Is the truly innocent start to an on-line meeting.
Pleasantries exchanged along with other friendly idle chat,
Comments made and expounded on,
Leading us to beginning to wonder,
How did we get to talking about ‘that’?
A place like this leads to so many topics,
Some rather cryptic and others more optic.
Subtle hints made that this could lead to more,
“Excuse me please, while I close my door.”
A private chat room is opened,
To write of good things
As well as share a bit of gloom.
A touch of the hand, and a genuine smile
A gentle kiss … “mmm, Oh, its been a long while.”
Words, soft, tender and loving,
Have got this conversation
To really be moving.
On my side I begin to feel a stirring,
When you say your mind is beginning its whirling.
A twitch, a flex, and a gentle spasm
Can you feel it across the ether net’s wide chasm?
In your seat you begin to squirm.
You rub and you press,
You twist and you turn,
And you finally admit to a slow, building burn.
Did you say that your clothes you now have shed,
Are scattered about as you pretend we are abed?
On my end, I’m just holding on,
While seeing you say you are touching your clit.
Oh, my cock… it is having a fit,
While hearing you moan and seeing you groan.
You say you’ve spread your legs wide,
And are beginning to ride
With your bare clit on the cool seat,
Excited now with no place to hide.
An emotional connection is obviously there.
As you twist and you turn
In your computer chair,
My cock and your pussy now on a fast burn.
My words come now in a torrent relentless,
As fast as my fingers can type.
You say you are straining … “OHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSS”
For its not all hype!
Your words now say that you are cumming,
As our fingers continue the fast pace strumming.
And to think it all began,
With words of a simple seduction.