really was trying to do the right thing, well relatively right thing. He was sure having sex with Stephanie’s mom didn’t fall into the category of right, but baby steps. However, Stephanie was making it increasingly difficult for him. He spent a few minutes lying in his bed imagining being alone with Stephanie for an entire night. Waking up with her just as he went to sleep. Besides their drunken night together, they hadn’t really been together yet. Matt felt the flexing in his pants and nearly gave in right then and there. At the last moment, he shook his head free of the pull he felt.


‘No, I think for now it’s best if we just lie low for now. Maybe we can start hanging out again in a few weeks?’

Matt felt a twist of guilt and pain in his gut, knowing he was disappointing her and angering her at the same time. After sending the text, he quickly changed her status to silent on his phone as he knew her response would be harsh.

Setting his phone down, he picked at his boxers, adjusting them to make room for his throbbing erection. Resigned to being alone in his bedroom and not much changing, he figured it was up to him now to take care of his own erection seeing as though he just threw the door in the face of the only other person; he was saving it for. Matt thought about Amy then, and how Stephanie’s mom had told him ‘anytime he thought about having sex, he should come to her.’ Matt didn’t really believe this. Amy was quite drunk when she said this and while she had sex with him then, he doubted how up for the idea she would be in the middle of a workday while she was sober.

Matt rolled his eyes as the many scenarios he ran through his mind all ended with Amy chastising him, yelling at him, or telling his father. It wasn’t so much that he feared his father, knowing of his sexual exploits. After all, he didn’t care if his father disowned him or hated him. It was more that he didn’t know what to expect. Physically, Matt was bigger than his father, but something about his dad when he got angry made Matt doubt his ability to win in a fight. He felt smaller next to him. Weaker. It made him truly doubt if he could take his father in a fight. It made him fear his father.

Chapter Two

The days went by slowly as Matt did his best to avoid his cellphone. He’d check it once or twice a day and always roll his eyes at the 20 to 50 text messages that waited unread for him from Stephanie. He wouldn’t reply. He knew she was getting progressively angrier and perhaps that was for the best. Matt was the one who initiated these lustful feelings in her, it was only right if she hated him for ending it.

Sharon was a ghost around the house most of the week. She was out shopping for supplies for their camping trip, planning every moment of their week. It honestly probably would have been more fun, not that any part of this trip would be fun, and cheaper to just have planned to go to a hotel. From the bits and pieces Matt overheard when he went downstairs for food or drink, they were staying in luxury cabins and nothing of what they were doing sounded anything remotely close to camping.

Matt did overhear Sharon talking to Andrea, her daughter, on the phone. Apparently, Andrea and her family were coming, too. Matt didn’t mind. He had only met Andrea a handful of times. She seemed like a nice lady who also had a child early in life. With them there, it would keep a lot of the attention off of him, which he appreciated.

By Thursday, he knew Stephanie was on the verge of losing her mind. She was messaging him on every app Matt had on his phone. He was waiting for a letter to show up in the mail since that was the only way she hadn’t tried to reach out to him. Matt wasn’t a total dick. He responded a few times at the end of each day, reiterating that he thought there should be some time and distance between them for now. It did nothing to quell her pursuit.

It was early Thursday afternoon when everything came to a head. He had shut himself in his room for four straight days. Even his casual friends wondered about him. He wasn’t going out with his friends to play pickup flag football or go to parties, which wasn’t too strange, but still, his friends were used to seeing him. All that plus, he found his own willpower waning. Matt questioned why he was holding out on Stephanie. I could meet up with her and just keep it a secret. We were caught before because we weren’t careful.

He did his best in the previous days to keep his jacking off to a minimum, but the knowledge alone that he had this wildly attractive, all-access pass available to him just a car ride away was the biggest aphrodisiac. It was only when his defenses were at their lowest point that he remembered when Amy had told him. ‘Come to me if you’re horny, not my daughter,’ she had made Matt promise. He hadn’t seriously considered it until that moment. What’s the worst that could happen from sending a text?


‘Hey, it’s Matt. Stephanie keeps texting me. We haven’t hung out or anything yet, but I don’t know how long I can keep her away.’

Matt texted and waited. It had been months since they last texted one another. Matt didn’t even know if Amy had his number.


‘Come to my work. ASAP.’

Matt looked at the clock and cursed himself, not realizing till then that it was 1:00 pm and Amy was still at work. He knew she worked for a well-respected law firm, but she wasn’t a lawyer. Her title was something along the lines of Senior Paralegal or something. He almost replied with a text apologizing, but he received another from Amy with her address and a command to be there in 15 minutes.

Matt jumped up and was in his car driving within 60 seconds, more concerned about making it there in time than what he would say or do once there. He parked his car with a minute to spare. He had always imagined her work being in a high-rise downtown. A great building with offices on the 30th floor. Instead, it was a two-story office park. Still impressive but less intimidating, which Matt appreciated.


‘I’m outside in the parking lot.’


‘Come inside to the waiting area.’



Matt didn’t get a reply. He almost bolted at this point. He really didn’t want to be seen inside. Even though it would be perfectly acceptable for a stepson to be visiting a stepmother at work, it felt… wrong for him to do so.

Matt sat uncomfortably in a heavy oak chair that, like most of the waiting room, had a deep and dark varnish finish to it. The room was well-lit, but due to the professional paintings on the wall, dark wood walls, and the fact that there weren’t any windows in the law offices, the room was quite dark. It was intimidating and made Matt feel extremely excited. He wore his usual ratty old jeans and a T-shirt. Glancing every few minutes over the top of the broad and tall reception desk, the cute assistant would occasionally look up from her computer, make eye contact, and give a polite smile before returning to what she was typing. I should just bolt out of here. Nothing about this feels like a good idea.

Just before he could get a message to his legs to stand and make a break for the exit. A door opened from near the reception desk and a flood of suited men poured out. They shook hands and said their farewells. As most of them parted for the exit, Matt could see a lone female among them buried behind the tall shoulders of the others. Amy was looking more professional than she’d ever appeared before. She wore a dark gray blouse that covered her tattoos along her arm and a matching skirt with black high heels. Her shirt was kept button closed just enough to cover the other tattoo she had that protruded up the top of her breast. The neck of her shirt was still left open just enough for the line of ample cleavage to be seen.

“You must be Amy’s stepson, Matt is it? I’m Robert.” A pot-bellied man lumbered over to him with his hand extended. The others had left, which just left Amy, Robert, and Matt.

“Ye-yes,” Matt said, trying to stand to shake his hand but unable to tell from how close Robert closed in on him.

“I thought so,” Robert said. Amy stood silently behind him with a polite smile on her face as the two met. “Amy’s told me so much about you. Sounds like you’ve got quite a decision to make.”  If Matt was having a normal summer, he’d know Robert was talking about his fast-approaching college deadline but due to him having the most unusual summer he’s been having, Matt’s immediate reaction was to freeze and his face to go beet red.

“Both schools are good schools,” Amy chimed in from behind Robert. Her arms crossed. Matt instantly relaxed.

Of course, my stepmom’s boss wasn’t discussing his current and unusually absurd dilemma of whether or not to have sex with his step-sister or stepmother.

“Let me just muddy the waters here for you then,” Robert said, swiping at his brow under his receding hairline. “I got my undergrad at Indiana University and it was an excellent school. I highly recommend it.”

“Oh, okay, thanks,” Matt said.

“Excuse me, sorry,” the receptionist leaned over the desk, some searching for Robert’s eyes. He looked her way. “That phone conference is about ready for you. We’re just waiting for Erickson.”

“Ah yes, thanks Cindy,” Robert said. He took Matt’s hand again giving it a firm shake before looking back to Amy. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

Amy raised a clipboard and a small stack of papers she had in her hand. “I’ll get started on Brodecker’s notes. Should be ready for you by tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Amy,” Robert said, disappearing back inside the door he came from.

“Come on, you,” Amy nodded her head with a grin. Matt follows her through the same door. There was a long corridor with several offices ranging from small to large on either side. Each looked similar to the reception area. Bland and professional looking, with dark shades of wood and paintings of people and places.

Matt followed Amy into an office and she closed the door behind them. It wasn’t a large office, but it was big enough. A desk, a couple of chairs, and a few filing cabinets. Trying to sound more comfortable and at ease than he really was Matt spoke as he sat, “Wow, I didn’t realize how big a deal you were here. Nice office.”

Amy laughed some as she fell back in her chair, putting her papers in a drawer. “If you think this is nice, set your major to pre-law and you’ll love the offices actual lawyers get.” Matt smiled nervously. He felt like an unprepared kid sitting across from his boss, about to be scolded. Nothing had even really been said, and he was already humiliated. “So you’ve hung out with Stephanie.”

The way Amy said it, and, as a matter of fact, it worried him. Even though he knew he hadn’t, he had to run through his memory to confirm. His stepmother’s certainty scared him. “No- no, I didn’t. I haven’t! Not since we- you told me not to.”

“That’s not what she said,” Amy said, eyeing him.

“She did?” Matt made a face, trying to understand. He didn’t know what to say, she obviously wouldn’t believe anything he said if Stephanie had lied and said they had already. “I didn’t, I swear!” Matt pulled his phone from his pocket. “Look, see? All these texts from her. And I don’t reply or just reply saying no and friends and stop. See?”

“Okay, okay,” Amy finally interrupted his panicked rambling. “I believe you. Stephanie didn’t actually say that to me. I just wanted to be sure.”

Matt sighed, clutching his chest, “Jesus…” Amy took Matt’s phone and helped herself through his and Stephanie’s texts.

Amy made a face and sighed as she tossed his phone back across the desk.

“Well, I made a deal with you…” she said, almost to herself. She stood, walking over to the door. She twisted the lock and then pulled her hair out of the bun it was in, shaking it free.

Again, Matt found himself at a loss for where he was and what he should be doing. Amy slid out of her pencil skirt, revealing her thick creamy thighs with the familiar tattoos crisscrossing from the back to the inner thighs. However, this time his eyes didn’t seem to break from her black fishnet leggings that stretched just shy of where her legs met.

“Are you going to take your pants off or what?” Amy asked flatly. Matt hopped as if he had just given an order. Matt had stepped out of his jeans and was debating removing his boxers when Amy cornered him on the desk. His butt leaned against the desk as Amy pressed her lips against his and their tongues pressed against each other’s.

Matt could feel the fabric of her fishnets brush against his thighs as she hooked her leg around his. Her hand slid between their bodies and reverse-gripped his growing shaft through his boxers. As he grew firmer in her hand, Amy’s panting breaths turned into eager moans. The head of his cock pressed into the crotch of her panties.

“Ohm, baby, you’re so hard,” Amy moaned, breaking free from the kiss. Her voice was soft but high-pitched. “You like that? How about this?” Her hand pushed inside his boxers and he felt her fingers close around his bare shaft. Matt pressed his lips into her neck as she moaned his left slid to her ass naturally. He squeezed it, making her yelp as his other hand slid around her breast, mashing it into her chest. “Oh, fuck yes… squeeze that fucking ass…”

Maneuvering her way between the desk and Matt, his stepmother put her ass against him and bent over as she slid her panties down. She purposely pushed her round ass cheeks out and against Matt’s exposed cock. Matt’s warm hand instinctively rested on the small of her back and slid under her shirt in small circles. “Mmm…” she hummed.

Amy slowly raised her head, looking back as she did. Matt’s hand slid down to her shoulder, forcing her to stay bent over her desk and catch herself to keep from falling over. Matt fed the head…

Published 2 years ago

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