A Perverted Party

"I was enjoying his hand up my skirt"

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It was another Friday night get together, just eight friends who liked a good time and knew how to have one.

This party was at Paul and Jenny’s place and as usual the booze was flowing like water. I was with Jimmy my boyfriend, Lisa and Karen were together in a big old chair and Sheila was sitting with her boyfriend Michael on the floor. Paul is my brother, older by three minutes so as you would imagine, we’re close.

He was quite drunk as always at these parties and Jenny wasn’t far behind, they were dancing together in the middle of the floor, smooching would probably be a better word, he had both hands up the back of her short skirt stroking her sexy little bottom through her almost non-existent panties and she was loving it.

Lisa was casually licking Karen’s neck and whispering in her ear whilst Sheila was wriggling her bottom on Michael’s bulge and I was enjoying Jimmy’s hand up my skirt stroking the naked flesh of my thighs above my stockings.

“Keep that mood big man,” I whispered to him. “I’m as horny as hell tonight.”

“Hey everybody,” he shouted. “Polly’s horny.”

“Polly’s always horny.” Lisa laughed and pulled Karen up to smooch alongside Paul and Jenny,

“You bastard,” I laughed at Jimmy and got up to take Lisa up on her offer to dance, although she and Karen were lovers and currently living together, they were both bi-sexual and both enjoyed other lovers whenever the opportunity arose.

“I think we’re all horny Polly,” she smiled, “we ought to play a game.”

“Good idea,” I said softly. “Let’s play go upstairs and lick some pussy.”

“I’ve never heard of that one, is it new?”

“I just thought of it,” I giggled and wrapped my arms around her neck as she kissed me, her perfume filled my nostrils and I felt my juices running as I kissed her back and felt her large unfettered breasts pressing against mine.

“Right everybody,” Jenny called out, “we’re going to play truth or dare, everyone game for it?”

Paul refreshed everyone’s drink and we all sat on the floor in a big circle.Taking an an empty bottle, put it in the middle and twirled round, it pointed at Sheila who shrieked with laughter.

“Truth or dare Sheila?” he asked,

“Truth,” she replied.

“Is it true that you sometimes go to work without wearing panties?” Jenny asked and Sheila nodded.

“Yes, quite often in summer.”

“Tart!” Lisa said but without any malice and Sheila span the bottle, it pointed at me and bravely I said, “Dare.”

“Take your panties off,” said Michael and earned himself a playful dig in the ribs from Sheila, the penalty for refusing was a forfeit and in the past they’d been pretty wild, so I stood up and eased my panties down to step out of them,

“Ooh stockings,” Jimmy leered. “Sexy!”

“Pervert,” I giggled and threw them to him, he put them over his head and rolled his eyes in mock ecstasy as he inhaled my aroma and I set the bottle twirling.

Jenny chose a dare too and she had to take hers off, but braver than me, she sat with her legs open stroking her pretty little cunt.

It was Michael’s turn next and he chose truth.

“Have you ever had sexual thoughts about a close family member?” Jenny asked and unhesitatingly he answered, “Yes.”

“Who?” she asked, but got shouted down for asking two questions,

Jimmy had to choose next and he opted for dare,

“I dare you to snog Karen for two minutes,” Michael said and damned near got bowled over by Jimmy in his rush to get to the sexy girl. Karen was as keen as Jimmy and by the time the two minutes were up, everybody was a bit hot under the collar.

Another round of drinks and the bottle pointed at me again,

“Dare,” I laughed.

“Take your dress off.”

I stood up drunkenly and slipped the dress off my shoulders to a chorus of wolf whistles and cheers, my bra was a quarter cup that left my nipples free.

Jenny smiled at me and licked her lips lasciviously. “Nice nipples, Polly.”

“Thank you.” I blew her a kiss. “Nice pussy.”

I span the bottle then and once again it pointed at Michael.

“Truth,” he said again and carried on caressing Sheila’s breasts inside her sweater.

“Which family member have you had sexual thoughts about?”

“Sandra, my sister.”

The atmosphere was getting more heavily charged by the minute as Michael volunteered another answer. “I saw her fucking her girlfriend one night and I’ve had the hots for her ever since.”

“Incest is best,” Karen laughed and then cursed merrily when the bottle pointed towards her.

“Oh fuck it, Dare,” she laughed. “All right, I’ll take my panties off,” but Michael waved a finger in admonishment,

“No let Jenny take them off.”

Jenny weaved drunkenly around us and knelt at Karen’s feet as the giggling girl hitched her skirt up, but the giggles changed to low moans as Jenny kissed the front of her panties and ran her tongue down the whole length of her slit before easing the delicate little garment down and off.

The girls sat together then as Karen twirled the bottle and Paul groaned as it pointed to him,

“Dare I suppose,” he slurred, “no, I mean truth.”

“Too late,” Karen laughed. “First answer is the one,” and then Jenny piped up.

“Kiss your sister,” Paul grinned. but then she added, “Between her legs.”

Paul looked at me and raised his eyebrows in a question, I nodded very slightly to signal my agreement, Jimmy just grinned and everyone else looked on expectantly.

He came over to where I sat and kissed me full on the mouth, I responded by snaking my tongue between his teeth and pulling him down on top of me.

His teeth scraped over a nipple and then his mouth was on my stomach, almost of their own accord my legs parted and I felt his lips on my hairless mound, I moaned with pleasure as I felt him licking at the swollen nub of my clitoris, he pursed his lips and sucked it all the way into his mouth.

I squealed and arched my back offering my gaping sex to his mouth. I vaguely remember seeing Jimmy with his fat prick in Sheila’s willing mouth and then my brother’s tongue slithered in between my sex lips. I was wet, very wet, but Paul seemed to love it. He used his mouth like a vacuum cleaner and sucked out all my juices to swallow them eagerly.

Jenny appeared by my side and I gestured to her to come closer. She was fingering herself as she watched, I reached up and caressed a thigh giving her a signal that she should join in, standing over my face she held herself open allowing me to look right into the pink flesh of her cunt.

“Yes!” I hissed and she lowered herself down until I could taste the sweetness of her sex on my mouth, she looked to be every bit as wet as I was and like my brother, I drew it out of her to swallow as she ground herself down onto my mouth,

Paul used the fingers of both hands to pull open my bum cheeks and I nearly screamed with lust as his tongue prodded at my tiny puckered hole.

Jenny was riding my face her tasty juices running continually. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Michael entertaining Lisa and Karen, fucking Karen whilst sucking and licking at Lisa’s groin, it was the most extreme any of our parties had ever got, but there were no complaints from anyone least of all me. I was loving what my brother was doing to me, I was using a finger on Jenny’s ass and she was writhing on me with pleasure.

Suddenly I became aware that Paul had stopped licking me. I heard a rustle of clothing, a zip being unfastened and then something hard, very hard was pressing against my sex, it forced my sex lips apart and as the sheer pleasure hit me I realised that it was his prick, my brother was actually fucking me.

Jenny squealed above me as my tongue explored her depths. I felt her shuddering to a climax and my mouth was filled with her salty juices, she gradually stopped moving and rolled off me to lie in a satisfied stupor beside me.

I reached for my brother’s face and drew it to mine, his tongue snaked into my mouth and duelled with mine as we swapped saliva, I was whimpering with lust and the sheer perversity of the situation, I locked my ankles behind his naked back and arched my back again.

“Fuck yes you dirty bastard, you’re fucking me.”

“And you fucking love it don’t you?”

“Yes, I love it, do me, do me fucking hard.”

His prick powered into me as I clung to him feeling every thrust. I felt Jenny stir beside me and then her lips were at my ear.

“You fucking perverted bitch, you’re being fucked by your own brother.”

“Ooh God yes, he’s so big, so fucking big.”

“Give him your ass Polly, I want your pussy.”

“Yes, yes, do me Paul, shag my fucking tight ass hole.”

He withdrew and almost immediately I felt my anus being forced open, it hurt like hell just for a second and then, sweet relief, he was inside my rectum and Jenny dived down to kiss and lick my yearning pussy.

The pleasure from my brother’s prick in my ass was intense and Jenny’s mouth on my cunt multiplied it tenfold, I was in a delirium of delight. Reaching for Jenny I pulled her on top of me and buried my head between her lovely little buttocks. She squealed as I wormed my tongue up into her anus and I knew a shattering climax would hit me very soon.

I felt Paul’s prick swelling, he gasped at me that he was about to cum, I gripped him tighter to hold him and I felt his prick erupting in my anus sending spurt after spurt of hot creamy cum into my rectum. He pulled one of his girlfriends legs out of the way and wormed his way between them to kiss me,

“Beautiful Polly,” he whispered and joined me in worshipping her anus, “I’ve wanted that for years.”

Jenny slid two fingers up into my cunt and I felt myself starting to cum,

“Yes.” I squealed into her sex. “More Jenny, more.” her whole fist slid into me and the orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer, I saw stars, I heard fireworks, I convulsed and jerked, I lost control of my bladder and I screamed as she came too.

It seemed like an age before we stopped moving and lay together gasping for breath,

“Wow!” I laughed. “That was some fucking dare!”




Published 6 years ago

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