A Necessary Cuckolding – Part II

"Dawn has lunch with her husband's boss to discuss his future with the company."

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It had been one mad rush for Dawn that lunchtime. She was supposed to have finished work at eleven-thirty but the head teacher had called a staff meeting which didn’t finish until twelve noon. So it was a mad dash home to get showered and changed and get a taxi to the hotel. She would have liked to have soaked in the bath, dressed and prepared at a more leisurely pace but that couldn’t be. It all meant that she was twenty minutes late and arrived feeling flustered and harassed.

Bradley had phoned her earlier that morning just to check that she could make it. He seemed nervous and hesitant, almost as if he was expecting her to change her mind. “Yes, I will be there,” she told him.

She sensed his relief. “Good. I’m really looking forward to seeing you.”

It made her feel better. She had been nervous about their meeting and had not slept as well as she would have liked the night before. It was obvious he was nervous too. He was looking at his watch when she made her entrance into the hotel dining room. A look of relief lit his face when he saw her. “You look amazing,” he told her as he greeted her.

She apologised profusely as he led her to their table in a quiet corner but he told her that it didn’t matter. “There’s no rush for me to get back,” he told her. “And you have all afternoon, don’t you?”

Dawn felt a twinge of sexual excitement at the realisation that he was hoping for them to spend the whole afternoon together. A glass of sherry over selecting lunch from the menu calmed her down. They chatted over lunch about their families, careers and holidays. It was all fairly small talk but they also got to know one another a lot better. After dessert, they relaxed with a cognac and it was then that the conversation moved around to the real business at hand.

“Before I ask you back to my room for coffee I would just like to say that Alan has no worries about losing his job,” he told her. “I was reading his last report to the previous management this weekend and I was quite impressed by his grip on things as well as some suggestions for getting out of the situation they were in.”

Dawn sighed with relief. “He must be very relieved at that.”

“I haven’t said anything to him yet,” he revealed. “We want to tell everyone individually at the end of next week so I would be grateful if you didn’t say anything please.”

“It will be difficult but I’ll do my best,” said Dawn. “But why tell me now anyway?”

“As I said, I am going to ask you back to my room for coffee and I didn’t want you… well to feel obliged to go if you didn’t want to.”

“And why are you asking me back to your room?” she asked him already knowing the reason.

He hesitated for a moment. “Well, I find you very attractive and sexy and I would like to go to bed with you.”

Dawn stared into her glass. “Well, thank you for the compliments and for being direct,” she answered. “You are married as well though.”

“Robyn and I have an understanding… “

“You have an open marriage then?”

“Not exactly, she’s what is known as a Cuckqueen. She gets sexual satisfaction out of me being with another woman.”

Dawn smiled. “Is that similar to being a cuckold?”

“Same thing but opposite sex,” he explained. “Why the smile? It is the truth you know.”

“I don’t doubt it. It’s just that well… Alan has always wanted me to cuckold him.”

Bradley burst out laughing. “Well, I never!”

“What’s so funny?”

He shook his head. “Cuckolding is my favourite pastime.”

Dawn laughed. “Coincidence, hey?”

“And have you?”

“Cuckolded Alan?”

Bradley nodded.

She shook her head. “Not yet,” she answered. “It’s a case of meeting the right person.”

He smiled. “Well if you will give me a chance of putting my case forward.”

Dawn sat back. “I take it that you have done quite a lot of it?”

He nodded. “I was a professional footballer year’s back and I had lots of girls throwing themselves at me. I soon got tired of it though. Single girls were looking for long-term relationships and I wasn’t ready yet so I started to concentrate on married women. It was much safer. They just wanted a good time without the emotional hassle and that suited me down to the round. I discovered though that many of them had their husband’s consent and that made it even more enjoyable. Once they opened up and let me into their little secret and saw that I wasn’t put off by it, I could go back home with them. Date them openly and better still fuck them in front of their husbands.”

“You like doing that, do you?”

He nodded. “It’s hard to describe the extreme pleasure it gives me,” he told her. “I like it best when they are in the room with us sat in a chair in the corner or even tied to one. I watch their faces as I fuck their wives. I can see their angst at seeing their wives enjoying sex with me and I also love to look them in the eye just as I am cumming inside their wives.”

“I don’t think that I would fancy Alan watching me,” said Dawn. “Being that intimate with someone to me is a very personal thing and I would find it hard letting go. I know that he would love to watch though.”

“That’s fine by me,” he told her. I would sooner have you relaxed and without any inhibitions. I can be just as happy with the husband in the next room listening in. In fact, I understand a lot of husbands prefer it that way. They have to let their imaginations tell them what is going on. So, I am told.”

“Yes, I would prefer things that way.”

“We might keep the poor man awake most of the night though.”

She laughed. “I’m sure that he would love that.”

“Cuckolds soon get used to it and they enjoy masturbating to their wives getting fucked.”

Dawn smiled. “Do you enjoy the er… cream pie thing.”

His face beamed. “Love it. Absolutely love it. I even enjoy him cleaning me up afterwards.”

Dawn blushed. “I’ve seen that too in pornos. Not sure what Alan’s take on it is but I would quite like to see it “

“The thing is these things have to be taken slowly,” he told her. “It can take a while for everyone to get comfortable with each other being around but once that happens then anything goes.”

“Are you cuckolding anyone at the moment?”

He shook his head and smiled. “I have only been in the country a couple of weeks!”

Dawn laughed. “Yes, I suppose it is a bit soon.”

“And have you and Alan been looking long?”

“We did start to chat to a couple of guys online a while back but with all that has been going on in our lives, we put things on hold. We were both very vulnerable and it would have been a bad time to get into something like that”

“Yes, I can see that,” he told her. “So am I the first in the queue?”

She laughed. “I guess you could say that,” she answered. “But I am looking for someone that we can both feel comfortable with and has a bit of experience too. And, of course, who will be very discreet.”

“Goes without saying.”

“And I would want someone on a long-term regular basis. I wouldn’t want to be part of a harem.”

Bradley laughed. “Well, I have no intention of building a harem and Robyn wouldn’t let me do that either. No, I am looking for someone on a regular long-term basis too and a couple new to the game like yourself and Alan would be perfect.”

“Have you dealt with many couples who are new to it all?”

“You would be the first couple of first timers that I have dealt with but I have dealt with a number of couples who were fairly new to it.”

“And in our case, what would be your first priority?”

Bradley took a sip of his cognac. “Does Alan know that you are meeting me today?”

Dawn nodded. “He’s knows everything so far and I will tell him about our conversation just now. I don’t intend hiding anything from him. I want him to feel that he can trust us together and not feel excluded.”

“That’s very important,” he responded. “And he’s okay with it being me?”

“He is a bit apprehensive about the fact that you are his boss but he definitely wants me to cuckold him.”

“I can understand that,” Bradley responded. “What are your feelings about the situation?”

She smiled. “Well, I can see that there is the possibility of a future conflict of interest and it may be awkward for him because you work together but on the other hand it would make the cuckolding more intense for him and maybe that appeals to the sadistic streak in me.”

He laughed quietly. “I can see that you have the measure of Alan already,” he told her. “Perhaps a strong dominant streak in you as well.”

“Only as far as Alan is concerned. I would expect my Bull to be the dominant one in our three-way relationship.”

“Bull, hey?”

“Well that’s the term they use isn’t it for the alpha male.”

Bradley smiled. “They sure do.”

“And… and are you usually dominant in your cuckolding relationships?”

“Well, that depends on the couple. Not all couples want that sort of relationship but I do prefer to have the dominant role.”

“As far as Alan and I are concerned, you have the experience and we would need someone like you to lead us.”

“It would be a pleasure.”

“And coming back to my question,” asked Dawn. “What would be your first priority with us?”

“Well, when I normally meet couples for the first time and things go well we have a follow-up meeting and have a discussion about what they are looking for out of the relationship. Maybe establish some boundaries… it all depends on the couple.”

“Maybe you should have a discussion with Alan then,” Dawn suggested. “I think you have a good idea now of where I want to go with all this so perhaps it’s time to do the same with Alan.”

Bradley nodded and watched as Dawn slowly crossed her legs deliberately giving him a glimpse of stockings. She noticed the look on his face had changed and glancing down she noticed the bulge in his pants. He saw her looking too. “Maybe it’s time for that coffee now,” he said quietly.

Dawn smiled. “Actually, I wasn’t intending taking things much further today,”

“I was hoping that maybe… “

“I would sooner discuss things with Alan first before taking things to the next stage.”

“Yes, I suppose that you’re right.” He said with a sigh.

She saw the look of disappointment on his face and leant closer to him. “But maybe I could stretch to a handjob,” she whispered.

A look of relief came over his face. “That… that would be very much appreciated.”

“If you slip me your room card I will leave you to finish off your drink.”

She noticed his hand tremble as he took his card from his pocket and pushed it under a table napkin before sliding it across to her. “Room forty-nine,” he said quietly.

Dawn slipped away unnoticed by a lone waitress setting up a table. She wondered if he really would just settle for a handjob. Other dates she had when she was single; boys that she wasn’t sure about having any long-term relationship with, they had welcomed it. It also gave her the opportunity to see how big they were. The selfish ones would just clean up and go home afterwards but some would offer her relief as well. She rarely accepted but if she liked them, she would date them again and take things much further next time.

There was one boy that stood out though; a lad from college that she really fancied. She allowed him. She had allowed him to put his hand up her skirt and touch her through her panties and then she allowed his fingers to slip inside them and touch her sex. He knew what he was about. His touch was gentle and in exactly the right places. She remembered clinging to his broad chest as he brought her off with his fingers. Her whole body had shuddered for a while afterwards, so intense was her orgasm.

She was certain that Bradley knew what he was about too but whether he would offer her relief or not was another question.

Published 6 years ago

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