A New Partner

"Amateur bodybuilder aquires a new workout partner and lover."

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It always seemed that right after New Year’s Day, the Chrome Anvil gym enjoyed an influx of new members comprised of people trying to get in shape for the beach season that was on the horizon. Of all that signed up, only a few stuck to the workout programs and enjoyed success. Amateur bodybuilder and longtime member Lee Kaiser noticed her right after the new year arrived. Despite having been surrounded by stunning females since he was sixteen and when somewhere performing a posing demonstration, he was having a difficult time not staring at her, for she was absolutely knockout.

Her long dark hair fell past her slender shoulders and framed a very pretty face. She wore a crop top that showed a hard and flat abdomen and was tight across her pert breasts. She, however, didn’t wear the yoga pants or shorts that were now the rage; she elected to wear a yoga skirt. Maybe she was shy and didn’t want the male members staring at her ass all day, or perhaps she was concerned that she might be flashing her camel toe to the gym.

Lee and the regulars watched her for a few days, and since she appeared serious about her workouts and didn’t spend much time socializing, the curiosity about her clothing vanished, and life in the gym continued. As the months passed, a few of the younger and bolder members asked her out, but she politely declined these offers.

It was weeks after her appearance that Lee eventually bumped into her at a dumbbell rack, and introductions were made. Her name was Darla, and shortly afterward, Lee noticed that she began to alter her routine so she could work out in the same area, and they became workout buddies. Now aside from some mild verbal flirting, nothing changed. Lee was quite happy with the current status quo as he had been without female attention for some time. It was difficult to find someone outside of the bodybuilding circles who understood the workouts and diets required to maintain a shape like his; it had cost him a few relationships. Darla seemed to understand.

It was the day that a water main broke that everything changed. No water meant no shower and no toilet, and Lee would need to use both real soon. Despite the repair crews showing up within half of the incident, the workers informed the gym owners and patrons that they were looking at two to three hours before service was restored.

“I live across the street in the trailer park,” Darla informed Lee just before she exited the building. ” You are more than welcome to shower and use my john. Just give me five minutes to make my place presentable to strangers,” she added.

“I couldn’t think of intruding like that,” he replied.

“If it was an intrusion, I wouldn’t ask. Plus, it will give us a chance to talk without everyone and their brother listening in,” she replied.

Darla’s logic was sound. Lee knew he would need to use the john real soon, and a hot shower would feel really good, but best of all, he would have the opportunity to spend some alone time and talk with Darla. So was there a downside to this invite, he wondered?

“Deal,” was all Lee said after a minute. “I have one more set.”

“Perfect was her response,” she said as she headed out the door after providing him with her address.

Lee finished his last set and downed a protein shake in a can as he gathered up the clothing that he had worn to the gym from one of the lockers before he crossed the narrow street to the mobile home park and the address she had given him.

She must have been watching for him because she opened the door the moment he climbed the stairs to her small porch. Lee noticed that she had doffed her workout togs in favor of a short lounging robe of shimmering grey silk. Darla pointed out the direction to the master bath, and seconds later, Lee was happily allowing the hot water to comfort his aching muscles.

“If you’re not in a big hurry to run home and are interested in joining me for coffee, I hung a robe on the doorknob that should fit you,” he heard her say through the closed door once that water was turned off.

Lee was always up for fresh coffee, so he cracked the door and discovered a plush blue terrycloth robe on the doorknob, which he quickly brought inside and donned. It was a little short and tight, so he had to be careful how he sat as he didn’t want to expose himself. After tying the belt, he padded toward the living room and found her sitting on the couch sipping coffee. She invited him to take a seat, and she poured him a cup.

“Pretty robe,” he said in an attempt to start a conversation and end the silence that had, for some reason, become heavy with sexual tension.

“Thank you,” she responded as ran her fingers over the material. ” I just love silky clothing; it’s a weakness.”

As they sipped their coffee, they proceeded to cover the more personal aspects of their lives, never married or engaged and not seeing anyone. As they talked, Lee noticed that they had moved closer to each other, and soon they were a hand width away from each other face.

“I’d invite you to kiss me, but you need to know my status before you do,” she stated cryptically, her face just inches from his.

“Your status?” Lee questioned.

With that, Darla stood up and untied her silky robe, and let it side to the floor; underneath, she wore a nightie of the same color, or maybe it was a full slip. Whatever it was, it looked good on her and caused Lee’s cock to stir. The spaghetti straps of her undergarment were slid over slender shoulders, and it, too, slid down her hard body to the floor. She wore a bra and panties whose colors matched her robe and nightie

Lee watched wide-eyed as her thumbs hooked themselves into the waistband of her panties, and she began to slowly shimmy them down until they just cleared her crotch, and that’s when a hard cock that had been hidden by the layers of silk peaked over her waistband, It wasn’t very big, but it was a cock just the same.

When Darla saw the disappointed look on Lee’s face, she pulled her panties back up and donned her robe again.

“I could have let you discover it on your own, but I like you too much,” she informed him.

“Why me?” Lee asked.

“Do you have to ask?” she questioned. “It’s because you’re gorgeous with a killer figure and polite manners; you’re everything I want in a man,” was her response. “Plus, you treated me like a lady from day one and not some potential fuck toy.”

Lee took his seat again and picked up his coffee.

“Does anyone else in the gym know about this?” Lee asked.

“No, and I’d like to keep it that way,” she answered.

“So, are you going for the full exchange?” he asked.

“I don’t know; I have a lot of girlfriends that would be angry if I did,” she responded.

Then it happened. As he sat there listening to her, the aroma subtle of the perfume she wore seemed to fill his soul, and he found himself admiring the smooth legs that appeared from under the shimmery cloth of her robe, and this, along with all the other factors had him hard in no time.

He tried to derail his interest in Darla by reminding himself that this was a male dressed and made up as a female, but it didn’t work, and his desire for her grew.

He set his cup on the coffee table and slid closer to her, and placed his arm around her slender shoulders, ignoring the fact that his own cock was now visible through the gap in the robe. Just millimeters from her face again, he saw no evidence that she was male, but still, he was hesitant. It was Darla who made the first move and leaned into him and placed her full lips against his. It was seconds later that Lee parted his lips, and Darla did the same, and soon their tongues were exploring each other’s mouths.

Now Lee’s build and manners had made him very popular with females of every age since he began to participate in the teen bodybuilder competitions, and he had collected more than his share of kisses from many of the attractive ladies present, and Darla was as good as any of them.

Lee’s hand went to her breasts, and he discovered that they were warm and full and that her nipples were erect, and the intensity of their kissing increased. It was Darla who ended the kissing by gently pushing him back from him.

“Please fuck me,” she moaned in a soft voice. “I need it real bad; it’s been over a year since I had a lover.”

Lee knew all about anal sex but never had the opportunity to experience it, but this was not how he saw his first experience.

“I don’t have any protection,” he replied.

“You won’t need it. You will be the only person I’ll ever allow back there without protection,” she replied in a begging tone.

When Lee didn’t move, Darla stood up.

“Maybe I need to sweeten the pot,” she informed him before leaving the room.

She returned a little while later and stood about a foot from the couch. She slowly untied her robe with her eyes locked on his. Lee’s eyes went wide when she allowed to robe to slip off her shoulders, and he discovered that she had removed her nightie or slip and had added a garter belt and nylons to her ensemble.

She took her seat on the couch again and crossed her nylon-sheathed legs, and Lee’s cock burst forth between the gapped robe as he stared. Lee’s trembling hand reached for a nylon-covered knee, and he began to rub it. Darla responded with soft moans to this stroking by placing her lips on his cheek and allowing her tiny hand to rub the head of Lee’s manhood.

“Do you want me, baby?” she moaned into his ear.

“Yes, I want you,” he replied.

“Then say it,” she requested.

“Darla, I want you,” he said aloud.

“What do you want?” she purred.

“I want fuck you in the ass,” he replied.

Hearing that, Darla pushed herself away from Lee and rolled off the couch and onto the floor.

“Are you bold enough to fuck me in my living room, or are you the shy type that needs the bedroom?” she asked as she got on her hands and knees.

“The living room is fine,” Lee responded as he threw off his robe and positioned himself behind her, and took in the sight of her magnificent ass.

“Here, ” she said as she handed him a bottle of lube.

Lee squeezed a generous portion hand and then applied it to his hard cock; soon, it glistened in the dim living room lights. Darla crossed her arms and placed them on the floor, and raised her ass in the air. A second later, Lee used one hand and directed his hard cock toward her butt cheeks and was prepared to push himself into her, but for some reason, he froze.

Darla sensed his hesitation and pushed herself back so Lee’s cock could slide between her sculpted ass and paused just short of her pucker.

“I’m ready. Are you ready?” she stated.

Lee mumbled a response that Darla took as a positive response, and a heartbeat later, she pushed herself backward onto Lee’s hard cock. The sensation of entering Darla was beyond description for Lee, and without being prompted, he placed his hands on her hips and began a gentle thrusting.

Darla’s moans were the most sexist Lee had ever heard, plus she urged him on by begging him to fuck her harder. His strong hands gripped her slender waist even harder, and he commenced to honor her request. He eventually announced to Darla that he was ready to finish, and seconds later, he filled her up with the discharge from his cock.

Darla’s body shook, and a long ecstatic moan escaped her lips before she went limp. Lee withdrew his cock from her backdoor and gathered her up in his massive arms, and planted gentle kisses on her face and neck until he needed to visit the bathroom.

When he returned, he found her still sitting on the floor, and he joined her; he received a long tongue kiss before he settled down.

“Now, I expect you to come over after every workout and shower here,” Darla informed him.

When Lee didn’t respond, it gave Darla a chance to continue.

“I promise to wear all the sexy lingerie I own for you, and I’ll even purchase some more,” Darla informed him.

“Is there a catch?” Lee asked.

“No catch, just some rules,” Darla replied

“Rules?” Lee questioned. “Like what.”

Well, first off, I don’t want everyone at the gym to know what is going on behind closed doors,” Darla stated.

“No problem,” Lee answered.

“Secondly, I don’t need them to know about my true sex,” Darla said, lowering her voice and eyes.

“Also, not a problem,” Lee replied.

“I also need your word that you promise to be exclusive with each of me, that is if you want to keep your bareback privileges,” Darla added.

“You have it,” Lee stated.

“Finally, you have to keep an open mind,” Darla stated.

“Open to what?” Lee asked.

“Time will tell,” she responded as she scrambled around and took up the familiar position on her hands and knees and raised her butt in the air.

Published 1 year ago

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