Part One
“So, do you know what your major would be?” Amber asked.
“No, not a clue,” Matt smiled.
Amber laughed, waving her hand down at him, “Don’t worry about it. I’m going into my sophomore year and am still undeclared. No major is basically a major here.”
Matt laughed with her and took a drink of his mimosa. He had always seen memes about mimosas, but never had one before today. Stephanie and her roommates had two pitchers full of mimosas in the fridge and were using it to pregame for the party. Matt could tell why they were a girl’s drink. They tasted too good.
“Shut up, you know you’re going to end up declaring education,” Stephanie said from the corner of their living room. She lay on a pink bean bag with her phone in one hand and her almost empty mimosa in the other. “You’ve got more credits for it than most education sophomores.”
“Ugh I know,” Amber stomped her foot like a child and made a face. She was leaning over a bar countertop that split the kitchen and living room. “But I want a job where I could at least make some money. Every time you turn on the news, all you see are all the fucked-up ways teachers are getting shit on. At least if I went nursing, I’d make some money.”
“And some student loan bills,” Stephanie smarted with a raised eyebrow and not letting her eyes leave her phone.
“Maybe you can just be a teacher and find like a sugar daddy or something,” Matt joked, then immediately regretted it. He just met this girl. He didn’t know her well enough to be saying things like that.
Taken back from the comment, there was a slight pause before Amber smiled and let a few strands of her auburn hair fall in front of her eyes. “Why do you think I’m throwing this party in the first place?” She said with a seductive smile across her full red lips. Amber was an attractive woman. Very attractive, actually. She was shorter at just above five-foot-tall and had sexy round breasts that bounced around in her shirt without a bra to Matt’s surprise. He did all he could to keep from looking down while talking to her.
“Hey Amber, can you take those blankets in the closet and put them over the couches like we talked about?” Stephanie asked Amber. Stephanie was clearly at odds with Amber even before Matt arrived.
“Oh yeah, sure!” Amber said, perky as ever. Matt stood from the couch he was on as Amber dug through a closet near the kitchen. A door creaked open upstairs, and he heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs.
“Jesus Christ, Max,” was all Stephanie said, barely shaking her head.
“What? He’s your stepbrother. Not like he’s a freak or anything, right?” Max said as she walked down the stairs. Her wet black hair was wrapped up high in a light blue towel while her left hand held an orange towel synched around her breasts. Her shoulders still glistened with the wetness from the shower. “I’m Maxine or Max, your sister’s creepy roommate.” Max extended her hand to Matt. Her tongue flicked the lip ring back and forth as she smiled.
Matt did all he could to be cool, but he knew he was blushing already. “Hi, I’m Matt, Stephanie’s creepy stepbrother.”
Max laughed as she walked into the kitchen, “I like him you should have him around more often.” Matt felt an internal sigh of relief at the approval and a fluttering in his stomach at hearing a girl say she liked him. It was absurd, he knew, but he didn’t often get a lot of attention from different women. While he did play sports and his teammates often were able to swindle the attention of cheerleaders and some slutty girls, Matt mostly was the fifth wheel. The two girlfriends he did have were from friends of friends introducing them and it never lasted long. Him being on the receiving end, even casually, by these two very attractive college girls of even a moderate amount of interest was almost a fantasy in and of itself.
“I’m sure he likes you,” Stephanie said from the background.
Max ignored her remarks, which Matt was grateful for, “you guys say that?” Max asked as she poured a cup to the brim with their mimosa mix. “Step? Not just sister and brother. You say stepsister?”
Matt shrugged, feeling interrogated, “Just a habit, I guess.”
“Hm,” Max pursed her lips. “I’ve only ever known one other stepfamily, and they never said step.”
“Are you done in the shower?” Stephanie asked as she stood.
“Yes, it’s yours, boo,” Max said, blowing Stephanie a kiss which Stephanie returned before disappearing upstairs without another word.
“Wait! Let me get my blow dryer out of there!” Amber shouted and raced up the stairs after Stephanie.
“So uh, what’s your major?” Matt asked Max, feeling more uncomfortable now that he was alone with this almost naked girl.
“Criminal Justice,” Max said, taking a large gulp of mimosa.
“Whoa, that’s like, cop school, right?”
“Yup,” Max said with a smile, “so if the cops get called to our party, just follow my lead and do what I do.” She gave Matt a wink.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Part Two
“You fuggin suck at this game!”
“Shuddup! I just need to hit the cup.”
“No shit, that’s kinda the point of the game,” Amber giggled as she fell into Matt’s arm. Matt’s already unsteady hand veered far from course as he tossed the ping-pong ball across the table and smacked Maxine in the chest with his ball. Her jittery hand swiped frantically at the ball, trying to grab it as it bounced off both her hands and finally fell to the last red plastic cup in front of her.
“Yes!” Matt and Amber said at the same time. Their hands raised in triumph. The boy Maxine played beer-pong with pretended to tackle her to a nearby couch as she and others surrounding the table reeled from that ending.
“I definitely planned on that happening,” Matt laughed. Amber smacked his biceps.
“Bullshit!” Amber screamed a little too loud. But only Matt, who had to rub his ear, noticed. The sound system blared so loud the walls shook. Matt thought for sure the police would have been called by now, but as he tapped the screen of his smartwatch, he saw it was nearly 1:00 am and they still hadn’t come. A hundred plus students were packed in downstairs and more out front. A Handful of couples and girls danced in the living room when a good song came on, while some just chilled on the couches blazed out of their minds while passing a joint between them. “Oh, hahaha My bad,” Amber laughed at how loud she was being.
“Yeah, gurl, get it!” Maxine yelled into the living room, where Matt realized Stephanie was one of the girls dancing. He was surprised he had forgotten completely about her. The mimosa pitchers must’ve gotten progressively stronger because, by the third one, Matt’s face burned red and he could tell he was already wasted. When people started showing up, it was like a flood filling this three-bedroom townhouse. Stephanie stayed by Matt for a bit, but about the time she started taking shots, Matt lost track of her.
She was in the center of her living room with her ass on the ground against an older-looking frat boy, maybe mid-twenties, with a baseball cap turned backward. Stephanie bent over, flinging her loose schoolgirl skirt up over the small of her back so her bare, fat ass could twerk on the man’s crotch. The entire room went wild. Three different guys yelled their supporting words to her dance partner as she flung her long ponytail of hair to the side over her shoulder, then dropped her ass down to the floor and back up.
“Oooohhh!” Men and women both cheered. Either it was a testament to just how drunk he was, or he truly just didn’t care. Amber probably had something to do with it. While she wasn’t as attractive as Stephanie, when you’re that hot, the difference was negligible. The difference was that Amber seemed interested in him. Maybe she wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, but at least she would talk to him, look him in his eyes, and touch him.
Amber fanned her face with her hand when she saw Matt looking at Stephanie with the rest of the party. “It’s fucking hot in here,” she said and without another word, she pulled him to the back deck out the kitchen door. The deck overlooked a wooded area next to a creek between different buildings. It was the end of June, so it was just about as hot outside as it was inside, though there was a small breeze. “Hmmm that’s better,” Amber said.
Matt closed the door behind them so no one could follow them outside. Before he could fully turn to face Amber, she was already on top of him. He fell back onto the railing as she strained on her tippy toes to get her lips to his. Once he righted himself, he kissed her back. Her lips were cold and tasted of beer. The kiss they shared was messy and delicious. Two drunks fumbling over each other. Without thought, his hand slid down her shoulder and wrapped around her breast. It felt so good in his hand and even better when she giggled and moaned as he massaged it.
There was an abrupt halt to their kiss as Amber pulled away from him. Before he opened his eyes, he thought he had done something wrong and was already cursing himself, ready to apologize. But once his eyes were open, he realized Amber didn’t pull away from him. She was pulled away. Stephanie had Amber’s hair in her fist as she pulled her to the side.
“You think you’re funny?” Stephanie asked. “I told you not to hook up with my brother!” With a final push, Amber stumbled to the other side of the deck.
“Steph- I’m sorry,” Amber whined.
“And you-” Stephanie turned to Matt. She was wearing a pair of inch-and-a-half heels that put her just taller than him. “Come here.” She snatched his palm and dragged him up to her bedroom through the party. “You’re done. No more.”
Some boys he passed made Ooooooo sounds while others who had been watching Stephanie dance shouted words of encouragement to him.
“Get it!”
“Tap that ass!”
As he was being dragged up the stairs, he heard Maxine shout over them, “Come on guys, it’s her brother!”
But the last voice he heard before going into Stephanie’s bedroom was a wise-cracking boy’s voice saying, “Well, stepbrother.”
Part Three
Matt tripped over his feet and nearly fell onto her bed, but he caught himself and side-walked into a wall to brace himself. The room was still white from when she moved in, but it was covered in posters of shirtless rappers and printed pictures of Stephanie and her friends. Just like her bedroom at her mom’s house, the floor was cluttered with dirty clothes and her bed comforter was a twisted mess.
“What the hell wasttthat?!” Stephanie slurred.
“What was what?” Matt threw his hands up. He was starting to get upset, but it wasn’t clear to him why yet. He could just feel the heat building on the back of his neck.
Stephanie seemed flustered at his response. She shook her head, upset, and lost balance for a moment, touching the wall. “All the girls down there and you had to hook up with her? That bitch.”
“So you wouldn’t have brought me up to your room if I hooked up with another girl?” Matt asked. The bravery and openness of his words were fueled by the mix of anger and alcohol that was stored inside him.
“No! Err- yes, whatever,” Stephanie mumbled looking down at her feet, obviously confused by how he worded his question. Matt knew this because he too was confused at how his drunken sentence came out.
A few moments passed and Stephanie finally let out a sigh and clicked her high heels over to the bed and fell back into it. She pulled her cell phone from the side of her crop top and began clicking on the screen. Her feet danced around off the floor like a bored child, she could only let a few seconds pass before she said, “I’m on my phone… on my bed… texting…”
This fucking spoiled brat was all Matt managed to think, looking down at her. It was at that moment he decided he had enough of this game. Matt crawled onto top of his step-sister as he always did, one knee pressing between her legs while the other balanced him outside her thigh. But this time he grabbed at her phone. She pulled away at first but when he finally got it he twisted it from her grip and she let out the tiniest of, “noo…” whimpers. Matt tossed the phone lightly to the carpet beside her bed. Stephanie kept her eyes in the direction of her phone as if she could still see it, or more importantly, she pretended she could not see her stepbrother. But Matt was relentless.
No more games.
His hand grabbed under her chin, pinching her cheeks on both sides, and turned her face to look at his. With his eyes hovering over hers, Stephanie’s eyes still refused to meet his. “Steph…” he said. “Stephanie! Look at me!” Perhaps jolted from him yelling at her, she finally looked at him. Her eyes met his. Matt saw her shaky, wide-eyed, glassy expression and held it for a moment. Then he leaned forward and kissed his step-sister deep and passionately.
He felt stagnant resistance at first. An unwillingness to commit that quickly disappeared. As if transformed by this magical kiss into the horny teenager she was fighting so hard not to be. At a moment’s notice, she released the tension from her body and Stephanie’s hips and taunt stomach arched and formed to Matt’s body. Her eyebrows pinched together as she released a whimpering moan in Matt. Their tongues intertwined just as their hands and fingers cupped one another. Matt pressed Stephanie’s hands down on the bed over her head and felt Stephanie’s leg wrap around her his hips and leg, locking him to her.
His firm and growing erection restrained by his boxers and jeans pressed into the floating fabric of her skirt and ground against her crotch. Every desperate moan that escaped her lips was swallowed by Matt as he pressed his lips down onto his step-sisters. The moment fled so quickly; it was as if it was in fast forward, but Matt wished it could last forever. The taste of her kiss and the sound and hum of her soft moans felt wonderful. He wanted to escape at that moment. Hold on to it. Hide it. Keep it to himself.
When Matt’s hands finally did work free from Stephanie’s, he brought them down to the belt of his jeans. Stephanie pulled her hips so tightly to his body so that his hands, flat against his body, barely had room to work his belt off. There was a sudden separation between them and a picture of panic in her eyes. Her body, which once was so eager to meet him and entangled with his limbs, now clamored away. She pushed him off of her and scrambled for the door.
No no no no! Matt’s thoughts protested, as he could do nothing more than watch her reach for the door. She paused there for a moment. As if her actions moved quicker than her thoughts could, and she needed a moment to second guess herself. The constant thud of the base vibrated the door and floors beneath them. Outside the door, the party continued with hundreds of voices louder than ever.
Matt watched the hand slowly go to the doorknob and twist the lock on it. She checked the knob, giving it a twist left and right to make sure it was locked before turning back to her brother. Matt was already on his feet. Perhaps it was the alcohol coursing through his system or just how incredibly sexy she looked tonight, but Matt couldn’t wait another instant. Strands of her bangs danced over her eyes and lips. Her black crop top was so low on her, her nipples threatened to fall out of her top. When she turned her short schoolgirl, the plaid skirt whirled up, exposing the bottom curve of her ass cheek. Matt had to have her now.
Pressing her into the wall, Matt’s lips assaulted hers. They kissed ravenously. She pulled at his v-neck shirt and stretched it off of him. Holding his shoulders at arm’s length for a moment, she marveled at the thickness of his muscles and the definition of his pecs. Stephanie’s lips kissed his bare chest as her tender hands delicately rubbed down his ribs and hips. Moving up to her neck, Matt felt her hair to the scruff of his chin as her lips kissed and sucked below his ear. Matt could feel the sparkling tingles her wet lips sent down his spine and through his chest.
By the time his eyes were opened, he realized Stephanie was on her knees with Matt’s jeans unbuttoned and her hands jerking his pants down to his ankles. Her left palm pressed into his firm, hard abs. Rubbing up and down on him like an obsession she had to touch while her right hand wrapped around the shaft of his cock. Her fingers were small and delicate around the large, thick shaft that dangled before her lips. She made long twisting pumps on his shaft that snaked towards her. Her eyes were full of squinted pleasure as she looked up at him. The crook of her lips fought a devious smile as she teased him with every drag on his shaft.
Her hands left him just long enough to pull her crop top and bra off over her head. Matt looked down with lust as her heavy…