A few years had passed since I left my home and set out to seek my fortune. It was late October. I was sitting in my seat next to the window with a row to myself. As a pilot myself, I was flying all day and I was fatigued and exhausted. This time I took comfort in being a passenger for a change. After takeoff, I closed my eyes and began to twilight into the dream state.
I was heading back home where I grew up and began to think about my best friend, Jennifer. My entire family still resided where I was headed. However, all I could think about was Jennifer.
I loved being with her. I am not going to lie to you or myself, I also loved having sex with her as well. Whether we were engulfed in another sordid sexual adventure, or just spending time together enjoying each other’s company was just fine either way.
Still, Jennifer was the only one who I fantasized about. That should have been a clue to me that I had very special feelings for her which no other could rival. She was the love of my life, but I was not willing to admit that to anyone, especially myself.
As I drifted off into a semi-conscious state, I imagined watching Jennifer take her clothes off, or possibly me helping her take them off. I fantasized both possibilities back and forth. Either way, each thought was sexually arousing. Although Jennifer and I have engaged in many sexual encounters in the past, and hope to have many more, I would still fantasize about her. Every time I would envision, or actually have sex with her, was always like the first time.
For the past three hours I was in a dream state thinking about seeing Jennifer’s naked body. I would imagine fondling her large beautiful breasts and sticking my face between them. I envisioned looking at her legs and her amazing pussy. I was watching (hoping), in my mind, her opening her pussy for me again. This followed with me lost in a long lustful inquisitive gaze. I would then stare and look inside. Since I never stuck my fingers or tongue inside of her, all I could do is imagine how she smelled and tasted. Unfortunately, I would not find out for many more years to come.
I felt the aircraft lurch and firmly plant itself on the ground. Obviously, we had landed. It startled me out of my semi-conscious dream state. I was disappointed because I was just ready to sink my throbbing cock up into her tight wet pussy. Wow! What a major letdown.
On the much brighter side, I was happy that I was awake and that I was much closer to seeing my dearest friend in person. Jennifer was very important to me. I would scurry over to her house to see her without visiting my own family first.
It was evening. I drove my rental car straight to Jennifer’s house. She owned her own home and was living alone. Yes! Perfect! No interruptions. Jennifer, my dearest and oldest friend greeted me at the door. We embraced each other as we always did. We kissed each other on the cheek. It felt so good to see her and I felt as if I were home.
We visited for a long time and caught up on everything. We didn’t have the privilege of talking on the phone too much back then. This was before cell phones were mainstreamed. Every phone call was “Long Distance” with the exorbitant fees to follow.
We decided to go out and have dinner. Jennifer also needed to stop where she worked to quickly take care of something on the computer. This was back when the 486 was state-of-the-art. It is ancient technology compared to today’s standards.
She showed me the system. It was extremely fast, faster than anything I had out west. We began playing a Monopoly game written for pc. Somehow, we developed our own version. Every time someone had to pay, they lost an article of clothing. Obviously, I haven’t seen that version in the stores.
Soon enough, Jennifer had no pants on. I just looked at her like I always had. Again, looking at her pussy now was just as exciting as seeing it for the first time. There I was, Captain Tripod, the three-legged man, hard as a rock again.
While sitting at the computer table with her, I noticed there was a spoon on the table. As shy as I was, I found myself acting out of character. This was probably due to the blood loss to the brain by supplying it to the other head, tonight it did not matter. I picked up the spoon and began inserting it into her pussy while she was still standing. I wanted to slowly stick it in all the way up inside of her. That was another way I used to fantasize about her. I would have visions of putting things into her pussy.
Jennifer said that felt uncomfortable. Maybe it was the angle, or maybe it was the spoon itself. I quickly ceased that action. Pain and discomfort – “not an option.” I would never hurt her.
Jennifer came up with a better plan. She slid off of the chair and lay down on her office floor with her legs spread apart. I took off my pants and slowly crawled over between her legs. I slowly with one hand spread her lips apart and shoved my hard cock inside her pussy. Once again, we ended up having wild sex. This time it was on her office floor. Again, like other activities, sex with Jennifer always felt like the first time.
We engaged in wild passionate activities of a sexual nature. In other words, we were fucking, fucking hard. I powerfully rammed my cock up inside of her hitting the back wall of her vagina. We continued to repeat this in and out action for some time without a care that my knees were being burnt by the carpet. Jennifer’s back had minor abrasions as well. It is interesting when it comes to the topic of sex, rug burns seem to be more humorous than painful. The minor abrasive irritation of the knees gives you a sense of personal satisfaction.
Strangely enough, we only engaged in basic simple sex. There was no passionate touching or inserting my fingers up into her pussy. Furthermore, I still did not have the opportunity to eat her as well. For years I had this burning desire to slide my tongue inside her pussy, lick her, and swallow her sweet vaginal juices. I wanted to smear my face all over her dripping wet lips while wiggling my tongue deep inside of her. This will have to wait for many years (to be discussed much later in another dirty little secret).
Jennifer and I were always in a hurry to bang each other’s brains out. We never had the opportunity to engage in any erotic foreplay, much less any foreplay at all. All we had to do was look at each other and we communicated telepathically. We were completely and unequivocally sexually enamored with each other since the day we met. Neither of us had these types of interactions and sexual feelings with any other people, to even include our ex-spouses later in life. We are, and have always been, the closest of friends. This is the epitome of “Friends with Benefits.”
I returned back home with a lonely and empty feeling as I always had when I left Jennifer. Many years have passed since that visit. There were several more visits back home where I would see my best friend. As time went on and my career began to flourish, we drifted apart in different directions. Jennifer wanted children, and I wanted to see the world. Although we never lost contact with each other, it became increasingly difficult to see each other. We eventually married other people and began our lives deluding ourselves that we were happy. We were able to see each other even less.
I spent nearly a lifetime comparing the rest of the world to Jennifer. The world lost.
After all of these years later, Jennifer is now my beautiful wife. How we got there is another story.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. There are many more stories of this nature. The names have been changed to protect the Guilty as Charged. I hope you enjoyed reading.