A Son’s Surprise

"A son gets a birthday surprise that he never expected."

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James’s wife passed away when he was forty-nine. She was the same age and they had been together for almost their whole lives. They had met when they were only eighteen, the first year they were at the same college. Most people don’t believe in Love at First Sight, but that’s what it was for them. At least, that’s what it was for him. If you had asked her, she would have said, it took just a bit longer.

She had started to complain that she was feeling tired all the time and they had chalked it up to their ages and how busy they kept working and traveling. There was not a lot of downtime.

But when she finally went to her doctors and they did tests, they found out that she had pancreatic cancer and she was gone from his life only five months later.


His second wife was much younger than he was. She was twenty-two years old when they tied the knot. They got a lot of judgemental looks from other women, but lots of secret admiring winks and smiles from other men. James didn’t care about any of that. He loved Susannah, and after his first wife, he decided to live life to the fullest and not let the years slip away from him again.

They had a child, a son, shortly after they were married. Susannah had made it known right from the beginning of their relationship that she wanted a baby and as soon as they were married, she wasted no time in trying to get pregnant.

That was fine by him as she was simply a stunning, sexy, athletic woman, and every time he saw her, his body would react in amazing ways, even for a man of his age.

Most of his friends talked about how they were struggling to get it up more than twice a week. Thanks to his amazing wife, he was not only getting it up but was producing more cum than when he was a teenager and masturbating in his bed looking at dirty magazines.

Even after getting pregnant, she was insatiable and would seduce him multiple times a week. Sometimes, she would wake him with sex. He’d wake up with her straddling him, impaled on his morning wood. She wouldn’t even wait for him, she would just use him as a human dildo to get herself off. It seemed, having a baby growing inside of her had increased her sex drive greatly and he wasn’t sure his back was going to survive the pregnancy.

Susannah was built like a gymnast before the pregnancy. Her body was tight and lithe and strong, not to mention incredibly flexible. She loved sex and she loved him. She didn’t care he had a Dad-bod. She just loved doing things for him and surprising him when he got home from work.

He’d walk in the door and find her in various sexy outfits, or sometimes nothing at all bent over all kinds of furniture, her legs spread, her young, tight, smooth pussy on offer for him. She didn’t like waiting for him to get in and settled either. When she wanted to fuck, she wanted it immediately. Most of the time, she had been fingering herself for a few hours before he got home and was burning with the need for a cock to fill her up.

James was only too happy to fulfill her desire. What man wouldn’t want to come home to a young, naked woman begging to be fucked? It made his days at work go by faster, knowing what he had waiting for him at home.

Before she got pregnant, she had very small titties. Almost girl-like. They were just small bumps that were soft and pliable enough that he enjoyed palming them and massaging them. They weren’t large enough for cleavage of any kind. She just had that nice, little dip in her chest between them that seemed to be designed and made perfectly for his cock to slide along. Her skin was so soft and silky that sometimes he was simply content to hump her chest until he shot a load of cum across it and up to her neck and lips. She hated wasting cum though, so most of the time, when he did that, she would scoop it up with her fingers and stuff them into her pussy, as deep as they would go.

After she was pregnant, it was as if her body had just been waiting for it, and her tits seemed to grow out like one of those stress reliever pop toys. She maintained her toned body, except for the increasing belly bump and those incredible tits. She went from an A-cup to a C-cup almost overnight. He woke up to her riding him one morning and as he opened his eyes, they nearly popped out of his head as all of a sudden, his wife had boobies that were bouncing as she fucked him. His hands reached up of their own accord and he started to feel and squeeze them.

The moment his fingers slid to her nipples and started to squeeze, it was like a bomb had gone off in his wife’s body. Her whole body tensed, she screamed at the top of her lungs, then fell forward toward him, limp. His hands on her breasts were the only thing holding her up.

Apparently, her new breasts had also come with incredibly sensitive nipples. “That was new,” he thought to himself at the time.

He had lowered her slowly down to lay on his chest. She was completely limp. He had put a hand on her back to feel if she was even still breathing. She was, but she had passed out, and as she lay on his chest, his hard, unsatisfied morning wood still throbbing inside her pussy, it sounded like she was purring.

Shortly after her tits popped, she started to produce milk from them. The doctor said it was a bit early but not altogether an uncommon occurrence when pregnant and overly stimulated.

This added, unbelievably, to her sex drive as she was always horny and hence, always producing milk. However, the act of releasing the milk would cause her nipples’ overstimulation. She would either have James suck on them to release the pressure or she would fall back to her new-found bit of fun which was to squirt him with milk as she rode her husband. They had to change the sheets a lot in those days.

There was always a fine line between how much they could do and keeping her from passing out from extreme orgasms. It took a few tries to find the balance.


She had their son, Jacob, and he finally got to have a bit of a rest. He knew it sounded crazy, being tired of sex. But she was truly insatiable and he was starting to walk bent over and with a limp. You can indeed have too much of a good thing.

Although, after Jacob came along, they went from sex all the time to long times without any sex. Between her taking care of the baby while he worked, and the feedings, he even lost his nightcap of mother’s milk straight from the source. The lucky little bastard seemed to be attached to one of her tits at all times. The best he could do was sit and jerk off while he watched her pump her milk. He went from begging for a break to longing for just a touch, a handjob, a squeeze.

But she kept going on about having bonding time with the baby and how she was, “Too tired.”

It eventually balanced out, of course, and they went on growing into a close, loving family that did everything together. Some couples, after having a child, look for the next time they can find some alone time. Vacations, weekend getaways, a day trip with just the two of them. But they did everything together. Trips, days off, they loved spending time together as a family and there were no secrets between them. Well, there was one, but it was personal and grown up and not appropriate for their son to know.

The years passed well and Jacob grew into a wonderful young man. He was intelligent, curious, and courteous. James even admitted that his son had started to become a very handsome gentleman. He took after his mother with his good looks.


As Jacob hit puberty, he started to go through all those normal things a teenage boy goes through. Mood swings, spending more time in his room, avoiding his parents. Not all the time, but a lot more than usual.

He still hung out with his parents, but James could tell he had other things on his mind when they were together.

The years went by and James could tell that Jacob was holding something in. The family had always shared everything. There were mostly no secrets between them, but a father knows when something was bugging his son.

James thought it was just the teenage years, but it never seemed to resolve itself. Finally, when Jacob turned sixteen, and he hadn’t brought home a girl, he decided to sit down with his son and have a talk.

Jacob looked uncomfortable during the talk, but as it went on, he settled in and even started to ask his father questions about things, women specifically and sex. They talked for hours and as they always did, didn’t hold anything back. James was honest with his son as he had always been. Of course, James thought his son was asking about sex because he was interested in a girl at school finally.

It wasn’t until they had been talking about what turned a woman on sexually and how to stimulate a woman, that Jacob started to inquire about what turned on his Mom. James thought it was an odd turn but he figured that it was just because Susannah was the only female Jacob could really picture. So, again, he tried to be as honest as I could without being too graphic. No boy needed to think about his mom that way.

Later that night, James shared with Susannah everything he and their son had talked about. At first, she seemed to be only half listening. Then, as he got to the part where her son wanted to know what turned her on, she got very interested and asked her husband to not only tell her what he had said but she also wanted him to show her what he said got her excited. It led to an evening of amazing sex that brought back memories of the times before Jacob was born.


After that night, Susannah started to pick up on little non-verbal cues when she was alone with Jacob. They had always been close, but she started to mentally log in to the fact that he was giving more hugs when he was coming home or leaving. His hand would stay in contact with her shoulder or leg a bit longer each time he would reach out to her. The times he would lean in and kiss her on the cheek, his lips would linger a bit longer than usual for a son and a mother. She knew it was wrong but at the same time, she found it sweet and she had to admit, it was causing other feelings that she wasn’t expecting. She expected it to pass, but it continued for months, the constant innocent flirting.

She started to take those feelings into bed with James. They started to have sex again on a much more regular basis. No matter how much she tried to deny it, she was having naughty thoughts and fantasies during those times with James. It made the sex wonderful and it should have been enough, but she found that those naughty thoughts had made a permanent home in her brain and had taken up residence without a hint of moving on.

Susannah started to encourage his flirting a bit more. What she thought was just a boy’s natural infatuation with his mother, never stopped or lessened. She found she longed for those little moments of affection from her son. So, she made a plan for Jacob’s seventeenth birthday.


The family had their traditional birthday dinner out at their favorite restaurant. The night was lovely with lots of laughter and stories of past birthday celebrations. As they laughed more, there were more hands-on legs and heads on shoulders all around, but Susannah started to leave her hand on Jacob’s thigh a bit longer each time until it was resting there permanently. Jacob did not seem to mind at all. He put his hand on top of hers and lightly rubbed it as they continued to share stories.

When James got up to go to the restroom, Susannah snuggled a bit closer to her son and put her arm around his shoulders. Pulling him in for a hug, she kissed his cheek and whispered, “I love you, sweetie. I hope you got your Birthday wish.”

He turned his head a little bit, leaned in closer, and gave his mother a quick kiss on the lips. “Not yet,” he replied, “But the night is still young.”

She pulled back, a bit shocked but also pleasantly surprised. They looked into each other’s eyes, his with a mild look of fear that he had stepped over the line and hers with a hint of a smile and also lust. Her fingers slid up her son’s leg an inch and they ran into the tip of something growing between his legs. Now it was her turn to look shocked, afraid she had stepped over the line and her son might be horrified that his mother just touched his cock.

She needn’t have worried. Susannah watched Jacob’s eyes roll back into his head and heard the catch of his breath as he sucked it in between his lips.

“Well, that’s a portion of my wish fulfilled,” Jacob said.

They both laughed as the tension was broken and leaned in for another hug. That was when James returned to the table.

“Are we ready to blow this popcorn stand and head home you two?” he asked.

Mother and son looked at each other, smiled, and under the table, she took two fingers and lightly pinched the head of her son’s cock. “Oh, I think we are more than ready to head home.” She replied.

All Jacob could do was smile bigger and nod.


When they reached the car, Susannah said, “I think I’ll sit in the back with the birthday boy, is that okay honey?”

James said alright and she slid into the back seat with her son.

They squished together and she put an arm around her boy. He leaned into her shoulder and rested his head against it.

The drive home was about a half hour. Susannah took off her sweater and asked Jacob to hold it for her. He looked at her questioningly and she motioned for him to put it on his lap.

She wasn’t sure she was going to go through with this yet, but the opportunity seemed too good. She was enjoying the comfort of her son’s body pressing into her side. His warmth was soothing and she thought about how nice it would be to have his whole body pressing into hers.

Jacob had snuggled into his Mom’s side and turned his head to admire the curve of her neck as it flowed down to her chest. The top she was wearing showed off the tops of her breasts and he loved how smooth and clear her skin looked. But his eyes were drawn to his Mom’s cleavage. It was deep and shadowy and it seemed to beckon to him. He sighed and licked his lips.

Susannah felt the hot air of her son’s breath brush across the top of her breasts and the slight contact of his tongue on her bare skin when he licked his lips. She had gotten herself so amped up, that was all it took to make her snap.

She put one hand on his head and pressed him against her left breast hoping she might feel his tongue a bit more on her skin. Her other hand slid down his side and rested on his thigh. She felt the muscles tighten. Her hand squeezed his leg and then began to rub it up and down. Jacob sighed again and turned his face so his lips were touching his mom’s skin. It felt so soft and warm on his mouth and it was unlocking feelings in him that he had been denying himself.

Susannah was loving the feeling of Jacob’s lips on her body. Her hand made its own decision and slid up her son’s leg and rested lightly on the bulge of his cock. She couldn’t believe how big the bulge was and she couldn’t believe that she was feeling her son’s hard-on. It was like she was a teenager again.

At first, she was just resting her hand on his bulge. Then, as his breathing got heavier and warmed her skin, she started to grab and squeeze the boy’s meat in her fingers.

“You two are awfully quiet back there, is everything alright?” her husband asked from the driver’s seat.

“Oh, everything is just fine honey. I think Jacob fell asleep is all,” she replied.

“Okay, well, we will be home in about fifteen more minutes. Hopefully, he wakes up because he has gotten way too big for me to carry him and put him to bed,” he said.

“Don’t you worry. I’ll get him up when we get home and put him to bed when we get there,” she said, smiling and giving her son’s cock an extra squeeze.

Knowing that he couldn’t say anything and that they needed to be super quiet, Jacob figured that it was now or never. He reached under his Mom’s sweater draped over his lap and grabbed the waistband of his pants to pull them up and away from his body. He took her hand and slid it into his pants, his stomach sucking in to…

Published 2 years ago

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