It is a Saturday morning, and Mom’s working. I thought I’d be too, but the homeowner decided to invest in x-rated movies instead of a service upgrade. Gert is looking quite hot today, a black skirt and white ruffled V-neck blouse: patent black alligator belt and patent black 2-inch heels with bows even. I like the way her silver half-moon-style glasses reflect the light of the room and give me a boner the size of Mighty Casey’s baseball bat.
“Oh hello Jeff, I thought you were working today?”
“So did I. It turns out the homeowner wanted to invest some money with an online story site called LushStories. I have been there, and wrote a few stories myself.”
“Stories about sex, Jeff? You do have a story about me in there, I hope.”
“No, Gert I don’t, but we could do things that would make me want to write about it.”
“We might just have something, Jeff. My sweet half-glasses as your Mom says you call them, were sparkling clean the other morning, save for two drops of eclair custard. Would you have any idea how that happened, Jeff?” she asks me as she stands there, flicking the pearl beaded chain for those sweet sparkling glasses hanging over a bountiful bosom that gets me so hard.
“Well yes Gerty, I do know how that happened as I put those two little drops there.”
“I was a little disappointed, Jeff.” Her voice does not seem angry or mad or anywhere to being upset.
“I think we ought to sit down and discuss the matter thoroughly,” I say.
The way Gert changes in less than a second’s time gives me the idea she is quite surprised I would want to talk about it, like she is going to say what she wants, having no idea I’d like to talk about it.
“Do you want to sit in the kitchen over coffee or in the living room?” I ask.
“The kitchen will be fine,” she says.
“Now Gerty, the first thing I want to say is that I like you very much, I have since I met you. I would never knowingly do something to hurt your feelings… Now you say you were disappointed? I guess I’m having a hard time figuring out what exactly you were disappointed about.”
Gerty looks at me like she is seeing a part of me she may not have known existed.
In more of a statement, she says, “You don’t know what disappointed means?”
“Yes, it means to not meet expectations of what was expected, sad it was not as good as one thought it would be, like baking a new kind of cookie and not tasting as good as it might’ve been cracked up to be, or someone doing a thing another would not have thought them doing.”
“You seem to have a very good idea of the word, Jeff.” Gert says, with no sound of anger, just her regular voice.
“So Gerty, what were your first thoughts when you saw custard on your half-glasses? Because you see the word disappointed could be taken in two different ways. I guess you could have been rather surprised, did those two drops of custard seem to be symbolic of my liking you, that you know I like eclairs, and me getting your sweet half-glasses clean and spotless?”
She is looking at me in a rather severe way, still flicking the pearl-beaded eyeglass chain, them still moving and the sun still sparkling in spurts upon them. She gets herself sitting even more upright in her chair. Could she be anxious unknowingly knowing what is coming up next from a guy she likes but finds out knows more about life than she first thought? Gerty flicking those beads reminds me of a cat with a big bushy tail thumping it on the floor, thinking about the situation and wondering how to deal with it.
“So Jeff, how could be dissapointed be taken in two different ways?”
“Or were you getting mixed feelings, some happy, like the custard being symbolic of something heavier than liking, thinking about intimate doings that go with that, disappointed that damn it’s ‘only’ custard?”
Gerty is sitting there, sunlight streaming in through the window and sparkling in her sweet halfs. Her expression changes, ever so subtly. She now knows I know a lot more than the wiring code and Harley’s.
“I had wondered about this Jeff, why a young guy fancies an older woman and wants to clean her sweet halfs as you like calling them. I think you are somewhat older than your actual years and maybe find girls to be, well not like? That you like a woman who knows a lot more about life than a girl whose biggest thrill is her favorite song on the radio?”
“Well yes, and women dress much nicer too for that matter… I just enjoy being around a woman I can talk to about all sorts of issues, what’s the big story in the news.”
“I think you really like my serious nature, Jeff…and my halfs with beads add to that, do they not? Also my heels?”
“Yes Gert, they do, and to be frank, aside from Mom, you are the only one who has ever taken me seriously. I think that it is a needed part in anyone’s life, to be taken seriously at times.”
Gert takes her glasses with the custard drops out of her purse and puts them on the table.
“Jeff, make these sparkling and spotless for me.”
I go to the sink and get a clean dish cloth, wet a part of it and a dish towel, and sit where I was sitting. I put the beaded chain over my neck and start licking her sweet halfs till the custard is gone then I go over them with the dish cloth and dry. Gert’s eyes are the size of teacup saucers as she watches every move I make. Her hand goes down under the table, and her blouse moves around a bit; I know she has her hand up her bush and she is getting herself off. I go back to licking her sweet sparkling halfs.
“I love your halfs, Gert, the way you look so good in them with them hanging across your luscious breasts, DO IT, Gert! God knows when you last had that, DO IT as I kiss and smooch your sweet halfs, you know I love you and your halfs. DO IT, Gert! I’ll keep all your sweet halfs spotless and sparkling, oh yes that gold half-square pair too, do you want me to lay some custard on them for you to find some morning? Real man-made custard?” Gerty is going at it like a bloody machine! She sighs and her hand comes back up to see the light of day. It is all moist and gushy, I walk over to her, take that hand and lick it and kiss it.
I clean her half-glasses again for her, after all my licking, smooching, and kissing, and look through them to see not a spot or smudge, take off the beads, and hand her glasses back to her.
“Oh Jeff, I can’t believe I did that! You got me so hot and wet, wearing my beads and licking my halfs! Thank you! I guess I knew something was going on. Yes, I’d like to have seen a nice mess of your cum all over my half’s, that is why I was disappointed.”
“Well I’m glad too Gerty, I guess now we could start doing things?”
“There are not many men out there who would do this, lick and kiss his woman’s half-glasses. Seeing you lick and kiss my glasses, got me so wet and gushy down there.”
“I think that you really enjoyed my little attentions to you, through your sweet halfs, that’s why I always found them smudged. I’m thinking, that after you finished reading, you smudged them so I’d make them spotless and sparkling…right?”
“I knew it when I met you, Jeff. I hit the lady’s room and when I came back, just seeing them on the table, I knew they were spotless and sparkling and that your Mom would not have done that. I knew it was you Jeff and what you were doing was doing something to me, but when I saw the drops of custard, well, I really began to think, this is heavier than just liking me, am I right?”
“Well yes, Gerty. I would love to court you, take you out for dinner, picnics by the canal, take care of you if you get sick, be your best friend.”
“If I didn’t know better, you want to marry me.”
“I can’t say I did not think of it, maybe in a couple of years?”
“We can definitely be good friends Jeff, we have to start doing a lot of things so you can write about it. Also, do you know the style of glasses librarians wear?”
“Yes, the black, brown, or silver oval style…why?
“I have a few pairs when I was an assistant librarian in college. Do you think you could like cleaning them for me? After you kiss and lick them?”