It was when I was at my lowest point, that I found myself in a local coffee shop browsing through the local alternative newspaper, when an interesting ad caught my interest. “Wanted, male executive secretary! Loyalty, service, and eclectic professional skills required. Call to set up an interview.” Curious, I called and was told to present my resume at a major financial institution.
That night, over a Martini, I pondered my position and figured that although this job was well below my skill set…what the heck. What do I have to lose? Perhaps if I can get my foot in the door, they will see what I have to offer. I laughed when I considered that a year ago, I was interviewing secretaries.
The next day, I dressed in one of my best suits, white shirt, silk tie, and took the subway downtown. Resume in hand, brimming with confidence, I took an elevator to the 20th floor of the CEO’s office. A well dressed female secretary took my resume and politely told me to fill out a brief questionnaire. It was brief. It only addressed personal questions as height, weight, marital status, health issues, and curiously, my fitness level. I almost decided to leave, but desperation and curiosity kept me intrigued. After filling out the personal data, I was told that one last item was required. A full length personal photo. I was in shock, but I found myself taking off my coat and posing for several full length digital photos. Then secretary then told me that my application would be reviewed, and that I would be contacted if I made the personal interview level. In a daze, I left feeling somewhat humiliated yet profoundly inquisitive.
For the next few days my mind was racing with questions. I assumed that I was over qualified and would never make the personal interview level, but I couldn’t stop thinking about the photo and personal information requirement. The next day there was a voice message on my phone.
“Andrew, you are required to present yourself for a personal interview, this Saturday at exactly 10:00 am…do not be late.”
The tone of the message was very commanding. The message had a quality of female power and control. The address for the interview was for a high rise on Lake Shore Drive, and the interviewers name was just D. Demand. There was no call back number. Confused, I tried calling the original interview number,only to receive a recorded message stating that they were no longer accepting applications. Needless to say, I had a few restless nights thinking about what I should do.
Saturday morning, I found myself nervously awakening at 5:00 am. Still unsure of what to do, I went for a jog along the lake shore. Desperate, I realized that I had no choice. Also, there was something else, the commanding tone of her voice. “Don’t be late!”
While showering, inexplicably, I became aroused. I wanted to touch my enlarged penis, but something told me to stop. Was it that voice? As I dressed, I found myself selecting a daring satin bikini male thong, my most stylish slacks, a white Italian linen shirt provocatively unbuttoned, a casual silk sport coat, and Italian loafers with no socks. I looked like I was going for a night on the town. I had no idea why, but it just felt right.
When I arrived, I remembered the commanding tone of her voice telling me to be there exactly at 10:00 am. Security at the front desk made a phone call, and I was given permission to proceed to a gold elevator door. The gold door opened, and as I entered I saw only one button. It was labeled D.Demand. A security camera scanned my image, the doors closed, and I was whisked to an undisclosed floor.
The elevator door opened to a large foyer. Directly, in front of me were two black french doors. I was approached from a side door by the secretary who had taken my photo. Should politely told me that she had to use a metal detector. I was told to empty my pockets. Then she checked for hidden implements. After passing inspection, she told me to proceed through the french doors and to have a seat in the red chair that faced a large black chair that was in the center of the room.
My first view was that of a windowed penthouse that towered over the surrounding buildings.
“You are five minutes late, Andrea.”
In her five inch heels, she must have stood over six feet. She was wearing black leather slacks, a black and red corset that accentuated her waist and breasts. Her black hair was combed back. Everything about her exuded power, class, and control. Her piercing eyes talked as she spoke. As I stood to shake her hand and to explain that my name was Andrew, she stopped me.
“Andrea my name is Domme Demand. You may call me Mistress, Domme Demand, or Goddess. I shall call You Andrea or whatever I choose. Is that understood!”
“Yes Mistress,” I whispered.
She sat in her throne and told me to place the red chair in the corner and to stand next to it. She told me that she would ask all the questions, that I was not to speak unless questioned, and that her commands were to be followed without question. She then said that if I don’t agree to all her terms that I should leave now.
“Do you understand my pet?”
“Yes Mistress,” I replied.
“Andrea, now slowly undress for me. I want to see what I might be hiring. Neatly place your clothes on the chair. Quickly now, I have three other interviews today.”
Why, I did not leave, I may never know. I did as I was told and stood before her totally naked. She told me to stand with good posture, hands behind my back, and eyes downcast. She took a riding crop and used it to examine my body, i.e., my nipples, penis, balls, and thighs. She had me turn so that she could check my ass cheeks. She slapped each cheek with her crop and told me to kneel before her. She then began to explain the position that I was applying for.
“Andrea, I was very impressed with your educational background and work experience. I am in need of an executive secretary that has a solid grasp of the business community. Janet, my office secretary, takes care of the typing, appointments, etc, but I need someone I can trust to take care of certain executive duties. Some are of a rather personal nature. This individual must be loyal and serve my every business interest and personal need. After my chosen candidate passes a probationary period, the starting salary becomes 50,000 annually which includes a healthy benefit package. Additional sources of income are available through bonuses derived through satisfying my special and unique needs. If you are awarded this position, specific details will be made clear. Note that my needs are extensive. Sometimes they require working after normal business hours or on weekends. Sometimes they entail attending special events. Do you understand what I have stated?”
“Yes Mistress,” I replied.
“Andrea, now you have a choice. Either walk out the door or state if you still want to be considered as a candidate.”
“Mistress, please consider me for the position you have outlined,” I whispered.
“Good, now off with you. I have more interviews to conduct. Do not call! I will contact you. Oh, I almost forgot. I was very impressed with your selection of underwear. Do you see the dresser drawer that is to left of the red chair?”
“Yes Mistress,” I replied.
“Open the drawer and select a pair of panties to wear home!” She commanded.
As I opened the drawer I was amazed at the extensive selection of panties, garter belts, nylons, and lingerie, Every item was new, and there was a large variety of color and sizes. I chose a size large, sheer red satin thong that barely held my package in place.
“Model them for me Andrea. Be a good pet and show your Domme Demand how cute you look. Now bend over before me and present your ass. You were five minutes late! That’s five smacks with my crop for each cheek.”
Each smack came harder than the next, and I found myself counting off each smack and thanking her for each.
“Now off with you, the panties are a gift. Wear them with honor and pride.”
I dressed and left. I don’t remember driving home or even entering my apartment. My mind was racing with excitement and fear. I immediately slipped off my pants to find my hardened cock pressing against the red satin pantie. I smiled, as I stroked myself through the fabric. It really did happen. I was not fantasizing…
(To Be Continued)