A Stealth Climax

"Orgasm without erection. What a sensation!"

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This true story starts with male admiration of the female body, in particular the clitoris. Having a tiny penis with a long foreskin creates that feeling of similarity.

I was already having fun pee games. One of them was to pinch tight the tip of the foreskin while sitting on the toilet and letting my pee fill and expand my foreskin capacity until the pressure exploded through my hand.

And so it was on that particular morning, standing in front of the bathroom mirror, already empty of pee and with a stretched foreskin. There was also some unfinished business from the night before. I had gone to bed in a mood for some masturbation and fallen asleep. The stickiness had of course been washed away by the morning pee game, but I still had a feeling of arousal.

I don’t know why I did it, but I pushed the tip of my foreskin so that my penis went back against my testicles. It slowly pushed out, I pushed it back in again. It started to have an erection, but that was only until I pushed it back again, and so on.

Gentle circular motion over the top of my foreskin using my middle finger was a natural progression from there. All the time I kept my penis pushed against my testicles. It required only a minimum of pressure. There was no more erection, but the tingling and anticipation were there.

It took only the first drop of precum to start the wet and slippery sensation of an approaching orgasm. Occasionally I looked down. There were bubbles of precum trying to get past the tip of my foreskin. Usually when masturbating I used my fingers to take this precum to my nose and lips. But not this time. Instead, I playfully pushed my finger inside my foreskin, delicately exploring the wide opening of the wet lips at the tip of my penis.

There were some gentle gasps as my body leaned forward with one hand held on to the basin in front of the mirror. The shiver of excitement from my waist downward was especially intensive. So was the squirting into my reservoir. I could feel the space under my foreskin filling up. Only this time it was not pee inside. It was a mixture of all my precum and multiple spasms of ejaculation.

I stood for a while, letting my love juice flow out of my foreskin and across my fingers. It was a pale shade of white because of the special way it had been mixed together. I let it splash in several puddles on to the tiled bathroom floor.
It was the start of a home alone Saturday and I wanted the scent to stay with me for as long as possible. I needed to pee. This time I let it out straight past my foreskin. That way I could keep what was left of my aromatic juices.

Published 12 years ago

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