The lift was out of order. After climbing up the five flights of stairs to get to Ed’s, I looked up to find the door to the corridor being held open for me, it was one of the older fellas that lived in my boyfriend’s building. Ed would be going out with some friends from work for a night out and I would be staying at his place.
“Oh, thank you!” I said, lurching forwards towards the open door with urgency and gratitude.
“No problem at all, love. Busy day?” the old guy said, smiling.
“Yeah, busy day at work,” I replied, turning my head to him, but still continuing on my way.
“Rather you than me! I’m off out to the pub,” he said.
“Lucky you! Wish I was!” I said, jokingly.
“More than happy for you to come with me?” he piped back, with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow.
“No, quiet night in for me,” I said laughing, carrying on, my head still turned in his direction.
“Maybe I’ll be lucky enough next time, eh?” he chuckled.
“You never know, we’ll see!” I said.
“Bye now, lovely,” he said, trundling down the stairs.
A few steps later I reached Ed’s door. Unlocking it, I let myself in, dropping my handbag in the corridor.
“Back!” I shouted to him.
“Alright?” he shouted back from the other room.
“Yeah, just going to get a shower, I’m knackered.”
I wasn’t lying to the old fella when I had said it had been a busy day at work. It had actually been a stressful evening at the office, one that I hadn’t even expected to have to go in for, nor wanted to. My hours were usually that of the daytime, and so I was slightly peeved to have been there so late.
After swiftly taking my work clothes off in the bedroom I stepped into the bathroom, tied my hair up and had a quick shower. It had been a few days of growth and so I decided to shave my legs and pubic hair. Stepping out of the shower I grabbed the towel off the radiator rail, dried myself quickly and wrapped the warm towel around my body.
Back in the bedroom, Ed was still nowhere near ready. He rushed past me without a word into the bathroom to shower. I threw the towel on the bed and went to my drawer, pulling out my blue silk kimono that finished at the upper thigh.
A knock came at the door.
“Ed, someone’s knocking at the door,” I shouted from the bedroom, still trying to get my hair dry.
“I’m just getting in the shower now, can you not get it? It’s probably Justin.”
I rolled my eyes and made my way down the corridor. I opened the door to see that it was in fact Justin. About 5-ft 9-inches with dark brown hair, prematurely greying in some places and a stubbly beard. A nice jawline and dark blue eyes. He lived across the way, a few doors down on the same floor as Ed, and happened to have become friends with him over the years.
“Hi, you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, thanks.”
He was dressed in a blue shirt with black slim chinos, already ready to go. His sweet-smelling cologne breezed into the flat towards me as I stood in the doorway.
“I was just wondering if you were both nearly ready?” he asked.
At twenty-two, he was younger than both Ed and me, and even though I was still to reach thirty myself, the age gap is more noticeable in youth that it is in later adult life. To me, Justin had only recently seemed to have matured to a point where it seemed normal to hang out with him socially.
“He’s just in the shower now, so he shouldn’t be too long. I’m staying here on my tod tonight, though!”
“Oh… are you not coming as well?”
“No, I wasn’t really invited to be honest. Just finished work too, so I’m a little bit tired anyway. At least he’ll have Katie there to kiss his arse all night!” I said, somewhat bitingly, leaning on the door frame.
Justin laughed, nervously. Katie was a girl who worked with Ed and I knew very well that she fancied him. Not to say I was threatened by her, but I was irritated by her lack of tact and the fact that she had insulted my intelligence on a previous occasion by trying to covertly flirt with Ed whilst near me. I had told him afterwards during a fierce argument, that any chance of a threesome with her was out of the question, as I simply didn’t like her.
“I was under the impression that you were both coming. Can’t believe he didn’t even invite you. What a shithead he is!” Justin joked.
“Yeah. Ah well, never mind.” I brushed off my annoyance. And I was annoyed.
Justin’s eyes flashed at my chest for a second, the outside corridor was cold and I could feel that my nipples were hard. There was no doubt he could see them protruding in the thin fabric of the gown. I didn’t mind.
“I’m assuming you’re taking some of your own friends with you tonight considering you won’t know anyone from his work?” I brought my hands in front of me and held onto my right wrist with my left hand briefly and began rubbing my forearm to warm myself from the chill.
“Yeah, I’ll be taking a few friends.”
“Anyone I know?” I asked as I crossed one leg in front of the other, my toes resting against the front of my left foot.
“Don’t think so, Ryan… Owen… Erm, Colin?”
“No, I don’t think I do.”
“Erm… Owen’s girlfriend is Christina Richards,”
“Oh yeah! I know her. I don’t think she likes me to be honest.”
“Just a feeling. I get it a lot from girls.” It was also probably because I fucked one of her boyfriends before they started seeing each other, but I kept that to myself. “Anyway, should I tell him to knock on your door when he’s ready?” I asked.
“Yeah, we’re all over at mine ready to go now so…”
“I’ll tell him to get a move on!” I smirked, jokingly.
“Thanks Amy, have a good night!” he turned around and started to make a move towards his flat.
“You too Justin!” He raised a hand up to me as he went and I closed the door.
In the bathroom, Ed was just getting out of the shower and I told him that Justin was ready for him, ready to go.
“Thanks, hun,” Ed said, barely listening to me as he slapped me on the ass. He began dressing in a hurried state. I sidled up behind him as he tucked his shirt into his trousers and clasped my hands around his chest, letting them slip downwards towards his crotch.
“You could just stay here tonight?” I said to him. He said nothing. I gripped his penis through the cloth and rolled my fingers over its tip.
“Come on hun, I haven’t been out in ages,” he said, moving away from me.
I took myself into the living room without speaking and let him get ready. Ten minutes later he left me with a peck on the cheek.
Four hours had gone by. It was turning 11 pm and I was curled up on the sofa wearing an oversized jumper and some pyjama shorts, watching bad television.
I had gone through three smoothies, eaten two bananas, had some ice cream and had applied my make-up at about 10 pm after having watched YouTube tutorials to practice new techniques.
My toenails were drying a deep shade of black. I sat back with a sigh, just about to go to the bedroom and remove all my make-up, when I heard a commotion outside the door to the flat. For some reason, it had made me jump, so I tiptoed briskly to the door and held my ear there to hear what was going on.
There were too many voices to hear a proper conversation at first, but then I heard Justin telling people to be quiet. That’s when I realised that they had come back early. I was confused and wondered if something had gone wrong, I was about to open the door and check that everything was okay when I heard one of the other guys speaking loudly:
“Oh mate, Ed’s girlfriend is proper fit though!”
“Shut up!” Justin sniped, trying to keep him quiet. I realised then that Ed must not be with them.
“You’ve got to admit it though mate, she’s fucking well fuckable!”
“Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up!” Justin pleaded, whoever was speaking was clearly a little more drunk than the rest. Another voice started chipping in:
“Yeah she is, I’ve heard she’s well dirty too, like proper.”
“Yeah, I’ve been told a few things.”
“She lives right there, you idiots! Shut the fuck up!”
“Her arse though, come on, it’s mental mate. So good, I’d bend her right over and slip it in her.”
“Jesus Christ…” Justin huffed out, exacerbated.
It was then that the door to his flat closed and I could no longer hear anything.
My heart was racing and my mouth was dry. My ego had taken a giant boost and I was feeling pretty elated, although was left wondering who had told them or what they had heard with regards to how dirty I am in the bedroom. Although, I was in no position to be offended at that point. It was true that I had developed somewhat of a reputation in my social circle from my sexual antics.
I went into the living room and turned the TV off and for some reason, began to pace the room. I stopped and stood thinking for a second. A few moments passed by and I went into the bedroom, pulled off the jumper and pyjama shorts and slipped back into the kimono I had worn earlier.
Looking in the mirror, I gave a few short bursts of hair spray to my hair and gave it a little lift and volume. I returned to the living room. Leaning around the back of the TV, I pulled out the aerial. I could feel a warm sensation start to bubble between my thighs.
I opened the door and stepped out of Ed’s flat, tip-toeing across to Justin’s flat and knocked on the door. I brushed the palms of both hands down my hips in anticipation. There was noise coming from inside, then the door opened. Justin stood there confused.
“Oh… Hi, Amy. You okay, what’s up?”
“I’m fine, I heard you come back home and came over to see if Ed came back with you too?”
He shook his head slightly.
“Ah, sorry if we disturbed you. No, he’s still out. We lost him about an hour ago to his work friends, they went off to another club without telling us where and we couldn’t find them so decided to just come back here.”
I could hear his friends talking loudly to each other in the other room behind him. He stepped further out into the hallway, holding the door almost closed behind him.
“No, you didn’t disturb me,” I smiled. “I wasn’t asleep or anything. I can’t believe he just left and didn’t tell you where they were going though!”
“Well… yeah, we were a bit annoyed about it, truth be told.”
“I don’t blame you! To be honest, the only reason I wanted to know if he’d come back here was because I can’t get the TV to work. None of the normal channels are working. It was working fine, then all of a sudden just stopped.”
“Oh? Right okay.”
“Do you mind coming to see if you can get it working?” I asked, lifting myself up an inch, balancing on my tip toes.
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Aw, thank you!” I said turning around, leading the walk back to Ed’s flat.
I stepped in, letting Justin enter as I held the door open and closed it behind him. He walked into the living room and over to the TV.
“Did you say you were watching it and it just stopped working?”
“Yeah,” I said. He started fiddling with the remotes and tried the different input sources. I walked over to the TV unit and knelt down by the DVD player. “I just don’t know why it’s doing this,” I said.
Justin carried on trying to solve the issue. I stood up and reached around the back of the television, bending over just enough so that my gown rode up and revealed the crease of my ass cheek.
Justin was dead quiet behind me. I lifted a foot off the ground and went even further over, and could feel as my vagina became exposed between my legs. I heard Justin take a deep breath in before exhaling. I stood up straight, quickly.
“I can’t figure out why it would do this!” I said, turning to him.
“No,” he said, almost choking on his dry mouth. He was looking down fixedly at the remote in his hand. His face was flushed and red.
“Fuck it, I’ll just settle for Netflix I suppose… Just carry on being bored and lonely with that,” I said.
Justin wavered for a few moments, then took a breath before continuing:
“I must say, I feel really bad that you didn’t get to come out with us tonight.”
“Ah, it’s ok! Fuck it,” I said.
“Well, just saying. I always find you cool to hang out with whenever you’ve been out with us for whatever it’s worth. I’ve no idea why he didn’t invite you.”
“Like I say, I think he didn’t want to have any confrontation with that Katie girl being out with you all,” I said, as Justin changed the TV over with the remote and fired up Netflix.
“She’s a fucking bore, honestly,” he said.
“Oh really?” I said, laughing.
“Yeah, she’s just got nothing about her.” He flicked through the home screen, “What do you want on?”
“Ah, just whatever, thanks for making me feel better about it at least!” I said, walking towards the sofa, sitting down. Justin arbitrarily scrolled through without saying anything. “Do you have to get back to your friends?” I asked.
“Ah! fuck em,’” he said, “they’re totally plastered… annoying me.”
“Ah,” I muttered, the gears in my mind started to turn. “well, you fancy keeping me company for a while?” I asked. Justin turned to see me sat on the couch, a large right-angled corner unit which I was in the corner of.
“Sure,” he said. He joined me, sitting in the middle of the main section. “Catch!” he said, as he threw the remote to me.
I laughed, catching it and hit play on whatever was the chosen option, I really didn’t care what was playing. I threw the remote back to him quickly and it hit him on the arm.
“Ahh!” he winced.
“Come on it wasn’t that hard!” I jested.
He laughed. Justin was a quiet guy, but you could tell he was nice. Very sensitive, but clever and not really very sure of himself. We both turned our attention to the comedy show that had been chosen at random and there was a brief silence, until I spoke:
“You know, I heard you guys in the hallway before. Well, I mean, what you were talking about.”
“Oh, Christ. Hey, that wasn’t me! That was them, just talking shit! I’m really sorry.”
“You mean, you don’t think they think that I’m proper fit and well dirty with a mental arse?!” I asked, cutting him off.
“Wha—no, I mean, you know, errr.”
“Justin. I’m fucking with you…” I said. He exhaled a sigh of relief.
“Fuck sake. Don’t put me in that position!” he said, laughing.
“What position?” I asked, naively.
“Nothing. Sorry, just forget it. Sorry about them, is what I mean.”
“Ah, it’s ok, I don’t mind, I was kind of flattered to be honest,” I said, giggling.
“They’ve been annoying me all night. Just constantly winding me up.”
I gave an empathetic tut and we both let our attention drift to the television again, briefly. I looked at Justin who carried on watching the screen. I could feel my stomach start to burn and turn over with excitement.
“Did you not get anyone’s number or get lucky tonight then?” I asked.
“Nah…” he said, turning his head to carry on watching the TV.
I took a second before building up to my reply:
“Well, there’s still time for that, I suppose.” The words lingered in the air around us. He looked straight at me with a furrowed brow and shot me a look of tense confusion.
I grinned, bringing my foot up onto the sofa near his leg, holding onto the hem of the kimono, just and so covering my crotch, looking directly in his eyes with flagrant desire. I clenched my toes into the soft fabric of the sofa, anchoring my leg and swayed my knee from left to right, sucking on my bottom lip. I licked the rim of my mouth, as Justin stared, dumbstruck into my eyes.
His mouth began to open gradually as I carefully lifted the hem of the gown upwards, revealing my freshly shaven mound. I slid my foot prudently onto his knee, moving it further up to his groin. He sat there dead still, as my toes began to tease at his flies.
“Oh, wow,” he said in disbelief, as his face began to flush red, once again.
I smirked at him and began circling my clit lightly.
“Fucking hell…” he sighed. His eyes darted about his head before finally finding their way to my pussy. Justin watched as I fondled myself for a little while, before looking to me. I flashed a look down to his crotch:
“Why don’t you get it out?” I asked.
“What if Ed comes back?!” he whispered, harshly.
“Trust me, he isn’t going to be back till the early hours… If at all.”
He hesitated for a second before quickly reaching for his belt buckle:
“Fuck, this is crazy,” he muttered.
I giggled as he fumbled quickly, lifting himself up to pull his pants down to his ankles. His boxer shorts were still on as his erection grew to full capacity, pitching a tent inside the white material. I reached with my foot and felt at his member with my toes.
Becoming overexcited, I started to rub myself in a circle quickly and began slipping my middle finger in and out of myself. My wetness leaving zero friction. I tipped my head back and almost began climaxing, stopping myself before I got too out of control.
I pulled both legs up towards me and pitched forward, getting on all fours beside him, leaning on his leg. I unbuttoned his boxers and reached inside. His cock was ready, and hard. Taking his warm member in my hand, I guided it out.
It stood proud as I sat upright, kneeling next to him briefly to unfasten my kimono. It fell open as I went down to let my mouth meet the tip of his cock. I gripped him in my right hand, scooped my hair to one side behind my ear and slipped his head between my lips, moaning slightly, my shoulder exposed as the silk slid off my body.
Justin’s hand dug into the sofa as I swirled my tongue around his shaft with him inside my mouth. I held him at the back of my throat for a few moments, letting enough saliva build up to ooze out onto him and brought my tight lips up over the head of his cock with a kiss.
“Oh, God,” he exclaimed, quietly.
I let out a little chuckle and began to stroke him slowly up and down in my hand.
“You can feel my tits if you want to?” I asked, looking at him.
He took a deep swallow, before allowing his hand to raise up and meet my bare stomach. He felt lightly at my skin at first, then slid his hand up the inside of the kimono to find my breast. When he did, he cupped the underside for a second and finally upwards to get a full hold of it, where his grip became firmer and more confident.
I continued to stroke his cock up and down, watching the pre-cum build at his opening. His cock was uncut, and maybe about seven inches long. It felt thick in my hand.
“Do you like that?” I asked him, as he began to feel at my hard nipple with his fingertip.
“Yes,” he said, decisively.
“Good,” I said.
I leant down again and licked him at the base of his shaft, upwards to the tip, then began to pull down his boxers. Once they had joined his pants around his ankles, I swung my leg over him and saddled his legs. I leant on the back of the sofa, my arms either side of his head and I began to manoeuvre upwards towards his jilting member.
“Wait,” he said, “there’s a condom in my wallet.”
I grabbed hold of his cock, assertively, in my hand and guided him towards my sopping wet lips, his bulbous tip meeting my opening.
“Oh, I don’t do condoms,” I said, as I lowered myself down onto him. He slid inside me with a deep groan and I let out a harsh sigh. It felt amazing, as is always the case when a guy first slides inside me. I kept him there for a moment. “I want you to feel me and I want to feel every bit of you.” I exhaled.
Holding onto his shoulders, I began grinding my hips backwards and forwards. Justin dropped his head backwards, deep in pleasure. His hands finding their way to my hips as I rode him. He reached around and gripped hold of my ass cheeks hard and gave a light tap to one of them. I let out a snigger as he did.
Picking up some momentum, I started moving on him up and down, getting faster and more intense now. He held onto my waist as I did and looked down, watching my lips envelop his penis.
“Oh, Fuck!” he exclaimed.
I looked down, seeing a white build-up of discharge, my own excitement and arousal seeping out onto him.
Suddenly, there came a banging at the door and we both jumped as the moment of sexual intimacy was all of a sudden inexplicably broken.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! FUCK!” Justin expelled, as I lifted myself hastily off him.
He stood up and pulled both boxers and pants back up in one hurried motion, his face distraught with anxiety. I fastened my kimono up, taking a deep breath:
“Calm down,” I said.
“We’re dead,” he said.
“It’s not Ed, he has a key, come on think it through.”
There came another single heavy knock.
“Just relax, okay?” I said.
“Justin are you in there?” The muffled voice asked on the other side of the door.
“Oh, for fuck sake, it’s fucking Aaron!” Justin whispered with a bite. One of his friends from across the hall.
“Maybe he wants to join in?” I said, with a laugh.
“What? You think he’s too drunk?” I asked, jokingly.
“Are you being serious?” Justin asked, with a look of slight concern.
“Well… I don’t know. I’m kind of up for it, are you not? I mean, we could do…?” I asked.
“You are being serious.”
I wrinkled my bottom lip upwards and looked to one side, lifting up my shoulders in a feigned ‘I don’t know’, sort of way. Justin’s face seemed to have been permanently flushed red since he stepped into the flat and now it was just getting worse.
“I don’t want to see my friend’s cock,” he said, after a moment of whatever thoughts he had happening inside his head.
“Well, you can just look at me,” I said. There came a moment of pause from him.
“Jesus, this is mad,” he said, with a guffaw.
I put my hand to his chest, his heart was racing like mad.
“Just calm down,” I said, “go with it and see what happens.”
Justin remained silent and I walked into the hallway to the door and opened it. I stuck my head out into the outer corridor to see Aaron for the first time. About 6ft 3inches, a lanky light brown-haired lad, he was walking back towards Justin’s door after having had no response from us.
“Are you okay?” I asked out to him.
He turned around, almost bemused to see me.
“Err, yeah… yeah, er… I’m just looking for my friend, sorry.”
“Justin?” I asked.
“Yeah…” he replied, seemingly unsure.
“Yeah, he’s just in here with me. Do you want to come in and join us?” I asked.
“Er. Yeah, okay.” Aaron replied, confused.
Aaron stepped back towards the flat and entered as I shut the door behind him. He walked into the living room and I followed behind to see Justin sat uncomfortably on the sofa.
“Alright?” Aaron asked Justin, as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“Yeah,” Justin said, affecting nonchalance.
“Sorry to bang on the door, I just got confused where Justin had gone to.” Aaron said to me as I adjusted my hair and leant against the wall.
“It’s no problem!” I said, smiling at him.
“Everything alright over there?” Justin asked.
“I was talking to Paul, next thing I look over and he’s flat out on the floor. Snoring and everything.” Aaron said.
“Typical,” Justin replied.
There were a few moments of silence, until my impatience at being disturbed mid coitus began to perturb me and I could no longer keep the peace.
“So, Aaron is it?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said, turning to face me.
“So, are you the one that thinks I’m well fuckable? or the one that thinks I’m well dirty, with a mental arse who’d like to bend me over and slip it in me?” I asked, coolly.
Aaron’s face dropped and went drip white. Justin looked down at the ground, half smirking, half dismayed.
“Ah-erm… wha- err…”
“Justin?” I asked.
“I think you said she was well dirty…” Justin said.
“Ah, right okay,” I said.
“Well, hang on.” Aaron began, almost angry, about to defend himself.
“No, it’s okay,” I said, standing off the wall, “You’re right. But, still I think it’s rude to talk about someone behind their back like that.”
Aaron, stood confused at my confession and slightly uptight at the general mood of the room. I felt a burn in my tummy, it was pure excitement. I turned around and lifted up the bottom of the kimono allowing them both to see my behind.
“What do you think then? Is it a mental arse?” I asked, turning my head to see Aaron, speechless.
I turned back around and unfastened my kimono, letting it slip open a little so he could see more of my body. Aaron snorted involuntarily, looking to Justin in complete puzzlement and disbelief, as if to say, ‘are you seeing this too?’.
“Doesn’t matter I suppose,” I said, “you’re probably too drunk to get hard anyway.”
“Holy shit.” Aaron expelled, almost in a moan.
“Am I right then?” I asked.
“I’m never too drunk to get hard,” he replied, regaining his confidence.
“Oh, is that right?” I said, raising my eyebrows, placing both hands on my hips.
“Yeah, it is,” he said.
Justin sat back, somewhat uncomfortably on the couch. A look of dismay on his face. I felt bad for him, knowing he was not as up for this kind of banter as I was. I could tell he was incredibly apprehensive about what was happening here, but I wanted to have my fun.
“Okay. Bet you’re not brave enough to take it out and show me right now?” I said.
Aaron laughed, looking at Justin.
“What the hell has been going on over here then?” Aaron asked Justin, who looked to me and shook his head:
“You’re betting with the wrong man here, he gets it out for fun,” Justin said.
“Come on then,” I said, turning to Aaron.
“Well, let me see a bit of something again?” he asked.
“What would you like to see?”
“How about those tits?” he asked, jilting his head at them.
I brought my hands up to the close of the gown, letting the palms of my hands hold loosely at the silk and pulled it apart, exposing my chest for them to see, closing it at the bottom of my boobs, lifting them slightly.
“Yeah, fair enough,” Aaron said, as he started to unfasten his pants.
Justin leaned on the arm of the sofa, brushing his face with his hand, looking away as Aaron took out his dick.
Once out, I understood why he had no issue with revealing himself in public, it was large and only just starting to grow. He gave a few loose tugs on himself as it got harder, I felt my face flush a little. It almost seemed as if all of the blood in his body was being rushed to his crotch in order to grow what he had between his legs.
“Well…” I said, almost laughing.
“I win,” he said.
“You win,” I said, holding my hands up in surrender, letting my kimono swing close.
“So, what do I get?” he asked, continuing to stroke himself a lightly.
I smirked and took a few short steps towards him as he stood in the centre of the room. Justin turned to watch me after having looked the other way. I stood looking up at Aaron and then slid down to the floor.
Settling my knees into the soft carpet I nestled my bare bum onto the backs of my ankles and spread my legs slightly. Arching my back, I made sure my mouth was level with his member. Aaron looked down at me and bent over, grabbing at my tits through the gown.
Taking his thick, hard cock in my hand I took a long, hard, sloppy suck and gently tugged him. He gave a heavy, lustful moan. His penis was so thick that the head would just barely fit into my mouth.
I could taste his salty pre-cum immediately as it gelled and coalesced onto my lips. Placing my arms behind my back, I puckered him from my lips and let him fall onto my face as I kissed at his shaft. I looked up to him from underneath his cock and could feel my cheeks radiate a shade of red as I bashfully flittered my eyes.
Aaron puffed his cheeks out in a deep release as I ran a wad of spit over the top of his heavy cock and began to stroke him with both hands. He bit down hard on his bottom lip:
“Fuck!” he grumbled.
I turned my attention to Justin on the couch. He sat watching sheepishly, his eyes darting back and forth from the action. I looked and began to crawl towards him. Leaning on his legs, I started to unbuckle his pants for him. I looked up to him with the devil in my eyes and he gave me a look of disquiet as I reached into his boxers to remove his hard cock.
Once he was free, I pulled up the hem of the gown and presented Aaron with my ass and spread my knees apart on the carpet before going down once again on Justin. Quickly, I felt Aaron behind me as he placed a hand on my lower back, caressing my skin as he guided himself through the entrance to my cunt.
Aarons knees pressed against the sides of my calves as he tried to slide himself all the way inside me. His size was making things difficult and I let out a loud moan as I slipped Justin into my mouth.
Aaron grabbed hold tightly to the crease of my upper leg and hip curve as he pressure-fit himself into my tight pussy. We could all hear the squelch as he did and I pulled Justin from my mouth, slithering my clasped fist up and down his cock, groaning now, even louder than before.
“Fuck!” I gasped, letting my head fall forward as the pleasure ran through my whole body.
Aaron felt as if he were hitting into my stomach. He placed a hand on the back of my neck harshly and pushed my head back down. I opened up and let Justin enter my mouth, taking him all the way down my throat and he grabbed hold of my head and clenched hold of a clump of my hair, moving his hips up further, thrusting into my face as he let out his first semblance of indulgence:
“Oh, yeah…” he groaned, with Aaron still grabbing hold of my neck with a vice-like grip.
“I’m gonna cum!” Aaron said, suddenly, “Fuck me, I’m gonna cum!”
It was so soon. I took Justin away and pushed Aaron out of me, turning around on the spot. He stood up holding his enormous cock in one hand, almost unsure of what to do with himself, until I swiftly took control, wrapping my lips around his swollen bell end.
Not fast enough, as before he shot his load into my mouth, a few droplets had managed to spurt their way across my cheek and nose. His seed spread out across my tongue as I held him there:
“Oh my God!” he exclaimed, as I looked up to him, staring him in the eyes as he released his final thread onto my tongue, his face scrunching and contorting as he did.
I tipped my head back and swallowed him all down, then swiped the cum from my face with my middle finger and sucked it clean off. Considering he had such a big cock, his control game was way off, but I didn’t mind at that point, all I could think about was getting back on to Justin’s.
“Oh… Wow!” I said, holding back a grin as I licked my lips.
“Jesus Christ…” Aaron grumbled, as I promptly turned around bringing my attention back on Justin, who sat there holding himself, watching.
I moved his hand away and grabbed hold of him with my own, taking his balls hastily into my mouth, stroking him gently. I looked up to Justin who watched me through squinted eyes, his mouth agape and could hear the sound of Aaron rustling his pants back up behind me.
Justin’s gaze was taken away as I watched his eyes follow Aaron across the room. I stopped and looked over my shoulder, seeing him leave. The door went, and that was that. I turned back to Justin, who gazed back to me with a look of unsureness. I gave a shrug of the shoulders and brought my pursed lips to meet his frenulum for a passionate kiss.
“I want to be inside you again,” he said, with an air of confidence that he hadn’t shown before.
I suddenly became aware that for however frenzied, horny and wet I was, I still hadn’t cum. I stood up and held out my hand:
“Come fuck me then,” I said. He grabbed hold of my hand gently and I guided him up.
I lead him out of the living room, down the hall and into Ed’s bedroom. Turning back around to face him, I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from him as he took it off. I slid the silky fabric of the gown over my shoulders and let it hit the ground at my feet with a light bump. Justin speedily pulled his boxers down and kicked them off to one side across the room.
We both stood naked in front of each other, safe for a watch on his right wrist. He ran both hands around the back of my head, up through my hair and kissed me hard and fast. His tongue extending out, wrapping around my own as I found a grasp around his back, up to his shoulder muscles and down to his bum.
His wet erection grazed against my belly and his hands moved south, cupping both breasts before finding a home around the two cheeks of my ass. We continued kissing for a while like this until he finally walked me backwards towards the edge of the bed and I fell away from him.
My breasts bounced as I hit the sheets and my legs raised instinctively upwards as I held onto the underside of my thighs. Justin took his cock and teased at my pussy lips with it, mixing his juices with mine, slipping up and down, parting the brinks with his pulsing head. My stomach twitched and tensed as the adrenaline and lust vibrated through me.
He leant over me and grabbed hold of my upper arm:
“Turn around,” he said, assuredly, as he firmly pulled me over, guiding me to turn as he had instructed. I obeyed, this was sending such a charge of pure lust straight to my pussy that I could feel my heart pulsing inside it.
On my stomach, he pulled on my legs guiding my knees to the edge of the bed and scooped me up at the hips with both hands, raising my ass into the air. I put both arms above my head and held onto the bed sheets in anticipation, turning my face to one side, allowing myself to breathe as it pressed down against the fabric.
He held himself carefully against the entrance of my pussy and then very slowly began to part my lips, sliding himself inside me. I was about ready to cum at that point. The feeling of my boyfriend’s friend slipping inside my tight walls sent shocks through my body and I felt my legs start to tremble as he built up speed and started to glide in and out of me, building up a rhythm as he held into my hips.
I was moaning now, breathy and loud. I wouldn’t have even cared if Ed had walked right in and saw us at this moment. In fact, the more the thought ran through my head, the more impossibly wetter I became.
Justin’s breathing was getting heavier and more intensely laboured. He slapped me several times on my right ass cheek, hard, and I could tell that he was thinking the exact same thing as me. The whole thing was so obscenely dirty and I fucking loved it. I had just swallowed a stranger’s cum and was now being fucked senseless by another.
Justin held himself deep inside and leaned over me as my breasts heaved into the bed sheets. He pulled my arm down to my side and onto my back and then did the same to the other. He collected my wrists in one hand, bundling my hands together behind my back and tugged me backwards as he picked up even more speed than before, going deeper and harder.
“Oh my God!” I whined, my voice breaking with every thrust of his cock. He was smacking hard against my groin and I could feel myself now at the brink. “Justin, you’re gonna make me fucking cum!” and I did, with an almighty shriek.
My legs were shaking uncontrollably and my toes were clenching tight as an electric current seared around the inside of my pussy.
“Oh yeah, I’m gonna…” Justin breathed out. He gave one last, hard thrust into me, unable to finish his sentence as he exploded.
I hadn’t noticed but he had let go of my wrists and they were flopped either side of my body, motionless. I lay there for what felt like a day, soaking in the orgasm that was still spasming inside me. It took me a moment to realise that he was essentially lying on top of me. When I noticed and had regained my breath I finally let out a little chuckle, and so did he.
“Fuck…” he whispered. I could feel his heart beating rapidly against my back.
“You just came all inside me,” I said, lazily.
“Yep,” he replied with a snort, sounding in disbelief. His cock pulsed inside me a few times as we lay there for a moment.
“What time is it?” I asked.
He brought his watch up to look:
“Jesus, it’s half past midnight!” he replied.
“Okay,” I said.
“What do you want me to… should I grab something to…?” he asked.
“Just leave it,” I said, “slide out whenever you’re ready.”
“Oh, okay.”
Justin slid his cock out of me and I felt his warm cum trickle out, instantly behind it. It landed on the bed, pooling into a large puddle. The rest beaded up around my lips and trickled down my inner thigh as I turned back over, leaning on my elbows as I continued to recover.
His face was red, as ever. And I could feel that mine was too. I looked to him and saw the anxiety on his face as he awkwardly stood and stared at the bed sheets.
“It’s okay, I’ll say I got make-up on them,” I said.
“Right, yeah. Okay.”
I let my body flop backwards, my boobs wobbling to a slow. I brought my hands up and gently felt my nipples before tightly holding onto them.
“That was good.” I blurted out.
“Yeah… It was.” He said, sitting down next to me.
There was a moment of silence.
“I guess Ed could be back any minute,” I said.
“Yeah… yeah, I better go.” He stood up and started searching for his boxer shorts.
I sat up, bringing my legs to a close and watched him as his now semi-flaccid penis swung against his legs as he looked for them. I turned my head, spotting them in the corner by my bedside table and leant over to grab them:
“Here they are,” I said, picking them up. I stood and without thought, stepped inside them, pulling them upwards. I large bead of pre-cum still leaving a circle on the front of them. “Comfy!” I said with a giggle.
Justin chuckled as we stood facing each other.
“Mind if I keep them?” I asked.
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Err… Okay, I suppose, yeah, sure.”
“Sweet,” I said. “You don’t mind going home without them, right? I mean, it is all the way across the hall.” I said, jokingly.
“Well, it’ll be a bit of a hardship, but I suppose I’ll get through it,” he said.
Two minutes later Justin was dressed, commando, somewhat dishevelled, ready to leave and I had pulled on a pyjama shirt from one of my drawers. We stood by the front door, me still wearing his boxer shorts.
“Well…” there was an awkward pause, as he stood, unsure of what to say, “Suppose I’ll see you around then?” he said, finally.
“Suppose I will,” I said.
“Well, thanks,” He said, bashfully. I smiled.
“Thank you for a very fun and interesting night.” I said with no attempt to hide my joy at what had happened.
I opened the front door for him to leave, stopping for a second with the door slightly ajar:
“Oh,” I continued, “just tell your friend to be cool, yeah?” I asked.
“Oh! Yeah! Of course, definitely I will. Trust me, He won’t be saying anything to anyone.”
“You never know what the future might bring… so, just make sure he doesn’t jeopardise that…” I said, suggestively.
Justin took a second, the cogs working inside his head to read between the lines of what I had just said. His face slowly turned to a wry smile and then he nodded with an unspoken understanding. I returned the same smile and then reached up to him on my tip toes, kissing his cheek.
“Night,” I said.
I shut the door behind him and returned to the bedroom. I looked into the mirror, the make-up on my face was completely all over the place; lipstick smeared, eyes like a panda with stream lines going downward, patchy foundation marks. I pushed my hair upwards with my hand and took a deep breath, I still wasn’t quite over what had just occurred and my heart was still pounding.
I stripped the bed and bundled the sheets into the corner of the room, I would deal with them tomorrow, the lethargy was kicking in.
In the bathroom I washed my face vigorously, removing the majority of the make-up and then wiped off the rest with face wipes.
Back in the bedroom, I changed the sheets as quickly as I could and then jumped straight into bed. I was in the middle of drifting off when I suddenly remembered that I was wearing Justin’s underwear. I hopped out of bed and slipped his boxers off, stuffing them to the back of my bottom bedside drawer and slipped into some comfy knickers.
My mind raced, trying to keep up with my brain’s desires and I fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.