A Simple Life Part 1

"You don't have to be well off to have a good life"

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Steve and I have been together since elementary school. We grew up next door to each other and were inseparable. Toys were rare and precious, and there was no money for allowances or entertainment. We had to create our own, which included each other as we matured.

We had a few friends but never let those friendships come between us. He was and is my best friend and the love of my life. There is no doubt in my mind that he feels the same way.

As we discovered each other sexually, we learned that we were both a couple of horndogs. We love sex with each other and, when the stars align, with like-minded others.

It’s not as crazy as it sounds. We have only had a few adventures, so it’s not like we’re pros or anything.

Life has not been kind to us money-wise. We were both poor when we married and stayed that way for some tough years. Now, ten years in, we have finally reached the middle class. Not that far into it, but far from where we came from. In all those years, the only vacations we took were tent camping. As far as vacations go, you can’t get much cheaper than that.

We were at one of our favorite campsites. The campfire is at the center of the campsite and serves as the focal point for socializing. It is contained in a heavy steel ring about five feet across and fed from a nearby stack of firewood. A fair number of folks cook on the expanded metal grills welded to spots around the circumference, and we’ll occasionally have a group cookout using it. We all hang around it in the evenings, drinking and having fun.

Steve and I set up our tent about fifty feet back from the fire to ensure our privacy, then set up our screened kitchen canopy between it and the bonfire. As the sun set, we set up our folding chairs and beer cooler between the canopy and a comfortable distance from the bonfire. The other campers do the same thing for the most part. The rest of the area is open to visitors.

We were invited guests camping on private land. The locals knew about the camping and partying but didn’t show up without an invitation. The ones that were invited were almost always fun to be around.

We enjoyed ourselves like crazy. It wasn’t sophisticated, and there was never any talk of business deals, the latest fashion trends, or politics. Most of our fellow campers were like us, making it day to day and living for time away. The last thing any of us wanted to talk about was our jobs or serious shit. We partied hard on those trips and occasionally got a bit rambunctious.

Just last year, things got really fun.

My husband, Steve, isn’t the tall, dark, and handsome type that all the girls swoon over. He’s much more subtle than that. He’s average height at best and while he isn’t movie star handsome, he has rugged good looks and a smile that makes me almost as wet as his blue eyes do. Like me, he works in a factory but dreams of being a successful singer-songwriter. I’ve sat around a bonfire and watched women as he played and sang. His sexy, deep voice and soul-catching lyrics draw them in every time. I see the speculation and the desire. I understand it well and don’t blame them a bit. They’re seeing the tip of the iceberg.

We both find jealousy confusing. Why should I be upset that my true love enjoys a bit of recreational fucking? He certainly doesn’t get upset on the rare occasions that I do it. We both know where our hearts lie.

On this trip, it wasn’t jealousy that led to my comments to my husband. I’m very protective of him, just as he is of me. If a woman shows interest in him, and he her, I have no problem with a bit of fun as long as she meets my criteria. No skanks are allowed near my husband. I won’t tolerate disrespect for my marriage, and I can spot a potential troublemaker a mile away. When he pointed out the skank that had been hovering near him, giving him doe eyes while he sang, I huffed out in disgust. “Really? Take a look to her right, about five feet. What do you see?

“Let me tell you, my clueless love. That surly gentleman is her husband. He is obviously none too happy with her focus on you. I suspect she does this a lot, and I bet he gets pissed every time. She escalates until he loses it and picks a fight with you. When the fight is over, preferably with you bloody on the ground, they have animal makeup sex. That bitch isn’t getting close to you. Even when I know you would totally kick his ass.”

I gave him a moment to ponder my observations. He looked a bit chagrined. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Babe.”

“All is not lost, dear clueless husband. Please cast your gaze to my left at the two girls with the hot guy.”

He glanced over. “The dark-haired one?”

I kissed his cheek. “Now, don’t stare. Just kind of watch out of your periph.” It didn’t take her long. I knew she couldn’t keep her eyes off of my husband. She found him attractive, and she was a total hottie. The fact that she was with another hot girl and a hunk of a guy didn’t hurt her standing.

“She’s been watching you for a while now. I can tell by how she’s been squirming around that you turn her on something fierce. It looks like she keeps good company. What say, you and I go say hello?”

Steve was, as usual, totally clueless about the social nuances. “Well, come on. Let’s go say hey.”

He handed me a beer, got one for himself, and grabbed three more. I arched an eyebrow at him. “What? No tequila?”

His sarcasm detector must have been on the fritz. He seemed perfectly serious when he said, “Let’s see how introductions go first.”

We meandered over to the trio, speaking to folks we knew as we passed. It didn’t take them long to realize that they were our destination, and they looked up at us curiously as we approached.

My hubby let his sophistication show. “What’s up! I’m Steve, and this is my wife, Ginger.”

I know, right? I’m a redhead, and my parents named me Ginger. My Dad was a big fan of Gilligan’s Island. My dad was a bit of a horn dog for Ginger, and Mom thought that was cool for some reason. I console myself with the fact that my parents aren’t Gen-X, and my name isn’t Harmony Of The Proletariat or something. That helps a little.

The cute little dark-haired girl smiled at my hubby in greeting and then glanced at me. That wasn’t a bad idea, considering the crowd. We are a bunch of rednecks for the most part, and some women don’t take kindly to women smiling at their husbands. Some get downright violent about it. Skank is probably one of those.

Some folks embrace their ignorance and strive to become a living caricature of what people think we are. It isn’t helping. Folks like us are just like everyone else. We work hard, love deeply, find fun where we can, and live life as fully as possible. We do it with a hand wrapped around a long neck instead of a pinky sticking out as we grip our martini glass.

I’m here to tell you that I don’t give a shit what you drink and how you hold it. If you’re an asshole, I’m gonna call you on it. If you’re not, we just might become friends.

Thankfully, Steve is a lot more diplomatic than I am and has been tested more than once when my mouth got me in trouble my ass couldn’t handle. I try not to do that to him, but sometimes people really piss me off. I learned early to listen to him when he told me to back off. After that one incident with three guys ending up in the hospital, I realized that my husband is a dangerous man when lines are crossed. I try not to put him in those situations anymore.

The hunky guy with them gave me an up-and-down look, followed by a sexy smile. He had seen how my husband was looking at the dark-haired hotty and figured I might be open for some flirting. I smiled all friendly-like and pretended I had no clue that he was flirting with me. It doesn’t pay to encourage them early. They get all confident and shit.

“Hey, Steve, Ginger, I’m Bill!”

The blonde beside him also studied my husband pretty closely when she said, “I’m Lisa, Bill’s wife.”

All eyes turned toward the dark-haired girl. She smiled happily at both of us, and I decided I liked her. “I’m Beth, Bill’s sister. Your music is awesome, and your wife is hot!”

Yep, I definitely liked this girl.

We gabbed for a few, just feeling each other out for any obvious asshole tendencies. It didn’t take us all that long to determine we would get along. The question then became, do we move to them or invite them to move to us? The answer was obvious since they were visiting and didn’t have a campsite. I waited for a lull in the conversation, then extended the invitation. “Hey, why don’t we go to our campsite? We have a screened-in awning, so we don’t have to fight the mosquitoes.”

It didn’t take much arm twisting to get them moving. We moved the coolers into the screened area and sat around the picnic table, drinking and talking over each other. Beth managed to sit on Steve’s left while I sat across the table from her. Bill had sat down next to me, and I could tell that Lisa wasn’t very comfortable with how he was flirting with me. I decided to do my part for marital harmony and focused my attention on Beth and Steve.

It wasn’t long before Lisa and Bill stood and told Beth that it was time to go. Beth was enjoying herself; I could tell she didn’t want to leave.

I decided to offer an alternative. “Beth, do you live nearby?”

She nodded. “Yeah, just the other side of town near the interstate.”

“We’ll be going that way tomorrow and have plenty of room in our tent. Why don’t you hang out with us, and we’ll drop you off tomorrow on our way out of town?”

She smiled happily. “I would love that! Thanks so much!”

Her brother looked at her like she was crazy. She stood and put her hands on her hips. “You’ve got nothing to say about this. They’re good people, or they wouldn’t be allowed to camp here, and you know it. I like them, and I’m staying. Now, scoot along home and apologize to your amazing wife for flirting with Ginger. You might get laid again before the next century if you grovel enough.”

Lisa started laughing and gave her husband a shove. “Let’s go, dumbass, before you embarrass yourself… more.”

They left, and we drank, talked, and watched as the bonfire died down. We were far enough back that the fire didn’t cast much light on us. I pulled out the bowl, and we shared it around. Beth was pretty mellow and kept looking at Steve longingly. She was a gorgeous young woman, and I suspected she could be a lot of fun. I gave her shoulder a little shove. “You know, Steve would probably love it if you kissed him.”

Her eyes got huge as she looked at me in shock.

“Seriously, you should kiss him. I don’t mind, honest.”

She looked at Steve with this bashful yet hopeful look that made me want to kiss her myself. Steve smiled sweetly at her, bent forward, and kissed her lightly on the lips. He moved his head back, leaving her with her eyes closed, her mouth still open, and two very erect nipples visible through her t-shirt.

Steve spoke to her in a soft, sexy voice. “That was nice. Would you like to do it some more?”

Her eyes sparkled as she grinned at him. “You damn betcha!”

This time, he really laid one on her, and there was no doubt that she liked it a lot. I like my hubby to have a good time, and I’m usually happy to entertain myself while he’s busy. This time felt different. I really liked Beth, and while I’m almost entirely heterosexual, there is a smidge of me susceptible to the charms of an exceptional woman. I decided to see if she was as exceptional as I was fantasizing.

As soon as their lips parted, I cleared my throat dramatically. They both looked at me, and I almost laughed at the look on Beth’s face. She was aroused as all hell and looked guilty as sin about it. “This isn’t fair at all!”

I looked at her sternly as I pulled her to her feet. “Don’t I get a kiss, too?”

She looked confused for a second, then a smile lit her face. “Why yes, you do. It’s only fair.”

That first kiss was sweet and sexy. I loved kissing her, and we stayed at it for a while. When our lips finally parted, we both knew we wanted more. Steve kissed us both softly on our cheeks. “Let’s relax in the tent.”

We spent a few minutes preparing the campsite for the night before Steve zipped the door flap closed on the tent. I lit the little battery-operated LED lights and tossed them into the corners. They gave off a soft glow that allowed us to see without giving anyone outside a shadow show. Those can be fun, and I’ve seen a few good ones. Some folks find fun ways to be exhibitionists.

Steve and I put Beth in the middle and began taking turns kissing her. Hands began to wonder and caress. We stripped her slowly while taking turns kissing her exposed skin and those luscious lips.

I don’t know what it was about her. Maybe it was her spirit combined with her seemingly innocent hotness. An innocence that camouflaged the sex-loving vixen that she really was. Whatever it was, I was hot for her, and my lovely husband gave me the room I needed to show her. I found her taste to be enticing and her orgasm gratifying to a ridiculous degree.

She definitely enjoyed my husband’s cock and didn’t hesitate to go down on me while he railed her from behind. We had a wonderful time with Beth and exchanged contact information when we dropped her off late the next morning. Steve and I both wanted to see her again.


Months passed, Beth visited a few enjoyable times, and life continued. We got a new neighbor next door in the old Kramer house. It was an ancient mansion that had seen much better times. I figured that whoever had purchased it must be pretty good at working on houses because it was barely livable as it stood.

I knocked on the door the morning after they moved in. The fit blonde who answered the door looked a bit frazzled but gave me a welcoming smile anyway. I smiled back. “Welcome to the neighborhood! I’m Ginger. My husband Steve and I live next door.”

Her smile got bigger. “I’m Linda, and it’s very kind of you to welcome us. Come inside and meet my boys.”

I walked inside and couldn’t help but notice that she had been extremely busy. The living room was well organized, although one corner near the hallway looked like a temporary wood shop with power tools and other home improvement supplies neatly placed.

“We’re living on the first floor while we remodel the second floor. As soon as that floor is done, I’ll start on this floor. My sons are pretty handy, and we’ll have the summer to work together.”

I was suitably impressed. If she could pull it off, the house would be amazing. Steve and I remodeled our place. He’s very good at it, while I’m an apprentice at best. I know plenty of people think they are good at it but shouldn’t be allowed near a tool. I hoped that she wasn’t one of those people.

I heard footsteps in the hallway and turned to look as two strapping young men entered the room. Linda had herself a set of very attractive twin sons. They were identical, although there were nuances between them that made them distinct from each other. They were blonde-haired, blue-eyed examples of very fit youth, and I found myself drooling on the inside. Some teenage girls were getting very lucky with those two.

“Boys, say hello to Ginger. Ginger, that’s Rich on the right and Jeff on the left.”

Both young men stood there like lumps, apparently unable to speak for some reason. Their faces turned red, and after some additional hesitation, Rich found his voice. “Uh, hi? I mean, hello, it’s nice to meet you.”

Jeff nudged his brother before smiling at me and nearly making me melt on the spot. “Hey, Ginger!”

“Hey, guys!”

I looked at Linda and then back at her boys and wondered if she had adopted them. She didn’t look much past thirty, but by the look of them, the twins had to be finishing high school. Fortunately, the questions on the tip of my tongue remained there. I had just met the woman and wasn’t about to start prying into her life right out of the gate.

Linda turned to her sons. “We’ll head to McDonald’s in a bit to grab something for breakfast.”

Both young men looked unhappy with that but didn’t complain. I decided such strapping young men needed a better breakfast than that. “You are all coming to my house right this minute for breakfast. No arguing, let’s go.”

Linda looked at me askance. “Are you always in charge?”

I grinned at her. “Yep, and it’s best to get used to it. My husband Steve…

Published 7 months ago

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