A Risqué Caning

"The headmistress canes her secretary for the sheer thrill of it."

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Natasha Tompkins and Rebecca Jakes arrived separately at college even though they were lovers and lived together. Natasha was the headmistress and was forty-five-years-old. Rebecca was her secretary and was thirty-seven-years-old. They kept their relationship secret from the other members of staff because if found out they would be sacked as that was against the rules.
However, they were all for taking risks, and one they really enjoyed was Natasha caning Rebecca in her Study, when someone was in the outer office and heard the caning taking place, like today. Natasha was in her Study and Natasha’s first appointment, Mrs Forbes, walked into the outer office. She was on time but, keeping a straight face, Rebecca said to Mrs Forbes, “Miss Tompkins needs me to go in and witness her caning one of the girls. She won’t keep you any longer than necessary.”
Mrs Forbes replied, “That’s okay. I have time.”
Rebecca phoned through to Miss Tompkins, saying, “Mrs Forbes is here, but I have told her you will be a bit late and that I need to come in and witness the caning. I’ll be right in, headmistress.” Rebecca smiled at Mrs Forbes as she walked past her and into the headmistress’s Study.
Natasha watched, relishing the fear of being caught, as Rebecca went over to the caning table, lifted the hem of her dress up above her waist, and bent over, clasping hold of the legs of the table on the far side. That very motion made them both so excited as Miss Tompkins went to the cupboard and took out a crook-ended senior cane, went and stood behind Rebecca, and without saying anything yanked her knickers down to her knees, and smiled at the gorgeous sight of Rebecca’s bare bottom.

Natasha called out so that Mrs Forbes would hear, “Six strokes, young lady.”
Rebecca expected the cane strokes on her bare bottom to be very hard, as usual, and knew she had to ensure not to make too much noise, at least not a noise that one of the students wouldn’t have made, so yelping was going to be okay. Rebecca forcing herself to stay as quiet as possible turned them both on.
Natasha already felt flutters flying around her vagina at the risk they were again taking as she positioned herself behind Rebecca, pulled her arm back, and then whipped the cane down landing it with a loud thwack, making Rebecca’s bottom cheeks swirl around, and listened to Rebecca‘s yelp.
Natasha got so aroused with the deception but knew to focus as it could easily lead to the discovery that the two of them were lovers. So, as she landed the second stroke and watched that thick welt develop, and heard Rebecca yelp again, she knew that Mrs Forbes would hear that yelp outside, as well as the loud thwacks, but then it was supposed to be one of the girls being caned with Rebecca just witnessing. So, as she landed the third stroke, and the thwacking sound and yelp were repeated, they were both getting excited that Mrs Forbes was listening.

Rebecca was breathing deeply as she coped with the really hard cane strokes which she saw as loving kisses which she would feel for hours to come.

Natasha even added to the stinging sensation Rebecca was feeling as she eased the cane between Rebecca’s legs and flicked lightly upwards onto her pussy lips. Rebecca knew she could gasp and not be heard, and loved the feeling, as she always did.
Natasha reverted to caning Rebecca’s bare bottom and landed the fourth stroke and watched that welt develop thinking how much she loved Rebecca who she knew loved to be spanked and caned at home, and they both got so aroused by the caning here with Mrs Forbes listening. So, with the fifth stroke, she felt even firmer flutters flying around her vagina and knew her knickers were already wet with her own sex juice as she listened to Rebecca’s even louder yelp, 
The sixth stroke landed and Rebecca felt it was yet another truly loving kiss from her lover, her alpha female lover Miss Tomkins.
Natasha then ordered loudly enough so that Mrs Forbes would hear, “Get up, girl, and learn from this,” as though scolding a college student, adding, “Stand still whilst I complete the log,” so Mrs Forbes knew there was more to do.
Rebecca did push herself up but then she and Natasha went into the private toilet off the study and only needed a couple of minutes to finger the other to a huge orgasm, which Mrs Forbes couldn’t hear as they had tested that out ages ago,
Only afterwards, with huge smiles on their faces, did they both pull their knickers back up and straighten out their dresses.
Moments later, Rebecca walked out of the headmistresses Study back into the outer office, straight-faced, and went to sit at her desk. Rebecca always ensured that her chair was pushed in so no one saw the thick cushion that she would now be sitting on. She was taken aback, though, when Mrs Forbes asked, “Are you okay?”
Rebecca momentarily thought she had been caught out but realised that her eyes were red because of the caning, and came up with the quick response, “I get a bit upset when I watch the girls being caned.”
Mrs Forbes seemed to have accepted that answer and looked towards the Study door as though she was waiting for the caned girl to come out as well, but to that Rebecca gave the normal response, “The naughty girl has been sent out through the other door.”
The phone buzzed and Miss Tomkins said in her usual stern alpha female tone, “Please send Mrs Forbes in, Miss Jakes.”
Rebecca nodded to Mrs Forbes and once she had gone in to see Miss Tomkins, she had one of the widest smirks on her face as once again their secret was safely kept.

Published 4 years ago

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