A Passionate End To The Drought

"A widow and her gardener find that they have something in common."

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Mary stood at her living room window and watched him as Ted worked methodically and purposefully. She was waiting for the kettle to boil and she would take him a drink and have a chat. She liked to do that and most of all with him, whenever she got the opportunity to do so. He was only too friendly and attentive, and she had grown to like that in him, even if Ted was some years younger than she was.

The summer so far had been uncommonly dry, the weeks flying by and with little or no rain to keep the grass of her lawn looking just as she wanted it. She always had her gardener attend to whatever concerned her about it and whenever she thought it to be necessary.

Her hanging baskets on the walls of the house and set on each side of the front and back doors, along with the riot of colours presented by potted plants that she had set out on her front terrace, received all the water that they needed from the butts that she had asked Ted Llewellin, her gardener, to place by every downpipe that drained the roof gutters of her immaculately kept bungalow. He did everything that she asked of him and the cost of his attendance upon her never changed. The work that he did for her was but a small part of his landscaping business but he devoted equal attention to what he did for her.

She would have paid him extra, but she sensed that he took particular pleasure to be with her and she would often work in the garden alongside him, or in Ted’s presence, so that they could talk but neither of them becoming over-familiar. Such restraint was both a blessing and a curse because she wanted so much more from him. In Ted’s looks upon her, she also sensed that something of what she felt was also at work in him.

Ted had always worked for himself. He had numerous clients for his gardening services and he always called in once a month, on a Thursday, the routine of his visits having been set over the three years that he had attended to her. In spite of the arrangement, Tony always rang to say that he would be with her, ‘come rain or shine’.

Now, as she saw how the clouds were scudding across the sky, it might well be a day when it rained, and she hoped that interruption was still some time away. She realised that she was becoming somewhat obsessed by thoughts of him being with her in the only way that had begun to matter; the consummation of her infatuation with him.

She heard the click of the kettle as it switched off, but she lingered a while longer to watch him, Ted’s strong body and broad chest clothed in a black T-shirt that he wore with black jeans and black protective ankle boots. His biceps flexed and she saw the frown of concentration on his rugged face, his greying hair parted on the left side of his head. He had grown leaner, his paunch no longer what it once was when she had first met him, but that was when he was married.

“What am I getting into now?” she murmured as she checked on the weather once more, gazed at his shadowy figure through the net curtain she had put up to offer the room some privacy from prying eyes as pedestrians walked past on the pavement that was lined by the hedge he had been trimming and tidying up.

His divorce, some twelve months ago, had almost led him to stop his work for her and move on, to leave the area and all of its associations, but she had chatted to him and consoled him as far as she dared, quelling the instincts to put her arms around him and to feel his touch and warmth. Her circumstances, as a widow, gave her an insight into what he was going through.

“Perhaps we can help each other and put an end to our particular loneliness?” she murmured, deciding to open the window and call to him. She saw the first signs that a misty drizzle was beginning to fall. “Ted?”

“Hi, what’s up?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to say that coffee’s ready.”

Ted looked at her approvingly. Mary had leaned out of the window of her front room as she called out to him. He’d not failed to notice the woman when he had arrived an hour or so earlier, how she filled a tank top that was worn under a loose, floaty blouse, the buttons undone, along with some faded sky-blue cotton skirt with patch pockets.

She was not as tall as him and moved with a captivating grace, her broad hips swaying and her soft smile always making him think of what was at work in her when he was around. He’d like to peg the woman, given half a chance, and put an end to a drought in those ways of it. There was something about Mary, the ‘Butler woman’  as he often thought of her, that set Mary apart from the others he met through his work. Mary was the kind of woman he liked, more his class and so easy to form a bond with. She’d owned and managed a care home for the elderly in a nearby town and had retired early when she’d lost her man.

“Don’t get wet, not even for me!” she was heard to laugh and put a hand on her hat that covered her greying hair to keep it from falling off.

“If it keeps up it looks like the rain may well put a stop to my day here with you, Mary. I’ll clear up and let you know when I’m done.”

“Not before you’ve had a coffee with me. It’s already made so don’t you go rushing off!”

She snapped shut the window and went back into the kitchen to grab the tray. If they could, or the gentle rain allowed it, she wanted to sit on the bench under the living room window that she’d just closed and talk with him for a while. There was also that appraising look of his to deal with; a look that she had seen before and that had her wondering what lay behind such a glance.

Until now, she had enjoyed an unlikely, but chatty, relationship with him, flirtatious even, but it had never strayed into over-familiarity. If pressed, however, she would not deny her feelings of attraction to him and that she always looked forward to his presence around the garden and where she would also work, just to be close to him.

Ted sensed that she was there, watching him from behind the net curtain, and that hid Mary from view.

He had always been taken by Mary’s intense, thoughtful, gaze and by how her greying hair with its flyaway ends framed an oval face, her eyebrows pronounced and neatly plucked but not too thin as to be severe. Her reedy voice could so quickly become bright as she laughed, and there was a vivacity to be seen in her bright shining eyes, the amber brown lively and her gaze attentive as they discussed what was to be done, a telephone call only suggesting the work that she wished him to attend to. It was always done with care and attention, none of the debris, or brash being left for her to clear away, even if she was a keen gardener.

He did more for her than Mary paid for, and he knew the reason why.

Now, as he worked on finishing his work of trimming the hedge that formed the boundary to all of her front garden, he heard her call to him, again, and he turned, her voice reaching him as the noise of the electric hedge trimmer faded away instantly.

“I’m almost done!”

“Good, and I’ve brought you a coffee and a snack!” she smiled, her eyes drifting over him as she took in the strength in his arms, the sleeves of his short-sleeved shirt clinging to his biceps. “The weather’s not looking so good, so I’m sorry if I’m interrupting you. My work in the back garden’s finished.”

“You’re not interrupting, Mary. It gives me a moment to have a drink and chat with you.” He would tell her what was on his mind, what plagued him sometimes, and saw that she had left her drink inside. “Go get your coffee, Mary, will you? I don’t want to be out here on my own if that’s okay with you?”

He didn’t wait for her to answer but resumed his work, only more quickly. He had said what was on his mind and now he wanted to follow through on that. The rain might well prevent him from working for others on his list of jobs for the day so there was no rush to leave her.

He met her at the bench seat and watched as Mary stepped nimbly over the slabs of the path that curved over the grass and led from the metal front gate set into the hedge. She’d been seen to kick at it but the wrought iron gate wouldn’t shut properly.

“Something else to fix for you if you want that?” he ventured, going to help her close it. In doing so, and standing at her shoulder, he breathed in her scent. “A floral scent is it, for the lady gardener?”

She chuckled as it occurred to her that Ted was flirting with her.

“Yes, it is, and the gate can be fixed some time. There are other things to mend before we get to that. Now, sit down beside me before our coffees get cold.”

“Yes ma’am,” he teased and winked at her. She had shifted and he felt her knees press against his thigh as he sat down and saw more clearly how her tank top shaped the tumble of her breasts. It offered little or no support and flattered her aging but, to his sight, only too desirable figure. The woman possessed a tended, understated, attractiveness. “At least the rain’s held off.”

“So, we can do this,” she smiled on meeting his look upon her. “Do you give other customers of yours the eye as you’re doing with me?”

Ted chuckled on hearing her speak so directly. At least she now knew where he was coming from.

“No, Mary. There aren’t any others like you.” He had answered her as he sat back against the wall and felt its rough texture through the dampness of his shirt. “It’s all strictly business with them, but with you it’s different. Maybe it’s because of what we’ve been through. You were a help to me in bad times…”

He had left what had been confessed to hanging in the air between them and he looked at the woman now seated so close to him. He took in every detail of her face, the small creases at the sides of her eyes, the silken softness of her hair, the light tan on her skin, and the creases on her breastbone, her jangly pendant necklace, all that was shaped by her tank top and the fleshy firmness of her thigh as it pressed against his leg.

She sighed over barely parted lips. “I didn’t know that you held on to that. For me, it was the only thing to do and I wondered if you got comfort with another woman you might do work for, or those you had in your life already, before…you know?”

“Before I was ditched?”

“Yes, before that. I reckoned a man like you would get through with someone, that you’d share the heat…that you would get down to screwing with someone you liked.” She laughed at seeing his reaction, to what had been said, and met his disbelieving smile at her use of language. “Am I too direct in what I say?”

“No, and I’ve been waiting for the moment when I could ask you about that, suggest it even. Now seems as good a time as any.”

“I was wondering the same thing,” she replied, offering a sliding caress to his arm as she did so. “I did that while I was watching you work and wondered if you’d want an oldie like me, as I waited for the kettle to boil. Isn’t it strange how certain feelings come upon you when you least expect them?”

“You’re not an oldie and, even if you were, you look so damn good on it.” He stilled the progress of her hand as it lay on his thigh. “In a moment or so…the rain’s not letting up!”

Her attitude sets Mary apart, her self-confidence in what she seeks to pursue with him, a sharing of the heat and with no urgent expectation of the future. Just like him, she wants to live for the moment, to be taken to bed, and for them to fuck and pay no attention, or to be concerned, about who they are to each other. They want to share their body heat, to lose themselves in the feral act of being taken, and pursued, for them to fuck and think only of the moment and nothing more. The future could wait. The present, and the woman beside him, could not.

Otherwise, she would have wanted to be pursued, to be wooed and seduced and not to succumb to the raging lust that now possesses them. Mary embraced her individuality and her courage in expressing, quite openly, what she wanted from him and the company that he would offer to her.

A flash of lightning was followed by a low rumble of thunder. The drizzle of rain that they had scarcely noticed, as they talked and had become deeply engaged in each other, now became a torrent and Mary slipped away from him. She gazed up at the sky and he delighted in her profile, the breeze pressing her swirling skirt to her legs. She bent down to pick up her hat and he took in her fleshy beauty, the sway of her heavy breasts as she did that.

“I’m not staying here a moment longer!”

“Go inside Mary! I’ll stow away my gear and then bring the trays with our coffees inside!” he laughed in reply and watched Mary scurry away down the path, one hand lifting her skirt to make it easier to run, her legs slowly getting wet and her thin blouse now clinging to her tank top.

Jeez, such grace of movement was still to be seen in the woman he lusted after, the unmistakable rage of longing in his groin something he’d not felt in a very long time. He didn’t just want to see those tits of hers, shaped so enticingly by her top, nor to gaze at the smooth skin of her arms and legs, but to feel them against him, around him, as they took to each other.

“The way I’m feeling I’m going to break you,” he muttered, grabbing his gear and shoving it all into the back of his van. The doors were slammed shut and he had the presence of mind to lock them. Then, he rushed back to get the tray and ran to the kitchen door. He didn’t want to use the front door which she had opened, just enough, to call to him to hurry.

“You’ll get soaked!”

“I am already! A few moments longer won’t make any difference.”

Mary resisted the urge to respond. Ted’s shirt clung to his broad chest and arms, his skin glistened and she became possessed by thoughts of them, naked in each other’s arms and discovering everything about each other; the caress of skin on skin, the caress of questing hands and the sharing in hungering kisses.

It had been so long since she had felt this way about a man and what would be shared. The gnaw of longing possessed her and all she could do was look at him until Ted was lost to her sight. She closed the door, unbuttoning her shirt so that he could see all of her shaped by her tank top when they were together in her home and for the first time.

It was too darned warm to be fussing about a bra and not wearing it had become part of her plan of claiming his attention upon her a great deal more. Somehow, and soon, she would let go of any restraint and take the lead unless Ted acted on what his looks upon her had suggested was at work in him. They had each waited long enough.

“Come in…come in! What kept you?” She made no secret of her interest and gazed at him appreciatively as he leaned forward to unlace his work shoes and kicked them off.

“I…I wondered where to start,” he said with a wondering look as he took in how her blouse hung loose and exposed what was underneath, the wonderful shape and weight of Mary’s rounded breasts that rose under that cotton vest as she reached up to him.

Mary flagrantly threw her arms about his neck and stood on tiptoes, hesitated for an instant only before she met his kisses, their mouths crashing against the other and her hands gripping his wet shirt before they locked behind his back and she moulded her body to his.

“We go all the way…all the way!” she gasped and clung to him, feeling Ted’s hands move to stroke caresses over her breasts before he moved to bend down and kiss their tips, to claim her nipples with his lips as they distorted the front of her tank top. “I’ll make it easier for you!”

He stared into her eyes as they broke the kiss for only a moment. Mary clung to him before one hand moved up his back and drew his head down so that they could kiss again, each one deepening as she sucked on his swirling tongue, and groaned as it darted in and out of her mouth. His hands continued to knead her breasts as their kiss became a long, passionate, and aggressively hungering touch of their mouths.

“Let’s not draw attention by waiting or get folks wondering why the van’s outside but I’m not,” he kissed. “We both want this and need to make it real.”

“How I’ve wanted to hear you say that!”

“How we’ve wanted to get here….”

She kissed him again and nodded her reply against his lips as she felt him tug away her blouse and throw it down onto the floor. Their mouths and tongues seemed to mesh, become one, and they kissed again for what felt like a long time. Her hands tugged on his shirt and she finally found the skin of his back, pushed her hands over his skin, and languished in his embrace as he kept on pulling her against him and had her feel his hard prick press against her belly.

Mary stumbled away, had somehow broken free from his hold upon her. “Come along with me.”

“I intend to,” he teased and she watched him strip off his shirt before she ran her wondering fingers over his broad chest, tugging gently on the hair covering his breastbone.

She smiled at that and met his approving look upon her. The tank top she had chosen to wear was shaping her as she had intended, the older woman’s body that she sensed he had wanted to see.

“It won’t be long now,” she kissed as she fumbled for the fastening of her skirt and pushed his hands away. “I’ll do it and you get undressed!”

“Tell me what you want,” he asked, tugging loose his belt and shoving his damp jeans down his hairy legs. She gasped on seeing how Ted filled his briefs, the cotton slip barely covering his monstrously large and thick penis, how they shaped his heavy nut sac.

“I want to be fucked and want you in my bed,” she finally answered, shuddering at the sight of him and what she now reached out to touch. “I should have known!”

Naked in each other’s arms, and with Mary crushed against his strong and unforgiving body, she shuddered. She was lifted into his arms as if she was a rag doll and as she wrapped her legs around his waist she felt the rush of a climax, brought on by his broad fingers slicking her pussy’s lips, parting them, before two entered her body and slowly claimed her moist heat.

“I’m so ready for this!”

“That let it happen,” he kissed in reply, and loving her direct way of speaking, his lips pressing against her skin and then sliding down over her breasts, one nipple tugged upon, then the other. “I want to give you everything, Mary, everything.”

“I could get greedy!” she laughed out in rapture and clung to him, her body shuddering as his fingers found her, slicked into her pussy, and teased her other place. “I’m not stopping you! I’m yours now and it can keep on raining. Just love with me…just fuck this old woman and mean it!”

He gazed down at her large but firm, wonderfully shaped breasts that were topped with light brown nipples and areolae. Released from her tank top, they hung loose, lolled down, and brushed his chest and seemed to be even bigger than what he had seen as they worked in the garden and he had stopped to gaze at her.  Imagining what she would bring had now been made ragingly real and he could not resist the urge to keep on claiming them as best he could and held Mary in his arms. He loved to feel those hard nipples on his tongue as he swirled it over them, Mary leaning back and her thighs gripping his body as he did so.

In her small bedroom, Ted laid her down on the large double bed and knelt beside her so that she could claim his penis. He bent down to kiss her.

“You’re not old and you’ve got a body to lust over…to my ways of seeing it, now. I don’t have to imagine a thing about you.”

She nodded and lay back on the bed, holding out her arms to him and sliding her hands over his skin. He kissed her lips first, then her forehead, then her eyelids, then her ears, her earlobes, her neck, and finally her shoulders. She moaned as his mouth and tongue slicked her breasts and he again took her nipples into his mouth. Mary squirmed as he trailed kisses down over her belly, darted his tongue tip into her navel as the fingers of one tugged and stroked the mat of hair covering her slit. She felt warm and moist, and she whimpered as he took her with fingers and tongue.

“Go on, Ted, go on,” she yelped, her body contorting under him as he moved to lie between her legs and began to eat her out, “but let me do it for you when I say so!”

Ted felt the heat in her, tasted the flush of moisture that his tonguing of her aroused. He loved to feel the warmth of her fleshy thighs against his cheeks and the feel of her pussy’s coarse hair. It was dark and neatly trimmed but his attention was drawn once more to the warmth of her thighs as he kissed and sucked her skin, trailed kisses down her legs, and kissed behind her knees. He then progressed over her shins, one then the other, before he sucked on her toes. He traced and retraced the paths over her body before he settled again on kissing, licking, and fingering her slit.

By now the woman he called on as her gardener was trembling, her grip and tug on his head fierce. She was moaning and quivering, calling out his name and in encouragement. She was quivering as she lost herself completely.

“Woman…woman, I want you so,” he was heard to say as Ted buried his bearded face in her crotch, kept ramming his tongue into her pussy, and gently clamped his lips over her clit.

“You’re…you’re plaguing me with what you’re doing!” she yelled in reply, jerking as she went to pieces from his assault on her body and his coaxing ways to abandon any restraint. She gushed and screamed out of wanton pleasure and became oblivious to the tumult of the rainstorm beyond her bedroom window, clutching her breasts and seeking to pleasure herself in doing so. She would lose it if he continued. “Ted! Oh no, oh yes, oh fuck!”

Ted kept on, maintained his claims on her clit and pussy’s lips, and did not move off, delighted in the taste of her as his tongue kept on roaming, swirling and reaming inside her in what had become a steady rhythm. He squeezed her ass cheeks with both hands in time with his tonguing of her, their movements now in sync and her whimpers of dismay and pleasure filling the room.

Ted relented and met her hooded stare. He saw the fluttering of her eyes. The woman had gone into a trance or so it seemed. She bucked her hips and pushed her feet into the bed as she bent her knees and locked his head in a vice-like grip.

“I want you, woman…how I want to do this for you…and with you.”

“I know, oh Jeez, how I know! I’m going to cum…cum on your face but keep on eating me. Ted, suck me. I’m going to cum…oh no…oh yes!”

The room seemed to echo with the profanities that she uttered and she seemed to explode, covering his face with her pussy’s juices.

Ted kissed her and tasted all that he had aroused in her and that covered his face. They kissed long and deep, their mouths open and tongues swirling and poking, each tasting her juices until he lay down beside her and gloried in the look of pleasure to be seen in her eyes.

Mary reached for his trembling and jerking cock and stroked its length before she lay on her side and looked down at what she held in her caressing hand. “You scare me with what you have…what you bring to me.”

“I always thought you were hot, Mary,  but I never thought I’d ever fuck you.” He gave her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m not used to speaking like that to a woman.”

“I’m not bothered about that! I feel the same way about you so we’d better do it!” she climbed onto him, her knees in his armpits, and guided his arcing penis slowly into her pussy. She settled on him slowly and shuddered to feel the large domed tip of his penis slip over her pussy’s walls as they were stretched wider to take him. She groaned and leaned forward, her hands gripping his chest as she began to rock on him, to rise and fall, her breaths quickening in time with the rhythm that he set.

Ted stilled the sway and jerk of her magnificent breasts. He pinched her nipples between his rough fingers as he spread his hands over them. He raised his head from the pillows to kiss her.

“You…you feel so good on me,” he groaned. Mary kept on riding him and slammed her buttocks down onto his thighs as she took him.

“That’s it, love…that’s it!” It felt as if the domed tip of his prick was at the end, that it could go no further and she trembled in response to the new sensations that he brought. She felt so full of him and clutched her tummy out of reflex. Could she have so much of the man’s penis in her body and not get hurt?

“Go on Ted, go on! Fuck me, find me deep! Yes, keep on fucking me, I want your cock inside me! Yes, that feels so good!”

The bed rocked and creaked, the mattress settled underneath them as she rode him in pursuit of her wildest pleasure and what her only sex toy failed to fully bring to her when she thought of doing this and with him.

“Nothing’s going to stop me!” he called out in reply. The woman was unreal in her demands and ways with him now. “Lie back and I’ll finish it!”

Mary moved, but she clung to him. She did not want his meat to leave her body, or to lose the feeling that she was near to falling into the swirling abyss of an orgasm.

He began to pound into her accepting body over and over, held her fleshy legs in the crooks of his arms, and gave her no reprieve. Mary clung to his neck and gasped through the flurry of kisses that they exchanged. They fucked in harmony, Ted easing away, enough, to allow her to move and to share in the act; to pursue loving harmony until he felt the pressure build in in his sac, in his belly and he was ready to explode.

“I’m there!” he gasped, lifting his face away from her and Mary clinging to him as he let go.

“Hold nothing back and fill me!” she demanded and clung to him. She felt the searing rushes of his semen as bolt after bolt was ejected into her clamping pussy, the walls contracting around him with all that her failing strength allowed.

She scarcely knew the man who had so tempestuously claimed her body and who had succeeded in bringing on until she had been overwhelmed by two or more orgasms before now, the final moments of their union. She felt warm and mellow, satisfied beyond imagining from her tryst with him, from all that Ted had passionately pursued with her, and that she had, somehow, found the energy to bring to him.

It had been such a long time since she had given of herself to a man and certainly not as impetuously as she had done with him as the deluge continued beyond her bedroom window.

She had been seduced and felt no guilt for what she had so willingly succumbed to. The woman he had once spoken of, at times, his wife, was no longer with him and in his life, so she had a clear conscience on what she had so ardently pursued with him and Ted had so energetically sought of her.

They seemed to fall in on themselves after the searing moments of pleasure that had been discovered and then shared. It left them quaking and their skins slicked.

Ted stroked away her hair and looked wonderingly into her eyes before he kissed her. He then eased out of her, slowly, the domed tip of his penis offering a sliding caress to her pussy’s walls. He lingered at her opening and slowly rocked his hips to claim the last moments of the pleasure they had discovered. He then collapsed beside her, a sigh escaping from his lips.

“Was it that good for you?” she asked and moved to rest her head on his chest and felt the brush of his hair to her cheek. Mary trailed one hand over his body and down to his length. She felt so pleasurably tired now, languorous, and she kissed his chest in appreciation, sucked on his nipples as her hand again worked him, cupped his balls, and squeezed slowly. “I hope you’ll stay the night, next time, and we have the place all to ourselves.”

Ted took her words as a sign to ease away but her grip tightened on him as she continued to massage his balls, her touches arousing him all over again. She sensually, slowly, insistently, ran the tips of her fingers over the length of his shaft, from the tip to the base, up and down, four or five times. When she moved and took him in her mouth he knew that he still had enough of his hunger for her to pursue these ways again.

“You want more?” he asked and met her answering smile.

He felt the tightening knot of longing in his belly, the rush of blood as his penis became erect once more and enough to take her. Mary’s muscles, in that welcoming pussy, would do the rest.

“Relax, do that for me,” she now asked and the caress of her hand on his chest made him lie back. “I’ll please you for a few minutes longer.”

“Take your time!” he laughed out and put one hand to her head, gripped her hair, as Mary bent to him and took his penis in her mouth and trailed kisses over it, licked his ball sac with her flickering tongue before it swirled over the tip. He was dismayed by how much she took in her mouth, his swollen meat disappearing and reappearing as her head bobbed.

Mary moved and knelt beside him, her hair brushing over his body as she mouthed him and her hands worked his length and between his legs. With each ragingly pleasurable movement of her head and mouth, Mary was able to take a little more of him into her mouth as the fingers of one hand now prodded his butthole in time with her sucking and slurping rhythm.

“Not that, I’m not into that!” he groaned, “just do what you began with on me!”

“The next time, perhaps?” she replied as she took both her mouth and fingers from him and knelt by his side. He swept a hand lazily over the tumble of her breasts and slid it up to pull her down to him and to meet a kiss. “Have I been what you wanted, so far?”

She said it with her mouth pressed to his lips and her eyes meeting his wondering stare.

“Yes…yes, woman!  I’ve not felt anything like that for a long time, perhaps never in my life. You’re such a turn-on. Behind the image everyone sees is one hell of a passionate and horny woman.”

“Then let me enjoy what you bring, Ted, for just a few moments more” Her touches on him were light and seducing.

Mary didn’t wait for a reply. The push of his rough hand on her skin made her lean down and take his cock in her mouth. She did so in one quick and powerful motion and she ignored what he had said. Her fingers traced a path back to his butt hole and she massaged it, pressed against it as her mouth took him deeper.

Ted could not believe what was happening so soon, between them, and he moaned and groaned, over and over again, in response to her claims upon him. This foxy woman with her fleshy body and big tits, her agile fingers, and a welcoming mouth was taking him to places he’d not been to in a heck of a long time.

She acted without any restraint and he wasn’t about to stop her.

“It’s still raining, so go on!” he laughed. The thunder rolled, the lightning flashed, and the rain splattered against the window in a tumult that was so close to what he was feeling, at her insistence. Mary did not let up and she felt Ted buck his hips off the bed like a wild horse wanting to shake off a rider. “I’m going to come…I’m going to come!”

The pressure to let go was unbearable and he tugged on her hair, pushed Mary roughly off him, and made her lie back. His rough hands parted her legs and then gripped her hips as he pulled her onto him, making Mary rest on just her shoulders as he began to pound into her, his long shaft finding her and without any reprieve, his breaths of effort and her whimpers of dismay filling the room.

“You’ll…Ted, you’ll break me!” she gasped as she felt him shudder, in time with her wracking orgasm. It had provoked her to writhe underneath him and to pursue her wrenching claims upon that pole of flesh that reached a place unvisited for far too long.

“And we’ll both enjoy it!”

His semen gushed from his penis tip, bolts of it expelled in searing and tingling rushes as he basked in the raging sensations that she had aroused in him so wantonly and expertly. He did not stop moving as he juddered in reaction to so much of his seed bolting into her.

Finally, he stopped shaking and probing.

Mary slipped her hands up over his chest and she was lifted against him, rested on his strong thighs, and simply basked in the afterglow of what had been discovered as she felt his warm kisses to her throat and breasts. He then pressed his lips against hers and kissed; tongued her mouth as she swirled hers against it in response.

What a time of carnal excess they had pursued, she thought and clung to him. “That was so good, for a first time!”

“It was and I want more of that…of.. what do you call it, a ‘Mary Special’?”

“Special only for you,” she replied and looked into his eyes, tenderly. “I’ve waited so long and I’ve wondered for so long if it would happen. There’s been such an emptiness in my life and I hoped it might end by being with you after all that you’ve told me.”

Ted slowly eased her off him and Mary slumped back on the bed, brushed her fingertips over her belly and between her thighs. How she ached from their union. She looked across at him as Ted lay on his front and gazed down into her eyes, bent to slowly kiss her.

“It was good, what we found. Who would believe us if we said we’d not found love for so long? We each had a lot to catch up on and it will be better the next time.” He eased out of her embrace. “Look, the sun’s breaking out and so I’d better finish what I was doing for you…outside I mean!”

She laughed and sat up, put her arms around her knees, and watched him as Ted gathered up his clothes. He would be back and she would not deny her need for him all over again. There would be no rush, no chasing phone calls or texts. She would leave it to him to pursue her. Enough had been discovered to make that a reality and it would go from there.

“There’s been an end to the drought, Ted, you darling man, in more ways than one.”

He came back to her side of the bed and kissed her.

“I’ve only had a sip so far of the sweet drink that you’ve become to me, Mary.”

It was all that she wanted to hear and slowly let her hold on him fall away. He would be back.

Published 1 year ago

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