I live in an apartment block where there are a few apartments rented through Airbnb. This means some frequent comings and goings.
We have one apartment a few doors down which is currently rented by an Asian woman. She has been there for a month now and I have spoken to her a few times. She is here for another three months. She is of Singapore origin, aged in her late twenties, and extremely beautiful.
Last weekend I spoke to her as we travelled up in the lift and for some minutes after we arrived at our floor. I was quite impressed with her conversation and asked if she would like to come in for a drink and a chat at about 6 pm.
She accepted saying she would really appreciate that. She was on her own and a bit lonely at times, especially at weekends. I prepared some cheese and biscuits and a bottle of Champagne.
At six she arrived, and I invited her in, she was beautifully dressed for a casual meeting in loose slacks and a lovely top. I had already ascertained that her name was Su Ann.
We chatted for a while, and I soon learned she was in a similar occupation to me and worked in hospitality. She was here to assist in implementing some changes to management systems. A remarkably similar role to mine. We were getting along excellently, and a few glasses of champagne had ensured that the conversation was light, and we laughed quite a bit. I soon learned that she had a man in her life but not seriously.
Su Ann had noticed I live with another woman. She had also seen my partner and me with a couple of guys at the weekend. She was curious. I explained our situation I told her that in straightforward terms, the guys were a bit better than friends and they slept over most weekends. Jan and I were bisexual and enjoyed the company of both sexes. Su Ann was interested and did not shy away from asking some intimate questions after I indicated the guys slept over.
“How do they feel about Jan and you sleeping together?”
I explained that it was not a problem when they were here the four of us were all friends and in polite circles are described as Friends with Benefits.
“Jan and I moved in together over four years ago. We had another FWB arrangement that ended disastrously. Shortly after we moved here, she befriended Tim who arranged a blind date for me, and this resulted in me taking up with Mick. The relationship very quickly became an intimate foursome.”
“Wow, that sounds interesting,” Su Ann commented.
“The arrangement has continued satisfactorily ever since and the four of us live happily within the arrangement. Given the guy’s occupations, we choose to live apart as they do a lot of work internationally requiring calls at all hours of the night and requiring extremely secure internet connections. Their companies would not be happy with them using our network given security problems. “
Su Ann then asked, “Does that mean that you and Mick are not serious?”
I asked what she meant by ‘serious.’
She replied, “I am referring to your sleeping arrangements. From what I have deduced, you don’t confine yourself just to Mick. Where does Tim fit in?”
I joked and told her, “The same place Mick does,” and laughed. “If you are asking do I sleep with both of them, then the answer is yes.”
“Good heavens, is there not some confusion about who loves who?”
“No, love is a word that is only used in bed, it is not used to describe a relationship. If I love anybody it would be Jan. The guys know that and, to be honest, the subject of favouritism never arises. We have our preferences, and we share and share alike.”
“That sounds amazing. How long have you been friends?” She asked.
“We have been together as we are for over two years and there has never been a problem. They know we are not interested in marriage, and neither are they. They know we enjoy the relationships we have with each other, and they have with us. We can and do often enjoy being intimate together…. the four of us all together. It sounds like an orgy, but it isn’t. It can be just four people having sex in the same room and bed. Given the fact that Jan and I have had problems previously with live-in partners, we agreed not to live with them. “
“I would love to be like that, I have no wish to marry, and I don’t want to live with my boyfriend either. I am happy to sleep with him and for him to be my friend but that’s as far as I want to go.”
“Where is he?”
“We both live in Singapore. What you just told me is exactly how we feel. The only difference is I became bi after I joined the airline. Your ‘friends’ arrangement would be perfect for me. What happens when you go on holiday? Do you all go together?”
“No, I usually partner with Mick and travel as a couple as does Jan with Tim, not necessarily at the same time. Jan and Tim are having a weekend away this weekend, that’s why she is not here. If there is a social event, I will take Mick or Jan. Mick is working today and into the evening evaluating a new system they will be introducing shortly; he and Tim are both in the IT business. I won’t see Mick at all this weekend.”
“This has been so enlightening, I am fascinated, it is the way I would want to live if I had considered it. “
“Do you enjoy female company?” I asked.
“Do you mean like you and Jan?”
“Well, I used to be a flight hostess or cabin attendant. When we had an overnight stay somewhere there were times other girls liked female company rather than the male aircrew. We knew most were married, and a few were married to girls we flew with. That didn’t stop them from sleeping with some of the other girls. I was not one for sleeping with pilots and most of the male cabin crew were gay so that situation never developed. Some of the girls were lesbian and I was happy to enjoy a little bit of same-sex pleasure with a girl I knew, and we would not get serious. I still had my boyfriend to consider as well,” Su Ann explained.
Su Ann and I continued to chat more about her occupation and some of the places she had visited as aircrew. I had been to many myself when I toured the world before settling down. She was fascinated when I revealed I had been a nude model for a couple of years. I showed her some of my portfolios and she was fascinated and asked many questions. She was curious about the fact that I had often been photographed in public places.
I explained that ever since I could remember I had no problems being seen nude. In my late teens, I was often the first one naked into the pool. I have always swum at nudist beaches and still do. Su Ann showed a lot of interest in my desire to be nude in public and said she had often considered going to a nude beach but could never find anybody to go with that was prepared to bare it all.
I told her any time she wanted to she could ask and I would only be too pleased to go with her. I explained that the four of us often go together and she would be most welcome. She said that she would certainly take me up on that.
“You could try it out here with me here in the apartment and ‘break the ice,’ with just me. Then you would be more comfortable with Jan and the boys,” I suggested.
Su Ann had beautiful features and I found her sexually attractive. I was working toward getting her into my bed. She seemed interested and said the champagne had given her a bit of courage, but she was still hesitant. I told her I was prepared to undress, and she could follow if she felt comfortable.
“It could be like you were with one of your colleagues.”
She giggled and said, “this is going to be interesting.”
Then I suggested that as I removed one garment she could follow until we were both naked. I then began by removing my slacks. I didn’t want to start with my blouse as I was braless. I stood in just my bikini pants and blouse. Su Ann followed. Then I suggested she remove her blouse as I was bra-less.
Then I said, “OK, now you remove your bra as I remove my blouse.”
I was stunned by her beauty. Her Asian features and her small but firm breasts looked beautiful, and we still had our pants on. One thing I noticed was she had no tan lines. Then I removed my pants and stood naked before her. She didn’t hesitate and followed, I had not seen a woman as beautiful as she was for ages, petite, firm and absolutely stunning.
“How do you feel now that we are both naked?” I asked.
“It feels nice. When I have been with other girls, we undressed in the dark and got straight into bed.”
“Out of interest, how far did you go with the other girls?”
“It depended upon the girl. The lesbian girls went all the way. Others just masturbated and kissed. One girl had her toy so we both used that which I enjoyed.”
“How about your boyfriend, you mentioned one earlier?”
“We have normal sex together, we like it and while I don’t do it often, I enjoy it when we do.”
“You mentioned you don’t live together?” I asked.
“No, he lives with his elderly mother, and we only see each other during the day at weekends. She has a friend of hers come in some days at weekends so he can have some time with me. During the week she attends a seniors’ place where they entertain and give them lunch. He is home to prepare their evening meal. It’s not much of a life for him but he loves his mother – more than me, I feel.”
By now we had been talking and standing together naked and she had relaxed and seemed quite comfortable. I then asked if she was comfortable being with me nude, and she laughed and said, “I had forgotten, so I obviously am.”
I moved toward her, and she looked at me as I put my arms around her, and I kissed her. She hesitated for a moment then joined me in a nice soft and gentle kiss.
“I think we have made first base!” I commented with a soft laugh.
“I can’t believe that I am not feeling guilty or embarrassed,” she told me.
“There is nothing to feel embarrassed or guilty about. We are two grown women and I think we know what we are doing, and I hope, where we are going. You have said you have been there and done that before, I just hope we can continue. Do you mind?”
“I think it must be the drink, but I am feeling happy and relaxed, I am curious to see how far I can go. It’s our first meeting and already we are acting as lovers,” She admitted.
“There is no better time to find out, and to be honest, I am liking what we are doing and where we might be going.”
Without another word, I kissed her again and this time added a bit more feeling and passion and she responded similarly as our bodies pressed together and I was already planning on how I might be able to get her into bed.
After a couple of minutes of kissing that became quite passionate, I touched her breasts, and she did not reject me.
“You have beautiful breasts,” I told her.
“Yours are even nicer,” Su Ann said as she copied me and placed her hand on my breast.
Within a minute we were both fondling each other.
“Just tweak them for me,” I asked.
As she touched my nipples, I gave a huge sigh of satisfaction. My nipples are so sensitive and give me amazing sensations when somebody just touches them. Then I went a step further. I took her hand and put it down on my mound. “I want you to feel me,” I whispered.
She slowly rubbed her whole hand over me and felt around my lips and then slid her finger up and along my slit, I moaned swiftly letting her know that I was satisfied and was prepared for her to go further. It was obvious that this was not the first time she had done that to another woman. Her finger slid into my now very wet vagina and began to massage around the opening.
“I think we should adjourn to the bedroom,” I suggested and I took her hand and she followed me to my bed.
I sat on the bed and patted the sheet beside me, indicating I would like her to sit next to me. She did and I gradually eased her back onto the bed and then stood up and motioned her to lie back. Without saying a word, I got down and proceeded to position myself to lick her.
“Are you sure?” Su Ann said as I opened her legs further to give me full access to her beautiful autumn skin-toned lips. She had one of the most beautiful bodies with the most flawless skin I had ever seen. She was glistening with the faint covering of body moisture that was conducive to the ambient temperature and her sexual arousal.
I did not answer. I just applied my mouth to that part of her I had just admired and slid my tongue into the valley of moist flesh and licked the river of juices from her.
She was ready for me and willing to allow me access to that wonderful part of a woman no man or woman can refuse to admire and enjoy the pleasure it provides in so many ways. I took a couple of good licks to remove the surplus nectar and find her little clit hiding in its sheath. I opened her wider with my fingers and licked her nub with a vigour which caused her to jump a little. I squeezed it out of its sheath and licked it. Her body shivered all over with the sensation. Her clitoris was a bit bigger than a match head easy to lick.
“You do that beautifully,” she said. “I can take all that you can offer.”
I was able to suck it into my mouth and lick it. Her whole body trembled again. After a few minutes of me enjoying myself and Su Ann seeming to, I continued with the treatment I was offering.
I could tell by the way she moved her body and long shapely legs Su Ann was enjoying the way I was providing her with her pleasure. She spread and lifted them to grant me complete and uninhibited access to the part of her giving her utmost pleasure.
After about ten minutes she began to tremble again, I was hitting the right spot. It was then she came, and it was the culmination of the erotic treatment I had engaged in and given her in that area so intimate and enjoyable.
“Oh God… oh God,” she exclaimed as her body shook and jerked as my tongue rubbed over her clit. She pressed her mound to my mouth to get even more pressure and sensations from me. Sue Ann knew how to enjoy herself and was no novice when it came to cumming.
She need not have demonstrated her delight and pleasure any more than she did. It was obvious she was enjoying my attention to her beautiful and tasty well of pleasure, it was as pleasurable for me as it was for her. Her musky scent added to my pleasure.
I was sure now that Su Ann and I would be enjoying girl sport for a while to come. She lay breathless for a few minutes, her breasts and tummy heaving with the intake of her breath.
After she had regained her composure she said, “I had no idea that we would be enjoying ourselves as we are when I accepted your invitation. I am so happy I did. Give me a minute or two and I can return the pleasure for you.”
“That was obviously not the first time you have enjoyed having that pleasure?” I enquired.
“You are right, it is one of the pleasures I enjoyed with one or two of my fellow crew members. We didn’t need to worry about what might be said by the flight deck crew. Some of the other girls had also had favourite partners on the flights so we all knew that we could enjoy ourselves without it being talked about.
“If the girls did discuss their pleasures, it was only between those who were in the know. The flight crew had a nasty habit of rating us as far as bed companions, and not being discreet about it. We all knew what they thought of anybody silly enough to sleep with them by the time we got back to base.
It was always a trap for the younger inexperienced girls. I was silly enough to fall for it in my early days but once bitten twice shy. The girls are far better at keeping things to themselves.”
“Were there any jealousies?” I asked.
“Occasionally one of the senior women would get upset if one of the younger ones chose another girl to share her bed but nothing serious. There was always the next flight,” Su Ann replied.
By now Su Ann was ready to show me how skilful she was at pleasuring another woman. It was not something new to her.
“Your turn now to see how I compare with Jan,” she said.
I lay back ready for her to practice her skills on me. I soon realised Su Ann had some experience in being with another woman as she did not hesitate and quickly positioned herself. I soon felt her mouth over my opening slipping her tongue into my slit and removing the liquid love juices that had run down for her. As she went about giving me pleasures that I had experienced many times, she continued to pleasure me most competently.
She had mentioned earlier she wished to be compared with Jan my long time and devoted female partner, who had been accomplishing similar pleasure upon me for more than two years.
“You are no novice at doing this,” I commented.
“How do I compare with Jan?”
“Let me say any time you wish to enjoy this with me I am more than willing to accommodate you. You are extremely good at it.”
“Do you enjoy a sixty-nine?” She asked.
“Any time you want to, I can give as good as I get. Let’s do it,” I suggested.
Su Ann quickly repositioned herself and the both of us were soon engaged in mutual pleasures that only two women can achieve.
We were together like this for quite some time, occasionally swapping from top to bottom. Then without any warning, she came… again. The taste of her was amazing. She had a slightly different taste and her juices flowed copiously this time. I had managed to get her to cum again shortly after her previous orgasm. She was no novice.
This time she was more subdued in her physical reaction and maintained the connection of her mouth firmly over my lips each time her spasm caused her body to jerk. This had an immediate effect upon me, and I began to cum, and we were both enjoying orgasms only moments apart.
My bed must have looked like a snake pit the way we were wriggling, and writhing locked together. Her reaction proved Su Ann was no novice to this form of sexual delights. Both of us were experiencing reactions that I was used to when Jan and I did the same things.
“I think you will be enjoying Jan as much as you are with me. We are so much alike,” I told her.
Finally, we expended all our efforts on being a lovemaking lesbian couple. It was something I had not expected but thoroughly enjoyed. She was no novice.
Su Ann sat up and I joined her.
“I think we deserve another glass of Champagne after that,” I said to her. “A celebration of something wonderful.”
“How do I compare with Jan?” She asked.
“You are both amazing, I will be interested to see the two of you together if that’s what you might want?”
“I can’t wait to meet her. If she can provide what you gave me, then the sooner the better. I must agree I have not enjoyed anything like that for some time, certainly not as a sixty-nine. That was my best. You are incredibly good.”
“Well, my sentiments are the same. My only regret is we didn’t meet a month ago,” I told her.
Su Ann laughed and said, “We will have to make up for it before Jan comes back, if she is that good you might not want me again.”
“There is no chance of that, the sooner all three of us can get together the better.”
“You believe she will like me too?” Su Ann asked.
“I am positive. As soon as I tell her about us, she will be knocking on your door.”
“She will be welcome any time, as you will be. How will your men feel about us?”
“So long as they get what they want, it won’t bother them. Jan and I often get together while they are here, and it is never a problem. We are here for them as much as they are here for us. The feelings between us are extremely mutual. Our sexual relationships are more recreational than committed. We have all agreed that we will share with whoever we wish, provided what we do and who we do it with are disclosed. “
“That sounds amazing. There is no jealousy?”
“None. Mick and I have been away together and found that there have been opportunities to enjoy being with another couple, and we do. When we come home, we talk about it between all of us.”
“Then what we have done today will be discussed with them?”
“Absolutely, and when you are here with us, as I hope you will be, then you will understand. They will know exactly what we have done together, and if I am right, they will not be backward in being as forward with you as they are with us. As I said we are friends, exceptionally good friends but that does not preclude any of us from enjoying the pleasures that somebody else may offer.”
“I am so happy that I will not be excluded from your company.”
“I can’t promise but I feel sure Mick and or Tim will soon find their way to show you how they treat us, that is if you want them to. Jan nor I will be in any way concerned and will enjoy seeing you with them if that is what you wish. Nothing is done here behind closed doors, if and when you do anything with them, you won’t feel alone. There are no secrets between us.”
“I am so happy that I have met you. I have been so frustrated since I arrived. You are a blessing in disguise, I would never have picked you as a wonderful and amazing lover of sexual pleasures. The two of us have had a wonderful time together,” Su Ann told me as we sat and drank Champagne to celebrate our new relationship.
After a couple more glasses of champagne, I wanted to know if she was a member of the Mile High Club.
Su Ann laughed, “Of course, both with a pilot and some of the other girls. You soon find out that flying is more than just being a waitress,” Su Ann explained.
“Well, that one thing we both have in common as well. I have had sex with two guys, and a girl in the air and it was exciting doing it and thinking we might get found in the middle of it.”
“Tell me how was it, did you do it in the toilet? That’s where most of the initiations are done.” Su Ann asked.
“No, for my first time, it was in a light plane, and we did it on the floor as the autopilot flew the plane. The next was an overnight flight and there were spare seats toward the back after we thought everybody had used the toilet, we did it on four empty seats right at the back. It was one of the few times I have done it with half my clothes on. I like doing it in the nude. Fortunately, we were not caught but I am sure the people nearby must have heard us. We whispered and giggled a lot, seeing it was so awkward.”
“The girls occasionally found somebody fucking and you soon hear about it. The funny part about it is after they have finished, the girls go down and spray their area to make it obvious we know what they were doing and to kill the smell. The toilet is the most popular place when they don’t think anybody notices two of them go in. Others make no secret of it and have no shame and don’t care or seem proud that they are being noticed. You meet all kinds on aircraft, believe me.”
I was getting horny so I suggested that we go back to the bedroom and see what other ways we could enhance the relationship we had begun. Su Ann never hesitated and was on her feet immediately. I hadn’t looked closely at her body before but standing there in the bright daylight revealed the beautiful dusky beauty of an enchanting naked woman.
The bright room emphasised her beautiful dusky skin. Her deep brown almond eyes were naturally beautiful with no make-up. I had already noticed and felt the effect of her lovely, manicured fingers. Her breasts were firm and beautifully shaped with a slight uplift. Her nipples were dark and her areola darker. Her figure was perfect, and she had a full bush of hair. It had been trimmed short but not reduced in area.
When I commented on the fact she didn’t shave, she said, “It is an Asian thing, and very few of the girls I have been with do. I have no idea why, but I noticed you have just a strip and I may even do that myself as it looks most attractive.”
“I can help you if you like. We have a full night and day to enjoy together if you want to?”
“That would be wonderful. I would love to see what I look like. I want to remove all of it. As it grows back, I will think about what shape I want to have. I am not sure if a strip would suit me, I am much darker than you and it might not stand out as much.”
I told her, “When I was working a few of the photographers had ‘pubic wigs’ and they stuck them on bare girls. You could do the same with a cardboard cut-out,” I explained.
“That’s brilliant,” Su Ann commented.
We both went back to my bedroom, and we began to kiss and fondle each other. I concentrated on her breasts and sucked on her nipples as she fingered my vagina and from the treatment she was giving me, she was certainly not a novice. I was beginning to believe this girl had far more experience than she indicated earlier. The both of us were enjoying what we were doing to each other. It wasn’t long before she had me on the verge of cumming once more.
I suggested that I lay back and she finished me off that way. It only took a couple more minutes and she had me virtually peeling myself off the ceiling. Su Ann had created a wonderful orgasm with her long fingers, they had gone deeply up into my body. It was so intense.
“Keep going, don’t stop. I want to cum again,” I pleaded.
Su Ann kept fingering my clit until I achieved one of my most sought-after experiences… a multiple orgasm. My whole body was shaking, and I was squeezing my nipples hard. This combined with my clit was giving me a sensation equal to some of my best orgasms. I loved it.
As she knelt beside me and fingered me, I had my finger up inside her and she was manipulating herself using my finger. I had to pause for a minute or two as I came as I could not concentrate on fingering her as I came. My orgasm was giving me so much pleasure.
As I was lying there gasping for breath, Su Ann said, “Now I know how far you can go. You have an ability few women can achieve. I look forward to you achieving the same thing for me.”
She had been hiding some of her attributes obviously and now I had exposed a couple.
She bent over me and kissed my tingling pussy then moved to my nipples and finally my lips. We were kissing the kiss of lovers; she could bring me higher up the scale of orgasmic pleasure than most other women except Jan. Jan and I made love as perfectly as I have with any other woman. I had found a girl in Su Ann who knew how to enjoy herself and pleasure others.
I looked into her deep brown Asian eyes, and I could see the pleasure of the passion she had found in me. She smiled and I knew I had found gold.
“You did that beautifully. You are an incredibly special lady.” Su Ann told me softly.
“I think I can say the same about you, only one other woman can achieve that level with me and me with her.”
“Jan,” was all she said.
The afternoon had turned into dusk, and we were still together enjoying the pleasure of being naked as two women shared the pleasures of our new relationship.
“I think I mentioned Jan is away for the weekend with Tim. Would you like to share my bed tonight? I think both of us would enjoy enhancing the wonderful friendship we have made. I would love to share some sweet dreams with you.”
“Do you feel Jan would approve?” she asked.
“I am positive she will not only approve but want to share our experiences with you when I reveal what we have achieved today. We will both treasure your friendship and if you are interested the guys, I am sure will also want to show you how hospitable they can be as well.”
“That would be just wonderful, I cannot believe that I have made such a good friend and that I may be welcomed into your lives as you have said.”
“Actions speak louder than words, let us have another drink and then think about having something to eat. The evening is young and there are hours of pleasure ahead of us.”
“I could cook you a special dish if you would like me to?”
I laughed, “YOU are my special dish, but I will accept your offer with pleasure. It will allow me to learn more about my new and more than desirable friend.”
We moved to Su Ann’s apartment for her to cook our evening meal. We ran between our apartments completely naked with our clothes in our arms as the Champagne had given us a bit of courage that we may not have had without it. Fortunately, we were not seen.
Following our meal, we spent some time enjoying a conversation mostly about our lives and the times before we met, and some of our erotic experiences. Later, Su Ann suggested we move to her bedroom and there she opened her Aladdin’s Cave… her collection of toys.
Some, like her wand, were familiar to me as we had one the same. Some of her others were new to me and we had a most interesting hour enjoying the pleasures each one provided. I explained that Jan and I use a Feeldoe together.
“That will be a new experience for me. I would enjoy that with you,” she said.
That hour culminated in us continuing to enjoy the intimacies that we had enjoyed earlier in the day, this time between the sheets before spending the night cuddled up next to each other in her bed. While Jan was away, I had the opportunity to play.
Sue Ann’s demeanour was just so soft and lovely. Our sexual adventures were just wonderful.
I can only imagine the fun that the three of us are going to enjoy together once Jan meets her. I know the guys will not hesitate and our problem will be them wanting to make the most of the time Su Ann has here.
During the next couple of months, there are going to be three women involved in our quest for total sexual satisfaction. Su Ann together with Jan and I will be quite amenable to the guys joining in as well.
With the guys, it will be a case of the ‘muff – caterers‘ adding their ‘musket’ to the mix that we will all enjoy.